Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

The Blood might necessitate a Diplomatic action to give proper PR spin (framing it as Lelouch taking advantage of 'pirate infighting' might be useful), but the gains might be worth it. Uniting with Weber's forces like this to fight a common foe could ease bad blood between your factions, mostly on his side admittedly. If you're willing to push for peaceful coexistence between yours and his organizations or even eventually subsume his, this could be an opportunity. If you don't include him, though, you could use 'big stick' negotiation tactics to pressure Indonesia to think about removing diplomatic recognition. Carbez is a pretty big stick.

Area Nine is a very big stick, militarily, to use. Her defense fleet is formal Britannian military, after all. It won't necessarily be hard to get her to come... but getting her to leave could be. This is a really good chance to embarrass the Federation and try to scare the Confederation into joining Britannia peacefully for 'real' protection. Of course, Weber's politically savvy enough to try to entice favors from the IC as well, so it's not like Carbez is unique there.
And again I'm on the fence here. If we take the Blood we need to think which of our two Diplomacy actions we will want to sacrifice next turn. Either trying to tackle Gawain without extra support (and gaining advantages afterwards) or miss out on extra psionic refuges for a larger recruitment pool. Unless the dice went crazy again and the refuge action is off the table. Or wait for another year with Gawain and do the Environmental Hazards action which we will need in the near future. Gawain has an effective DC of 10/30/50 after we take Jeager Learning and a +15 omake bonus into account. So not so bad. And even if we fail Slayer stated we can try to work on the specific systems again later. I think the DC was for Float/Hadron/Druid. And we only really need the first two for a mass produced Knightmare.
Kaguya Sumeragi, of course, is an innocent flower incapable of deception and deserving of your utmost trust and respect, shame on anyone who thinks otherwise.
Can't stop chuckling. Every time I read this sentence. I am still for telling her early and taking her with us. For some reason I think she would enjoy this.
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On the matter of Gawain (again), what vote/phase will have the choice of Y/N of bringing it with us to the conference? And will we be able to bring it via proper channels alongside our KoH being (for example) Kallen and her elite-problem solves our honor guard?
QM, about the Crowns option... just to make sure, does the DC for calling in the Crowns as allies for the Conference already factor in our share that we have in the PMC (20%) or not?
QM, about the Crowns option... just to make sure, does the DC for calling in the Crowns as allies for the Conference already factor in our share that we have in the PMC (20%) or not?
According to an earlier Word of QM it is already factored in:
On the note of the fact that you now own 20% of the Britannian PMC: The Crowns. In the event they're ever sent against you, I'll make a roll using Lelouch's Diplomacy Bonus plus the percent of the company you own. If you pass the check, the Crowns won't follow through with the attack, signifying your pull in the organization succeeding in heading off attempts to use them against you.

If you want to use them in an attack, same thing happens. As Lelouch's Diplo is 17, the DC for either will be 63 at the moment.

There will be opportunities to increase your holdings of the Crowns as well.
Effective DC: 100 - 20 (% of shares) - 17 (Lealouch Diplomacy) = 63 (or 80 before Lelouch Diplomacy is factored in)
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On the matter of Gawain (again), what vote/phase will have the choice of Y/N of bringing it with us to the conference? And will we be able to bring it via proper channels alongside our KoH being (for example) Kallen and her elite-problem solves our honor guard?
You know that guy who mounts a minigun on the back of his jeep and calls it a 'personal defense firearm'? Do you really want to be that guy?

There will be a set of votes right before the combat phase as to what preparations you make.

Lelouch is technically allowed, as a prince of Britannia, to bring any manner of weapon which can be reasonably attributed to personal defense with him. Bringing the Gawain publicly, in hindsight, might mean that he acquires a reputation for being paranoid. Alternatively, there could be talk that he knew something was going to happen. Of course, sneaking the thing in might raise even more questions.

Choices are full of trade offs.
QM, about the Crowns option... just to make sure, does the DC for calling in the Crowns as allies for the Conference already factor in our share that we have in the PMC (20%) or not?
It already factors in the twenty percent, so the DC is effectively 63 once you subtract Lelouch's Diplo. score. As long as the raw roll meets or exceeds a 63, you get the Crowns. If you want to factor in a 15 point omake, which I do still have a few of, then the minimum number drops to 48. So just over a fifty percent chance.
You know that guy who mounts a minigun on the back of his jeep and calls it a 'personal defense firearm'? Do you really want to be that guy?

There will be a set of votes right before the combat phase as to what preparations you make.

Lelouch is technically allowed, as a prince of Britannia, to bring any manner of weapon which can be reasonably attributed to personal defense with him. Bringing the Gawain publicly, in hindsight, might mean that he acquires a reputation for being paranoid. Alternatively, there could be talk that he knew something was going to happen. Of course, sneaking the thing in might raise even more questions.
Or it could be seen as a young Royal showing off his new shiny personal Knightmare frame and Britannian technological superiority. Especially if Gawain has a dual cockpit. It could be done by his personal guard forming up and the Gawain flying in and landing in the middle. We have a reputation of liking to fly. With that we could be seen as eccentric instead of paranoid.
EDIT: The dual cockpit is because we would take Kaguya with us as a passenger.
EDIT2: Also Kaguya is officially with us as a liason with the Ashfords on Japanese Knightmare frame development so it could be used to point out Japanese Britannian cooperation. And if we use this as our entrance we could get away with arriving in more practical clothing for a fight.
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Honestly, calling in The Blood seems like a strategic windfall for us if we can capitalize on the political aspect.

One of the long term goals we've set ourselves is taking over Australia and The Blood has a rather strong foothold on the continent that would be hell to oust them from. Managing to make significant gains in subsuming them would not only remove an opposing faction from the board, but bolster our own Navy. While that would absolutely require follow up Diplomacy actions, it was never not going to require diplomacy actions to deal with Australia. It's not like one day the continent would suddenly be ours, no questions asked or like if we took it over via military force we still wouldn't have to settle ruffled feathers with diplo.

Saying it would take Diplomacy related actions to do it is not a good reason to avoid doing it.
You know that guy who mounts a minigun on the back of his jeep and calls it a 'personal defense firearm'? Do you really want to be that guy?

There will be a set of votes right before the combat phase as to what preparations you make.

Lelouch is technically allowed, as a prince of Britannia, to bring any manner of weapon which can be reasonably attributed to personal defense with him. Bringing the Gawain publicly, in hindsight, might mean that he acquires a reputation for being paranoid. Alternatively, there could be talk that he knew something was going to happen. Of course, sneaking the thing in might raise even more questions.

Choices are full of trade offs.
Argh. I'm rapidly being soured at the idea bringing that thing with us, not only because of how it might look politically afterwards, but also because unless we sneak it in it might tip somebody from the New Heaven off that we know something before the attack happens. Unlikely (if it is even rolled), but it could happen if (again, if its rolled in the first place).
Honestly, calling in The Blood seems like a strategic windfall for us if we can capitalize on the political aspect.

One of the long term goals we've set ourselves is taking over Australia and The Blood has a rather strong foothold on the continent that would be hell to oust them from. Managing to make significant gains in subsuming them would not only remove an opposing faction from the board, but bolster our own Navy. While that would absolutely require follow up Diplomacy actions, it was never not going to require diplomacy actions to deal with Australia. It's not like one day the continent would suddenly be ours, no questions asked or like if we took it over via military force we still wouldn't have to settle ruffled feathers with diplo.

Saying it would take Diplomacy related actions to do it is not a good reason to avoid doing it.
I agree. It is mostly because it will require an immediate Diplomatic action with most of us already salivating for two actions from this turn (Refuges and Ashford cooperation) that it was even an argument. But as I mentioned before we have a decent chance of getting most of Gawain's tech on our own and Slayer mentioned before that what we don't manage to unlock on the first try we will have a second chance later.
So with that said I am leaning towards inviting the Blood for longer term gains. Especially with our agreement that we will limit Area 9 expansion we would need a Diplomacy action anyway or risk loosing Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.) and A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.).
We might also leverage this joint action into an agreement of the Blood stooping their raids on Britannian shipping.
I agree. It is mostly because it will require an immediate Diplomatic action with most of us already salivating for two actions from this turn (Refuges and Ashford cooperation) that it was even an argument. But as I mentioned before we have a decent chance of getting most of Gawain's tech on our own and Slayer mentioned before that what we don't manage to unlock on the first try we will have a second chance later.
So with that said I am leaning towards inviting the Blood for longer term gains. Especially with our agreement that we will limit Area 9 expansion we would need a Diplomacy action anyway or risk loosing Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.) and A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.).
We might also leverage this joint action into an agreement of the Blood stooping their raids on Britannian shipping.
This brings yet another question to mind. Hey dear QM of ours, would the spin-Diplomacy action likely be in the form of de-escalation with the Blood (thus getting Euphy's SL bonus for it), or would it be more internally focused for Britannia's courts to consume? Or both?
This brings yet another question to mind. Hey dear QM of ours, would the spin-Diplomacy action likely be in the form of de-escalation with the Blood (thus getting Euphy's SL bonus for it), or would it be more internally focused for Britannia's courts to consume? Or both?
It would depend on how voters would want to couch it. What would probably happen if the Blood is chosen and they show up is that I'd give a diplomacy action, then allow people to select how they want to play it. Examples would include playing it off as Lelouch taking advantage of 'pirate infighting' or attempting to push the narrative that New Heaven was so vile as to justify a partnership with other pirates. Trying to acknowledge the Blood as a legitimate polity would be very hard, but you could attempt it. Euphie's bonus might apply, depending on specifics.


Who do you attempt to bring in? (Choose BETWEEN ZERO-TWO)
[ ] No One. You will handle this on your own, damn the consequences. All of the glory, all of the risk. (May be chosen twice.)
[ ] Cancellation. Instead of attempting to pull in allies, use your time to advocate the cancellation or postponement of the conference. You can't say what the political fallout of such an attempt will be, though. DC: ??? - Diplomacy
[ ] The Blood of L'Olannis. Weber has marshaled forces in preparation to defend from a major raid on his territory. If you can convince him of the veracity of your claims, he'll be sure to commit to Indonesia's defense. DC: 40 – Diplomacy
[ ] The Crowns. You have pull in the PMC now and while it's outside of their normal operations area, they're easily able to accommodate your orders... provided you can convince their other backers without giving away too much information. (Uses Lelouch's Bonus) DC: 80 – Diplomacy
[ ] OSI. The malus of this course of action is that you can't control what the OSI will do. Given Schneizel's explanation of the political realities of the region, though, you can bet they'll do something. DC: 30 – Diplomacy
[ ] Emilia Carbez. The governor has a fleet and is more than ready to put it to use. You'll have to face political difficulties in asking her to interfere on your behalf, but that shouldn't be too onerous given you're on good terms with each other. DC: 55 – Diplomacy

Now, what in the nine hells is to be done?
[ ] Do Nothing. There is more than enough reason to believe you can abstain from the initial conflict, fight your way out of the conference with a few choice VIPs you rescue 'by chance' and earn a bit of political credit that way.
[ ] Defeat in Detail. You run the risk of not catching all the fragments and leaving the conference lightly defended even if you bring in an ally, but challenging each flotilla before they unite into an invasion fleet gives you a vital advantage.
[ ] Open Battle. There is something to be said for having all your enemies in one place without any distractions. Challenge the fleet while it is safely away from the conference, but only after it has gathered, this way you ensure the conference's safety but endanger your own forces to a greater extent.
[ ] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points.
[ ] Write In – MUST BE APPROVED – GENERAL TACTICS ONLY! No one asked for approval, so no write-ins will be accepted, stick to the given options.

Specifically, there is also the matter of Kaguya Sumeragi, and the fact that it's already been announced she's accompanying you...
[ ] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things.
-[ ] Encourage her to suddenly 'fall ill' before the conference and absent herself.
-[ ] Make no mention of Kaguya not attending, the reasons for inviting her still stand and are possibly even more important now.
[ ] Don't Tell Kaguya Early - You can inform her during the conference, it will make one less variable to account for.

Example Format:

-[ ] Ally Choice 1
-[ ] Ally Choice 2
-[ ] General Strategy
-[ ] Kaguya Decision
--[ ] Encouragement Sub-Vote (Do not include if you choose not to tell Kaguya early.)
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I agree. It is mostly because it will require an immediate Diplomatic action with most of us already salivating for two actions from this turn (Refuges and Ashford cooperation) that it was even an argument. But as I mentioned before we have a decent chance of getting most of Gawain's tech on our own and Slayer mentioned before that what we don't manage to unlock on the first try we will have a second chance later.
So with that said I am leaning towards inviting the Blood for longer term gains. Especially with our agreement that we will limit Area 9 expansion we would need a Diplomacy action anyway or risk loosing Political Backing (Aid claiming Australian Territory when the times comes.) and A Cut of the Gross (+3000 Income for Ten Years//May be chosen more than once.).
We might also leverage this joint action into an agreement of the Blood stooping their raids on Britannian shipping.
Are we honestly going to put the refugee crises or studying the Gawain on the same level as not only avoiding a costly war with pirates strong enough to be their own minor country, but potentially subsuming them to fight all the other pirates?
Are we honestly going to put the refugee crises or studying the Gawain on the same level as not only avoiding a costly war with pirates strong enough to be their own minor country, but potentially subsuming them to fight all the other pirates?
You missed my point. I was saying that it was one of the arguments against that. I also stated that we can put off getting Ashford cooperation for after we do some of our own research on the Gawain as an argument why we don't need that option. Also looking at what New Heaven has Refuges (and specifically the psionic ones) are looking very attractive for our long term goals while being a extremely time limited option.
You are also forgetting how much convincing it took to get people voting for meeting with the Area Governors instead of taking the "shinies" options.
[x] Castling Up
-[X] The Crowns. You have pull in the PMC now and while it's outside of their normal operations area, they're easily able to accommodate your orders... provided you can convince their other backers without giving away too much information. (Uses Lelouch's Bonus) DC: 80 – Diplomacy
-[X] OSI. The malus of this course of action is that you can't control what the OSI will do. Given Schneizel's explanation of the political realities of the region, though, you can bet they'll do something. DC: 30 – Diplomacy
-[X] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points.
-[X] Don't Tell Kaguya Early - You can inform her during the conference, it will make one less variable to account for.

[] Cards not as close to the chest
-[] The Crowns. You have pull in the PMC now and while it's outside of their normal operations area, they're easily able to accommodate your orders... provided you can convince their other backers without giving away too much information. (Uses Lelouch's Bonus) DC: 80 – Diplomacy
-[] OSI. The malus of this course of action is that you can't control what the OSI will do. Given Schneizel's explanation of the political realities of the region, though, you can bet they'll do something. DC: 30 – Diplomacy
-[] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points.
-[] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things.
--[] Make no mention of Kaguya not attending, the reasons for inviting her still stand and are possibly even more important now.

Two tentative plans, leading towards the first one as the Sumeragi's were one of the major interest groups behind expelling the shinobi IIRC. Revealing this information reveals that Lelouch has suborned a lot of those shinobi, can infiltrate even secure police states on guard for psychic powers. And ultimately, Kaguya strikes me as the kind of person who would respect us not immediately trusting her, and presenting her with a fait accompli.
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Okay then. I think I've gone back a full circle in my weathervaning opinions, and come back to this:

[X] The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Enemy's Enemy
-[X] The Blood of L'Olannis. Weber has marshaled forces in preparation to defend from a major raid on his territory. If you can convince him of the veracity of your claims, he'll be sure to commit to Indonesia's defense. DC: 40 – Diplomacy
-[X] OSI. The malus of this course of action is that you can't control what the OSI will do. Given Schneizel's explanation of the political realities of the region, though, you can bet they'll do something. DC: 30 – Diplomacy
-[X] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points.
-[X] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things.
--[X] Make no mention of Kaguya not attending, the reasons for inviting her still stand and are possibly even more important now.
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[X] The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Enemy's Enemy

Putting my vote behind this. Lowest DC on getting allies (even if they might require some follow up actions). As for OSI causing chaos. Lelouch should be decent at riding it while New Heaven is most likely too rigid unless they critted and gained a Schneizel level commander.
Also telling Kaguya early opens more options for us by working together. If we roll high enough it might be a repeat of Kallen SL gains. Even if I'm still aiming for Milly as our Stewardship advisor.
I wonder what it would take to grab CC as our Piety Advisor since Sayoko is planned to take over as Intrigue Advisor. It would mean we actually have some free time and not being directly in charge of any section. And CC reaction to our cult of Lelouch would be amusing. Maybe if we roll high enough with OSI it will open a path to getting her in the future.
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[X] The Blood of L'Olannis. Weber has marshaled forces in preparation to defend from a major raid on his territory. If you can convince him of the veracity of your claims, he'll be sure to commit to Indonesia's defense. DC: 40 – Diplomacy
[X] The Crowns. You have pull in the PMC now and while it's outside of their normal operations area, they're easily able to accommodate your orders... provided you can convince their other backers without giving away too much information. (Uses Lelouch's Bonus) DC: 80 – Diplomacy

[X] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points

[X] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things
[X] The Blood of L'Olannis. Weber has marshaled forces in preparation to defend from a major raid on his territory. If you can convince him of the veracity of your claims, he'll be sure to commit to Indonesia's defense. DC: 40 – Diplomacy
[X] The Crowns. You have pull in the PMC now and while it's outside of their normal operations area, they're easily able to accommodate your orders... provided you can convince their other backers without giving away too much information. (Uses Lelouch's Bonus) DC: 80 – Diplomacy

[X] Grand Defense. Perhaps the safest option for your forces. If you allow the invasion fleet to close the distance, you can take them by surprise while they're bottled up. Acting quickly, though, you might prevent the worst civilian casualties. Also, you'll win massive political points

[X] Tell Kaguya Early - You can trust her enough in this situation to keep a cool head about things
This is not formatted properly. Please look at the example within the vote-opening post.