You have little in the way of true covert intelligence resources open to you, in all honesty.
However, the history of spycraft is doing as much as possible with as little as is available.
Being able to employ deductive and inductive reasoning reveal the truth of a situation is a far more powerful tool than being able to throw a punch or kick. At least, when properly applied. Naturally, the question of how to apply that information follows and what does one do with questions? Simply put, you ask your mother.
The following day, a nondescript man shows up and proceeds to explain the ins and outs of spycraft, from the point of view of the Britannian intelligence services. He pointedly declines to mention
which one he hails from, and you don't feel it your place to press. After all, the man is doing you a service as is and your mother always says to be grateful for what you are given.
It takes a few months, but he manages to shape your mind into something sharper and more determining than it was before, then he leaves just as quickly, a small piece of paper left behind.
Rewards: You can now access the lowest level of Britannian international intelligence. The material is mostly non-classified documentation, but compressed and collated for civilian briefings. Rumor Mill Unlocked.
You spend much of the year shuffling through a number of reports, listening to gossip, and generally considering a matter of extreme importance. Specifically, what traits and attributes are most desirable. Additionally, which of those qualities are actually
available for you to recruit?
Building your initial coterie of aides and advisors isn't a simple or easy matter, after all.
Particularly given the revelation that comes mid-way through the year.
That being that you should widen your search
considerably instead of focusing on the environs of Pendragon. Most of the families and groups you would recruit from are already aligned with greater powers, and 'poaching' candidates from them would incite retribution. So, instead, you cast a net to the greater empire as a whole. In retrospect, it was somewhat silly looking only at the capital itself. After that realization, though, you come up with three promising candidates.
[ ] Inarah Inbal (Piety Advisor)
Inarah Inbal is a first generation Britannian, a refugee from European persecution of those with mental talents originating from the eastern Europa United. The information you happen upon calls her a gypsy, one of a group of transient individuals who have maintained a migratory lifestyle since before most modern governments existed. Bowing to no throne or power save that which suits them, they have developed a reputation for untrustworthy behavior and duplicitous action. One accusation which crops up time and again is that these peoples possess some kind of secret knowledge about mental powers, though it's likely untrue. Still, if she does come from a long line of talented individuals, she might be able to teach you a thing or two.
Inarah, specifically, was driven out of a city near the coast during a riot which ensued after it was revealed that several of her family possessed mental talents. Taking refuge on a Britannian merchant marine, she was discovered only after leaving port. Without any way to contact her scattered family, she has been tentatively declared a ward of the Britannian Empire and is being touted as something of a political symbol of the EU's hypocrisy in decrying your own homeland's discriminatory practices. For all of that fuss, though, she appears to boast comparatively minor talents. Still, you should be able to champion the cause of taking her into your household fairly easily. At fifteen, she might not be completely understanding about following your lead, but that can be fixed.
[ ] Jules Bittis-Immerman (Learning Advisor)
Jules Bittis-Immerman is, surprisingly, someone you meet in person before you ever hear about him through 'official' channels. A student at Oxford's St. Louis campus, you happen to run into the young boy during your testing period to skip the menial science and math courses for your degree. Apparently, the boy's grandfather was knighted by a duke some three decades ago and, even though the position wasn't hereditary, some of the fading luster of that association has helped him get to where he is at this point.
In addition to the fact that he is, quiet honestly, blindingly intelligent for his age. Which is
ten, by the way, a full two years younger than yourself. Obsessed to the point of distraction with all things scientific and academic, he is particularly focused on Knightmare Frames, effusively praising giant robots in a way which you find just short of disturbing. He would be easy to hook given the way he bemoaned his research budget, or lack thereof. A suitably wealthy patron willing to overlook his age and... oddness would likely be his dream come true.
...and, yes, you're sure he is in fact a boy.
[ ] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)
Jeanne Rowe is of good breeding, has attended an accelerated year of officer school, passed with flying colors, and demonstrated nothing but loyalty to the Empire and its ideals. At fifteen, she is the very picture of a prodigy in the making and has purportedly attempted enlistment in several of the Knightly Orders located near the Ural border of Euro-Britannia and the EU state of the Rus Republic, all of which have a stated mission of taking back the western reaches of their homeland from the invaders who have occupied it. Were she to be accepted, she would no doubt win honor and glory among her fellows, likely advancing quickly among the ranks to a position of influence.
Save for the fact that she is a woman. Regrettably, Euro-Britannians have not quite advanced to the enlightened state of sexual equality which Britannia has attained. As such, her applications have been hung up on account of various 'paperwork errors.' Its a topic of some small discussion among certain progressive members of the imperial court, if only to note how Euro-Britannians have a ways to go before they reach the stature of true Britannians. She would likely jump at the chance to serve a royal, even a half-commoner one. The court would likely consider it fitting, too, given she is effectively half-foreign.
[ ] None of the Above (Option Remains Available Next Year)
Rewards: Choose 1 (ONE) Advisor to recruit. Advisor will use their stat in place of your own for the specialty they are chosen for. Advisor is guaranteed to have a higher stat than yourself in their area of expertise. Gain (+1) Action in the advisor's specialty. Full stat sheet available only after selection.
It's entirely possible to acquire a university degree in a single year.
...however, you won't ever try to do so again, under threat of punishment from your mother and sister alike. Evidently, while you have the capability to shoulder over thirty hours in courses per semester, including the summer ones, it does not mean you
should do so. Especially not after testing out of all the basic required core classes.
Still, you manage to acquire a degree before your thirteenth birthday, a feat that makes you worthy of comment even at court. It is, of course, your father's blood showing itself true, and the subject matter only emphasizes this.
"Bachelors in Arthurian Mythology." Your mother reads with a proud smile. "Quite a feather in your cap, young man."
"Big Brother, read me the story of the green knight again before bed, please!?" Nunnally entreats with wide eyes.
You sigh, but move to comply. If nothing else, your degree has allowed you to know the ins and outs of enough material for another decade of bedtime stories.
Nunnally was especially enthralled by the recorded feats of Arthur's court wizard, usually known as Merlin in the modern parlance. In particular, the legends surrounding his psionic talents had greatly influenced your choice of paper.
Rewards: (+1) to Learning, Degree in Arthurian Mythology, small increase in reputation, more acadmic options open up.
"Very impressive, my prince." The physician states with a pleased smile. "You've tested in the top twenty percent of all psionic talents recorded."
"Really?" You ask, blinking as the coins in front of you hover at your whim.
"Indeed, most individuals can't even get a paperclip off the ground, and your skill with illusions is no small feat either. Being able to selectively fool one sense with time and effort is something to be proud of."
"I've never bothered to get tested, but I'm told the talent runs in the Britannian line quite a bit." Cornelia responds from a seat near the side of the room.
"Indeed." The attendant nods. "The medical and paraphyscological community is quite divided on the subject, but there is a notable trend in those of royal blood testing in the upper percentiles. If your highness wishes, he could partake in any number of studies we could arrange." At your sister's glare, he amends his request. "
Non-invasive studies, of course, conducted at your request and only under the supervision of a suitable guardian."
Your sister gives and imperious nod.
Rewards: Trait Gained, Psionic (+2) Piety. Other Piety options open.