Chapter 21: I Am Not Thou, Thou Art Not I
On the way to Junes on the first of August I passed by the shopping district. Marie was waiting for me right outside the entrance to the Velvet Room, and with a nod accompanied me to the food court.

With all of us assembled, we then entered the TV World, where I showed everyone the picture of Kubo I had gotten. Yosuke immediately recognized him as the same guy we saw on the Midnight Channel, and Chie grew wide-eyed as she recognized him as well from a different place. Kubo was the guy who had hit on Yukiko way back in April, Chie confirmed, and now I realized why the boy was so familiar. The funny thing was that Yukiko didn't even recognize him, likely because she wasn't aware that she hadd rejected Kubo in the first place. Not only was he pathetic enough to try the Amagi Challenge without even befriending my heiress friend, he was also pathetic enough to not be remembered by the girl he was asking out. Rise had also recognized him, as he had visited Marukyu Tofu and bothered her by asking her about the biker gangs around town. Kanji then added that might have been the reason he was kidnapped as well, due to him fighting off said biker gangs. Apparently, he was also making commentary on the Yamano affair, stating how women who cheat on their husbands should be executed (the fact that it was Namatame who cheated on his wife didn't get to the guy, for some reason).

With all of those facts under review, I asked Rise to look for Kubo within the TV World, assuming that she'd do a better job of it than Teddie's nose since Himiko had dedicated navigation powers. After a couple of minutes scanning the area, Rise found the boy's location, and guided us to what looked like another castle, but this time decorated in a retro game fashion. The words "Start Game" and "Continue" hung in the air ominously, right in front of the entrance. His dungeon took the form of a video game, likely because Kubo thought this was all a game to him.

I decided to bring along Kanji, Teddie and Marie as my frontline this time around, as Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko would then bring up the rear with Rise. I also wanted to see what our newest recruit brought to the table, and with that handled we entered the dungeon, which called itself Void Quest.

As expected we got a view of the Kubo boy's inner thoughts, which manifested as archaic video game dialogue. We then forged on, making sure to get the jump on any Shadows that appeared around us.

Marie's talents were a lot like Yukiko's, with nuclear and psychic attacks in place of fire and curse, and with status ailments in place of healing abilities. Her magic didn't hit as strong as Yukiko's, but she still harder with her magic than anyone else's. In melee combat, she swung the bag slung around her like a bludgeon, and to my surprise it worked nearly as well as Teddie's bear claws. "Ame-no-Uzume! Mapsio!" cried out my green-eyed friend as she tore into the minds of a couple of Shadows. That left them reeling enough for me to signal an All-Out Attack, which Rise managed to boost.

We continued on to the next floor, and Kubo's thoughts made Shadow Teddie look like a big, fluffy teddy bear. (Well, he technically was, but you get what I mean.) Given the context of his words and him being knocked down, I wondered if an abusive household was what managed to create this twisted mind. On to the third floor, and his thoughts turned to a good night's sleep that not even police cars woke him up. Were those the same police cars that drove around town the night Yamano died...?

As we were getting a bit winded we decided to take a break, so I used a Goho-M to warp back to the soundstage and get some recovery via fox. I then got the Class 2-2 members of the IT to join me, after I paid a brief visit to the Velvet Room (when somehow Marie came in and saw me reading another one of her poems) and worked with Igor and Margaret to fuse a few more Personae. With that pitstop over and done with we returned to Void Quest; our progress thus far being enough to allow Rise to guide us to the third floor.

The third floor proved to be our biggest challenge yet. Not to mention that we then encountered several dead ends, which were frustrating at first until I figured out that the corridors with fountains at their ends would warp us to another section of the floor. Rise was watching us, keeping track of the floor's layout, allowing us to make an impromptu map of the place which eventually led us to the next floor.

The fourth floor's walls and floor were tinged a rather sick green, and Kubo's sick thoughts followed suit. It depicted him and Yamano as combatants in an old school RPG, with Kubo winning and seemingly gaining stats from it. The odd part to me, however, was that he thought of Yamano as "female announcer". Wouldn't he have known the name of the woman he presumably killed, at that? Something wasn't adding up.

On we went, and we found ourselves at the fifth floor, where Kubo's memory of his encounter with Saki-senpai echoed in the air. The fact, again, that he called Saki-senpai, the second victim, as the "corpse discoverer" disquieted me. So not only did he think their lives were worthless, but that he even refused to dignify them with their names? No question: Mitsuo Kubo was a pathetic, pitiful young man.

Moving further within Void Quest, and the screwed up psyche of Kubo continued to roil and rage in the aether. Still we soldiered on, fighting off various Shadows as we also attempted to make sense of the madman. On the seventh floor, at an intersection I found myself battling a brief spell of dizziness which confused my bearings; I had to be called out by Rise for following the wrong path towards the stairs to the next level. We fought a hand-like Shadow near the end, which seemed to glow with a strange power, and we had managed to dispose of it with Chie's Rampage and my own Yamata-no-Orochi's Mabufula.

Then on the eighth floor, we heard something that was more crucial than we thought at first. Kubo's mind re-enacted his encounter with Morooka, and how he felt murdering our homeroom teacher made him feel better and cool. Wait a moment, I thought. How come he referred to Morooka by name and not Yamano or Saki-senpai? I had a developing hypothesis about that, but I wanted to get to Kubo and get the information out of him, even if it meant beating up his Shadow, or if worse came to worst, Mitsuo Kubo himself.

My hypothesis was that Kubo had indeed killed King Moron himself, but not Yamano or Saki-senpai, and that he was taking credit for the murders of the latter two for an unknown as of yet reason. Assuming this were indeed the case, then Kubo killed Morooka in order to gain some clout, and people would then assume he killed the two women victims as well. It was twisted reasoning, but it made the most sense based on our evidence; King Moron didn't fit the pattern of the other TV World victims by not appearing on a TV show, and while his body was found similarly there were probably some inconsistencies left unknown as of the moment.

After a long and arduous climb we had reached Void Quest's "Endgame". We then knew Kubo was on the other side of the door, and when it opened, I saw a glimpse of two young men with one sitting in front of a TV and a game console, then a brief flash of light.


I was somehow already back in the real world, and we were meeting at Junes with the case already wrapped up. Yukiko then begged off to leave, citing commitments at her family inn. I thought nothing of it, then felt as if time was moving much faster until when I came to, it was September already. Yosuke and I were standing in front of Marukyu Tofu, with Rise having moved out of town and the shop having closed, and her number somehow not working. Next thing I knew it was October, and I was walking down the Shopping District, and I overheard Kanji and Naoki-kun at Aiya, and somehow something told me they wouldn't appreciate me barging in. I passed by where the Velvet Room door was, and the wall showed only smooth stone, without even a hint of blue. I then found myself standing outside the library, seeing Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kou, and Daisuke all together, but again I felt as if I couldn't bother them even if it was exam season.

Time blitzed by again, and it was mid-November all of a sudden. Chie had begged off meeting at Junes, and so did Yukiko. Yosuke approached me, asking me if no one was coming that day, and even he begged off, citing that he was actually working at the place and that he had to think about the future, like his entrance exams.

That night, a feeling crept up within me; I genuinely felt alone now that the case had been solved and that everyone had come back to their daily lives. Which then made me confront an awful truth regarding myself: What would I do once the case was over and done with? Was I only surrounding myself with the Investigation Team because it gave me a sense of purpose? I felt in the same basket as Yosuke did months earlier, when we talked it over, so if even he was over his lack of direction, what did it say about me?

Then as midnight came, I tried touching the TV screen in my room. It came off solid, and somehow I couldn't put my hand into the TV. Did the case being solved mean my powers were already null and void? At that point, I heard a deep voice, saying it had nothing, which belonged to a giant floating baby surrounded by strange runes around its head. It had the same energy I felt from a Shadow, so if it were really a Shadow, then what was it doing in the real world? And if this weren't the real world, then what was actually happening? All the same, as my mind continued to war with itself over this existential crisis, the Shadow baby began to goad me, telling me that friendship was an illusion. I tried summoning my Persona, but the card fizzled in my hand and rendered my power useless. For the first time in my stay in Inaba, I began to feel genuine fear. And then the Shadow said something that shook me further: "You are just like me." If this Shadow was who I thought it was, then... was I really that much like Mitsuo Kubo?

Suddenly, Shadow Kubo had grasped me in its arms, and was ready to crush the life out of me. At that point I felt the story of Yu Narukami, transfer student was at its end, when I then heard a familiar voice telling me to grab their hand. So I reached up, reached up with all my strength, and I felt a comforting sensation of being pulled out. It was Yosuke's genial smile that greeted me as he pulled me out of whatever that trap with the baby was, and I thanked my friend for rescuing me. When he and Jiraiya had safely returned, I saw what was going on: my friends had summoned their Personae and were fighting off the Shadow Baby, which was surrounded by cubes that formed an armor around it in the shape of a video game warrior.

That was when it hit me: I was not like Mitsuo Kubo, because I was not alone. I had a group of true friends, who through thick and thin, would stick together and help each other in their lives. Marie, even if she were new to our group, was blasting apart the armor cubes with her nuclear blasts. Teddie helped keep everyone healthy and froze the blocks, allowing Kanji to crush them alongside his Take-Mikazuchi. Rise continued scanning the battlefield and pinpointing Shadow Mitsuo's blocks, even as they continued regenerating.

That left the three friends I met first when I came to Inaba. Yosuke had saved me, and continued smiling at me even as Jiraiya bombarded the foe with a strong wind. But the biggest turning point was with Chie and Yukiko, who I was worried would take my friendzoning them badly. But it turned out not to be the case, in fact, a miracle happened which made me realize how our bond of friendship had grown.

Chie's Tomoe and Yukiko's Konohana-Sakuya had retreated, and I wondered what was going on. Then the two girls closed their eyes, opened them, and I distinctly heard their voice reverberate as if they were one with the Sea of Souls.

"Come, Suzuka-Gongen!" "I am thou! Amaterasu!"

The Personae of my lady friends had awakened to new power. Chie's Persona now wore full samurai armor around itself, and now wielded a Darth Maul-esque double-bladed lightsaber instead of its naginata. Yukiko's Persona was no longer a bird-like woman clad in pink, but was now a womanly silhouette of pure light, wielding a katana and its scabbard, while retaining the wings it had in its previous state.

"Persona! Heat Wave!" "Go forth! Agidyne!"

The two girls' awakened Personae blasted away the remaining blocks that protected Shadow Kubo, leaving the infantile Shadow behind. It was then that I stepped up, eager to finish the job.

First, I began with Yamata-no-Orochi, casting a strong Garula that knocked it off-balance. I then switched to Dis, letting the Norse spirit goddess burn it with a Maragion. Ose then came forth from my soul, getting in an Atom Smasher before I withdrew it back. I then summoned Dominion, the angel letting out a strong Makouga, bathing Shadow Kubo in strong light. Which then left me with a new Persona I had just fused, and my oldest friend. "Black Frost!" I cried out, sending a Bufula, and then "Izanagi!" I called out, having my most treasured Persona deal the final blow with a Megido.


And just like that, it was over and done with. Mitsuo Kubo would face the music and pay for the crimes he did. But before that, we watched him, and the boy was confused as to what was happening. I explained to him what he had been doing inside the TV, and let him face his Shadow, fully expecting him to earn a Persona and somehow either making him a bigger threat, or find a way to atone for his sins.

But shockingly, that didn't happen. Instead, Mitsuo claimed credit for all of the crimes, even if I got the feeling he killed neither Yamano nor Saki-senpai; I did pin him for Morooka, however. As he cackled madly, what was left of Shadow Kubo disappeared into the aether, leaving us stumped as to what had happened.

We escorted the insensate, laughing mad Kubo out of the TV, and we began our interrogation of the young man, but he could provide no concrete answers besides that he did it. Mitsuo continued spouting nihilist nonsense, and cited nothing as to his motives, which pissed off Kanji enough for my kohai to lift Kubo by the collar, and told him that he would pay for his crimes. As we contacted the police, however, I saw a boy with frizzy dark hair, around sixth grade or so, staring at us in awe.

The boy then asked us how'd we get out of the TV, and I realized we had a pretty major issue on our hands. So against better judgement, and knowing that lying would make things worse, I decided to tell him the truth.

Surprisingly, he took it all in stride, and realizing we had a bit of a fanboy on our hands, I asked his name out of curiosity.

"My name? It's Ren", he said. "Ren Amamiya."
Chapter 22: The Hopeful Boy, and The Great Cook-Off
Joker being friends or even just a kouhai of the investigation team is a grand divergence. Actually, Marie knows Igor, and now Ren might be befriending her, would that mean that she would be able to tell that his Igor is an impostor?

To quote Bob Parr from the first Incredibles movie: "We get there when we get there".

Anyhow, here's Chapter 22, with a little bit more Ren/Joker:


The cops had arrived to put Kubo into custody, and with that over and done with we decided to have a small celebration at the food court. I asked Ren-kun if he was with anyone, and he told me his mother was going to pick him up after her work was done. I then invited him to join our group, and he agreed, allowing me to introduce him to our team.

One by one I introduced the younger boy to the rest of the Investigation Team. Yosuke gave him a thumbs up, Kanji nodded at him, Chie gave him a small wave, Yukiko bowed, Rise gave him a cheerful hello, Teddie (now back in human form) cheered, and even Marie muttered a small "hey" after rolling her eyes. I explained to him that we had gotten the power to into the TV and rescue people who were thrown in there, but carefully omitting the bit about Personae or Shadows, not wanting to torment Ren-kun with the dark side of the TV World. I then pointed to Yukiko, Kanji and Rise as three folks we had saved from the TV. However, since this was all a secret to the general public, so we thought of a way to keep it secret. Yosuke then got the great idea to make Ren-kun an auxiliary member of the IT - he couldn't go into the TV with us, but we could let him in on our activities and ask him to help search for leads in case someone got put inside the TV. The boy agreed, and swore to keep our secrets.

Afterwards we decided to discuss a slightly larger celebration. We floated the idea of going to the Amagi Inn and taking in the hot springs there, but Yukiko declined, stating that the inn would be at full capacity this time of year due to summer vacation, but she we'd get to visit the inn at another time. This then led to Yosuke suggesting a house party at my place, which I agreed to as long as my uncle was okay with it, and that we should have Nanako included in the festivities as well.

Teddie then suggested a cook-off between the lady members of the Investigation Team, which predictably led to consternation from Yosuke in particular; the Mystery Food X fiasco was still fresh in his mind. Then again, it was only Chie and Yukiko who had done that, and I knew Yukiko was improving albeit slightly. Perhaps Rise could salvage the competition?

As the Investigation Team adjourned and left for the supermarket section of Junes, Ren-kun and I were left alone, and he told me that it was nice making new friends, as despite growing up in Inaba he didn't have a lot of friends. He also told me about how his dad worked at a job whose details he wasn't privy to and that his mother also worked long shifts, but that they loved him all the same.

What happened next was both familiar and unfamiliar. I felt the birth of a new Social Link, but the voice was a bit different and the card that appeared had a markedly different design and had no number on it. "Hope", said the voice, as I shook Ren-kun's hand. He then told me his mother was waiting at the Junes entrance, so I then joined my friends at the supermarket.


While my friends were buying stuff for the cook-off I called home to check on the Dojimas, and Nanako answered, telling me Uncle Ryotaro was gonna be late home that day. In return I told her we'd all be having dinner at our house, and what she wanted for dinner so we'd know what she wanted and therefore the dish for our cook-off. Nanako answered she wanted omurice, and that meant eggs, rice, and other ingredients. I just hoped Chie and Yukiko didn't pick up any exotic ingredients this time around. I myself went for a soy-flavored omelette, wanting to show off my kitchen creativity while at the same time making it palatable for a six year old kid.

As we explained the Mystery Food X fiasco to Rise we then saw Teddie hitting on a woman at a free taste booth, and while sampling the food he began flattering her, even as she protested that she was married with a kid. I thought for a brief second that this might be Ren-kun's mother, but she didn't resemble him in any way. Yosuke then dragged Teddie by the ear, irked at his roommate's hijinks.

We then made it home, and began preparing our entries for the cook-off. All the while I overheard Teddie feeling that Kubo's arrest and our celebration meant that our work as the Investigation Team was done, and Nanako was overjoyed at hearing one of her favorite celebrities was at our home, and was one of her big bro's newest friends. (Little would she know about the future, but she was ecstatic when she found out.) I approached the two, and I could feel Teddie bonding with my little sister, with her joy providing the perfect foil to his innocence. Even I felt my own bond with Teddie deepen as we talked, as he wanted to continue experiencing what the real world had in store for him.

Dinner, in the form of various forms of omurice, was ready, and the girls presented their own offerings first. We wanted to make sure the food was good enough to pass Nanako's muster, however, so Kanji and Yosuke decided to volunteer, especially since the latter wanted to sample the famous Risette's cooking. So Yosuke and I decided to try Rise's omelette first, and the fact that it was almost as red as the ketchup decorating it should have been a big warning.

It was as if someone lit an Agidyne inside my mouth to the point where I couldn't even tell I was eating omurice, since all of the other ingredients were overpowered by the severe spice of Rise's offering. It felt as if my mouth became a smelter, scorching hot enough to purify a metal from its ore. I made a mental note to grab some milk as soon as possible, and if possible keep spices away from Rise in the future. (Side note: there is one dish she can cook pretty well: Mapo tofu. Ironically, that dish might be part of why her cooking leans towards the infernal.)

Yukiko's entry to the cook-off came next, and with my mouth still reeling from the spice Kanji decided to try it intead. Somehow, Yukiko's omelette managed to taste boneless, as per my kohai's words, even if omurice isn't normally cooked like someone blanched vegetables for a couple of hours. I then tried some myself, and I concurred; somehow all those ingredients, while flavorful in their own right, managed to combine to form an omelette so bland it made bland food feel palatable. I still considered it an improvement over Mystery Food X, at least.

Chie's omelette came in third, and this was the one I was most worried about. After all, it was her suggestion of exotic ingredients that began the journey of Mystery Food X, and Yukiko's eccentricities had merely amplified what was already there. Teddie decided to try tasting it himself, and without batting an eyelash told the tomboy that her omurice was awful, and that Yosuke should try it as well. (Did the bear see that far ahead about how those two would end up together?) I decided to confirm Teddie's judgement, and I could tell that Chie's offering was indeed from the lead architect of Mystery Food X. But it was still better, since it didn't knock me or Teddie out. Yukiko had some of it herself, and found herself doubling over in laughter as she tried her best friend's cooking. In retaliation Chie told Yukiko to try Rise's omelette, betting her food was better than our pop star friend's. So Yukiko took a spoonful of Rise's spicy omurice... and promptly dropped to the floor. The girl who could take fire attacks like they were nothing was floored by a spicy omelette. Rise began protesting about how we were simply too young to appreciate her cooking, not amused at how this was going, and began to bawl.

My cousin Nanako then decided to try Rise's omelette, wanting to cheer up her idol. She chewed carefully, and even though I could see beads of sweat form on my little sister's brow she told Rise that the omurice was spicy, but good, her capacity at being diplomatic showing through. Immediately Rise stopped crying, implying she was putting on an act.

Last but not least, I shared my own contest entry, the soy-flavored omurice. I had Nanako have first dibs, and as my cousin tasted it she was overjoyed at the taste; it seemed I knew enough about her to make it perfect for her. She managed to finish it, and as I foresaw my friends getting hungry I had the foresight to make some more, just in case.


With dinner over and done with, and Kubo behind bars, that meant an entire month of summer all to ourselves without anything from the Midnight Channel to bother us. Yosuke then suggested we attend the summer festival held at the shopping district, which Rise agreed to, and I found myself concurring as well. Teddie was excited about the prospect of seeing the girls in yukata, and of course Nanako wanted in too. We of course wanted her to come, as long as Uncle Ryotaro was okay with it. I even thought of inviting Ren-kun, as long as he was available as well. So we all made sure to reserve the 20th, where we would visit the shopping district as a group.

That evening, however, I had an odd dream. Were it not for it taking place in a familiar limousine I'd have chalked it to eating my friends' strange omelettes, but as it is Igor and Margaret were in the Velvet Room. Apparently, my befriending Ren-kun was an event that wasn't supposed to happen, but it wasn't a bad thing; on the contrary, this meant another bond I could foster, and most enigmatically, Margaret told me that they were keeping tabs on Ren-kun in the way they did with me. Did that mean he was going to have a journey of his own in the future? Margaret and Igor said nothing at my deduction, merely telling me to bond with the boy. My benefactors would be as cryptic as usual then.

Things were looking up, though it would turn out we were just at the halfway point of our true journey.
Marie's Persona Ability List

Base level: 45
Weak vs: Fire
Resists: Nuclear, Psy

Base stats:
St: 27
Ma: 37
En: 22
Ag: 25
Lu: 27

Skill set:
Innate - Freila
Innate - Psio
Innate - Evil Smile
Innate - Foolish Whisper
Innate - Tentarafoo
Innate - Stagnant Air
Lv 47 - Mafreila
Lv 49 - Mapsio
Lv 52 - Nuke Boost
Lv 54 - Psy Boost
Lv 58 - Ailment Boost
Lv 63 - Anima Freeze
Lv 66 - Freidyne
Lv 68 - Psiodyne
Lv 70 - Old One
Lv 74 - Mafreidyne
Lv 76 - Mapsiodyne
Lv 79 - Nuke Amp
Lv 80 - Psy Amp

Bike Abilities:
1 Ride: Dekunda
2 Rides: Masukunda
3 Rides: Marakunda
4 Rides: Matarunda
5 Rides: Debilitate
Chapter 23: A Summer of Bonds
I had three weeks of summer vacation to go through before we went to the summer festival. Without any worry of the Midnight Channel breathing down our collective necks, I decided to spend some time with the people I valued the most.

I decided to take a walk by the Samegawa Riverbank the day after Kubo's defeat and our cook-off celebration, and I found Ren-kun staring at the river. "Can I join you?", I asked. "Oh, please do,", my courteous younger friend answered. We then talked over some small things for a while, then he asked me. "Do you fish?" "Of course, I'm interested, I just don't have the gear", I told him. An old man overheard us, then told me "Hey, son, if you wanna fish, I do have this old rod here. You just need a hook and you're good to go!". I thanked him for the gift, and somehow Ren-kun had found a fishing hook, which I then attached to the rod.

Ren-kun watched as I cast my baited line, then we waited for a while until I felt a bite on the line. I reeled it in, and got a decently sized fish. Not bad for my first attempt. I fished up a couple more fish, and told my young friend that he could have one to have for dinner at his home. Ren-kun then smiled at me while taking one of the fish, and I felt our bond deepen as he thanked me for the catch. When we were done it was already sunset, so I headed back home and found myself reading up on fishing tips.

The next day, I found myself hanging out with Marie. She told me that she had found the resolve to recover her missing memories after awakening her Persona, and asked me to help her with it. Naturally, I agreed, and I queried her if she had any leads to go on to jog her memory. She then showed me an ancient-looking comb that didn't look familiar, and which certainly couldn't be found at Junes. I went through my options with regards to places that might know of really old combs, and the only places that struck my mind were Tatsumi Textiles and Daidara Metalworks. Even if the former didn't sell combs Tatsumi-san seemed like she was knowledgeable about traditional fashion, while Daidara's shop doubled as both town artisanal blacksmith and antiques store.

Thus we found ourselves at Tatsumi Textiles, where Rise and Kanji were hanging out together. It wasn't surprising, given that they were in the same year and knew each other as kids, but it would have looked surreal to an outsider to see a famous pop star hanging out with a stereotypical delinquent, with dyed hair and piercings and all. Marie then showed her comb to Kanji, asking him if he knew anything about it, but my seamster friend was as stumped as we were. Tatsumi-san entered the store front, and we asked her about it as well, and we actually had a bit of a lead, since she pointed out that the comb's design was so ancient it might as well be an antique. (Seeing Tatsumi-san berate her son was also cute, I have to admit.) She also told us about how combs made for bad gifts, since in Japanese the word for comb sounds like the words for pain and death, and that combs somehow had the power to cause separation. (Not to mention a certain legend about combs, but that's got massive story spoilers for our ending, but I digress.) Marie then clutched her head, and told me she had almost remembered something but the memory quickly vanished from her head. Exhausted, she told me we'd carry on our quest another day.

I still had time for an evening activity, and I wanted to save up money for the festival, so I went to Inaba Municipal and began my work as a part-time janitor. I felt that the haunted reputation of the hospital made me feel more courageous each time I went, and this time Sayoko-san came in to check on my work again. She was strangely reticent, and something must have happened to make her less chatty and/or flirty than usual. After asking her, she confessed to me that a patient she was assigned to at her last stop died, a little boy who wished to go to school but wouldn't now thanks to his untimely death. She blamed herself for forgetting about her young patient, even as he fought for his life, and I saw a deeper side to a co-worker I thought was merely a ticking sexual harassment time bomb at first.


I then saw Trial of the Dragon with Chie at the movie theater in Okina, both of us riding our bikes to the place. Chie was definitely stoked at the action sequences of the film, and had to restrain herself from jumping in her seat and disturbing the other moviegoers, such was her enthusiasm. When we exited the theater, she gave me a smile, thanked me for being such a great friend, and not only did our bond strength, but both of us felt her Persona strengthen in response. The evening was spent at Inaba Municipal, and this time Sayoko-san said barely anything, but nonetheless still told me to report to the payroll office for my usual paycheck after she finished checking everything.

That Friday I decided to check in with Rise, telling me that she and the other girls were now preparing for their bike license exams, including having a group study session. We decided to head to Okina by train, since she hadn't yet gotten her license, and she decided to go shopping, seeing as Inaba was pretty thin on stylish clothes, unless you counted traditional clothing. For some reason I was getting deja vu vibes with my first meetings with Ai, and all of a sudden I realized I hadn't talked to my then-girlfriend in a week. Putting that aside, a guy then came across us two and recognized my friend as the idol Risette, which Rise adroitly denied, and she dragged me off before the fellow could simp himself en route to an aneurysm. Over the course of our day at Okina, people, men and women alike, continued to approach Rise, trying to ingratiate themselves to my idol friend, and she aired out her frustrations to me. I simply nodded along, knowing Rise was fed up with being "the famous idol Risette" and she concluded with letting me know how she loved being in a small town, where she could simply be herself.

Saturday came, and I decided to go out with Ai. We had a date at Chagall Café again, and my girlfriend looked rather listless even as she sipped at her coffee, and I asked her what was wrong. She then turned to me, made her puppy-dog eyes, and asked me again if I loved her, to which I of course agreed. But something didn't feel quite right, and as I pressed her she clammed up. Were we going through a rough patch? Did the excitement of the past few days cause me to forget I was in a relationship? Or for that matter, did our relationship have the same spark I felt we had when I decided to go out with her at the beginning of July?

It was Sunday all of a sudden, and this meant a day with Hisano-san at the riverbank. I humored the old lady, as she reminisced about her husband. Apparently he kind of resembled me, both in appearance and attitude. She then frowned, wondering if she resembled Death, which was due to her grief from her husband's recent passing. I gave her my condolences, and we continued talking about smaller things before we split up for the day.

I continued my part-time jobs throughout the summer, which included a stop at the daycare the Monday after I talked with Hisano-san again. Eri-san and Yuuta-kun were happy to see me, but didn't want to talk about heavier stuff, so I just let them be. On the way home, I encountered Ren-kun, and we decided to walk around the shopping district for a bit, even doing some window shopping. We stopped by Marukyu Tofu, where Rise was manning the counter for the day; she recognized me and Ren-kun, and my younger friend realized he was talking to the Risette. Surprisingly, Rise was more amiable with him than with the people recognizing her at Okina just the past week, and I told Ren-kun he could buy some tofu and I'd pay for it as a treat. That earned me a "Senpai!" from Rise, and I rubbed the back of my head as I fulfilled my promise.

The next day, I dropped by Marukyu again, and Rise decided she wanted to eat at Aiya, which we did, and Aika was again shocked at the fact that I entered the store with yet another girl. (At this rate she was really gonna think of me as some kind of himbo gigolo!) After we were done we were then approached by a man, whom we recognized as Inoue-san, Rise's manager. He caught up to his client, and even as Rise was apprehensive about him being there he explained his reasons for talking to her: He still believed Rise was a capable singer, actress, what have you, and that he was yearning for her eventual return to show business. At that point, Rise was still adamant on not returning to showbiz, and even grasped my arm and told me that we would get married once we graduated high school. I knew she liked me, but to the point where she'd get hitched to a guy who might not even see her that way? Rise was being impulsive again. Her biggest reason for saying that, of course, was that I saw the real her, not as the celebrity Risette, which admittedly was true. (Yeah, kids, your mother fell in love with me because she wanted someone who could see the true her. Still a big yikes out of context, though.) After Inoue-san left, Rise then told me it was just an act to get him out of her hair, to which I cheekily replied if it was all a lie? Rise went red, nearly as red as her hair, and sheepishly apologized in a "that wasn't all a lie" way.

That evening, I had a strange dream, where I dreamt I was kissing Ai. That was strange, since we didn't even so much as kiss even a month into our relationship. That kiss was deep and passionate, and as I looked at her she told me "Like what you see?" Then I kissed her again, but she felt different, somehow, and when we broke off I looked at her again, but she didn't look the same. Honey blonde hair and eyes were now somehow replaced by copper locks and hazel eyes, and the girl in front of me had a slightly-different looking nose.

The next day, I went on another date with Ai, this time at the hill overlooking town. After staying silent for a moment, she then told me that our relationship wasn't working out and that maybe we'd be better off as friends. I took in the gravity of her words, as she might have realized the truth all along: we were just kids playing at a relationship, with our clumsy attempts at romance lacking the spark that defined true love. I then looked at her, and after struggling for a moment to find the right words, and as I grasped her hands I concurred with her. We certainly weren't in love the way couples were, but I came to respect and love Ai as a friend, and told her that even as this chapter of our lives closed we'd still be there for each other as true friends. Ai smiled at me, gave me a peck on the cheek, and I realized that I was single again after just over a month of dating my basketball team manager.

Sometimes things don't work out the way you think they will, but this one actually ended pretty well, all things considered.
Chapter 24: Festival With The Lovers
Even after breaking up with Ai, life went on, and I found myself working again at Inaba Municipal that evening. I overheard some nurses talking about Sayoko-san, as they discussed how scary she had gotten as of late. And speak of the proverbial devil, she then arrived at the scene, and proceeded to chew out the nurses for appearing to be lazy, miffed that she had to do their work herself. However, her demeanor changed when she saw me, thanking me for working hard. She looked rather tired and haggard herself, and I asked her if she was okay. She downplayed her exhaustion, and praised my work ethic as we parted for the night.

The next day, I went around town on my scooter, trying to take my mind off of my breakup the previous day. I eventually found myself pretty far from home, and arrived at a beach area clearly set up for visitors. A sign nearby read "Shichiri Beach", and given that it was summer I thought to make plans with my friends to visit here.

Friday, the 12th of August, was a rather cloudy day, and Kanji called me up, asking me to meet him at Aiya for a meal. I obliged my kohai, and as we ate he told me the story of how he was itching for some Chinese food, but didn't want to eat too much as he wouldn't then be able to finish his mother's food, as Tatsumi-san regularly gave him large portions. A man came in to the store, recognized Kanji, and after some tense words between the two the man (who was a police officer) decided to eat somewhere else. It seems that the cops weren't a big fan of my friend, despite the fact that he wasn't as big a troublemaker as he looked. Kanji then fretted about how his reputation made things worse for his mother, who looked older and older as her son got into trouble.

That evening, with the weather report stating that the fog would roll in, I decided to check on the Midnight Channel when the clock struck twelve. To my relief, nothing showed on the paranormal channel.


For some reason, Rise was on my mind the following morning, so I went and talked to her right outside Marukyu, and she then invited me to go gallivant somewhere. We found ourselves at the hill overlooking town, and after we exchanged some stories, me about being a kid who had to move around due to his parents' occupation, and some of her idol stories, Rise then told me how she visited the hill alone, simply taking in the sights and sounds of Inaba. She then asked me if I had pushed myself too far, or simply put on a brave face for those around me. I was taken aback, wondering just how she had managed to worm out one of my most recent feelings from my heart. Feeling I had no choice but to tell the truth, I answered yes to her question, citing our recent fight with Kubo's Shadow to be an example. Rise then told me that I might be a better actor than she was, which I felt was pretty big praise coming from an up-and-coming idol.

Rise then told me a rather nice analogy about her grandmother comparing her to tofu. As her grandmother put it, tofu looks weak and fragile, but is more resilient than it appears. There's also the fact that tofu can go with any other food because of its neutral taste, making it compatible with any recipe or flavor. Rise then bared to me some of her past: as a younger girl, she was bullied at school before she became an idol, and she entered the industry because a relative sent in an application for upcoming idols without her knowledge, and that she passed the first audition. At first, she was reluctant to embrace her new career, but she saw in it an opportunity to better herself and rise (ha) from her past of being a bullied kid.

I thought for a second then I realized what it meant: my friend Rise rose from a darker past, and showed her resilience as she became one of Japan's top idols. She was, quite frankly, more socially adept than I was, and her friendly and outgoing attitude allowed her to blend in seamlessly with the roles she presented herself as. Even so, she confessed to me how the Risette people see in public is but a mask, over the true Rise. A part of me wondered if she would have made a better Wild Card than I was, as putting on various masks for her work was almost second nature to her now.

Rise then asked me if I spent time with her because she was Risette, which I denied, seeing as quite frankly I liked the real Rise Kujikawa more than the idol personality. One was a manufactured act made for the entertainment of many, the other was the young girl nobody saw beneath it, but it was the latter I was happy to call my friend. Rise was happy at my confession, and in hindsight, maybe this was the point where I began to fall for her.

That evening saw a full house at dinner, with my uncle and Adachi both joining me and Nanako. We watched as the news focused on Kubo's confession to the murders, and given how the Japanese legal system worked it was clear he was going to be convicted.

On an aside, in case someone outside Japan comes across this, I'd like to give you a brief rundown on the Japanese legal system. It's got one of the highest conviction rates in the world, to the point where a defense attorney successfully pleading for an acquittal (regardless of whether the defendant was innocent or not) was nothing short of a miracle, and that fact even inspired a series of popular video games. So with that and Kubo for all intents and purposes confessing to killing Morooka and the others, the police would then treat it as a closed case.

But my hypothesis from before still felt the closest to the truth, that Kubo had indeed killed only Morooka and nobody else, and that whoever was responsible for the murders of Yamano and Saki-senpai was still at large. But without any leads from the killer via the Midnight Channel, that wasn't something I could prove or disprove at that point. So for now, I wanted to focus on the summer vacation I was enjoying with my friends.

My rumination was interrupted by Nanako complaining about wasabi in her sushi, and dinner proceeded in a jovial fashion for the rest of the night.


The next day was a Sunday, so off to my weekly discussions with Hisano-san at the riverbank. I let my old lady friend reminisce about her past, and she shared with me the story of how she met her husband. She had spent her life in Inaba, since birth, and he was part of a troupe of actors who came to town once a year. They had met as young children, when Hisano-san was a little girl and her husband-to-be was a child actor. His good looks and eloquence won Hisano-san's heart over, and by the time both of them had gotten old enough she confessed her love to him, and thankfully for her he had reciprocated her feelings as well. Since he was, of course, traveling all over Japan, he could only see her once a year, but they made their meetings count, not to mention that he eventually quit his troupe and decided to settle down with Hisano-san in Inaba. He picked up farming instead, and even if it was a harsher job than being a traveling actor Hisano-san spent a happy lifetime with him. Hisano-san moped about her husband being in heaven and considered herself damned, but I reassured her that wasn't the case.

Now that I think on it, this situation would eventually become familiar to me as well, but not for a while. The similarities would indeed be there: I was from outside Inaba, then after visiting the town I'd meet and fall in love with a girl from there, and eventually settle down with her in the town I'd come to love. I didn't realize it at the time, but I would re-enact the story of Hisano-san's husband by myself. Hopefully there's a happier ending on my part, but I've already said too much.

That evening, Uncle Ryotaro gave me a significant sum of money, both as a reward for acing my tests and for helping around the house and with Nanako. We then talked about odds and sods, until Nanako came down and asked for her father to read her a bedtime story so she could sleep. My uncle agreed, though reluctantly, but just as he was about to do it a call arrived for him, telling him to get back to work for some duties. That was when I realized that I had to call my uncle out on something: he was putting his work above Nanako one time too many. I told him so, and eventually, he relented, going to my little sister's room and telling her a story before going out to work.

Later that evening, I was somehow still up when Uncle Ryotaro returned, explaining that the call he got was from his former senpai named Ichihara-san, which was regarding the hit-and-run case that had taken Aunt Chisato from us far too soon. Apparently, the car that had killed my aunt was a large white sedan, likely from an American manufacturer, and wasn't registered within Inaba or its environs. My uncle fretted about how the lead was still thin, but showed his resolve in not giving up on the case that rendered him a widower.

Monday then came, and August was already halfway over. Yosuke called me in the morning, requesting me to pitch in at Junes, seeing as they had a lack of staff that day; I conjectured that the ne'er-do-well senpai weren't around at a time when they were needed the most. Of course, I didn't want to pass up helping my friend, even moreso when he promised a larger than usual payout for me. Thankfully it wasn't just me helping him out - Teddie was manning one of the food court stalls in his bear suit, while Chie was touting the benefits of shaved ice on a really hot day. Chie used that moment to tell me that she and the other girls had gotten their bike licenses already, making it easier for us to go on trips to places like Okina and Shichiri Beach.

I spent the better part of the week working with Yosuke, Chie and Teddie at Junes, and by Friday Teddie looked exhausted, having to work in a sweltering food stall in a bear outfit with little ventilation, and even Chie's voice was getting a little hoarse from all the shouting she was doing. I was finally free by that evening, and with the festival on the next day I needed all the energy I could get.


So we then met up the following evening at the shopping district, now decorated in festival accoutrements. The boys, including myself, went in our casual attire, and the four of us met up right where the stalls began, and Yosuke mused about the festival being less crowded than usual, perhaps due to the murders. So off the four of us went to grab some snacks, while we waited for the girls who had likely dressed up for the occasion.

My eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise as my four lady friends, joined by Nanako, showed up bedecked in yukata, each one of them looking really radiant. Marie had surprised me the most, given that this was the first time I had seen her outside of her usual outfit, coming with the other girls in a yukata of her own colored in a greenish-silver that complemented her eyes, with a blue obi that I swore matched the color of her usual hat, doffed for the occasion. Chie, like Marie, had chosen to wear her hair as-is, and herself wore a white yukata decorated in floral patterns and adorned with a yellow obi. Yukiko looked demure in a purple special, with white flowers on her outfit and with a pink obi, and had forgone her usual headband. Nanako looked adorable in her pink yukata, decorated with a red sash and already bearing a bag of goodies. But I wasn't prepared for Rise, who had worn a pink yukata with butterfly decor and topped by an orange obi. Somehow, she had managed to look the most radiant among the ladies, and that was a tall order given how all of them certainly had a glow-up. I didn't realize I had been staring at her for a moment until Yosuke tapped my shoulder and told me Rise was asking me a question. I felt my face was rather red, then admitted Rise looked the best of the four, but that all of them looked great.

My uncle dropped by and took Nanako with him to the shooting gallery, which left us eight together. We decided to split up, wanting to enjoy the festival, but somehow Teddie had manipulated us into having him go with the girls except Marie. That left Yosuke, Kanji, Marie and I rolling our eyes at this deception, but all the same we had fun that first day of the festival.

The festival was still ongoing the next day, so I was pleasantly surprised that Rise called me up to go with her that evening at Tatsuhime Shrine. She had worn the beautiful pink yukata she had worn the previous night again, still looking great. First we offered our wishes and prayers at the shrine, and I admitted that I wished for good grades, even if I had already done my summer homework the past week during the evenings after working at Junes. Next we then had some candied apples and okonomiyaki, and had fun fishing for guppies in a stall. We had managed to win some lottery tickets from the fishing, and both of us entered, with Rise winning a phone strap that depicted her tour costume from the previous year, while I got a pretty nice book about the divine. The lottery worker called me Rise's boyfriend, which shocked me since at the time I was going with her as a friend, and I was fresh off of another relationship.

As we parted at the entrance of the festival, a nagging question came to my mind: Was I falling in love all over again so soon?
Chapter 25: Beaches and Shores
As the saying goes, time flies while you're having fun, and having kept myself busy throughout the summer break meant that I only had just about a week left before it ended and the second semester of school began. So naturally, I picked up where I left off after the festival ended, patronizing Tanaka's wares and then visiting the daycare. Of course, Yuuta-kun was there, and I watched him and the other kids play as I earned myself another paycheck. Eri-san hadn't come to pick him up, so I decided to help him walk back home instead, and Yuuta-kun then told me how he hadn't watched Featherman due to his stepmother hogging the TV. Just as he told me that, however, Eri-san had finally arrived, apologizing for her tardiness. I had thought they had taken steps to improve their relationship, but it seemed that they had just grown more distant in the time since I last saw them both. Eri-san, wanting to make it up to her stepson, asked Yuuta-kun if he would like anything, and that she'd pay for it. Yuuta-kun ran off, confused at this turn of events, and I explained to Eri-san how he wanted a Featherman toy. While Eri-san didn't watch the show, she was at least aware of it, and decided she would help get Yuuta-kun a toy if it meant a chance to grow closer to him.


The next morning, Yosuke invited me and the rest of the IT to the beach, which was now easy for all of us since most of us had bike licenses. I had to wonder how the others who didn't would go - would Kanji ride a pedal bike all the way through? What about Marie and Teddie? I decided to let that matter slide for a moment as we assembled at the gas station and from there headed to Shichiri Beach. It turned out Marie was somehow able to get a license of her own (how she managed to do so, I'll attribute to Velvet Room shenanigans) while Kanji and Teddie got around their own lack of license issue by having the bear wear roller skates in his suit while my kohai dragged him behind his bike.

So there we were, at the beach, taking in the sun and celebrating as summer drew closer to its end. I had worn the dark trunks Uncle Ryotaro had given me way back during Golden Week, while Yosuke had a red pair of his own and Teddie had a blue striped pair of beach shorts and a flotation ring around his waist. Naturally, my brunet friend used this chance to extol the benefits of being at the beach, that is, seeing girls (particularly Risette) in swimsuits. Strangely enough, a part of me didn't like how Yosuke was so keen on seeing Rise in a swimsuit, despite the fact that she had already done so in at least one TV commercial. (Jealous much, past self?) The ladies had just finished changing, and I tried to keep my poker face on as I saw them head our way. Marie wore a one-piece number in red, blue, and white, evoking her usual attire, Chie and Yukiko somehow kept the swimsuits Yosuke had bought for them from June, and Rise, unsurprisingly, was dressed in the most revealing bikini of the four girls, colored in orange. Yosuke and Teddie gawked at seeing the girls in swimsuits, and even I had to admit they pulled it off well. We still waited for Kanji, who must have been winded from having to pedal all the way to Shichiri Beach, and sure enough our delinquent friend finally approached us, clad in a black speedo. I had said before, after all, that he was the one I looked forward to seeing the most in our friend group, and my kohai did not disappoint. Plus, it really fits his personality well. (A part of me wonders how a certain detective would have reacted to seeing Kanji in that skimpy an outfit, incidentally.) On the other hand, Yosuke, being uncomfortable with displays of masculinity that didn't come from him, was rather flustered at seeing Kanji himself, but he was really the only one who minded.

So we had fun in the sea, swimming and playing games with each other. At one point, the guys, myself included, decided on a round of beach volleyball, with Yosuke and I on one side and Kanji and Teddie on the other. I figured having one taller guy on either side would even the odds, so there we went, and unsurprisingly we were rather dead even. After that, we decided to take a break for drinks, and we overheard Rise saying her bikini string was getting undone, with Chie telling Teddie to keep his hands to himself, since it seemed he was eager for a "wardrobe malfunction". Since when did the bear get even more perverted than Yosuke anyway? Thankfully, Kanji came to the rescue, dragging Teddie away from the girls before they could file a restraining order on him. Unfortunately, Kanji's rescue came at a price, since it was he who had the ill fortune of a wardrobe malfunction. And since his black trunks were the only thing he was wearing, that meant he was in his birthday suit. It was really only him holding Teddie that prevented anyone from getting the full monty, and unfortunately for our ursine friend he was the one getting a full view of Kanji. The girls were now getting out of the water, and we needed to find a way to cover up my kohai, lest the girls file a restraining order on him.

I had thought of just telling Kanji to let 'em dangle, as it was, but Yosuke was as resourceful as he could be and found some seaweed to cover up the hapless boy. When the girls found us, Yosuke and I were staring at the ground, averting our gazes, Teddie was laying facedown on the beach, and Kanji was reenacting Botticelli's Birth of Venus by covering his chest and crotch with the seaweed Yosuke had found. The best part was that Kanji had really bought into this farce, showing how accepting his Shadow had allowed my kohai to loosen up a little bit.

Thankfully Kanji had managed to retrieve his black speedo, allowing him to be decent again. Alongside Yosuke and Marie, we watched as the other girls and Teddie built a sandcastle as the sun began to set over the horizon, with Kanji thanking us for inviting him along, Yosuke waxing philosophical, and Marie smiling before rolling her eyes at our antics. My brunet friend then invited us to go skiing during winter break, wanting to make the most out of my year here at Inaba. It was rather fortunate that the town was near both the beach and a ski resort, which made me think about how this place could become a tourist destination if the locals so willed it. But then again, it would come at a price, of Inaba losing the small-town charm that had attracted its people towards it, and the already fragile peace of the place might be further compromised.


I got back home by evening, and Nanako was busy doing her own homework before school returned, so I decided to help her out with it since part of her homework was to help the family bond by helping each other out. She was doing well, all things considered, and I could see that she could become a model student like her big bro if she put her mind to it.

The next day, I encountered Ren-kun, who waved at me from the front of the bookstore as I alighted from the bus. My younger friend eagerly showed me a couple of the books he had bought, and I liked what I saw, one from the Timid Teacher series and the other being a copy of English Made Easy. I asked what he was going for the latter, seeing that I took it upon myself to learn at least two more languages aside from Japanese, and he told me that one day, he'd like to be able to show tourists around Inaba, and to do that he'd have to brush up on his English. Ren-kun's optimism made me appreciate how I made a friend who saw the good in his life, and I couldn't help but feel happy for him. (Which makes events later in his life hurt even more, from my perspective.)

That evening I continued to help Nanako with her homework, this time about proverbs. Yosuke and Teddie came by, and decided to pitch in as well, with Teddie providing a gem in "cogito, ergo sum" (that is, "I think, therefore I am"). Rather deep coming from what was once a hollow mascot, but that would prove to be oddly prescient. Yosuke then snarked at him with a proverb of his own: "don't cast pearls before swine", and we had fun throughout the night, helping Nanako finish her own assignments.

The next day, Thursday the 25th, saw me going to Junes, buying some supplies for the house, when I ran into Adachi, who remarked how it was strange that I was too fun to be my uncle's nephew. He told me to enjoy my life as a high schooler, and I asked him if he was slacking off again, which he denied, telling me that one must take breaks from time to time. It also seemed he was evading the old lady who offered to feed him, and rather conveniently, said old lady just then appeared, looking for her Tohru-chan. Fortunately for us two, however, a rather stern-looking man in glasses appeared behind her, who appeared to be the real Tohru-chan. He thanked us for being kind to his mother, and that he visited Inaba for a few days before being whisked away again by his job as a business manager. The two then left, with us overhearing about the man's preference for tough renkon on his nimono. As it turned out, the only thing Adachi had in common with the old lady's son was their shared name, which made the whole episode rather curious. (I'm guessing she was lonely, and latched on to the detective because she reminded him of her son all because they had the same name.) Right there and then, Uncle Ryotaro found Adachi, and proverbially dragged him back to work while apologizing to me on behalf of his junior partner.

That evening, Nanako was writing an essay about something she remembered, and as she thought of a topic to write on Chie and Yukiko arrived at our house. They'd overheard from Yosuke that Nanako's homework was a team effort thing, so they dropped by to offer their help. Yukiko suggested to write on the festival that we had just attended, which was still fresh in my little sis' memory. So she went, writing about how she had enjoyed the ikayaki, and I thanked my friends for helping as well as I put Nanako to bed.

Friday arrived, and with it a chance to go to the daycare, so I went there again, hoping that Eri-san and Yuuta-kun would have reconciled by now. Sadly, she wasn't there to pick him up, so I decided to escort him home again. The boy then told me how he learned that I told Eri-san about his interest in Featherman, as she had then bought him a robot and a DVD from the show! I then told him that all he needed to do was be a good boy and do right by his stepmother, then he asked me if Mother's Day was already over. Considering it was already late in August, I said it was a bit late, but it was fine, because Yuuta-kun then found a four-leaf clover and told me he'd collect a bunch of them in time for the Mother's Day. A winded Eri-san arrived, and once more Yuuta-kun ran off, still not fully opening up to his stepmother. She then asked me if he was afraid of her, and I candidly answered that they were both afraid of each other, but that I was glad they were taking the steps to truly get to know each other.

Nanako then needed help on a book report, based on a book where a king went deep into a forest, when she asked me if I was happy being alone. I told her that it depends, being a relatively introverted person, that sometimes solace can help with gathering my own thoughts.

I was beginning to notice a change in myself as of late, though: I was no longer the guy who could go days at a time all by myself, with no one around me. I had begun to value companionship even more, and I was increasingly worried that once my stay in Inaba ended, that I would go back to that life again, making no real friendships.

I decided to turn away my thoughts from such a dreary prospect, however, and put Nanako to bed and think of happier thoughts, like a certain copper-headed girl... welp.
Chapter 26: Summer's End - A Sky Full of Stars
A certain first-year girl had been occupying my mind as of late, and I decided might as well talk to Rise to help clear my head and realize where I was vis-a-vis with her. So I went down to Marukyu early in the morning, found her in front of the shop, and we then decided to take a trip to Okina, with Rise deciding to do some shopping, as she placed a few special orders,and then we had some ice cream. I even had a try at the crane game right outside 30 Frame, and I managed to get a couple of Jack Frost plush dolls, one of which I gave to Rise, making her smile and tell me "Senpai! You shouldn't have", but she was blushing all the same. I then walked her home, where she told me to come with her to pick up her orders when they'd arrive, and we noticed how people didn't seem to congregate to her as much as they did when we first dropped by Okina together.

As Rise headed to the store, I then saw Inoue-san approach me, and asked me to give a letter to Rise, explaining that it was from a long time fan of Risette, then proceeded to praise his former talent's natural brilliance and determination, which was an accurate assessment. (In all honesty, Inoue-san's an outstanding manager, one of the few ones in the industry who genuinely cares for the talent they take care of. I'm not surprised Rise kept him even as she established her own company.) Rise then came back, apologizing that Marukyu ran out of tofu for me to take home, but just as I was about to tell her it was okay she noticed Inoue-san. Her former manager ran off, Rise bitterly calling him a stalker for not refusing to leave her alone (though a bit of me thought he had a point). I explained that he was just looking out for her, and that he had come by to deliver the letter I had in my hand. Rise then read the letter, explaining to me that the fan writing to her was a middle school student who looked up to the idol, after Risette did a PSA on bullying which inspired the younger girl. Being an idol wasn't just all stress and paparazzi, it turned out, and even if Rise rightfully saw the entertainment industry as a nest of vipers it managed to produce good stories like this one every now and then.

She then read the letter, sitting with me on the steps of the shrine, and learned that her fan wanted her to come back. Rise frowned, saddened at realizing she must have disappointed a ton of people who wanted Risette to come back, even if she was still adamant that Risette was gone for good. She then told me she'd rather inherit the tofu shop instead, which made sense considering she was putting in a lot of work at Marukyu over the summer anyway, and then reminded me that she introduced me to Inoue-san as her fiancé, and with a laugh asked me if I wanted to go through with it.

Somehow the jokester part of me and the part of me that was slowly but surely falling for Rise Kujikawa had the same idea, and before I knew it I blurted out that I was fine with it if she were serious about it. Rise turned as red as her hair, and then chided me with a smile before leaving me for the day.

However, that wasn't the last time I'd see her that day. As part of Help Nanako With Her Homework week we were doing her art homework this time, using old household items like used milk cartons. Conveniently enough, the three most artistically inclined members of the IT dropped by, with Rise and Kanji dropping by. Kanji did most of the heavy lifting, creating a truly nice model that a first grader probably couldn't have done on their own, but a splendid time was had for all.


Wanting to thank Kanji for his help with Nanako's art project, I decided to stop by Tatsumi Textiles the following day, where Kanji was waiting outside the shop. He warned me that it was a pretty boring place, and called out for his mother.

There was no response.

Kanji was genuinely surprised, seeing as Tatsumi-san never left the store unattended without closing it behind her. Wondering where she might have gone, we found Nakamura-san (Aiya's owner) telling us that he overheard that Kanji's mother was at Inaba Municipal! Fearing the worst, my kohai and I hurried to the bus stop, got on the bus, then headed for the hospital.

When we arrived, we found Tatsumi-san with a young boy in tow, shocked that she was up and about. It turned out that she had taken the boy to the hospital after he had been hit by a bicycle right in front of Tatsumi Textiles, owned by a guy from Yasogami High who got scared of what he did and fled the scene, making Kanji's mother take the poor boy to Inaba Municipal in his stead. She then asked her son to scold the cowardly student, and reassured him that she was in no danger at all. (Not surprising, given that this was the woman who had to give birth to Kanji Tatsumi, one of the toughest men I know.)

I found Kanji sitting on a bench at the hospital, apologizing for causing such a fuss. I told him it was no big deal for him to worry about his mother, telling him that if it were my family in her place I'd be worried, too. (I should have knocked on wood for that one.) As I felt my bond with him deepen, he ran off, still rather confused on how to handle his feelings. Tatsumi-san then approached me, telling me how Kanji admired me given how much he went on about his senpai, then explained that my kohai had a fear of hospitals given how his father, Tatsumi-san's husband, died at Inaba Municipal when Kanji was young. That explained why Kanji looked genuinely afraid when he learned his mother was here, then. She went on, telling me that he'd had always trouble getting along with people because of his interests, with guys finding him unmanly and girls finding his feminine pursuits unattractive, leading him to embrace a delinquent façade.

That evening, with the business about Kanji's mother dealt with, I helped Nanako with even more of homework, writing a paper about her favorite animal. She remembered that the shirt Uncle Ryotaro gave her for Children's Day had a platypus on it, and we decided to focus on the peculiar points of the egg-laying mammal for what was assuredly a fun paper.

Monday, the 29th, saw me do what little homework I had left, and I decided to devote part of the day to gardening. I had harvested a small share of tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, and even a few ears of corn. I decided to set aside some for the house, and thought of what to do with the others. Perhaps these could help us in the TV World...?

That evening had the last of Nanako's homework, which was unsurprisingly an essay on how her summer went. Marie dropped by, and I hoped that the poet's words would help in terms of helping my little sister's composition. For my part I reminded her of what the weather was when we were helping with her art homework, and Marie managed to contribute some words here and there, managing to keep herself more amiable around my young cousin.


The 30th arrived, and with it one day closer to the end of summer. In the morning I received a call, hearing a voice I was increasingly fond of over the last few days. Rise told me how the fireworks festival was taking place that evening, and invited me to come along, implying that our other friends wouldn't pass up the occasion. Nanako was going to a friend's place after taking out the garbage, and explained to me she was going with my uncle, so we decided to split ways that morning and hopefully see each other that night.

So naturally, the Investigation Team sans Teddie assembled at the hill overlooking town, hoping to see the fireworks from a good vantage point. The crowd looked pretty thin, so it was a good sign; we weren't going to be blocked off from seeing the light show. Yukiko wondered if Nanako would be able to come, while Kanji and Rise attempted to explain the concept of fireworks to Marie who found the concept of blowing things up to make people happy rather strange. (Even stranger, coming from a girl who wields nuclear explosions and psychedelic detonations as a weapon.) As for our ursine member, it seems that his attempts at playing Casanova finally paid off, with Hanako Ohtani noticing him and dragging him away, even as he got into his bear suit. I sincerely hoped he learned the right lesson there and for him to act like a gentleman throughout, since Hanako's actually pretty friendly and all.

Of course, that all happened because Teddie happened to wave one of Yosuke's dirty magazines right in front of the latter's parents. Somehow, Yukiko was oblivious as to what it was, while Rise, being the worldliest of the girls, wasn't surprised.

Teddie then appeared, looking more like a pancake than a bear (no, Ren-kun, this has nothing to do with a friend of yours), and soon enough Nanako appeared in her adorable yukata alongside Uncle Ryotaro. He had managed to leave work early, foisting off paperwork on Adachi in the process, but it was all good; it was nice having my uncle around as well.

I then spotted Ren-kun, flanked by two adults who I assumed were his parents. I waved at him and approached them, wanting to introduce myself to my friend's parents. One was a tall man with dark, frizzy hair, just like Ren-kun, and he introduced himself as Akira Amamiya, while the other was a woman with straight black hair, introducing herself as Mio Amamiya. My young friend smiled, and I could tell how his folks truly cared for the little kid. (Let it be on record that Ren-kun's parents did all they could during that...terrible year for him, but alas, they were only two ordinary people, and their son was caught up in truly extraordinary circumstances. But they did have a great reunion with him in the end, so it worked out.)

Anyhow, the fireworks show began in earnest, and we all watched as the bright lights shot across the sky, making wonderful blooms in the starry sky of Inaba. I smiled at all my friends, even Ren-kun, but I found myself lingering as my eyes met Rise's. She giggled, and I must have turned rather red in embarrassment.

As the fireworks ended, Nanako left with Uncle Ryotaro, going to bed early, while we teenagers had a laugh about the display. Kanji mused if the Shirogane kid was even around, and if we could have invited him for the show. I thought that was a good idea, but Yukiko brought up the point that he might have left town in pursuit of another case. (Thankfully, she was wrong on that part.)


The following day was the coda of the summer break, the 31st. Uncle Ryotaro had been given some watermelon, and that it was for sharing, since it was too big for only the three of us to eat. So I invited the Investigation Team over, and while for some reason Marie declined (citing Velvet Room business), I decided to call one of my closer friends in her stead.

Coincidentally, it was Ren-kun's twelfth birthday, and while he told me he and his parents would go out to dinner at Okina that day, he'd be free until the afternoon, anyway, so spending the day at our residence eating watermelon wouldn't be a bad way to start his birthday.

Everyone had assembled, and while the Investigation Team was already familiar with my frizzy-haired friend it was the first time he and Nanako met (since they didn't really see each other the previous night at the fireworks show). I introduced them both, and as a joke Ren-kun asked me if he could call me big bro the way Nanako did. With a smile, I agreed, and from that day on Ren Amamiya became one of two people who could call me big bro without any shred of irony.

Uncle Ryotaro had arrived with the watermelon, and my friends and I began tucking into the sweet, juicy fruit just as we finished slicing it into pieces. Nanako began to fret about summer having passed too quickly, but we all reassured her there'd be a next year for us to make up to her. But that twinged at me - was I telling a little white lie to make my little sister happy?

I was increasingly torn at this point - the rational part of me knew this was but a temporary arrangement, that once my school year at Yasogami was done then I'd ship back out to the city by March, while the sentimental part of me began to keep holding on to my days at Inaba and hoping they'd never end.

That part wouldn't bite me in the proverbial arse until much later, but it was a ticking time bomb all the same.
Social Links as of August 31
0: The Fool - The Investigation Team - Rank 7
I: The Magician - Yosuke Hanamura - Rank 8
II: The Priestess - Yukiko Amagi - Rank 9 (Platonic)
III: The Empress - Margaret - Rank 1
IV: The Emperor - Kanji Tatsumi - Rank 3
V: The Hierophant - Ryotaro Dojima - Rank 7
VI: The Lovers - Rise Kujikawa - Rank 6
VII: The Chariot - Chie Satonaka - Rank 9 (Platonic)
VIII: Justice - Nanako Dojima - Rank 5
IX: The Hermit - The Fox - Rank 8
XI: Strength - Kou Ichijo and Daisuke Nagase - Rank 5
XII: The Hanged Man - Naoki Konishi - Rank 3
XIII: Death - Hisano Kuroda - Rank 3
XIV: Temperance - Eri Minami - Rank 7
XV: The Devil - Sayoko Uehara - Rank 7
XVII: The Star - Teddie - Rank 4
XVIII: The Moon - Ai Ebihara - Rank 9 (Romantic -> Platonic)
XIX: The Sun - Yumi Ozawa - Rank 6
0*: The Jester - Tohru Adachi - Rank 6
XX*: Aeon - Marie - Rank 6
Extra*: Hope - Ren Amamiya - Rank 5
Chapter 27: A New Player Joins The Game
With August, and therefore summer break, over and done with, it was time to head back to school at the beginning of September. It was still too warm to wear our winter uniforms, so we picked up where we left off in July and continued wearing our summer uniforms for the month. Chie and Yukiko greeted me at the school gates, with Yosuke not too far behind. As we headed into the school, a familiar boy in a blue hat and a Yasogami summer uniform greeted us as well - Naoto Shirogane. That was surprising; we had thought he had left town now that Kubo had been arrested and that the case was considered over by most people. (I personally didn't, and Naoto's presence would validate that idea, but public opinion wasn't in my favor.) Yosuke proceeded to call him a pint-sized detective, which was fair, because the kid stood at a mere 152 cm and wore heeled shoes to compensate. Naoto corrected him, naturally. Yukiko then asked him what he was doing at the school, and the detective pretty much confirmed my suspicions that even if the police considered the case closed, he didn't, and in addition there were some family-related issues Naoto had to deal with, so he enrolled at Yasogami starting with the fall semester, as a first-year student in the same year as Kanji and Rise. The kid detective then greeted us as his senpai then went off to class.

The semester proper began with gym class under Kondo-sensei's careful watch, where we somehow learned that venison doesn't just refer to deer meat, but to meat from game animals in general. (Good to know in case I have to go hunting in the forest instead of Junes.) Aside from that, the day passed by uneventfully, and without the excitement of a case Yosuke found his first day back at Yasogami boring. Chie reprimanded him, telling him that a quiet day was a good day, and Yukiko wanted to ask our newest kohai if he wanted to stop by Junes with us. We did find the detective accosted by two young ladies; if I had been any more selfish I'd have been envious of Naoto for stealing my ladykiller shtick. Naoto rebuffed them, expressing that he had no interest in the aforementioned young women, which made me think for a moment if he just didn't swing that way, or at the very least wasn't interested in romance. (In hindsight, that was a foolish assumption, but what do I know?) Yosuke came to his rescue, surprisingly enough, calling the detective, and Kanji's arrival made it easier as the girls were intimidated by my kohai's appearance. Rise then arrived as well, then that meant the Yasogami portion of the Investigation Team were all here. Chie then extended to the young detective an invitation to hang out with us, but even we were rebuffed, implying Naoto liked to keep to himself.

Even with that invitation rejected, the rest of us found ourselves at Junes anyway, where we discussed the new kid's rather strange first day at Yasogami. It appeared his enigmatic air was what made people curious about him, but at the same time made him keep a safe distance from everyone else, and soon our conversation turned towards the murder case. Without any further news on that front, however, our talks turned again towards a new topic, the upcoming school exposure trip. Our destination was Tatsumi Port Island, an artificial island that's the site of a big city... and where I lived for a short time.

Now that may be news to some of you, but remember when I said my parents both worked for the Kirijo Group at the beginning? Their work kept them away from the shadier parts of the megacorp, but all the same at one point they worked near the Iwatodai offices of the group, a few years after the Shadow Incident. I was already born by then, even attending elementary school for a couple of years in the area before we moved again all over Japan.

So I explained to them what I knew about the place, such as the famous Paulownia Mall, and that since it was an exposure trip we'd also likely visit one of the notable schools in the area, Gekkoukan High School, run by the Kirijo Group as well. Rise also mentioned some familiarity with the place, having done some photoshoots in and around the famous Moonlight Bridge, which may have made us the de facto tour guides for our little group even before getting there. Of course, Chie just had to remind us that we were on a tight schedule during the trip, since it was a school-mandated trip, but that was fine by me, since it would make me revisit a place that had etched itself into my memory.

Idly, for a moment, I wondered if he was still there.

Yukiko then told us that as with the camping trip, Yasogami would be combining the first and second years into the trip which covered... pretty much everyone in our group save the two who didn't attend school. (Awfully convenient, in hindsight.) The reason was that the school was thin on funds and the increasingly small student body made an annual trip impractical, and so they rescheduled it to a biennial occurrence. The most shocking part, however, was that it was the idea of the late Kinshiro Morooka, and his proposition was eventually agreed upon, to Yosuke's dismay, lamenting how King Moron tormented us from the grave. Teddie happened to overhear Yosuke, and joined in his lament as well, even if he didn't know who King Moron was. (A rather devilish part of me was thinking of calling Teddie the new King Moron if he kept it up at this rate.) We then told Teddie about the class trip, and let him know that since it was a school trip he wasn't allowed to go with us. (Not that it would stop him, but I'm spoiling my script a bit.)

Since it was a Thursday, I decided to spend my evening working at Inaba Municipal, braving the eerie atmosphere of the hospital as I cleaned up the place. I encountered Sayoko-san with a doctor, whereupon the latter asked me to take the nurse to rest, seeing as she looked rather pale. The doctor reminded her that she had taken on a recent reputation as a slavedriving workaholic, and even he wanted the more easygoing version of Sayoko-san back. She told him off, then approached me, warning me not to slack off as well, and she was so high-strung that I decided to hold my tongue, lest she unravel at whatever I might say.


School was a dull affair the next day, and even I found myself counting down the days to the trip to Tatsumi Port Island. With the weather having taken a turn for the worse that afternoon, I decided to try the Mega Beef Bowl challenge once more, and I could feel myself very close to succeeding at that point. Alas, there was still a little bit of food in my bowl, and I sheepishly forked over the 3000 yen to Aika, who still avoided making eye contact with me.

With my work at the hospital getting less exciting with Sayoko-san's recent change in attitude, I then checked the town notice board for other part-time jobs. One was for a tutoring job that asked the prospective tutor to have "the patience of a saint", to quote the advertisement's own words. I decided to take a flyer on it, but not to formally apply until I had an idea on what I was in for. Nevertheless, I still spent Friday evening at Inaba Municipal, because a regular paycheck wasn't a bad idea anyway (plus I still needed to make up for the 3000 yen I had just lost).

Saturday was the first basketball practice of the semester, and I noticed our team captain looking a little demotivated, to the point where his lethal jump shot was missing more than I was used to. Daisuke arrived, and that meant the football team was done for the day, which made me call it a day as well as the basketball team's number two. (This was one of the few places in Yasogami where I could thankfully play second fiddle to somebody instead of becoming leader by default.) It seemed that Kou's family issues had begun to affect his play, and to quote a certain Disney movie, he didn't have his head in the game. (Side note: I liked to compare Kou to Troy Bolton from that movie, but he didn't end up with whoever Yasogami's counterpart to Gabriella Montez was.) Daisuke was miffed that our friend's family wasn't exactly happy with his choice to continue playing basketball, and that they should be celebrating his talents instead. My football playing friend was always the man of action among us three, and if even he had a plan brewing in his head that meant this was something serious. He did have a plan brewing, which was to arrange a game between Yasogami and another team, all to prove that there was a point in Yasogami's basketball program and that was why Kou was on the team. The fact that Daisuke had managed to cow another of my teammates into doing so made me rather impressed at him, honestly.

Sunday arrived, the first day off from school since the semester began. Now some of you may be expecting that I went to Hisano that day, but I figured to talk to Marie instead, given that we hadn't talked since the fireworks show and to let her know we would be going on a trip. I just hoped she wouldn't be bored out of her mind while we were at Tatsumi Port Island, and write a bunch of strange poems in response. So naturally, we continued the Let's Help Marie With Her Memories quest, with our sole clue still being the old-looking comb that she had with her. Since our talk with Tatsumi-san left us jack squat in terms of additional clues, save that the comb was ancient enough to be an antique, we decided to check on old man Daidara as our next lead, given that he was the closest thing to a museum curator in this small town.

So there we went, checking on the old craftsman, and while browsing the wares Yukiko and Teddie ran into us. The bear thought we were an item, which while incorrect wasn't exactly a bad assumption to make based on what he saw. Of course, he quickly corrected himself, given that I wasn't exactly the guy to keep a relationship secret, plus we were all friends anyway so they'd know regardless. We then informed the two about the research we were doing on Marie's comb, and even Yukiko, one of our smarter members, was stumped as to the origins of the comb. So we then asked Daidara himself, seeing if he could provide some insights on the matter. He told us that the comb, while ancient, didn't show any signs of wear and tear and looked too perfect to be a mere antique. He did tell us that the bamboo used to make the comb was similar to a rare bamboo that only grew in the Chugoku region, but it looked so uncannily perfect that it might as well have been from another world.

At this Marie clutched her head as if in the throes of a major headache, and I knew it was her mind trying to recapture a memory but failing to do so. While Daidara and Yukiko attempted to look for medicine to help our ailing friend, Marie sulked, frustrated that her memories had failed to return again. When they returned, I told everyone that Marie was fine and that she didn't need medicine, and I escorted her back to the Velvet Room.


The next day, with public attention in the cases winding down, school went back to normal, with me counting down the days until the school trip started on Thursday, the 8th of September. Hosoi-sensei gave us an interesting story on haiku, and after school I found Chie on the rooftop, and I realized that we hadn't hung out much outside of group meetings since she had awakened to Suzuka-Gongen. So we decided to head down to the riverbank, sparring for old time's sake, when Chie mentioned how we'll always be friends, and that even if she didn't have a clue as to what she was good at, she'd continue searching for that and make her own path in the world.

As she gave me a bracelet that matched hers, I felt my bond with her deepen to an irrevocable degree.

After that I decided to roam around town, and a man hunched over who I hadn't seen before was just moping in the shopping district all by himself.

The man was of average appearance, save for a beauty mark on his forehead, and looked familiar to me.

I had just run into Taro Namatame.
Chapter 28: Memories of Her
I didn't know Namatame's full involvement at the time, but I was rather surprised all the same to learn that Yamano's paramour was in Inaba. Though to be fair, Yamano was at the Amagi Inn when she died, and he was probably visiting the place in memory of her. That's what I thought when I encountered the disgraced city councillor. I left the man to his moping and went on my way back home.

I found my uncle poring over car data when I got home, and I asked him if he wanted some coffee while he read. As I prepared some for him, Uncle Ryotaro told me how he felt his daughter had gotten stronger over the past few months, and that he felt he was getting left behind. He was happy that the house had felt more like a home in the past few days, as our family dynamic had improved after I had arrived and gotten Nanako to open up. It turned out that my uncle realized he had been evading that recently, and I realized what he meant; he was a coward. I called him out on it, and Uncle Ryotaro owned up to it, telling me that I was the key in helping father and daughter reconcile. I left him to his perusal of the car information as I headed upstairs, checked my collections of scale models and plushies, and went to bed for the night.

Tuesday morning was a doozy, just more lessons, and after school I realized I hadn't spent time with Naoki-kun as of late. So I decided to invite him, maybe to a meal at Aiya (the weather looked like it was gonna rain, so I was gonna try the Mega Beef Bowl just in case), and as we headed out of school and into the shopping district a passing woman decided to call my friend out, telling him that his parents might be worried about him ending up like Saki-senpai, and decided to call Naoki-kun out for the crime of existing and told him to keep his chin up. It always irked me how people hid their passive-aggressive snipes at people behind a smile, making them look like they care when in fact things like the Konishi family's situation were just another source of entertainment and gossip for them, without any actual empathy to people like my friend. Naoki-kun then explained to me that he can't even show his true feelings to people like that housewife, because it would certainly mean losing what little business Konishi Liquors had left. He then headed home, and as the rain drops started to pour I decided might as well go another round at the Mega Beef Bowl, which I came even closer to finishing. I forked over the cash to Nakamura-san, which thankfully meant I didn't have to play coy with Aika that day.


The next day was the eve of our trip to Tatsumi Port Island, and I encountered Yosuke and Kanji on the way to school. Yosuke told me Kanji wouldn't shut up about the trip, while Kanji called him out on not even packing for the trip yet (which reminded me to finish packing up that evening), and the conversation turned to Kubo being paraded on the news as some sort of born criminal, with his psyche being laid bare to show the degeneracy of the modern youth. (Not unlike the things another friend of mine had to endure years afterward, honestly.) Naoto headed our way, and Kanji suddenly got flustered at seeing the kid and headed on to school ahead of us. I mean, I didn't have a problem if he was into dudes, but I guess he was still working out his feelings on that front.

After school Rise told me her orders at Croco Fur were ready, so I accompanied her as I promised and we headed to Okina. There weren't a lot of them, thankfully, so Rise then told me she'd help me shop for clothes ("There's only so many neutral colors you can wear, senpai!", I remember her saying.) We then saw a poster with an unfamiliar girl, and my kohai told me it was Kanami Mashita, another girl under the same agency, who from the looks of it was being positioned as the Flavor of the Month after Rise went on hiatus. I overheard from a couple of onlookers that "Kanamin" was still in middle school, and that combined with her figure made me think the creepy otaku who were a little too much into idols might have appreciated that. (That left a sour taste in my mouth.) We also overheard that she had gotten a role that Rise was supposed to play, and even my idol friend suddenly got salty, and before we could even shop for my clothes she decided to return to Inaba, with me in tow.

On the way home we were walking along the riverbank, Rise still sullen after the recent news. She asked me if I was happy with her the way we were, and asked why I was still so nice to her despite all that happened. Before I could answer, Nanako, ever the bundle of joy, ran into us, and Rise asked her if she knew who Kanami Mashita was. Nanako thought for a moment, and told us she did know about Kanamin, and that some of her friends liked her as well. Nanako told us she did prefer Rise, however (My little sister has impeccable taste. Plus, Nanako gets to call Rise "big sis" now, cause... yannow.) and my idol friend asked for more self-validation from Nanako, wondering if my cousin was disappointed at seeing her "Rise-chan" in the flesh being different from her TV self. Nanako correctly pointed out that Rise was just Rise, and that she liked my friend regardless, and ran home to watch a TV show she was following daily.

Rise then told me that she quit showbiz so that she didn't have to worry about popularity, but it seemed that part still stuck with her even in sleepy Inaba. Nevertheless, she persisted in wanting to only show her true self, especially to people she considered true friends like me. I felt I could understand her even more.


Finally, the day came when we were to go to Tatsumi Port Island for our school trip. We were going to be there for three days and two nights, meaning that we'd leave Inaba on the morning of the 8th and return on Saturday, the 10th. This was convenient as we could rest on Sunday, the 11th, before returning to school the following day. I found my friends assembling at the buses which were to take us there, and I found myself seated with them. I had managed to call a window seat, allowing me to take in the view while Yosuke and Kanji bickered beside me. As I watched rice fields give way to buildings on our way to Tatsumi Port Island, I reminisced about the friend I had made in my stay there, and wondered where he would be now. Was he still living in the Iwatodai area? Given our ages, I'd have surmised he was in his first year of university by then.

Finally, we arrived at Gekkoukan High, and since the school was out the welcoming committee was rather small, consisting only of an old man in a suit (compared to our principal who preferred traditional garb) and a bespectacled brunette, who I presumed to be Gekkoukan's student council president. Yosuke was shocked at the size of the school (which I had to admit really dwarfed Yasogami High), and Mr Gekkoukan Principal began a rather boring speech on the purpose of his school (which I had already read about on the way). After the principal ended his monologue, Ms Student Council President stepped forward and introduced herself as Chihiro Fushimi. Immediately Yosuke simped for her, which was unsurprising given that Chihiro-senpai was indeed attractive, especially with her glasses. (Sadly for her, my thoughts were increasingly occupied by another girl at this point.) She then continued with her story, explaining that this was the first time Gekkoukan had invited another school for a cultural exchange (if they had approached Yasogami as their first choice, then either we must have gotten very lucky or the school was more prestigious than I thought). She then added some bits about self-improvement, and then proceeded to guide us through the school.

Chihiro-senpai then approached us, asking me if I could help distribute the schedules to the rest of the Yasogami delegation, and apologizing for the inconvenience. I told her it was fine and that I was glad to help her. She then confessed to us her struggles as student council president, even letting us know that she got her speech from the student council president during her first year (if you're reading this, Mitsuru-san, that's you), and how she looked up to her senpai.

We then headed to Mr Edogawa's class as instructed, and the man was a nerdy-looking fellow who nonetheless looked like he knew what he was talking about. Our original topic was gonna be on the Kabbalah (which might have been more useful for Ren-kun in a few years' time), but he decided to switch topics at the last minute to Japanese mythology. As he told us the story of Izanagi and Izanami, my original Persona thrummed in my head at the tale, and got to the point where Izanagi lit his comb in the midst of Yomi to see what was going on. (A comb, eh?) The sight of Izanami covered in filth and maggots so disgusted her counterpart that Izanagi fled from her, and sealed her within Yomi forevermore. In anger, Izanami threatened to kill a thousand people a day, and in retaliation Izanagi would birth a myriad of people instead.

Needless to say, this was a very prophetic lecture, and I'm not sure if Mr Edogawa was aware of the significance of what he said.

Our day at Gekkoukan passed faster than I had thought, and as we headed out of the school for our free time a familiar head of blue hair greeted us at the gate. He was definitely taller than when he was a kid, but surprisingly was shorter than I was, and his voice sounded a bit like Yosuke's but deeper, but the young man who waved at me was definitely an old friend.

I introduced my friends to my old pal, Makoto Yuki. I asked Makoto what he was doing at Gekkoukan, since he was supposed to be at university and all. He told me that his university's term wasn't gonna start until the following week, and with Yasogami visiting his old school with his old playmate in tow, and with Chihiro-senpai, his kohai and friend, welcoming us, there was an excuse for him to drop by the place.

He then volunteered to show us around town, as long as we stopped by Naganaki Shrine at his request. I agreed on part of our group, and so we set off, the two of us exchanging stories as we went around the island.

At the shrine, he took me aside, and told me a story that shook me to the core. He began by opening up his phone and showing me a picture of a pretty young lady in a Gekkoukan uniform, with auburn hair and red eyes. I cheekily asked him if it was his girlfriend, but he shook his head and his expression became somber.

We had by then arrived in front of a grave, with a simple inscription that read

Kotone Shiomi

He then went on to explain to me that the gravestone was that of his twin sister's. I was surprised, given that as far as I knew Makoto was an only child, then told me the rest of his story.

Twelve years prior, Makoto, Kotone and their family were involved in a car accident that took the lives of their parents and led to them being separated from each other. Makoto had been adopted by a local man named Genpachiro Yuki who worked for the Kirijo Group, while Kotone had bounced around orphanages and foster homes. Eventually, Kotone had ended up enrolling at Gekkoukan for her second year of high school, where she reunited with my old friend and tried to jog his memory; alas, his memory prior to the accident had been mostly wiped out. Nevertheless, the two established a bond with each other, and became as close as twins could be. However, just a month before their birthday on the fifth of April, Kotone passed away due to mysterious circumstances.

Makoto then looked me in the eye, asked if I and my friends were Persona users, and I didn't feel like lying to an old friend and someone who knew what a Persona was from the outset. I confirmed his suspicions, implying that Persona users can sense each other (which was true, it was just that we didn't encounter any others until that day), and told me the part of the story the public wasn't privy to.

It turned out that Makoto, Kotone, and other Gekkoukan students were members of a group called SEES, whose task was to destroy Shadows that appeared during the Dark Hour, a strange phenomenon that reminded me of the TV World. The Dark Hour was worse, because it interacted with the real world and put real people in danger, and so SEES fought them off, using a gun-like implement called an Evoker to summon their Personae during the Dark Hour. Eventually, their mission changed, and it turned out that a being called Nyx would appear and consign humanity to its extinction unless stopped. SEES managed to stop Nyx on January 31st of 2010, but at a price; Kotone would slowly but surely lose her life as she became the Great Seal that would prevent Erebus from reaching Nyx and causing the destruction of life.

Makoto and his fellows at SEES would only learn of this at the end of March of that year, when in grief their group split apart over a key that would provide them an answer to Kotone's fate. He then told me that Kotone served as their Wild Card, and that he could sense the same energy from me, clearly scared that his childhood friend would have to suffer the same fate.

(Thankfully, that wouldn't need to be the case.)

Shaken by this revelation, however, we decided to head back to our accommodations, as the sun was already going down. Makoto decided to accompany us, however, as his next stop was also en route to where we were.