Silver Dawn [Post-GM MCU QA!SI CYOA]

Ha! Good exposition chapter. The Avengers needed to know that.

And yeah, definitely will lead to fun times. And, terrifying indeed that Thor has head of Entity-destroyed planets... but makes sense.

They are in a comic book world with shit like galactus, dormamu, shuma gorath, etc. Him having heard of things very much like a cycle happening or having heard of powerful entities fucking with people on that scale is not really proof that worm style entities are involved.
They are in a comic book world with shit like galactus, dormamu, shuma gorath, etc. Him having heard of things very much like a cycle happening or having heard of powerful entities fucking with people on that scale is not really proof that worm style entities are involved.

The Entities' method is fairly distinctive. They seal off a single solar system for a long time, hundreds of planetary cycles, and when they leave any inhabited planed has been completely destroyed by core detonation. It's more that the Asgardians don't know what the fuck happened. Galactus or Dormamuu leave traces and they know who did it, not when it comes to Entities.
The Entities' method is fairly distinctive. They seal off a single solar system for a long time, hundreds of planetary cycles, and when they leave any inhabited planed has been completely destroyed by core detonation. It's more that the Asgardians don't know what the fuck happened. Galactus or Dormamuu leave traces and they know who did it, not when it comes to Entities.

Krypton went isolationist, sealing off their solar system for a long time, ceased communications with other species, and had a core collapse that destroyed their planet. Outsiders don't know why such an advanced society would recall their massive fleet and decommission them, instead of using it to evacuate, especially because their science and tech level should have predicted the disaster long in advance.

I realize thats dc and this is marvel, but such things are not unique or even rare in a comic book world, especially one like marvel with a hundred years of various authors making up new threats and tragic backstories.

I am not trying to be difficult about it, but i wouldn't automatically assume it is worm entities based on just what thor said in that chapter. If it is meant to be foreshadowing the existence of worm entities then a bit more from other characters later on could be helpful. Maybe some other space faring character or one knowledgeable about dimensional mechanics could add some clues to reinforce that it is the desired interpretation. Even qa thinking that her being here proves other entities could be as well would help.
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I am not trying to be difficult about it, but i wouldn't automatically assume it is worm entities based on just what thor said in that chapter. If it is meant to be foreshadowing the existence of worm entities then a bit more from other characters later on could be helpful. Maybe some other space faring character or one knowledgeable about dimensional mechanics could add some clues to reinforce that it is the desired interpretation. Even qa thinking that her being here proves other entities could be as well would help.

Yes, more details will come later. We're barely 12 hours (and < 4k words) into the story. The bit with Thor is pure speculation from both of them at this point, QA explained what the Entities do and Asgard has a rumor of the same thing happening so they made the connection. Doesn't mean every instance are Entities but it establishes that it's likely that there are some Entities roaming around.

I realize thats dc and this is marvel, but such things are not unique or even rare in a comic book world, especially one like marvel with a hundred years of various authors making up new threats and tragic backstories.

But we're in the cinematic universe. It's a lot less crowded in existential threats and doomsday scenarios. I might import some stuff from the other continuities but I don't want to crowd the canon too much.
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Season 1, Episode 3

Episode 3​

Several hours into our discussion into alien technologies and what exactly constituted a 'Tinker Specialization,' the sun had started to slowly crest the horizon, Pepper Potts arrived. Tony offered Banner and I rooms at a local hotel until we could find more permanent accommodations.

"I have taken the initiative to reserve two executive suites for Miss Weaver and Mister Banner," JARVIS piped up, "a car will be ready for pickup in half an hour."

"You're the best JARVIS," said Tony.

"Tony," said Bruce, "you don't have to …"

"No, but I want to." Then Tony turned to me. "Have you settled on a name? It feels weird to call you Weaver all the time."

I had been thinking about it ever since the battle had finished. I needed a real name, not just an alias. My first thought had been Taylor, she was a large part of me after all, but it didn't feel right. Names that played on Administrator had been another thought, Adeline, Minerva. In the end, I settled on something that would honor Taylor's legacy without replacing it.

"Anne," I said, "Anne Taylor. It- It was her middle name."

"And you want to keep her legacy alive," said Tony solemnly, "I understand." There was a beat of silence then Tony clapped his hands. "Now, for the introductions. Those two are Bruce Banner, sometimes he's also a big green guy called Hulk, and Anne Taylor - an alien from another dimension. Guys, this is Pepper Potts, my beautiful girlfriend and CEO of Stark Industries."

"An alien? from another dimension? Tony, what the hell happened today?" asked Pepper.

Before our cars arrived, Tony had managed to gracefully salvage the situation and had avoided sleeping on the couch that night. The ride to the hotel was in a companionable silence, both Bruce and I were exhausted. Human bodies had their limits and I was discovering mine.

Through a twist of irony, the Stark Tower was located where the Protectorate Headquarters had been on Earth Bet. The hotel was only ten blocks away but the destruction in the streets made the trip much longer than it should have been. I joked with Bruce that we could've walked there faster.

The hotel building was still intact except for a few scorch marks on the north-western wall. The driver dropped us in front of the entrance and the hotel receptionist provided us with our room key. We both declined help to carry our luggage as neither of us had anything more than the clothes on our backs at this point.

It seemed that JARVIS had spared no expense, two executive suites in a five star hotel did not come cheap. A warm bath did a lot to soothe my phantom aches from the battle. I then jumped straight into bed and drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

While my body slept, I turned my full attention to my coreself. The damage that the Warrior had done as part of the deployment process had been extensive, he'd crippled a lot of critical systems. Those systems hadn't been needed for the cycle and my main memory had a full backup of the necessary structures. I had been enacting repairs ever since his death but the primary bottlenecks had been energy and infrastructure. I needed special structures to self-modify or repair and they had also been crippled. Their functionality was limited to minor modifications.

The new zero point extractor provided me with virtually infinite energy but the throughput suffered. I would need to build several more to get to a point where I could start to rebuild. Then there was the problem of raw materials, my internal stores were dangerously low. Energy to matter conversion was eye wateringly expensive which meant I would need to do some mining. I doubted that any government on earth would allow me to gobble up mountains, this left extra-dimensional or extra-planetary mining as viable options.

Without a Clairvoyant Shard to assist in navigation, jumping to alternate worlds was the height of folly. It was stupidly easy to get lost without any reference points, I couldn't even use my coreself as a reference as it was in a pocket space attached to my human body and would follow it. And I couldn't deploy sub-Shards as I didn't have the necessary mass.

This left only extra-planetary mining. Navigation in realspace was significantly easier, especially within a single system. It would take some time to develop a suite of powers to move around in space and harvest the materials but I estimated it at a few months at most. Less if I could borrow a spaceship.

For now, I would dedicate my remaining mass to building more energy generation. Several new Zero point extractors as well as some cold fusion plants for high consumption systems. I could not use solar collectors or geothermal pumps due to my current predicament.

I woke up the next day covered in sweat, my heartbeat drumming into my ears. The nightmares of the Golden Morning slowly fading from my conscious memory. The dreams had started with flashes of my good times with the Undersiders and the Chicago Wards. The rare moment of calm surrounded by friends. Then the nightmares had come. Leviathan destroying my home, the Nine and the horrors they brought, Echidna, the Fallen, the Teeth, Scion. So much death, all my fault.

My remaining hand was shaking like a leaf and my missing arm itched with phantom pains. Sometimes, being human sucked. I stayed in bed, looking out through the window until I calmed down. A long shower later, I felt better.

When I finished, it was ten and the room phone had several messages.

"You have TWO messages," the robotic voice announced.

"Hey Anne," the voice of Tony Stark said, "I send you a phone and a debit card. Go buy some clothes and call me when you're done. I managed to track down the stuff you had on you when you showed up here, I had them brought to your new lab at the Stark Tower. Oh, and there's also an official spot in the Avengers for you that comes with the lab." The message ended and I blinked a few times in surprise. I hadn't expected an offer like that out of the blue.

The second message was from the hotel staff, they had received a package for me, presumably Stark's, and to call them back to deliver it and the breakfast.

I picked up the receiver and punched in the number for the reception.

A few minutes later, the staff brought up a rolling tray with an assortment of breads, jams, pastries, and options for either tea or coffee. The other item was a small suitcase. Opening it revealed a selection of clothes, pants and t-shirts, as well as a few shorts, skirts, blouses and dresses in various colors and styles. A note in the suitcase explained that Tony had tasked one of his assistants to pick some clothes up for me, there was an envelope with all the receipts attached.

In a side pouch, I found the promised smartphone - with an Avengers themed case - and two credit cards, a black with the same Avengers logo in it to the name of Weaver, and a blue one to my name that looked more normal. I was a bit surprised that Tony would extend this level of trust out of the box but with an AI monitoring things, I supposed that the risk was minimal.

"Good Morning, Miss Weaver. How can I assist you today." The phone also came with a virtual assistant. Only you Tony Stark.

A/N: I have edited the previous episodes with some additional scenes. Episode 1 has an extra fight during the Hawkeye segment and Episode 2 goes into more details about powers during the floor repair segment. I've also clarified QA's (human body's) age in the last scene.

We're reaching the end of the first mini-arc, probably one more episode. After this, time will move a bit faster until the events of Iron Man 3 (May 2012 to Dec 2012) to allow Anne to settle down a bit.
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Need more then likes for this story, already loving it. Can't wait to see where a bit more human Qaylor ends up, especially the ripples of a serious cape vet in a setting that is so focused on the 'super powered growing pains'.
Veeeery nice update! Will have to go back and reread the other chapters for the updates.

Heh. And now I am fully imagining Weaver becoming a Big Sis/Mentor to Peter in this universe. If anyone would have been the Spider Totem of the Earth Bet universe, it would have been Taylor, and seeing a him is definitely going to make her smile at the youthful exuberance.

Makes me look forward to possible futures.

Now, to see what kind of chaos a living Shard will get up to.

Heh, I could see Tony wanting to meet Armsmaster/Defiant one day. And Dragon. Plus dealing with everything involving the business of making an AI protector. QA will have a lot of good suggestions there. She has seen how Dragon operated and knows from the Shardside of things.

Also kinda imagining them slipping the PRT classification system and it getting picked up by SHIELD and others.
Heh. And now I am fully imagining Weaver becoming a Big Sis/Mentor to Peter in this universe. If anyone would have been the Spider Totem of the Earth Bet universe, it would have been Taylor, and seeing a him is definitely going to make her smile at the youthful exuberance.

Because fanfics don't suffer from tragic licensing issues i always hope that the baby spiderman gets swapped out for 90's aninated spiderman.
Good chapter!

I bet Fury would love knowing the master/stranger protocols.
Could Fury use those to at least get a head start on his unknowingly Hydra infested Shield? Maybe not remove them, bit at least not only be aware of their existing, but also have a core group ready and prepared for when that goes down.

I'd love to see that when Hydra goes to take over via Insight, that Fury is all like nope. And then Hydra finds itself routed and dealing with a very pissed off Fury. Oh and the Avengers, and real Shield Agents... The look on that senators face when he learns even then, he was still out witted from very early on...
I bet Fury would love knowing the master/stranger protocols.

Could Fury use those to at least get a head start on his unknowingly Hydra infested Shield? Maybe not remove them, bit at least not only be aware of their existing, but also have a core group ready and prepared for when that goes down.

Fury will get his hands on M/S protocols. He might need some Thinker support to vet people but Anne can help with that.

It would be nice to see her do her own thing. Or if she is going to join stark at least negotiate for a significant interest in the company. With her massive technological advantage there is no reason to become a wage slave and let Tony reap all the rewards.

Don't worry about that, she'll negotiate a very good compensation package.
Wait she says energy to matter is expensive? Just ask to use the tesseract, it has infinite power output. Or ask Thor to teleport her to a dead world in space with Bifrost.

Is this Competent logic or TV show logic?
But we're in the cinematic universe. It's a lot less crowded in existential threats and doomsday scenarios. I might import some stuff from the other continuities but I don't want to crowd the canon too much.

Eh. *Looks at Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness*
Right. Absolutely lacking in existential threats and doomsday scenarios.

Good story so far though, and ignore me being overly pedantic, just couldn't resist pointing out the mcu is a continuously evolving universe.
But we're in the cinematic universe. It's a lot less crowded in existential threats and doomsday scenarios. I might import some stuff from the other continuities but I don't want to crowd the canon too much.
laughs in near-perfect-earth-616 Dormamu, followed by a barely nerfed Infinity Saga(if without the direct intervention of the higher order beings and Thanos having a different reason), followed by Wanda going full commic level Scarlet Witch in Wandavision, Kane the Conquerer being his full extreme self(complete with the current limits on alternate dimensions and why the multiverse seemingly didn't exist in the past being due to Kane deliberately destroying any divergent timeline that might lead to an evil(er) version of him as to stop a multiversal war from restarting) in Loki, and all of the very weird Watcher powered weirdness that is being seen up in that series of animated shorts that is building up to the Multiverse of Madness; just because it looked safer pre-Infinity War doesn't mean that it was, merely that the cosmic level threats were for the most part all canceling each other out before the Snap(s).

for a moment when that sort of thing is outright stated to us in universe just look at the most recent Eternals trailer and at why preserving the primary timeline was so important to both Kang and the Ancient One.
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I haven't kept up with the latest trailers nor the Disney+ exclusive stuff. I guess I need to shell out for a D+ subscription, for research purposes.

Good story so far though, and ignore me being overly pedantic, just couldn't resist pointing out the mcu is a continuously evolving universe.

I try to keep updated of how the MCU is evolving but it's not always an easy job. The story is early enough that the big overarching threats haven't reared their heads yet. And by the time they do, Queenie should have a better fighting chance.
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Season 1, Episode 4

Episode 4​

After a simple continental breakfast, I changed into some jeans and a tee with several colorful butterflies on it as well as a simple black jacket. I went down to the reception, garnering several odd looks from other patrons along the way, likely due to my missing arm, and took a car back to the Stark Tower.

The drive was shorter than it was yesterday, it looked like cleanup crews had worked through the night to clear road debris. We made it to the tower in almost record times, traffic was light for New York. I thanked my driver for the ride and told him he didn't need to wait. I expected to be here for a while.

Despite the reception desk having taken some superficial damage, the woman behind it seemed unperturbed. I could see armor plating peeking out from behind the destroyed exterior, whoever built that tower had had some forethought.

"Miss Taylor," she said, "here is your visitor's badge. The elevators to your right will bring you to Mr. Stark's office."

"Thank you," I nodded to her.

The elevator ride was painfully long. I considered several times simply phasing through the cabin and flying up but I did not want to trigger any unnecessary alarms. I was almost certain that the elevator shafts were monitored.

The elevator brought me back to the room we'd been in yesterday. Tony was at a standing desk surrounded by several holographic screens.

"Hey Anne," Tony waved at me, "slept well?"

"Mostly," I said, "I'll have to get used to having dreams. But it gave me some time to dedicate to my Shard body so I won't complain. In your message, you talked about a place in the Avengers."

"Yes, you talked about the Protectorate yesterday and I'd like to start something similar for the Avengers. Right now the team's officially under the aegis of SHIELD but it's more like an after school club than a proper superhero organization. I want to formalize things better."

That was very interesting, a second chance to build the Protectorate.

"Right now we only have seven Avengers in total and most of them are part time. I'd be bankrolling the team until we can get funding from SHIELD. I plan to license patents that our 'Tinkers' create as well."

"Good idea," I said, "the Protectorate had a similar scheme back on Earth Bet. The black box in Tinker Tech prevented most inventions from going to the mass market but we don't have that problem here. My designs aren't black boxed if I build things with the proper tech base, but don't expect high end tech immediately."

"I expect that Fury will want to talk to me sooner or later as well," I continued. "He doesn't seem the type to leave a literal alien walk in his backyard without knowing anything. Even if Black Widow and Hawkeye reported on what I talked about yesterday he'll want to get the full story. That might be our opportunity to get him on our side, I can offer the PRT security protocols as a way to get his support."

"What kind of security protocols?"

"The Master/Stranger protocols mainly, they're designed to detect infiltration by Master or Stranger type parahumans. Think mind control, shapeshifters, and so on. There are also anti-Thinker countermeasures to prevent leaking information to information-based powers."

"Pretty good idea," he nodded, "we'll have to implement them in the Avengers I guess."

"Yes," I confirmed, "especially if we start expanding. Secret identities will also become important, I don't expect most members to accept being unmasked."

"So," he said, "what do you think? Starting salary is at five hundred thousand a year with a signing bonus of five millions, plus fifty percent of all patent revenue for your patents, or an equal slice of the half if the patent is a collaboration."

My eyes widened, that was a lot of money. Even high ranking Protectorate capes hadn't been paid that much. Sure Tinkers had big budgets but the actual salaries themselves hadn't been that high. The patent revenue agreement was also the cherry on top of the cherry cake.

"Well, you don't lowball your offers," I said. "I accept." I shook his hand. "Let's make the world a better place."

"Let's make the world a better place," he echoed.

AN: Shorter one today. Next chapter is the meeting with Fury.
I learned (from the wiki) that the Avengers are an actual organization at that point in time so I changed my plans accordingly. The last chapter has a small change to reflect that.
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Oooo... looking forward to the talk with Fury as QA explains her existence and what she is to him.

But Fury is going to be DROOLING all over the Master/Stranger protocols and the Anti-Thinker tactics.

Hydra is fuuuuucked.

Need to get Banner moved into the tower if he isn't already so the three of them can go hog wild in making things to uplift humanity. MCU is going to need it as time goes on. There are all those nasty alien forces and they can't rely on the protection of Asgard forever.
M/S Protocols are going to either ruin or guarantee Hydra's plans in regards to Shield.

I can see this if it gets out from Fury's direct control.

M/S Protocols are not going to matter as shield was always hydrya from day one

Ehhh... Kinda sorta? SHIELD had their own Operation Paperclip. So yes, it was from the near beginning, but do remember that it took time for people like Pierce to get to his position of power and oversight.

Fury being Fury, I can see him being paranoid of M/S protocols at first, thinking it could have some hidden effect. This he keeps it to a small tight group. This group, as they use said protocols, start to notice people who are suspect.
If Fury starts this with a few he knows he can trust, he might get lucky and catch a break.

Will SHIELD still be gutted, yes, but with proper knowledge, Fury could mitigat alot of it, especially if they fake the death of a few suspect spies and interrogate them. This, if Fury stays properly paranoid like I think he will, I can see Winter soldier looking like it works, only for Fury to pull a Fury-boss moment and turn the tables.

But again, it needs for things to go in his favor pretty much from the start.
I can see this if it gets out from Fury's direct control.

Ehhh... Kinda sorta? SHIELD had their own Operation Paperclip. So yes, it was from the near beginning, but do remember that it took time for people like Pierce to get to his position of power and oversight.

Fury being Fury, I can see him being paranoid of M/S protocols at first, thinking it could have some hidden effect. This he keeps it to a small tight group. This group, as they use said protocols, start to notice people who are suspect.
If Fury starts this with a few he knows he can trust, he might get lucky and catch a break.

Will SHIELD still be gutted, yes, but with proper knowledge, Fury could mitigat alot of it, especially if they fake the death of a few suspect spies and interrogate them. This, if Fury stays properly paranoid like I think he will, I can see Winter soldier looking like it works, only for Fury to pull a Fury-boss moment and turn the tables.

But again, it needs for things to go in his favor pretty much from the start.
M/s protocols are for people not apart of the organization. You will catch people not apart of the organization but you can't catch people who were hired and literally doing their job while waiting for activation orders.
Need to get Banner moved into the tower if he isn't already so the three of them can go hog wild in making things to uplift humanity.

They'll still have to contend with the Tinker cycle, you need the industrial base to build a better industrial base, incrementally. Their time horizon is several decades to get to an acceptable level of tech so that humanity can defend itself, in the meantime the Avengers will have to shoulder the burden.

On that front, you're correct that the M/S protocols only aren't enough. Well, for sleeper agents they can catch some of them before they can do their damage as they'd be going out of their normal tasks. So foam first and ask questions later.

There is another angle of attack that is there however: Thinker vetting. If you can vet assets with Thinkers, something that Anne can provide, it can help unearth some double agents as well. Of course Fury won't implicitly trust what Anne does and set up his own tests of her reliability but if she can provide empowered object that grant Thinker powers it gives SHIELD a pseudo Watchdog they can use to audit themselves.

The events of Winter Soldier will probably still happen in some fashion (I need to watch the movie again) but SHIELD could survive them.