Week in Denerim
Day Two, Part I
[X] Post guards to secretly guard Adaron's cousin's wedding against unsavoury types.
[X] Form alliances with the City Elves in secret.
It was a sunny day today, and you woke up feeling well-rested.
"That was good night's rest," You said, stretching your limbs, "Now then, time to reply to Adaron."
You thought carefully about Adaron's invitation – you wished the very best for the man, and did not want to inconvenience him in any way.
And a sad realisation sets in that your presence would only damage things, given your reputation. Hence, you quickly penned your regretful reply to Adaron.
Dear Adaron,
I'm sorry to say I cannot attend your wedding. I'm happy that you're happy, but me being there will only worsen things; you and I both know I'm hated enough by the Chantry Mothers that know me, and I have to remain inconspicuous. Nonetheless, I can spare Serah Ruby and her Knights to patrol the area and help the wedding proceed safely.
You have all my well wishes, and may your cousin be blessed with good fortune.
Your brother,
Sealing the letter, you quickly nudge one of the spies and said, "Bring this letter to Adaron, and patrol the area around Denerim's Chantry with Serah Ruby and her Knights – ensure the wedding proceeds safely. In the meantime, have the rest of your number infiltrate the Alienage and prevent unsavoury characters from causing trouble there."
"By your command, My Lord," Said the spy.
With that done, you quickly dressed for the day in simple clothing with your sword and shield equipped, and make your way towards the Alienage.
When the City Elves beheld you entering their grounds, many were initially suspicious of you and your intentions, some of them keeping eyes of mistrust fixated on your form. The guards outside seemed perturbed that you would visit such a place, but otherwise ignore you.
"Why is that man here?"
"Maybe here to exact a toll, perhaps?"
"Just keep your eyes away, don't pay him any heed."
This was not how I imagined it would start, You thought,
Then again, I'm not particularly well-known around here, and for all they know, I may well be a potential bully come to stir trouble.
"Well, well, who do we have here?"
You turn to find a Human man striding towards you, the same mistrust reflected in his eyes.
"Not many days we encounter a noble walking into a place as rundown and rickety as this," Said the man, "So why are you here? Come to stir trouble, kidnap some of us, maybe even sell us to slavery? Because if you do that, there'll be a lotta trouble for you."
"You can tell?" You asked, "I was sure I disguised myself quite adequately."
"Your posture, your demeanour, your mannerisms, all of them speak of you as a noble," Said the man, "Now, tell me your reason for being here, or…"
The man moved to draw a dagger and point it towards you, but was quickly intercepted by an arrow knocking it out of his hand. Following this, your spies surround him and point their own daggers at him, the steel bare inches from cutting him.
"…Alright, wasn't expecting this," Said the man, "You have Elves working for you?"
"Elves who willingly went into my service," You said, "Now, let's be civil and talk, alright?"
The man simply sighed, and said, "Alright, we'll talk. If you don't mind, please ask them to lower their weapons. No need to have further violence, yeah?"
You motion for your spies to lower their weapons, though before you can talk further, you are quickly interrupted by a familiar voice shouting, "Couldry! What the hell is going on!?"
You find Adaron stomping towards your location, an angry look in his face.
"Slim Couldry, he is not an enemy!" Adaron shouted, surprising Couldry, "He is my brother that I spoke of!"
"Your brother? Oh, wait, you mean this is
the Aedan you talked about?" Said Couldry.
"The very same," Said Adaron.
"Oh, er… my apologies, sorry for earlier, I meant no disrespect," Said Couldry, "I didn't realise you were Adaron's brother, honest!"
Resisting the urge to laugh, you said, "It's forgiven, Couldry."
Adaron similarly relaxed as did your spies, and he then said, "Now that's done with, shall we talk somewhere more private?"
You were in the Hahren's personal house, now standing before Halendrian of the Denerim Alienage and Adaron's father, Cyrion, and several other members of the Elven community.
"So, you are Aedan Cousland of Salthaven," Said Halendrian, his voice smooth and soft, but slightly hoarse from old age, "I must say, it is a pleasure to finally meet you."
"The pleasure's all mine," You said, "And I've come with a proposition; I wish to form an alliance with the Elven Alienage."
Immediately, the gathered Elves speak in hushed but fierce whispers, and Adaron flashes you a look of concern.
Halendrian harrumphs to garner their attention as he says, "Calm now, all of you. Let our guest finish his speech before we go making assumptions, alright?"
"But how can we know if he delivers what he promises? What if he's merely lying to us, or that he somehow deceived Adaron?" Said another Elf.
It was Cyrion who then spoke, "My son is no fool; are you insinuating that he cannot tell friend from foe?"
"I-no, Sir Cyrion," Said the Elf, "My apologies."
Cyrion nodded with satisfaction, and said to you, "You may continue, Lord Aedan."
You then take a deep breath, hoping for success with them; they'd be invaluable allies with the right training and funding.
What shall you say to convince the City Elves of the merits of alliance?
[] Promise them the chances of a better life.
[] Promise them the chance to expand into the city under a new administration.
[] Promise to protect them from any discrimination under your rule.
[] Write-in
A/N: Three-hour moratorium in progress. Use this time to discuss your plans.