There are some nice ideas going around. I'm going to make use of these for certain.

@Hoshu, you could very much come up with your own plan, and you could even make use of the Blessed by the Mother Goddess trait to get an actually useful trait. Seriously, heat vision or combat tongue can be useful... Never thought I'd write the words 'combat tongue'...

@san, Frogs are not evil. Then again, the tribe is not by any means a "good" tribe, so go with what you want.
considering there is a scorpion faunus i expected to have more diversity from Thassarian and San.
@Raiu If we wanted to create a scorpion Faunus with a tail with a poisoned stinger, would that require taking the Blessed by the Goddess Mother trait?
also is possible to make a bird faunus even ostrich legs would be great for kicking
death to bird faunus unless they have angel wings that can fly! (seriously though if we can haz dat I would like dat.)

Funny you should mention that.

[X] Plan: We are the Sky
-[X] Crowe Angelus
-[X] Female.
-[X] Grey feathered wings
-[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
-[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
-[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
-[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
-[X] Kind: You are known as a caring, soft-hearted Champion.
-[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
-[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
-[X] Just: You always do your best to wield the scales of justice with care, and hold yourself to a higher standard than most.
-[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.

So, any questions?
Funny you should mention that.

[X] Plan: We are the Sky
-[X] Crowe Angelus
-[X] Female.
-[X] Grey feathered wings
-[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
-[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
-[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
-[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
-[X] Kind: You are known as a caring, soft-hearted Champion.
-[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
-[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
-[X] Just: You always do your best to wield the scales of justice with care, and hold yourself to a higher standard than most.
-[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.

So, any questions?
no ty too weak for my tastes...
o_Olol I completely missed that! maybe get rid of both and add the leader trait then? would make her an amazing leader. :)

Yeah maybe leader or the dust traits. I'll need to sleep on it...

Actually given the tribe worships dust, wouldn't being a dust weaver automatically put us high up in the clergy?
@Raiu If we wanted to create a scorpion Faunus with a tail with a poisoned stinger, would that require taking the Blessed by the Goddess Mother trait?

Yes, that would require the Blessed by the Goddess Mother (damn it, I forgot to switch the words!) trait. Useful traits range from Claws to Fangs to Wings to Super Jumpy Legs.

Yeah maybe leader or the dust traits. I'll need to sleep on it...

Actually given the tribe worships dust, wouldn't being a dust weaver automatically put us high up in the clergy?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Good to see someone uses their brain.
Yes, that would require the Blessed by the Goddess Mother (damn it, I forgot to switch the words!) trait. Useful traits range from Claws to Fangs to Wings to Super Jumpy Legs.
could the blessed trait give us a snakes increased control and manipulation of their body?
Yes, that would require the Blessed by the Goddess Mother (damn it, I forgot to switch the words!) trait. Useful traits range from Claws to Fangs to Wings to Super Jumpy Legs.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Good to see someone uses their brain.

Hey! I came to the same conclusion.... Eventually....

Out of curiosity, would a few scales count as the ugly trait, or would they just be there on a snake Faunus regardless?
[X] Plan Striking Scorpion
-[X] Ebon Ramirez
-[X] Scorpion tail The Blessed By The Mother Goddess trait is needed for anything more than a cosmetic trait.
-[X] Alkutul Alhamra (Arabic for Red Talons) A pair of wrist-mounted bracers each of which extrudes three foot-long blades of Dust-forged steel forward over the back of the hand.
-[X] You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe.
- [X]Scarred *
- [X]Brawny *
- [X]Branded*
- [X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
- [X] Awakened Aura
- [X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother (venomous stinger in prehensile tail)
- [X] Duelist: A touchy ego and a quick trigger-sword finger make for a lethal combination.

* Traits from slave background

Basically I was thinking of a scorpion Faunus like Tyrian, except a Spartacus expy instead of a psychopathic minion of the Queen of Grimm.
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Good to see someone uses their brain.

Welp that settles it NEW PLAN!

[X] Plan: Smoke in the Sky
-[X] Crowe Angelus
-[X] Female.
-[X] Grey feathered wings
-[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
-[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
-[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
-[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
-[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
-[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
-[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.
-[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
-[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.

I'm not getting rid of Idealist though.

Also @Chaeronea you may want to look at your plan again.
Also @Chaeronea you may want to look at your plan again.

It's in progress, I ws just trying to quiz Raiu while he was still online

EDIT: Also for your build you've got six positive traits (Blessed by the Goddess Mother, Touched by Destiny, Idealist, Grimm Expert, Dus Aficionado and Dust Weaver) but you started with two traits and have taken three negative ones (Ugly, Weak and Cynical). I think you've overspenty by one.
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