The Second Reconstruction-A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

I support a three way civil war. Through the fires of conflict with the radical right and the radical left, the US shall emerge stronger and centrister than ever before!
[] Order the FBI to eliminate Huey Long and hope the AFP collapses without it rallying figure

I think this will be the best bet, AFP is all around Long, by getting rid of him his movement is weakened hard, might not even rise,
And with our Left Center bend the CSA would be far weaker than normal.
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford

This violence ends here. Ford could push the country off a cliff in the name of his own profits, and that cannot be forgiven.
Come on guys, Lets assassinate the Long Dong!
With this, the civil war can be minimized!
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford

Let's not fight a three way civil war please? We've gotten really close to stabilizing around a repeat of the last civil war and taking the wind out of the SPA's revolutionary sails, no point to waste it at the last minute.
Come on guys, Lets assassinate the Long Dong!
With this, the civil war can be minimized!
I'd be happy to support strangling the the AUS in its cradle, but you're the only one who's voted for that option right now, and if nobody else is going for it, I'm going to have to vote for giving the Minutemen and Ford the boot.
NEVER! Radical centrism solves nothing and has never solved anything at any point in human existence!
But it'll solve these problems here, maybe not quite as well as a bullet into one of the two extremist leaders heads but well enough!

Edit: Also that picture hurts my eyes
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The thing is, radical centrism here and now will just give us a three-way war.
Well you know what they say, its always better in a three way!

That and i think in this case a three way will be easier than a two way. The CSA will be weak due to how Left leaning we went, and if we don't alienate the Businesses to much here then the Longist will be mildly weaker
(though not as weak as a bullet to the head)
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to prevent further violence between the Minutemen and Red Guards
The moderate, but milquetoast option. Prevent further violence, but only for this one incident. Merely a patchjob.
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford
The risky, but potentially more beneficial result. Remind these radicals that the state should be the ones with a monopoly on violence. Only problem is if it backfires and results in a three-way battle, or worse, makes our military look ineffective.
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford

It won't work, but I'll be damned if we don't stand with the people.
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[X] Order the FBI to eliminate Huey Long and hope the AFP collapses without it rallying figure
The inherent nature of unions and the SPA's cadre of...nominally aligned leftist groups probably reduce the effects a decapitation strike would have, whereas assassinating the popular demagogue balancing many, often competing interests is far more effective in smashing cohesion. I'm not sure the Michigan National Guard has enough military force to crush both actors and given their inherent nature as part-time soldiers are likely compromised by both radical elements-going against both may severely reduce their effectiveness. Neutralizing one of the opposing forces in a civil war, one that can very well serve as a conduit for German foreign interests (given the fact we antagonized them with our show of force and made amends with the former entente concerning tariffs, it would not be unreasonable for the AFP to sport Kar-98s and other surplus weaponry) to a disorganized force composed of many competing interests is well be worth the risk of blowback.

Of course, if we fuck up and the FBI gets hit with undeniable proof that they, and not oppressed black people/leftists remnants/rump centrist interest groups salty at their loss of power to the AFP assassinated or tried to assassinate a leading opposition figue who hasn't technically yet called for secession we'll face a PR disaster, especially given the not-quite straight victory won at New York, but that's the inherent nature of risks and there are plenty of special interest groups that could take the fall, merely leaving us with status quo civil war. The other paths don't seem to offer as solid a shot at severely wounding one of the two rebellious factions.
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[ ] Order the FBI to eliminate Jack Reed and hope the CSA collapses without a leader

[ ] Order the FBI to eliminate Huey Long and hope the AFP collapses without it rallying figure
These options are terrible. In Kaiserreich, they guarantee a civil war and if it fails it grants terrible malus to when fighting said war. Let's not kill any of the leaders.
These options are terrible. In Kaiserreich, they guarantee a civil war and if it fails it grants terrible malus to when fighting said war. Let's not kill any of the leaders.
But if it succeeds, we can easily decapitate one of the two sides in the civil war and massively reduce the overall harm caused by the conflict.

How close to the mod are you writing this?

Is anything from Kaiserredux at play here?

Like if Huey is assassinated, can the interests within his faction still rise up down the line? Can Socialists run in a post-civil war election if they don't fight the government in the civil war?
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to break the Red Guards and allow the scabs into the Ford factories while the FBI arrests the Union leadership
These options are terrible. In Kaiserreich, they guarantee a civil war and if it fails it grants terrible malus to when fighting said war. Let's not kill any of the leaders.
If we're gonna throw around KR mechanics, an American civil war is going to happen no matter what. The risk is there (the risk of blowback on us less so given all the people out there with an axe to grind against either radical leaders imo), but the reward, as Starblight mentioned, is great.
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Assassination risks the whole enterprise. Yes we could decapitate a faction without it being discovered, or it could be discovered and do as much or even worse damage to our legitimacy than simply siding with the Minutemen or the Red Guard by assassinating an opposition figure. Worst of all it could fail, and practically leave us no better than if we had failed to pass any legislation at all, perhaps even worse.

Why should we take such a massive gamble, when literally doing nothing would probably put us in a worse position than probably a supermajority or more of the outcomes for an assassination?
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to prevent further violence between the Minutemen and Red Guards

How close to the mod are you writing this?

Is anything from Kaiserredux at play here?

Like if Huey is assassinated, can the interests within his faction still rise up down the line? Can Socialists run in a post-civil war election if they don't fight the government in the civil war?
Don't want to comment on the effects of an assassination but if it is only a 2 way civil war I doubt the faction that didn't rise up will simply go into the night. Not saying this will happen here, but electing Olson in the mod does set the US on the path to having a Progressive major party, which might be somewhere, for example, socialists could find a home or perhaps the CSA will remain a viable force with strong unions supporting them. Regarding Long, his coalition is so strange but that said, after all their internal schisms, I think the Democrats are in for a fun time after the Civil War.
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford

[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
I fear that a three-sided civil war is inevitable, for the CSA has shown its true colors and revealed themselves unwilling to compromise.
The carrot has failed... time for the stick to step up and safeguard our democracy from extremist forces.

[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to break the Red Guards and allow the scabs into the Ford factories while the FBI arrests the Union leadership
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