The Second Reconstruction-A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford

Changing vote.
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford

Fuck Ford, and fuck that Attorney General. They are playing silly buggers, and it's time to play back.
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to prevent further violence between the Minutemen and Red Guards

I think their both wrong in this case. But answering scabs with violence is worse.
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Fuck Ford, and fuck that Attorney General. They are playing silly buggers, and it's time to play back.
That they are, but the response is not to play silly buggers in return. Some industrialists already deserted us for Long and the AFP because we were very friendly to the Unions (in their opinion, sure, but there you have it). I'm afraid that weighing in exclusively on the side of the CSA and Reed will alienate even more industrialists and screw us come the civil war.

Thus, it is Radical Centrism ™️ time:

[] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford
Alright I'm still processing but definitely we are on firm Consitutional grounds in opposing the Scabs, the Minutemen, and Ford. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution is the Commerce clause which gives Congress the power "To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;", bolding mine.

Obviously we just passed passed legislation through Congress regarding this, so Olson wouldn't be making policy in opposing the AFP and Ford, just enforcing the law which makes it harder to make an executive overreach argument.
Alright I'm still processing but definitely we are on firm Consitutional grounds in opposing the Scabs, the Minutemen, and Ford. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution is the Commerce clause which gives Congress the power "To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;", bolding mine.

Obviously we just passed passed legislation through Congress regarding this, so Olson wouldn't be making policy in opposing the AFP and Ford, just enforcing the law which makes it harder to make an executive overreach argument.
Would it really give us leave to arrest Ford though?
Nothing he did seems like it'd be really explicitly illegal, and the whole thing had state approval from the governor.

Also @Jeeshadow is it only possible to assassinate one of them?
I know in the game it kind of makes sense but if your going the route of assassination anyways you might as well get both extremist leaders?
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
Time to give the Kingfish's cohorts a little taste of what they're going to get once we start marching down to Dixie!

I'm mainly voting for this one since nobody seems to be voting for assassinating Huey.
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford

If we attack the main force strikers use to prevent scabs from breaking strikes, we'll confirm in the eyes of many socialists that we plan on breaking their strikes. A strong display of support for the striking workers will shore up our left flank and we can blame the whole thing on the Minutemen and Ford for trying to act as strikebreakers.
Also @Jeeshadow is it only possible to assassinate one of them?
I know in the game it kind of makes sense but if your going the route of assassination anyways you might as well get both extremist leaders?
Hoover claims the FBI isn't in the business of arranging assassinations of US Senators and as much as he would love to put bullets into both of them, he thinks one at a time would be the best considering the sensitivity of things.
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford

If we attack the main force strikers use to prevent scabs from breaking strikes, we'll confirm in the eyes of many socialists that we plan on breaking their strikes. A strong display of support for the striking workers will shore up our left flank and we can blame the whole thing on the Minutemen and Ford for trying to act as strikebreakers.
If we allow abunch of thugs to attack workers for legally contracted work, will look were bending over for said thugs. I say break both of the bastords and move from that point forward.
Oh that we WILL bring Down the LAW on those that don't listen to it
Did we make strike breaking illegal? I know in OTL it wasn't and was even allowed implicitly in a 36 ruling if i recall correctly
If we allow abunch of thugs to attack workers for legally contracted work, will look were bending over for said thugs. I say break both of the bastords and move from that point forward.
Agreed with this, the ones who started the violence was the reds here, even if scabbing isn't cool.

Though my thoughts change if we already made it illegal. Still vote for centrism but at least i'd support the anti scabbers XD.
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
Hoover claims the FBI isn't in the business of arranging assassinations of US Senators and as much as he would love to put bullets into both of them, he thinks one at a time would be the best considering the sensitivity of things.
I'm pretty sure Hoover's just saying that cuz he doesn't think he'd get away with it. I'm 99% certain he'd be all in for killing Senators (specifically the socialist ones) so long as he wouldn't suffer any consequences for it, regardless of the circumstances.
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It recognized the right to collective bargaining and allowed the formation of legal unions, but it went even further, banning several major strike breaking tactics.

Did we make strike breaking illegal? I know in OTL it wasn't and was even allowed implicitly in a 36 ruling if i recall correctly
The constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Act has very much not been tested in the Courts, but you can reasonably assume that bringing in scabs across state lines and collaborating with a militia the FBI has spent almost a year opposing would, in fact, be violating the NLRA. Is the Union legal though? Not really either but by the same token a NLRB hasn't been appointed yet so there is no way it could be recognized by the NLRB as legal.
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The constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Act has very much not been tested in the Court, but you can reasonably assume that bringing in scabs across state lines and collaborating with a militia the FBI has spent almost a year opposing would, in fact, be violating the NLRA. Is the Union legal though? Not really either but by the same time an NLRB hasn't been appointed yet so there is no way it could be recognized by the NLRB as legal.
So its iffy, if it wasn't for the incoming civil war where it won't matter, i'd say we do not arrest Ford but arrest those in direct violence, and end the scabbing until everything is set in stone.

But with the civil war its more about what would drive support to one side or the other the least
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to prevent further violence between the Minutemen and Red Guards

Happening level: it's happening
Would it really give us leave to arrest Ford though?
Nothing he did seems like it'd be really explicitly illegal, and the whole thing had state approval from the governor.

Also @Jeeshadow is it only possible to assassinate one of them?
I know in the game it kind of makes sense but if your going the route of assassination anyways you might as well get both extremist leaders?

He is very explicitly attempting to break this strike and he doesnt have the Governor's backing, only the Attorney General.

Did we make strike breaking illegal? I know in OTL it wasn't and was even allowed implicitly in a 36 ruling if i recall correctly

Agreed with this, the ones who started the violence was the reds here, even if scabbing isn't cool.

Though my thoughts change if we already made it illegal. Still vote for centrism but at least i'd support the anti scabbers XD.

The violence didn't start the first time, the Red Guards just blocked the scab workers from reaching the factories. The violence started the next day when said scabs were led by Minutemen.

At this stage I doubt the ability of the National Guard and even the military as a whole being honest, to be able to pursue any of the options that involve either moving between the Minutemen and Red Guard or trying to actively fight both of them and I am also inclined to favor the strikers given that they really have just been what they've been doing for 4 months already and that it is Ford and Long who have manufactured this current escalation of crisis.

[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
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[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to stop the Minutemen and scab workers and have the FBI arrest Ford
[X] Federalize the Michigan National Guard and order them to crush the Minutemen and Red Guards and have the FBI arrest Ford

Screw Scabs, and screw the Right to Work. Nuts to these anti-Union fat cats.