Infinitesimal (CYOA V5) (Pre-Canon Divergence)

"A woman" is an unlikely description for a 15 year old like Amelia, and the blood powers match an existing character.

It's Amelia. The author has already confirmed she is Duchess, who controls blood here. Furthermore, how she is described in this chapter matches how she was described in an earlier chapter.

Her description in this scene.

A woman in a black-and-white dress accented with silver metal, with blood surrounding her and hovering limply in the air. Blood control? That could be dangerous. The suit should hold up, if it comes to that...

Her description in Injection 1.D.

Amelia lowered herself from the edge of the rooftop, diligently folding the blood around her back into the various cylinders that formed the framework of her dress. The temptation to simply carry it around herself like a shroud was there, as always, but it was an important habit to keep up even when nobody was likely to be watching - appearance and reputation were one of the first lessons Marquis had taught her, after all, and the blood-shrouded look was for when she was actively in combat only. When she'd first started, she'd wanted to lean on it for intimidation - but Marquis had taught her better.
As Crimson Doom said, he's technically an SI, but in practice that simply means that the basic building blocks of his personality are based on me. Without any memory, only meta-knowledge, he's equivalent to an OC with a precog vision of the canon timeline.

Singularity, the most powerful pre-cog in Worm.

His real threat ratings:

Tinker: RUN
Thinker: RUN
He still knows all of the players and their personalities, so he can predict how his changes will affect things.
No, no he doesn't at this point. Amy has completely different powers for instance. Enough butterflies have flapped that the players and their personalies are not the same.
Also, a reader of Worm wouldn't know ALL the players and their personalizes even aside from butterflies, since not all players appear and show their full personality in the book.
He has limited knowledge of Sleeper for instance, even if Sleeper is exactly the same.
No, no he doesn't at this point. Amy has completely different powers for instance. Enough butterflies have flapped that the players and their personalies are not the same.
Also, a reader of Worm wouldn't know ALL the players and their personalizes even aside from butterflies, since not all players appear and show their full personality in the book.
He has limited knowledge of Sleeper for instance, even if Sleeper is exactly the same.

See my second reply in that post.
We do have to keep in mind that while his meta knowledge has indeed lost its effectiveness in predicting most events, Singularity still has very significant knowledge about the character's nature, motivations, behavior, etc. at least those who he didn't butterfly into something else like Amelia.
You know out of all the Shards, Remaker seems most appropriate to have Reconfigured, especially after learning the Cycle isn't necessary.
Reminds me of the story "Confusing Things Come in Threes" over on AO3. (A crossover with the 'Young Wizardry' series)
(One thing the story makes note of is that the Entities issues with entropy are LITERALLY their own fault!

I had a BUNCH of thoughts about how it on could continue, including
Taylor & QA's joint Ordeal being having a debate with Memeki, regarding Entropy.
I just had this thought:
Taylor's going to ask Danny if her mother knew he was in a gang.
The in joke here would probably be THAT'S WHY THEY MET.

another idea: one morning some people look out the window one morning, and have an epic spit take because the Boat Graveyard is missing.
(Because it got turned into material)
Another way he could make a statement is to take care of the Machine Army (Nanite to Nanite), if they exist in this AU.

I suspect that nothing Singularity did could've changed Lisa's situation.
So how will the Undersiders react?

Also, challenging the Protectionalism law for Parahuman business, as well as interacting with Accord.
After all, the biggest hinderance to Accord's grand Plan is ACCORD HIMSELF (or at the very least, his power...)
I hope Hero is still alive.
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You know out of all the Shards, Remaker seems most appropriate to have Reconfigured, especially after learning the Cycle isn't necessary.
Reminds me of the story "Confusing Things Come in Threes" over on AO3. (A crossover with the 'Young Wizardry' series)
(One thing the story makes note of is that the Entities issues with entropy are LITERALLY their own fault!

I had a BUNCH of thoughts about how it on could continue, including
Taylor & QA's joint Ordeal being having a debate with Memeki, regarding Entropy.
Can you provide a link? I'm not finding anything with that title.
Sorry for the necro, but does anyone know if this fic is dead for sure? It's one of my favorite worm fics and it'd be such a shame for it to be dead...
Sorry for the necro, but does anyone know if this fic is dead for sure? It's one of my favorite worm fics and it'd be such a shame for it to be dead...
There is no such thing as Necromancy on SV.
It's generally far more polite to ask that sort of question on the Author's account page.
While this can be true in some cases, posting in a "dead fic" thread is also acceptable, especially if the poster is "necroing" with feedback towards the fic that is meaningful.