Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

so I was looking at the latest world map, and saw some interesting things. First of all, these two splotches:
The one in the US being obviously the thing that just happened with some galaxy brain deciding to kill a big chunk of Virginia and North Carolina. And then, after some more looking, it turned out there were more, barely visible specks. I have zero desire to fuck up my eyes hunting them down, so I employed that vaunted tool of MS Paint's paint-bucket feature. This had... interesting results.
as a bonus, apparently there were very light grey national borders! so now we get to see not only where the mild contamination is, but who's problem it is!

So: lessons learned: russia has, at some point, had a major spill of Doom Juice somewhat comparable in size to what apparently just happened in the US. Also, to exactly nobody familiar with cold war nuclear safety's surprise, there's a shitload of minor spills all across the US and the former soviet union. There's native reservations with like three times the cancer rate of the nation due to the US' old covered-up nuclear waste spills, and in a timeline where those nuclear waste spills were Collapse Fluid I have to imagine a lot of poor rural natives got killed and turned into zombies over the years. What I'm really surprised by is that the pacific looks mostly fine despite being Nuclear Testing Central and you know they set off collapse fluid-boosted nukes in some of those tests, as well as new mexico and nevada being as lightly fucked as they are for mostly the same reasons.
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dammm the world in a rough spot right now and I am honestly shocked that we aren't seeing a tidal wave of refugees though it may be the eu has decided to have a kill anyone trying to enter
dammm the world in a rough spot right now and I am honestly shocked that we aren't seeing a tidal wave of refugees though it may be the eu has decided to have a kill anyone trying to enter
I mean, I could see it given recent foreign policy regarding immigration under a lot less severe circumstances. On the other hand, note that a lot of the white spots on my edited map are me not giving enough of a shit to paintbucket every tiny island on the globe. It's pretty much only the former soviet union and the US that have splotchy contamination going on (aside from the big asia-shaped doomblob) that aren't doing so hot, and both cold war powers have pretty good information concealment practices to keep people from panicing. Also I'm pretty sure everyone in china and that area just died, so can't really be refugees.
Pssst, look further north.
it's pretty obvious in the edited map. It's just that we (in this case the NATO powers that had nukes) nuked the shit out of a lot of central pacific islands, so I'm a touch surprised they're not still spicy even thirty-five years after the cold war.
I mean, I could see it given recent foreign policy regarding immigration under a lot less severe circumstances. On the other hand, note that a lot of the white spots on my edited map are me not giving enough of a shit to paintbucket every tiny island on the globe. It's pretty much only the former soviet union and the US that have splotchy contamination going on (aside from the big asia-shaped doomblob) that aren't doing so hot, and both cold war powers have pretty good information concealment practices to keep people from panicing. Also I'm pretty sure everyone in china and that area just died, so can't really be refugees.

it's pretty obvious in the edited map. It's just that we (in this case the NATO powers that had nukes) nuked the shit out of a lot of central pacific islands, so I'm a touch surprised they're not still spicy even thirty-five years after the cold war.
I mean people are still gonna be fleeing in the path of it like india and southeast asia, like india has a billion people if even 100 million made it out that a massive crisis
Refugees would actually have some trouble getting around. The EU has Russia to the east, who are doing their own thing, and then a tiny land-bridge crossing over into Turkey... unless Russia ate them as well or something.

I suppose some might try to brave the Med to get across from Africa to the EU, but... uhh... most of the water is already poisoned I think? Also Africa is kind of fucking huge and has a big desert between its main body and its northern coast. Egyptians might make it I suppose.

... Speaking of water, does Collapse Fluid float or sink?

Our political backing is dropping like a rock though, might want to put a rush order on Dolls and Neural Nets for our own sake, nevermind needing to handle the dimensional horrors.

Anyway, we kinda either need to go full in on keeping the military and political sides happy or full in on flipping them off and doing our thing. Flip-flopping between the two is just gonna be a danger to us more than anything else. (IE, why aren't we shoving as many dice as we can into Dolls and Neural Nets?)

Kinda sad about the old quest, more sad I missed so much of this one though.
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Anyway, we kinda either need to go full in on keeping the military and political sides happy or full in on flipping them off and doing our thing. Flip-flopping between the two is just gonna be a danger to us more than anything else.
That's why I want us to do the VIP lists now instead of later, they're relatively simple and should rise that confidence back up.
That's why I want us to do the VIP lists now instead of later, they're relatively simple and should rise that confidence back up.
On the other hand we have espionage happening left, right, and center.

Its not even a matter of if, its a matter of how many weeks does it take to leak.

I would rather work on dolls, but I'll admit it buys us a hot minute I suppose.
So fun fact, I decided to do some napkin math based on stated data from GFL for the instigating event for all this Fun Stuff.

per the IOP wiki on the Beilan Island Incident, the island was located in Shanghai. When the island exploded, the tremors there of were felt all the way in Hong Kong.

The distance between Hong Kong and Shanghai is, according to google, 1,226 km.

Using this fun tool, we can input an earthquake magnitude and get an approximate radius of how far away from the epicenter you can feel it. It only converts one way, so we have to play around a bit to find the right distance, but that gives us a Magnitude of 7.3-7.4. I'm gonna use 7.4 because I feel it's more likely the city-based measurement undershot than overshot.

We then go here for another fun tool: this one lets us input earthquake magnitude, output equivalent explosion intensity. Putting in 7.4 magnitude, we get...

1.898490045 Mt (×106​t)

that is 1,898 Gigatons

For reference, the largest bomb ever detonated, the Tsar Bomba, has a yield of approximately 50-58 Megatons. 1 Gigaton is equivalent to 1,000 Megatons.

To quote a friend of mine who does Explosives Engineering:
Me said:
On a scale of one to apocalyptic
How bad would and explosion in excess of 1k gigatons be?
Trust me I'm an engineer said:
That's not dinosaur ending asteroid big but it's sufficiently large to effectively end life on earth

China wasn't destroyed by the rads or the zombies, it was destroyed by the 282 Km tall fireball.

And that's before we get into the fact that in this quest, due to the self-reinforcing nature of Collapse Fluid, Beilan Island was worse.

We aren't attempting to survive the apocalypse, we're attempting to survive three apocalypses in a trench coat.

Edit: it has come to my attention that I may have misread the notation on the TNT equivalent value, which would make everything after that completely wrong. This is very embarrassing and I'm going to pretend it didn't happen because it's not as cool as the hundred miles tall fireball.
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Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 17, 2021 at 1:15 PM, finished with 24 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Building Up
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Reach Out
    --[x] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
    [X] Plan: Passing the buck
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[X] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Die
    -[X] Sealed Personnel Transportation
    --[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    -[x] Transfer Resources
    -[X] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Die
    -[X] Simplify NMRS Production
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[X] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 die
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 1 die + 1 free die
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Military
    [x] Plan: No time to lose
    -[x] Transfer Resources
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 1 Free Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Housing (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Semi-AI Worker Drones - 2 Dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 Dice
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 Dice
    -[x] I Spy - 1 Dice
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 Dice
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
    [x] Plan: VIP Priority
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure

Vote Update.
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Just a note to mention that some unexpected tasks have come up and I won't be able to start the update for another few hours, so consider the voting re-opened for the next few hours.
Just as well, to be honest. I'm spitting mad at the moment. The winning plan does not take the Transfer Resources action. An action so impactful that I consider it actively harmful not to take it.

Let me illustrate for the thread. On the left is the ramp-up for Radiation Suits without said action, on the right is with.

Radiation Suits​
Radiation Suits​

This applies across all categories as well, so housing, food, and power get similarly powerful boosts, though I'll leave them off here for brevity. As you can see, this leads to an enormous difference in the number of people we can save, which will lead to big changes in how our power and economic base looks after the EU collapses. 275 units of Suits (difference between with and without) is enough to supply 2.75 million people with protection.

I hope you understand why I'm pissed off.

[X] Plan: Passing the buck
[X] Plan: Passing the buck

Abstained from voting previously due to not really wanting to figure shit out, but that is a big difference so may as well.
Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 17, 2021 at 4:16 PM, finished with 32 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Passing the buck
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[X] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Die
    -[X] Sealed Personnel Transportation
    --[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    -[x] Transfer Resources
    -[X] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Die
    -[X] Simplify NMRS Production
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[X] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 die
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 1 die + 1 free die
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Military
    [x] Plan: Building Up
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Reach Out
    --[x] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
    [x] Plan: VIP Priority
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure

Vote Closed in 20 minutes, though it seems pretty conclusive
Adhoc vote count started by Rukia on Sep 17, 2021 at 4:52 PM, finished with 34 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Passing the buck
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[X] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Die
    -[X] Sealed Personnel Transportation
    --[X] Pass off to more relevant group (Free)
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    -[x] Transfer Resources
    -[X] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 3 Die
    -[X] Simplify NMRS Production
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[X] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 die
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 1 die + 1 free die
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Military
    [x] Plan: Building Up
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Reach Out
    --[x] Russia (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure
    [x] Plan: VIP Priority
    -[x] Sealed Personnel Transportation - 2 Dice
    -[x] Water Decontamination Plants (Stage 2) - 1 Die
    -[x] Sealed Outposts - 2 Dice
    -[x] Establish Future Foundation Headquarters - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Logistical Transportation
    --[x] Lorries (0/100: 10 Resources per Die) (Stage 1) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Sealed Agriculture Facilities (Stage 2) - 4 dice
    -[x] AI Managed Automated Factories (Stage 1) - 1 Industry die + 1 Free Die
    -[x] Smart Management - 1 die
    -[x] Establish Massive Scale Evacuation Plans - 1 die
    -[x] Identify VIP For Housing Shortlist
    -[x] Establish Special Operations Barracks - 3 Dice
    -[x] Military Robotics - 1 die
    -[x] Armoured Exoskeleton Suits - 2 Dice
    -[x] Reality Sensors? - 4 Dice
    -[x] Personal Project - Personal Assistant - 1 Dice
    -[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Infrastructure

Vote Closed, actually closed this time.

Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Water Decontamination Plants Total: 91
91 91
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Future Foundation HQ Total: 89
86 86 3 3
Rukia threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: AI Managed Automated Factories Total: 188
40 40 97 97 51 51
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Smart Management Total: 77
77 77
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Massive Scale Evacuation Total: 73
73 73
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: VIP Housing Shortlist Total: 23
23 23
Rukia threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Special Operations Barracks Total: 161
50 50 87 87 24 24
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Military Robotics Total: 61
61 61
Rukia threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Armoured Exoskeleton Suits Total: 123
100 100 23 23
Rukia threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Reality Sensors? Total: 92
2 2 20 20 49 49 21 21
Rukia threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Personal Project Total: 81
81 81
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Passing the Buck doesn't have sealed outposts, but eh. Still worth it with the power of MATH speaking for it, just delays investigation into contaminated zones some.

Unless we skip past that and go straight to Dolls, which is probably the smarter option, but even in GFL canon they had humans on foot fighting Dolls and silicon-based murder abominations.

Humans: "Muh Pride!"

At least we're already looking at a lot of people being left out to die no matter what we do, so... self-solving problem?