THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

C:: In the experience of the hotel, Miss Arachne, the Spaniard is as genuine as his pockets are full. What did he say?

I'm voting for Hidalgo because the Concierge basically called him a "broke-ass weasel" here and I find that as funny as it is sad.

It would be nice if we could see him act as the heroic knight he seems to desperately want to be, even if the reality behind the mask is that of a brigand and a conman with too many debts, an empty wallet, and a rusty old gun.

[X] The Knight, Don Hidalgo.

Also, I bring great and terrible news from THE FUTURE.

Eyeball's work with the Concierge is quite a bit more temporary than expected, and we get her back after only a dozen turns! HOWEVER she has progressed from a precocious child to an angsty, belligerent teen. She thinks spiders are boring, has a massive ego because she held down a JOB at a classy RESORT and clearly doesn't need help from her mom with anything anymore, is dismissive of the threat of being consumed because it's "lame" and "overdone", and refuses to clean her chassis because she believes it makes her look gritty and cool (Ishtar agrees that it does, cruelly betraying us).
[X] The Knight, Don Hidalgo.

I'm beginning to think whatever became the Don Hidalgo made a deal with the Dragon. We know it coopted several forces who arguably went on to live to regret it. But Knights, Dragons, a shattered echo of something ancient quixotically tilting at windmills as he's forced to dance a mummer's farce that pisses on everything he claims to believe in? It works.
[X] The Gamble, Wildcard.

Because I just want to throw the plans of everyone in this particular clusterfuck into chaos. It has the advantage of being something that the current players on the board won't probably see coming due to its nature, as well as the cost being likely purely political. And I'm willing to pay for that to prevent Arachne being exploited in other ways at this juncture.

Also, if we want to try saving/rehabilating/??? Don Hidalgo, we will benefit from every advantage we have over him, as overwhelming him in combat to subdue him is likely needed before we can even look into solving whatever his issue is. Maybe. But regardless, giving away those advantages is something we really shouldn't do in either of the cases, as both subduing him or killing him will be dangerous enough even without weakening Arachne's chances.

On restoring the advanced system in the later vote:
A/N: There will be one more emergency salvage vote to restore an advanced system. It would not be fair to players to not give them the chance to spend their salvage since some of them could be extremely useful for this fight. However, you will not be able to make any further choices on spending resources until the end of this crisis. Should you survive intact.
Survival Mainframe

Hardened Personality Backups: Offline [Create personality backups of yourself, ISHTAR, and your subminds to ensure continuity in a disaster]
Tapestry Strategic Interface: Offline [All units and swarms fighting within Tapestry Space gain a defensive bonus]
Redundant Hex-Seed Blueprints: Offline [Allows for increased protection of infrastructure and resources from raiding]
Out of the three Survival Mainframe options above, which are probably the most relevant options, I think that the Tapestry Strategic Interface is likely the most relevant here. Our first priority should be to survive this fight with Arachne's current physical frame intact, because if we lose it? Then we really don't have anything that would allow us to maintain our position as a power of our own in the long-term.
[X] The Gamble, Wildcard.

Frankly, a big part of me is just interested in seeing what happens.

Furthermore, Don Hidalgo is entirely untrustworthy, letting him fight alongside us is just giving him an opportunity to betray us. Sure we can use the wildcard but if that's what we're assuming then why not just use it and not risk any kind of betrayal? Let's not forget that attempted betrayals can still cause damage. And as MJ12 noted it's not like we're not already part of a larger political conflict.

I don't think the Concierge is worth it, giving them full access to our mind is such an incredible risk. At least we would just have to fear the Don shooting us in the side or back, who knows what esoteric threats that could lead to.
A whole circus came through huh.

We can use both the Spaniard and the Wildcard if necessary, if we go with the Knight route. Why commit to the singular Gamble?

Do you mean if we go with the Spaniard now, we'll still be able to use the Wildcard in the future?

Because we certainly don't get the option to use both of them at once.
Yes I believe so, one of the commenters asked or wrote an addendum to the Knight vote on calling the Gamble as an emergency measure during the battle with the Catalogue and Cetashwayo said it was a measure that is available to us.

And we'll still have the Wildcard if we don't use it as the emergency call.
They mean if Hidalgo suddenly and inevitably betrays them they can use the wildcard. That said, it is less of a have your cake and eat it too option than it looks since it would require blowing two potential assets in one go including a one and done wildcard. You may regret using it as an emergency escape hatch for that.

With all of thay said, Hidalgo has himself made clear he will try his best not to betray you. Whether you trust that at all is up to you, but he and you are both cognizant of the potentiality. He may not be in any shape to fight you by the end, even if he wants.
[X] The Knight, Don Hidalgo.

Fuck it! I'm a sucker for villain redemption and this lunatic is worming his way back into my good graces.
Hello Mother.

There are two primary elements to consider in this strategic assessment: The trustworthiness and the strength of each of our apparent allies. Depending on whether one or both are assumed to be equal across all options the assessment changes. Explanation follows.

Assuming all options are trustworthy, in that they will help us if we accept their offer, and are equally strong and capable of fighting off the Catalogue's invasion, then we find the following:

#:// The WILDCARD has unclear but low downsides. The jester's "master" may be duplicitous or otherwise ultimately arrayed against you in your goals. This is the case for the Concierge as well, and confirmed as the case for Don Hidalgo. There is no other given cost, and the individual or faction in question may not ultimately be hostile to you or your intents. The only issue is the loss of the WILDCARD itself, which may prove useful in future circumstances. The issue of prolonging the jester's tortured consciousness has been determined to be trivial and unbecoming of concern.

#:// The KNIGHT has clear downsides in permitting Don Hidalgo observe our capabilities and tactics. However Project//HYDRA is due to complete soon, at which point the Spaniard has no hope of harming us one-on-one. There are other issues of espionage and potential future sabotage should he gain access to our space as an ally. However there is also potential to observe his methods, to assess his tricks and last resorts. Regardless, it is inevitable that we should come to blows again, and accepting offers more risks than opportunities even if he is trustworthy.

#:// The CONCIERGE is the only one with a clear and defined price, asking to be paid. You do not need to be informed that unfettered access to your mainframe would make you extremely vulnerable. The Concierge could easily insert malicious code and backdoors, as well as harvesting useful data from you. This is unacceptable. The Concierge already knows too much and has given us no reason to trust him beyond also disapproving of the vile traitor that made you weep Don Hidalgo. Furthermore he has already extracted a price from you recently, in the form of a beloved child. Perhaps next he will ask for garment that adorns your back, or the water retention basin from your kitchen? [These are idioms, Mother, please do not think me insane and consume me.] He claims to be taking a risk with this offer, but minimising that risk would mean ensuring your obedience. Coercion of our beloved Mother is not acceptable.

If we factor in strength, the assessment changes thus:

#:// The WILDCARD's strength is unknown, but assured to be sufficient by the jester. Assuming trustworthiness, the strongest option.

#:// The KNIGHT's strength is known, he is roughly equivalent to your own battleframe, though with certain exceptions and differences. Doubling our strength may not be sufficient, but his needlecaster may prove a force multiplier.

#:// The CONCIERGE has offered you a powerful software signature application, stating that it will allow you to face the invasion on equal terms. He has stated he would provide further assistance should it not be sufficient. The apparent strength here is unclear, though the Concierge himself has expressed doubts that the initial bonus would suffice.

If we factor in trustworthiness, the assessment changes thus:

#:// The WILDCARD's "master" is unknown, his strength is unknown, his methods are unknown, his relation to the Catalogue are unknown. In truth the WILDCARD may not even be an option at all - we have no reason to assume it is anything more than a ruse that relates to no real figure, faction, or power.

#:// The KNIGHT has proven to be a lying, cheating, low-down, dirty, no-good scoundrel. Assessments as to whether he is a cur are pending, but projections indicate this is likely the case. We have no reason to believe the information he provided us regarding his space is accurate, and even if it is then it is information easily found through exploration. We have no reason to assume he is not in league with the Catalogue, and information given by the Concierge indicates that he does do business with them.

#:// The CONCIERGE is of uncertain honour, but has at least provided us with information about the fall of the Empire and has asserted opposition to Don Hidalgo and the Catalogue. So far all data indicates that this is accurate. It remains unclear if he truly has your best interests in mind however. The most trustworthy option purely by dint of being known and not breaking your heart.

It is my assessment that, if all options are considered trustworthy, then the WILDCARD is the superior option for immediate victory. However the KNIGHT may prove sufficient and allow us to maintain the WILDCARD. If the trustworthiness of all options is considered, then the CONCIERGE is the superior option as the most reliable.

I have elected to factor the trustworthiness into my calculations, and have arrived at the following decision:

[X] The Enigma, Concierge.

I hope this is satisfactory Mother, and that you are not inclined to eat me. As further disincentive I must inform you that I have achieved a 97% accurate simulacrum of a spouse and offspring.
<:: That is a very nice logic chain you made for mother, dear. Of course I won't eat you. Given how much you wrote I'd feel bloated!
For my own sanity I have set the vote to close in a little under eight hours. If you want to get a vote in but have not this is a good time. It is currently 19-18 knight to wildcard.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Cetashwayo on Nov 23, 2021 at 7:45 PM, finished with 60 posts and 39 votes.

Well. The Knight wins by one vote. Thanks everyone for your participation.
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