A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

@Ebanu8 this one didn't get updated the horses weren't added and the leftover iron/steel weapons are gone. We would take them as with the new equipment and furnaces and blacksmiths we build they would be upgrading their weapons and getting rid of their old stuff. Which we could take then put through the new Furnace we found to make better steel. Also wouldn't seeds and local animals for ranching or production also be available from them? Things like Nugs, Sheep, Rams, pigs, goats, plants, and saplings for new trees.
Waystations (Cost: 3 points each.
@Ebanu8 this one didn't get updated the horses weren't added and the leftover iron/steel weapons are gone. We would take them as with the new equipment and furnaces and blacksmiths we build they would be upgrading their weapons and getting rid of their old stuff. Which we could take then put through the new Furnace we found to make better steel. Also wouldn't seeds and local animals for ranching or production also be available from them? Things like Nugs, Sheep, Rams, pigs, goats, plants, and saplings for new trees.
Edited in the missing info and added back the leftover weapons on your suggestion. And taking into account your other words, my reasoning is that when you build farms and ranches, you're giving them the seeds, produce and cattle needed to jumpstart their agriculture. Furthermore, with the forestry camps being built, you're also sending them saplings for new trees. Hope this explains stuff.
Edited in the missing info and added back the leftover weapons on your suggestion. And taking into account your other words, my reasoning is that when you build farms and ranches, you're giving them the seeds, produce and cattle needed to jumpstart their agriculture. Furthermore, with the forestry camps being built, you're also sending them saplings for new trees. Hope this explains stuff.
I actually meant the opposite them giving use new things. They may be small but stormmeadow at least is doing well and already has farming set up so they should have plants and animals for our own use. we don't have every type of tree, crop, animal, or herbs/reagents in the kingdom so talking to our allies is how we would get more and it allows the materials to spread to all of the involved parties. It would only be able to be done once though since after that we wouldn't get anything new out of them.

Well-bred Horses x10 (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit)
also the horses are from stormeadow the place known for it farming and horses. Our horses aren't anything special. that is why stormmeadow has the horse farms being added to increase the supply of good warhorse, riding horses, pack horses, etc.
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I actually meant the opposite them giving use new things. They may be small but stormmeadow at least is doing well and already has farming set up so they should have plants and animals for our own use. we don't have every type of tree, crop, animal, or herbs/reagents in the kingdom so talking to our allies is how we would get more and it allows the materials to spread to all of the involved parties. It would only be able to be done once though since after that we wouldn't get anything new out of them.
In that case, give me a bit of time to work things out. Will tell you again when I've updated the list of things to buy.
In that case, give me a bit of time to work things out. Will tell you again when I've updated the list of things to buy.
Well-bred Horses x10 (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit)
also the horses are from stormeadow the place known for it farming and horses. Our horses aren't anything special. that is why stormmeadow has the horse farms being added to increase the supply of good warhorse, riding horses, pack horses, etc
You all might want to see about making your own plan because i am spending a lot of money on these people as in nearly 100 gold.
Truth be told, I don't think we'll have to worry about money for a good long while.
We are spending close to a hundred here. We have to invest nearly as much into the Islands. We have a major hold that needs to be built in a mountain that might eventually become a new Great Thaig at least another large amount. We need to start the underground complexes for the undercity/farms and piping costs quite a bit. We have to expand the military again and the next big boost is mostly Dwarves with Rangers, mounted units to fill the full contingent, and pikemen to finish off the 2,800. We also have to upgrade all of them to a higher base tier than what is currently available. We also need to do more expensive personal and named equipment upgrades. Lead an expedition to Solider's Peak. Build the next tower in the Keep. Expand the Brewery to Huge, build siege workshops and siege defenses on the empty walls, build the new experimental furnaces for massed steel production, bribe and convince the Kingdom of Orzammar to give us not only a huge number of casteless but also skilled caste members that we will need to vet heavily before they are allowed to work. And that is all just for next turn as those are all things I am doing in my next plan that should cost money.
its fine as they are our allies and we want then to become stronger
[X] Plan Trade for Power
We also need to make ourselves stronger we have a lot of money and very good income but we still need to be careful.
i cant really think of anything big we need to build or buy for the next few turns
Literally everything I just posted above is going to be a major investment and we need to do it as soon as possible since we have 2-3 turns max before the Blight begins. Since turns are months each.

Human Population of Salthaven: 6,041
City Elven Population of Salthaven: 10,500
Mabari population (Excluding Sif):
--> 10 Females
The first set of pups should have been born by now as gestation for canines is 63 days. A Masstif which is about the same size and type of dog that a Mabari would be have on average 8 pups per litter with up to 15 being possible without issues. So we should have 80-150 pups being raised. And these pups will go a very long way. Sif is from a very distinguished line and sought after and the mothers of the pups are all extremely well-bred as well. Aside from giving our retainers and allies Mabari hounds they can also be used as gifts to other Nobles to get their favor.
- 8,500 Dalish Elves
--> 3,000 combatants
--> 15 Keepers
--> 85 Firsts
--> 5,400 non-combatants (Craftsmen, Herbalists, etc.)
The Dalish population is not being added to the total population count I just noticed.
• Dwarves in and around Saltrock Keep
- 3,800 Dwarves
--> 1,000 Dwarves in Saltrock Keep
--> 3,800 Dwarves outside Saltrock Keep
If the number outside Saltrock Keep is correct and not a mistake that means the current population total is wrong. That along with the Dalish not being added brings our actual population to 38,141 or 37,141 if the outside Dwarves are just a mistake.

Also the total army is wrong with what is listed it should be a total of 2,212 Total Army Strength right now.
  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Smoked fish jerky (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
  • Yew Wood/Saplings (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
  • Lyrium Dust (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Well-bred Horses (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit.)
  • Blood Lotus (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
  • Rashvine Nettle (Cost: 4 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
Alright, here's the added options for purchase from both fiefdoms. However, I do reiterate that their industry is underdeveloped, and since they've never truly done so, they haven't truly discovered the real number of resources they can trade. So trade is still heavily biased in our favour, in a way, at least until they can be more developed.

The first set of pups should have been born by now as gestation for canines is 63 days. A Masstif which is about the same size and type of dog that a Mabari would be have on average 8 pups per litter with up to 15 being possible without issues. So we should have 80-150 pups being raised. And these pups will go a very long way. Sif is from a very distinguished line and sought after and the mothers of the pups are all extremely well-bred as well. Aside from giving our retainers and allies Mabari hounds they can also be used as gifts to other Nobles to get their favor.
Alright, I made a few private rolls myself, and so we have 139 pups in total - 72 males and 67 females. Edited that into the realm sheet.
The Dalish population is not being added to the total population count I just noticed.
Edited that in as well. Pardon how irregular my updates are, but things are so hectic I've forgotten to do so.
If the number outside Saltrock Keep is correct and not a mistake that means the current population total is wrong. That along with the Dalish not being added brings our actual population to 38,141 or 37,141 if the outside Dwarves are just a mistake.
The Dwarves outside are not a mistake, but thanks for pointing it out.
Also the total army is wrong with what is listed it should be a total of 2,212 Total Army Strength right now.
Edited the number. Please tell me if there's anything else I missed out; trying to get everything up to date.
Alright, here's the added options for purchase from both fiefdoms. However, I do reiterate that their industry is underdeveloped, and since they've never truly done so, they haven't truly discovered the real number of resources they can trade. So trade is still heavily biased in our favour, in a way, at least until they can be more developed.
Well they can only give 10 units total per each so that is fine. We are giving them a lot of extra materials for building and newer equipment to replace their older equipment so we can get the old stuff to make into more Steel. This plan is all about front loading the hell out of them so they have all they need to develop without us having to come back for awhile. That is why I tried to do the math for how many points each cost and reduced that amount by however many extra points a item also gave. So that I could get the right amount of gold each would need to zero out.

Also can we just give them gold without using the points? That way they can do more on their own and have funding for it? I looked over fixed my math cause I missed a few extra points gained from some choices and that brought down a lot of cost so less gold was needed to zero out but they could get more gold to have a stash for use.

Edited the number. Please tell me if there's anything else I missed out; trying to get everything up to date.
Don't think there is anything else missed.
Also can we just give them gold without using the points? That way they can do more on their own and have funding for it? I looked over fixed my math cause I missed a few extra points gained from some choices and that brought down a lot of cost so less gold was needed to zero out but they could get more gold to have a stash for use.
Your suggestion holds merit, but once you develop their industries, they can start doing more on their own since they have their own profits increased.
Your suggestion holds merit, but once you develop their industries, they can start doing more on their own since they have their own profits increased.
Yes but a little extra to top them off wouldn't be remissed. Most of the options also increase their income but give each a total of 50 Sovereigns. With Grayfair getting 21 extra non used Gold and the 29 gold used for points to zero out the work. And Stormmeadow getting 24 extra non used gold and the 26 gold used to zero out the rest.
Yes but a little extra to top them off wouldn't be remissed. Most of the options also increase their income but give each a total of 50 Sovereigns. With Grayfair getting 21 extra non used Gold and the 29 gold used for points to zero out the work. And Stormmeadow getting 24 extra non used gold and the 26 gold used to zero out the rest.
In that case, it is possible. Will edit it in, just so that I can remember next time I do this painfully complicated trade turn.
Dwarves in Kal Partha for reconstruction:
- 4,500 Dwarves
--> 1,500 Warriors
--> 3,000 Civilians (Engineers, craftsmen, merchants, etc.)

• Dwarves in Kal Atun
- 3,800 Dwarves
--> 1,000 Warriors
--> 2,800 Civilians (Engineers, Craftsmen, merchants, etc.)

• Dwarves in and around Saltrock Keep
- 4,800 Dwarves
--> 1,000 Dwarves in Saltrock Keep
--> 3,800 Dwarves outside Saltrock Keep
So for starting the new hold I think we can take a good number from each of these groups. To get a core of loyalists in the hold and to allow new dwarves that we can't fully trust to replace them in the old hold and keep where the loyalist remaining dwarves will keep them in check and turned them into loyal subjects as well.

Frome Kal Partha take 1000 civilians and 500 warriors leaving behind a still powerful 1000 warriors and 2000 civilians.

From Kal Atun take 800 civilians and 250 Warriors leaving behind 750 warriors and 2000 civilians.

From Saltrock Keep take 1800 from outside and 250 warriors from inside leaving behind 750 warriors inside and 2000 civilians outside.

That would give the new hold a core of loyalist 3600 civilians and 1000 warriors for a total of 4600.

So if we get Orzammar to send us casteless and lower caste members they can be used to fill the old numbers back and that way they still are a minority in the holds. And at least a few hundred more sent to the mountain Mines to help out there so long as it isn't any more than a 1000 for the first group should maintain proper control.