Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] The Fall of the House of Ten Masks.

Who are you who do not know your history?
Grimmjow :V

Though I have some thoughts here. Each of these pros and cons seem like it can be condensed down to a future arc ramification:

The fall of the houses of usher kings:
Pros: Most folks will like it, history lesson.
Con: Have to work work around or confront Grimmjow. Possible confrontation with Barragan later.

Barragan's world tour:
Pros: A good time was had by all, most of the hoity toity upper class is likely to come in the future, save Cifer and Starrk. Subtly sticking it to the man
Cons: Confrontation with Ulquiorra. Possible confrontation with Aizen later since Cirucci, is showing she still has her rebellious tendencies by pushing out subtle propaganda against him.

The radiant leery one:
pros: Science buddies!
cons: No relationship building with anyone else, possibly no chance of relationship building in this manner as future galas may simply not happen.
[x] The Fall of the House of Ten Masks.
-Pros: Appealing to lovers of history and those inclined towards melancholy and tragic stories. Relatable to those who have suffered great loss in the new order of Las Noches.
-Cons: Possibly displeasing to Barragan. Grimmjow will be bored.

Rather not give Aizen an excuse to squish us, or Cirucci, after already proving the limits of our loyalty.
You watch as the Fraccions eat. It took you a bit of time making the right meal - Cirucci's pantry is well-provisioned, but not designed for feeding a dozen people at once, so you had to use a little bit of creativity. Now the Fraccions are sitting at the great dinner table, feasting on a mix of crispy vegetables, dices of spiced autotroph meat and salted ginger cakes, accompanied by a golden honey-wine.
@Omicron, I think you meant Numeros here instead of Fraccions.

[X] The Fall of the House of Ten Masks.
[x] The Fall of the House of Ten Masks.
-Pros: Appealing to lovers of history and those inclined towards melancholy and tragic stories. Relatable to those who have suffered great loss in the new order of Las Noches.
-Cons: Possibly displeasing to Barragan. Grimmjow will be bored.

Rather not give Aizen an excuse to squish us, or Cirucci, after already proving the limits of our loyalty.
With how much of a dick he is he would fuck us over even if we didnt do anything.
cons: No relationship building with anyone else, possibly no chance of relationship building in this manner as future galas may simply not happen.

This is the most important thing. If Nemo's going to help Cirucci build a foundation for communication/connection/culture amongst the Arrancar and create a successful theater troupe she's going to have to make a first impression that's going to make people come back together for more.

Starting with something that depresses, disturbs, and alienate the audience is not going to let this happen. Leave the more arcane experimentation for after we get a few successful productions when we can afford to specifically cater to more focused audience groups.

[X] The Coming of the King.

It's sad about Stark but Nemo or Cirucci can chat him up instead if he's not into the actual showing itself. Directors and patrons can do that while other things are going on. We don't have to leave him in the cold.

Nothing we can do about Uqiuorra though. Then again he's always been and, I suspect, always will be a source of contention for Nemo (and now Cirucci) since he pretty much represent the exact opposite direction that they want to move in.

We'll never please him unless we abandon everything we are working for. Better we just accept that.
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[X] The Coming of the King.
-Pros: On a surface level, an easy crowd-pleaser, especially among those who particularly hate Shinigami or love great battles. On a deeper level, a subtle reminder that your Lord is not one of your kind.
-Cons: Possibly displeasing to Aizen. Ulquiorra will not be fooled.
[X] The Coming of the King

Yeah, it might or might not piss off Aizen. Yeah, Ulquiorra will definitely see through it to the underlying message. Yeah, we're already on thin ice with them both. But the thing is, we already know (and have known for a while) that we can't please everyone. This is fragile moth quest, and our aim has been to skate under the notice of everyone, but doing so at this point is realistically impossible. And on a purely IC level of Nemo considering the worst-case in both cases, this is the one that will move further towards Cirucci's actual goal - bonding arrancar together in a common feeling, a common identity. Not only that, but while Barragan might not be a stellar ruler he's well-inclined to us as-is - better to capitalise and build on that than try to balance it by taking the less Aizen-provoking option.

... I'll admit I'd be tempted by Hooleer for a future gala, if one such should occur, but I feel in no way cheated at all about getting to see Barragan running wild in the human world.

I think this is a time to take a risk. And this one is probably worth it. Michael Bay Moth ahoy!
That's a terrible argument. You may as well say there's no point in looking both ways before crossing the street because you might be struck by lightning at any time.
I mean he is literally planning to use us as nothing more than distractions while he evolves and one shots everyone. Not only that we already know he's gonna get rid of us so why should he care about some play that his hollows are gonna throw.
Honestly I get the impression that it'd be a bit of a cosmic horror story mixed with the bleak plausibility of a nuclear armageddon film, like Threads.
Good catch; I was thinking of When The Wind Blows myself, which is very much in the same vein (and another British movie). By contrast the Fall of the House of Ten Masks is more akin to Shakespearian tragedy (I mean, in concept, I make no claim of being able to write either of these genres well at all). They both deal with the collapse of a place but in fundamentally different ways, and the Coming of the King is more Wagnerian with shades of apocalyptic horror (really they all share that last part).
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I mean he is literally planning to use us as nothing more than distractions while he evolves and one shots everyone. Not only that we already know he's gonna get rid of us so why should he care about some play that his hollows are gonna throw.
If we annoy him enough, he just kills us. If we don't, there's a chance we can survive through the war.
[X] The Coming of the King.

I cannot support the doomy-gloomy evangelion of holeer. Making ulquiorra uncomfortable is not exactly someting I'd prefer, but contrasted with making starrk sad or grimmjow bored we'll have to face whatever punishment sadbat will conjure.

And this is supposed to be a "light" thing, I feel a horror-action-tragedy fits the mood better than pure existential dread and ennui.
[X] The Coming of the King.

A crowd pleaser that is particularly appealing to a powerful figure seems like the best way to ensure that the troupe receives enough support to continue operating. Experimenting with more thought-provoking themes should probably wait until it is more firmly established.