Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

[X] Send in a Prowler with explosives able to detonate, away from the men, so they're safe, but close enough that it'll attract the spider, or some other suitable distraction.
-[X] Send in a speed team of Prowlers to recover the men. If we can't save them all, save the few higher ranking officers we can, and jettison out of the way.

Ugh...I can't exactly think of great write-in, and the choices we're presented with feel wrong either way...and I'm not sure the men would survive much longer here, even with supplies.
Worth noting, spider is friendly.
The men heed your words, even as you abruptly take note that one of them that was beside you on the other side of the pole no longer was.
Perhaps a sign that the teleporter is only partly functional?
Their only operational Prowler is standing a short distance ahead, scanning the darkness around them and taking occasional potshots, while one other lies embedded into the wall some thirty meters up, the last completely absent.
I take it the absent one is the one that stumbled out of the darkness and whose memory core we left a squad to extract.
The gunfire behind you suddenly slacks for a moment before restarting a bit quieter, a small blip in your ear alerting you to the fact that two squads life support signals are no longer connected to the net.
Wait. Is this saying that the remnants of the rest of first squad we came to save just lost two units (squads? is that correct?), or that we just lose two squads/units at the back of our rescue unit?

One is a lot more concerning than the other.
I take it the absent one is the one that stumbled out of the darkness and whose memory core we left a squad to extract.

Wait. Is this saying that the remnants of the rest of first squad we came to save just lost two units (squads? is that correct?), or that we just lose two squads/units at the back of our rescue unit?
First Squad has 8 Echelons, 5 men each with a Prowler. So each half has 20 soldiers and 4 Prowlers.

I'll edit it for clarity, but the squads that went missing are from the rescue unit.
[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.
[X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
-[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.
and it's incredibly explosive properties under compression
Was catching up/reading through the quest from the beginning when I noticed this bit. Could that perhaps be what's causing the explosions the rescue squad is seeing?

Else it would be the Spider Drone, but I can't help but wonder that if it's the former we might actually be able to devise a plan to save all (or most) of First Squad.
First Squad has 8 Echelons, 5 men each with a Prowler. So each half has 20 soldiers and 4 Prowlers.

I'll edit it for clarity, but the squads that went missing are from the rescue unit.
Sorry, to be clear, are we talking the part of the rescue unit that's made contact with the other half of First Squad? Or the Holding force/the ones holding the exit?

Depending on the answer, not sure we'll have the time to load supplies/I'll change my vote accordingly.

Otherwise currently leaning towards sending them supplies as that seems a balance between risk/reward, with the potential to recover them and more info later on. As it is, though, they've been here over an hour and a half longer than us so if the commander says run while his and his soldiers lives are on the line, I'm inclined to think that he wouldn't say such were there any other option.
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I mean the whole point is it would cause an explosion large enough to distract, not particularly worried about the whole place going up since there have been smaller explosions repeatedly all over the place, so a chain reaction seems unlikely.
Reminder that our suits have a maximum CFR rating they can handle, and blowing up collapse fluid makes it excessively more radioactive.
Reminder that our suits have a maximum CFR rating they can handle, and blowing up collapse fluid makes it excessively more radioactive.
I'd rather have it detonated away from the men, and I described it as a safe distance from the men, but close enough to be a suitable distraction to whatever's about to utterly violate our lost group.

Though, blowing up collapse fluid doesn't exactely seem like the best idea, it's probably a very, very unorthodox move that may help.
But I'd rather it not come to that.
Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 27, 2021 at 4:55 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Pull back, the commander of First Squad has spoken.
    -[X] Load as much of your supplies onto some of the Prowlers as you can and send them over to First Squad.
    [X] Send in a Prowler with explosives able to detonate, away from the men, so they're safe, but close enough that it'll attract the enemy, or some other suitable distraction.
    -[X] Send in a speed team of Prowlers to recover the men. If we can't save them all, save the few higher ranking officers we can, and jettison out of the way.

Vote Closed.
Rukia threw 7 100-faced dice. Total: 387
75 75 96 96 43 43 32 32 32 32 83 83 26 26
THht's a pretty good serious of rolls. 37 above average, which makes it quite simple for us to give our compatriots the supplies they need...if they don't get crushed under the rubble.

Unless they were for seperate vehicles.
Ohhh, okay. Well, good to know the Foundation's doing well.
(Edited: The foundation was not doing well.)
By the way, what material is the ground made of? I'm a little confused with where we're located as of now. Like, how it looks.
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Ohhh, okay. Well, good to know the Foundation's doing well.

By the way, what material is the ground made of? I'm a little confused with where we're located as of now. Like, how it looks.
It's metal. It's some kind of huge facility full of futuristic tech that's all broken down and dilapidated.
Q1 2026
Q1 2026

Humans Surviving: 4,173,631,984

Kipi Incident - notes for self

[Document created by NoteBot v32.2]

The returning units looked like they had been put through the wringer, which wasn't far from the truth. The holding force had the easiest job of maintaining the crossing point and relied heavily on their Prowlers to do so, casualties amongst their force were relatively light, three Prowlers lost along with eight soldiers. The advance force had taken similarly light casualties on the outward trek of their journey, but when they had divested themselves of a third of their remaining Prowers to carry supplies over to who they were supposed to be rescuing, things went far worse on the trip back.

Recordings clearly follow the large creature moving around the force in the dark, alternating between snatching up lesser IDC and darting in lightning quick to pull away several men at a time. Initially it had eaten them as it did with the lesser IDC, but the second time it did so it seemed to be investigating exactly what they were. After the unit arrived close enough to the holding force, it abstained from following them and returned in the direction of the wayward team.

This larger creature seemed to be uncannily intelligent, recognising that the Prowlers were programmed to target the closest "enemy" they could spot, thus it only struck in the brief moments that they were already occupied. The one time a Prowler locked and fired upon it does not appear to have caused any notable damage.

The creature itself does not seem to follow the vaguely humanoid body pattern that has been observed in IDC so far, five [six, one appears to be missing from damage] relatively thin legs ending in a single point allowing it smooth locomotion over the uneven terrain. The rest of the body appears alike some kind of large crab with two arms tipped with two spindly "fingers". Rather than a single shell, it seems to have articulated plates, upon which a geometric pattern that connects across plates can be seen.

ELID, Foundation Internal Memo

With the recent Collapse Fluid Radiation incident, we now know what those stolen soviet records were talking about when they were talking about ELID [Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease] syndrome. Within 24 hours of the exposed individual "dying", the contaminated body goes through radical physical changes and may [60%~] begin moving again. Examined ELID bodies confirm that total brain death has already occurred, yet the body continues to move and will attack any non-ELID that it detects.

It is not clear where ELID bodies are obtaining energy to move, as they do not seem to consume anything, it is theorised that they may be somehow accessing the small quantities of liquid Collapse Fluid that concentrates inside their bodies. It is unknown where the Collapse Fluid comes from.

ELID are capable of sustaining damage that would kill any human without much harm, while the organs do seem to serve some purpose, they are not strictly necessary for the ELID to continue functioning. Destruction of the brain is not fatal damage, recommendations are to aim for the torso to cause saturation damage. The exact point where enough damage has been accrued for the ELID to "die" is also not clear, but generally they do not try to play dead if they are aware of you, so if they stop moving they are either dead or incapacitated.

As a minor note, ELID are somewhat tougher than humans, rifle calibre rounds are unaffected, but pistol calibres have been recorded as failing to penetrate the skull and ribcage on multiple occasions. Once again, it is unknown what is causing this, but theories point to the presence of Collapse Fluid within the body.

Of the 600,000 [400,000 initial exposure, nearby refugee camp 200,000] infected, statistics indicate that around 360,000 have become ELID.

Public Reaction to ELID

[Document created by PublicRelationsBot v18.2]

Public reaction to the terrorist attack was very negative, but the exposure of ELID to the public has garnered a uncontrollable and extreme response. The knowledge that "death by radiation" is likely to result in their dead body getting back up again has lead to extreme upset amongst religious communities and intense public scrutiny of the shelter construction program. Thankfully, the full extent of preparation was able to be hidden from the public, but the sense of normality that the Union was relying on has been broken.

The Military has established containment of the area, but the significant expenditure of manpower and munitions has drawn funding away from the Foundation. Additionally, Europe wide disruptions have begun in many industries as suicides and societal unrest has sharply risen.

(-50 Public Confidence, -150 Resources)

"Too damaged?"

You shake your head, gently placing the mangled memory core recovered from the damaged Prowler. "There is nothing I can do, I might be able to retrieve some small sections of memory, but at most I might recover a few snapshots of video."

Mr Janssens lets out a long sigh. "Thank you for trying anyway Ma'am, I couldn't just let the chance pass without trying." You nod and wave him off, starting down at the -completely beyond saving- memory core laid across your desk, thoughts whirling.

Backup. You look over at the small monitor sitting in the corner of your room, slowly tracking the progress of Elisa as she learns. Neural Clouds need to have some kind of backup system.

Interdimensional Creature Autopsies - Specimen A

ID: Specimen A
Height: 312cm [3.12m]
Weight: 213kg
Cause of Death: Uncertain, damage too excessive to determine exactly. Torso has been destroyed completely by .50 calibre fire.

Examination of Weaknesses: 23 5.56mm rounds struck the extremities, torso and head. Strikes to extremities entered the body and begun tumbling, causing damage beyond expected in human flesh, likely caused by the flesh being tough enough to prevent the bullet from cleanly exiting the body. Strike to head incapable of breaching skull with single impact, but multiple impacts are capable of breaching skull and ricocheting inside skull, causing extreme damage to brain. Skull is not thicker than expected, but bone is unnaturally tough, close examination of structure does not provide an explanation.

Strikes to torso have minimal effect, subdermal plates of tough cartilage capable of halting standard 5.56mm rifle fire. Construction of subdermal plates seem to violate physics, as they provide substantially more protection than their size and thickness indicates they should be capable of.

.50 Calibre weaponry provides unexpectedly good effect against flesh. Strikes to extremities may pass through, but strikes to torso or skull encounter sufficient resistance to begin tumbling and inflict severe internal damage. Skull incapable of preventing .50 Calibre strike from entering, but has a 40%~ chance of preventing it from exiting the skull. Subdermal torso plates incapable of preventing torso penetration, but if a round strikes a rib after penetration, it may [70%~] prevent penetration for the destruction of the rib.

Resources: 750 + 200
Political Support: 60
Public Confidence: 20/100
Free Dice: 2/2

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 29 [+18 (+8)]
Sealed Agriculture: 29 [+18 (+8)]
Decontaminated Water: 12 [+12 (+8)]
Sealed Power: 29 [+18 (+8)]
Sealed Industry: 12 [+12 (+7)]
Radiation Suits: 32 [+21 (+8)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Sufficient (0)
Food: Sufficient (0)
Water: Sufficient (0)
Power: Immense Deficit (-56)
Labour: Small Deficit (-2)

Future Foundation Military Status
Operations Dice: 1/1
Logistics: Small Deficit (-15)
Fuel: Substantial Deficit (-30)
Ammunition: Substantial Deficit (-35)
Maintenance: Large Deficit (-20)
Repair Capacity: Small Deficit (-2)

All Future Foundation supply needs are currently covered by the EU

Infrastructure (4 Dice)

[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1)
Small extensions to the central facility can be made to expand capacity, used to supply the staff and soldiers of the Foundation.
(0/75: 15 Resources per Die +3 Housing +3 Food +3 Water -3 Power)

[] Expand Barracks (Stage 1)
Expand the facilities used to house your military force, giving you additional housing capability. The barracks are capable of supporting a sealed environment to live in, but it is a rather grim affair for everyone involved.
(0/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics)

[] Military Warehouses (Stage 1)
The warehouse built into your facility was only ever intended to be minor storage for the prototyping work going on inside the main structure and various foodstuffs. It definitely was not meant to be crammed full of the incredible variety of equipment that modern soldiers need to perform their duties. Constructing a separate warehouse for military purposes would massively reduce the difficulty of storing and retrieving them.
(0/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour)

[] Supply Transport (Stage 1)
Getting the supplies from the warehouses to the soldiers in the field has been a problem plaguing logisticians for millennia. Thankfully, in the modern era it was as vastly simpler, as they could be transported by land, sea and air. Your needs are rather more limited though, a motor pool for a small fleet of trucks and lorries should greatly increase your ability to get supplies where you need them to.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die +8 Logistics -2 Maintenance -5 Fuel -2 Labour)

[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance -2 Labour)

[] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2)
The nice thing about robots is that if they get riddled with bullets, you can haul them back into the shop and simply replace the damaged parts without needing an entire new unit. This new facility is capable of repairing combat damage and bringing destroyed units back into operation.
(41/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Repair Capacity -3 Labour)

[] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1)
Fuel is expensive, time consuming and difficult to produce unless working on industrial scales. More importantly, after the collapse it will be very difficult to acquire said fuel for what you need it for. The simple answer is to electrify as many things currently using fuel as possible, power is much easier to come about.
(0/50: 15 Resources per Die +10 Fuel -10 Power)

[] Kipi Research Station
Establish a local research station that can directly study the site of the dimensional weakpoint that allowed your forces to cross over. The site is a combination of research labs and a heavily fortified outer layer, with emplaced turrets to deal with potential IDC attacks and general defence.
(0/50: 10 Resources per Die -5 Labour -2 Power) (Lowers cost of projects involving crossing or studying dimensions)

Industry (4 Dice)

[] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1)
In the future, the availability of resources and materials for running large power plants will be heavily limited, so establishing a policy of using Low-Upkeep power wherever possible is a good idea. This mostly comes in the form of solar panels wherever they can fit, interspersed with wind turbines.
(7/25: 5 Resources per Die +10 Power)

[] High-Capacity Power
Using the nuclear reactor that your own team had designed would allow for a very dense power source that can supply very large quantities of power 24/7. Due to it's small size it can even be located within your walls, though some of the design team do seems a bit twitchy about that prospect. Bah, everyone was going to be wearing radiation suits anyway.
(165/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour)

[] Skeletal-Frame Robot
Foreseeing the incoming labour shortages as a result of the collapse, a new model of worker can be created. The frame is humanoid, but is stripped down for maximum performance and production rate. It certainly doesn't look pretty, but it is capable of most of the tasks a human is and will work tirelessly. This model isn't particularly intelligent, generally just following the programming for the task it has been assigned to, and thus it works best in environments that can be prepared for them.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die)

[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1)
The Foundation was currently entirely reliant on the constantly diminishing ability of the Union to provide it with supplies. Either by taking control over or building our own, we need to ensure that the resources we need to continue running are ensured always.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die +25 Resources per Turn)

Services (4 Dice)

[] Automation Intensification
You have built the foundations of your tower, now it's time to climb to the heavens. Focus intensely on increasing efficiency per worker and cutting out the remaining jobs that can be performed by a machine.
-[] Infrastructure (Stage 2) (50/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Infrastructure Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Industry (Stage 2) (0/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Industry Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Services (Stage 2) (51/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Military (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Military Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Dimensional (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Dimensional Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)

[] Integrate AI Planning
AI are very capable of solving problems within a closed environment, this makes it difficult to have an AI plan to do things in the real world, as the problem space is far too large. Instead, utilise AI to solve the many little steps of a problem, using human intelligence to bridge the gaps between and form them into a greater whole.
[] (0/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)

[] Collaborate Military Takeover of Housing Lists
Now that the politicians have proven themselves completely incapable of restraining themselves, you have no choice but to turn to the military in making sure the housing list is actually viable. There is no doubt that they won't abuse it in their own way, but at least they will be sensible enough to retain the vital personnel needed.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die -10 Public Confidence -30 Political Support)

[] Reach Out
There is no doubt in your mind that Russia and the US know more about Collapse Fluid and were already prepared in some way for this to happen. It doesn't hurt to put out a few feelers to see what they are willing to share.
-[] US (26/50: 5 Resources per Die)
-[] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die)

[] I Spy
Ask our own spy agency about their contacts any any that might still be of use now. They must have something important buried down there. Maybe.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die)

Military (5 Dice)

[] Interdimensional Creature Visors
Maybe those nervous returnees are on to something with their camera trick. For whatever reason humans can't see or notice the creatures, but they show up on recordings just fine. You should be able to create some kind of visor that allows them to be seen, or use an AI to identify the creature and reproduce it on the visor in some human visible manner.
(15/50: 5 Resources per Die) (Very Important)

[] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 1)
Establishing local production of the ACR-10 ensures a slow but steady trickle of the robots into your forces, preventing the possibility of being unable to replenish lost supplies when the current factories cease production.
(0/50: 10 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +5 Logistics -2 Power)

[] Infantry Weapon Standardisation
At the moment your troops are using a random assortment of weapons, sourced from whatever military they came from before. This makes logistics needlessly complicated, trying to supply your units with three calibres and eight different sets of gun maintenance equipment. It's time to decide on a standard and stick to it.
(24/50: 5 Resources per Dice +5 Logistics)

[] Light Vehicle Acquisition
At the moment the Foundation is almost totally bereft of any light vehicles, much of the supply is currently being borrowed from various local military forces. Get in contact with the major suppliers and get a supply contract started.
(0/75: 10 Resources per Die -3 Logistics -2 Maintenance -5 Fuel -10 Ammunition)

[] Aircraft Acquisition
The Foundation is currently borrowing helicopters as transports from local military groups, establishing a small landing pad along with the maintenance facilities on-site would increase the reach of your forces significantly.
(35/100: 10 Resources per Die +5 Logistics +3 Maintenance)

[] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits
The Prowler has already proven it's worth dozens of times over during the Kipi Incident and while the soldiers have nothing but praise for it, they also have several observations about potential improvements that can be made to the machine.
(0/25: 5 Resources per Die -2 Logistics -1 Maintenance)

[] IDCS Network
Establish a loose network of facilities made for housing the new IDC sensors, allowing for notable concentrations of IDC to be detected from a large distance.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die -5 Power -2 Labour)

Operations (1 Dice)

[] Hunt Down IDC
Now that you have military forces, send them out to hunt down the IDC you know are roaming around Europe.
(0/1) (Low Confidence)

[] Take Deeper Readings
Using your new CFR detectors and radiation suits, you can send people deep inside the lethal zones to take significantly more detailed readings. Perhaps you could even try to devise some way to find concentrations of Collapse Fluid?
(0/1) (Low Confidence)

[] Assist ELID Purges
While the military is handling the bulk of maintaining containment of the immense number of ELID, now would be a good time to utilise your forces to gather combat data against this deadly consequence of Collapse Fluid Radiation.
(0/1 +15 Public Confidence) (High Confidence)

Dimensional (4 Dice)

[] Worldwalker
Your military advisor is a self professed, with extensive evidence proving, dimensional traveller. At the moment, you have no way to strike back at the IDC that cross into your dimension, you have plans to change that. Learn how it works from her and open up the gates to the multiverse, then invade them back.
(49/400: 5 Resources per Die)

[] IDDS Network
Using the new and highly experimental sensors, a multitude of small facilities can be built to establish a map of reality across the Union, allowing the Foundation to identify weak points in the fabric of reality whether they be old or newly forming.
(0/100: 20 Resources per Die -10 Power -4 Labour)

Personal (2 Dice)

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo
-[] Elisa

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Dice Type?

Thoughts on the mini arc? Did you enjoy it, or would you prefer I summarise incidents like this in the future?
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Thoughts on the mini arc? Did you enjoy it, or would you prefer I summarise incidents like this in the future?
Though I'm rather late to the party, I personally enjoyed it.

Loved the little details like the blinking blue light teleporter and the general aesthetic/description of the facility/other dimension.

I think my only criticism would be that from the Soldier's (Thomas') POV, he was incredibly calm/dismissive/didn't really seem all that alarmed about squads in his backline just disappearing without warning.

But other than that I also enjoyed the glimpses into Persica/Sorawo's interactions/relationship.
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The creature itself does not seem to follow the vaguely humanoid body pattern that has been observed in IDC so far, five [six, one appears to be missing from damage] relatively thin legs ending in a single point allowing it smooth locomotion over the uneven terrain. The rest of the body appears alike some kind of large crab with two arms tipped with two spindly "fingers". Rather than a single shell, it seems to have articulated plates, upon which a geometric pattern that connects across plates can be seen.
What in God's name is this creature? It's horrendous, to say the least. Though, we know it's not invulnerable or unbeatable, as displayed by it's missing leg. The worst thing is it's adaptiveness, and it's strangely intelligent mind. Although even if it's clever, it still seems subject to the regular hungerings of IDCs. The fact that it ate without bothering to look the first time makes me wonder if we can make some sort of suicide dummy, strap explosives and grenades in it, and remotely detonate it. Perhas the government could provide condemned criminals and their ilk, so that we'd be able to do so? I'd rather use a robot, but I'm pretty sure IDCs can sense what's alive and what's not.

(-50 Public Confidence, -150 Resources)
In other news...the foundation is blamed for something out of their control, which they did not know of until recently, and that they haven't had the time to find a countermeasure for. Of course the public wants to de-fund us. It's not like we're quite literally their only hope, and the only organization standing in between the way of them and imminent death of unknowkn threats. But boo-hoo my grandma's a zombie and now she wants to bite my mother's leg off, and it's all your fault because f**k the government. Ugh, I almost can't fault the politicians.

Well, at least we know the .50 is effective against them, though I'd love to know where the armored cartiledge comes from...I wonder if we could harness the weird radiation goop to be useful. I'm thinking...super soldier project. But of course, that'd probably never happen. Fight fire with fire they say, but I doubt that'd work in this case. Well, guess it's time to try my hand at writing a plan.

(Edited: @Rukia and yes, ma'am, the arc was nice. Provided fun entertainment outside planning, and really showed us the capabilities of the Foundations current weapons.)
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Zombies. As if we didn't have enough problems.

Thoughts on the mini arc? Did you enjoy it, or would you prefer I summarise incidents like this in the future?
It was nice. There needs to be at least some narrative scenes to make the 'numbers go up' aspect meaningful.

A lot of this turn will be finishing projects.

[] Collaborate Military Takeover of Housing Lists
Messy as it will be we need to do this.

[] Infantry Weapon Standardisation
Given we just learned our infantry weapons are borderline useless it is strange this option hasn't changed.