[X] Boot Camp: Although Jeanne isn't quite comfortable enough to begin socializing with you as an equal, she is willing to impart some lessons in physical training. There is, of course, the possibility that you could manage to get her to relax a bit in the meantime. Possibly even in your company. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses, Possible Martial trait.
[X] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and... insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.
I really see no reason as to why we should go for Kallen's SL action right now, considering that we've just boosted her SL by quite a lot this turn in our dealings with Isacc. She can wait one more turn imo. Also, we aren't all that desperate for a Diplomacy Advisor due to the fact that our friends at the Walpurgis Club allow us to make contacts using our 23 Intrigue instead of our 12 Diplomacy, so Euphie isn't really all that important anymore (if we really need a Diplomacy Advisor, we cash in on one of Isacc's favors to us; he has Stewardship 25 (like Schneizel, and remember that Schneizel was the one who got us Jaeger as our Learning Advisor...), so we can use him to find a better Diplomacy Advisor candidate than Euphie.
As of now, I think we should focus on raising the SL of our advisors (and maybe even get some new traits for ourselves, which would be very useful).