A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

I say we should arrange to have the willing elves brought to our territory to boost our population and economy, give them land to farm or boats to fish with and our maximum population will rise.
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19. Week in Denerim, Day Two, Part II
Week in Denerim

Day Two, Part II

[X] Plan Safety and Steel

"I get that you are wary of such a promise, and whether I can fulfil it," You said, "But let me say I have the ears of Teyrn Loghain and Queen Anora, and we look to secure our powerbase. If you join us, we will seek to improve your lives and make it safe for you to leave the walled-off Alienage."

There were murmurings of curiosity and blooming hope among the Elves, and Valendrian said, "Go on, continue."

You nod and said, "Teyrn Loghain is the military commander of all of Ferelden – as you know – and he used to fight with Elves in the past. I am unsure if you are aware, but the most elite unit of the old rebel army was a force known as the Night Elves made up of purely Elves."

"The Night Elves… I thought they were a mere fairy tale!" Exclaimed Cyrion, "Though after the Rebellion, their contributions to history and fate were unknown."

"Precisely, and I am sure Teyrn Loghain would like to restart formation of that ancient guerrilla force," You said, "Think about it, if you have the inclination to learn how to defend yourselves, I can convince him to start training your people. Both he and I know the value of Elven soldiers – we would both treat you well and not just as cannon fodder."

Yet more hopeful murmurs were exchanged among the council of Elves, though one particular Elf seemed hotly infuriated at your words. Pointing an accusing finger at you, he said, "Lies! All of them lies! I refuse to believe a word of it!"

"Lemiron, this is unbecoming of you," Said Valendrian, "Sit down."

"But Hahren, he spouts lies of bringing us better lives!" Said Lemiron, an old Elf, "My mother trusted a noble for such a thing, and she was slain just the same!"

"Was that noble trying to do things alone?" You asked.

"Well, that's…" Said Lemiron.

"Was he alone?" You repeated.

"… Yes," Lemiron conceded.

"Then his mistake was simple: He tried to change things along without a network of connections and political allies," You stated, "In this world, such changes simply cannot be done without significant political aid, and hence why I gained the ears of Teyrn Loghain and Queen Anora."


"Sit down, Lemiron," Valendrian ordered, "Our guest Aedan here seems to have carefully thought things out, and it would be prudent to listen further, is it not?"

"…Yes, Hahren," Said Lemiron as he sat back down.

You nod appreciatingly at Valendrian, who motions for you to continue.

"Now, racists can easily bully you and your kind because you lack the means to defend yourselves, am I right?" You said, "There can only be so many places you can practice in the Alienage."

"You are correct," Said Cyrion, "It is quite cramped."

"Then know that by enlisting under Loghain's leadership, it would make harassing your people less likely when you have your own trained soldiers to defend yourselves with," You said, "Think about it; you will finally have the chance to be masters of your own destiny."

Valendrian nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "I can feel the honesty of your words, young man. Even so, we are a naturally mistrustful bunch, and I feel your words alone may not be enough to sway them."

"Actually, I say we place our trust in Lord Aedan," Said Cyrion.

"Cyrion?" Asked some of the Elves.

"Think carefully; we have a golden opportunity our kind have long craved, and if we do not seize the initiative, when will such a thing come again?" Said Cyrion, "At best, we will only continue to languish in squalor, and at worst, they will come to do another purge as they did nearly twenty years ago."

That instantly silenced potential naysayers.

"Father is correct," Said Adaron, "It's now or never."

Silent glances were cast between each other as the Elves slowly nodded, and at once, they began casting their lots.

"If we're getting a better lot in life, now's the time! I say aye!"

Another Elf rose from her seat.

"Aedan's right! Now's the time to take matters into our own hands! I say aye!"


And you smile at the unison of agreement that rang out from the Elves.

"Very good, I thank you all for accepting my offer," You said, "I need only make the necessary arrangements, and Loghain can start recruiting you all into military positions."

Reward: Denerim Alienage now firmly allied with you and Salthaven, can start talking with Loghain to further sweeten deals for City Elves and protect them.


As the meeting concluded and you exited the Hahren's house, Adaron took the moment to tap your shoulder and garner your attention.

"I just wanted to say thanks, for helping my kin," Said Adaron.

"No need to thank me, I just did my job," You said.

"A real shame you can't attend my cousin's wedding, however," Said Adaron, "I would've like for you to meet Shianni and Sorin."

"Sorin a cousin of yours?" You ask.

"Shianni's cousin," Said Adaron, "And we're holding two weddings; Shianni's and Sorin's to their respective spouses."

"Huh," You remark, "Well, tell the couples they have my well wishes."

"I will," Said Adaron, "And I do appreciate you sparing Serah Ruby and her Knights."

"Hey, at least I can make up for my absence," Said Aedan, "Anyway, if you need my help, you know how to get it."

"That, I will do," Said Adaron.

And Adaron promptly left to make preparations for the weddings, leaving you to contemplate your next course of action.

"Now then… what shall I do in the meantime?" You wonder.

What shall you do to pass the time?

[] Visit Loghain, and talk about restarting the Night Elves.
[] Talk more with Queen Anora.
[] Meet your prospective allies in the Bannorn.
- [] Bann Lucile Armstrong
- [] Bann Theresa Hubbard
[] Meet Sister Denise Mayer in private.

A/N: As always, a three-hour moratorium in progress. Take this time to discuss your plans before voting.
I say we should arrange to have the willing elves brought to our territory to boost our population and economy, give them land to farm or boats to fish with and our maximum population will rise.
Our population is already nearly if not at max. We can't take in anymore let alone the numbers needed to reduce the overcrowded Alienage. Plus again the distance between the capital and salthaven make moving large groups a intensive process. We already have 10,000 city elves and 6,000 dalish we are full up on elves. we need to fix and expand the infrastructure before we start getting more people. Which kind of need to be Humans since we can't have the humans as a minority.

So we should either talk to Queen Anora or Loghain since they are the ones that will be setting things up. If we talk to Loghain he will tell Anora about our new powerbase and if we tell Anora ourselves she will tell her father and have him start the training. So either one works out. I say Loghain since we really want him to like us.
Our population is already nearly if not at max. We can't take in anymore let alone the numbers needed to reduce the overcrowded Alienage. Plus again the distance between the capital and salthaven make moving large groups a intensive process. We already have 10,000 city elves and 6,000 dalish we are full up on elves. we need to fix and expand the infrastructure before we start getting more people. Which kind of need to be Humans since we can't have the humans as a minority.

So we should either talk to Queen Anora or Loghain since they are the ones that will be setting things up. If we talk to Loghain he will tell Anora about our new powerbase and if we tell Anora ourselves she will tell her father and have him start the training. So either one works out. I say Loghain since we really want him to like us.
correct there are many roads in Salthaven Bannorn that are in disrepair including if I remember correctly a part of the tevinter highway. there's also the rural villages and hamlets that can be improved into towns.

[X] Visit Loghain, and talk about restarting the Night Elves.
Vote's pretty much unanimous, will get to work on the next part.
20. Week in Denerim, Day Two, Part III
A/N: Do pardon the wait. Been busy with stuff.

Week in Denerim

Day Two, Part III

[X] Visit Loghain, and talk about restarting the Night Elves.

You decided to visit Loghain, feeling inspired by the idea of restarting the Night Elves and giving the City Elves a chance to serve in the army once again.

Showing your medallion to the guards, you easily entered Fort Drakon and found your way to Loghain's study, where the Marshal was busy overseeing yet more mountains of paperwork, looking rather fatigued – a fatigue you yourself know too well.

"Loghain?" You asked.

"Ah, Aedan. Come in, I didn't see you there," Said Loghain, "Please, take a seat."

You did as he asked and waited for him to put aside his paperwork, and once he was finished, he then sat in front of you and asked, "So what brings you here, Aedan? Come to ask my help for something?"

"I did come to discuss something with you," You said, "It's about restarting recruitment of the Night Elves."

At this, Loghain looked at you as if you sank your head into the gutter, and he quickly replied, "Are you serious?"

"What, I thought you'd be amenable to this idea?" You ask, "At least, it'd give us a formidable guerrilla force capable of wreaking havoc on our enemies."

"Yes, I know," Said Loghain, "But the fact is, there's too many opposed to that idea – both in the nobility and the Chantry. Even with my authority as marshal, they still hold considerable power to use against me if I proceed with such a plan should they unite against me. And with the King taking a… what's the word? Laissez-faire? Anyway, he's taking such a lax policy with the local nobility that they've quickly grown corrupt and complacent."

"Shit, this is a real problem," You said, "I actually promised the City Elves of Denerim that I'd help you restart the Night Elves and give them better lives. I'd rather not break my word to them now."

"Now this is quite a predicament," Said Loghain, "Now, how do you propose we solve this crisis?"

"Well, the obvious solution would be to remove them and replace them with loyalists," You said, "Don't we have potential allies of our own?"

"We do, but most of them are outside the capital city, and it will take upwards of days, weeks even, for them to reach here," Said Loghain, "Too much time to take, and you need to bear results for the City Elves in just a few days."

"Then why not simply appoint your own men to the empty positions?" You suggest, "Don't forget, Queen Anora is as much a prominent player as you are, and the true power behind the Crown. If we work together, we can eliminate those opposed to the idea and strengthen our own power base. That way, no one can truly oppose us in implementing the reforms Ferelden badly needs."

Loghain nods contemplatively, saying, "Your suggestion holds merit, but if we are to do such a thing, we cannot pick them off piecemeal – we have to gather them all in one place and finish them in one go."

"The Landsmeet," You said, "If we have King Cailan call the Landsmeet, we can position our men to eliminate the nobles in one fell swoop – inside the Palace. As for the Chantry, we can similarly have them call for such a meeting, and then eliminate the opposition, replacing them with Revered Mothers loyal to our cause – or at least aren't opposed to us."

"All good suggestions, but finding friendly Mothers in the Chantry isn't as easy as finding loyalists in the nobility," Said Loghain.

"Queen Anora has recommended me a few names – Mother we can possibly win over to our side," You said, "I cannot say for sure whether or not they have allies of their own, but it's better than doing nothing."

"Aye, that it is," Said Loghain, "Either way, we'll need to act quickly; let's hope we can achieve our objectives before-"

"Aedan! Aedan!"

In came Adaron panting heavily, a group of bruised and similarly tired guards limping behind him.

"F-Forgive us, my Lords, but this Elf here-"

"He is with me," You reassure the guards, "Adaron, what's happened?"

"The wedding's gone south!" Shouted Adaron, "We've been accosted by far more nobles than we thought, and Serah Ruby and her Knights have been imprisoned! Shianni's been kidnapped, as were several other women!"

You then let out a strong of curses most foul, thinking this a setback smelling of interference.

"Where were they taken?" You quickly ask, "Who were the culprits?"

"Vaughan Kendells and his circle of lackeys," Adaron said with disgust, "They've been taken to the Arl of Denerim's estate. Many of the City Elves are clamouring for justice against this injustice – to no effect."

"Vaughan, that slimy bastard," Said Loghain, "I'd be damned if I tolerate any more of his mischief, much less against my daughter! This has to end!"

"A perfect opportunity," You said, "But first, we have to organise the Elves; they're a ragtag, mismatched band no match for a cohort of disciplined guards."

"You have my men for that," Said Loghain, "In the meantime, I'll have my men surround the estate and keep Vaughan and his lackeys busy. Adaron, I'll need to borrow the services of your spies, help me find ways to sneak into the Arl's estate."

"You'll have them," Said Adaron.

"What about the Alienage's leaders?" You asked Adaron.

"All trying to calm the crowd," Said Adaron, "They're still waiting inside the Alienage, though."

"Loghain, I need you to come with me," You said, "We're meeting the Alienage leaders and arranging an alliance."

Loghain merely shrugged his shoulders, saying, "Just take me there."


The Alienage was a scene of chaos, Elves and Elf-blooded Humans clamouring and chanting for justice against the tyranny exercised by the nobles. Many hearts burned with righteous fury, and their fists held high in the air.

"We won't allow this damn tyrant to do with our women as he pleases!"

"I say down with him! Down with him!"

"Down with Vaughan Kendells!"

As you, Adaron and Loghain approached with your escorts – Serah Cauthrien in tow, you are approached by Slim Couldry who quickly says, "Oh goodness, thank the Maker you're here! It's a bloody disaster, I-"

"Slow down, Slim," Adaron reassured, "Take us to the Hahren; we've got things to discuss."

Seeing Loghain and his knights in tow, Slim quickly said, "O-Of course! This way, quickly!"


Before you sat the Alienage elders, and right now, they looked on the brink of imploding from their temper.

Valendrian looked as amicable as ever, though he too was worried about the state of affairs.

"Ah, Lord Aedan, I admit that I was not expecting to see you back so soon," Said Valendrian, "But as you can see…"

"We're here about that, actually," You said, "We're going to free the captured Elves."

Instantly, all attention was on you and your entourage.

"With me is Marshal Loghain of Ferelden's armies, the Hero of Riven Dane, as you know him," You said, "I was in discussion with him on restarting the Night Elves when the… kidnapping happened."

"Ah, I see," Said Valendrian, "Do forgive us for not recognising you, My Lord."

"At ease, all of you," Said Loghain, "I'm here to help with freeing the Elves. With me is Serah Cauthrien of my Knights."

Cauthrien nodded curtly in response.

"But surely you are not doing this out of the kindness of your hearts, Lord Loghain?" Asked Cyrion.

"The leader of the culprits, Vaughan, he is a man I would prefer to see dead," Said Loghain with a frown, "Too many times, his lecherous escapades have gone unpunished, and he is even guilty of a few murders I couldn't sanction justice for due to various reasons. He even tried making advances on my daughter."

Cyrion nodded in understanding.

"But now, we finally have the moral imperative and justification to get rid of Vaughan and his lackeys once and for all, and I believe you also want to rescue your captured kinsmen from the bottom of your hearts," Said Loghain, "So I will ask you this, are you willing to take up arms and fight alongside us to rescue them?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Said an elder, "I say we take up arms! No way we're backing down now, especially not after we've got this golden opportunity!"

"Loghain's right! We ought to take up arms! We have to take control of our own destinies now!"

And affirmative cheers were heard from the elders, and you, Adaron and Loghain nodded with smiles.

"Now that that's done, how's about we strategise how to storm the estate, rescue the captured Elves and net all of Vaughan's connections in one fell swoop?" You suggest.

Given the urgency of this situation, voting commences immediately. Please make sure to discuss your plans, however, and make sure to put a plan name for your suggestions.

How shall you carry out this most dastardly plan?

[] Storm the estate with full force of arms, on the grounds of meeting out Royal Justice.
[] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
[] Use a distraction to lure out men from guarded strongpoints and take the estate, then organise a trap for when the lured troops come back.
[] Other plans (Write-in)
Hey, so I'm thinking we have the spies infiltrate and move to protect the hostages before trying to storm the place. Just to ensure that these fucks don't decide that if they've lost they might as well kill the elves.
"Yes, I know," Said Loghain, "But the fact is, there's too many opposed to that idea – both in the nobility and the Chantry
Again Why do you have the Chantry opposing the elves? The noble in the city make some sense since they are the one benefiting from keeping the elves down here. But the majority of elves in this Kingdom do not have it that bad. Almost every other kingdom treats them much worse. And the Chantry doesn't have any stance against the elves since all non Dalish elves are a part of their church. Also how in the hell did our knights get captured their were 41 highly trained, heavily armed and armored fighters that were not known to be there. How did some random punk who is not shown to be any kind of fighter and a handful of lackeys beat and capture them? This seems like conflict and drama for the sake of it with little logic to back it up. You had a chance to take that encounter in a different way than canon but instead, you made it turn out the same way with no difference. I am not sure if this is going to keep happening and if it does then frankly this quest will no longer be worth the effort.

[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.

Getting inside a stronghold is always the most important thing. Once that is done then the battle is in the favor of the attackers.
I'm not sure what plan to go with just yet but at least, it has to be seen as Loghain and us taking the lead, with a proper excuse. Because if we do this with Elves at the front, we're giving our game away for the planned Landsmeet (if that is still the plan) for gathering support and removing those not loyal to our cost.

We do this right and come out smelling like roses, we'll be heroes. Loghain is already a veteran and a war hero, but a new hero for this generation with a name as celebrated as Cousland? The people will be chanting our name and even the nobles can't argue too much in the face of that kind of reputation
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.

I think we can use this to remind certain individuals later that working with the elves is a very sound strategy.
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
[X] Have your spies and the more nimble Elves sneak into the estate, and let your men stream in unopposed and with little trouble.
Again Why do you have the Chantry opposing the elves? The noble in the city make some sense since they are the one benefiting from keeping the elves down here. But the majority of elves in this Kingdom do not have it that bad. Almost every other kingdom treats them much worse. And the Chantry doesn't have any stance against the elves since all non Dalish elves are a part of their church. Also how in the hell did our knights get captured their were 41 highly trained, heavily armed and armored fighters that were not known to be there. How did some random punk who is not shown to be any kind of fighter and a handful of lackeys beat and capture them? This seems like conflict and drama for the sake of it with little logic to back it up. You had a chance to take that encounter in a different way than canon but instead, you made it turn out the same way with no difference. I am not sure if this is going to keep happening and if it does then frankly this quest will no longer be worth the effort.
To be fair, there's many more in the nobility opposed to the idea of giving the City Elves better lives than in the Chantry, and my take is that there are many more backing Vaughan despite rumours to the contrary - racist nobles who are pretending to be better than they appear to be. Furthermore, considering King Cailan's character, I thought of him as the type to completely ignore the real backdoor dealings among the nobility, allowing so much rot to pile up over the years of his rule.

Therefore, those same corrupt nobles are able to outnumber Serah Ruby and her Knights with sheer force of numbers, and they could easily bribe the city guards to ignore it as well - I've studied the wiki and some other stories, and I find this correlates to that. Truth be told, though, this will be the last dramatic event that will happen before the Blight, just a minor spoiler.
To be fair, there's many more in the nobility opposed to the idea of giving the City Elves better lives than in the Chantry, and my take is that there are many more backing Vaughan despite rumours to the contrary - racist nobles who are pretending to be better than they appear to be. Furthermore, considering King Cailan's character, I thought of him as the type to completely ignore the real backdoor dealings among the nobility, allowing so much rot to pile up over the years of his rule.

Therefore, those same corrupt nobles are able to outnumber Serah Ruby and her Knights with sheer force of numbers, and they could easily bribe the city guards to ignore it as well - I've studied the wiki and some other stories, and I find this correlates to that. Truth be told, though, this will be the last dramatic event that will happen before the Blight, just a minor spoiler.
so like if they lost they would go all sons of the harpy from got?