Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

There is a downside to taking on Kaguya, as at that point we'd be very loaded down with foreign influences especially from japan. This would be incredibly easy to bludgeon us with politically, also unlike all the other ones she's not actually swearing fealty to us.

On the other hand she is very talented (Plus her friendship with Tianzi) and maybe this could open up some longshot coup methods? Off the ruling Imperial family and put her in charge while increasing the institutions power?
Wow that went beyond my expectations. I was hoping we'd get a trait to boost our diplo but wasn't exepecting the rest.

Also @Slayer Anderson wasn't Kaguya engaged to Suzaku in canon before he got exiled? Will we get any Suzaku interactions if we accept Kaguya into our retinue?
There is a downside to taking on Kaguya, as at that point we'd be very loaded down with foreign influences especially from japan. This would be incredibly easy to bludgeon us with politically, also unlike all the other ones she's not actually swearing fealty to us.

On the other hand she is very talented (Plus her friendship with Tianzi) and maybe this could open up some longshot coup methods? Off the ruling Imperial family and put her in charge while increasing the institutions power?
ah... oh my. The socio-economic implications of this.
A wild Kaguya was desired. A wild Kaguya has appeared.

Kaguya uses her special attack <Political Complications>

It is Super Effective!
Wow that went beyond my expectations. I was hoping we'd get a trait to boost our diplo but wasn't exepecting the rest.

Also @Slayer Anderson wasn't Kaguya engaged to Suzaku in canon before he got exiled? Will we get any Suzaku interactions if we accept Kaguya into our retinue?
When crits get above 200, especially 250, weird things happen.

It's definitely possible Suzaku might show up if you raise Kaguya's SL or take a specific option with her. As far as the engagement goes, well... talk to her about it. Lelouch doesn't have Clue 1 on the subject.
Lelouch is getting scary powerful stats.

Also, when we super crit on opening a tourist spot, Shirley will fall into our laps
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
In other matters this was a bit more low key but

The fact that you could even lift the hundred-pound blocks to construct this workshop, the design for which has been burning in your mind's eye for over a year thanks to an ancient artifact... none of this is lost on you.

This kind of TK force we're now able to exert is pretty ridiculously powerful while also potentially quite subtle. "How unfortunate that Count so-and-so fell off that balcony, must have been drunk".
There is a downside to taking on Kaguya, as at that point we'd be very loaded down with foreign influences especially from japan. This would be incredibly easy to bludgeon us with politically, also unlike all the other ones she's not actually swearing fealty to us.

On the other hand she is very talented (Plus her friendship with Tianzi) and maybe this could open up some longshot coup methods? Off the ruling Imperial family and put her in charge while increasing the institutions power?
I'm thinking the spin(beyblade-kun aside) on this is essentially that this was our master plan to upstage Britannian major rivals AND bringing a proudly independent minor nation under our influence. And if we take partial credit for Japan doing well, Britannia isn't as humiliated as they would be if they were fairly beaten, theres the consolation that "well this is a royal plot huh?"

We could pull this off more or less entirely because to what the world had seen its the same type of stunt we pulled with Kallen's family.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
One more hour on the moratorium, bud.
I'm thinking the spin(beyblade-kun aside) on this is essentially that this was our master plan to upstage Britannian major rivals AND bringing a proudly independent minor nation under our influence. And if we take partial credit for Japan doing well, Britannia isn't as humiliated as they would be if they were fairly beaten, theres the consolation that "well this is a royal plot huh?"

We could pull this off more or less entirely because to what the world had seen its the same type of stunt we pulled with Kallen's family.
Also, Kaguya gets to accomplish her other secret objectives you don't know about with this deal! Those are important too! Especially the mid-to-long term ones!
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I'm happy Gino and Lulu get to hang out and fly planes again. It's good for them, and a great bromantic activity.

Well, this is certainly one way to combine translators and that foreign connection making action. That's awesome on so many levels, and I'm real happy that we made it good with the little empress (knew it was China!).

I have to admit, I squeed at Ployglot. +5 Diplomacy.

Also, I appreciated Kaguya being a character. I would not mind her being a continuing character. I, also, would not mind basically suborning the East into the empire proper.

This has been an absolutely amazing turn.
Well, reading up on her character from the anime, Kaguya's extremely smart and politically savvy, as well as open the term polyamory? she was open to sharing Lelouch, so I could see her thinking that becoming Lelouch's consort would be a good way to maybe ally with Britannia on good terms as a way to protect Japan from the Chinese Federation and possibly the EU.

I'm doing a ton of guessing here, so all of that could easily be wrong.
Also, Kaguya gets to accomplish her other secret objectives you don't know about with this deal! Those are important too! Especially the mid-to-long term ones!

Is it making sure there isn't a costly war in Japans future but a slow and peaceful joining with Brittania? She might be angling to have them become like Euro Brittania, technically a part but still maintaining their culture.
You know, I didn't expect my idea that we might have stumbled into Li Xingke to be done through saving him from pirates in a impersonal manner. But the recognition and diplomatic immunity from the Empress of the Chinese Federation? Holy shit, what the fuck? The Tianzi effectively gave us a right of free travel throughout the entire Chinese Federation, hell we've effectively become Chinese nobility in the eyes of the Federation.
Is it making sure there isn't a costly war in Japans future but a slow and peaceful joining with Brittania? She might be angling to have them become like Euro Brittania, technically a part but still maintaining their culture.
All the benefits of being part of the Empire (free trade and technological exchange) while not losing your culture? What more could she want?
Is it making sure there isn't a costly war in Japans future but a slow and peaceful joining with Brittania? She might be angling to have them become like Euro Brittania, technically a part but still maintaining their culture.
That's definitely a good guess... which I will neither confirm nor deny.
You know, I didn't expect my idea that we might have stumbled into Li Xingke to be done through saving him from pirates in a impersonal manner. But the recognition and diplomatic immunity from the Empress of the Chinese Federation? Holy shit, what the fuck? The Tianzi effectively gave us a right of free travel throughout the entire Chinese Federation, hell we've effectively become Chinese nobility in the eyes of the Federation.
What you have isn't quite noble status or diplomatic immunity, it's 'just' a declaration from the (theoretically) highest power in the land that you have considerable political backing behind you. You also can't quite demand entry into secure government facilities or the like, but anywhere a citizen or other member of the public could go, you'll be able to go... with armed men, which is above and beyond the average citizen. You've also been empowered to buy arms and armor from Chinese military suppliers in demonstrable times of need.
What you have isn't quite noble status or diplomatic immunity, it's 'just' a declaration from the (theoretically) highest power in the land that you have considerable political backing behind you. You also can't quite demand entry into secure government facilities or the like, but anywhere a citizen or other member of the public could go, you'll be able to go... with armed men, which is above and beyond the average citizen. You've also been empowered to buy arms and armor from Chinese military suppliers in demonstrable times of need.
I imagine this type of declaration must not be sitting well with the Eunuchs. In the show, they always seemed uncertain how to react to the Tianzi whenever she used her power to do something. Promising free passage and immunity to a prince of Britannia must have rankled quite a few feathers.
That's definitely a good guess... which I will neither confirm nor deny.

What you have isn't quite noble status or diplomatic immunity, it's 'just' a declaration from the (theoretically) highest power in the land that you have considerable political backing behind you. You also can't quite demand entry into secure government facilities or the like, but anywhere a citizen or other member of the public could go, you'll be able to go... with armed men, which is above and beyond the average citizen. You've also been empowered to buy arms and armor from Chinese military suppliers in demonstrable times of need.

There's a part of me that wonders if this isn't a play (if not by her, then by Xingke or someone) to get lulu to come help clean up the Eunuchs or something. Like, especially if she/they're willing to join with Britannia for their little empress/the people, then it wouldn't be a bad idea, necessarily. He's already proven to care for people, even those not of his country, and provided aid and support before allowing them to go home and everything. Not to mention, he did so without any knowledge/acknowledgement of having a Chinese official as a part of said group, so he really just did it to a group of normal, scared people. As a character trial(?), that is pretty amazing.

It also puts him solidly above the vast majority/all the Eunuchs...
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

brother dear might not like it but the shear balls to make this move and the shift in politics it takes is to good to let go.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
I imagine this type of declaration must not be sitting well with the Eunuchs. In the show, they always seemed uncertain how to react to the Tianzi whenever she used her power to do something. Promising free passage and immunity to a prince of Britannia must have rankled quite a few feathers.
There's a part of me that wonders if this isn't a play (if not by her, then by Xingke or someone) to get lulu to come help clean up the Eunuchs or something. Like, especially if she/they're willing to join with Britannia for their little empress/the people, then it wouldn't be a bad idea, necessarily. He's already proven to care for people, even those not of his country, and provided aid and support before allowing them to go home and everything. Not to mention, he did so without any knowledge/acknowledgement of having a Chinese official as a part of said group, so he really just did it to a group of normal, scared people. As a character trial(?), that is pretty amazing.

It also puts him solidly above the vast majority/all the Eunuchs...
So... did Tianzi/her faction do this to piss off the Eunuchs and show she still has political muscle to stretch? Did she do it simply out of gratitude? Or is she hoping for some greater benefit down the line? Some other unknown reason? All or none of the above?

Man if Lelouch was more politically savvy... maybe Kaguya could tell you? Well, she certainly could, but...
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

brother dear might not like it but the shear balls to make this move and the shift in politics it takes is to good to let go.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

I absolutely want her to join our group. I don't think her goals will be harmful to us, and her political skill will be extremely valuable.
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[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
[x] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.