24. Week in Denerim, Day Three, Part III
Emperor of the Downtrodden
- Location
- Singapore
Week in Denerim
Day Three, Part III
Day Three, Part III
[X] The possibility of gaining prospective connections in the Chantry.
At first glance, Mother Vera seemed like a harmless old woman, a kind expression worn well on her face that gave the impression of a general disinterest in politics. Her wrinkled brown eyes, on the other hand, betrayed a shrewdness found only in practiced politicians of their trade – a look your father often bore in his eyes.
"So what can I do for you, Lord Aedan?" Asked Mother Vera, "I must admit, I never expected a noble to so directly approach me."
"I need connections in the Chantry," You said bluntly, "Preferably those with enough power to prevent the more fanatical factions from clawing their way deeper into Ferelden."
"Ah, I see," Said Mother Vera, "I myself despise those idiots who proclaim themselves servants of the Maker; all zeal and no brain."
"Huh," You said, "I admit, I don't know anything about the state of politics in the Chantry, but I didn't expect someone to dislike them as well."
"Is that so?" Said Mother Vera, "I'm guessing you became acquainted with some foolish Orlesian Mothers, who think the world revolves around them and Orlais."
"Oh yes, I have," You said, your face darkening, "I'd give anything to not deal with them again."
"Unfortunately, with every country that opens its borders with Orlais, these fools inevitably follow, if only to ensure general compliance or non-interference with their motherland," Said Mother Vera, "I try to help some people, and they get in my way, saying that to aid them is 'against the Maker's will'."
Mother Vera unceremoniously spits to the side, contempt clear on her face.
"I swear, to think the Chantry allows such fools to even take such positions," Said Mother Vera, "Isn't the Chantry supposed to help the people in any capacity?"
"That's the most I've heard a Chantry Mother curse about the Chantry," You remarked.
Mother Vera sighed, saying, "My apologies, Lord Aedan. I've just been so frustrated lately, especially with the lack of real aid the Chantry was supposed to give to our kinsmen after the Orlesian Occupation; I love the Chantry and what it stands for, and I know it has the capacity to do good, but these days it's more a battleground of politics than a theocracy."
Clearing her throat, Mother Vera says, "Thankfully, I know of more than a few contacts at home who are willing to keep those fanatical factions off your back, at least in Orlais."
"Good, good," You said, "Names?"
"One is Revered Mother Isouda Bellegarde, a lecherous woman with a ludicrously high number of lovers she's seduced into her bed," Said Mother Vera exasperatedly, "Elves, Dwarves, Humans, it really doesn't matter who; many of them are powerful players in Orlais, however – both in the Chantry and the Imperial Court. She's also on cold terms with one Mother too many; she'll be able to keep them focused on her, so they'll be forced to ignore you in turn."
"Not the kind of contact I was expecting, but I'll take what I can get," You said, shrugging helplessly, "Anyone else?"
"This one's a less prominent player, but one who still holds great sway in the Chantry," Said Mother Vera, "Mother Grecia Hachette is rather young – about your age – but has swiftly carved her way into the upper echelons of prestige with her charisma, her exceptional cunning and her ability to sway unaffiliated clerics or less-certain players to her side. She is one for greater rights for Elves, and has made no secret of her wish to truly integrate them into Human society, be it in Orlais or elsewhere."
"Can she be on our side?" You ask, "I need my allies firmly on my side, if I'm to secure my position."
Mother Vera replied, "She has been looking for allies in Ferelden as of late; I believe she wants to strengthen her position with connections from elsewhere, given the drying up of prospective ones in Orlais."
"Alright, anymore?" You said.
"The last one, even I do not know him specifically, or her, I don't know," Said Mother Vera, "This last contact of mine is only known to others as 'The Black Rose'. Even I don't any personal details other than his secret identity."
"Not something I'd find as a prospective Chantry ally, but okay," You said, "So how can I possibly get him on my side? Or her?"
"Quite frankly, I think we can cease guessing the Black Rose's gender; pointless speculation won't do anything, My Lord," Said Mother Vera, "From the letters I've been exchanging with him, he's determined to undermine the Chantry in any way possible, ranging from blackmail to outright robbery."
"Quite a dirty way to undermine a powerful organisation like the Chantry," You said, "Then again, fighting fairly against the Chantry and winning isn't possible."
"In any case, the Black Rose's actions have not directly harmed innocent people, and he also wishes for a possible ally elsewhere outside of Orlais, if perhaps to sabotage the Chantry's operations," Said Mother Vera, "I believe if you were to help him indirectly challenge the Chantry's authority here in Ferelden, he may be more amenable to an alliance with you."
"This is a lot to gamble on with this Black Rose, even if he claims to be an enemy of the Chantry," You stated, "For all I know, this might be a trap of his, to forcefully drag me into open war with the largest religious organisations on the continent, and which has an entire army of Templars at its disposal. Furthermore, if and when they gain an excuse with my interference, they can simply call an Exalted March to get rid of me."
"True," Mother Vera nodded, "Though neither do I believe the Black Rose wants that."
"How do you know this, Mother Vera?" You ask.
"Let's think of it this way; would anyone right now risk direct open war with the Chantry?" Said Mother Vera, "Not even the Tevinter Imperium can risk that, especially not with its ongoing wars with the Qunari."
"Fair point," You conceded.
"In any case, these are the contacts I can suggest to you," Said Mother Vera, "You can go with one or all of them, but the decision's up to you. Should you decide to contact them, however, I can act as intermediary. So, what is your answer, My Lord?"
Shall you initiate contact with these new connections?
[] Yes, you should. (Choose one)
- [] Revered Mother Isouda Bellegarde
- [] Mother Grecia Hachette
- [] The Black Rose
[] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)
[] No, best find one somewhere else.
A/N: Three-hour moratorium as always. Take your time to discuss before voting.