Week in Denerim
Day Two, Part IV
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
Plans were made, discussions had, and nods were exchanged. And at once, soldiers moved to surround the Arl of Denerim's estate and block every possible entrance and exit.
From outside the estate, you, Cauthrien and Loghain waited with baited breath as Adaron and his spies and the more nimble City Elves snuck inside, armed with dagger and leather armour.
"I don't mean to doubt your spies' skills, but can they truly do their job?" Asked Loghain.
"They can, Loghain," You said, "Don't worry."
"My Lord, if Lord Aedan says with certainty they can do their job, should we not trust him on this?" Said Cauthrien.
Loghain sighed, saying, "I suppose."
Screams rang out from the estate – all of men and women screaming their death throes as chaos ensued, and all tightened their knuckles on their weapons.
"Get ready, men," Said Loghain, "On my mark…"
The gates were thrown open, and the bodies of two guards fell to the ground.
And war cries were shouted as the men stormed the estate, swords drawn and bows primed with arrows. The guards tried putting up a resistance, but caught unaware and weakened by Adaron's spies and lacking the same training that Loghain's men had, they were cut down like lambs to the slaughter.
Before long, the guards were pitifully overwhelmed and your party streamed in unopposed into the different parts of the Keep, ensuring that all resistance was permanently silenced.
Using the chaos to his advantage, you went into the prison complex, where you saw Serah Ruby, her Knights and many female Elves being imprisoned inside.
"Get them out, now!" You ordered.
The prison gates were pried open, and the female elves were quick to embrace their freedom as they were led outside and away from the estate.
"Thank you for freeing us, my Lord," Said Serah Ruby, "I never did expect Vaughan would have so many powerful backers."
"They merely want him as a puppet, I'd wager," You said, "But where's Shianni? Did you see a red-haired Elf?"
"Shianni… oh shit! Vaughan just took her to his bedroom a while ago!" Shouted Ruby, "We have to hurry!"
"You heard her, men! With me!" You ordered.
Not long after, you caught up to Adaron and the others as you hastily made your way deeper into the estate. When you entered Vaughan's bedroom, you saw Shianni pinned down by Vaughan as she struggled against his stronger grasp.
"Get off me, you bloody bastard!" She shouted.
Adaron, seeing blood, violently tackled him to the ground and punched him repeatedly with such brute strength that his facial bones were shattered and blood spilled in rivers across the bedroom.
"Ruby, check on her," You said.
After a moment's inspection, Ruby then said, "She's fine, thank the Maker."
You let out a sigh of relief, then turn to Adaron and briefly halt Adaron in his beatdown as he slowly turns to you, his shoulders stiff with tension.
"Shianni's fine, as are all the other Elves," You said.
At this, Adaron deflated visibly, relief awash on his face, though he yet glared at Vaughan.
Loghain and Serah Cauthrien then entered the room, and after a brief explanation on what transpired in the bedroom, Loghain nodded at this. He then walked to Vaughan and slowly knelt beside him, fury boiling in his eyes.
"Vaughan Kendells," Loghain said in an even voice, "You stand accused of multiple counts of rape, attempted rape and even murder. What say you in your defence?"
Despite his damaged face, Vaughan managed to spit at Loghain's feet.
"I see," Said Loghain, who took out a dagger and handed it to Shianni, nodding at her.
Shianni took the dagger in hand, and slowly kneeling before Vaughan, she said in a low, menacing voice, "I told you, I would gut you like a pig."
The rest of you then leave, knowing what fate would befall Vaughan.
Not once did you look back, even when the gurgling and spilling of blood reached your ears.
With King Cailan now away on his march to Ostagar, it fell to Loghain to oversee court affairs in his stead, and in the King's Palace, a Landsmeet was called as all nobles in Denerim were assembled before the court – Loghain standing in front of the Throne, Serah Cauthrien by his side, and Queen Anora before them.
You stood by the side with Adaron, his eyes scrutinising the assembly for any bad apples among them.
"I wonder who among them wishes to plunge my people into despair…" Adaron muttered, "As if it wasn't bad enough our King is such a buffoon…"
"Wait and see, Adaron," You mutter, "They have it handled."
Adaron nods at you in response, a slight comfort in his eyes.
"This Landsmeet is called to order because of current trying circumstances that has forced me to call it early," Said Anora, her voice reverberating across the throne room's halls, "Particularly, the judgement of nobles guilty of horrid deeds."
Cries and fierce murmurs were exchanged between the nobles, and soon those whispers intensified as a few of Vaughan's lackeys were brought forward by Loghain's men, bruised and beaten and clapped in stocks.
"These were the lackeys of Vaughan Kendells, a noble who has notoriously gotten away with multiple counts of rape and even murder," Said Loghain, "And they are guilty of the same; none of us will stand for it. As such, Queen Anora calls for their execution."
"I say they die!" Shouted one woman, "They and Vaughan tried to rape my sister, and only my timely intervention prevented him from doing so!"
You recognise the voice as belonging to Bann Lucile Armstrong of Strommeadow, her eyes burning with anger at the sight of the nobles, her mouth frothing at the chance of vengeance against the wicked nobles.
"Bann Lucile is correct!" Shouted another voice, "I say they die, make sure they can never get their grubby hands on another innocent maiden ever again!"
The number of voices actively advocating for their deaths were not few, yet not many – less than half of those gathered, and you resisted the urge to groan severely at this.
"I see," Said Anora, "Those who advocated for their deaths, they are to be taken away."
"Wait, what is the meaning of this!?" Cursed one of the nobles as they were taken away, "Loghain! My Queen! Answer me!"
The remainder of the nobility merely gave shrugs and nods, giving nonchalant responses of "Why not kill them?", "Let them die," and "Give them what they deserve." All half-hearted words and no sustenance beneath them.
You nod at Adaron, who nods in return and swiftly disappears, and you turn to face the remaining assembly as Loghain sighs.
"Very well," Said Anora, "Cut them down."
At once, steel rang as swords and daggers were drawn, and carnage ensued as the gathered nobles were all butchered one by one, no mercy shown to stragglers or others despite their pleas for mercy. By the end of the carnage, neither of Vaughan's lackeys or the corrupt backers remained alive, their corpses pooling in their own blood.
Loghain nods at you, and he says to his men and yours, "Surround the estates of the corrupt families and place them under house arrest one by one – I shall determine their fate later. If they show any resistance, suppress it."
They nodded, and went to perform their grisly work, leaving Loghain and Anora to heavy a sigh of relief.
"Maker, it's finally done," Said Loghain, "Should have done this much earlier; it'd save us so much grief."
"And I'm finally glad to be rid of these fools," Said Anora, "Some of them made my skin crawl."
"At least it is finally done, My Lord, My Queen," Said Cauthrien, "Now we can truly devote our power to preparing Ferelden for the war to come."
"Aye, it is," Said Loghain, "If Duncan's words are to be believed, the horde is yet amassing in greater numbers, and we cannot avoid this war."
Loghain then turns to you, and said, "Thank you for your help, Aedan. We'd never have managed this without your help."
"You ought to give thanks to Adaron, Serah Ruby and my men as well," You replied.
"True, but if you had not come, this would never have been possible," Said Loghain with a smile, "I've already dispatched a messenger to the Alienage – we'll soon have the first new recruits for our new Night Elven corps."
"Glad to hear it," You said, then turned to Queen Anora, "Just curious, My Queen, what do you plan to do with the City Elves?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Said Anora smilingly, "I'm signing new laws to renovate the decrepit place into a quarter that's an actual city quarter and not a slum – the Elves will have better housing soon enough. Furthermore, these Elves can now live in other parts of the city or Kingdom that accepts them, and gain full citizenship rights. If they want to, they can even enlist in the army, if need be."
"Now that's what I'm looking for," You said, "Thank you, My Queen."
"I must admit, in all my years I never thought this'd even be possible," The haggard voice of Valendrian said, "And we have you mostly to thank, aside from Queen Anora and Lord Loghain."
Around you, old and worn down houses were being demolished in favour of proper houses of stone, brick and mortar, the streets being paved with stone. The old gate was demolished as well, replaced with a proper gate of metal and wood and guards from Loghain's men stationed to keep the order.
No longer would Elves remain confined in the Alienage, no longer would this blemish remain; now a proper city quarter was taking its place, and the Vhenandhal looked healthier than before.
Many Elves – young and old alike – bathed in the new springs of clean water conjured by the mages in service to the crown, and the smell of wet dog – something foreigners always complained about – was becoming noticeably less severe.
"It just goes to show we need to take matters into our own hands, for things to change," You said, "If not, who would?"
"None can gainsay you, in this case," Said Valendrian, "And should you need our aid, do not hesitate to call upon us; we shall strive to answer."
"I'm looking forward to that," You said.
Reward: Alliance with the City Elves gained, Night Elves restarted and currently seeing a surge of recruitment, City Elves now able to live higher standards of living and migrate to other parts of Denerim and Ferelden in general, and corrupt nobility culled.
What shall you do tomorrow? (Pick Two)
[] Mark political enemies among the Nobility (outside of Denerim) to target.
[] Mark opponents in the Chantry to eliminate.
[] Acquaint yourself with Loghain's men in Fort Drakon.
[] Find mercenary bands for hire.
[] Meet your prospective allies in the Bannorn.
- [] Bann Lucile Armstrong
- [] Bann Theresa Hubbard
[] Meet your prospective allies in the Chantry.
- [] Sister Denise Mayer
- [] Mother Vera Kent
A/N: As always, a three-hour moratorium is in effect. Use this time to discuss your plans.