Is this not a really, impractically, fuck-huge grenade? Like the F1 grenade in WW1 had 60g filer while the inter-war German stick grenades had 170g.

German stick grenades relied more on concussion than frag, from what I've read on them, which meant they were great offensive grenades. But yeah, I think you're right. Most "offensive" grenades have somewhere between 60-150 g of explosive. 300 is a lot. Like the M67 has a filling of 180.

So I'm in favor of something lighter. Or just letting people develop something.
[X] Plan KISS
-[X] Grenade
--[X] Max weight 1kg
--[X] Should have both impact and time fusing
--[X] Should be capable of having a rod fitted for rifle launching
--[X] A removable fragmentation sleeve to allow for both offensive and defensive use would be advantageous, but not essential
-[X]Light Artillery Piece
--[X] Should be man portable, each load being max 20kg
--[X] Should be as quick as possible to set up and get into action
--[X]Minimum 600 yard range indirect fire required
-[X] Portable Launcher
--[X] Look into making use of obsolete rifles already in storage for rod launching grenades
-[X] In light of the ideas proposed by members of the committee, there is a need seen for both newer hand grenades whether they be fragmentation, concussion, or incendiary, and also explosive/incendiary launchers. Given the varying needs of the infantryman, a man-portable crew serviced weapon to provide heavier support at longer range is desired ala Herzog Kaila's suggestion; provided it can be transported and operated by 2-3 men at most. In addition a closer ranged launcher used to directly support the assault is also desired. This closer ranged weapon may be stand alone, though something that can attach to the current service rifle would be preferred.
-[X] Furthermore, given the issues with even full size artillery pieces in degrading and destroying some enemy forts, we would like to examine use of weapons such as an incendiary projector for use in burning out such entrenched enemy positions.

[X] Plan KISS
-[X] Grenade
--[X] Max weight 1kg
--[X] Should have both impact and time fusing
--[X] Should be capable of having a rod fitted for rifle launching
--[X] A removable fragmentation sleeve to allow for both offensive and defensive use would be advantageous, but not essential
-[X]Light Artillery Piece
--[X] Should be man portable, each load being max 20kg
--[X] Should be as quick as possible to set up and get into action
--[X]Minimum 600 yard range indirect fire required
-[X] Portable Launcher
--[X] Look into making use of obsolete rifles already in storage for rod launching grenades
[X] Plan KISS
-[X] Grenade
--[X] Max weight 1kg
--[X] Should have both impact and time fusing
--[X] Should be capable of having a rod fitted for rifle launching
--[X] A removable fragmentation sleeve to allow for both offensive and defensive use would be advantageous, but not essential
-[X]Light Artillery Piece
--[X] Should be man portable, each load being max 20kg
--[X] Should be as quick as possible to set up and get into action
--[X]Minimum 600 yard range indirect fire required
-[X] Portable Launcher
--[X] Look into making use of obsolete rifles already in storage for rod launching grenades

We need, at any rate:
- Improved hand grenades
- Light infantry mortars
- Flammenwerfer (er wirft Flammen)

While I think that practical rifle grenades are a bit of a pipe dream (yes, I know they're contemporary, but not good), we should nevertheless investigate them.

This plan is good.
[X] Plan KISS
-[X] Grenade
--[X] Max weight 1kg
--[X] Should have both impact and time fusing
--[X] Should be capable of having a rod fitted for rifle launching
--[X] A removable fragmentation sleeve to allow for both offensive and defensive use would be advantageous, but not essential
-[X]Light Artillery Piece
--[X] Should be man portable, each load being max 20kg
--[X] Should be as quick as possible to set up and get into action
--[X]Minimum 600 yard range indirect fire required
-[X] Portable Launcher
--[X] Look into making use of obsolete rifles already in storage for rod launching grenades
Last edited:
I'm a bit late to the partly, but I want to add my two cents.

[X] Plan Basket Case
-[X] Hand Grenade
--[X] May be impact or timed fused
--[X] Must be capable of being hand thrown, with a maximum weight of 750 grams
--[X] Compatibility with launchers is advantageous.
-[X] Flame Projector
--[X] Device must project a stream of burning fuel at least 15m
--[X] Device must hold at least 7 liters of fuel
--[X] Device must weight at most 40kg fully loaded.
-[X] Light Artillery
--[X] Device must be able to launch impact fuzed shells weighing no less than 4kg, no less than 500m.
--[X] Device must be capable of firing both explosive and incendiary shells.
--[X] Device should weigh at most 50kg, and be capable of disassembly into pieces that are man portable.
--[X] Indirect-fire capability is a must.
-[X] Explosive Projector
--[X] Device must launch explosive rocket, bomb, grenade or shell a distance of 75m
--[X] A device that is a clip on to existing rifles, or uses the stocks of unconverted, obsolescent rifles in the state armories will be preferred.
--[X] May be shoulder- or ground- fired
--[X] Must have common launch mechanism for all ammunition types
--[X] Must be man-portable
@Sarpedon Would you consider adding "or uses the stocks of unconverted, obsolescent rifles in the state armories" to your grenade launcher proposal? That part seems important to both many questers and many on the committee.
[X] Plan Unicorn
-[X] Incindiary Weapons Development Specifics
--[X] Must be impact fuzed
--[X] Must have at least 300ml of liquid or 100g of solid incendiary
--[X] Must be compatable with a launcher
--[X] May be hand-thrown
-[X] Fragmentation Weapons Specifics
--[X] May be impact or timed fuzed
--[X] Must have at least 300g of explosive
--[X] May be launcher compatable
--[X] Must be hand-thrown
-[X] Launcher Development Specifics
--[X] May be an attachment to existing rifles
--[X] May be a conversion of older weapon
--[X] May be shoulder- or ground- fired
--[X] May be new development
--[X] Must have common launch mechanism for all grenade types
--[X] Must be man-portable
---[X] May submit "Heavy Launcher" design using multiple pieces so long as remains team-portable.
Adhoc vote count started by Michael Lewis on May 14, 2018 at 6:41 PM, finished with 26 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Unicorn
    -[X] Incindiary Weapons Development Specifics
    --[X] Must be impact fuzed
    --[X] Must have at least 300ml of liquid or 100g of solid incendiary
    --[X] Must be compatable with a launcher
    --[X] May be hand-thrown
    -[X] Fragmentation Weapons Specifics
    --[X] May be impact or timed fuzed
    --[X] Must have at least 300g of explosive
    --[X] May be launcher compatable
    --[X] Must be hand-thrown
    -[X] Launcher Development Specifics
    --[X] May be an attachment to existing rifles
    --[X] May be a conversion of older weapon
    --[X] May be shoulder- or ground- fired
    --[X] May be new development
    --[X] Must have common launch mechanism for all grenade types
    --[X] Must be man-portable
    ---[X] May submit "Heavy Launcher" design using multiple pieces so long as remains team-portable.
    [X] Plan KISS
    -[X] Grenade
    --[X] Max weight 1kg
    --[X] Should have both impact and time fusing
    --[X] Should be capable of having a rod fitted for rifle launching
    --[X] A removable fragmentation sleeve to allow for both offensive and defensive use would be advantageous, but not essential
    -[X]Light Artillery Piece
    --[X] Should be man portable, each load being max 20kg
    --[X] Should be as quick as possible to set up and get into action
    --[X]Minimum 600 yard range indirect fire required
    -[X] Portable Launcher
    --[X] Look into making use of obsolete rifles already in storage for rod launching grenades
    [X] Plan Basket Case
    -[X] Hand Grenade
    --[X] May be impact or timed fused
    --[X] Must be capable of being hand thrown, with a maximum weight of 750 grams
    --[X] Compatibility with launchers is advantageous.
    -[X] Flame Projector
    --[X] Device must project a stream of burning fuel at least 15m
    --[X] Device must hold at least 7 liters of fuel
    --[X] Device must weight at most 40kg fully loaded.
    -[X] Light Artillery
    --[X] Device must be able to launch impact fuzed shells weighing no less than 4kg, no less than 500m.
    --[X] Device must be capable of firing both explosive and incendiary shells.
    --[X] Device should weigh at most 50kg, and be capable of disassembly into pieces that are man portable.
    --[X] Indirect-fire capability is a must.
    -[X] Explosive Projector
    --[X] Device must launch explosive rocket, bomb, grenade or shell a distance of 75m
    --[X] A device that is a clip on to existing rifles, or uses the stocks of unconverted, obsolescent rifles in the state armories will be preferred.
    --[X] May be shoulder- or ground- fired
    --[X] Must have common launch mechanism for all ammunition types
    --[X] Must be man-portable
    -[X] In light of the ideas proposed by members of the committee, there is a need seen for both newer hand grenades whether they be fragmentation, concussion, or incendiary, and also explosive/incendiary launchers. Given the varying needs of the infantryman, a man-portable crew serviced weapon to provide heavier support at longer range is desired ala Herzog Kaila's suggestion; provided it can be transported and operated by 2-3 men at most. In addition a closer ranged launcher used to directly support the assault is also desired. This closer ranged weapon may be stand alone, though something that can attach to the current service rifle would be preferred.
    -[X] Furthermore, given the issues with even full size artillery pieces in degrading and destroying some enemy forts, we would like to examine use of weapons such as an incendiary projector for use in burning out such entrenched enemy positions.
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@Sarpedon Would you consider adding "or uses the stocks of unconverted, obsolescent rifles in the state armories" to your grenade launcher proposal? That part seems important to both many questers and many on the committee.
I mean my stand alone explosive projector would of course include something like this. There is a reason it's super vague. I wanted to have as many ideas be acceptable as possible since I imagine the department is like OH FUCK WE NEED SOMETHING NOW JUST THROW SHIT AT US FAM.
What I'd really love to see come out of this is a system of grenades, fuses and adaptors for use with rifles or dedicated launchers. Is we can get that, we'll be in a good place to build on it and it will still be useful down the road when we have something better.