Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[x] Plan Concentrate Your Energy and Hoard Your Strength
- [x] OSI. The malus of this course of action is that you can't control what the OSI will do. Given Schneizel's explanation of the political realities of the region, though, you can bet they'll do something. DC: 30 – Diplomacy
- [x] Emilia Carbez. The governor has a fleet and is more than ready to put it to use. You'll have to face political difficulties in asking her to interfere on your behalf, but that shouldn't be too onerous given you're on good terms with each other. DC: 55 – Diplomacy
- [x] Do Nothing. There is more than enough reason to believe you can abstain from the initial conflict, fight your way out of the conference with a few choice VIPs you rescue 'by chance' and earn a bit of political credit that way.
- [x] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things.
-- [x] Make no mention of Kaguya not attending, the reasons for inviting her still stand and are possibly even more important now.
[X]Plan: Emilia Carbez + OSI

Hoping there might be a comeback for the underdog, because I'm worried about using The Blood for a sensitive operation like this.
Ok maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd like to hear from someone that voted for Blood. Why are we choosing to trust Blood for this operation. From my perspective Blood is in effect a European enclave in Australia, and likely has tendrils stretching back to the EU. Why are we trusting him besides the fact that he has a low DC?
[X]Plan: Emilia Carbez + OSI
[x] Castling Up

What I really want is the Plan Emilia Carbez + OSI without telling Kaguya early, but I am preference voting against working with the Blood on this.
Ok maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd like to hear from someone that voted for Blood. Why are we choosing to trust Blood for this operation. From my perspective Blood is in effect a European enclave in Australia, and likely has tendrils stretching back to the EU. Why are we trusting him besides the fact that he has a low DC?
Beyond that, we know for a fact, that Minister Dreizhen only has nominal control of his population/military when it comes to deals like this.
His constituents STILL hate Britannia with a passion, and are not as pragmatic as the Minister.

Although one can argue the low DC 30 might indicate otherwise, I would still not normally risk it based on principle and PR standpoint.

Better to go with an allied rival (Area Governor) than a enemy's enemy (The Blood Pirates), IMO.

The only compromise I'd be willing to include The Blood of L'Olonnais is if we also bring the Area Governor, as insurance. Since the OSI will likely act covertly and not as military backup.
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Ok maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd like to hear from someone that voted for Blood. Why are we choosing to trust Blood for this operation. From my perspective Blood is in effect a European enclave in Australia, and likely has tendrils stretching back to the EU. Why are we trusting him besides the fact that he has a low DC?
Because in my opinion (and some of the others most likely) you are overestimating how close the ties are or how fanatic they are in their hatred. EU might give them some indirect support but Slayer stated that if we work on them we can flip them with diplomacy. They also realize that it would be a foaming at the mouth level of idiocy to turn on our forces while being observed by Indonesians as that would make their actions tied with New Heaven instead of our defense.
It is not impossible but I think it would require some crit fails.
If they attack us they lose Indonesian (and by extension Chinese Federation) protection and can expect Carbez moving on them as soon as the dust settles. And for those that don't realize this Weber will use his skills to make them realize it as he KNOWS they can't survive if they attack us during a peace conference after one other pirate band was just fought off.
they can't survive if they attack us during a peace conference after one other pirate band was just fought off.
Good point. Going to approval vote the other plan.

[X]Plan: Emilia Carbez + OSI
[X] The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Enemy's Enemy

EDIT: Woops, forgot to add the 2nd plan and overrode my old vote.
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Guys? I'm mostly just lurking with this, but I gotta point out... Well, maybe someone already stated it but while Lelouch may gain much politcal points by defending the peace conference with Grand Defense... Won't this also give solid political ammunition to anti-Psionics groups?

Edit: I mean, I'm pretty sure the Praetorians are gonna FLIP THE FUCK OUT when they see what they missed.
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Huh, would Virginia even be named that way? I might be mixing up references, but I could have sworn it was named such in reference to the Virgin Queen who was not a Virgin in the Code Geass timeline.

...damn I didn't consider that. Good catch! Ok I changed it to "the big Richmonder" so you know he's still from the city of Richmond in what would be Virginia IRL. I also edited the older side story that introduced him to reflect that as well.
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...damn I didn't consider that. Good catch! Ok I changed it to "the big Richmonder" so you know he's still from the city of Richmond in what would be Virginia IRL. I also edited the older side story that introduced him to reflect that as well.

It's one of those little things you don't really think about, like how Washington probably wouldn't be called Washington. Although, I could see Washington having been some kind of folk hero/villain where you can tell where people are from based on how they refer to him.
It's one of those little things you don't really think about, like how Washington probably wouldn't be called Washington. Although, I could see Washington having been some kind of folk hero/villain where you can tell where people are from based on how they refer to him.

Well according to Code Geass Washington the man did exist, just a failed insurgency leader of British (Brittanian?) North America. Washington the City would definitely not exist, likely it would just be the sleepy town of Georgetown, part of Maryland Colony and probably where the early bridges crossed the Potomac. By modern day Georgetown might only be known as the SW most station of Baltimore's mass transit system.
Guys? I'm mostly just lurking with this, but I gotta point out... Well, maybe someone already stated it but while Lelouch may gain much politcal points by defending the peace conference with Grand Defense... Won't this also give solid political ammunition to anti-Psionics groups?

Edit: I mean, I'm pretty sure the Praetorians are gonna FLIP THE FUCK OUT when they see what they missed.

I assume it'll be emphasized in Europe as pyskers living down to expectation yeah, in Britannia they'll likely focus more on the religious kook pirates angle. Other countries will go as their biases and alliances indicate I'd guess. It also depends strongly on how blatant what they do is, and how easily attributable it is to psychic power, rather than other explanations.
Well according to Code Geass Washington the man did exist, just a failed insurgency leader of British (Brittanian?) North America. Washington the City would definitely not exist, likely it would just be the sleepy town of Georgetown, part of Maryland Colony and probably where the early bridges crossed the Potomac. By modern day Georgetown might only be known as the SW most station of Baltimore's mass transit system.

Or the "University of Tarleton" in my first Thunstone Omake. The incident was a reference to the events of last John Thunstone novel "the school of darkness". Only in the book the fictional South Carolina university was named "Buford university" after an American revolutionary leader. In the Code Geas verse it was named after the British General who killed him.

Btw bit of trivia, Agent Ocelot in my newest Omake is indeed the same Ocelot of MGS fame. Slayer Anderson gave me the green light to include him. Just like in that timeline Ocelot's dad was a psychic medium called "the Sorrow" hence why Crowley knew him since they moved in the same occult circles. The difference is that in the Code Geass verse Ocelot's dad was a Euro-Britainian not a Russian. Oh and the reference to "European double agent thing" that Ocelot was sick of is a reference to that mess with Kallen's family Lelouch uncovered a ways back.
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Well according to Code Geass Washington the man did exist, just a failed insurgency leader of British (Brittanian?) North America. Washington the City would definitely not exist, likely it would just be the sleepy town of Georgetown, part of Maryland Colony and probably where the early bridges crossed the Potomac. By modern day Georgetown might only be known as the SW most station of Baltimore's mass transit system.

Was referring to the State. Lots of people turn the States into Duchies to help with world building.
Was referring to the State. Lots of people turn the States into Duchies to help with world building.
Which is a QM approved move. I believe I mentioned during the Statdfeld fiasco that Westhaven should be mentally positions around what is OTL Oregon/Washington.
Could be that the land is split between Oregon, Idaho, and (British) Columbia. Doesn't Britannia constitute the entirety of North America?
The Empire is spread across both North and South America, yes. The 'homeland' is only the US+Canada, though. Mexico is the 'Empire of New Spain' or Area 1.

Edit: Also, whoever gave me the account upgrade, thanks! That means it's time to rain kittens!
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While I have contemplated doing an indepth "map of the Homeland" Something holds me back on even the start of making it is.... well some of you might have guessed it. Feudalism.

Ultimately I realized that drawing out the complicated, byzantine and borders drawn at a whim, and I'd rather not bother Slayer with silly little questions about how the Toledo Strip was resolved in this timeline. I mean look at this

Imagine this chaotic mess on a map the size of North America, with 4 times the levels of complexity and who know how many layers of feudalism between Baron to Emperor.