The American Experiment (Riot Quest)

Voting is open
[X][TFAM] Plan The Agrarian Struggle
-[x] Make a newspaper.
--[x] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[x] Stockpile guns. 14 funds.
-[x] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
--[x] To the farmworkers. 10 funds.
-[x] Set up a committee to organize groups with whatever they can get their hands on (bats, batons, etc.) to work together to prevent lynchings and unlawful seizures of property.
-[x] Make a think-group to make propaganda targeted at poor whites in terms of solidarity between races. 2 funds, -2 funds per turn.

[X][TFAM] Plan Anti-Repression Action
-[X]Make a newspaper.
--[X] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[X] Make a fund dedicated to paying fines put on African-Americans for arrests that could result in prison. 10 funds.
-[X] Set up a committee to organize groups with whatever they can get their hands on (bats, batons, etc.) to work together to prevent lynchings and unlawful seizures of property.
-[X] Make a think-group to make propaganda targeted at poor whites in terms of solidarity between races. 2 funds, -2 funds per turn.
-[X] Contact town manufacturers, making inroads to invite them to join the movement and potentially include them in a more expansive mutual aid network.

Set up for more aggressive action, I really don't like that bit about the southern state legislators eyeing us up for nasty stuff, so I figure we go all in on the fines and stuff this turn and then next turn we split our funds on the sharecropping buy back program and stockpiling arms/training militias, what think?

This plan leaves us with 14 wealth and -4 drain on income, but would net us further reach/recruitment and have something to fall back on if the southern states try anything funny.
Keep in mind.
Funds are per turn, they don't stack.
You only use 17 funds out of our budget of 31.
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[][TFAM] Plan The Agrarian Struggle
-[] Make a newspaper.
--[] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] Stockpile guns. 14 funds.
-[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
--[] To the farmworkers. 10 funds.
-[] Set up a committee to organize groups with whatever they can get their hands on (bats, batons, etc.) to work together to prevent lynchings and unlawful seizures of property.
-[] Make a think-group to make propaganda targeted at poor whites in terms of solidarity between races. 2 funds, -2 funds per turn.

Keep in mind.

You only use 17 funds out of our budget of 31.
Confound my inability to read, I really wanted to expand the mutual aid network this turn and we really shouldn't put it off but this is a good plan, ill vote for it.

[X][TFAM] Plan The Agrarian Struggle
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[X][TFHM] Growing Ever Upwards
-[X] Set up mutual aid groups in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles. 2 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Contact Chinese majority towns such as Locke and Walnut Grove and set up a committee dedicated to helping them coordinate when needed. 5 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Set up a canning factory in San Francisco and pay good wages, employing the former Chinese fishermen forced out of their jobs and into cannery. 20 funds.
-[X] Accept the proposition by The Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves.
-[X] Send organizers to help Chinese miners form their own unions. 4 funds.

2+5+20+4 = 31 unless my math is wrong

5 Actions, if the Yellow Scarves go for the one that gives us a free action, not many funds available to stretch around so people are welcome to make another plan that accounts for that.

First two actions are for getting work on the ground done, third especially so. Fourth is obvious and last is to grab the people that aren't going to work in cannery. I'd also be open to ones that send agitators somewhere or organize a protest if they want.
Making Progress
Making Progress

(John Olsen POV)

"The membership dues are for two things…One Buying our own Office to coordinate and Two…"

You stopped to look at the pile of paperwork on your desk. "Figure out how to get people on board with us."

It was always going to be hard, starting a political party was one thing, actually going out and getting elected was another matter entirely. It was reality…and reality didn't like good ideas.

Good Ideas are never accepted in their time…mostly because they make far too much sense in fixing many problems for at least a generation.

In the past, it was republicanism…against the idea that the King was the overarching law and authority.

In recent times, it was the struggle against slavery and the ideas of the wider civil rights movement.

You sighed, maybe sending a letter to Booker T Washington would help. His institute's working in the south could be a boon.

No…the Forty-Acare Movement will hold the south against the landlords. Socialists at least wore their heart on their sleeves, unlike the anarchists.

"Hmm, We need progress, more support…or a winning endorsement. A Catch all that will help us." You said calmly.

A knock on your door seemingly drove you away from your self-pity and you walked over to open the door.

In front of you was one of the foremost geologists of the American Continent, Bolton Hall.

"Mr. Hall, I didn't expect anyone of your standing to be in our office tonight." You said.

"I came here as a favor to Henry." He said as he looked around the flat you were renting. "And as a supporter of the cause."

"We haven't made much progress as of later, we haven't the numbers to make a dent in the establishment…and I don't have an honest opinion on our chances in Local elections." You said.

"Hmm, starting by cutting ties with the Socialists wing wasn't as liberating as you think?" He said.

"It's not the socialists I fear, it's the Marxists and Anarchists they'll turn into if they get more radical. If given the chance…power will turn them into tyrants." You said.

"Well, then what we need now is to rally the moderates, the workers away from them, what they need, is proof that it works, that alone will bring them to your side." He said.

"But How? We barely have the numbers…or even a paper." You said.

"Start with doing a Christian act…The land belongs to no one but God. No matter how many times they say it is a construct of man." He said.

"I will at least give aid while I can…get an office in order. At the very least the Christain Socialists will at least heed your words, I won't know if they accept them…but there is a chance. Patrick Ford might put a word in if you get a paper up." He said.


"It's about the Dakota's isn't it?" He said.

" Yes…I finally got back to them…and they went…and did this." You said handing over the Letter.

"Well…this might be exactly what we needed." He said.

AN: I'll explain more in a bit, BUT NEW OMAKE!

Edit: What happened? I hear you ask?

I made a roll to inspire what happens in this omake, things are going good.
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[X][TFHM] Growing Ever Upwards
-[X] Set up mutual aid groups in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles. 2 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Contact Chinese majority towns such as Locke and Walnut Grove and set up a committee dedicated to helping them coordinate when needed. 5 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Set up a canning factory in San Francisco and pay good wages, employing the former Chinese fishermen forced out of their jobs and into cannery. 20 funds.
-[X] Accept the proposition by The Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves.
-[X] Send organizers to help Chinese miners form their own unions. 4 funds.
[X][TOD] Plan Money, Folks, Bills
-[X] Require dues
--[X] Based on income
--[X] Allow delinquent members
-[X] Start handing out flyers and other methods of recruiting at associated churches. 11 funds.
-[X] Set up a think group which can draft and modify legislation to be anti-racist, both in local areas and federally. 2 funds, -2 per turn.

Time to start raising money, get more church support, and set up a team to get started on making changes.
[X][WCUA] Revolutionary Base Area
-[X] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.
-[X] Send organizers to help farm workers form unions. 5 funds. 56/500 progress.
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[x] [SFAF] Plan Faith in Union
-[x] Set up cross-religion meetings among to amicably discuss theology and other topics. 1 fund, -1 per turn.
-[x] Reach out to new immigrants fleeing religious prosecution to help them integrate. 6 funds.
-[x] Set up cross-religion meetings among to amicably discuss theology and other topics. 1 fund, -1 per turn.
[X][TOD] Plan Money, Folks, Bills
-[X] Require dues
--[X] Based on income
--[X] Allow delinquent members
-[X] Start handing out flyers and other methods of recruiting at associated churches. 11 funds.
-[X] Set up a think group which can draft and modify legislation to be anti-racist, both in local areas and federally. 2 funds, -2 per turn.

Time to start raising money, get more church support, and set up a team to get started on making changes.
Good call on all points, agreed.

[X][TOD] Plan Money, Folks, Bills
Angels in New York
Abram stared up at the city around him. It seemed impossible, like the ladder Yakov saw in his dreams, or the celestial visions of Ezekiel. But there were no angels here, no more than he had seen in Russia, where the Cossacks descended down onto shetls and ripped families apart. He had fled the ashes of one such village, the smoke of a fire fueled by Torah and Talmud rising behind him, the smell of blood and vomit in his nostrils, nightmares seared into his eyes.

He had walked three days in a daze, then he had recovered some fragments of his wits. He found one of the miserable cities of the Russian Empire. Perhaps it had been Petrograd, perhaps it had been Odessa, perhaps it had been Murmansk. It didn't matter. They were all vile, rotten places where people were ground up by the merciless industry and blood ran in the streets as thick as the Devil's spittle. He had begged and stolen for money, and taken a ship away from that empire, and then he had ended up in a place half as wretched, and thus still hell on Earth.

New York City trumpeted what it wanted to be. It proclaimed that it welcomed everyone, that it was a land of democracy and justice. And yet still its factories chewed people up and spit them out, its thugs still committed murder and arson. And it stank even worse.

He wandered the streets, once more in a daze, once more soaked by the blood of innocents. He couldn't even remember what happened this time, he had woken up and there had been a man and then there had been fire and screaming. And now he wandered like a ghost, like the souls of those taken by Cossacks on their wedding day.

He wandered, and he did not see where he went.

Hours stretched by, dawn came and went, and at last the limits of the body overcame the cracks in Abram's mind. He had not been sleeping, and barely been eating, and there was nothing that could keep him on his feet, not if Elijah came down from heaven and blew his shofar.

He found the first open door and stumbled into it, too exhausted to flee from the imposing cross that dominated the small space, the face of the figure nailed to it twisted in grotesque agony. Abram collapsed onto a pew and knew nothing.

Some time later, hours at least, perhaps longer, he awoke. It was dark in the space, the shadows of evening stretching out in the tiny room, and he was no longer alone. Abram startled, fear giving him sudden strength. It was a very foolish Jew who allowed himself to be caught in a place like this. And soon a very foolish Jew became a very dead Jew.

But the man, a priest or rector or deacon or some manner of official, Abram had never learned their titles and hierarchies, made no threatening move. He did not brandish a knife, or call up a mob. He sat down in the pew Abram had just vacated and winced slightly. "If you had slept on one of these, friend, you must be weary indeed. There are softer beds upstairs, and a kitchen. By your looks, I am guessing you favor kosher meals. I will not make you something with meat then, I am afraid I can't guarantee the beef we have is slaughtered properly."

Skittishly, like a dog who has been kicked many times who is now being offered scraps from the table, Abram assented to the offer, trailing behind the men as they went behind the altar and up a narrow staircase into another room. There were eight narrow beds and sixteen sets of roughly folded clothing lining one wall, while the other was lined with rusting metal furnishings. The man efficiently made Abram a sandwich, and he devoured it and silently wished for more.

"I did not know Christians here were so familiar with the ways of Jews," Abram said carefully.

"I do not think most are, but Father Patrick, who runs this church and orphanage, met one the other month. He and a few dozen others are creating a group of sorts. Apparently, Christ was born a Jew, and mayhaps the Apostles too. So clearly there has to be worth among them, otherwise, mankind would not have their savior plucked from such a people. Anyhow, this church and others and some of your temples are writing letters to each other and comparing holy books, and I believe there's money being raised to help a church that caught on fire, and to protect people who are being persecuted for their faith..."

He cast about the room and seized a small stack of pamphlets. "Father Patrick said I should hand these out to people who are interested."

Images flashed behind Abram's eyes. "There are Jews in Russia who are persecuted for their faith, so many Jews."

He began to describe the Cossacks, the things they would do to Jewish wedding parties and how they would (warning, gore) slit open the bellies of pregnant women and throw wild animals inside. The tales of atrocities witnessed poured out as Abram spoke, like a great flood. He could stop it, no more than Jonah could halt the destruction of Nineveh. He spoke and spoke until his throat was dry.

The man paused. "That sounds...unpleasant. This is a lot to ask, but I am not a man with any power. When Father Patrick comes around, he'll take you to the leaders of the society and you can convince them to help the Jews of Russia."

After another sandwich and some lighter conversation, Father Patrick arrived, leading a pack of orphan boys who fell upon the rest of the food ravenously while Father Patrick and Abram spoke briefly, then Father Patrick gave him a place and a time.

They parted, promising to see each other, and Abram stared up at the impossibly tall buildings of New York City, once more seeing them as the ladders Yakov saw in his dream.

And indeed, perhaps there were angels here, climbing and descending.
Amazing! Canon. Got a name for it?

Also you may have the same choices, you may slightly boost the effectiveness of 1 action of any organization, you may increase or decrease the secret Radicalization global modifier, or you may change/add one minor historical event in a "could have happened"-way (with confirmation by me).
[X][AFYS] Plan Joining Forces
-[X] Petition the Friends of the Huddled Masses for a merger of organizations, in which the Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves becomes the militant arm of the Friends of the Huddled Masses.

We need a Yellow Scarves plan also dedicated to the merger, right?
Amazing! Canon. Got a name for it?

Also you may have the same choices, you may slightly boost the effectiveness of 1 action of any organization, you may increase or decrease the secret Radicalization global modifier, or you may change/add one minor historical event in a "could have happened"-way (with confirmation by me).

Tammany Hall suffers a scandal of some kind.
[X][TFHM] Growing Ever Upwards
-[X] Set up mutual aid groups in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles. 2 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Contact Chinese majority towns such as Locke and Walnut Grove and set up a committee dedicated to helping them coordinate when needed. 5 funds, -1 per turn.
-[X] Set up a canning factory in San Francisco and pay good wages, employing the former Chinese fishermen forced out of their jobs and into cannery. 20 funds.
-[X] Accept the proposition by The Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves.
-[X] Send organizers to help Chinese miners form their own unions. 4 funds.

2+5+20+4 = 31 unless my math is wrong

5 Actions, if the Yellow Scarves go for the one that gives us a free action, not many funds available to stretch around so people are welcome to make another plan that accounts for that.

First two actions are for getting work on the ground done, third especially so. Fourth is obvious and last is to grab the people that aren't going to work in cannery. I'd also be open to ones that send agitators somewhere or organize a protest if they want.
As I understand it, you have five actions total, right? Given this plan, does that mean you'd like me to choose one of the merger options (the ones that are not a free action for either of us)?

If you want "Accept the proposition" to be a free action, then that means you have an extra action left over, no?

Though, I personally do want to go for a merger. I can see the Yellow Scarves---can we, can we just call ourselves the Yellow Scarves, now?---reorganizing themselves as a militant wing of a more publically moderate organization. Even though the text of the option sounds like it might be a little bit difficult, since it means we'll need to be coordinating votes more often:

[] Petition the Friends of the Huddled Masses for a merger of organizations, in which the Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves becomes the militant arm of the Friends of the Huddled Masses.

This will merge the two organizations together into one. The AFYS actions will be given to the FHM, which will have an internal faction that permanently gets 1 extra action specifically for AFYS tagged actions. This needs to be taken as an action by both groups, otherwise you can take a different action.

I still like the idea. Thusly!

Also, I assume this means you get what meager funds we have managed to assemble for ourselves. We are, of course, more than happy to share succor with our brothers and sisters in arms, under heaven.

[X] [AFYS] Plan Under Heaven
-[X] Petition the Friends of the Huddled Masses for a merger of organizations, in which the Association of Friends of the Yellow Scarves becomes the militant arm of the Friends of the Huddled Masses.
[X][LLRP]PLAN Settling Roots
-[X] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.
Voting is open