Cloudreach – Justinian, 9:29 Dragon
[X] Plan Make Good and Army upgrades
[X] Begin sending the agreed materials to our allies in the Bannorn.
Rolled: 93 + 17 = 110
With how divided the court was becoming and the increasing volatility of Fereldener politics, sending the shipments of materials had to be done in utter secrecy. Thank goodness, then, that Adaron's spies carried out this task immensely well under his leadership.
It was a long way from Salthaven to the Bannorn with high chances of encountering patrols, and chances are that the other nobles were already having their own private armies and spies on alert for any foul play.
Adaron resolved this with the employ of real merchants; using only those staunchly loyal to Salthaven – and by extension you, he forged papers for shipment contracts directly to Strommeadow and Fairgrey, giving them the perfect alibi should they be investigated.
Sending them the needed talent, on the other hand, was something requiring far more intricate forgery to handle, and you needed some way of smuggling them undetected.
The simple solution was to have them pose as mercenaries, disguise them and have them assume roles of private security hired to ensure the safety of the goods.
With that, you now needed to only see where their development would go.
Reward: With additional shipments of gold, food and other materials and talent, Greyfair and Stormmeadow are now developing to unseen heights. Time will tell how far they will go.
A/N: Will work on further details to how to develop allied fiefdoms, in a further subturn.
[X] Have a meeting set up between yourself, your father, and West Hills about taking control of the islands to the north.
Rolled: 99 + 18 = 117
It was not long before you, Bryce and Bann Franderel all met inside a private chamber, nondescript and concealed from plain sight. Displayed before you were the coastal areas and the three islands to the north of them.
"I called this meeting to discuss who should take control of the islands, here in the Waking Sea," You said, "For much too long, they have been underdeveloped and underused when their geographical location allows us to chokepoint a potential naval incursion into the Oswin and Bronack Bannorns as well, and to regulate naval trade."
Part of it was also because it gave you a striking point from which to attack Edgehall, should things go south, but you deliberately left it out.
"I like your idea, pup, and it's an idea I and Franderel have been sharing as well," Said Bryce approvingly.
"Indeed, Aedan. I myself have been thinking of how we could further develop these islands as well."
Bann Franderel was a noble looking halfway between inexperienced amateur and seasoned veteran, looking out of place compared to you and your father. His earlier words were part of his constant attempts to look more competent, to ensure his fellow nobles did not look down on him too much.
A young man approaching his twentieth birthday, he had the chiselled form of a warrior, his emerald green eyes shining with youthful vigour and enthusiasm. Dressed in a green tunic and brown breeches, he was suitably dressed for any formal occasion, though you suspect he would stick out like a sore thumb if he tried to hide himself or appear inconspicuous.
"If I were you, Franderel, I would position a series of port towns that double as fortresses to guard those islands," You stated, "Chances are that if invading troops make landfall, there is a chance to quickly lose them."
"Perhaps some underground tunnels as well, to supplement those fortresses," Said Bryce, "Not necessarily as a route of escape, but more a way to link those fortresses and conceal movements, at least if the sediment underwater is firm enough to allow that."
"What about simply placing outposts and harbours to house our ships?" Asked Franderel, "I'm sure that if we maintain a strong naval garrison, we can hold off any invasion force as long as we have strong ships."
"That advantage would be easily robbed away if the enemy draws away our fleet or sinks them underwater," Said Bryce, "And that says nothing about the possibility of another angle of attack from Edgehall."
"I-I see," Said Franderel, "But wouldn't Edgehall be the first line of defense, should Orlais invade again?"
"That's if they can actually hold them off," You stated, "Edgehall has yet to truly rebuild its defences from when it was sacked, and its armies not fully replenished. In fact, I daresay they may be the first to keel over instead."
"Oh," Said Franderel, looking suitably deflated, "I shall defer to your experience, in this case."
You nod at him, and said, "So what we need is to begin landing architects, sailors, troops and material on those islands, and begin construction work – I can source the talent and materials needed for this."
"Same here," Said Bryce, "In fact, I can ensure that my own navy secures control of the waters. That way, no one tries anything funny from sea."
"L-Let me pitch in as well," Said Franderel, "I can at least spare some troops for peacekeeping – my army has expanded well in the past few months. If not, at least allow my fiefdom to act as a transport point between the mainland and those islands."
"We'll do just that," You said, "And if possible, supply us with any additional information we might need when possible."
Glad to be useful (in some way), Franderel smiled and nodded, saying, "My thanks, Aedan. I shall endeavour to perform my tasks at my best!"
Poor boy. He was a true loyalist to Ferelden, and an idealist at that, but he lacked pragmatism and experience. Hopefully, he will learn with time.
"And now, for the real question," You said, "Who will have lordship of these islands?"
Who shall have de jure lordship of the Northern Islands?
[] You, who else?
[] Your father Bryce.
[] Bann Franderel of West Hill
[] Write-in
Reward: Action taken to develop and control North Islands, further actions unlocked.
[X] Send personally for the expedition to the Brecilian Forest to gain ironbark trees and wood.
Rolled: 100 + 23 = 123
With a personally-issued order, you assigned a group of Dalish – led by Garlassan – to march all the way to the Brecilian Forest and retrieve Ironbark saplings and wood to bring back to Salthaven, with which to respectively cultivate and craft with.
And since it was a Dalish group moving there, they would at least be cordial – if not friendly – with the Brecilian Dalish residing there, meaning less trouble when acquiring the saplings.
And true to your expectations, Garlassan's group succeeds with attaining Ironbark saplings and wood by the cartful, which they uneventfully ship back to Salthaven. From his reports, however, the Brecilian Dalish leader, a man named Zathrian, was not as he seemed to be.
He gave the air of an ancient man who had seen many years, but his eyes betrayed a cold, calculative and manipulative persona who would not hesitate to cast aside who he views as pawns, if only to further his own agenda.
"And… to be frank, something about him unsettles me. It's like… it's like he views me as his prey."
That was the most honest and fearful statement you ever heard from Garlassan. And if you were to ever venture into the Brecilian Forest again, he was definitely a man to be wary off.
"Don't worry, Lord Aedan, we won't need to go there again for the Ironbark," Said Garlassan, "Once we plant the saplings, we can use our magic to grow them to full size, and within a few days or so, the first batches can be harvested. Better still, we can grow yet more Ironbark trees this way."
Now that was something that brought a smile to your face.
Reward: Gained 1x Large Ironbark Forest (Effects: Provides Ironbark; Taxes: +3 Sovereigns/month; ???)
A/N: Anyone want to think of further things to do with this forest, or perhaps give it a unique name?
[X] Build a new expanded Stable for Horses for the Knights and Light Cavalry. (125/150)
Rolled: 94 + 24 = 118 + 125 = 243/150
Under Voldrik's supervision, the new stable for the Knights and cavalry is finally finished, and not too soon as well; the mounts of Ruby and her Knights finally had a comfy place to stay in, and Voldrik dares say your stables can house upwards of a few hundred knights.
Now there was the issue of hiring more cavalry, and not leaving the extra space to gather dust.
Reward: Gained 1x Huge Stable. (Effect: Can rear mounts for Knights and Cavalry [300 Light Cavalry, 100 Knights Max.], Maintenance costs: 1 gold/month)
[X] Have the Guard/Stable Tower fully repaired and restored.
Rolled: 73 + 89 + 24 = 186/200
Work begins on the Third Rock, and you were eager to give your guards a proper place to rest and unwind after a long day of hard work.
And shockingly enough, the Third Rock is nearly done building, requiring only a little TLC to finish. The cracked and mossy stones were replaced with fresh, smooth, immaculate stonework, all covered with a layer of plaster to prevent water leakages. New slits were carved into the walls, providing firing angles for archers and crossbowmen alike, and some were for magi – allowing for safe casting behind a wall of stone.
Now there was the matter of the sleeping bunks to handle.
(- 20 gold)
[X] A Guild for leather workers – to tan and work the numerous hides they'd be harvesting from rabbits.
Rolled: 18 + 61 + 99 + 97 + 25 = 300/300
A/N: Lucky bastards…
With how rapidly your rabbits were breeding and the sheer number of rabbit hides skinned as a result, now it was time to make use of them.
Bran and Voldrik work together to build a Leatherworking Guild for processing all the surplus leather Salthaven now enjoyed, and with the purchasing of all necessary equipment, chemicals and clothing, there was only the construction of the facility itself.
The Salthaven Leatherworking Guild, now open for business, employed leatherworkers from all races – providing employment to many who still lacked a job, and with an ever growing demand for leather gloves, boots and jerkins, you were poised to reap a tidy profit.
Reward: Gained 1x Salthaven Leatherworking Guild. (Taxes: 3 Sovereigns/month, Effects: Provides Leather Goods (Gloves, Boots, Jerkins, etc.), Maintenance costs: 1 Sovereign/month)
[X] Start new extractions Red Steel and Veridium mines and mine for gemstones, gold and silver.
-[X] EC Dice
Rolled: 100 + 98 + 92 + 100 (EC) + 21 = 411
"How… what… what the fuck?"
It would seem that once again, life decides to throw you a hard curve in the most unexpected of directions.
Acting on your orders, Voldrik and the Salthaven Dwarves had begun prospecting the nearby mountains and hills for mineral deposits to exploit. Armies of prospectors worked day and night, exploring caves and caverns deep and tirelessly marking waypoints and possible sites to explore.
And barely a few weeks later, they struck literal gold.
"My Lord! My Lord! You've got to see this!"
Such was the hurried, panicked words of Voldrik as he came barrelling into your study, decorum and manners completely neglected.
When you came to the dig site that Voldrik and his prospectors guided you to, your eyes widened like big saucers, almost threatening to pop out of their sockets by their own volition.
Stretching across the cavern walls and roofs were ore veins as far as the eye could see, and glittering deposits of gemstones shining with the glimmer and glamour of the wealth of empires. Streaks of gold and silver ran like oceans of magma through stone, as if eternally frozen in time.
And that was not all.
"I know this may sound hard to believe, but we've even found huge deposits of White Steel and Volcanic Aurum!" Voldrik exclaims, "The sheer amount is enough to last upwards of centuries! Imagine, the sheer amount of wealth we're sitting on! We could easily cause the world market of metals of crash in just a few weeks!"
You suspect the exaggeration at the last part was not far off.
"Oh shit," You said, "If Orlais or anyone else were to find out about this…"
You could instantly imagine the sheer bloodshed that would ensue, all the greedy bastards looking to grab their hands on this unimaginable treasure trove of resources that would enrich anyone beyond their wildest dreams.
And no one needed to know what the Chantry will resort to, and perhaps what they will do regarding their Tranquil – their primary source of income.
"Make sure no one outside of Salthaven knows of this, Voldrik," You instruct.
"I swear we will breathe no word of it," Said Voldrik, "But if we leave it be, chances are that someone else may attempt to take possession of this treasure trove."
"Then we bring in settlers – Dwarven settlers – to build a new Mountain Hold here," You said, "Dwarves are naturally attracted to mineral wealth, are they not? Chances are that if we bring word of this to Orzammar, they will be able to send settlers to colonise the Hold. I'd say we can bring in our own people, but I suspect they will be far too few for a project of such magnitude."
"But the problem is that it will be an overwhelming number of Dwarves who lack loyalty to you – at least initially," Said Voldrik, "And nevermind attracting settlers; too many of my kind in Orzammar are scared stiff of going onto the surface – hence why there aren't many Surfacer Dwarves."
You nod at his words.
"Another thing I might suggest, however, is this," Said Voldrik, "We Dwarves… operate by a Caste System. Fundamentally, the higher Caste Dwarves enjoy greater benefits and wealth, while the lower Castes are pretty much bottom of the barrel."
You frown at this. A society deciding people's lot in life through birth? That was anathema to you.
And now you had a choice: Leave the dig site as a huge mine, or begin colonisation one phase at a time?
And once again, you see the familiar sight of the moustached man with the green floppy hat, his infectious smile somehow making you irritated.
"Never fear, amigo! You shall never want for money again!" You heard the man say.
Not you again… You thought,
And who the hell is an 'amigo'?
Reward: Gained 1x Huge Mountain Mine. (+ 30 Sovereigns/month, Effect: Provides Gold and Silver, White Steel and Volcanic Aurum, Veridium, Iron Ore (Can refine into Steel), and Red Steel. Possible to build a new Dwarven Settlement within.)
A/N: This is no Tropico crossover. This is just me imagining things.
[X] An Elven Winery by Keeper Shiaranni's request.
Rolled: 96 + 95 + 90 + 21 = 301
Upon hearing that you were sponsoring the construction of a new winery, many Dalish were quick to contribute their full-hearted support for this project. Many expert Elven wine-makers were eager to help, offering Voldrik valuable insights to how a proper Elven Winery should be built.
With Elven construction techniques, stone and wood were built into a work of art, and bloody hell, you loved it.
A prominently Elven structure, it bore the graceful curves and arches synonymous with Elven architecture. The stonemasonry was seamlessly smooth, no cracks or unevenness throughout. Roots seemed to grow on the building itself, supporting beams and vital crevices in the ceiling and roof and strengthening them, and they imparted a gentle, calming feeling of being in Nature's embrace.
In the back of the Winery was a massive complex of specially-crafted wine-making machinery enchanted with Elven runes, all designed to ensure maximal efficiency and quality of the wines and easy maintenance and durability.
Below the building was a large basement, capable of storing a few hundred barrels of wine at a time. Cold to keep the wine chilled, it was spick and span, with several shelves to organise barrel storage.
And the Elven winemaker in charge was renowned among her kind for brewing only the best wines; Ioriel Adane, a strong Huntress and Mother of five, she had explored the basics of Elven winemaking from young, and has since honed her craft into a fine art.
The fact she now has a new Winery to further experiment brings nothing but joy and jubilance to her face, and she eagerly claims it for herself – employing other winemakers and other necessary staff to help, of course.
Now the only question was… what to name the Winery?
Would you like to help name the Winery?
[] Yes, it's only fair.
- [] Ioriel's Winery
- [] Adane Family Winery
- [] Other names (Write-in)
[] Yes, it's fine. (Let the QM decide)
[] Let Ioriel name her own Winery.
Reward: Gained 1x Dalish Winery [Name TBD] (Taxes: 5 Sovereigns/month, Effect: Provides Elven wine; increases public happiness; can work to produce a unique vintage, Maintenance Costs: 3 Sovereigns/month.) (- 30 gold)
[X] Recruit more troops
Rolled: 45 + 20 = 65
Troops Recruited:
- 300 Pikemen
- 100 Light Swordsmen
- 60 Medium Swordsmen
- 30 Heavy Swordsmen
- 40 Rogues
- 200 Axemen
- 60 Heavy Axemen
- 120 Archers
- 100 Arbalests
- 100 Light Cavalry
- 40 Knights
With your expanding domain and realm comes the need for an expanded army, and the City Elves and many of your Human citizens were in need of work. Thusly, you spared no expense and brought up your numbers to over two thousand.
It was by no means a large army, but sufficient to police your territory.
From neighbouring Salthaven, you recruited some additional Knights to supplement the cavalry corps led by Serah Ruby Holt. Oswin takes charge of the Archers and Arbalest corps, and his honed talent in archery and his leadership earns the respect of the new recruits.
The rest of the infantry take up patrol duties – supervised by Guard Captain Aveline as she routinely drills them with iron discipline.
Reward: Gained troops (numbers stated above). (- 4 gold, 80 Silver)
A/N: Do pardon how long this update took.