The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest)

Okay, note for those voting for First library, i have taken advice and edited it, now the library is able to gain copies of any written work as soon as it is written, but the author/authors of the works posses a veto and are able to stop the Library for copying it if they dont want it copied.
Let's hope trees won't eat everything and super powerful dungeons are actually a great thing.

I was actually thinking of the idea thread for Riot God Quests, so back to the question then. Anyone want to collaborate in a group?​

Depends on what do you want? Does it like Act collaboration for this quest? I wanted to try and use something from my list of species at some point.

Edit: That's funny. If dungeons get something like 5 more votes, they will become new main power of the universe!​
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Those goods, flowers, the islands themselves, all of them will be intelligent beings.
I've been meaning to respond to this.

Essentially, I don't see why this would be true? Yes, everything has a soul, but that just means everything is alive and has a will. That doesn't mean they're sapient. It just means that all things should be treated with respect like any normal animal. That's what I assumed at least based on the lack of any mention of sapience or really any additional benefits to actually having one besides persisting after death (which is a great benefit mind you).

Additionally, while everything is alive, how much of their mind comes from their soul vs their body? I assume it's not all or the other so how much does either matter? How much does a rock think even with a soul? Does a flower which, as far we are aware, cannot feel pain care about having its leaves taken? How much capacity to care, if any at all, does it even have?

None of this is even going into the fact that tools have spirits so you have to ask things like, "Did the spirit of the materials change or is this a brand new spirit? Both? Neither?" Is it morally wrong to hunt? According to real animist cultures (although our animism definitely isn't quite the same) the answer is no so long as you're respectful and only take what you need. But killing an animal is still seen as different from killing a person.

Anyways, I just wanted to put my thoughts out there.
That's funny. If dungeons get something like 5 more votes, they will become new main power of the universe!
I'm very curious about what, anything, will happen with dungeons at such a high power. I do imagine we'll see some dungeons awaken however since the flat lands exist and they seem like an appropriate enough environment.
I'm very curious about what, anything, will happen with dungeons at such a high power. I do imagine we'll see some dungeons awaken however since the flat lands exist and they seem like an appropriate enough environment.
It made me remember one quest, I saw some time ago...

Interesting how they going to look like. Maybe these awakened cores going to bring new things into the world: creatures, materials, plants or whatever else, which can leave them at some point.

Hmm, If there are not the only table of chemical elements in existence, than can the Net transform materials into any of possible elements? They are all 'not special' in a sense. They differ only in elementary particles in their composition - maybe neutrons are replaced by something else, for example. Or maybe this is some superheavy stable element from island of stability somewhere very far away from mundane things. Is it special? Can we get some weird mundane things from the Net?​
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Interesting how they going to look like. Maybe these awakened cores going to bring new things into the world: creatures, materials, plants or whatever else, which can leave them at some point.
That seems like almost a given really. Dungeons are essentially fledgling gods of creation so them adding new things to the world is kind of inevitable.

Anyways, I got an idea for an act so I figure I would share it.

[-] Dialogue & Discourse
- To share the contents of your mind through language is to engage in dialogue. To have your dialogue confronted by another, however, is to engage in discourse. Discourse is not a mere argument, it is an exchange. An exchange of ideals, ideas, understanding, experience, and everything that you are. And when two opposing wills engage in discourse, the world itself joins the exchange as a judge. The one whose dialogue is stronger, and more "true", will receive greater aid from the world.

Thoughts? As a note, like always, enough willpower can overpower a strong dialogue regardless of how solid it is. Also, I was going to add a thing about how speaking the First or Second Language can help your dialogue but I felt that was essentially already true. To learn the First Language you have to have a profound understanding and to learn the Second you have to have deep feelings about something which, probably, helps your dialogue. So I figured there was no need to make the First and Second Languages have an additional advantage on top of that.

edit: I don't know if we'll ever get a theme that allows us to add laws like this but, like I've said before, it's fun to think about.
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ooh i really like that, id defiantly vote for it, id think it would interact wonderfully with my Library and the Stars

Sapient Stars exchanging discourse in the primordial debate halls of the First Library
The Transmutative Net is intended to work on a "classical elements" level for matter, given that this universe doesn't really run on the standard model at all. As for passing, say, base metal through? That's a tricky one. I suppose it would turn it into a mix of other metals of similar rarity and/or value. The weirdest you'd probably get from mundane metal would be High-Entropy alloys or similar exotic materials. Not rare, just in bizarre arrangements.
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I could do something very short and meaningless. It just came into my head.

[] Not Enough Dungeons

All dungeon cores get two unique things about them. Firstly, all of them have some strong predisposition to the development of a particular personality. It can be something strong or weak, it can be impossible for specific core not end up as insane murderhobo or opposite, really. All of them, to one degree or another, are pushed by their nature to some side. Secondly, all of them have perception and functionality of their powers warped in some specific and different way. That is, their powers can manifest themselves in different ways, have different appearances and limitations. Of course, they are still similar in key aspects and even two identical paradigms may emerge. This is highly dependent on the predisposition of the core towards a certain personality and usually complements it.​

Since there are still quite a few people with additional votes, remember that you can support five acts in addition to your authored act, is anyone willing to spare a vote for The Pillar of Souls? It's one vote away from reaching the First Language's original number of votes and getting to at least that level would great. I've technically used up all my votes but I'm willing to trade the slots.
Sapient Stars exchanging discourse in the primordial debate halls of the First Library
That's an awesome visual. I can easily imagine stars eventually leaving the library after they learn enough to sharpen their dialogue against others and harden their wills with real experience.
[] Not Enough Dungeons

All dungeon cores get two unique things about them. Firstly, all of them have some strong predisposition to the development of a particular personality. It can be something strong or weak, it can be impossible for specific core not end up as insane murderhobo or opposite, really. All of them, to one degree or another, are pushed by their nature to some side. Secondly, all of them have perception and functionality of their powers warped in some specific and different way. That is, their powers can manifest themselves in different ways, have different appearances and limitations. Of course, they are still similar in key aspects and even two identical paradigms may emerge. This is highly dependent on the predisposition of the core towards a certain personality and usually complements it.​
Sounds like giving dungeons affinities/types. I'm not sure if that would increase the variety of things dungeons make as each one would be a different type, or reduce them since now dungeons essentially have to follow their birth-destined plan. Could easily go either way I think.
Could easily go either way I think.
I think, both ways actually. If there is a Willpower as force of the universe, than there should be some dungeons, which would escape their limits, right?

[] Thaumonomicon

This is an idea of the book, which able to get physical embodiment to be found by curious mortal host. Some scholar, experimentator or inventor or any other similiar person might suddenly find this book somewhere: take an interest in it at the flea market and buy it, unexpectedly find it in the inheritance from the deceased uncle, dig it out along with the treasure, stumble upon it in the Dungeon... This book contains many clues and will gradually fill up as the researcher experiments with the mysterious power described in the book - experiment with Thaum. However, although it may seem to the scientist that they are discovering some existing phenomenon, they are not. The book creates and weaves rules into the world around them as a curious soul 'discovers' new things via thoughts, theories, invention and experimentation. It's like science in reverse - when a theory begins to impose its will on the world, make it true.

The book fills up over time, but never remains in the hands of one mortal. It strives to change carriers from time to time, strives to be filled, using the determination and curiosity of those who find it and study. Eventually it will be filled with a detailed description of the new power of this world, made true by the labors of many researchers who considered it the discovery of an already existing thing. Perhaps, from some point of view, this is so. When the book is full - no difference will be possible to notice.​

Just thought, it would be interesting to use some old idea for possible act.

Sapient Stars exchanging discourse in the primordial debate halls of the First Library
Edit: Can they even fit in the Library? These are stars - they must be huge. Well, unless they create avatars for themselves or cheat somehow...​
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Hmm, maybe some barbed forest is a good idea?

[] Barbed Thicket

This is a big forest, filled up with many variants of thorny, spiky or barbed plants. This forest is very dense and only occasionally you can find trails or open spaces. The ground between the trees is is covered in thick moss, fruit trees and edible plants can be found easily, and safe drinking water is easy to find too. However, it is hard place to traverse. Some examples of plants one may encounter inside the Barbed Thicket:
It is a unique and fascinating tree that stands tall, reaching heights of up to 12 meters. The appearance of the tree closely resembles that of a thistle, but on a much grander scale. The Thistle Tree is characterized by its thorny branches, which are spread out in a captivating and intricate manner. Unlike regular thistles this tree boasts numerous small flowers scattered among its thorny branches. These flowers are often vibrant and colorful, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

The leaves of the Thistle Tree are generally elongated and deeply lobed, giving them a distinct and attractive appearance. They are often a vibrant green color, providing a beautiful contrast to the flowers and thorny branches. One remarkable feature of the Thistle Tree is its fruit. The tree produces large, edible nuts that are highly sought after for their delicious taste and nutritional value. These nuts are typically encased in a protective barbed outer shell, which helps to safeguard them from potential threats.

Thistle Tree is adaptable and can thrive in various environments. It is commonly found in temperate regions with moderate rainfall, but it can also withstand drier conditions. The tree is known for its resilience and ability to survive in harsh climates.​
The Redleaf Barberry is a large shrub that grows up to 4 meters tall, resembling a giant barberry plant. Its most prominent feature is its reddish leaves, which not only add a touch of vibrancy but also possess a unique attribute - they are adorned with sharp thorns. The plant has a sturdy, branched trunk with smooth, brown bark. Its branches are short and thin, creating a compact and bushy structure.

During the early winter months, the Redleaf Barberry produces clusters of small, bronze blossoms. These blossoms have pleated petals, forming a bell-shaped floral cup. Although small, they create a beautiful display against the backdrop of the plant's reddish foliage. Additionally, these blossoms emit a delicate scent that resembles the freshness of rainy days, adding a touch of natural fragrance to the surrounding area.

While the Redleaf Barberry is visually appealing, it is important to be cautious around this plant. Some parts of it are poisonous, particularly the sap. Contact with the sap can cause severe rashes on the skin. It is advisable to handle the plant with care or, better yet, appreciate its beauty from a safe distance.​
The Thorny Green Moss is a remarkable plant that can be found in damp forests and often grows on trees. Its yellow-green color gives it a vibrant and eye-catching appearance. This moss forms in patches, slowly spreading and growing over time. What sets it apart is its exceptional resistance, making it a tough and enduring plant in its natural habitat.

This moss features oblong, moss green capsules that contain its reproductive structures. These capsules play a key role in the moss's regenerative properties, allowing it to reproduce and thrive. When fully mature, the Thorny Green Moss develops long, lime green sporophytes, adding an interesting visual element to its overall look.

One intriguing characteristic of the Thorny Green Moss is its thorn-like structures. Although they may not be sharp or harmful, these thorns contribute to the plant's unique appearance, giving it an intriguing texture and adding to its visual appeal. They serve as a natural defense mechanism, deterring potential disturbances or damage.

In an unexpected twist, some parts of the Thorny Green Moss can be consumed. While not commonly eaten, certain portions of the moss have been found to be edible. However, caution should be exercised, and proper identification is essential before considering consumption.​
The Lush Thornvine is a sizable creeper that can extend up to an impressive length of 140 meters. Its olive-colored stems create a striking visual contrast against its surroundings. The leaves of this creeper are primarily in shades of olive or slate, gradually transitioning to a peach hue at the top. They grow in dense clumps, creating a lush and abundant foliage.

As the Lush Thornvine matures, its stems can grow to a substantial diameter of 13 cm. These stems possess a smooth and rubbery texture, adding to the plant's unique characteristics. However, what truly sets this creeper apart are its numerous thorns, barbs, spikes, and other sharp and prickly parts. These defensive features serve as a deterrent, protecting the plant from potential threats.

During the blooming season, the Lush Thornvine produces an abundance of tiny red blossoms. Each blossom consists of seven pointed petals, forming a tube-like floral cup. While visually captivating, these blossoms do not emit any scent. However, their vibrant color adds a touch of vibrancy to the creeper's overall appearance.

One remarkable attribute of the Lush Thornvine is its suitability for creating fine and soft textiles. The fibers derived from this plant can be processed to produce textiles known for their delicate and luxurious texture. This unique quality adds to the versatility and value of the Lush Thornvine.​
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Jul 3, 2023 at 4:21 PM, finished with 63 posts and 15 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Redikai on Jul 9, 2023 at 12:27 AM, finished with 113 posts and 16 votes.
I've got an idea, but not sure where it would be useful for me.

[] Weapon Mastering

There are exist nine ways of how will can be channeled through the weapon using specific method. They form nine techniques that every blade wielder needs to know in order to be considered a master. Their basic meaning is simple, but each technique can be used in a myriad of ways and combined in many ways. So would be a good idea to include them in one's own style.​
  1. Sword Sense - the channeling of will, which give you ability to better feel and understand you weapon. It gives an intuitive understanding and sense of the position of the weapon, its mass, hidden damage and imperfections, allowing you to perceive the weapon as an extension of your own body.
  2. Hardening - the channeling of will, which give you ability to passivly or actively strengthen your weapon as a whole, or specific part of it. This makes the weapon much more durable, allowing even weak materials to withstand impossible loads.
  3. Heavy Blade - the channeling of will, which give you ability to increase the inertia of the weapon, make it heavier at the moment or for any volitional movement. Allows you to inflict blow, behind which a huge mass will be hidden. This blade is hard to stop.
  4. Light Blade - the channeling of will, which give you ability to decrease the inertia of the weapon, make it lighter at the moment or for any volitional movement. Allows you to inflict weak attacks, but in quick succession and change trajectory of the weapon easier.
  5. Balanced Blade - the channeling of will, which give you ability to fully control the inertia of the weapon. This allows you to both increase the weight of the blow, and reduce it, allows you to sharply change the trajectory and turn one movement into another. This technique combines the best features of the previous two.
  6. Sharpening - the channeling of will, which envelops the working surface of the weapon: edge, tip, impact surface, etc. It directly enhances the desired property by creating a semblance of a moving thin field. This allows you to cut with a blunt blade like a razor or prick with a cane like a needle. It is working better to encahnce slicing and piercing, but bad at helping with crushing and chopping.
  7. Edge Extention - the channeling of will, which make it possible to extend field of Sharpening and affect things at distance. Allows you to slice, chop, crush and pierce things from a distance. This is the evolution of previous technique.
  8. Gliding - the channeling of will, which make it possible to make you weapon more slippery, make it push things away from it at a certain moment and for a certain angle.
  9. Gluing - the channeling of will, which make it possible to make you weapon more sticky, make it attract things towards itself it at a certain moment and for a certain angle.
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Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Jul 3, 2023 at 4:21 PM, finished with 63 posts and 15 votes.
Whoops, forgot to vote. The Acts do look interesting.
That actually makes me think of two things: intent and remnant wills. Intent is essentially what you're describing with weapon mastery but being a matter of understanding rather than being techniques per se. So it can be applied to pretty much anything (be it weapons, utensils, concepts, etc.) so long as someone has the will and understanding (like the First/Second Language!) with the exact effects depending on what the intent is of. Remanent wills are like... the echos of someone's will, not like a spirit/ghost (since those already exist) but rather as just a feeling that suffuses an area and may or may not have affects beyond that. Like someone who had an intent/will geared towards conquest or war and was slain in battle would likely leave echos or war that others could feel (and maybe learn from?) on the battlefield they were killed.

They're not fully thought out ideas but they could be interesting maybe.
Something like this can exist in created framework, I think. Maybe we should talk more about Willpower and how it can manifest itself, what facets it has. World may be very interesting, when Will and Spirit are universal forces.​

Edit: Maybe these are good ideas for some omakes.
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Sorry got pulled into a lot today so wasn't able to gather the acts, their power, and the descriptions which means it will be delayed. Though I have two questions. Why is the Chaos tally so different from mine, and would a bounty for the collection as above be a bad/good idea?
Sorry got pulled into a lot today so wasn't able to gather the acts, their power, and the descriptions which means it will be delayed. Though I have two questions. Why is the Chaos tally so different from mine, and would a bounty for the collection as above be a bad/good idea?
It really depends on what the bounty is but so long as it's relatively small then it's probably fine. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the "Chaos" tally? My adhoc vote count looks different because a) for some reason ShieldCrown's votes are missing from your count (potentially they edited the post behind the one where you said vote is open?) and b) I managed the votes to combine acts that were separated by formatting issues.
Something like this can exist in created framework, I think. Maybe we should talk more about Willpower and how it can manifest itself, what facets it has. World may be very interesting, when Will and Spirit are universal forces.
True, I guess we haven't seen what will can really do yet.
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