The Second Reconstruction-A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

not to embroil myself in the argument but in the eyes of Ireland i cant imagine them thinking a restored Windsor is less likely to press for Ulster than Syndicalist Britain, even ignoring the absolute antipathy for the Windsors present in Irish Political Elite at current time
The situation though would be "Oh shit, the Brits actually in Britian are trying to press it right now! I need Allies and I need them quick". In that situation, yeah I can see it.
You keep bringing up KR lore as a defense here, but have you considered for a moment that KR lore regarding the Entente being a relevant faction doesn't make a lick of sense and doesn't represent what would actually happen in the case of a successful socialist revolution in the British Isles? Frankly, Canada shouldn't even be a democracy in KR, a more accurate representation of what KR!Canada should be like is described here.

Also, Ireland's war of independence is literally in living memory and the government is run by folks who fought against the Brits in that war, so why exactly would the Irish be interested in helping out their former colonial oppressors against a socialist Britain that has absolutely no reason to attack them? Doubly so if Mosley takes power, because he was a strong advocate for Irish independence.
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And yours hinges on us winning The civil war. My logic is born out of numbers and reason as well, so how does it make mine weaker than yours? You don't have historical precedent either, so I don't know what you're talking about when it comes to that. Also, fission? The Entente being weak is entirely based on you saying it's weak. As for the British exiles, you do know that the conservatives in Canada support the royals, right? If Canada hated them as much as you say. they'd already be gone. Personal biases are a hell of a drug.

You're talking numbers and reason while everyone that disagrees with you isn't? That's a bit silly. I cited the size of the Entente's population and industry compared to CSA, Feds, Britain, and Pakt to demonstrate how weak it materially is. That's a fact. The Entente is literally designed to be a second rate power comprised of colonies and dominions of Britain and France. Narratively, mechanically, and materially they're the underdog faction of the game. Nat France has less factories than Socialist Italy.

Look at the possible avenues of attack the Entente has to reach Europe. Let's break this down reasonably.

There's Greenland to Iceland to Scottish Highlands. That's a long round about path into difficult terrain with underdeveloped ports. Once in Scotland it has to fight through the highlands and heavily urbanized Lowlands and Northern England. The population will fight back hard and require taking several major cities in Stalingrad-esque urban battles.

If Ireland joins, the UoB will likely invade once they realize Entente soldiers are landing in Ireland. They aren't dumb. The UoB's Red/Republican Navy is better equipped, larger, and closer to Ireland than the Entente's navy. They're in a far better position to both invade Ireland and fight off Entente reinforcements.

Portugal usually joins. That's great. It's a foothold in Europe. It requires a friendly Spain to reach France, however Spain is likely syndicalist because France is in a good position to send volunteers and equipment to the syndies. That means an invasion of mainland Spain, which is hilly and has rough terrain and infamous for being great for insurgents. Which there will be a lot of insurgents to fight. From there the Entente needs to invade over the Pyres Mountains, which will be heavily fortified and easily channel Entente's undermanned armies into difficult terrain and kill zones. A naval invasion from Portugal to France or Spain around the mountains is suicide.

Algeria or Sardinia to Southern France requires fighting the French and Italian navies and pushing into fairly well defended terrain. France has been expecting possible attacks from the south, so the major ports are well fortified. The surrounding hills and mountains also make it difficult terrain to break out from and the major cities in the south will fight hard. Sardinia doesn't have the facilities to house a massive invasion force, so it's ports would need to be expanded, adding time to the process which the Syndies will see. An invasion into Italy isn't any easier and would also mean needing to invade France over the Alps if a landing actually succeedes.

On the off chance that Belgium or Netherlands are allowed to leave Germany's sphere and join the Entente, congratulations, we return to having to face the UoB's Republican Navy shutting down shipments to Benelux. It's also where France's border is most heavily fortified in anticipation of a German attack, so the Entente will return to fighting WW1 style engagements except with WW2 technology but no manpower or industry to sustain massive mechanized assaults.

You're right that I am biased against the royals in Canada, but you're biased in favour of them, so much so that you're ignoring basic facts. Canadian conservatives did love Britain and the royals a lot, that is true, but the king's dictatorial approach to governing is grating on the Canadian political class. In real life there was a crisis/scandal in which the Governor-General attempted to overrule the Prime Minister Mackenzie King to flex royal power in the dominion. It got shut down hard. Canadians considered themselves British, but that also meant they expected fair treatment and their rights to be respected by the government. Edward's overreach does burn political good will he has in the country.

The situation though would be "Oh shit, the Brits actually in Britian are trying to press it right now! I need Allies and I need them quick". In that situation, yeah I can see it.

If Ireland needs allies against a weirdly revanchist UoB they'd turn to Germany first before turning to the Entente, who's leader is an extremely revanchist British Canada. :p
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I can just as easily see an intervention leading to a longer war when the British march into New England. If I'm a clever Reed or Long, I'll have papers all over the country opening with this headline and killing our image as the legitimate government:
To be fair, a Mackenzie King government in Canada means that even if Britain marches into New England without a deal, they're going to set it up as an independent state. If it was an R.B. Bennet or Privy Council led Canada, we'd see a direct annexation, with the Privy Council being the one with a higher chance of doing so.

Actually that brings up another hypothetical concern with refusing any kind of Canadian deal. Canada could seek to encourage the New England governors to declare independence from the Federal government or outright annex it (not likely with King in charge). Though I can't say for sure whether that path will definitely play out.

not to embroil myself in the argument but in the eyes of Ireland i cant imagine them thinking a restored Windsor is less likely to press for Ulster than Syndicalist Britain, even ignoring the absolute antipathy for the Windsors present in Irish Political Elite at current time

In KR they're more concerned with a full-on invasion by the UoB in order to annex Ireland. They're also really likely to join with Mitteleuropa because of that threat, or at least as far as I've seen in my KR game. Actually, the invasion of Ireland by the UoB is another potential conflict that can happen before the second Weltkrieg, most likely to happen with Moseley in charge.
The situation though would be "Oh shit, the Brits actually in Britian are trying to press it right now! I need Allies and I need them quick". In that situation, yeah I can see it.
yeah maybe but like Fission said there's basically no situation except Maybe a complete Internationale victory in WK2 where Ireland even considers acting as a launching pad for the Reconquest. Windsor-hate beside, they'd be letting the entire Royal Army inside their country, that is to say in the exact position necessary to declare DIRECT RULE FROM OTTAWA over their recently liberated from Windsor rule state. i just see no reality where Ireland turns to the Entente for protection
yeah maybe but like Fission said there's basically no situation except Maybe a complete Internationale victory in WK2 where Ireland even considers acting as a launching pad for the Reconquest. Windsor-hate beside, they'd be letting the entire Royal Army inside their country, that is to say in the exact position necessary to declare DIRECT RULE FROM OTTAWA over their recently liberated from Windsor rule state. i just see no reality where Ireland turns to the Entente for protection
What if we tell the Windsors to stuff it and ally with Ireland instead? They were good troopers in the first civil war, after all.

You keep bringing up KR lore as a defense here, but have you considered for a moment that KR lore regarding the Entente being a relevant faction doesn't make a lick of sense and doesn't represent what would actually happen in the case of a successful socialist revolution in the British Isles? Frankly, Canada shouldn't even be a democracy in KR, a more accurate representation of what KR!Canada should be like is described here.

Also, Ireland's war of independence is literally in living memory and the government is run by folks who fought against the Brits in that war, so why exactly would the Irish be interested in helping out their former colonial oppressors against a socialist Britain that has absolutely no reason to attack them? Doubly so if Mosley takes power, because he was a strong advocate for Irish independence.

'no reason to attack them' are we talking about the same syndicalist Britain? Or the same kaissereich for that matter? Read the source material.
You're talking numbers and reason while everyone that disagrees with you isn't? That's a bit silly. I cited the size of the Entente's population and industry compared to CSA, Feds, Britain, and Pakt to demonstrate how weak it materially is. That's a fact. The Entente is literally designed to be a second rate power comprised of colonies and dominions of Britain and France. Narratively, mechanically, and materially they're the underdog faction of the game. Nat France has less factories than Socialist Italy.

Look at the possible avenues of attack the Entente has to reach Europe. Let's break this down reasonably.

There's Greenland to Iceland to Scottish Highlands. That's a long round about path into difficult terrain with underdeveloped ports. Once in Scotland it has to fight through the highlands and heavily urbanized Lowlands and Northern England. The population will fight back hard and require taking several major cities in Stalingrad-esque urban battles.

If Ireland joins, the UoB will likely invade once they realize Entente soldiers are landing in Ireland. They aren't dumb. The UoB's Red/Republican Navy is better equipped, larger, and closer to Ireland than the Entente's navy. They're in a far better position to both invade Ireland and fight off Entente reinforcements.

Portugal usually joins. That's great. It's a foothold in Europe. It requires a friendly Spain to reach France, however Spain is likely syndicalist because France is in a good position to send volunteers and equipment to the syndies. That means an invasion of mainland Spain, which is hilly and has rough terrain and infamous for being great for insurgents. Which there will be a lot of insurgents to fight. From there the Entente needs to invade over the Pyres Mountains, which will be heavily fortified and easily channel Entente's undermanned armies into difficult terrain and kill zones. A naval invasion from Portugal to France or Spain around the mountains is suicide.

Algeria or Sardinia to Southern France requires fighting the French and Italian navies and pushing into fairly well defended terrain. France has been expecting possible attacks from the south, so the major ports are well fortified. The surrounding hills and mountains also make it difficult terrain to break out from and the major cities in the south will fight hard. Sardinia doesn't have the facilities to house a massive invasion force, so it's ports would need to be expanded, adding time to the process which the Syndies will see. An invasion into Italy isn't any easier and would also mean needing to invade France over the Alps if a landing actually succeedes.

On the off chance that Belgium or Netherlands are allowed to leave Germany's sphere and join the Entente, congratulations, we return to having to face the UoB's Republican Navy shutting down shipments to Benelux. It's also where France's border is most heavily fortified in anticipation of a German attack, so the Entente will return to fighting WW1 style engagements except with WW2 technology but no manpower or industry to sustain massive mechanized assaults.

You're right that I am biased against the royals in Canada, but you're biased in favour of them, so much so that you're ignoring basic facts. Canadian conservatives did love Britain and the royals a lot, that is true, but the king's dictatorial approach to governing is grating on the Canadian political class. In real life there was a crisis/scandal in which the Governor-General attempted to overrule the Prime Minister Mackenzie King to flex royal power in the dominion. It got shut down hard. Canadians considered themselves British, but that also meant they expected fair treatment and their rights to be respected by the government. Edward's overreach does burn political good will he has in the country.

If Ireland needs allies against a weirdly revanchist UoB they'd turn to Germany first before turning to the Entente, who's leader is an extremely revanchist British Canada. :p

1. In the game itself Canadian industry isn't a slouch at all. It's quite strong in fact. You talking like it is would be disingenuous.
2. You're ignoring the possibility of us the commonwealth sparking a uprising in Britain, which is possible.
3. We can certainly try to hide our troop movements into Ireland. You're talking like we wouldn't try to maintain operational security, or that we'd have no chance.
4. by securing Ireland, we can easily fight the Union of Britain on the sea by basing ourselves on their ports. I consider the American navy better than the one they could muster up, and while yes, the British navy the royals have is outdated, but they still have a ton of ships, and nothing says American shipyards couldn't refit them.
5. Spain falling to the syndicalists is a possibility, not a certainty. You acting like is ignores how the Spanish civil war in Kaiserreich works, or that there wouldn't be actors who'd be working against the syndicalists in Spain.

Again, you can pretend all you want, but in Kaissereich, Canada can invade the Union of Britain. The devs, who are the inspiration for the whole thing, said so. they are a much more reliable source than you could ever be, so there's that.
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You keep bringing up KR lore as a defense here, but have you considered for a moment that KR lore regarding the Entente being a relevant faction doesn't make a lick of sense and doesn't represent what would actually happen in the case of a successful socialist revolution in the British Isles? Frankly, Canada shouldn't even be a democracy in KR, a more accurate representation of what KR!Canada should be like is described here.

Also, Ireland's war of independence is literally in living memory and the government is run by folks who fought against the Brits in that war, so why exactly would the Irish be interested in helping out their former colonial oppressors against a socialist Britain that has absolutely no reason to attack them? Doubly so if Mosley takes power, because he was a strong advocate for Irish independence.
We are running on KR lore though, if we were running on sense the entire scenario would be invalidated because a civil war in the United States, where millions of Americans decide that actually it's time to drown the Nation in blood for the great causes of Socialism and Huey Longs ego needs a great deal of magic pixie dust.

Which is basically the entire point of my arguments: we shouldn't treat the entente as a dead end entirely because of the constraints of what is plausible. Honestly, you're probably right, it's really not plausible, because we're working in a highly implausible world. I'm good with that.
'no reason to attack them' are we talking about the same syndicalist Britain? Or the same kaissereich for that matter? Read the source material.
Again, you can pretend all you want, but in Kaissereich, Canada can invade the Union of Britain. The devs, who are the inspiration for the whole thing, said so. they are a much more reliable source than you could ever be, so there's that.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret: The KR devs can be wrong about things and just saying "its like this in the mod" doesn't change the fact that it's wrong and makes no sense.

Also, even if for no reason the UoB just invaded Ireland, it's already been mentioned that they have better relations with Germany than they ever will with the Entente, so they already have someone to fall back on instead of their former colonial overlords.
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We are running on KR lore though, if we were running on sense the entire scenario would be invalidated because a civil war in the United States, where millions of Americans decide that actually it's time to drown the Nation in blood for the great causes of Socialism and Huey Longs ego needs a great deal of magic pixie dust.

Which is basically the entire point of my arguments: we shouldn't treat the entente as a dead end entirely because of the constraints of what is plausible. Honestly, you're probably right, it's really not plausible, because we're working in a highly implausible world. I'm good with that.

Yeah, like, fucking hell, the Entente losing the war with the US is borderline impossible, but they still somehow did. Like, what more do you want?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: The KR devs can be wrong about things and just saying "its like this in the mod" doesn't change the fact that it's wrong and makes no sense.

Might as well ditch the whole setting, by your logic. Most of Kaisereich doesn't make a lick of sense.
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Yeah, like, fucking hell, the Entente losing the war with the US is borderline impossible, but they still somehow did. Like, what more do you want?
Well no, they didn't have us on side. There are questionable elements to KR lore (like The German High Seas fleet some how beating the Royal Navy or Britian pulling the blockade because America Mad) but thats not one of them. And, now I'm regretting bringing this up. I wanted to make my point that the Entente is not a dead end and bolster it, but I've clearly convinced no one and only furthered acrimonious argument. I stand by my points but i don't want to get too detailed on this or cause hostility which will last the whole game. You have officially heard the last I will say on this matter.
Well no, they didn't have us on side. There are questionable elements to KR lore (like The German High Seas fleet some how beating the Royal Navy or Britian pulling the blockade because America Mad) but thats not one of them. And, now I'm regretting bringing this up. I wanted to make my point that the Entente is not a dead end and bolster it, but I've clearly convinced no one and only furthered acrimonious argument. I stand by my points but i don't want to get too detailed on this or cause hostility which will last the whole game. You have officially heard the last I will say on this matter.

Yeah, my mistake, still even without the US, Germany winning is still very unlikely, to be honest. it really depends on everything going right for them, somehow.
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'no reason to attack them' are we talking about the same syndicalist Britain? Or the same kaissereich for that matter? Read the source material.

1. In the game itself Canadian industry isn't a slouch at all. It's quite strong in fact. You talking like it is would be disingenuous.
2. You're ignoring the possibility of us the commonwealth sparking a uprising in Britain, which is possible.
3. We can certainly try to hide our troop movements into Ireland. You're talking like we wouldn't try to maintain operational security, or that we'd have no chance.
4. by securing Ireland, we can easily fight the Union of Britain on the sea by basing ourselves on their ports. I consider the American navy better than the one they could muster up, and while yes, the British navy the royals have is outdated, they still have a ton of ships, and nothing says American shipyards couldn't refit them.
5. Spain falling to the syndicalists is a possibility, not a certainty. You acting like is ignores how the Spanish civil war in Kaiserreich works, or that there wouldn't be actors who'd be working against the syndicalists in Spain.

Again, you can pretend all you want, but in Kaissereich, Canada can invade the Union of Britain. The devs, who are the inspiration for the whole thing, said so. they are a much more reliable source than you could ever be, so there's that.

Yeah, but we aren't playing hoI4. It made decisions for the sake of gameplay balance, not "realism." We're playing a quest inspired by the mod. Arguing game mechanics in a quest is very silly. In the game you can launch a naval invasion across the Atlantic or Pacific as long as you've got a single ship occupying an uncontested sea region, without any concern about the difficulties involved in actually doing that. :lol:

1. That's the game. In reality Canada's industry would be struggling. It was focused on exporting raw materials to Britain and America. It had a smattering of local heavy and light industry geared towards local production. Without British and American cash injections it can't industrialize as hard as it did in real life during WW2.

2. Excuse you? Do you genuinely think there's some silent majority of people waiting to overthrow the syndicalist government? It won power through a general strike and popular revolt. It's ruled for over a decade and is very popular. A lot of the people that would have led any revolt fled Britain to Canada, and lack widespread support on the ground. That's just silly.

3. You can't sneak an invasion force across the Atlantic Ocean. UoB has a larger navy than the Entente. You seriously think they would miss Ireland allying with the Entente and building up an invasion force? Even Germany knew the D-Day landings were coming because it's tough to miss. That was with shitty intel, a destroyed navy, and half destroyed air force. They just didn't know when and where the Allies would land.

4. We won't be able to secure Ireland, see previous point. American shipyards will also be damaged by the civil war. Rebuilding them will take serious time and resources, which the population would probably want spent elsewhere rather than building up an invasion fleet. The Canadian Navy is bloated without any ports to house it. Halifax is the largest military port in the country and it doesn't have room for a fraction of them. Split them between smaller ports and it still doesn't have room for them. The former Royal Navy is mothballed, scrapped, and under manned. Those ships only exist on paper. They've rusted away.

5. Syndicalist winning in Spain is the most likely outcome. Other factions can win of course, but if the Entente wanted to benefit from that it'd still require Spain joining and launching a war while it's also still recovering from a civil war. Carlist Spain is guaranteed to join the Entente in game. It'd be plagued by an insurgency against it. France would also reasonably increase fortifications along the border because they'd know Spain was hostile. That also goes back to an invasion over the mountains, which is extremely difficult to do.

Pointing at the mod doesn't make it right. I'm not arguing those things aren't in the mod. I'm saying the mod is very silly. That's kind of why I like it. It's a fun set up for smaller wars and stuff, but it also has dumb decisions made solely for gameplay balance.

Also American isolationism was fairly popular at this time. Domestically it'd be an impossible sell to convince people that after the civil war is done we'd need to spend millions of lives to reconquer Europe to reinstall Britain and France back to their former empires. Especially when this is an America that didn't join WW1 in the first place and the Entente is demanding loan forgiveness from their WW1 debts they owe us, so it has even less investment in propping the Entente back up. This also loops back around to the Entente can only get anywhere with American support, but why spend blood and coin on them? If we don't join them they're stuck flailing around. :lol:
'no reason to attack them' are we talking about the same syndicalist Britain? Or the same kaissereich for that matter? Read the source material.
Ireland has no reason to attack the UoB. Prepare for a possible invasion, sure 100%, especially if a Mosley Moment occurs. But attack? No, not unless they were being guaranteed massive support from the Germans, and also probably if the UoB was already tied down somewhere.
1. In the game itself Canadian industry isn't a slouch at all. It's quite strong in fact. You talking like it is would be disingenuous.
2. You're ignoring the possibility of us the commonwealth sparking a uprising in Britain, which is possible.
3. We can certainly try to hide our troop movements into Ireland. You're talking like we wouldn't try to maintain operational security, or that we'd have no chance.
4. by securing Ireland, we can easily fight the Union of Britain on the sea by basing ourselves on their ports. I consider the American navy better than the one they could muster up, and while yes, the British navy the royals have is outdated, but they still have a ton of ships, and nothing says American shipyards couldn't refit them.
5. Spain falling to the syndicalists is a possibility, not a certainty. You acting like is ignores how the Spanish civil war in Kaiserreich works, or that there wouldn't be actors who'd be working against the syndicalists in Spain.

Again, you can pretend all you want, but in Kaissereich, Canada can invade the Union of Britain. The devs, who are the inspiration for the whole thing, said so. they are a much more reliable source than you could ever be, so there's that.
So addressing each of these in turn:
1. Yeah in game Canadian industry isn't half bad, 13 Mils and 24 Civs at game start. That's because it is a videogame and is designed around balance rather than whats actually realistic, while this is not a videogame and therefore Candian Industry may or may not be quite strong, up to the QM. HoI4 is a game where necessarily economies are balanced around making the game fun and unpredictable, not realist analysis, see Germany being able to win WW2 in base game.
2. Ok? By this same logic, we're ignoring the possibility of the UoB sparking an uprising in Canada, or the Commune in Germany. There's no point in saying "oh but we could spark a revolution" because that logic could be applied to any discussion about any inter-country conflict.
3. We cannot hide the moving of hundreds of thousands of North American and Commonwealth troops into Ireland from the UoB. That is not possible. We even moreso cannot hide the moving of the Royal Navy and the US Navy to Ireland, which would be necessary for a successful invasion.
4. The above point is ignoring that we Cannot Secure Ireland. They are not going to ally with us unless Mosley is going wild, AND for some reason Germany won't take them, AND we guarantee them against all Windsor aggression AND they believe us on that. Securing Ireland is not going to happen diplomatically, because they Hate the Windsors like no one else except the UoB. Securing them Militarily just means they pick the evil that isn't trying to conquer them immediately and make a deal with the UoB at which point we're behind square one.
5. In Kaiserreich the Game yes, Spain is in flux. In a realist outlook on Kaiserreich, France has a direct border to Spain and a massive vested interest in their side winning. It is extremely unlikely the Syndicalists lose Spain in a timeline where France isn't arbitrarily limited on how many volunteers it sends through a game mechanic.

On the final point, about how it's possible in KR therefore its possible and any argument otherwise is pointless, KR is again, a Game. One in which the Entente is a major faction, and therefore the Devs empower them to give them a reasonable chance of winning. Because that's what makes the game fun. I can boot up HoI4, KR or Vanilla, right now, pick any Major or Secondary Power and have a pretty good shot at a World Conquest. That is not realistic in any metric, and yet it is possible in game because it is a game. Yes, the Devs said that it's possible in a "realistic outlook" as well, but looking at it from any angle other than it being a game, I can't possibly agree.

And just to note, I'm voting for the Entente option because I think that'll lead to a funner game, but we shouldn't discard any dialogue on possibilities in the future on the basis of "the game says its possible" or "the devs say its possible" because at the end of the day the only deciding voice on whats possible and whats not is the QM, and he's not speaking on the matter.

Also also Fission sniped me while i was typing this but i want to send it anyway so there
Yeah, but we aren't playing hoI4. It made decisions for the sake of gameplay balance, not "realism." We're playing a quest inspired by the mod. Arguing game mechanics in a quest is very silly. In the game you can launch a naval invasion across the Atlantic or Pacific as long as you've got a single ship occupying an uncontested sea region, without any concern about the difficulties involved in actually doing that. :lol:

1. That's the game. In reality Canada's industry would be struggling. It was focused on exporting raw materials to Britain and America. It had a smattering of local heavy and light industry geared towards local production. Without British and American cash injections it can't industrialize as hard as it did in real life during WW2.

2. Excuse you? Do you genuinely think there's some silent majority of people waiting to overthrow the syndicalist government? It won power through a general strike and popular revolt. It's ruled for over a decade and is very popular. A lot of the people that would have led any revolt fled Britain to Canada, and lack widespread support on the ground. That's just silly.

3. You can't sneak an invasion force across the Atlantic Ocean. UoB has a larger navy than the Entente. You seriously think they would miss Ireland allying with the Entente and building up an invasion force? Even Germany knew the D-Day landings were coming because it's tough to miss. That was with shitty intel, a destroyed navy, and half destroyed air force. They just didn't know when and where the Allies would land.

4. We won't be able to secure Ireland, see previous point. American shipyards will also be damaged by the civil war. Rebuilding them will take serious time and resources, which the population would probably want spent elsewhere rather than building up an invasion fleet. The Canadian Navy is bloated without any ports to house it. Halifax is the largest military port in the country and it doesn't have room for a fraction of them. Split them between smaller ports and it still doesn't have room for them. The former Royal Navy is mothballed, scrapped, and under manned. Those ships only exist on paper. They've rusted away.

5. Syndicalist winning in Spain is the most likely outcome. Other factions can win of course, but if the Entente wanted to benefit from that it'd still require Spain joining and launching a war while it's also still recovering from a civil war. Carlist Spain is guaranteed to join the Entente in game. It'd be plagued by an insurgency against it. France would also reasonably increase fortifications along the border because they'd know Spain was hostile. That also goes back to an invasion over the mountains, which is extremely difficult to do.

Pointing at the mod doesn't make it right. I'm not arguing those things aren't in the mod. I'm saying the mod is very silly. That's kind of why I like it. It's a fun set up for smaller wars and stuff, but it also has dumb decisions made solely for gameplay balance.

Also American isolationism was fairly popular at this time. Domestically it'd be an impossible sell to convince people that after the civil war is done we'd need to spend millions of lives to reconquer Europe to reinstall Britain and France back to their former empires. Especially when this is an America that didn't join WW1 in the first place and the Entente is demanding loan forgiveness from their WW1 debts they owe us, so it has even less investment in propping the Entente back up. This also loops back around to the Entente can only get anywhere with American support, but why spend blood and coin on them? If we don't join them they're stuck flailing around. :lol:

You do realize that kaiserreich doesn't shy away from making stuff difficult, right? They wouldn't somehow buff Canada's initial industrial capacity to make it easier for you. They'd do that through the focus tree, if anywhere. You could explain a stronger canada through a myriad of reasons, the overseas assets the exiles brought over, the rest of the commonweath's wealth going to Canada to prepare an invasion, Canada being on war footing because of the royals, But honestly, I'm fucking tired arguing the point, and my frustration is going to reach a boiling point if I tried. Point is, even if you discounted game mechanics in hoi4, Kaiserreich wouldn't make any fucking sense, lore wise. So a suspension of disbelief is necessary to make any of this shit work. I'm done.

edit: another personal reason for a Alliance with the Entente is because I was always planning on beating the shit out of basically everyone who fucked us over, including the internationale, so why not get the Entente in on it?
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Fwiw I feel like the most plausible scenario where the Entente uses Ireland as a springboard is if the Collins government loses control of Northern Ireland to unionists.

It definitely makes sense why a right wing government under Collins would see an expansionist, evangelizing Syndicalist Britain as a threat, but as pointed out Germany would be the first choice as a protector. I do think it would make sense that the pragmatic Collins would try to balance factions against each other to preserve Ireland's independence and prevent them from being annexed or puppeted to one side. When/if the international situation crumbles, though, I guess who knows where it can end up.
[X] The US would not allow its sovereignty to be trampled on nor be a beggar power, it would win the war and defend its overseas territories on its own.
[X] Recognizing that the Federals needed serious assistance, the Cabinet had accepted the offer and the agreement would be signed by Olson and Hull.

[X] The Cabinet had a counter offer, formally asking that Canada join the Civil War on their side, launching military operations against the CSA, and in return when the time came to retake the Isles, the US would play an active role, essentially joining the Entente.
[X] The US would not allow its sovereignty to be trampled on nor be a beggar power, it would win the war and defend its overseas territories on its own.
[X] The US would not allow its sovereignty to be trampled on nor be a beggar power, it would win the war and defend its overseas territories on its own.
While the vote turns, I must binge.
This whole argument is bizarre, Its a simple fact that Canada helping is 100% pure Boon. The Timeline for retaking the isle literally doubles at the least with US support, because with our aid they are no longer on a time limit for their navy, so its not a Do or Die in the next few years.
More than that, we have the FULL power in this relationship, Canada would only have temporary greater influence due to reconstruction, but once thats underway our economy blasts past them, the idea Canada is worthless is honestly bad faith bullshit, they have a navy that would easily beat the UoB and CoF's in the America Coasts, logistics gurantee that, they have a big army that can EASILY reach the CSA, If "80k" Frenchmen can teleport across the ocean then Canada can manage at least 100k men to directly attack the CSA.
This whole argument is bizarre, Its a simple fact that Canada helping is 100% pure Boon. The Timeline for retaking the isle literally doubles at the least with US support, because with our aid they are no longer on a time limit for their navy, so its not a Do or Die in the next few years.
More than that, we have the FULL power in this relationship, Canada would only have temporary greater influence due to reconstruction, but once thats underway our economy blasts past them, the idea Canada is worthless is honestly bad faith bullshit, they have a navy that would easily beat the UoB and CoF's in the America Coasts, logistics gurantee that, they have a big army that can EASILY reach the CSA, If "80k" Frenchmen can teleport across the ocean then Canada can manage at least 100k men to directly attack the CSA.
Listen, man. Between subordination and jingoist chauvinism, I'm going with the chauvinism. I have no appetite for fighting on behalf of the Entente after the Civil War. That's where I'm at on that.

But, there's a compromise choice where we just take the offer that's on the table. We get aid, we retain diplomatic autonomy, everyone walks away with a little bit of what they want. I'm already voting for it, have been from the start, so I invite you and all the ones voting for the Crown Alliance to make this compromise: vote for the middle option.

I think that's a fair request.
So important note: Norfolk fleet. That needs to go somewhere, because there's a high chance the AUS get there first. If we have Canada on side, it's easy, we can just send them to the Maritimes or Boston. If we don't have them on side, I want to know: scuttle or a mad dash for Puerto Rico/Panama to keep the Gulf on side?

Edit: No debate on choices, I just want to know options in the latter scenario, please.
Listen, man. Between subordination and jingoist chauvinism, I'm going with the chauvinism. I have no appetite for fighting on behalf of the Entente after the Civil War. That's where I'm at on that.

But, there's a compromise choice where we just take the offer that's on the table. We get aid, we retain diplomatic autonomy, everyone walks away with a little bit of what they want. I'm already voting for it, have been from the start, so I invite you and all the ones voting for the Crown Alliance to make this compromise: vote for the middle option.

I think that's a fair request.

Where is it written that we become a protectorate of Canada? Please stop exaggerating. It hurts my brain.