Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Favor of the Vermilion Throne gained. Kaguya Sumeragi volunteers to join your retinue.
*spits out tea, not at the result but the section as a whole

You've also been empowered to buy arms and armor from Chinese military suppliers in demonstrable times of need.
Are they even any good? it would be good for a false flag op but I highly doubt that it is as useful when we have Britannian equipement unless China had an Ace Technology up their sleeves.
[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
Are they even any good? it would be good for a false flag op but I highly doubt that it is as useful when we have Britannian equipement unless China had an Ace Technology up their sleeves.
Generally speaking, Britannian arms and armor are better. Also, you'll need to buy Britannian for anything related to KMFs, since China doesn't produce a domestic frame.

The primary advantages would be that it's much cheaper to buy a lot of anything you want and it's easier to get large-scale resupply in or around your base.

Honestly, this is more likely to see a slight reduction in costs for building materials than anything else. Being able to get cheap weapons and everything is nice, but the quality dip usually won't be worth it. It's mostly there as a perk in case you get desperate fighting pirates (something that Tianzi's faction evidently wants to make sure you do).
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
So... did Tianzi/her faction do this to piss off the Eunuchs and show she still has political muscle to stretch? Did she do it simply out of gratitude? Or is she hoping for some greater benefit down the line? Some other unknown reason? All or none of the above?

Man if Lelouch was more politically savvy... maybe Kaguya could tell you? Well, she certainly could, but...

does this mean i have to vote again for it too count?? got no problem doing that just too make that clear.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

Also, since the Emperor has a harem, I'm pretty sure that Lelouch is going to follow. Mostly, because the women that surround him are mostly dominant ones.

God hope his body.
Kaguya pouts. "You know, your highness, if the gossip weren't quite clear about the Baroness, I would think that the Stadtfeld heiress was your lover. If only for how protective you are of her."

"Milly is a childhood friend, as well as the granddaughter of one of my mother's oldest, foremost political and financial patrons in addition to standing to inherit one of the largest military contractors in the Empire."
"You can be sure because I will offer you proof of what, precisely, I am wishing to obtain from the Stadtfeld Conglomerate."
What kind of bizarre alternate universe is this? o_O
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

This is just fucking amazing, time and time again Lelouch seems to bumble his way into making very useful allies when do something relatively minor. From ninja's, pirates, spy's to even the Chinese, Lelouch has a good habit of accidentally hitting the jackpot. Now here we sit with a golden opportunity to make an ally of Tianzi herself. So many new paths have been opened, so many new pitfalls have appeared.

I say fuck it let's go full bore, we should try to marry her if we succeed we could bring the entire Chinese empire into the fold and in the process turn ourselves into one of the front runners for emperor. We could also fail and die horribly but whats life without a bit of risk, besides our Lelouch has proven himself to have the devils own luck.

[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
@Slayer Anderson Accepting her as a member of our retinue means that there will be a deal made or does this just increases the possibility of one being made? Will we have any influence on such a deal or will that be done by the Ashfords?
You... should perhaps schedule some time soon to test the limits of your powers, seeing as how whatever their original boundaries were, they have no been far exceeded.

[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
@Slayer Anderson Accepting her as a member of our retinue means that there will be a deal made or does this just increases the possibility of one being made? Will we have any influence on such a deal or will that be done by the Ashfords?
It will guarantee a deal being made, since Kaguya is insurance on the deal being followed on Japan's part. If there wasn't a deal, she wouldn't be obliged to be your 'hostage.' Lelouch won't have much influence on the deal, as Diplo isn't his forte, but it will be looked over and signed by people who are skilled in the area. Lelouch's responsibility will more or less be to ensure Kaguya's safety until such time as the terms of the agreement are either complete or someone breaks them. In the context of this situation he's... someone that the Ashfords know and trust to hold a hostage with the political backing as a prince to make sure that virtually no-one else can touch her outside of another royal or the Emperor. To the Sumeragi family, he's a little bit of a wildcard, but he has a good reputation with Japanese contacts and doesn't seem to be one of the super-racist royals.

Kaguya is guaranteed to stick around at least five years, perhaps as long as ten, without any actions taken towards pulling her into a closer orbit.

...and at this point, any further questions will have to wait until later. I'm heading to bed.
...and at this point, any further questions will have to wait until later.
Great and I just woke up a bit too late.

Because I wanted to know if this action would be overstepping our authority in regards to allowing the secrets of the KMF to 'leak' to other countries etc. Becuase this sort of thing I can see the Emperor not taking kindly to.
Great and I just woke up a bit too late.

Because I wanted to know if this action would be overstepping our authority in regards to allowing the secrets of the KMF to 'leak' to other countries etc. Becuase this sort of thing I can see the Emperor not taking kindly to.
...ugh, okay, one more.

Simply put, it wouldn't be an option to agree if that were the case. The agreement will get thrown up the chain of government a few times before its given the stamp of approval, but there are several reasons (Kaguya's named a few) that it will. One of the primary ones is that this will all be last-gen tech for KMFs that's being offered as well as a lot of expertise. Japan isn't interested in making an exact duplicate of the glasgow, after all, so they'll be wanting to take the last gen stuff and put their own spin on it.

The Sutherland is a much better KMF than the glasgow, is what I'm saying, and the Japanese can't field enough of whatever they make to really freak Britannia out. The goodwill and whatever they get from the deal is worth more than tech that the Japanese will probably develop eventually on their own. The only reason not to give it to them would be a preplanned invasion... which isn't happening for a slew of reasons I've already spoken on.
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Simply put, it wouldn't be an option to agree if that were the case. The agreement will get thrown up the chain of government a few times before its given the stamp of approval, but there are several reasons (Kaguya's named a few) that it will. One of the primary ones is that this will all be last-gen tech for KMFs that's being offered as well as a lot of expertise. Japan isn't interested in making an exact duplicate of the glasgow, after all, so they'll be wanting to take the last gen stuff and put their own spin on it.
Thank you.
Because considering the.......cut-throat nature of the Brit nobility, I was worried this action was in category of 'gain more political power even if it goes against official decrees etc'.

Granted the 'yes' is winning by a landslide but I'm not sold of the benefits outweighing potential/hidden costs.
[X] Refuse – Kaguya Sumeragi returns to Japan empty-handed, you retain right of safe-passage through Chinese Federation territory and waters. No danger of Japan ever defaulting on their promises to play nice with Britannian R&D companies given that they're going it alone.
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[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.