A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

24. Week in Denerim, Day Three, Part III
Week in Denerim

Day Three, Part III

[X] The possibility of gaining prospective connections in the Chantry.

At first glance, Mother Vera seemed like a harmless old woman, a kind expression worn well on her face that gave the impression of a general disinterest in politics. Her wrinkled brown eyes, on the other hand, betrayed a shrewdness found only in practiced politicians of their trade – a look your father often bore in his eyes.

"So what can I do for you, Lord Aedan?" Asked Mother Vera, "I must admit, I never expected a noble to so directly approach me."

"I need connections in the Chantry," You said bluntly, "Preferably those with enough power to prevent the more fanatical factions from clawing their way deeper into Ferelden."

"Ah, I see," Said Mother Vera, "I myself despise those idiots who proclaim themselves servants of the Maker; all zeal and no brain."

"Huh," You said, "I admit, I don't know anything about the state of politics in the Chantry, but I didn't expect someone to dislike them as well."

"Is that so?" Said Mother Vera, "I'm guessing you became acquainted with some foolish Orlesian Mothers, who think the world revolves around them and Orlais."

"Oh yes, I have," You said, your face darkening, "I'd give anything to not deal with them again."

"Unfortunately, with every country that opens its borders with Orlais, these fools inevitably follow, if only to ensure general compliance or non-interference with their motherland," Said Mother Vera, "I try to help some people, and they get in my way, saying that to aid them is 'against the Maker's will'."

Mother Vera unceremoniously spits to the side, contempt clear on her face.

"I swear, to think the Chantry allows such fools to even take such positions," Said Mother Vera, "Isn't the Chantry supposed to help the people in any capacity?"

"That's the most I've heard a Chantry Mother curse about the Chantry," You remarked.

Mother Vera sighed, saying, "My apologies, Lord Aedan. I've just been so frustrated lately, especially with the lack of real aid the Chantry was supposed to give to our kinsmen after the Orlesian Occupation; I love the Chantry and what it stands for, and I know it has the capacity to do good, but these days it's more a battleground of politics than a theocracy."

Clearing her throat, Mother Vera says, "Thankfully, I know of more than a few contacts at home who are willing to keep those fanatical factions off your back, at least in Orlais."

"Good, good," You said, "Names?"

"One is Revered Mother Isouda Bellegarde, a lecherous woman with a ludicrously high number of lovers she's seduced into her bed," Said Mother Vera exasperatedly, "Elves, Dwarves, Humans, it really doesn't matter who; many of them are powerful players in Orlais, however – both in the Chantry and the Imperial Court. She's also on cold terms with one Mother too many; she'll be able to keep them focused on her, so they'll be forced to ignore you in turn."

"Not the kind of contact I was expecting, but I'll take what I can get," You said, shrugging helplessly, "Anyone else?"

"This one's a less prominent player, but one who still holds great sway in the Chantry," Said Mother Vera, "Mother Grecia Hachette is rather young – about your age – but has swiftly carved her way into the upper echelons of prestige with her charisma, her exceptional cunning and her ability to sway unaffiliated clerics or less-certain players to her side. She is one for greater rights for Elves, and has made no secret of her wish to truly integrate them into Human society, be it in Orlais or elsewhere."

"Can she be on our side?" You ask, "I need my allies firmly on my side, if I'm to secure my position."

Mother Vera replied, "She has been looking for allies in Ferelden as of late; I believe she wants to strengthen her position with connections from elsewhere, given the drying up of prospective ones in Orlais."

"Alright, anymore?" You said.

"The last one, even I do not know him specifically, or her, I don't know," Said Mother Vera, "This last contact of mine is only known to others as 'The Black Rose'. Even I don't any personal details other than his secret identity."

"Not something I'd find as a prospective Chantry ally, but okay," You said, "So how can I possibly get him on my side? Or her?"

"Quite frankly, I think we can cease guessing the Black Rose's gender; pointless speculation won't do anything, My Lord," Said Mother Vera, "From the letters I've been exchanging with him, he's determined to undermine the Chantry in any way possible, ranging from blackmail to outright robbery."

"Quite a dirty way to undermine a powerful organisation like the Chantry," You said, "Then again, fighting fairly against the Chantry and winning isn't possible."

"In any case, the Black Rose's actions have not directly harmed innocent people, and he also wishes for a possible ally elsewhere outside of Orlais, if perhaps to sabotage the Chantry's operations," Said Mother Vera, "I believe if you were to help him indirectly challenge the Chantry's authority here in Ferelden, he may be more amenable to an alliance with you."

"This is a lot to gamble on with this Black Rose, even if he claims to be an enemy of the Chantry," You stated, "For all I know, this might be a trap of his, to forcefully drag me into open war with the largest religious organisations on the continent, and which has an entire army of Templars at its disposal. Furthermore, if and when they gain an excuse with my interference, they can simply call an Exalted March to get rid of me."

"True," Mother Vera nodded, "Though neither do I believe the Black Rose wants that."

"How do you know this, Mother Vera?" You ask.

"Let's think of it this way; would anyone right now risk direct open war with the Chantry?" Said Mother Vera, "Not even the Tevinter Imperium can risk that, especially not with its ongoing wars with the Qunari."

"Fair point," You conceded.

"In any case, these are the contacts I can suggest to you," Said Mother Vera, "You can go with one or all of them, but the decision's up to you. Should you decide to contact them, however, I can act as intermediary. So, what is your answer, My Lord?"

Shall you initiate contact with these new connections?

[] Yes, you should. (Choose one)
- [] Revered Mother Isouda Bellegarde
- [] Mother Grecia Hachette
- [] The Black Rose
[] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)
[] No, best find one somewhere else.

A/N: Three-hour moratorium as always. Take your time to discuss before voting.
I would say contacting Mother Grecia Hachette should be our first contact.

The others seem too risky to me at this point in time. And they employ much too offensive tactics for my taste. And I mean offensive in more than one way.
Yes to all three. We aren't some goody goody we are going to need to be pragmatic here. All three offer us ways to deal with the Chantry from outside the Kingdom and that gives us time to work on changing the Chantry inside the Kingdom to better serve. The Chantry also doesn't have an army of Templars since those are all separated and spread out calling them together would be stupid and completely obvious no Nation would allow them to gather an army like that. They also can't call a march since those are the highest order and could never be used on something as trivial as Aedan. Not to mention that they would be next to impossible to get people to actually do it in the first place.

[X] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)
I would say contacting Mother Grecia Hachette should be our first contact.

The others seem too risky to me at this point in time. And they employ much too offensive tactics for my taste. And I mean offensive in more than one way.

More hero units is always a good thing, just so long as the shadow war is remains in the shadows and can't be connected to us then they can do what they want.

[X] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)
[X] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)

I'm interested in this Black Rose, a person with the goal of overthrowing Chantry influence in the country will be a long term ally of ours considering our plans.

Besides, more help is always welcome. We can't possibly defeat the Chantry even in our own turf and expect to not have ashes to rule. Ideas are always hard to defeat, unless you're one of the Qunari whose solution to this is to make sure their people don't think at all
[X] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)

I'm interested in this Black Rose, a person with the goal of overthrowing Chantry influence in the country will be a long term ally of ours considering our plans.

Besides, more help is always welcome. We can't possibly defeat the Chantry even in our own turf and expect to not have ashes to rule. Ideas are always hard to defeat, unless you're one of the Qunari whose solution to this is to make sure their people don't think at all
We aren't trying to defeat anything to do with religion. We don't care what people worship. The whole point of this is to reform and remove the Orlais influence that is in the Kingdom's Chantry.
Once again, vote's pretty much unanimous. Will work on the next part.
25. Week in Denerim, Day Three, Part IV
Week in Denerim

Day Three, Part IV

[X] Yes, you should. (Choose all three)

You admit, Mother Isouda and the Black Rose's tactics against the Chantry elites tickle your senses wrongly in more ways than one, but considering the titan you were attempting to challenge discreetly, you could not be picky with allies, be they permanent or temporary.

And with that, you tell Mother Vera, "Send a message to all three of your contacts; tell them I wish to enter into a possible alliance with them."

Mother Vera nodded at your logic, and she then extended a hand to you – which you shook.

"I thank you for your visit, Lord Aedan," Said Mother Vera.

"My pleasure," You said, "I hope this will be the start of a fruitful venture for the both of us."

"Same here, My Lord," Said Mother Vera, "I must take my leave now, though; duty calls."

Her posture and eyes tell you the unsaid message: 'I can't be away for too long, or my absence will draw attention.'

"Of course, do not let me keep you," You said, "Have a pleasant day."

Once Mother Vera left and you were truly alone, Adaron snuck into your room, his feet noiselessly and deftly landing on the wooden floor.

"Anything you manage to gleam from her?" You asked.

"Not much," Said Adaron, "She's cunning and shrewd; knows how to hide her emotions well. The authenticity of her claims is genuine, however."

You nodded at this thoughtfully, considering your options.

"Just in case, have some of our spies follow her discreetly, try to gleam whatever more you can from her or any of her contacts," You ordered, "Report back to me in my quarters once you are finished."

Adaron nods and vanishes in response, as silent as the wind.


After a long shower and a filling dinner, you were busy reading some novels in your bed as you patiently awaited Adaron's return.

And you put aside the book with a sour frown.

"Too much smut, too much emotion, no proper story building or character development!" You grumble, "Whoever wrote this piece of garbage clearly has no creativity!"

You then sigh, and said, "Well, Adaron should be back soon, hopefully with good news."

You hear knocking on your door, and Serah Ruby saying, "My Lord, might I come in?"

"You may," You said.

Your loyal Knight then entered your quarters, bearing sealed envelopes in her hands. No longer on guard duty and without lingering trouble, she was dressed in a simple tunic and breeches, her armour taken off for polishing.

"Several letters, my Lord," Said Ruby, "From Lord Loghain, Queen Anora, your father and Keeper Shiaranni in Salthaven."

You gratefully receive the letters with a nod, and asked, "Anything else?"

"No, My Lord. Not for the moment," Said Ruby, "Actually, would you mind if I talk with you for a little?"

You see no harm in entertaining her request, and you said, "Go on ahead, take a seat."

Ruby nods and sits down on one of the nearby chairs, and with a pensive look, she then asks, "I've heard many things about you, My Lord. Many of them I find dubious."

"Do tell me," You said, giving her the signal to continue.

Ruby then said, "The rumours are old, but they say you are an unholy heretic who rejects the Maker and consorts with Demons and the Maleficarum, who spreads his poisonous thoughts and words to others."

"Completely untrue," You stated, "Those Mothers who complained about me like that just couldn't accept that I do not believe the Maker exists, that I do not worship the Maker like a good, devout Andrastian."

"I suppose so," Said Ruby, "Truth be told, those Orlesian Mothers I came across always disliked such people. Then again, they simply dislike anyone who does not try to butter up to their motherland in general."

"Figures, they always love being such hypocrites," You stated.

"The rumours also said that you were a murderous noble who cared not for his people, consorting with unholy non-Humans over good Andrastian folk like them," Said Ruby.

"I was forced to kill some of my own citizens, yes," You said, "But that was because they were up in arms over the perception that the Dwarves were there to take their livelihoods and leave them in the lurch, whilst the Dwarves themselves became richer; it's a matter of them feeling that no one cares about them."

"Perhaps it sounds petty, but those people often have no other way to express their anger," Said Ruby, "I just wish it didn't have to be resolved so bloodily."

"It's resolved long ago," You said, "Now they don't raise such an issue because they know I look after them."

Ruby nodded in relief at that.

"I'm… not one for politics, to be truthful," Said Ruby, "Often, I'm unable to pick up on a lot of hidden implications lingering in the air, or sense whatever motives people hide behind their benign faces. I still feel a chill though, at least at certain times."

You nod at this, saying, "That's politics for you; every noble and Knight must play this bloody game of ours."

Ruby then said, "Having seen you in action, and getting to know you better, I can now say I don't regret my decision to enter your service; I believe you are a force that can only benefit Ferelden in the coming future."

You smile, and said, "Thanks for your compliment. You are dismissed."

"My Lord," Ruby saluted, before leaving.

You then decide to read the letters you were sent, and the first you opened was from your father Bryce.

Dear pup,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. To be frank, I'm becoming more and more uncertain of King Cailan's capabilities day-by-day, and Fergus and the others share my concerns. But regardless, things are well in Highever; the trade with the Orlesians means I've additional profits to invest lately – investments in much-needed infrastructure my Teynir badly needs.

To be honest though, we miss you dearly; dear Oren wishes to play and talk with his dear Uncle, and I can't blame him. The mood at my court is taking a terse note, however; some are even beginning to entertain thoughts of replacing King Cailan entirely. I dearly hope it doesn't come to a rebellion, but only time will tell.

For now, know that you always have my love, and may the Maker watch over you (pardon this line).

Your loving papa, always.

You smile lovingly at the letter; a father's love knows no bounds.

I do hope Oren and the others are doing well for themselves, You thought.

On to more business; you open the other letters, first starting with Queen Anora's.

Dear Aedan Cousland,

I send this letter for two purposes; the first is to thank you for helping us to rid Denerim of the parasites that were Vaughan, his lackeys and his backers. With them gone, we can move to change Ferelden for the better, in my Husband's absence.

The second purpose is to inform you of recent developments; the City Elves from the local Alienage have never been happier with the opportunity to gain better employment and rights, and the new recruits for the Night Elves take to their training with zeal.

It seems father has taken great inspiration from your words, and has quick repealed many discriminatory laws against the Elves as well, and now they can migrate freely out of the Alienage as and when they wish. Some take issue with this, of course, but they understand that he is the power here.

I must admit though, some things you and your people accomplish are just mind-boggling; how did you manage to build Salthaven to the way it is today in
six months? Six months! Not even Denerim was built up so quickly!

Well, at least you're on our side, so no worries. Anyway, I hope we continue to be allies.

With regards,

Queen Anora Mac Tir of Ferelden

Next, the letter from Loghain.

Dear Aedan Cousland,

I hope this letter finds you well; acting on your advice, I've begun work on restarting the Night Elves and incorporating the City Elves as full citizens of Ferelden. No doubt you've heard it from Anora, but I simply thought to tell you. My home of Gwaren has also begun fleecing Elven immigrants – both Dalish and City-born – and Surfacer Dwarves to ply their trade, and I must admit, I never thought the Dwarves would be so enthusiastic to reclaim one of their lost holds. I suppose it means much to them, considering how much they lost over the centuries.

I admit, at first, I didn't think there were any Dalish willing to live under Human sovereignty, but the world can be full of surprises; a full ten thousand Dalish came living in my Teynir, talking of a threat that has forced them to leave the Brecilian Forest in droves. Part of them say the Werewolves were to blame, but in general, they disagreed on too many things with their kindred in the Brecilian Forest. I don't know much in detail, but suffice to say, they had a falling out with their fellow Dalish – led by a man named Zathrian.

Things are stable, though I hope some idiotic Chantry Mothers don't go ruining things. With that, I wish you well.

Loghain Mac Tir of Gwaren

Loghain's letter has you pondering many things; if the Werewolves were strong enough to threaten entire clans, it meant driving them out. Yet at the same time, for obvious reasons, they could not hope to escape elsewhere; they'd be easy prey.

And like Salthaven, Gwaren was experiencing a refugee crisis of its own. You could only hope Loghain would not be forced to raise his own hand against his people.

Then you open the final letter from Shiaranni.

To Lord Aedan,

I hope this letter finds you in good health; all is good and well in Salthaven, and my fellow Dalish are settling nicely into their new homes. Well, the huge majority of them; Alras is as hesitant to trust Humans as always, even if they've helped our kind.

To be truthful, when young, Alras was forced to watch as Chantry Mothers condemned his parents to be burnt at the stake. He's never forgotten nor forgiven that since. It's why he hates Humans so.

Even so, most of the opposition just foolishly believe they can survive without the Humans. At first, I thought so as well, but my time here has taught us all one thing; we can never survive without forming alliances with the Humans. They are the dominant race, and they hold the numerical, technological and theocratic advantages over us, while we struggle to survive in our nomadic existences.

I hope you return soon, and safe; I feel that soon, a storm will engulf all of Ferelden, and we will have to unite like never before to face it.

May the Creators watch over you.

With regards,
Keeper Shiaranni

Adaron returned to your quarters, just as you finished reading and put away your letters.

"I've followed Mother Vera as you asked," Said Adaron, "Suffice to say, she has no intention of betraying us, though her own contacts hide their traces well."

"Meaning?" You asked.

"They act through intermediaries, sending messages in hidden packages meant only for her eyes," Said Adaron, "We'll have to count on Mother Vera's contacts keeping their end of the bargain."

You nod at this, and said, "Very well, that will be all. Take a rest for tonight."

Reward: Gained contact with Mother Isouda, Mother Grecia and the Black Rose in Orlais. They will act to hamper the Chantry.

What shall you do tomorrow? (Pick Two)

[] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
[] Acquaint yourself with Loghain's men in Fort Drakon.
[] Find mercenary bands for hire.
[] Meet your prospective allies in the Bannorn.
- [] Bann Theresa Hubbard
[] Meet your prospective allies in the Chantry.
- [] Sister Denise Mayer

Three-hour moratorium in progress. Please discuss before voting.
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Well, before we vote, what's our end game for Denerim. We set out here to visit the elves and gain their allegiance which we did. We set out to gain political allies and trade partners, which we did. We gained a bit of a foothold in the Chantry, it's not much but we took what we can get. What else do we want to do in the name of bettering Salthaven?
Well, before we vote, what's our end game for Denerim. We set out here to visit the elves and gain their allegiance which we did. We set out to gain political allies and trade partners, which we did. We gained a bit of a foothold in the Chantry, it's not much but we took what we can get. What else do we want to do in the name of bettering Salthaven?
Don't forget neighbouring Edgehall.

By the way, guys, moratorium's over. You guys can start voting now.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.

Yeah, I agree with this. Hanging out with Loghain's men seems more like something our men should do., not us. Besides, while being chummy with the rank and file are nice, their loyalty is already Loghain's and if not, he's our ally and can't really take advantage of that.

Chipping away at the Chantry's hold on Ferelden is always good. Just knowing which one's we can piss off and be aware off is also a good payoff as we don't have much info on what's happening on the inside.
Guys, I'm calling the vote tally in about two hours' time. Please make sure to vote by then.
[X] Meet your prospective allies in the Bannorn.
-[X] Bann Theresa Hubbard
[X] Meet your prospective allies in the Chantry.
-[X] Sister Denise Mayer
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Time for the vote tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Ebanu8 on May 30, 2020 at 10:09 AM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
    [X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
I'm missing one vote for the four-consenting vote rule. I'll extend voting by another eight hours, but no longer than that.

@bryanfran36, @Adventwolf and others, please take note.
I wonder, would it be wise to create a new man at arms company or upgrade our current one to heavy armor. Since 100 of heavy infantry is incredibly valuable to have.
I wonder, would it be wise to create a new man at arms company or upgrade our current one to heavy armor. Since 100 of heavy infantry is incredibly valuable to have.
You can suggest that in a plan when we get back to Salthaven. Just make sure to keep the treasury in mind.

By the way, @Gachmara, you voting? Pardon me pestering but the rules are that every plan must have 4 consenting votes to go through.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.

best to get a read on who we need to deal with in both spheres but what happened to talking with the other sister? She is still one of our only people we can talk to in order to get more reformers and backers in the Chantry.
best to get a read on who we need to deal with in both spheres but what happened to talking with the other sister? She is still one of our only people we can talk to in order to get more reformers and backers in the Chantry.
Oh, darn it. I didn't add it in earlier. Silly me. It's up now.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.

Yeah, I agree with this. Hanging out with Loghain's men seems more like something our men should do., not us. Besides, while being chummy with the rank and file are nice, their loyalty is already Loghain's and if not, he's our ally and can't really take advantage of that.

Chipping away at the Chantry's hold on Ferelden is always good. Just knowing which one's we can piss off and be aware off is also a good payoff as we don't have much info on what's happening on the inside.
[X] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[X] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
Guys it is more important to get our allies first before we move onto attack. So talking to the other Bann and Sister would be a far more valuable use. We gain more power for our side and ensure we can wether the incoming danger.

[X] Meet your prospective allies in the Bannorn.
-[X] Bann Theresa Hubbard
[X] Meet your prospective allies in the Chantry.
-[X] Sister Denise Mayer

@bryanfran36 @Gachmara can we get your vote for these actions.
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