User Fiction

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Original Fiction

For original works


For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!

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For archived stories without any other posters cluttering the thread.


Taylor Hebert fell apart, quite literally. When she came back together, she was naked, alone, and confused. Things really only went down hill from there.
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After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. An Endbringer who runs a shop. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat.
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After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. An Endbringer who runs a shop. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat.
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A man fills out a CYOA to become a seer. He ends up as Blaise Zabini, the *other* blank slate Slytherin. Definitely not a serious story, mostly written to murder some of my plot bunnies.
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The Void is a strange thing. Some says that its endless darkness to where no light is found. Others say a place outside of time and space the boundary between worlds, or the afterlife but for one Soul it's how she found
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In another world, Rias would have refused Sophia's proposal to leave everything behind. Here, she doesn't and finds herself in the Harry Potter universe. This story is A what-if of infernal comedy, one of my stories that doesn't need to be read before to understand this one.
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A foolish man decideds to do a Worm CYOA withought paying much attention. It comes back to bite him soon after, but can he make up for his mistake? a fanfic born from me saying the words "TrInKeT oF fRiCtIoN" to myself while laughing. thus I didn't have much of a story but as the whole thing is based on a scene where the mc figures out he has F-ed up and goes "NO NO NO NO! WAIT WAIT WAIT!-" sorry for the crappy writing. cross posted on SB
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"I don't want this. I never ask for this… but… this is not a matter of what I want. This is simple right or wrong."
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A CYOA goes to Worm or I think my name is No No. Emily Piggot looked at the reports on her...
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Earth Bet isn't ready for Doomsday (CYOA V6) (Description subject to change because I suck at writing them.)
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After years of dealing with a terminal illness, Mark decided to end things on his own terms. What he had not expected, however, was to be brought back from death by a cruel God seeking entertainment. Now, he was sent to Earth Bet after filling a ridiculously hard CYOA and has to survive somehow.
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A man is reborn into a dying world, but does he surrender and go quietly into the night of An inspiration to some and a hero to others for some their enemy, but for one special AI it's lover and husband
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Apparently dealing with an genocidal space whale wanting to destroy every version of earth it can find is the prologue. Now, watch as I try to punch away my problems in warhammer fantasy and sort of succeed. What do you mean they are building a temple to me?!
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A soul merges with Poseidon, Lord of the Oceans in the percy Jackson world. Everything changes. Self-insert from the perspective of other characters.
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Crossposted from spacebattles totally not because I want reactions
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Grant Wakes up in worm with standard difficulty worm CyoaV1 Power Manipulator, Chaos ensues. Cross-posting to SB under Always
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The SI is a Friendbringer who is also a Thiccbringer. Also, she wields the an eldritch book of power. This Fanfic is a rewrite of Can Endbringers be Dummy Thicc?.
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Due to something similar to cosmic Karma, an all powerful being failed to survive. The part of it trying to recover was calling forth creatures, new hosts it could consume to be reborn... Too bad it was too picky. Through shattered and alone, follow the lost soul on a Broken Adventure!
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Iron Wood Fred Rogers- December 7th 1999 Another Endbringer attack, a new one, the third...
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When a girl is given the power of a glass cannon, can she help a dying world that is not comfortable with her existence?
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I am in a world where murder hobos run rampant. End bringers destroy cities on a monthly basis and super villains essentially rule the city that I live in. In such circumstances what else can I do but look on the bright side.
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In the Golden Age of Heroes, a villain emerged - the Tinker known as "Singularity." He was regarded as low threat, escalating only rarely against the heroes...but was occasionally brutal in his dealings with other villains. He operated for many years before finally falling to the Slaughterhouse Nine in the late 1990s. His body was never found. Unbeknownst to all, he'd left behind a secret in a bunker in Boston - a colony of nanites designed to restore him to life. Only, when it was...
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After Golden Morning, Contessa shoots Taylor in the head which severs the connection between her and QA. This leaves Taylor in a deep coma. QA, now a lot more human due to the merge, uses some loopholes in her programming to abscond with Taylor's body to the MCU in the hope that they can save her so she can get her partner back since she has trouble repairing the connection by herself. Due to the exertion of the Golden Morning, QA goes into hibernation to wait. During this, she gets a...
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An omen is born into the world of Naruto. An abominable witch who dances as she summons eldritch demons from the void. Can she find her place in this unforgiving world? Especially during the Third Shinobi World War. OC/Self Insert - Inspired by fics like Of the River and Sea, The Bloody Oracle of Kiri, Clearing Mist, etc.
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Jackie's always had a tenuous grasp on reality at the best of times, but there is one thing she knows to be true above all else: she can save the world.
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Waking up in Brockton Bay is a shock. Realising I have powers is even worse. As one would expect, it all goes down hill from there.
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A (former) College student finds herself waking up in a world she once thought was fiction with only the clothes on her back, a permanently altered body, and powers she logically cannot find an explanation for. Hint : She thinks it's a terrible deal. So it is up to her to find a balance between carving her own (not so) little place in the world and meticulously planning out the end of an apocalypse. Now, if only she could understand why her plans keep demanding the most bizarre of solutions...
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The story goes as many others go: with an otherworlder finding herself gifted with mind-boggling powers, dropped in a world slated for annihilation. However, this one might have taken a bit of a... let's call it a megalomaniacal tint.
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