In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

[X] Plan: Divinum Pulchritudo Sanguinis et Lapidis.
-[X] Trade: Your Father's vineyards and wine production were never one to write home about, as many a year the wine barely paid for itself, with all that went into it, and Grain and Barely were seen as far more favorable investment. But on the rare year where he tried his hand at such investments and production, you were the one who led it into the city, and sold it to the wine merchants for profit. The merchant's life is not often sung in the tales, but it is one to which you are most suited, both in terms of practicality and just sheer competence. A coin can buy many things in Rome. It might not be glamorous as War or Law. But Gold Talks in ways that even honor cannot.
-[X] Architecture: You came to Rome a city as a city of Brick, and you will leave it a city of Marble. You have only one desire for your life. To build something, to see it conducted, and see it last a thousand years. That is what it meanest to give life to Rome.
-[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
-[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.

This plan is basically having the main character be a strong support/backer for any potential claimant of Rome. Since the son vote lost I personally want a sort of 'behind the scene' character, someone that won't annoy the conservative elite and people of Rome too much but will in effect decide the future of Rome by supporting a leader through financial means and keep control of Rome in the same way.

Also, choose beautiful because you need to have a fair skin if you want to charm that future Emperor/Leader.
Eh, we already HAVE a Master Lawyer, though. I still think the War-Build is for the better to gain us long-term benefits.
But he's not all the finagling we can muster, now is he?

I agree the winning build should include something to help us command (either War or Mars), but athleticism beyond equestrianism is probably not necessary for our career. Nobody in Rome realistically expects us to get up on the front lines, and doing so is probably not best conducive to our long-term health. And we are bookish.
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[X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm
[X] Plan: Roman Matron
[X] Plan Rome Reborn

I think that there is something really interesting about being the one that doesn't move the armies but may move the men that do, I think it will develop more unique encounters where we have to respond politically to how war turns, while not a direct player in its affairs. Yes its less total control, but we'll have a great deal of control elsewhere and marring someone who can cover for the war-effort part of things seems to confirm they won't be a complete push-over but can still be someone we some significant control and influence upon.
I think that there is something really interesting about being the one that doesn't move the armies but may move the men that do, I think it will develop more unique encounters where we have to respond politically to how war turns, while not a direct player in its affairs. Yes its less total control, but we'll have a great deal of control elsewhere and marring someone who can cover for the war-effort part of things seems to confirm they won't be a complete push-over but can still be someone we some significant control and influence upon.
Let me put it to you this way:

If I don't get at least 1... really good conversation with Caeser, Pompey, Crassus, Cicero and Brutus, have I really even tried.
We have our Centerion that is officially one of the baddest badasses alive currently.

Mettius Servilius Metellus

Titles: Centurion of the 13th Legion

Age: 30

Height: 5'9

Hometown: Cisalpine Gaul, Near the City of Messalina

Birthday: 11 February

Religion: Roman Pantheon. Patron God: Mars

Nicknames: Mighty Met

Allies: Claudia Nerva, and her associates, Marius, Caria Caelina (His wife), and His children.

Enemies: Sulla, Many others whom you do not know.

Public Reputation: 4 (A Famous Centurian of the 13 Legion, and a man many consider one of the best soldiers alive.)

Composure: 15
Military: 14
Charisma: 10
Decorum: 8
Stewardship: 8
Intelligence: 12
Subterfuge: 7

Command Skills
Command: 15
Calvary Command: 10
Infantry Command: 19
Artillery Command: 12
Grand Strategy: 17

Civil Skills:
Engineering: 10
Education: 5
Logistic: 10
Manual Labor: 11
Law: 1
Administration: 4
Ortation: 12

Combat Skills:
Marksmanship: 20
Swordsmanship: 22
Athletics: 25
Hand to Hand: 10
Equestrian: 6


You are a Centurion, a commanding officer of a Century, and these men trust you with their lives (You are commanding a century of men, and they will fight and die at your order)

Unquestionably Fit: You can run a roman mile in less then 4 minutes, barefoot. You are among the greatest athletes alive. (Your abilities in sports are amazing, and many in the Legion wonder why you do not try to join a gladiator corp and make thousands)

Old Comrades: You are friends with many of the veterans who have retired, and many of them owe you favors for saving their lives. (You have some old friends that can help in a pinch)

The Eyes of Legates: The only reason you are not a legate is that you are a plebian, and you do not have the political pull to do so… but soon you will, and then you will get to what you always want, Immortality in the battlefield. (You are trying to become legate, and there are those in Rome who have taken notice, and who ignore you because of it.)
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We have our Centerion that is officially one of the baddest badasses alive currently.

Mettius Servilius Metellus

Titles: Centurion of the 13th Legion

Age: 30

Height: 5'9

Hometown: Cisalpine Gaul, Near the City of Messalina

Birthday: 11 February

Religion: Roman Pantheon. Patron God: Mars

Nicknames: Mighty Met

Allies: Claudia Nerva, and her associates, Marius, Caria Caelina (His wife), and His children.

Enemies: Sulla, Many others whom you do not know.

Public Reputation: 4 (A Famous Centurian of the 13 Legion, and a man many consider one of the best soldiers alive.)

Composure: 15
Military: 14
Charisma: 10
Decorum: 8
Stewardship: 8
Intelligence: 12
Subterfuge: 7

Command Skills
Command: 15
Calvary Command: 10
Infantry Command: 19
Artillery Command: 12
Grand Strategy: 17

Civil Skills:
Engineering: 10
Education: 5
Logistic: 10
Manual Labor: 11
Law: 1
Administration: 4
Ortation: 12

Combat Skills:
Marksmanship: 20
Swordsmanship: 22
Athletics: 25
Hand to Hand: 10
Equestrian: 6


You are a Centurion, a commanding officer of a Century, and these men trust you with their lives (You are commanding a century of men, and they will fight and die at your order)

Unquestionably Fit: You can run a roman mile in less then 4 minutes, barefoot. You are among the greatest athletes alive. (Your abilities in sports are amazing, and many in the Legion wonder why you do not try to join a gladiator corp and make thousands)

Old Comrades: You are friends with many of the veterans who have retired, and many of them owe you favors for saving their lives. (You have some old friends that can help in a pinch)

The Eyes of Legates: The only reason you are not a legate is that you are a plebian, and you do not have the political pull to do so… but soon you will, and then you will get to what you always want, Immortality in the battlefield. (You are trying to become legate, and there are those in Rome who have taken notice, and who ignore you because of it.)
Hmm, problematic.
He can run, barefoot might I add, a sub 4 minute mile.
He can fight for literally days on end without tireing, gather the strength to run a hundred miles to get to another legion, and then come back with the rescue party.

And survive.
Not necessarily. Man's probably beneath Sulla's notice unless and until he gets that promotion he wants, and even then we can protect him in a pinch with our own pull with the dictator. Besides, we don't want to put all our eggs in one basket.
The problem, everyone in his legion knows that he has eyes on the Legate seat, and by god, he's competent enough to be a LEgate, and do well for himself too on campaign. And he has plenty of friends too... notably, us.
Do we have any idea what caused the enmity between them?
All I Shall say is this: Sulla was his commanding officer when he first joined the legion, and during their first campaign, Sulla scolded our boy for failing to deliver a message to one of the lfanks, that lead to the deaths of a hundred romans.

This caused our boy to Training montage to become one of the fastest, deadliest, and above all else, the hungriest soldier for glory in the Republic.

The Marian reforms truly assisted him with being a professional badass. And in less than ten years, he went from legionary to Centurion, as a plebian man.

If he makes Legate, he can start his political career with some true success.