The Shoulders of Giants: 1575
[X] Plan Efficient Development
-[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
-[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
-[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
-[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
-[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
-[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.

The result of the war went better than you could have possibly hoped, and after a short period of adjustments the result has been made clear with the massive influx of foreign mechants and traders into New Constantinople. They have come not just for silk, furs, cotton and tobacco, but now also for sugar and coffee. With control of the Kykladian sea secured, it is one of the few places in the world where these foreign and much-in-demand goods can be acquired. It has also been the last straw for Castile, which has collapsed in financial ruin. While you know of settlements by Castile and the English on the southern continent of Retoria, your only neighbour from Europe is now France, who is more interested in local conquest than the New World. As a result their claimed territory and settlements have grown slowly, with very little friction between you. The addition of royal ties have certainly helped your relations, but an alliance of equals is a long way off. That does not surprise you.

But one surprise is a proposal from Vinland to codify the Elysian-Vinlandic border. Settlers are encroaching on each other with increasing regularity, moreso from the Northmen with their more unorganised expansion policies. While a set border would not be too ambitious, they are also keen to establish what tribes fall under Elysian influence. Their proposal cedes influence over the Passamoquoddy and Mahican to Elysia, while they take the Maliseet and Abenaki. In return they agree that the area between the Haudenosaunee and Vinland will fall under imperial control, allowing you access across the Erikkson river and into the lands of the Huron. The future border will be defined by the current territories of the Huron and Cree, putting the Borealian Lakes firmly in Elysian jurisdiction.

The only sticking point is that they would like control of the southern part of what they call Vaeringjariki, presently home to a barbaroi town inhabited by the Pequot and controlled by Elysia. They intend to turn it into a trading post. The idea is not entirely without merit, given that border friction will become an issue as settlers compete and resolving the matter before any bad blood could be valuable. Still, the ultimate decision is yours.

[ ] Agree to the proposal.
[ ] Reject the proposal.

Such a deal could have far reaching ramifications, as could your next major decision. As a part of the great collection of intellectuals and brilliant minds in the capital and Nea Aleksandra, news ideas inevitable proliferate into court and stir the fractious debates that it is known for. With the fantastic wealth of the Kykladian Isles flowing into New Constantinople (then out again, with all the trade taxes that involves), the dynatoi and other powerful figures are keen to put it to use and define a new direction for Elysian policy.

[ ] This great bounty will go towards establishing the Empire as the true successors of Rome, wise rulers and valued friends. Honeyed words and generosity will bring the Christian barbaroi into the fold more surely and more effectively than the tip of a sword. [Diplomatic Ideas - Diplo]
[ ] The great expanses of Elysium are untamed and for the taking, and if we do not make haste we will soon play host to other powers who sup from this bountiful land. New settlements must be built, new incentives pronounced, and the banner of the Empire brought to the uttermost west. [Expansion Ideas - Admin]
[ ] Money is the cornerstone of successful administration. We must further refine our systems of production, centralise power to the throne, and ensure that penury is an impossible future for any emperor. Let us exploit the riches of this new world to the fullest. [Economic Ideas - Admin]

The victorious war was an auspicious beginning to your reign, one that has done wonders to secure your influence at court. Your word could tilt the debate any way you choose, but once set into motion the machine of Elysian bureaucracy is difficult to stop. There are other proposals, of course. Further roadbuilding and other trappings of civilization, great projects to exploit natural resources and develop infrastructure. There is always more to do than there is money to do it. That, unfortunately, is the reality of governance.

Demetrios I Palaiologos, by the grace of Christ Pantokrator anointed Basileus and autocrat of the Romans, august imperatoris, fidei defensorem.
Age: 29
1565 -

Imperial Court: +50 Points in all categories.
Administrative Skill: 6 (140 Administrative Points per turn.)
Diplomatic Skill: 2 (100 Diplomatic Points per turn.)
Military Skill: 4 (120 Military Points per turn.)

Symbasileus Basil Palaiologos
3 - 1 - 3
Age: 5

Monarch Points
Administrative: 175
Diplomatic: 130
Military: 140



[ ] [200 Administrative] The increasing size of the militia and the more established tagmata is putting increasing strain on the supply system they rely on. By separating this portion of the military entirely from the central bureaucracy, we can improve efficiency at the cost of some oversight. Unfortunately our armies need this innovation if they are to continue at their present sizes.

[ ] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.

[ ] [120 Military] The proliferation of artillery in Europe has taught the continental powers the the old ways are no longer sufficient when it comes to protecting against cannon. In response they have adopted new techniques for construction to deflect shot and provide overlapping fields of fire as firearms became more common. We should adopt these new methods for the day when we must defend against the same, even if it requires larger and more expensive bastions.


[ ] [60 Diplomatic] The vital arteries of trade across the world flow through notable cities and ports, all of which are hives of competition between traders and merchants. We must stablish standard presences in these ports who will be able to advise our arriving ships of the best opportunities available to them. [Trade Ideas]

[ ] [60 Military] The battle of Hireia demonstrated that numbers is not enough on the high seas. Experience is a vital component of any successful naval action, and so a system of naval drill should be instituted to accustom our sailors to the experience of battle. [Quality Ideas]


[ ] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]

[ ] [100 Diplomatic] Incentivising the further production of valuable goods can be accomplished through tax cuts, sponsored initiatives, and investment. The trick is making sure you get out more than you put in. (Increases development and trade/production income.) [Repeatable]

[ ] [100 Military] Improving the pool of military recruits isn't as simple as telling the people to be fruitful and multiply, though it certainly helps. What is key is fostering a military culture that values skills that a soldier needs - archery, horseriding, discipline. We should always strive to ensure our raw recruits start a step up from the rest of the world. (Increases development and manpower.) [Repeatable]


[ ] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)

[ ] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the X

Imperial Treasury

Income: 8061
-Taxes: 2269
-Production: 2063
-Trade: 3487
-Gold: 45
-Tribute: 195

Expenses: -5186
-Settlers: -400
-Army: -1100
-Navy: -896
-Court Stipend: -2250
-Fortifications: -540

Balance: 2875

Hyperpyra: 5166

Treasury Projects


[ ] [8500 Hyperpyra] The great fields of cotton and tobacco are the source of much of Elysia's wealth, but imperial investement has been primarily focused on more urbanised factors. Enticing people to move outside of the settlements and into the wilderness is an important factor in ensuring these novel industries thrive and remain competitive with the rest of the world.

[ ] [8000 Hyperpyra] Control of the Kykladian Sea and her many islands means that investment can finally be poured into the great sugar and coffee plantations that sporadically dot the area. Transforming these into colossal fields will be a major undertaking, and one not for the faint-hearted.

[ ] [4000 Hyperpyra] The dyantoi have been suggesting imperial subsidy and investment in farming and ranching for so long it feels as though the first Word may have been 'latifundia' instead of 'Let there be Light'. Such an endeavour would be enormously expensive, and you are uncertain as to when it would return the investment in full. Still, the production of foodstuffs is one of the most fundamental measure of a nation's strength, and it may be worth the cost for that alone.

[ ] [2500 Hyperpyra] With the ongoing expansion of Elysia's navy there has been plenty of competition for state contracts among the great lumbermills and shipwrights of the coast. But the time has come to firmly endorse certain companies with imperial favour and subsidy in order to expand their operations. We must ensure our navy never lacks for vital supplies and skilled labourers for construction.

[ ] [600 Hyperpyra] [Athenai] The Athenai Valley stretches from fur trapping settlements of Sydes, through the former Pequot capital of Nea Athenai and its maize fields, then up the Pequot estuary into the hills of Niralia and the lumber mills of Ptolimais. The Pequot did a great deal of work in imitating Roman advancements, but we can take it a step further and truly bring civilization to the area.


[ ] [55 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [X Vessels] The capability of a nation to defend its borders is often the most important factor in whether it will have to defend them at all. The same applies on the sea as it does on land. The commissioning and maintenance of heavy warships will show that Elysia is willing to fight to preserve her interests and provide her the means to do so.

[ ] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [X Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.

[ ] [120 Hyperpyra/-40 Expenses] [X Flotillas] The transport of troops is not simply a matter of cramming them onto a ship and setting sail. Supplies are needed, organisation talent, and ships designed for the purpose. To provide these necessary services, the cost of the ships required to transport one tagma of ten thousand troops has been determined.

Special Projects

Elysian Empire
Stability: 2 (Great)
Patriarch Authority: 75/100
Development: 695

Citizens: 237,000
Barbaroi: 1,390,000
Total: 1,626,000

Pronoia Infantry: 45000 Men
Kataphraktoi: 5000 Men
Reserves: 60000 Men
Professionalism: 40/100

Heavy Carracks (Heavy Ships) [-40 Upkeep] [50 Cannon]: 14 Vessels
Caravels (Light Ships) [-4 Upkeep] [13 Cannon]: 54 Vessels
Flute (Transports) [-40 Upkeep] [5 Cannon]: 3 Flotillas
Sailor Capacity: 63/152

Elysian Bay
New Constantinople
Nea Aleksandra
Great Valley
Belisarios Valley
Lake Champlain
Lower Andronika
Upper Pylos
Theodosian Bay
Nea Athenai

Votes made less than two hours after this post will not be counted.
Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Feb 14, 2019 at 6:07 PM, finished with 43 posts and 17 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Feb 15, 2019 at 2:16 PM, finished with 85 posts and 40 votes.
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Man, the new stuff is expensive. I still think we should the agriculture upgrade this turn, but damn - the Carribean upgrade is gonna give us dividends.
Tentative plan:

[] plan strong fences make good neighbors

[ ] Agree to the proposal.

[ ] The great expanses of Elysium are untamed and for the taking, and if we do not make haste we will soon play host to other powers who sup from this bountiful land. New settlements must be built, new incentives pronounced, and the banner of the Empire to the uttermost west. [Expansion Ideas - Admin]

[ ] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.

[ ] [60 Military] The battle of Hireia demonstrated that numbers is not enough on the high seas. Experience is a vital component of any successful naval action, and so a system of naval drill should be instituted to accustom our sailors to the experience of battle. [Quality Ideas]

[ ] [4000 Hyperpyra] The dyantoi have been suggesting imperial subsidy and investment in farming and ranching for so long it feels as though the first Word may have been 'latifundia' instead of 'Let there be Light'. Such an endeavour would be enormously expensive, and you are uncertain as to when it would return the investment in full. Still, the production of foodstuffs is one of the most fundamental measure of a nation's strength, and it may be worth the cost for that alone.

[ ] [600 Hyperpyra] [Athenai] The Athenai Valley stretches from fur trapping settlements of Sydes, through the former Pequot capital of Nea Athenai and its maize fields, then up the Pequot estuary into the hills of Niralia and the lumber mills of Ptolimais. The Pequot did a great deal of work in imitating Roman advancements, but we can take it a step further and truly bring civilization to the area.

We don't need forts that badly so ships is a better investment. Also I doubt the Aztecs are going to be peacefully absorbed so this policy is best. As for the border thing. We wanna keep being friendly with our closest ally.
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[] Plan Money Maketh Man
-[ ]Agree to the proposal.
-[ ] Money is the cornerstone of successful administration. We must further refine our systems of production, centralise power to the throne, and ensure that penury is an impossible future for any emperor. Let us exploit the riches of this new world to the fullest. [Economic Ideas - Admin]
-[ ] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
-[ ] [60 Military] The battle of Hireia demonstrated that numbers is not enough on the high seas. Experience is a vital component of any successful naval action, and so a system of naval drill should be instituted to accustom our sailors to the experience of battle. [Quality Ideas]
-[ ] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]
-[ ] [40 Administrative] Increase Stability. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. (Stability +1)
-[ ] [4000 Hyperpyra] The dyantoi have been suggesting imperial subsidy and investment in farming and ranching for so long it feels as though the first Word may have been 'latifundia' instead of 'Let there be Light'. Such an endeavour would be enormously expensive, and you are uncertain as to when it would return the investment in full. Still, the production of foodstuffs is one of the most fundamental measure of a nation's strength, and it may be worth the cost for that alone.
-[ ] [600 Hyperpyra] [Athenai] The Athenai Valley stretches from fur trapping settlements of Sydes, through the former Pequot capital of Nea Athenai and its maize fields, then up the Pequot estuary into the hills of Niralia and the lumber mills of Ptolimais. The Pequot did a great deal of work in imitating Roman advancements, but we can take it a step further and truly bring civilization to the area.

Economics will help fill out and develop our lands, and I don't feel the need for expansion now that the Iberians have been practically knocked out of the game.
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[] Plan: Filling in the Gaps
-[ ] Agree to the proposal.
-[ ] Money is the cornerstone of successful administration. We must further refine our systems of production, centralise power to the throne, and ensure that penury is an impossible future for any emperor. Let us exploit the riches of this new world to the fullest. [Economic Ideas - Admin]
-[ ] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
-[ ] [60 Military] The battle of Hireia demonstrated that numbers is not enough on the high seas. Experience is a vital component of any successful naval action, and so a system of naval drill should be instituted to accustom our sailors to the experience of battle. [Quality Ideas]
-[ ] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]
-[ ] [4000 Hyperpyra] The dyantoi have been suggesting imperial subsidy and investment in farming and ranching for so long it feels as though the first Word may have been 'latifundia' instead of 'Let there be Light'. Such an endeavour would be enormously expensive, and you are uncertain as to when it would return the investment in full. Still, the production of foodstuffs is one of the most fundamental measure of a nation's strength, and it may be worth the cost for that alone.
-[ ] [600 Hyperpyra] [Athenai] The Athenai Valley stretches from fur trapping settlements of Sydes, through the former Pequot capital of Nea Athenai and its maize fields, then up the Pequot estuary into the hills of Niralia and the lumber mills of Ptolimais. The Pequot did a great deal of work in imitating Roman advancements, but we can take it a step further and truly bring civilization to the area.

As it stands we are stretching ourselves thin as it is. Most of our land in undeveloped so I feel like expanding even more is a bit pointless for now. We are also making enough Admin points this turn to afford the [Repeatable] admin action and still get the 200 Admin action next turn.
New World:
- The Haudenosaunee expand one province south, blocking Elysia from further expansion westward from former Miami territory.
- Vinland settles on the north bank of the Saint Lawrence river and are right at the border of New Hampshire and Vermont.
- The Natchez are officially integrated into the Empire.
- Elysia settles two more provinces in the northeast, Cape Cod and the southern half of New Hampshire.

Old World:
- The Ottomans take the rest of the Nile Delta and Alexandria from the Mamluks. The Sultanate is heading down the drain.
- France eats the rest of Brittany.
- Morocco takes the rest of Castile's territory in North Africa.
- Norway is a thing now, breaking off from Sweden.
- The Livonian Order is no more. Kurland rises in its place.
- Prussia expands against Poland and Lithuania.
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[jk] Plan Fifty Four Forty or Fight!

It's a little greedy for Vinland to ask for us to cede them a bit of territory, but it's worth it for us to avoid the hassle of future border friction. It also sets a good precedent for cooperation against the Euros.

How's Aragon's relationship with France? They're looking a little friskier than usual.
Why are we still suffering the Yamassee to live in Anthiros (Florida)? Are they vassals or are we just letting them block us from the southern-most coast for some reason?
[X] Plan: Filling in the Gaps
-[] Agree to the proposal.
-[] Money is the cornerstone of successful administration. We must further refine our systems of production, centralise power to the throne, and ensure that penury is an impossible future for any emperor. Let us exploit the riches of this new world to the fullest. [Economic Ideas - Admin]
-[ ] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
-[ ] [60 Military] The battle of Hireia demonstrated that numbers is not enough on the high seas. Experience is a vital component of any successful naval action, and so a system of naval drill should be instituted to accustom our sailors to the experience of battle. [Quality Ideas]
-[ ] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]
-[ ] [4000 Hyperpyra] The dyantoi have been suggesting imperial subsidy and investment in farming and ranching for so long it feels as though the first Word may have been 'latifundia' instead of 'Let there be Light'. Such an endeavour would be enormously expensive, and you are uncertain as to when it would return the investment in full. Still, the production of foodstuffs is one of the most fundamental measure of a nation's strength, and it may be worth the cost for that alone.
-[ ] [600 Hyperpyra] [Athenai] The Athenai Valley stretches from fur trapping settlements of Sydes, through the former Pequot capital of Nea Athenai and its maize fields, then up the Pequot estuary into the hills of Niralia and the lumber mills of Ptolimais. The Pequot did a great deal of work in imitating Roman advancements, but we can take it a step further and truly bring civilization to the area.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 14, 2019 at 2:42 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.