One of the choices coming up will be the intended protagonist of the novel that the Earth half of the setting is pulled from which is something of a parody of bad NATO wanking technothrillers.

She will be almost comically overpowered and might seem like far and away the best option in the slots you can vote on her in, but exercise caution; she's an even better field commander than she is on the STAVKA and putting her on the STAVKA might be a waste of Amalia Weisskopf's prodigious talents.

As a fair warning for what is to come since I'm generous.
By the way, I understand what does "ISOT" mean, but how does it been decrypted?
She will be almost comically overpowered and might seem like far and away the best option in the slots you can vote on her in, but exercise caution; she's an even better field commander than she is on the STAVKA and putting her on the STAVKA might be a waste of Amalia Weisskopf's prodigious talents.

As a fair warning for what is to come since I'm generous.

I'm actually glad Verano didn't win, even tho I had voted for him, because this info made me review abt how he's better as a field operative. Hopefully he has sufficiently less workload as deputy to do his thing
My apologies for this taking so long. Taking pauses in writing seems to make it harder for me to keep writing so from now on I'm just going to write updates as soon as I get the time and the muse rather than following a regular break schedule.
Scheduled vote count started by Mental Omega on Nov 10, 2020 at 5:42 PM, finished with 71 posts and 28 votes.
STAVKA elections part 1
In the interest of making this as fast as possible, I'm going to post this in three parts and have only a day long voting period for each.

Generalissimus of Otmetsozob - Your supreme military commander.

[] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf - The greatest military mind to have perhaps ever been born, Amalia is Germany's most treasured martial daughter; young but her overwhelming success in simulation command, charming personality, steely grit, and flawless record in field service has fast-tracked her through promotions and STAVKA elections. As a commander she is virtually without flaw, as an organizer her work is impeccable, and as a morale officer, her efforts are indispensable. If there is any weakness to her, it is that she greatly prefers field command and would ideally prefer to remain in a corps-level capacity where she can retain tactical level command where she feels most at home. However her utterly astounding talents have made her feel as though not at least offering to serve in a higher capacity would be squandering her abilities. Her victories in skirmishes around the world range from the heroic, such as repelling an attempted Brazilian incursion into the Platine over a border incident with less than a hundred casualties to her side; to the outright ludicrous where with a single division under her command she routed the entire American Third Tank Army in an attempted invasion of Nicaragua. She has never lost so much as a chess game in her entire life and seems to be supernaturally lucky as well as impossibly talented.
  • +: Tyr Incarnate: Amalia is only a few years into adulthood and yet the platinum blonde is the single most feared military commander in the entirety of the ULAPAC. As Generalissimus she would provide a +50 bonus to all military dice rolled and all military actions and your total military dice are doubled for free (applying at the end of counting all bonuses). She is a universally respected rising star and generates 15 favour points per turn with all aspects of society (and an extra +10 with the ULAPAC and Germany) and her election would also provide a general +25 diplomacy bonus. She also offers a general +25 espionage bonus. Morale amongst the military is tripled as well and she generates ten free military dice.
  • +: I do not know failure: Amalia never suffers critical failure (not subject to modifiers) and can always reroll military dice twice and take the best of the three. Her critical success range is 90-100 (cannot be lowered below 90) and can roll to confirm for either a standard critical or a super critical with even greater effect should she get another critical. Enemies fighting her cannot make critical successes unless their critical success range is 89 or better and roll critical failures on 10 or lower per dice (subject to modifiers) and can roll a super critical failure. She is also immune to assassination and kidnapping attempts. She accumulates stress at a quarter rate and halves the rate at which the rest of the STAVKA accrues stress, and allows for rerolls against stress or to remove stress.
  • +: Panzermeisterin: Amalia is the greatest commander of armoured and mechanised military assets the world has ever seen, armoured and mechanised assets count for triple military power under her. This bonus also applies to power armoured infantry and mecha units. Such units also have their morale further increased to quadruple morale points under her.
  • +: The Red Zephyr: Amalia is an expert at moving around units at maximum pace without overstretching logistics, allowing for military assets to move at double speed without penalty and to advance at double the usual rate while also somehow managing to always be in supply.
  • +: Metamorphic Doctrine: Amalia adjusts her doctrine on the fly and adapts to new and strange enemies or tricks extremely quickly. Forces under her purview never suffer strange enemy, countered doctrine, or surprised penalties and will always use the best available counter-doctrine either on the offensive or defensive. Finally, she reduces the military points needed to develop a battleplan or to give special orders to a quarter, and doubles the effectiveness of plans. She also offers a general +25 Academic bonus.
  • +: Volksarmeebauer: Amalia triples the rate at which military assets accrue experience, including herself (quintuples for when they do training exercises), quadruples the rate of Doctrine Experience gain, and reduces the production point cost of military assets down to a quarter. She also offers a general +25 administration bonus and reduces the diplomacy cost to turn occupied territories into pacified and then integrated territories down to a quarter, and does not generate resentment upon taking or holding territories. She finally allows rolls to determine whether casualties are permanent or not to be rerolled twice in your favour for both yourself and the enemy.​
  • =: German: Amalia is German, though the bonus for that is already integrated into Tyr incarnate.​
  • -: More of a field commander: The only downside to using Amalia is that she's even better in lower capacities. If used for the Chief Marshal of the Army position all additive bonuses would be doubled and all multiplicative bonuses improved by one step (from double to triple etc). And that pales to what she could do as a Front Field Marshal, nevermind as a General.​

[] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov: An Old Man of the Red Army, the wisened bearded Marshal has proven his worth in a number of great victories in skirmishes between the GTO and ULAPAC, leading the Red Army to a glorious victory in the Gran Colombian War that saw American forces crushingly defeated at the battle of Bogota and forced to pull back to Brazil and accept the loss of the Gran Colombia region as fait accompli. A master of artillery and a true believer in the ability of firepower to overcome virtually all obstacles, Vladimir will expend any amount of munitions to protect his materiel assets, and any number of materiel assets to ensure the safety of his soldiers. This makes him very popular with the soldiers but also perhaps somewhat reluctant to commit to offensives that are likely to come with a high cost in life and leads to him often being willing to cede ground if it looks like the fight to protect it will be overly bloody. Being as old as he is also means he builds experience more slowly than most.
  • +: Marshal Rocket: Artillery Assets (including long-ranged naval assets and bombers) under Vladimir have their military power increased by fifty percent and accrue experience at double the rate (applied at the end of all other bonuses) and when artillery assets are committed, the enemy must reroll any successful casualty recovery rolls. His forces will also get their military power increased by fifty per cent (or increased to double for artillery assets) when engaged in siege actions whether as the defender or attacker.​
  • +: The Father of the Army: Military morale is increased by 50% if Zubarov is in command due to his great concern for the welfare and the health of his soldiers. Rolls to recover casualties and avoid permanent losses are rerolled under Zubarov. He also generates 15 favour points with the ULAPAC and 5 with the general populace, Germany, China and Comintern. He gains a general +15 bonus to his military dice. He generates three free additional military dice.​
  • +: Bane of the Capitalist: The GTO greatly fears Zubarov and his victories against them, when fighting against GTO forces or those with similar doctrines (such as NATO, the Alliance of Free States etc) he always rolls twice with a +25 bonus to his military dice and takes the best of the two, while they themselves have to roll twice and take the lowest.​
  • +: The decisive blow: Zubarov gains a critical success on a 95 or higher on his military dice and can super-critical if he rolls an 80 or above on the confirmation dice.​
  • +: Pest begone: Zubarov gives interception and air-defence assets 50% greater military power and doubles the effects of successful interference against incoming enemy aerial support.​
  • +: Special Connections: Zubarov halves the political points costs for WMD usage.​
  • =: Soviet Citizen: Zubarov gives 5 favour points with the USSR automatically per turn.​
  • -: Old Man: Zubarov accrues experience points that can be used to go down his skill trees at half the normal rate due to his advanced age and how set he is in his method of thinking.​
  • -: Casualty Averse: Zubarov will strongly discourage the usage of doctrines that may come with a high risk of casualties, thus halving the chance of utilising more aggressive doctrines in a combat action even when they re favourable, which can allow enemies to escape or prolong combat actions.​
  • -: Ruiner of cities: Zubarov's preference for bombardment substantially increases the chance that captured territory points will be damaged by the advance of your forces, requiring more effort to rebuild and restore to function.​
[] Cheng Ling: Famous for her time in the Socialist's Liberation Army Experimental Task Forces, Cheng Ling has a revered military record; including inflicting a crushing defeat upon Australian Forces in the liberation of Thailand and Myanmar in support of the Thai Red Army that virtually wiped out most of the Australian military and forced ANZAC to have to be rebuilt from the ground up and wiped out the JSDF in exile and caused the impeachment of the sitting American president at the time. As such she is someone with a formidable reputation as a Marshal of Victory as well as one of Amalia's teachers. Cheng Ling's capacity for massive shock offensives and deep penetration attacks is well known, as is her mastery of defence in depth. When she moves forward, it is as if flames of the great Asian Dragon are rolling forward like a tsunami. When she defends, it is like trying to breach a mountain range of iron scales. As the world prepared for what seemed to be an inevitable third world war; she was the frontrunner for the choice of having the honour of planning the invasion of the Continental United States.
  • +: Dragonstorm: On the offensive, Cheng Ling's attacks are like the wrath of a sea of flame as massive advances pierce into any discovered weak points and advance with a furious but measured tempo to make Tukhachevsky proud to seize centres of production, communication, and disrupt lines of supply, movement, and retreat until further combat is impossible. When on the attack; Cheng Ling allows for military power to be increased by 50%, inflicts a severe morale penalty on the defender, and inflicts a -30 penalty on enemy casualty recovery dice due to the collapse of communication while getting to reroll to check if overextended forces are out of supply. She also needs only half the usual military points in a contested area to deny the enemy usage of industrial or resource assets in that territory.
  • +: Forward, o brave children of the Red Army: Cheng Ling encourages pragmatic fearlessness in her soldiers that makes them willing to move with bold vigour even in the face of danger, doubling their morale and tripling it when on the attack or counter-offensive. Routing units will also be able to reroll reorganization attempts to get back into the fight. Army groups under her tutleage can also make a roll; on a 50 or higher they move at double speed and get a doubled advance that phase.
  • +: Dragon of Harbin: Cheng Ling grants a +20 general bonus to military dice and a +15 bonus to Administration and Espionage Dice. She also halves the military points costs of military plans. She also generates 10 favour points with the ULAPAC STAVKA automatically. She generates three free additional military dice.
  • +: The Iron Scales: Cheng Ling halves the production point costs of fortifications allowing them to be set up far more quickly and will increase the likelihood that defending units will be able to withdraw to other positions if they are overrun and thus continue to fight a battle of defence in depth.
  • +: Eyes of the Orient: Cheng Ling gives Special forces an additional +15 bonus to military or espionage dice as she relies on them heavily to find the best possible avenues of attack for her forces.
  • +: Mistress of the Experimental Task Forces: Cheng Ling gives Experimental or Esoterical forces a +15 bonus to their military dice rolls and reduces the production cost needed to create experimental or esoterical military assets by a quarter.
  • =: Chinese: Cheng Ling generates an additional 5 favour points with Zhonghua automatically.
  • -: GTO hate magnet: Cheng Ling's appointment would be viewed as a very aggressive move by the GTO and would significantly increase chances of war with them down the line and significantly heat up relations with them.
  • -: Not one for static warfare: Cheng Ling loses all the bonuses she offers when she is overseeing operations with a significant amount of siege or trench combat that sees little in the way of long term advances by either side.
  • -: High Strung: Cheng Ling is often frustrated by visible lacks of progress and will have to roll against stress if there are no advances, counter-attacks, or successful defenses being made in any sector while at war.
[] Bahir Karam: A highly decorated Egyptian military commander, Bahir Karam is well regarded for being a builder of armies and an amazing drillmaster who can forge a professional and disciplined force from even the most rudimentary materials and make use of them with expert skill and precision. He is also well known for his study of partisan tactics and warfare and will ensure that any land taken will forever be a problem for any attacker to hold, assuming they can take it in the first place given his ironclad defences and expert usage of planning and laying out of comprehensive lines of battle that even a sparrow would have issue finding an opening in. His expert management of command staff has also earned him high praise, with his ability to organise and settle down various larger than life personalities being virtually second to none.
  • +: Organizer in Chief: Bahir Karam allows for forces under his purview to accumulate experience at double the normal rate, reroll failed casualty recovery rolls, cuts the costs needed to produce more military assets by half, and doubles the rate at which doctrine points are gained. He generates three free additional military dice and grants a general +15 bonus to Military, Administration, and Diplomacy dice.
  • +: Always a Plan: Bahir Karam increases the likelihood that the doctrines your forces will use in a combat will be one that counters that the enemy uses by a very significant margin due to his extensive layers of contingencies. He also halves the amount of time needed to create a battleplan and receive its bonuses and doubles the effects of a good plan.
  • +: A gun behind every Dune: Territory lost to the enemy or where you spend an espionage action to set up a partisan or revolutionary movement in will have their partisan strength tripled, greatly increasing the number of forces needed to keep them suppressed as well as increasing the chances of the formation of Partisan military assets which will operate at increased power and organization. The Espionage points needed to establish partisan units is also halved.
  • +: Verdun has nothing on this: The trenchworks and fortifications, as well as the extremely intricate defensive plans and contingencies Bahir sets up, are the stuff of legend. On the defensive, all military assets have their military power doubled and the enemy rate of advance is halved due to the grinding nature of trying to breach through his defences. You can reroll your own casualty recovery dice, while the enemy will have to reroll successful casualty recover dice. Fortifications have their Production point cost cut down to half.
  • +: Team Manager: Bahir Karam has a +30 bonus to diplomacy checks within the STAVKA and with the Central Committee and can reroll failed rolls, allowing him to keep everyone's heads in order and smooth over various difficulties. He also generates five favour points with all parties automatically per turn.
  • +: The Well fed and the well supplied: Bahir Karam is a master of logistics and allows for advances to be made 50% faster, increases movement by 50% and increases morale by 50% and can reroll failed operations to supply units that are cut off or overstretched. Nobody will go without guns or butter in his army.
  • -: This was unforeseen: If Bahir does not have a plan for the occasion, he will lose most of his additive bonuses and as such is very poor at launching impromptu operations.
  • -: Mosssad Target: The Israeli intelligence agency has a high chance to start schemes to kill him every 3d3 turns, requiring espionage points to be put into keeping him safe.
  • -: The Unexpected: Bahir struggles with more esoterical enemies and will suffer a -25 penalty to military dice against highly unusual opponents until he finally wraps his head around them through investment into his skill tree.

Chief of the Military Political Officers

[] Velibor Šaponjić: A man of the Yugoslav military's political office, Velibor is experienced in keeping the ethnically divided Yugoslav military's head in the game and resolving the long history of division in the Federal Republic. Though a Serb himself, Velibor is a vigorous anti-racist and is extremely experienced at resolving divides of religion, culture, ethnicity, race, and his conflict management skills and morale work has been long praised in countless political and military circles. He is also great at making communists out of even the most thoroughly brainwashed of lumpenproles and famously managed to convince the last President of France to renounce his former Liberalism, denounce French chauvinism, and become an ardent defender of socialist analysis and anti-imperialist thought.
  • +: The peacemaker: Velibor gets a +25 bonus to diplomacy in general that doubles when it comes to resolving internal conflicts within the military or in dealing with internal divisions in member states of the alliance and in comintern aligned parties. Velibor also halves the necessary points needed to be invested into a region to pacify it and makes it substantially easier across the board to resolve existing disputes in occupied regions; allowing for their transition towards socialism to be much more painless.
  • +: I can convince you: Velibor never critically fails efforts to convince someone to change their politics and critically succeeds on a roll of 95 or higher (though this can't affect people who will never change under the circumstances), useful at turning prominent anti-communist leaders in an area into allies of the cause.
  • +: Strength in Diversity: Velibor removes the penalties for having a task force with units from too many different countries or from heavily divided countries, allowing for highly diverse task forces to operate as fluidly and efficiently as mononational ones even when they have no real history of alliance.
  • +: Ura!: Velibor allows all military units to reroll failed morale checks, halves the rate at which combat can negatively affect their morale, and doubles the rate of morale recovery while increasing base morale by 50%.
  • +: Honour in Warfare; Velibor allows for two rerolls for any discipline check; thus greatly reducing the chance of any excessively brutal actions by military forces and ensuring that everyone retains the highest standards expected of them by the International Armed Forces. Thus greatly reducing the chances of Resentment being built up or damaging territories.
  • +: Integration: Velibor halves the number of points needed to be sunk into a fully occupied country across the board (production for rebuilding, diplomatic for political transformation, administration for governmental transformation etc) to turn it into a fully-fledged member of the ULAPAC or to integrate other Socialist countries or alliance networks into the ULAPAC and eliminates the possibility of critical failure.
  • -: Everyone gets a second chance: Velibor is sometimes a bit naive and doesn't quite believe the locals and their talk of the impossibility of maintaining a conscience when corrupted by Druzh. He will require points to be sunk into trying to convert even the terminally Druzhically corrupted without a diplomacy check to convince him otherwise even though this is useless.
  • -: Even the Gods are part of the class struggle: Velibor will, upon learning of the magomorphs, seek to make it his mission to convince even the mightiest among them of the necessity of the revolution and develop class consciousness amongst the magic spheres. While this might gain allies, it can also sour relations with some pantheons if not handled carefully.
  • -: Inexperienced with Nonhumans: Velibor has never really given that much thought to working beings with radically nonhuman psychology and will lose most of his diplomatic bonuses to working with the radically inhuman until he invests at least one level point into fixing this.

[] Bhumika Bharadwaj: A bengali Commissar with a distinguished career in the Socialist Federative Republic of Bharat, Bhumika considers herself to be an expert when it comes to working with the levee en masse to marshal people into war and ensure that they serve with distinction in the people's army. Skilled at shaping the clay of disorganised recruits or raw conscripts into the fine pottery of an ironclaad army, Bhumika is a tireless and energetic worker and puts her all into her work. She is also extremely skilled at getting consistent results when one needs reliability rather than entrusting the swing of fate to potentially highly variable outcomes. This consistency she can also apply to the rest of the team, ensuring that when you need it, you'll be able to be sure of a certain result.
  • +: Consistency is Key. Bhumika allows for you to take 50 rather than rolling should you choose.
  • +: Rapid Training: Bhumika ensures that new military units are deployed with the first level of veterancy automatically, or the second level if you delay by another turn to ensure further training.
  • +: There are no cops in this Union: Bhumika halves the number of military points needed to be sunk into an occupied area to control it as she convinces the people to take care of managing themselves, she also grants three free dice for usage in occupations to transform them into functioning territory points.
  • +: Arise, ye wretched of the Earth!: Bhumika allows for the manpower budget to be stretched by 50% more to allow for a greater number of soldiers to be fielded onto the field.
  • +: Partisan Networks: Bhumika ensures that anyone taking your territory will not have a good time as the strength of partisan uprisings is doubled should she be elected, while also doubling the rate at which Partisan Networks will grow even without investment.
  • +: Army Builder: Bhumika halves the cost of building up a new member state's military to becoming a major contributor to the ULAPAC and gains 5 favour points per turn from all sectors of Comintern society.
  • -: Purely a Politician: Bhumika largely stays in her lane and her interest in military affairs only extends as far as war intersects with her political duties and as such, cannot assist military rolls without going down the military skill tree.
  • -: No class peace: Bhumika advocates against making particularly strong use of class traitors and will need a diplomacy check to agree with any event decisions that involve making use of those willing to sell out the ruling classes for the proletariat.
  • -: MI6 Target: The British intelligence agency has a high chance to start schemes to kill her every 3d3 turns, requiring espionage points to be put into keeping her safe.

[] Mthunzi Makinana: A veteran of many African Brushfire and revolutionary conflicts, Mtunzi is dedicated to the liberation of the world in a way that few others are. He has seen first hand the ravages of Imperialism and will stop at nothing to put an end to the scourge of Capitalist Imperialism. Few are more thorough in utterly crushing anti-communist activity or in getting the people to wave the red banner, and in getting people to fight for that cause. He has the scars to show his devotion to it, and none will ever doubt his bravery or devotion. He has survived so many assassination attempts that intelligence agencies around the world have ceased trying to kill him, believing that he simply cannot be killed and having lost too many skilled agents trying. He ensures that the military will be ready to serve its duties to the people, and no revolutionary government set up under his purview will need ever fear counter-revolutionary elements hidden within its ranks.
  • +: Warrior of the People: Mthunzi has fought in the African theatre of the cold war across every part of the mother continent. He offers a general +15 bonus to military, administration, and diplomacy checks to anything under his purview.​
  • +: No counter-revolutionary in hiding: Mthunzi quarters the cost and quadruples the effectiveness of counter-revolutionary suppression, making it very likely that you will eliminate counter-revolutionaries largely quickly and painlessly and remove the threat of insurgency activity against you, reactionary putsch in occupied territory, and making it far easier to pacify territory.​
  • +: Building a revolution: Mthunzi gains a +30 bonus to every dice roll relevant to establishing a new revolutionary government and in rooting out counter-revolutionaries.​
  • +: The liberating struggle: Mthunzi doubles the rate that revolutionary governments build up legitimacy and quarters the rate that resentment can accrue even from outside action.​
  • +: Defend your gains!: Mthunzi ensures that the revolution will be defended by the people, all lost territory will automatically have a variably strength series of partisan and stay-behind units who will ensure that every inch of ground gained comes with no end of suffering and pain for the enemy.​
  • +: The Red Ghost: All attempts at assassinating Mthunzi have failed despite hundreds of attempts and the GTO has by this point given up. Mthunzi is never vulnerable to assassinations or kidnappings and enemy agents attempting such against him have a heightened risk of dying.​
  • -: Feared by Racists: Countries with heavy racial divides are extremely paranoid about Mthunzi and he naturally generates a substantial diplomatic penalty to interacting with them should they be aware of the propaganda stirred against him.​
  • -: Multinational? More like International: Multinational corporate entities have come to be very afraid of Mthunzi due to his history of attacking their operations in particular and he will have a high likelihood of scaring them off if they're aware of how he usually deals with their assets and shareholders.​
  • -: L*ndlords: Mthunzi hates few kinds of people more than Landlords and Landlords will almost certainly join insurgency movements in occupied territories if he is made the Head of the Political Military Office; this includes Feudal aristocrats and similar stratums of people.​

[] Xuan Xiulan: Now standing for election to the chief of military commissars. The young woman comes from a primarily military background and though some have concerns about her representing a form of red bonapartism, she has the admiration of the soldiery and the respect of many in the civilian sphere as well. With her successful support of many revolutions in the African continent and her participation in the final liberation of Thailand in 2040, she has more than cut her teeth in the efforts to gradually strangle the GTO. While there are those who are favoured over her, should the new situation we find ourselves in prove to be one that will bring war to our shores, there are few that would prove to be more adept at dealing with the invader. Though of course, she would doubtlessly enrage the GTO by simply appearing in the headlines.

  • +: Experienced; Xiulan gets a +5 bonus to most checks and a +10 bonus when under significant stress or pressure due to her familiarity with the ins and outs of the operations of the ULAPAC unless they are situations in which she would take a penalty. She triples the rate at which military assets accumulate experience, and doubles the rate at which characters will gain experience.
  • +: A Soldier's Comrade; Xuan is adored by the soldiery for her acts of heroism and skilled command in many crises and skirmishes with the GTO. Xuan gives a +15 bonus to military actions that increases to +20 when engaging in aggressive actions and generates +5 ULAPAC influence points. Soldiers under her have doubled morale and military assets will also be twice as likely to regroup if they are routed; knowing that she will look out for them.
  • +: The Shadow Dragon; Xuan has a background in special forces and gains a +5 espionage bonus to actions involving covert operations that increases to +10 when it comes to spreading revolutions, she also gains a bonus to starting uprisings or sabotage within enemy territory of +25 and ensures that scouting actions are done properly, giving a moderate intelligence bonus.
  • +: Stress Immune; Xuan almost never accumulates stress points at all due to her tremendous aptitude at handling pressure and can thus be expected to do high-intensity work nearly constantly without issue.
  • +: Mikhail Frunze Reborn; Xuan is an expert at not merely defeating the enemy on the field of battle, but assisting the people living in the areas that see her soldiers going through them in establishing revolutionary governments. Gain three additional dice for establishing revolutionary governments in captured territory and halve the cost of them, she also speeds up advances and movement by 50%.
  • +: Shepherd of the Soldier: Xuan is an expert at keeping her soldiers from suffering casualties and doubles the chance that casualties will only be temporary and halves the results for determining casualties in your favour; greatly reducing the number of injured or dead to deal with at all.
  • =: Chinese Citizen; Xuan is a child of Zhonghua and as such her election increases Chinese influence on the Otmezosob by 5 and automatically generates five Chinese favour points per turn.
  • -: Absolutely hated by the GTO; Xuan's election to the position of Head of the Military Commissars would be taken as a declaration of intent by the GTO but in this position it would not be that much of a problem, merely being a minor boost to tension.
  • -: The Young Bonaparte; Many see Xuan as the military overstepping the boundaries of its influence in revolutionary society and whisper fears of her favouring overly aggressive solutions to most problems. Xuan generates -5 Comintern influence points per turn.
  • -: Aggressive; Xuan is indeed, someone who typically prefers to resort to force when faced with most dilemmas and takes a -5 diplomacy penalty when dealing with questions that don't revolve around the military.
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[x] Amalia Moltke Weisskopf

i think she's just too fucking useful to put on lower levels

[x] Xuan Xiulan

dunno she seems good to me
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob
[x]Bahir Karam
[x]Chen Ling
[x]Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov

Chief of the Military Political Officers
[x] Mthunzi Makinana
[x] Bhumika Bharadwaj
Plan Red Storm

[X] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
2nd place pick is [x]Bahir Karam

[X] Velibor Šaponjić
2md place pick is [X] Mthunzi Makinana

We can put Amalia in a lower position to command a really OP force for breakthroughs, and have Vladimir for the main front, wearing he enemy down. And Bahir's weaknesses can be overcome with good field commanders

As for political, who doesn't want to turn god communist? And the other guy is good for revolutions
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Supreme General
[X] Bahir Karam
[X] Chen Ling
[X] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov

Political Officer Chief
[X] Velibor Šaponjić
[X] Mthunzi Makinana
[X] Bhumika Bharadwaj

I think having the best organizer, talent scout and plan maker possible is important for the overall commander, and his weaknesses regarding not being able to react as quickly to unforseen situations will hopefully be mollified by having commanders like Amalia in the field who can make the on-the-spot decisions a front line commander is expected to deal with and can react more quickly, and having a solid overall strategy in place seems like it would be beneficial in that regard.

As for political chief, I like Velibor a great deal, but I'm wary of his drawbacks, Mthunzi is has a lot going for him despite his own somewhat bothersome drawbacks, on the whole this is a tough choice for me, and I could have gone with either one in the top spot, Mthunzi just barely wins out because I dislike his drawbacks less. As for Xuan Xiluan I hope she comes up in a later election or as a field commander, she has a lot going for her she's just not one of my top picks for this post.

Edit: On consideration, I think I do like Velibor more overall, his drawbacks are worse than Mthunzi's but unlike Mthunzi's, they can be corrected. Mthunzi is still a solid second pick and I think he'd work well in tandem with Shinzo.
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Generalissimus of Otmetsozob

[1st] - Bahir Karam
[2nd] - Cheng Ling
[3rd] - Amalia Moltke Weisskopf

Chief of the Military Political Officers

[1st] - Velibor Šaponjić
[2nd] - Xuan Xiulan
[3rd] - Mthunzi Makinana
Last edited:
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob
[1] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[2] Bahir Karam
[3] Cheng Ling
Chief of the Military Political Officers
[1] Mthunzi Makinana
[2] Velibor Šaponjić
[3] Bhumika Bharadwaj
Supreme General
[X] Bahir Karam
[X] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[X] Chen Ling

Political Officer Chief
[X] Velibor Šaponjić
[X] Mthunzi Makinana
This is basically how Zubarov approaches siege situations against extremely strong positions. Except missing the aerial bombardment, missiles, SPGs, Mortars, superheavy pieces, and rockets he'd also be using.

Soviet Colonel: Tovarisch, do you see that Conclave line?
Artillery Captain: Da, Comrade Colonel.
Colonel: I don't want to.
Captain: Understood, Comrade.
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Generalissimus of Otmetsozob
[1st] Bahir Karam
[2nd] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3rd] Cheng Ling

Karam's logistics bonuses are choncc and I feel his weaknesses can be compensated by field commanders. Also his sweet STAVKA-CC diplo bonus is appropriate for someone in a sort-of CoS role. Zubarov is my 2nd choice because of his preference for filling the enemy's world with a storm of firepower while sparing as much soldiers as possible from the fray. Cheng wouldn't have made it in if I didn't want to reserve Amalia for either Chief of Army or Front Field Marshal roles...oof I kinda feel bad for that thought.

Chief of the Military Political Officers
[1st] Xuan Xiulan
[2nd] Velibor Šaponjić
[3rd] Mthunzi Makinana

Xuan's looks to cover the bases for what the position needs. Also, Mikhail Frunze Reborn? She's instantly must get. Velibor's vision of divine communist revolutionaries is rad as hell, although it could def cause Problems with some pantheons, but that only slightly edged him out from Mthunzi whose weaknesses aren't rly affecting much since those kinds of recipients are already the most likely to be hostile to what the ITTL communist bloc would apply as policy. Bhumika isn't even truly in it for military matters and the reservations she has means I'll pass on her for this position.
Generalissimus of Otmetsozob
[1st] Bahir Karam
[2nd] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3rd] Cheng Ling
See Regency's post above. The reasoning for our choices here are pretty much identical.

Chief of the Military Political Officers
[1st] Xuan Xiulan
[2nd] Velibor Šaponjić
[3rd] Mthunzi Makinana
Xuan has pretty good upside and the least downside. We probably don't want to harm our economy by scaring off corporations and those who own land in fantasy settings tend to be heavily involved in protecting it, not accepting class traitors will make spreading Communism much more difficult, and I would prefer not to have to waste points on lost causes or anger deities.
Xuan has pretty good upside and the least downside. We probably don't want to harm our economy by scaring off corporations and those who own land in fantasy settings tend to be heavily involved in protecting it, not accepting class traitors will make spreading Communism much more difficult, and I would prefer not to have to waste points on lost causes or anger deities.
What corporations? Were communist, we don't have any
Generalissimus of Otmesozob
[1] Cheng Ling
[2] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3] Bahir Karam

Chief of Military Political Officers
[1] Mthunzi Makinana
[2] Velibor Šaponjić
[3] Bhumika Bharadwaj
Supreme Commanders:
1. [x] Bahir Karam
2. [x] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
3. [x] Cheng Ling

Political Officer Chief:
1. [x] Xuan Xiulan
2. [x] Mthunzi Makinana
3. [x] Velibor Šaponjić
Xuan would be better in a different position then political officer. Either the revolution person or the "turn the gods communist" person would be a better pick
Supreme Commanders:
1. [x] Bahir Karam
2. [x] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
3. [x] Cheng Ling
Chief of the Military Political Officers
[1st] - Velibor Šaponjić
[2nd] - Xuan Xiulan
[3rd] - Mthunzi Makinana
Generalissimus of Otmesozob
[1st] Bahir Karam
[2nd] Vladimir Andreyevich Zubarov
[3rd] Cheng Ling

Chief of Military Political Officers
[1st] - Velibor Šaponjić
[2nd] - Mthunzi Makinana
[3rd] - Xuan Xiulan