Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I suspect that the high end piety is either more powerful with a lot of misinformation and information denial.

That and not very ubiquitous testing because Cornelia, with piety 18 could probably blow us out the water yet never tested.
[X] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)

Personally I think the Psionics are just the tip of the iceberg for piety. We know Codes and Geass still exists and that would probably fall under Piety type actions. Heck for all we know the pinnacle of Piety type actions is self manifesting a Geass similar to how Shin Hyuga Shaing got his without a Code bearer giving it to him.

That said I'm still voting for the knight. We'll still need to pick up our orange knight later but she'll be a good start for our retinue.
Adhoc vote count started by nkd1325 on Jun 15, 2019 at 2:34 PM, finished with 44 posts and 34 votes.
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[X] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)

In the end, what convinces me is that if we're going the prestige from knightmare route that our martial choice this turn would support, we're going to want to improve our martial capabilities by a fair amount.
Omake Policy
@Slayer Anderson what was your policy on Omakes again? I'm assuming no reward at the moment, but would you be willing to put them in the apocryphal threadmarks?
Regarding omake, I will accept them and reward banked points for future rolls.

It's likely that I'll ask players to leave any rewards at my own discretion on how and when to use them. Which means that I won't be taking requests of "Apply these points to this action." Instead, I'll use the bonuses to either maximize success or curtail extreme failure on the part of Lelouch.

As kind of a minimum standard, I'd like to see omakes pass a standard grammar/spelling glance, and be of at least a thousand words.

Based on content, my ability to incorporate it into the quest's canon, and overall quality/length, I'll be awarding at least ten points, potentially more, per submission. I'm more likely to award more points towards if the omake is compatible with the quest's canon, so that should be your goal as far as content goes.

Also, and just a suggestion, the more 'distant' an omake's subject is from Lelouch the more wiggle room I have on incorporating it. Omake about Nunnally, Euphemia, Marianne, etc... are going to be very easy for me to say Y/N on canonizing them, because I'll have stricter guidelines about how their characters are developed/going to develop. A character Lelouch hasn't met/might not ever meet gives me free reign about canonizing it and, if it's interesting and well-written, I'm much more likely to give it a stamp of approval.
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Okay, so... looking at the tally, we've got a rather clear winner, with Jeanne taking more votes than the other two options combined.

This is about 18 hours or so into my normal 24 voting period, but I see that we've got a somewhat equal number to the last votes, and I'm inclined to go ahead and call things. In the interests of fairness, however, I'll offer one last chance for voters to pop in.

One hour on the clock, after which I'm going to call it.

Consider this your courtesy warning.
Adhoc vote count started by nkd1325 on Jun 15, 2019 at 2:34 PM, finished with 44 posts and 34 votes.

Winning Vote:

[X] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)

I am, somehow, not surprised by this result. So, looks like we'll be going martial-heavy then and you'll get some of the Euro-Britannian plot hooks. Should actually be interesting with how you've got martial-heavy Cornelia already.

Well, expect the Personal actions to go up later tonight, and I'll have a non-voting interlude with Jeanne appear sometime in the next day or so.
Turn 1 (Phase III)
Year 1 (Phase III)

"Here, my prince, please be sure not to overexert yourself." The guard states as he sets down a small meal for you to eat as you continue to work. He steps backwards and bows, his right fist clasped against his heart.

You frown slightly, looking up from your computer. "Wait. You're one of mother's guards. Couldn't you have gotten a servant to deliver this instead?"

The green-haired man scoffed lightly. "I am but your humble servant myself, my prince. It is both my duty and pleasure to see to even your most basic needs."

That was... quite the little speech. "Come to think of it, I believe you've been in sister Cornelia's command for a number of years now, haven't you?"

The guard smiled widely. "Indeed your highness, I am Jeremiah Gottwald, late of the 607th Armored Cavalry and Knight of Honor to your elder sister, though I expect that to change shortly in truth."

You nodded slowly, leaning back from your work. "Ah, right. Cornelia mentioned that she was planning to ask mother to release her from her oath to take up field service in the next year or two. I had heard that she was scouting talent."

Gottwald nodded. "Correct, my lord." Then, the knight hesitated. "If I may be so bold, may I ask if you plan to follow her path?"

You paused, bringing a spoonful of soup to your mouth. "Truthfully... I am not sure. I have some skill with a Knightmare Frame, and the individual I have scouted for the group I am building to aid me in my endeavors is an accomplished, if young, knight. Regardless of what I plan for my own future, though, the world we live in is full of conflict, is it not? Better to be prepared than caught off-guard."

Gottwald nodded. "As you say, my prince. I will be looking forward to seeing what comes of your, no doubt impressive, endeavors, in the future."

As he made to leave, though, you felt a sudden impulse to speak. "Knight Gottwald... may I ask, what are your plans for the future. Regardless of our respective stations, you do possess a greater amount of life experience than I do."

Jeremiah's eyes widened and, abruptly, he bowed again. "You flatter me, my prince, though I am afraid my own plans are likely too humble for your ears. Simply put, I plan to stay as your mother's guard for as long as she will have me or I am capable of doing so. That is the expression of my most sincere loyalty to your family. The only thing I could imagine drawing me away from such service would be a greater need of my services to either yourself or Princess Nunnally."

You blinked, taken aback. "Knight Gottwald, surely you..."

Clasping his fist against his heart, the knight went so far as to take a knee before you. "Please, your highness, should you ever have need of me, do not hesitate to call. Even should I never be able to return to her highness' service, knowing how important you are to her, it is a sacrifice that I would gladly make."

As he raises his head, you are struck by the complete and honest sincerity in his slightly-glistening eyes and...

Honestly? It's kind of creepy.

At the very least, it's extremely weird.

You've met your fair share of people who have looked up to royals with everything from jealousy to admiration, but nothing quite so extreme as the patriotic zeal you see in Jeremiah Gottwald. His utter devotion to the position he espouses and obviously believes wholeheartedly in. Still, you suppose you can see the logic in hiring a man like this, who would take a bullet meant for your mother with a smile on his face and a song in his heart, as a bodyguard.

"I'll... keep it in mind." You state and dismiss the man.

Turning back to your soup, you pause and close out your work.

After you finish your meal, perhaps you'll go have a tea party with Nunnally and Euphemia. After all, you've just seen very precisely what all work and no play will do to a man.

God forbid you turn into someone who can say such hammy lines with so straight a face.

Personal (Choose ONE)

[ ] Meditation: Sit and have a think. You never know what you'll discover. If nothing else, it will be good to rest a bit. Cost: 0; Upkeep; 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Vary by degree of success/Removal of negative traits/Speed healing in case of injury/Potential bonus to actions taken next turn.

[ ] Read a Book: There are so many choices given your access to the royal libraries. Perhaps you'll find something interesting to take your mind off your busy schedule, give your a unique perspective on something, or you might even learn something new altogether. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Hobbyist: Select and pursue some hobby which the gossip rags can nag you about. A guilty pleasure you can enjoy harmlessly and divert attention from other things you wish hidden. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Keep stress levels low/Vary by degree of success/Slight chance for Trait gain.

[ ] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Vacation: Do interesting things, meet interesting people. See sights, eat strange things, be seen being 'royal' by the tabloids. This all sounds very enjoyable indeed. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Extreme loss of stress/Possible Trait Gain/???
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[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

time to try for a trait!
[X] Read a Book: There are so many choices given your access to the royal libraries. Perhaps you'll find something interesting to take your mind off your busy schedule, give your a unique perspective on something, or you might even learn something new altogether. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Vary by degree of success.
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

Other options would be better when we're a little older, I think. Or at least next turn, perhaps.
[x] Hobbyist: Select and pursue some hobby which the gossip rags can nag you about. A guilty pleasure you can enjoy harmlessly and divert attention from other things you wish hidden. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Keep stress levels low/Vary by degree of success/Slight chance for Trait gain.

...the final proof of Zero's identity was the raid on the anime figurines factory...
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

You know what they say about enjoying your childhood while you have it.
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.
[X] Childhood
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

Does family include only our immediate family, or are other members of the extended family included?
[X] Childhood: Spend time with your family. They might impart you some great wisdom... or just endlessly prattle on about nothing in particular. Regardless, family is important, and outsiders seeing your solidarity is even more so. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible positive or negative trait gain/Vary by degree of success.

I think there may have been an error of some kind - all I can see of that post is the word "LOYALTY!" over and over again in bright orange text. :p

Anyways, traits are important and we gotta solidify ties, etc. etc.
[X] Read a Book: There are so many choices given your access to the royal libraries. Perhaps you'll find something interesting to take your mind off your busy schedule, give your a unique perspective on something, or you might even learn something new altogether. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Vary by degree of success.