Even as Jeanne appears satisfied that you've actually put some thought into this latest madness of yours, you make the fateful decision. Even if you decide to side with the High Eunuchs, after all, there is every chance they will simply wed you to Lihua as a check on her power. Having a wife who is little more than a bird in a gilded cage is distasteful to you, but... for the sake of power and prestige to remake the world, perhaps it would be better if you were in that position rather than anyone else.
Basically canon Schneizel plan. The problem with this in our solution would be a complete 180 on our household behavior. We basically promised to try and not to go this route. But as that promise would be somewhere after this event this is an acceptable thought. Quest narrative time travel makes my head hurt.
[ ][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
Will be going for this as the OOC question gave helping her a decent chance of success and it would be more likely to cement our household into a loyal team on success. At least when it comes to the potential harem members.
[ ][CCW] You will declare for the High Eunuchs.
With the OOC question this would both be the harder path and would break our household dynamics. It also opens a can of worms with Kaguya. Not to mention this path leads to a loveless political marriage which is something Euphy doesn't want.
I would have preferred to select targets after the Intrigue round but I can understand wanting to preliminary narrow them before writing the mini turn. Without the OOC knowledge about the Eunuchs messing up this would be hard mode for helping Lihua. On the other hand we would be more likely to find forces ready to aid Xingke to build his army around himself here. And most of the early fighting will be here. So even choosing to aid the Eunuchs here would be the logical course. If helping the Eunuchs can be seen as logical in any way other than cold calculating logic removing the human element.
This is a strange choice if the vote decides to help the Eunuchs. On the other hand it would be a superior choice without OOC knowledge as we suspect the Indian Eunuchs are the weakest IC and removing the resources of India from them would hurt the Eunuchs. It is also the action that would give us more support from Britannia.
Euphemia narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.
You cringed. "This is because of something I did, isn't it?"
"So you can learn." Your half-sister states bitingly.
Pavlovian training methods seem to be effective on Lelouch. At least to a certain degree.
Euphemia sighed. "As long as you understand why we'll be looking at the bare minimum for this project." She looked skyward for a moment. "I also expect extra doting during our vacations this year." Her eyes narrowed again. "I assume you haven't forgotten?"
You raise a hand calmly. "Absolutely not. Ambitious though I may be, a promise is a promise. The scheduling will be tight, but the fact that Nunnally and I each have an intercontinental plane with royal callsigns, we'll be able to make preparations in advance."
I'm not sure if this is another instance of quest narrative time travel or something for turn 11 Personal actions. If it is for turn 11 I wonder if a vacation in Area 8 counts since the deal called for either a Personal or Diplomacy action to fulfill it. And if visiting Clovis would also be in line with this due to it being mostly social.
[ ][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
This would free up a Diplomacy action next turn but we really wanted a good PR.
[ ][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
This will cost us an action but we are likely to roll higher and Euphy gained a new SL perk. And SL7 are often rerolls.
"You also have informal combat training." You note from the file in front of you. "Hand-to-hand, knives, and small arms. Though the latter is with propellant-based pistols."
"Africa ain't like your homeland," Bathsheba states, a bit of her petulant youth leaking through. "It's why we got the hell out of there when we could."
A nice touch of world building. I forgot Britannia uses electric guns.
You nod. "I wouldn't expect a snap judgement at this stage anyway. Lt. Shinsei?" The man who'd followed you in, standing quietly in the corner until now, steps forward. "This man will be available to receive your final decision. I'd make some time, but I'm afraid I'm flying out to Pendragon with my sisters in..." You look at your watch and grimace. "Two hours, and will thusly be unavailable for the next week."
Jember's eyes widen and he goes still as a statue long enough for his sister to notice and look between the two of you... before stiffening herself as she belatedly connects the dots.
"Do have a good day and ask for Lt. Shinsei if you have any problems or questions about the positions," you state with the kind of clever smirk that irritates Nunnally.
"O-of c-course, Your Highness." Jember stutters out.
Thankfully, you manage to make it down the fall before chuckling at the expressions on their faces.
I would say Lelouch is getting to much amusement out of his ability to blend in with commoners (ninja training combined with his psionic abilities) but with all the work he has I think he deserves moments like this.
Not to mention they are amusing to read.
[ ][ARA] Specialist Combat Training (Shinobi Develop Field Medic/Assassination Bonuses)
A mostly offensive option that could help our forces but I think the Medical corps better results. We won't be assassinating as often as needing healers. On the other hand when we decide to assassinate all the bonuses would help. I just think we can get those bonuses from other sources (better intel, psionic equipment, etc.).
It will also require a Intrigue action where we have a backlog of projects due to focusing on getting a third action.
[ ][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
This option is better for both unit survival and public perception of psionics. If we ever decide for our psionic program to become semi public then psionic artisans and healers will make the best PR material. Especially to counter the dangerous psionic narrative.
And while there are some Piety actions that we would like to take, this category is more about what we want and doesn't feel as crowded in options. Extra options to deal with setting up a psionic healer program can be managed here.
[ ][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)
While the bonuses would be nice, the extra options would most likely be wasted. There is a ton of options we want in Learning and every turn it is a hard decision of what to take. I doubt we could take advantage of them in the near future with the exception of potential help due to bonuses in testing Jeager's tech.
On the other hand there will be bonuses to Jeager tech and we can develop the other options in the future. If Jeager will have medical inclined assistants full time that also have combat experience then when he will start on Psionic Teaching Standards (which requires a campus and finishing the psionic computer chain) we could get the effects of both other options. At that time we might have a third Learning action so it won't be as painful to follow their expanded options.
Rewards: Jember & Bathsheba join as Hero Units, Large Number of Refugees Create Redundancies in Organization, Euphemia's SL Progress (+1) to SL 7.
Hero units are great. Redundancy is always nice even if we need to work on making them fit in. Literaly due to lack of infrastructure. And SL7 perks are rerolls looking at other characters.
Milly is smiling.
You are scared.
That is because Lelouch has that elusive thing known as common sense. He just chooses to ignore it most of the time as it screams at him.
After he wanders off, you turn to Milly. "So, it's sanity that this is going to cost me."
Milly winces and holds out her fingers an inch apart. "Maybe just a little." She rallies as you glare. "But he has two decades of experience! He's worked on battlefields, Lelouch! He's perfect! He wasn't even supposed to be on this ship, even, but there was a mistake and he needed to barter passage out of the EAU after a riot burned down his business! It would cost ten times as much for someone with his experience from the homeland to come out here!"
You sigh and nod. "Fine, just... keep him out of my hair and definitely away from any visiting noble. With my luck one of them will kill the other and I'll have to deal with the clean up."
I'm putting money on Irish if such a fight happens.
And if he doesn't stop irritating Lelouch we might just inflict Jaeger on him. Having him ride heard on the mad scientist during a lab expansion project would make him realize Lelouch has the patience of a saint.
Rewards: Milicent Ashford's Specialization Enhanced to Include Prefabricated Shelter Deployment & Disaster Relief.
Could be useful in building cheaper infrastructure in developing regions. Useful both for taking over Australia and helping modernize China if we manage to get a foot in there. Disaster relief would also help with PR and gain us some favors. Asia has earthquakes in the ring of fire (Japan) and there might be some need for aid in India due to monsoons.
The fact that one of those operations is happening this year is also a saving grace, as it means you'll have a longer period of time to develop more housing and infrastructure. Between these new soldiers and the refugees, they are taxing your population capacity.
Results: Levies raised, native New Caledonia population tensions lowered, living conditions improved.
We will really need to focus on expanding our military base and civilian infrastructure. If we ever plan on setting up a psionic/KMF/space research institute it will need a lot of local support infrastructure. A single lab is easy to support. A whole campus not so much.
Results: Infiltration attempt discovered and captured, Second attempt discovered, but escapes. Watchtowers constructed, patrols more vigilant.
And now I wonder who got through without being discovered because we waited in constructing the Watchtowers. Hindsight is 20/20.
I will be voting for:
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)
EDIT: noticed a hour has passed while I was writing.