Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Again, we want the attendees to enjoy this enough that they come back for the next gala Cirucci throws.

That means pandering to the lowest common denominator. There's time to experiment with stuff that some people won't like later, when Nemo-Luppi Productions has built up some entertainment cred.
Again, we want the attendees to enjoy this enough that they come back for the next gala Cirucci throws.

That means pandering to the lowest common denominator. There's time to experiment with stuff that some people won't like later, when Nemo-Luppi Productions has built up some entertainment cred.
I hardly think it's that dire. If anything, the warning for the Hooleer opera implies that that's the only option with a chance of driving everyone away from future attendance.

Even with that, It feels more likely that this would determine the character of future opera attendees rather than the presence of it happening at all. Be it tuning towards attracting historically inclined folk, thrillseekers, or curious intellectuals.

(Which is strange really, normally you'd accuse the Shakespeare of being the play to attract the rabble.)
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Our target audience is basically the Espada, the Privarons, and the fraccion. Those are the only people of high enough social rank that they're likely to get invited to a gala thrown by the Quinta Espada. The guest list is likely to be:
Starrk + Lilynette
Barragan + 7 fraccion
Halibel + 3 fraccion
Cirucci + 2 fraccion
Grimmjow + 3 fraccion
Dordoni + maybe Elyssa?

Option 1 runs the risk of not entertaining Grimmjow, and by extension his fraccions, and annoying Barragan, and his notoriously obsequious and prickly fraccions. Which is up to a dozen attendees. Which is also something like 50% of the possible guests, depending on whether Szayel clones up a date for himself.

Option 2 annoys the Shinigami, who aren't even invited and nobody likes anyhow, and Ulquiorra, who believes socializing is squandering crucial moping time, and Starrk, who will probably come to the next show anyhow, if he's awake, because he's all about the socializing for its own sake.

Option 3 depresses potentially everyone, and we don't have enough alcohol available for that.
[X] The Coming of the King.
-Pros: On a surface level, an easy crowd-pleaser, especially among those who particularly hate Shinigami or love great battles. On a deeper level, a subtle reminder that your Lord is not one of your kind.
-Cons: Possibly displeasing to Aizen. Ulquiorra will not be fooled.

An easy crowd-pleaser for the start is, in my opinion, a good idea.

And now I imagine this as the start of Nemo "I ate the soul of Michael Bay" Elcorbuzier's directing career.
Besides her handmaiden/seamstress/thief/vandal career.
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[X] The Tragedy of the Radiant Eye.

I just want to see what Omi does with theoretically the most horrifying hollow of the lot.

I will not be disappointed if Coming of the King wins, tho. :V
Our target audience is basically the Espada, the Privarons, and the fraccion. Those are the only people of high enough social rank that they're likely to get invited to a gala thrown by the Quinta Espada. The guest list is likely to be:
Starrk + Lilynette
Barragan + 7 fraccion
Halibel + 3 fraccion
Cirucci + 2 fraccion
Grimmjow + 3 fraccion
Dordoni + maybe Elyssa?

Option 1 runs the risk of not entertaining Grimmjow, and by extension his fraccions, and annoying Barragan, and his notoriously obsequious and prickly fraccions. Which is up to a dozen attendees. Which is also something like 50% of the possible guests, depending on whether Szayel clones up a date for himself.

Option 2 annoys the Shinigami, who aren't even invited and nobody likes anyhow, and Ulquiorra, who believes socializing is squandering crucial moping time, and Starrk, who will probably come to the next show anyhow, if he's awake, because he's all about the socializing for its own sake.

Option 3 depresses potentially everyone, and we don't have enough alcohol available for that.
I can see the point for "and by extension their fraccion" for Barragan's people, but his group are cowed yes-men. Given Grimmjow's fraccion's whole stick pre-meeting him was "we'll band together and become strong" if anything I can see the tale of the ten kings who banded together but could not stand the test of time striking a chord with them. (Which I suspect is also part of the reason it might play badly with Grimmjow himself: It has a chance to remind him of his gang too, if from an significantly different angle.)

Same reason the Hooleer show is noted to appeal to "the Tres Bestias" and not "the Tercia." If we're counting Fraccions, then it bears remembering that they are their own people, not just extensions of their Espada.

Also, you're numbers look quite off: I have no idea where you're getting seven fraccion for Barragan, given he has six in canon, one has left here, and I don't recall new arrivals. Likewise, your reasons not including the likes of Dordonni's hidalguia and Jakleton are arcane to me.
[X] The Tragedy of the Radiant Eye.

Have you ever heard the Tragedy of the Radiant Eye, not a story a soul reaper would tell you....
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I'm probably wrong about the numbers.

I was thinking Barragan had eight, and in-quest we're down one, so seven. But if it was six, minus one, then five now.

Yes, Cirucci and fraccion are working the event, but they're also present, so, hey. It's imprecise.

I left most of the Hidalguia and Jackelton off because I figure they won't be invited. Privarons explicitly don't get fraccion, and Dordoni showing up with a whole pack of minions seems like walking very close to that line, if not stepping over. Bringing just one, maybe. Jack doesn't seem like much of a party animal.
Slight random change in topic. Does Privaron!Nemo not have Ren in her employ >.> ... That makes me sad. I can see her not employing him like Cirucci does, but still sad.
I left most of the Hidalguia and Jackelton off because I figure they won't be invited. Privarons explicitly don't get fraccion, and Dordoni showing up with a whole pack of minions seems like walking very close to that line, if not stepping over. Bringing just one, maybe. Jack doesn't seem like much of a party animal.

Well, clearly he'll be running event security along with his pug-skulled bros in ever-stylish tuxedos.
I don't think its really sunk into the rest of Las Noches yet that these new Calavera's can disguise themselves as random numerous. I'm sure Aizen is pleased with these new ones, even if Jackleton is (to him), a step down from Ruddbhorn.
I'm probably wrong about the numbers.

I was thinking Barragan had eight, and in-quest we're down one, so seven. But if it was six, minus one, then five now.

Yes, Cirucci and fraccion are working the event, but they're also present, so, hey. It's imprecise.

I left most of the Hidalguia and Jackelton off because I figure they won't be invited. Privarons explicitly don't get fraccion, and Dordoni showing up with a whole pack of minions seems like walking very close to that line, if not stepping over. Bringing just one, maybe. Jack doesn't seem like much of a party animal.
I'll point out that Dordonni's political situation is decidedly not what it was before. Aizen explicitly notes that his "promotion" from Privarion is a sign of political favor so that he's not an outcast, and has gone from "privaron espada" <deprived of his sword> to the leader of the "hidalguia." <nobility> There's reasons they might not show up, but I very much doubt political favor is one of them.
Dordonni may well decide to stay and send a representative for the sake of not being tardy, or he'll come by himself and leave his guard duty to Elyssa, or what have you.
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Slight random change in topic. Does Privaron!Nemo not have Ren in her employ >.> ... That makes me sad. I can see her not employing him like Cirucci does, but still sad.
Pretty sure she does have Ren employed. Mind you, the only proof of that I have is that Ren's friend Ishi is present in Phigment's Privaron!Nemo omakes.
So, I can't help but feel like there's another story we could tell, and I'm going to put in a hopeless write-in.

[X] The Tragedy of the Masked Hunter.

The story of a lone warrior from beyond fighting a hopeless eternal war against the world itself, brought down by the whims and games of those beyond him, his last thoughts of those he loved, and his killer having laid the seeds for his own defeat by killing him?

Yes, I think that Ashido Kano would make an excellent subject for an opera.