Year 3 (Phase III)
You approach your sister on guard duty, one of the only times you're actually sure of her location given how busy she is these days.
"Lelouch." She greets you with a confident nod.
"Cornelia." You make a conscious effort to dispense with the 'big sister' label. You will be sixteen soon and no longer have the excuse of
being a child to act childish. "You'll be leaving for the front, soon."
Cornelia nods. "Indeed. If I tarry too long, the NAL shall be defeated before I ever take the field. We can't have that, now can we?"
You snort slightly, looking out over the Aries Villa's gardens where your sisters are playing and your mothers drinking tea. "I suppose not. It shall be lonelier without you, though."
Cornelia's stern mask cracks slightly and she smiles. "I am glad to hear that I will be missed, though. My mother and yours shall look after Euphie, but I trust I can depend on you to do the same?"
You nod gravely. "For as long as I am able, I shall, though I fear I shall follow your course soon enough, such that I will no longer be easily at hand."
"Indeed. I've heard gossip of you adding the Stadtfeld girl to your retinue. Nothing
official of course, but gossip is what it is. And the base you've had under construction in the Pacific. It is a little remote, but from what your mother has told me, very safe." Cornelia compliments.
You sigh. "Thank you. I'm still debating the pros and cons of the various points I could expand to. I know many of the nobility consider Australia folly, but... surely the land has
something to offer besides safe havens for pirates?"
"Perhaps, perhaps." Cornelia states. "I will admit that I find the thought of you fighting pirates more comforting than the idea of you in the meat-grinder that is the Rus front or the mess in South Africa."
"Do write, will you sister? Perhaps if you have need, I could even make an appearance alongside you." You jokingly offer.
Cornelia laughs aloud. "Please, Lelouch, the court will be aflame with insults to my integrity if I cannot even tame a few backwards Egyptians."
It is spoken in lighthearted jest, but the words are serious enough.
You would probably be best to leave Cornelia to her own devices unless she requests help. For now, at least.
Personal (Choose TWO)
[ ] Boot Camp: Although Jeanne isn't quite comfortable enough to begin socializing with you as an equal, she is willing to impart some lessons in physical training. There is, of course, the possibility that you could manage to get her to relax a bit in the meantime. Possibly even in your company. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL raises, Possible Martial trait.
[ ] Schneizel: Your elder brother Schneizel has been extremely busy these last few years with his work forging the treaty which has kept the EU out of the North Africa War. However, he's extended the offer this year for a few games of chess in his meager spare time, a reminder of when you two were younger and more carefree. Perhaps you'll even win a match this time. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20/80; Rewards: Schneizel's SL opens up, Potential increase in International Intelligence, ???
[ ] Nunnally: Your little sister and the light of your life, even if she annoys you occasionally. More than occasionally. Very often. Okay, a great deal. Still, as your only full-blooded sibling, she important in more than one way. You should spend time connecting with her. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Nunnally's SL Progresses, spend time with your sister during her debut, Increased closeness with your mother.
[ ] Euphemia: You have given your word to be available if Euphemia needs assistance in navigating the pool of sharks that is the imperial court. So, of course, you will be available. There is the outside chance you will be able to exchange pleasantries with Cornelia as well. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60; Rewards, Euphemia's SL Progresses, potential progress on Cornelia's SL, increased closeness with the li Britannia branch, and other options open up.
[ ] Cornelia: Your older sister has stated a desire to head further afield and fulfill military ambitions for the glory of Britannia. She has already asked to be released from her oath of duty to your mother, so her departure for the NAL is imminent. You should spend some time with her before that happens. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Cornelia's SL Progresses, Interaction with her military unit, Small possibility of Trait Gain.
*A/N: I'll cycle a few of the Personal options back in from time to time, such as 'vacation' and 'read a book' to mix things up. They're just not available this year since there are other options.