Why have a male MC? Unless there's some lore reason that one gender makes for better pilots then the other, there's no reason to pick one or the other beyond personal preference.
Fair. I suppose I just have a harder time getting into the head of a female MC, and they kind of tend to bring up issues when they're the last of a dying race or things like that. Also, not gonna lie, I kind of want to play Bit Cloud vs Leena Tauros. And given how Naomi Fluegel and her teammates were treated during their intro episode by those creeps; female Warriors have it pretty rough. Except for Bit everyone else treated it like something normal.
Fair. I suppose I just have a harder time getting into the head of a female MC, and they kind of tend to bring up issues when they're the last of a dying race or things like that. Also, not gonna lie, I kind of want to play Bit Cloud vs Leena Tauros. And given how Naomi Fluegel and her teammates were treated during their intro episode by those creeps; female Warriors have it pretty rough. Except for Bit everyone else treated it like something normal.
Well, considering we're a Zoidian, and out of the four that were seen in canon(Fiona, Reese, Hiltz, Juno(Game-Exclusive)) the only guy out of that bunch, Hiltz, was an absolute madman....

And further considering the shenanigans the Ancient Zoidians got up to before they got the Standard Precusor Race Treatment #284, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the men were predisposed to such behavior. They did make shit like the Original Death Saurer after all.
Hence why my vote plan is called 'Let's Not Be The Psycho'.
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[X] A completely normal young adult human male
[X] No one back home is the type to sell you out, right? Happily adopted, but people rarely brought it up and it's not like that would be a dark secret on its own. Worrying about someone selling you out is probably just paranoia.
[X] You were spooked by the fact that people were looking for you. These people were armed and well equipped and while they left empty handed then,
you can't imagine they aren't still searching. Maybe not for you, but anything Ancient Zoidian that they can find. They paid obscene amounts to take what scraps were left in the ruins and the way they pulled out cash or tapped their weapons when they brought up looking for further leads stuck with you.
[X] Can sort of communicate with Zoids? It's hard to explain. Like you can kind of tell what they want more and they tend to warm up to you faster? It's weird, but helps with piloting and simple maintenance.
[X] Arcadia Kingdom officer uniform. You actually had to spend time looking up who they were. Not many people have ever heard of them. Thankfully as one of the few constitutional monarchies left, they don't really appear too far from their borders.
[X] The auction is at the end of the festival. If you never saw that flyer, you would of been fine. But you spotted it and you recognized it. An Ancient Zoidian artifact being sold. It looks like what you came out of and its markings match those from the ruin you were in. It has enough decorations and engravings people have been treating it as an art piece. Just one glance and you knew you needed it even if you still don't know why.
[X] There's a buffet downstairs. It will mostly be the other desperate pilots hired for this insanity, but might have one or two other people. And it might be worth meeting some of the people who you'll potentially be fighting beside.
I'll say now that gender isn't going to affect personality or ability/skill levels.

Also going to call vote in roughly 24 hours (because like leaving at least 24 hours for a vote and no real reason to call it before I could even start work on the update).
Say where is this in the timeline?
Is it during Zoids: New Century? That new Zoid tournament could allow us to challenge Bit Cloud
Say where is this in the timeline?
Is it during Zoids: New Century? That new Zoid tournament could allow us to challenge Bit Cloud

Roughly New Century ish, but timeline is a bit different. Of note :
  • The war ended with complete Helic Republic and allied nations victory. This led to Guylos Empire and many of their allies losing territory, having restrictions placed on their military/trade/industry, and having their governments dismantled and rebuilt. Royalty is rather disliked with very few governments having any anymore (Arcadia is rare exception).
  • Technology has progressed past where New Century was to be closer to Fuzors in terms of what Zoids do and do not exist. Blame forever war lasting longer and being closer to Battle Story in terms of Zoids arms race.
There is also the (Zoids/???/???) thing in thread title for setting that may have affected things. But I wouldn't worry about it.*

*You currently haven't gotten any hints of what this would be so I wouldn't worry about searching to heavily. Amusingly one of the character choices would have revealed immedietly. Also wouldn't worry over anything ever replacing Zoids as what the main thing about this series and nothing that's not a Zoid is really ever going to match a Zoid's power outside of insane.
Technology has progressed past where New Century was to be closer to Fuzors in terms of what Zoids do and do not exist. Blame forever war lasting longer and being closer to Battle Story in terms of Zoids arms race
Ah Fuzors I seen little of the anime, the parts change is weird and silly.
Ah Fuzors I seen little of the anime, the parts change is weird and silly.

It's weird but I like some of the designs they introduced.

(I also kind of liked smaller models because could more easily fit on desk/shelf/etc and take up less space even if the only one I still currently know the location of is the Shield Liger blox that bought)
Vote closed.

Winning votes are...
[x] A completely normal young adult human female
[x] Hopefully anyone sticking their head out there to ask will run into the same hostility towards outsiders that you did. An old, retired soldier did take you in but everyone else would of rather seen you kicked out to the wastes. They hopefully don't remember enough about you to sell you out. But a good portion of that town gave you a reason to be paranoid.
[x] You were spooked by the fact that people were looking for you. These people were armed and well equipped and while they left empty handed then, you can't imagine they aren't still searching. Maybe not for you, but anything Ancient Zoidian that they can find. They paid obscene amounts to take what scraps were left in the ruins and the way they pulled out cash or tapped their weapons when they brought up looking for further leads stuck with you.
[x] Can sort of communicate with Zoids? It's hard to explain. Like you can kind of tell what they want more and they tend to warm up to you faster? It's weird, but helps with piloting and simple maintenance.
[x] Mystery that's been seared into your memories. No one recognizes it and you couldn't find it when you searched. It's terrifying, but they probably know more about you than you know about them.
[x] The auction is at the end of the festival. If you never saw that flyer, you would of been fine. But you spotted it and you recognized it. An Ancient Zoidian artifact being sold. It looks like what you came out of and its markings match those from the ruin you were in. It has enough decorations and engravings people have been treating it as an art piece. Just one glance and you knew you needed it even if you still don't know why.
[x] There's a buffet downstairs. It will mostly be the other desperate pilots hired for this insanity, but might have one or two other people. And it might be worth meeting some of the people who you'll potentially be fighting beside.

Vote Tally : Zoids Revelations (Zoids/???/???) | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 26-55]
##### NetTally 2.0.0
[x] Can sort of communicate with Zoids? It's hard to explain. Like you can kind of tell what they want more and they tend to warm up to you faster? It's weird, but helps with piloting and simple maintenance.
No. of Votes: 18
Plan: ◈Shadow
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Captain Hunt
Card Captor
Terran Imperium
Zwart Jaeger
[x] There's a buffet downstairs. It will mostly be the other desperate pilots hired for this insanity, but might have one or two other people. And it might be worth meeting some of the people who you'll potentially be fighting beside.
No. of Votes: 16
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Captain Hunt
Card Captor
Terran Imperium
Zwart Jaeger
[x] A completely normal young adult human female
No. of Votes: 12
Plan: ◈Shadow
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today

Terran Imperium
[x] You were spooked by the fact that people were looking for you. These people were armed and well equipped and while they left empty handed then, you can't imagine they aren't still searching. Maybe not for you, but anything Ancient Zoidian that they can find. They paid obscene amounts to take what scraps were left in the ruins and the way they pulled out cash or tapped their weapons when they brought up looking for further leads stuck with you.
No. of Votes: 11
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today

Terran Imperium
[x] Hopefully anyone sticking their head out there to ask will run into the same hostility towards outsiders that you did. An old, retired soldier did take you in but everyone else would of rather seen you kicked out to the wastes. They hopefully don't remember enough about you to sell you out. But a good portion of that town gave you a reason to be paranoid.
No. of Votes: 11
Captain Hunt
Terran Imperium
[x] No one back home is the type to sell you out, right? Happily adopted, but people rarely brought it up and it's not like that would be a dark secret on its own. Worrying about someone selling you out is probably just paranoia.
No. of Votes: 9
Plan: ◈Shadow
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Card Captor
Zwart Jaeger
[x] The auction is at the end of the festival. If you never saw that flyer, you would of been fine. But you spotted it and you recognized it. An Ancient Zoidian artifact being sold. It looks like what you came out of and its markings match those from the ruin you were in. It has enough decorations and engravings people have been treating it as an art piece. Just one glance and you knew you needed it even if you still don't know why.
No. of Votes: 9
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Card Captor
Terran Imperium
Zwart Jaeger
[x] A completely normal young adult human male
No. of Votes: 8
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Captain Hunt
Card Captor
Zwart Jaeger
[x] Mystery that's been seared into your memories. No one recognizes it and you couldn't find it when you searched. It's terrifying, but they probably know more about you than you know about them.
No. of Votes: 7
Plan: ◈Shadow
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today

[x] When they left, you went with them. You were an idiot and didn't think to fight it more. It took a few years before you managed to escape. They poked and prodded you. You don't remember how many drugs they injected you nor how many times they drew your blood. The stitches from some of their examinations have healed away, but you haven't forgotten how many times those happened. Questions and images got drilled into your head during their "tests" and your lack of answers or explanations infuriated them. You can't go back. You refuse to go back.
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈Shadow

Captain Hunt
[x] Your only family is on the line. If it was just anyone from the village, then you'd probably not care this much. But someone that raised you? Operations aren't cheap and neither is transporting a patient from a village to a city safely. You can't wait to just get the money through a normal job.
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈Shadow

Captain Hunt
[x] The auction is at the end of the festival. If you never saw that flyer, you would of been fine. But you spotted it and you recognized it. A set of tablets from a ruin. Treated as a curiosity and a nice piece for a museum or some idiot's private collection. You weren't really able to read the writing as much as it screamed in your head. Barely coherent but you got warnings of danger. You can't let whatever it is fall into the wrong hands.
No. of Votes: 5
Plan: ◈Let's Not Be The Psycho Today

[x] ZI-ARMS employee uniform. As one of the most prosperous Zoids manufacturers, they're all over the world. Kind of hard not to recognize their logo.
No. of Votes: 5
Captain Hunt
[x] Guylos Union uniform. Still blamed for the wars no matter how long its been or how different their government is. But they strive to be considered a military power, even if they'd never be able to cross their boarders.
No. of Votes: 5
Terran Imperium
[x] You spotted a cafe not a block from here. It looked nice and it shouldn't be too pricey. It is probably too early to be getting any tourists either so it should be mostly locals and other people involved in the "festivities."
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Shadow

[x] You were spooked by the fact that people were looking for you. These people were armed and well equipped and while they left empty handed then,
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈No Trauma No Problem.

Card Captor
Zwart Jaeger
[x] Less trama
No. of Votes: 1
-[x] You spent most of that time as their subject. Your nature was leaked to them and suddenly you were whisked away to a lab they promptly set-up. They did some examinations and asked several inane questions. You had your blood drawn a lot for further testing. You were asked to identify various pictures of ruins and the like. Thankfully just enough of a fuss was kicked up that they had to leave you behind when they finally left. But you feel if they had come with one or two more Zoids then that would of been different.
No. of Votes: 1
-[x] ZOITEC employee uniform. As one of the most prosperous Zoids manufacturers, they're all over the world. Kind of hard not to recognize their logo.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Have enhanced senses. Nothing better than an actual sensors and cities become a bit overwhelming with it, but it still helps. Definitely helps you find or avoid people.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] No… On second thought, you should probably skip breakfast. If you want to win over a tournament official and get any of the good spots, you're going to want to get there before anyone else. And preferably get a chance to talk to someone one on one.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Arcadia Kingdom officer uniform. You actually had to spend time looking up who they were. Not many people have ever heard of them. Thankfully as one of the few constitutional monarchies left, they don't really appear too far from their borders.
No. of Votes: 1
Card Captor
Total No. of Voters: 20

Also thanks on the 20 votes and all the discussion. Really glad so many people are interested in this, was interesting to see what was contested versus pretty close to unanimous.

Update should be roughly within 24 hours. Thanks again for voting.
Looking forward to seeing what we'll have as options for ZOIDs after this. Though I wonder, if we do manage to get our hands on that capsule, and it is an organoid, how likely are we to be able to evolve a ZOID to get us the hell out of dodge afterwards?
Looking forward to seeing what we'll have as options for ZOIDs after this. Though I wonder, if we do manage to get our hands on that capsule, and it is an organoid, how likely are we to be able to evolve a ZOID to get us the hell out of dodge afterwards?
Given what the other options were, I doubt this is anything that shiny. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's trouble waiting to happen. And that's if we even get the thing. It is up for auction, so if things go badly in the ring it could get snatched up while we're in hospital.
Looking forward to seeing what we'll have as options for ZOIDs after this. Though I wonder, if we do manage to get our hands on that capsule, and it is an organoid, how likely are we to be able to evolve a ZOID to get us the hell out of dodge afterwards?

Depends on how damaged the Zoid in question is, as well as which Zoid it is I'd say. (As well as whether or not the artifact is in fact an Organoid. it could be an Ancient Zoid Core for all we know!)
One thing though, the most likely Zoid we'll end up with to start that I can imagine is probably going to be a Molga, Cannon Tortoise, Atak Kat/Helcat, Rev Raptor, Hellrunner/Marder, or a Command Wolf. maybe a Zabat or Pteras if we're lucky.

Mostly because the bulk of these are common, mook-grade Zoids.
And of these, I'd say Command Wolf, Marder/Hellrunner Rev Raptor, and Atak Cat/Helcat would be the most likely to evolve. with Command Wolf likely becoming a Koenig Wolf, Marder/Hellrunner becoming a Rev Raptor, Rev Raptor possibly becoming a Geno Saurer(??), and Atak Cat/Helcat possibly becoming a Lightning Saix.

Mind you, this is all speculation and me following visual similarities for the most part. as Koenig Wolf is basically a bigger and meaner Command Wolf, and the Marder/Hellrunner frame can easily progress to Rev Raptor.

Alternatively, we could end up with a Godos or Iguan, and that could potentially lead to Gojulas.
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More likely to become a ZaberFang, which could lead to a Lightning Saix or a Brastle Tiger. Or even a Proto Zaber, which was a testbed for the CAS system.
Zaber Fang is a bit less likely, unless our piloting style inclines towards that. by default Atak Cat/Helcat are zippy little motherfuckers even without their optical camo, and they share a base body type with the Lightning Saix as well.

Now, if we still had access to Deochalcum(which all got trashed when the meteors hit), then there'd be potential for it to become Descat/Death Cat instead.
Other possibilities are Gul Tiger or Gun Tiger.

But, in all likelihood, it'll probably be a Lightning Saix as in-canon they were evolved from Atak Cat/Helcat via an Organoid System, assuming Guylos still did those experiments in this timeline. the Battle Story also had the Lightning Saix developed by Guylos as a direct successor to the Atak Cat/Helcat.
Zaber Fang is a bit less likely, unless our piloting style inclines towards that. by default Atak Cat/Helcat are zippy little motherfuckers even without their optical camo, and they share a base body type with the Lightning Saix as well.
Saix are advanced zoids though, and Zaber Fangs are actually pretty agile and quick overall. And if you look at it, a Zaber Fang's body style isn't that much different from a Saix. Hell, the Brastle Tiger looks almost exactly like a bulky Saix.

I also would absolutely love if we could get our hands on a ShadowFox. Being the guile fighter is something that's never really appreciated in the anime.
Saix are advanced zoids though, and Zaber Fangs are actually pretty agile and quick overall. And if you look at it, a Zaber Fang's body style isn't that much different from a Saix. Hell, the Brastle Tiger looks almost exactly like a bulky Saix.

I also would absolutely love if we could get our hands on a ShadowFox. Being the guile fighter is something that's never really appreciated in the anime.
That's what Zoid Evolution does for ya man, it's like the steroid to end all steroids.
Although yeah, I certainly wouldn't mind having a Brastle Tiger. hell, if we can multi-evo(known to be a canon possibility in one of the Manga*) then we might end up with something like this.
Atak Cat -> Lightning Saix -> Brastle Tiger

*In the Chaotic Century manga, Van obtained a Shield Liger named Caesar, which eventually evolved into a Blade Liger as per the anime. this Blade Liger was later destroyed, and the Zoid Core transplanted into a Liger Zero frame. which eventually evolved once more into Liger Zero: Caesar the King.
An Ancient as a Modern Gladiator Day 0.2
You can't really afford to go out in the city on your own. Too many unknowns and there are too few people out this early. Not that you really trust the average citizen to help if something goes wrong, but you'd at least want some deterrent. Even if you hadn't spotted that Ancient Zoidian hunting organization, you still know there is criminal activity city and plenty of underhanded dealings between the supposedly honest governments and corporations. While you were taught to take care of yourself, no need to put yourself in harm's way.

Well, no more than you already are. But at least you can't be abducted in front of a crowd of spectators? Well as long as you are in a Zoid, you'll make sure you're not. And with any luck, you're assigned partner should be of the same mind even if you end up with an older and more stubborn model. After all with your 'talent,' you've never really had a problem with a Zoid before. They are generally far more honest than people. Unlike humans, you've never had a Zoid lie.

Speaking of which, one of the things you notice as you get to the buffet is that you're not the first person down. Assuming that others got an equally infernal alarm clock, it only makes sense for there to be early risers. Sadly while the buffet is better than that alarm clock, it doesn't come close to the luxury of the bed.

Sausage, bacon, overcooked scrambled eggs, pancakes, bagels, a variety of muffins, and an assortment of breakfast pastries that you can tell at a glance were in no way freshly baked. Nothing impressive, but not bad. And it is free as long as you're staying here so don't really have a right to complain. After all it would be rather petty to complain about food quality when you're going to be in barely regulated gladiatorial combat after all. And you still beat enough people down here that you don't have to be stuck with scraps or only one flavor of muffin left. You fill up your tray and get ready to grab a seat...

Hmmm... There are still empty tables and you could take one of those, but you'll likely end up with others joining you so you could start being social. Glancing around, you spot four occupied that have room for at least one more... Mom would want you to try and be social.

(Choose one)
[ ] There's a table with one lone, young man at it. He's wearing worn clothes and has a notebook and some papers to the side of his food. He seems to be marking something down between bites of food.
[ ] With a jacket hung on the chair, a well dressed woman is chowing down while reading what looks like a tourism pamphlet.
[ ] A group of three teenagers seem to be sitting and talking amongst themselves. One girl and two boys.
[ ] A raggedly dressed young woman has fallen asleep next to an empty tray... Or at least you hope she is only sleeping.
[ ] An older, well dressed Man has managed to take up an entire table with papers and has what looks like an untouched tray sitting at the corner.
[ ] An empty table means you don't have to interrupt someone you don't know and talk to them. Either you get to eat your meal in peace or someone joins in and talks to you.

And as you walk over, you start to wonder what would make good small talk.
(Choose three topics)
[ ] Family
[ ] Home Town
[ ] Zoids piloting
[ ] Competing in the Daímonas Grand Tournament
[ ] The Daímonas Grand Tournament itself
[ ] Local gossip
[ ] The normal Zoids tournaments and league
[ ] The weather

And you should make sure to introduce yourself...

(Choose one)
[ ] Formally and politely
[ ] Informally and casually

... As

(Choose one)
[ ] Write-in

So add 12 hours to any of my estimates for when will get an update done. This is tiny and still took forever because lost internet and need to fix or replace my router. Typed up entire thing on mobile so sorry for any typos or other issues. Also learned about fighters block which is kind of neat but doesn't seem to be great on a phone (I don't imagine most writing tools think of them as a target platform).

Vote will probably be called in ~36 hours, will update tomorrow with a character sheet and some settings and rules stuff barring not being able to get working internet.

... Should of just stayed up and gotten it done last night when I knew it would be a short update.
[X] A group of three teenagers seem to be sitting and talking amongst themselves. One girl and two boys.
[X] Local gossip
[X] Zoids piloting
[X] The normal Zoids tournaments and league
[X] Informally and casually
[X] As Nova Arston
[X] A group of three teenagers seem to be sitting and talking amongst themselves. One girl and two boys.
[X] Local gossip
[X] Zoids piloting
[X] The normal Zoids tournaments and league
[X] Informally and casually
[X] As Nova Arston
[X] A group of three teenagers seem to be sitting and talking amongst themselves. One girl and two boys.
[X] Local gossip
[X] Competing in the Daímonas Grand Tournament
[X] The Daímonas Grand Tournament itself
[X] Informally and casually
[X] As Sylvia Moore

This guy seems the most likely to have something to do with the tournament itself, and that's what we're here for.
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