Also did I really do black headed, blue headed, etc instead of haired because copied red headed? I need to do better proof reading. Will go back and edit later after votes so things don't become confusing.
[X] white-headed girl in the crowd. Even if its a bit unusual, you still spot some others. Though honestly their's might be dyed.

[X] white-headed girl in the crowd. Even if its a bit unusual, you still spot some others. Though honestly their's might be dyed.

Also did I really do black headed, blue headed, etc instead of haired because copied red headed? I need to do better proof reading. Will go back and edit later after votes so things don't become confusing.
No need, it's not technically wrong and everyone appears to under understand what you meant. Better would be to give each option it's own line, half way through they're all in the same one.
If we have to fight any of these higher end models, we are so dead. Why did they even bring a Liger Zero and a Berserker Fury here? That isn't like mixing oil and water, that's like mixing oil and corn syrup then setting it on fire.

Who cares why? This is our ticket outta here since we can talk to them and all. Hard to argue when the normally temperamental Zoid suddenly turns docile as soon as we hop into the pilot's seat.

I mean, sure, if we fall into the Fury's cockpit then that Liger Zero is going to go full yandere on us for snubbing it and probably vice versa but come on. And granted that it's probably Quest Hard Mode to actually try for either of them but it'd be so worth it. Go big or go home!

[X] blue-headed girl in the crowd even if its a bit uncommon of a color.
[X] Yes
Who cares why? This is our ticket outta here since we can talk to them and all. Hard to argue when the normally temperamental Zoid suddenly turns docile as soon as we hop into the pilot's seat.

I mean, sure, if we fall into the Fury's cockpit then that Liger Zero is going to go full yandere on us for snubbing it and probably vice versa but come on. And granted that it's probably Quest Hard Mode to actually try for either of them but it'd be so worth it. Go big or go home!
While I agree with the sentiment, even if we could get one of them to let us work the controls, nobody here is going to just let us take an expensive Zoid like that. We'd have to work for them, and while that might not be a bad gig there's lots of reasons not to trust those companys and governments, IE our might-be-a-lot-more-valuable-than-a-pilot-ancient-zoidian-innards. If we could afford one that'd be a different story, but sadly we're only on track to take place in two of the turnament events, and we're giving up a good chunk of that change for the auction.
[x] white-headed girl in the crowd. Even if its a bit unusual, you still spot some others. Though honestly their's might be dyed.

[x] Yes...
-[x] ...But make absolutely sure to keep your head about you and manage your reactions. Just looking at that pamplet caused you to noticeably shake and the last thing you want to do is stand out.

You have attracted my full attention and filled me with nostalgia, as such I eagerly look forward to seeing how this story progresses.

While I agree with the sentiment, even if we could get one of them to let us work the controls, nobody here is going to just let us take an expensive Zoid like that. We'd have to work for them, and while that might not be a bad gig there's lots of reasons not to trust those companys and governments, IE our might-be-a-lot-more-valuable-than-a-pilot-ancient-zoidian-innards. If we could afford one that'd be a different story, but sadly we're only on track to take place in two of the turnament events, and we're giving up a good chunk of that change for the auction.
They might simply be forced to hire us because there's a real chance that said zoid might choose to go with us rather than stay there on display. And in the end we'd likely have a very powerful zoid that'd be very angry if we were cut up.
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Calling vote in roughly 12 hours.

Going half way to story teller to simplify dice math/terminology and make easier to read.

Not planning to change number of stats/characteristics at moment. I don't really want to have 9 stats that care about.

Die pools will now be number of d10s determined by stat and skill. An 8 or better on a single dice counts as a success with a 10 exploding. Die pools may get bonus die or lose die depending on difficulty and situational modifiers. Opposed rolls will be rare with usually the target simply subtracting die from the roll. Rather than subtract their entire stat&skill though, they'll subtract (stat+skill)/2.

Piloting will get a little weirder. Zoids will have a handling bonus and situational stuff (will make known for specific Zoid whenever becomes relevant). This can be boosted by having a good bond with the Zoid (or decreased if the Zoid is fighting you the entire way). Defense modifier for when someone is going to try attacking you when you're piloting is going to be the sum of your piloting skill and either your agility or the Zoid's handling divided by 2.

Stuff might get renamed.

Zoids empathy will mechanically change. Success for mechanics roll will become a bonus die. Spending strain will instead add 2 die to the social roll to form a bond. Later levels will likely give ability to make die explode on 9s as well as 10s.

Need to more formally write this up. But does this make more sense and would this be easier to understand?
And in the end we'd likely have a very powerful zoid that'd be very angry if we were cut up.
That's a good point. That's a really good point. A powerful and known to be temperamental Zoid would make for an excellent bodyguard. Now I really wish we'd gone three for three at the tournament. If we'd managed a strong showing at the showcase, reenactment and tournament rounds we'd be getting showered with offers, not to mention the money.
That's a good point. That's a really good point. A powerful and known to be temperamental Zoid would make for an excellent bodyguard. Now I really wish we'd gone three for three at the tournament. If we'd managed a strong showing at the showcase, reenactment and tournament rounds we'd be getting showered with offers, not to mention the money.
Remember, we don't need the money, we just need to bond with the zoid in question. After which they may dock us some of our winnings, but hell, even if we drop unconscious via strain or something, so long as we form a bond with a suitably powerful zoid we're golden more or less.

Besides, I'm pretty sure a lot of the devs behind the Liger Zero/Berserk Fury would be positively thrilled to have a decent pilot around that the zoid likes to help further their work. And that's to say nothing of how they'd be happy to see their zoid being used, seeing their zoid languish in mediocrity because it never has a good pilot must be absolutely disheartening to them so they'd likely be on our side to some degree if we can put our bonded zoid through its paces.

Hell, if we've got enough time before the fights start, I'd even be up for us trying to bond right now. If we recovered quick enough from it, imagine the showing we could make in the tournament with such a zoid. It's true a zoid can only carry you so far without an excellent pilot but a zoid like the BF or LZ can likely carry us all the way through everything we've signed up for. Most really good pilots and teams wouldn't touch these tournaments with a thousand kilometer pole due to the risk of death so we can be pretty much completely certain of being the absolute top-tier zoid present which will make it that much easier for the zoid to carry us through our inexperience.
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Remember, we don't need the money, we just need to bond with the zoid in question. After which they may dock us some of our winnings, but hell, even if we drop unconscious via strain or something, so long as we form a bond with a suitably powerful zoid we're golden more or less.
You're overlooking that the money we're gunning for is to buy up the capsule from the ruins that the MC came from. Which I am 99% certain contains either an Organoid, or some other potential partner, perhaps even another Ancient Zoidian. Once we get our hands on that, we're going to need to gtfo fast, lest whoever we outbid decides to go through less than legal channels to get what they want. Especially if they suspect the capsule of being more than a piece of modern art.

Bonding to a powerful zoid is all well and good, but don't assume that just because they've got working versions here that they're going to be available for us to pilot after the tournaments.
Going to call vote in like two hours when I'm finally at a computer that can run net Talley rather than on my phone unless someone wants to run it for me.

Also a comment on the Berserk Fury and the Liger Zero since taking stuff both from battle story, the anime, and some other media (though certain things definitely have more weight than others. Games have mostly been hey more names for countries so I don't have to name them myself and when I actually give prices how I estimsted those). The Liger Zero and the Berserk Fury are incredibly rare and hard to produce/find Zoids that cost a lot of money but are not quite one of a kind (I doubt any vendor brought even a half dozen to sell including the floor model). They are also well known to be impossible to pilot. This is definitely a factor on why all companies capable of making Blade Ligers and Geno Breakers don't have them for sale (even harder to produce with an even smaller market opportunity). If you find a team with one that you bond with you might find yourself with an automatic offer to join because it literally has just been collecting dust in their hangar bay and they can now finally field it and get some use out of it. Some military or mercenary organizations might have one and might then want to give you a better position than starting recruit. The companies themselves are still going to be wanting to be paid for them. They might decide having a test pilot capable of bonding with very tempermental Zoids is good and thus be willing to hire you but it is not guaranteed. If you find someone who made the mistake of spending a ridiculous amount of money on one of these and can't pilot it there's a chance might be able to buy it for cheap if that fellow doesn't fall into sunk cost fallacy and decides getting any money back is good. You also probably could try and take one and run and have a very powerful machine and friend to help protect against anyone going after you wanting to return it, but there might also be a lot of pilots and zoids in the area that could interfere.
But we have a built in thread tally these days. Even works on phones. Winning vote is for white hair and going to the special show.
Adhoc vote count started by Nottheunmaker on Feb 5, 2019 at 9:37 PM, finished with 31 posts and 17 votes.
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But we have a built in thread tally these days. Even works on phones. Winning vote is for white hair and going to the special show.

Thanks, I somehow forgot/missed that that was a thing.

So vote is closed then.

... Also bb code question that is totally not at all relevant to next update but I think I remember before seeing in threads messed up text where it was kind of broken apart with trailing pieces or something? Are there any bb code things just to make text weird or does that all have to be done manually?
... Also bb code question that is totally not at all relevant to next update but I think I remember before seeing in threads messed up text where it was kind of broken apart with trailing pieces or something? Are there any bb code things just to make text weird or does that all have to be done manually?
You're looking for zalgo. Beware, he comes.
You're overlooking that the money we're gunning for is to buy up the capsule from the ruins that the MC came from. Which I am 99% certain contains either an Organoid, or some other potential partner, perhaps even another Ancient Zoidian. Once we get our hands on that, we're going to need to gtfo fast, lest whoever we outbid decides to go through less than legal channels to get what they want. Especially if they suspect the capsule of being more than a piece of modern art.

Bonding to a powerful zoid is all well and good, but don't assume that just because they've got working versions here that they're going to be available for us to pilot after the tournaments.
Possessing a very powerful zoid is also a good way to stay alive and keep said zoidian/organoid alive/with us.

The saying 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' exists for a reason.
Also a comment on the Berserk Fury and the Liger Zero since taking stuff both from battle story, the anime, and some other media (though certain things definitely have more weight than others. Games have mostly been hey more names for countries so I don't have to name them myself and when I actually give prices how I estimsted those). The Liger Zero and the Berserk Fury are incredibly rare and hard to produce/find Zoids that cost a lot of money but are not quite one of a kind (I doubt any vendor brought even a half dozen to sell including the floor model). They are also well known to be impossible to pilot. This is definitely a factor on why all companies capable of making Blade Ligers and Geno Breakers don't have them for sale (even harder to produce with an even smaller market opportunity). If you find a team with one that you bond with you might find yourself with an automatic offer to join because it literally has just been collecting dust in their hangar bay and they can now finally field it and get some use out of it. Some military or mercenary organizations might have one and might then want to give you a better position than starting recruit. The companies themselves are still going to be wanting to be paid for them. They might decide having a test pilot capable of bonding with very tempermental Zoids is good and thus be willing to hire you but it is not guaranteed. If you find someone who made the mistake of spending a ridiculous amount of money on one of these and can't pilot it there's a chance might be able to buy it for cheap if that fellow doesn't fall into sunk cost fallacy and decides getting any money back is good. You also probably could try and take one and run and have a very powerful machine and friend to help protect against anyone going after you wanting to return it, but there might also be a lot of pilots and zoids in the area that could interfere.
Ah, thank you for that information Pheist. I am fairly sure I recall that the Beserk Fury and Liger Zero here on display were the real deal, so we could still potentially bond with one of them.

Overall, having one of those would give us better odds of earning enough money to be absolutely sure of purchasing said capsule and keeping it safe.
Overall, having one of those would give us better odds of earning enough money to be absolutely sure of purchasing said capsule and keeping it safe.
HAhahahahaha... you think we're going to be allowed into the cockpit on the show floor? No way in hell, the people showcasing the zoids would never go for it simply due to the risk of the zoid going berserk and trashing the place.
Overall, having one of those would give us better odds of earning enough money to be absolutely sure of purchasing said capsule and keeping it safe.
Why? Even if we could get in one and bond, they'd never let us take one into the showcase or reenactment. We're supposed to lose those as a way for the sponsors to show off their hardware and weapons with a side of historical revisionism.

Now if we'd made plans for the bracketed tournament, we could swing that as a proper contestant instead of space filler. Don't know if that would pay as well though.
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HAhahahahaha... you think we're going to be allowed into the cockpit on the show floor? No way in hell, the people showcasing the zoids would never go for it simply due to the risk of the zoid going berserk and trashing the place.
You really think a bunch of infantry are going to stop a zoid from getting us in the cockpit if it wants us there? And if they tried to stop us violently said zoid would almost certainly get violent in retaliation.

Why? Even if we could get in one and bond, they'd never let us take one into the showcase or reenactment. We're supposed to lose those as a way for the sponsors to show off their hardware and weapons with a side of historical revisionism.

Now if we'd made plans for the bracketed tournament, we could swing that as a proper contestant instead of space filler. Don't know if that would pay as well though.
Then it becomes an issue for the organizers really. Do they not allow us to participate because we are suddenly no longer scrub level opponents? Or do they let us go in and bill us as a dark horse candidate for the fights? If they insist we participate, then it becomes whether or not they can stop whatever zoid we bond with from going with us. I mean, do you really want to try and stop a determined Berserk Fury from going into a fight in the middle of a city? That's a recipe for an unmitigated disaster, it'd be easier and safer to just let us go into the tournament with it in that case.
I know nothing about Zoids except from the images I'm seeing Liger Zero looks Rad as Hell and I want it so bad.

Also Hi.
You really think a bunch of infantry are going to stop a zoid from getting us in the cockpit if it wants us there? And if they tried to stop us violently said zoid would almost certainly get violent in retaliation.
You are vastly underestimating how easy it will be to form a bond with any Zoid, let alone a tempermental one. Liger Zero in New Century: Zero let Bit into the cockpit, and then basically tested him to see if he was worthy. We have no idea what it took for Vega to bond with the Berserk Fury, and frankly those two were exceptions to start with in terms of personality thanks to the "black box" around their cores, which made them both more proactive and more picky in terms of who they would chose as their Warrior.