Saintly Scientist and Sinful Seer Omake
"...and so Mr. Thunstone while the good Dr. Jaeger is admittedly...eccentric I can assure you that provided you stick to the protocols we discussed before you should be perfectly safe. Just try to do your job the best you can, don't leave that brandy you enjoy so much out where he can get at it to use in experiments, don't do anything to needlessly antagonize him, and if all else fails to work call in Dr. Hashima...which reminds me, she's not a fan of tobacco so if you are going to smoke that pipe of yours I suggest you do it outside lest the smell cling and keep her away from you when you need her."
"I'm less concerned about my own safety Mr. Crowley and more concerned about the safety of the people around Dr. Jaeger including Dr. Hashima. I've been dragged into my fair share of scrapes over the years...hell it's why I took up boxing and fencing in my spare time...but I've managed to pull through without too much hassle. If there is one thing however that my years of experience have taught me it's this, brilliant but unhinged types tend to carry certain risks all their own." The big Richmonder muttered as the two of them rounded the crest of the ridge and beheld the sight of the ocean below.
"And yet despite those risks here you are," Crowley answered back as he turned to face his companion his light grey seersucker suit flapping in the warm ocean breeze as he did so.
"I wanted answers about my sword-cane. And was the only way to keep Shannon safe." Thunderstone said somewhat quietly as he dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief from his light blue dress shirt's pocket
"Shannon? Ah yes, the Countess."
"Yes, I love the girl to death don't get me wrong...her kindness, her happy eyes as blue as this sea, her strawberry tinged blonde locks...but every time we get together something terrible happens. No, I think it's better I stay away from her. The fact that your...I mean our Lord was willing to get that ex-OSI agent to act as her new bodyguard in exchange for my services just cements things in my mind...speaking of which. What was that agent's name again? Adam...blast it's right on the tip of my tongue but I can't seem to recall."
"Just call him Ocelot, that's what his handlers knew him as back when he was in the service and it's odd enough that it should be easy to remember. And actually just so you know, I was the one who suggested him to our lord. Ocelot's father was an acquaintance from when I visited Euro-Britainia and before he died I passed along to him that I was working for a new noble benefactor. He must have told his son because the next thing I know Ocelot is calling me up and asking if I can get lord Lelouch to arrange a transfer."
"Just like that?"
"He apparently wanted something simple to unwind. Said he was sick of corrupt nobles, coverups, and European double agents and blah, blah, blah. Said he needed someone sufficiently powerful to pull strings to get him out of there. It was just dumb luck it happened just as my lord was planning on recruiting you."
"Well then, in that case, thank you for suggesting him."
"You are quite welcome."
It's funny how life worked out some times. Crowley had not been expecting to speak to the newest hire of his lord's retinue until sometime later in the week... however the good Dr. Jaeger had apparently been having one of his breakthroughs and the resulting smoke and explosions from it had been especially bad and driven everyone in their wing of the complex out. From what Crowley had heard over the communication channels there was nothing really to be concerned about, but just to be on the safe side a temporary order to stay away from the immediate area of the labs was in effect until tomorrow. So having run into the new guy on the block during the panicked running, and with nothing better to do, Crowley and Thunstone had been talking and taking in the scenes of the island paradise their young lord ruled over.
The young lord...
Every time his thoughts drifted in that direction Crowley found his emotions curiously mixed up. Not in the romantic way that young ladies who got to know the lad seemed to find themselves though. Crowley was a very open-minded individual don't get him wrong, you had to be in order to dabble in the occult, but his sexuality was another matter altogether. No Crowley's mixed emotions had their source in certain beliefs that had found themselves upended by his meeting the eldest child of the Vi Britainia line.
Crowley had been a young lad when he had realized something was different between him and those around him. It had given him an edge in some instances of his day to day (like giving him the ability to read his cousin's emotions in just the perfect way so as to be able to manipulate him into giving him his comics and whatnot) but at the same time, it also made him feel...unsure.
Unsure about why he had these powers and not others, unsure about what they were supposed to be used for, unsure if they were a gift from heaven or hell...
At least until he stumbled across the book in the library.
Not a profound book of ancient wisdom, or philosophical insight, or treatise on the human mind.
No, it was quite simply just a book of poems, something he had seemingly grabbed on a whim. "Voices" by a Katherine Coolidge. Idly he had begun to thumb through it...and stopped dead as he reached one section of the preface.
He still remembered it to this day...
Lo! Life hath quickened me, and here am I:
A vessel bursting with mystic might;
An atom potent with the Infinite;
Too weak to wield its power; too strong to die.
O Life, thine unveiled presence is too high,
Too pure, and shatters with excess of light
The daring one who tempts thy dazzling height;
Who from the earth would touch the circling sky.
Yet would I rather feel thy vital breath,
Filling my frailty with deep throes of strife,
Bearing my being to the gates of Death,
Then bide in stagnant ease, not knowing Thee:
So give thyself more fully, glorious Life,
Until thy rending force shall set me free.
Then white...white...light had filled his mind's eye...
He awoke the next day in a hospital bed feeling like someone had him square between the eyes with a sledgehammer. As he later learned from the doctor standing over his bed when he awakened he had just randomly gone and tipped over like a half-rotted tree hit by a storm gust for no explainable reason and in doing so scared the unholy shit out of the poor librarian who had witnessed the matter.
Tests were run, of course, his mother had been called and rushed over and his father...had shown up eventually. There was much, much talking amongst the adults and all the while Crowley had lain there and wondered about what had happened to him. And slowly ever so slowly like the first few tentative flakes of snow drifting in the winter winds, the thoughts that had come to him before so abruptly began to drift in and color his vision white, this time slower. Slow enough now that he could understand them. Thought that became images of a glowing cloaked man with people bowing to him.
As a child, he had thought the vision had been an image of himself in the future, hence why he had begun his organization...but he was wrong. Oh so wrong. He knew that the moment he had met the young lord and witnessed his power. In retrospect, it should have been obvious. The words of the poem itself had told him the truth of the matter.
A vessel bursting with mystic might;
An atom potent with the Infinite;
An atom, a small thing, yet filled with immense power like his young lord. By comparison, Crowley was a firefly competing against the light of the sun. That recent debacle where he alone amongst his research group had been able to grasp enough of those "shinobi" techniques to be counted as the lowest rank of the ninja while his lord had apparently mastered them years ago only reinforced the presence of the power gulf.
The daring one who tempts thy dazzling height;
Who from the earth would touch the circling sky.
To touch the sky, just like his lord who had dared to touch the sky and in so doing became, along with his copilot, co-holder of the title of "fastest man alive".
No Crowley was not the glowing man in the vision...but he was not absent from it either. He was the darkness, the shadow against which the light of the cloaked man shined. He was not the messiah, he was the voice crying out from the desert which heralded him.
His lord's other actions only seemed to confirm his suspicions. Why else would he hire Thunstone? A man not only skilled in the occult but who literally had an artifact forged by a saint? A weapon whose steel blade had written on it in silver letters the Latin motto "Sic pereant omnes inimici tui Domine" Thus perishes all your enemies LORD!
No Crowley was no god, he was the prophet. A role which may seem lesser but had certain advantages all it's own...
'After all, God forgives everyone...but I'm just the I don't have to.'
And speaking of his lord, that was probably him now. A quick fumbling by the occultist in his pocket eventually bore fruit in the form of his phone and a few words on it confirmed his suspicions. He received his orders, hung up the phone, and bid his companion a fond farewell. Thunstone seemed slightly put off by the abrupt dismissal at first but eventually shrugged and went on his way just like Crowley expected, a fact that made Crowley smile internally. For all of the power difference between him and his lord when compared to the average psychic like Thunstone, Crowley was still a few steps ahead. But enough of mental pats on the back, he needed to get going!
One didn't keep God waiting after all...