So looking at the numbers, our amount of citizens has increased by 20% in 15-20 years since we started all those subsidized farms and ranches. More plentiful food makes people want to have more kids. Who knew?
By next census we should have passed the 2 million mark for total population.
With more people come more military forces and more taxes.
You also conquered a bunch of people. Added their lands and peoples to yours.
Can't really say where the population increase is coming from.
For reference, at a growth rate of 2.5%, you'd double your population in about 25-28 years.

So your population growth isn't really that fast atm.
Elysia is on its way to the top.
Better hope a disease event doesn't trigger.
Like plague. Or influenza. Or cholera. Or salmonella.
[X]Plan Build Up

You also conquered a bunch of people. Added their lands and peoples to yours.
Can't really say where the population increase is coming from.
For reference, at a growth rate of 2.5%, you'd double your population in about 25-28 years.

So your population growth isn't really that fast atm.

Agreed. We have a demographic problem because we arrived in the new world on refugee ships. We haven't actually decided on any solution or done anything really to avoid the fate of the Western Roman Empire which found itself outnumbered and overstretched by the barbarians in its borders.

Either we somehow have to increase our proportion of citizens or we make these assimilated natives citizens. Make new Elysians or acknowledge the barbarians.
Would you guys prefer your large scale wars to run on auto (ie, delegate more to your generals who may make very good decisions but may also make bad decisions), and only pause for major decisions? Or would you like to control the general disposition of your forces on a map?
Definitely major decisions. Just fire an event every so often and let us select one of the inevitably bad options each time. :p
Major decisions probably works better I think - certainly, it would be a lot less fiddly than trying to micromanage everything.
Would you guys prefer your large scale wars to run on auto (ie, delegate more to your generals who may make very good decisions but may also make bad decisions), and only pause for major decisions? Or would you like to control the general disposition of your forces on a map?
We're playing as the Emperor so making major decisions is more in character with the narrative.
I do wonder what happened. It seems that we triggered war with Cahokia and it's allies little earlier them planed and probably war with Mexico as well when we told Karankawa to attack them.

Major decisions should do.