You're the Queen - Now What? [CK2ish Character-Focused Quest]

Voting is open
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER]Eventually? A return to Veldros, letters of introduction to high society in hand, and enough wealth that I could not be so easily ignored again.

[x][ESSINYA QUESTION]"Did you have other considerations for marriage before Halrun's throne... opened up?"

I'm actually ambivalent on the hobby questions since they all seem okay imo. For Essinya, I think I do want to establish that Vanessa did have some sort of political ambition lurking in her heart vs just being a mage who wants to explore the deeper mysteries and are unfortunately embroiled in earthly politics. I think I prefer a Vanessa who does on some level actively want the crown and power vs it being something foisted on her.

For our return question I think it has a good chance of exposing some of Essinya's general motivations as any other suitors she mentions would likely have interesting political or personal reasons for being picked.
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER]Eventually? A return to Veldros, letters of introduction to high society in hand, and enough wealth that I could not be so easily ignored again.

[x][ESSINYA QUESTION]"Did you have other considerations for marriage before Halrun's throne... opened up?"

[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "Caligraphy. It is a skill that benefits magic, and one I found quite enjoyable."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER]Eventually? A return to Veldros, letters of introduction to high society in hand, and enough wealth that I could not be so easily ignored again.
[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"I've never heard of any relative of any Archnecromancer making a foreign marriage pact. Was it hard to convince your father this - laying suit for my hand - was an endeavor worth pursuing?"
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "My studies extended beyond magic - history, natural philosophy, distant lands."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "Archmage Cyril made sure I knew how to sew and mend my clothing, among other skills. I developed a fondness for embroidery during my apprenticeship."

I think I liked Lothar more of the two suitors, but am more inclined to the Necromancy deal, which is something of a dilemma to resolve. We'll see how the other suitors do when they turn up and what they might bring with them, plus how the relationships develop as Vanessa gets to know them. Should be interesting and fun.
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
workaholic nerd

[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "Caligraphy. It is a skill that benefits magic, and one I found quite enjoyable."
Sure, I like this one too

[X][ESSINYA ANSWER] Continuing to serve as a mage for hire to patrons who could afford my services. I had skills in demand, and a woman must make a living.
I don't have a strong preference here

[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"I've never heard of any relative of any Archnecromancer making a foreign marriage pact. Was it hard to convince your father this - laying suit for my hand - was an endeavor worth pursuing?"

Also, I have a thought for Lothar's theme song.
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER] Continuing to serve as a mage for hire to patrons who could afford my services. I had skills in demand, and a woman must make a living.
[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"Did you have other considerations for marriage before Halrun's throne... opened up?"
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "My studies extended beyond magic - history, natural philosophy, distant lands."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "Caligraphy. It is a skill that benefits magic, and one I found quite enjoyable."

[X][ESSINYA ANSWER] Continuing to serve as a mage for hire to patrons who could afford my services. I had skills in demand, and a woman must make a living.
[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"I've never heard of any relative of any Archnecromancer making a foreign marriage pact. Was it hard to convince your father this - laying suit for my hand - was an endeavor worth pursuing?"
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER]Eventually? A return to Veldros, letters of introduction to high society in hand, and enough wealth that I could not be so easily ignored again.
[x][ESSINYA QUESTION]"Did you have other considerations for marriage before Halrun's throne... opened up?"

[x][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I liked the theater, many of my patrons would play host to traveling performers at various points."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "My studies extended beyond magic - history, natural philosophy, distant lands."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
[x][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I liked the theater, many of my patrons would play host to traveling performers at various points."

[X][ESSINYA ANSWER] Continuing to serve as a mage for hire to patrons who could afford my services. I had skills in demand, and a woman must make a living.
[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"I've never heard of any relative of any Archnecromancer making a foreign marriage pact. Was it hard to convince your father this - laying suit for my hand - was an endeavor worth pursuing?"
Adhoc vote count started by Kylia Quilor on Mar 1, 2024 at 10:23 AM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.

voting is not closed, but that's the Tally where things stand. If anyone hasn't voted but had their heart set on a different answer than the ones winning, it may be time to vote.
[X][ESSINYA ANSWER] Continuing to serve as a mage for hire to patrons who could afford my services. I had skills in demand, and a woman must make a living.
[X][ESSINYA QUESTION]"Did you have other considerations for marriage before Halrun's throne... opened up?"
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "I studied magic. It was not just my work, it was my passion."
[X][VANESSA'S PASSTIME] "My studies extended beyond magic - history, natural philosophy, distant lands."
Suitor Questions 1 Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Kylia Quilor on Mar 9, 2024 at 9:43 PM, finished with 24 posts and 16 votes.

Voting closed, here's the final results. Post incoming Sunday or Monday.

EDIT: As per the dice roll two posts down 'other considerations' wins out for [Essinya Question]
Last edited:
Turn 4: Suitor Q & A I - Essinya and Lothar
Today's update is split into two posts, for the sake of organization. Second part incoming.

"Had there been no rebellion, or had it happened and I'd never been a part of it - I'm a skilled mage, and I likely would have continued wandering, selling my services. I have a skill in demand, why not make use of it?"

"Certainly a fair notion," Essinya considered. "Quite the change then, fighting in a war, and then becoming a Queen."

"Whereas being your father's daughter has been a fact of life for you since your birth," Vanessa replied. "Certainly not where I could ever have imagined my life going. But when duty and opportunity call, one must answer." Vanessa really had not entertained many thoughts of the future before the civil war, and then during it, it was always a function of making it to the next day, the next battle, the end of the war itself.

She was rarely on the battlefield directly, her talents less directly useful in blowing things up - she could conjure a bit of fire, throw some lightning, and so forth, but only on a small scale, and she'd rarely used such magic in anger, or even in practice, since her apprenticeship had ended. But of course, had a battle she'd been present at turned against her side... well, Vanessa had had to flee, a couple of times, during the war.

Which never really lent itself to having time to plan long term.

The only real time she'd had to plan had been that window between the end of the war, and the day Cyril had told her they wanted her to be Queen. And then... going on and taking temporary patrons had been the plan, such as it was a plan.

"Duty and opportunity are why I am here, so I can certainly understand that," the corner of Essinya's mouth turned up just a bit in a smile, just for a moment.

"Speaking of that... my question for you: I rather doubt Syrokis was ever a prospect for you, and I couldn't have been one until I came to the throne. Before that, did you have any other prospects for marriage in consideration?"

Was there someone Essinya had wanted to marry? The impetus for marriage to sire children to continue the family line was, understandably, less pronounced in Darkmoon Forest, than elsewhere. Passage of titles onto apprentices that served as adopted children was not unheard of, and of course, the nobility could (in theory) anticipate very long lives, to say the least.

On the other hand, even if someone anticipated immortality through Lichdom, they needed to have children before becoming undead. And none of that covered the possibility Essinya had her own interest in someone on a personal level, before the prospect of marriage into Halrun was raised.

After all, if my Kingdom was more well established, more secure, not in such a state of disrepair and... I wouldn't likely have even entertained the idea of a suit from Essinya. And she wouldn't have likely made it.

If Vanessa was going to potentially marry the woman, she'd like to know if there was someone else she might have to compete with the memory of, romantically speaking.

Given the needs of state, it might not stop her, but still, good to know.

"Well, it won't surprise you to hear my father placed no real urgency on the question of marriage or succession," Essinya said after a moment, and Vanessa nodded, "I've had my romances and liaisons before, though none were happening when you became Queen. About half of them have ended in them trying to kill me or my father, a few ended because I killed them before they could get that far. The rest? Well, why does any relationship end?"

The casual way Essinya spoke about relationships ending because of attempted treason, attempted murder - or actual murder - made Vanessa's breath nearly catch, though she managed to stop that from happening.

Vanessa hoped at least some of it was a façade, but... gods, she seemed remarkably unfazed about repeated betrayal in her relationships.

"I suppose the closest I got was Duchess Safiya of Darkcastle, but we parted ways four years ago, fairly amicably."

"I'm afraid my pastimes are likely to make me seem to be quite boring, given your own interests - magic was never just my work, it has always been my passion. Haven't had as much time for pure study as I once did, but I spent quite a bit of time on it."

"Apart from that, I quite enjoy calligraphy. It is useful in magic, but even on its own, the art of it is appealing." Vanessa added. She chuckled, "Far more sedate pastimes than gambling and dueling."

"True, but I would then have to imagine you find dueling to be unutterably boring?" Lothar replied, good-naturedly. "As for calligraphy... I have to imagine it requires a careful, steady hand, to say the least?"

"And then some, yes," Vanessa agreed. "It's relaxing."

"Then as one royal to another, I suggest finding some time to return to it," Lothar said, leaning in a bit, speaking in a conspiratorial whisper. "I can't speak from direct experience," he added as he pulled back, "But I've seen what my father is like when he goes weeks on end without indulging in his whittling. Kings and Queens have a duty to their realm, and all that, yes, but don't you also have a duty to yourself, if nothing else?" He grinned.

Vanessa chuckled, "I thought you said your father said duty alone is not enough?"

"True. But if you make a little relaxation another duty, perhaps you'll pursue it a little more vigorously," Lothar suggested, raising an eyebrow. "I'm a prince. For all that I enjoy more... frivolous pastimes and have never had many direct responsibilities, there are very few times when I'm not representing my family, serving some duty to my Kingdom."

"Like being here?"

"Certainly, yes. But, and I perhaps repeat myself and become tiresome, but it is not an onerous duty at all, to be here."
Turn 5: Council Meeting
Despite the fact that Vanessa did went to get to know her potential suitors, the ability to actually do was limited. There were plans being drawn up to free more of her time for this, given the fact that getting married was a rather essential thing for her and for the realm sooner or later, but it wasn't so simple to free up a Queen's time. So she'd only really been able to interact with Lothar and Essinya had a few public events - feasts and the like, and under far too many eyes.

The need to hear petitions and make rulings was the easiest to free up, and so Itrick Grosdan would be taking over much of that for the short term, even things that normally would go past the Keeper of Justice, straight to her. She would still need to see to some things, and she would still have to check over his rulings in places and grant her official seal, but so far, Vanessa had seen no reason to believe that Itrick would make any rulings she'd feel a need to overrule.

Fingers crossed. It would be a poor look, if she ended up having to overturn one of his decisions, the sort of thing that might make a man resign, either out of indignation or just a desire to avoid the appearance of scandal. And then she'd need to pick a new Keeper of Justice and wouldn't that be fun.

"The delivery of more artifacts for sale was made as expected, and royal agents were able to follow the man doing the delivery - just one man, moving a fairly valuable collection of items - back to the Thornwood." Rykall reported. "We have a location for the ruin. At this point, there's not much else I can do in my capacity as Keeper of Correspondence, but the information about the place is all down here," he tapped several sheets of parchment. "They have guards, but only perhaps ten to twenty, the agents following couldn't say for sure."

"Nothing that can't be handled by a good force of guardsmen or a unit of soldiers." Vanessa noted. "But the bigger question is the two leaders. The mage and his companion. They'll be harder to deal with, especially if he tries that memory-fogging magic. So we'll need to make sure whoever goes has a mage or two on hand as well."

"Dorien may be the greater threat, but by all accounts, Vrel is more than a match for the average soldier," Vallefor noted. "Picking through all the stories about him that have likely grown in the telling is not simple, but he is by all accounts formidable in close combat as well."

"Good to bear in mind. How have you proceeded on the matters regarding known spies?"

"As you've instructed, once we know their contacts and other agents, we've swept them up accordingly. There are some we're still watching for that." Vallefor had not approved of her choice to deal with them, rather than watch them and make use of them, and there was evidence of his disapproval in his tone.

Vanessa simply couldn't agree letting known spies run free was worth it. Especially within the government itself. Clerks or quartermasters or anything else. Most of them were simply being rounded up and deported, others imprisoned.

"No spy had really been highly placed enough to be executed, so they might be traded back to their masters. Morvakian, Veldran, one from Blerren, a Zedarshian. Nothing particularly important or concerning, the usual everyone spying on everyone else." Vallefor finished.

"Good." Vanessa's usual headache during these meetings wasn't actually present, for a change. It could be attributed to things going well, which was probably part of it, but also she had taken Lothar Aldogun's advice, though she wasn't sure she wanted to tell him he was right - taking some time to do some calligraphy in the privacy of her own suite of chambers, what little she had, had done wonders for just how stressed she was on a regular basis.

"Let's run things through then. Anything else important to report, Rykall?"

"Nothing," Rykall nodded.

"Arandel? I understand Janera Talcraft, Loran Taygraf and Regara Rezan have all crossed the border, or will soon? Hopefully not too close together."

"Janera and Regara have, Loran is a few days from crossing, as things stand. We have been in correspondence with the parties of each one of them, though officially, Regara is coming as an envoy, rather than a suitor." Arandel confirmed. "So all the correspondence her party is officially sending is about her nominal purpose to attempt to negotiate some sort of handover of the Thornmarch or some other movement on the border."

"Does her father actually believe she'd ever be able to convince us to trade her the Thornmarch?" Vanessa scoffed. "The Thorn River is probably the best neighbor this Kingdom can have."

"I suspect King Basil is hoping for something somewhere short of that, if he's not just assuming Regara will fail." Arandel steepled his fingers. "However, in more... unofficial correspondence, Princess Regara has made it clear that she cannot be greeted as a suitor, unlike the others."

"That seems unfair. And doomed to failure. Word will get out, eventually, no?"

"I've kept the information about Regara's desire for a marriage to a very small circle amongst my staff," Arandel explained, and according to the rest of her council, Rykall, Rucdorn, Rienne and Balmain hadn't told any of their staff, while Itrick and Vallefor had told a small number as well - Vallefor for spying purposes, Itrick because Arandel had needed their expertise on some potential legal issues regarding possible succession matters, if Vanessa did marry Regara.

Namely, how to handle which kid gets which Kingdom. Vanessa was familiar with the saying 'an heir and a spare', but Regara was the only one where two children would be an absolute requirement.

"But since Basil doesn't know why she's here, if word gets back to him, he may call her back... or worse, especially if she refuses." Arandel finished.

"Worse?" Not that Vanessa couldn't guess, but she'd like confirmation.

"He could just decide summarily in favor of Priscilla where the succession is concerned, declare Regara a traitor and purge her supporters from court and the army. Best case scenario, that starts a civil war with the candidate we'd like to win in a very poor position. Worst case scenario, there's no war because Regara's support base crumbles out from under her."

"I'm still not convinced we can keep it secret, but certainly best to keep it so as long as possible. But that will mean finding an excuse to keep the Morvakian Ambassador out of all negotiations with Regara." And she'd have to personally attend the negotiations, since they'd be her only real opening to a chance to actually get to know the woman.

It was one thing to have a private face to face with a suitor, a walk in the gardens or something. Something else to do it with an envoy from a country like Morvak.

"Speaking of suitors," Vanessa quickly looked over to Rucdorn, "How is the banking community taking the prospect of me looking for a spouse?"

"Good. Nothing too radical yet, you're hardly married, let alone begetting an heir, or bearing one, but I have heard some positive murmurs." Rucdorn explained. "If things keep on track, especially when more suitors arrive and it's clear you're serious..." he shrugged, trailing off. "I see nothing but good things when it comes to loans going forward. And our debts are - we continue to make progress."

"Unfortunately, we've been able to make such progress on our debts because we've not had any serious unexpected financial issues arise." Balmain chose that moment to speak up. "Leaving aside some unexpected delays that slowed down the road construction process, necessitating an extra expenditure to keep us mostly on track, we are going to have some more costs coming up. For one, there will be the gala for your suitors, and there will need to be more than one, probably."

Vanessa suppressed an exasperated sigh. Did they really need to do that? All that money wasted on a single event, most of which would be wasted for the grandeur of it all - inedible, decorative food, perhaps an ice sculpture or something equally inane.

"There's also going to be a need to just increase the amount you spend on the day to day maintenance of the palace." Balmain continued, to quiet agreement from Rucdorn, Arandel and Vallefor. "Perhaps not yet, but there are appearances to be maintained. And," Balmain held up a finger, "More prominently and more concerningly, the miners in the Southmarch have refused to return to the mines."

Negative Modifier to Southmarch Mining Tax And Southmarch Direct Revenue: Striking Miners

"That's not a huge portion of our revenues, as I understand it?"

"Not especially, though one should always be concerned about uppity peasants and especially uppity miners," Vallefor sneered. "If one group of them gets too many ideas at once, the rest do, and the civil war, as regrettably necessary as it was, made a lot of the lower orders think they have some right to demand-"

"Close your fucking mouth, Vallefor," A voice interrupted, and Vanessa - and everyone else was stunned to realize it had been Rykall, not Balmain to cut him off like that. Even Balmain looked shocked, though Vanessa wondered if the surprise - and the way she covered her mouth a moment - was a mask for indignation of someone else interrupting her favorite game - Vallefor-baiting.

"Excuse me, Keeper?" Vallefor's usual smug tone was replaced with the iciest, most deadly politeness she'd ever heard - from anyone.

"We get it. You're the bluest blooded bastard in the whole world, and everyone should kneel down kiss your feet and the peasantry and commoners should thank the gods if you ever deign to even glance in their direction, and so on and so forth. How dare any commoner seek to change their lot in life! I think we're all rather sick of your constant harpings on this point, implied or otherwise."

Vanessa blinked, stunned into silence and stillness by Rykall's uncharacteristic outburst. She did know that he was a political radical in theory, but even still, this was - it wasn't as if she'd enjoyed Vallefor's constant snide remarks, but -

It is a little amusing, but mostly just a problem. She'd need to stop this before things got out of control.

So I would suggest you take your opinions, Count, and-" Rykall continued, speaking through clenched teeth, but Vanessa interrupted with the sound of repeated bolts of thunder roiling through the chamber.

"Keeper Rykall Morn, control yourself." Vanessa demanded. "I have neither the time, nor the patience to watch a member of my Inner Council have a conniption fit." Vallefor opened his mouth, as if to agree with her and make a comment about Rykall, but Vanessa didn't give him a moment to speak. "And as for you, Count, I know how much you enjoy baiting Lady Balmain, and how much she enjoys baiting you, and frankly, I'm getting sick of it from the both of you."

Balmain huffed, but said nothing, while Vallefor set his jaw, lips a thin line.

"I expect all three of you to control yourselves, and I especially expect you two," Balmain and Vallefor, "To stop trying to goad the other. Save it literally anywhere else but here."

Vanessa had used magic to make her voice reverberate, make it deeper and more authoritative, a darker, more threatening note than she could naturally put into her voice. She really was sick of this from them both, but Rykall's outburst was the bigger problem.

"But given that your outburst is the more immediate problem, Keeper Rykall, I'm going to have to request that you leave the chamber for the rest of the meeting."

"Of course your Majesty," Rykall said after a long, hesitant moment. He stood up and left after a bow. No one said anything for a long, quiet moment.

"Well, that was a wonderful waste of time," Rienne muttered. "Can we get back on topic? Why exactly are the miners striking?"

"An excellent question, High Marshall." Vanessa let her voice return to normal. She looked to Balmain, eyebrow raised.

"About what you'd expect, from what the Reeves on the ground are saying. They want better wages, nothing too severe. But the bigger issue is the conditions of the mines themselves, and the working and housing conditions. They're not great. During the war, maintenance and safety was hardly a focus of anyone there, and according to the miners, they're a collapse waiting to happen, and they're not willing to wait. So they're refusing to work unless their demands are met."

"If this was anywhere but Halrun, we could probably just find more workers," Vanessa said. She sympathized with the miners' desire to be paid more, but this was a really lovely time for them to get pissy, no? "But that's not a very likely option."

"It would take time. On the other hand, meeting their demands won't be cheap either. We can fob some of the costs on the lease-holders, if it comes to that, but they'll demand a temporary voiding of payments... so either way we'll be out money." Balmain said. "If it weren't for our debts, I'd say we should handle all the costs ourselves, for the sake of simplicity and avoiding annoying the moneyed sorts, but..." she trailed off.

"Not to mention everything else that needs money. Minting those new coins has gone well so far, and they need time to spread, but we could do with another run of new coins, the same size. Anything more than that is probably unnecessary." Rucdorn cut it.

"Are more coins absolutely essential?" Vanessa asked. In principle she didn't object, but she wanted to know what sort of options she had.

"We could probably survive without minting a new run, and get things stabilized, but it will take much more time." Rucdorn said after a long moment, frowning. "But we really should sort out the coinage issue as quickly as we feasibly can."

Vanessa sighed, feeling a headache finally starting to build. Apparently calligraphy couldn't keep it at bay forever. "We'll have to keep that in mind. Rienne, tell me there's good news?"

"Some good, some not. The bad news is the state of the levies is..." Rienne grimaced. "Look, I know I come to this from the place of a mercenary, but what in the name of Tallend is the point of having levies if you're not going to drill them, maintain proper stores of equipment or make them have any capacity to be anything other than meat shields on the battlefield?!"

"I think that's part of the point, frankly, from what I understand," Arandel noted coolly. "Wave tactics have been much beloved by human nations and Empires since time immemorial."

"Helps that we can actually have waves, since our women are capable of having children a bit more often than once every five years, but," Vanessa waved her hand, "Halrun really doesn't have the population to spare for that." She looked at Rienne. "Are all our levies in that state?"

Rienne sighed, "No. The Counties are all in good shape, and the wealthier Lordships and Towns are solid, the Free Cities are of course in order, but at least a third of the levies would be stuck with whatever arms and armor they can scrounge up, and another ten to fifteen percent would have substandard or shoddy equipment. I can understand the lack of proper drilling, but if we want to have levies that are worth anything, we need them all to have weapons and armor. Or something, anyway."

"Well, you have figured it out - drilling the levies regularly costs time and manpower, and weapons, even spears and wooden shields costs money as well," Balmain noted. "Legally, the Crown can't actually force any of the Lords or Towns to fund their levies more."

"So was explained to me by General Lord Trins. Repeatedly," Rienne muttered under her breath. She let out an exasperated sigh. "So if we want this done, and I think it's something that needs to be done sooner or later, the Crown needs to cough up the money."

"Noted. We'll have to see what we can do. You said you had good news?" Vanessa tried to keep the desperate eagerness out of her voice. Something truly, unambiguously good would be lovely to hear right about now.

"Two things, actually. Banditry amongst the Towns is down by nearly half, and we've had no deaths amongst our soldiers guarding the caravans. Apparently their mere presence has dissuaded many. Which has actually led to our Quartermasters being able to get a better deal on food and fodder for the army and their horses and oxen of late. I don't know if it will last, but we were able to save four Dureks. Not a huge amount, but enough to cover the cost of the War Games I'd like to arrange for the forces here in the Grand Duchy. Or it could simply be sent back to the treasury, of course."

+4 Dureks

"Are the War Games urgent?" Vanessa asked.

"I'd like to use them as a chance to shake everyone back into proper organization, and the sooner that's resolved, the better - there's still hard feelings here and there among all the different sources of people we have grouped into the army. Less than there was, but something that does need to be resolved sooner, rather than later, before things do get worse." Rienne explained. "I'd prioritize them over addressing the issues with the levies, since we're not particularly likely to wind up in a war just yet."

"Gods be good, certainly," Vanessa agreed. She looked to Itrick, "Anything to report?"

"Good news actually. As you know, my investigation into those people enacting private justice against ex-Syrokis loyalists turned up fruit, capturing the core conspirators, and they've been dealt with accordingly." Vanessa nodded, knowing what Itrick was talking about. "Numerous ex-loyalists have written thanking me, and you, for pursuing the matter and not showing any partiality to the ex-rebels."

"I've heard similar indications. They still don't love you, but they aren't afraid of arbitrary justice from you, at least," Vallefor agreed.

"No. Arbitrary justice was more Syrokis's thing than mine." Vanessa chuckled. "Something unalloyed, all good. Thank you." She turned to Arandel, "Negotiations with the Necromancer and Selissan Ambassadors proceed apace?"

"They do. It's back and forth, but we're making progress. I think once Janera and Loran arrive, they'll be more willing to give. It's not like they can't guess Nerinthar and Illesor have interest but-"

"The confirmation puts a time limit on delays. I'm surprised the Necromantic ambassadors are being troublesome. This is Archnecromancer Lyrus's first real chance at an alliance with anyone." Vanessa considered. "Is this just a stall tactic?"

"If it is, I doubt the Archnecromancer or his daughter are involved. But even when everyone agrees on the basics, the demons are always in the details." Arandel echoed the old wisdom, and Vanessa nodded.

"Well, then I suppose the last thing we need to worry about is this damned gala. How much are we going to be wasting on it?"

Tax Assessments (Pick 2 to get resolved this turn)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Vaspiri Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Befost County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax

Keeper of Correspondence Tasks (Pick 1)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ] Pick Priority (Weak or Strong Success Required)
-[ ] Pick Secondary (Strong Success Required)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of The Royal Vaults (Pick 1)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (11.5% or 9.75%) (Base Chance 66% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (12.75% or 10%) (Base Chance 77% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Free-Standing Loan of 50 Dureks (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Can Be Used For Anything)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (12.25% or 11%) (Base Chance 57% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (13.5% or 11.75%) (Base Chance 68% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (13.75% or 12.75%) (Base Chance 79% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] <Amount of Dureks To Spend>

[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Mint the < > Worth of Gold and Silver into new Coins and Put them Into Circulation (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell Tax-Farming Rights (Tax Farmers offer large sum of money up front and get full right to collect all taxes from a given source for a specified length of time) (Success of roll results on more money gained) (No matter what, you will get less money up front than you could get over that length of time) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
-[ ] Write In Tax Source And A Number of Turns
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Invest (Miss will result in only getting X% of investment back, Weak success will result in regaining investment +1 Durek, Strong Success will result in Y% of investment being regained) (Cannot invest more than 11 Dureks at once at this time)
-[ ]In Land Speculation [Write In Amount] Base Chance 50% + Stewardship (X = 75% Y = 125%)
-[ ]In Mining [Write In Amount] Base Chance 45% + Stewardship (X = 60%, Y = 140%)
-[ ]In Shipping [Write In Amount] Base Chance 40% + Stewardship (X = 50% Y =150%)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell the Necrotic Artifacts delivered by Dorien and Vrel's man. (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Max Sale Value, 4 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

High Marshall of the Armies (Pick 1)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
-[ ] Write in desired Types and Numbers of Soldiers
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Stage War Games with the Mobile Reserve (Improves Army Readiness, increasing rolls for 3 Months) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs 2 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Expand The Logistics Base (Improves Army Morale, Adds Logistical Strategic Depth in case of War) (Base Chance 57% + Martial +1/2 Stewardship)* (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Liaise with the Knights of the Golden Throne (No Roll, Improves future coordination with the Knights if they need to be called up)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw up a Comprehensive Plan for Arming the Levies (Increase Levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 44% + Martial)* (Costs 3 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Establish Mandatory Training for the Levies (Increase levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)* (Cost 18 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Secrets (Pick 1)
[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
-[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 3 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[ ]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount.
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Nobility (Base Chance 39% +Intrigue)* (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Merchants Outside of the Free Cities (Base Chance 44% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Elites of the Free Cities (Base Chance 42% + Intrigue)* (Costs 7.5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Rural Gentry (Base Chance 47% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Create false flag conspiracies against the Crown to lure out potential traitors. (Base Chance 37% + Intrigue) (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild an External Spy Network (Costs 5 Dureks) (Provides passive intelligence and improves chances of spy operations inside a given state)
-[ ] In Veldros (Base Chance: 65% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Nerinthar (Base Chance 51% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Selissa (Base Chance: 53% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In The Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In the Varaday Republic (Base Chance: 43% + Intrigue)
-[ ] In North Zarsim (Base Chance 52% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] Pick a Target (Base Chance and Trait applicability to be set by QM)
[ ][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
[ ][SECRETS] Send a full team of killers and agents to deal with the Dorien and Vrel situation at the ruined Necrotic Temple (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of the Sheriffs and Reeves (Pick 1)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 4 Turns for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
-[ ]To the Coastal March (Costs 5 or 10 Dureks) (Base Chance: 50% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the Southmarch (Costs 3 or 7 Dureks) (Base Chance: 61% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.5 or 3 Dureks) (Base Chance: 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Personally oversee the Road Rebuilding Around the Capital (Strong Success will take an extra turn off the time. Miss will mean this turn leads to no progress.) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Thornmarch and the Grand Duchy (Base Chance 60 % + Stewardship)* (Costs 35 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and the Free Cities (Base Chance 54% +Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and Westcrown (Base Chance 62% + Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Call for settlers in the Crown Reserves (No Roll, Additional Scene. Could be expensive up front, but could increase value of Crown Reserves long term)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Send a full team of Sheriffs to Deal With the Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood/Southeastern Crown Reserve (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Justice (Pick 1) (5% Penalty on all actions This Turn)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Post Bounties on Leading Bandits (Permanently Improves chances of anti-bandit operations) (No roll)
-[ ]1 Durek Total (+2 to anti-bandit operations)
-[ ]2.25 Dureks Total (+3 to anti-bandit Operations
-[ ]Write in (Each point increase above +3 costs 1.5 more Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Send the Judges on a circuit to the villages to hear complaints and cases (Base Chance 45% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate the sudden (and suspect) financial success of a previously beleaguered Shipping Magnate (Base Chance 35% + Intrigue + Learning)
[ ][JUSTICE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Envoys (Pick 1)
[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
-[ ]With Zedarsh (Base Chance 68% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance 74% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying the KoTN is more difficult)
-[ ]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[ ]With Blerren (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Gyptar (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]Write-in (Suggest realm, Base Chance will be set by QM)
[ ][ENVOYS] Announce to everyone that the Queen is looking for Suitors (No Roll Required)
[ ][ENVOYS] Quietly Investigate who else might be interested in Queen Vanessa's Hand (Gives more options for quietly reaching out in the future) (Base Chance 47% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue)
[ ][ENVOYS] Negotiate Non-Aggression Pact with Morvak (Weak Success means concessions may be required, followup vote will be taken to see if you approve said Concessions)
-[ ]For 3 Months (Base Chance 48% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 6 Months (Base Chance 42% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 12 Months (Base Chance 32% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Reach out to the Kingdom of the Red Spear to gauge Intentions (Base Chance 56% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Try to mediate a temporary truce in the Zar Civil War as a precursor to more permanent negotiations (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Queen Actions (Pick 3)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on a Neighboring power to gather information on them. (Provides information, may increase odds of future [SECRETS] actions involving the country) (Base Chance: 55% + Magic)*
-[ ]Morvak
-[ ]Suggest Additional Target (Some realms may be harder to Scry)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on the Status of the Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 51% + Magic + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry On The Kingdom (Base Chance 45% + Magic)*
-[ ]The Lordships
-[ ]The Free Cities
-[ ]The Rural Gentry
-[ ]The Trade Towns
-[ ]The Counties
[ ][QUEEN] Try to get Cyril to be willing to provide direct assistance in some cases (Opens options in the future) (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Build a Sanctum (Multi-Turn Prospect)
-[ ] Create a suitable chamber under the Palace (Base Chance: 70% + Magic) (Takes Three Turns) (-10 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable Place elsewhere in the Grand Duchy (Will be less accessible, but cheaper to establish) (Takes Three Turns) (Base Chance 70% + Magic) (-7 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable place in one of the Crown Reserves (Hard to access, but even cheaper and more secret) (Base Chance 60% + Magic) (-4 Dureks)†
[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
-[ ] Spend only 2 Dureks on the Gala (Bare minimum to be acceptable, risks Royal Prestige)
-[ ] Spend 5 Dureks on the Gala
-[ ] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better
-[ ] Write-in Councilor you'd like to improve relations with.
-[ ] Catch Up With Cyril
-[ ] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[ ] Write-in (Subject to QM Veto)
[ ][QUEEN] Recruit more mages to Royal Service (If successful, costs 10 Dureks. No expenditure if failure) (Base Chance: 70% + Diplomacy)†
[ ][QUEEN] Negotiate a One-time 20 Durek 'Tax': (Will upset the target, degree of upset depending on roll result. Miss means no money and middling degree of upset, Weak Success means all the money but the greatest degree of upset, Strong Success means all the money and the least degree of upset)
-[ ]Tax Lordly Estates (Base Chance 33% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax The Counties (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Free Cities Trade (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Trade Towns Trade (Base Chance 40% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Rural Gentry Estates (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Take a Royal Tour of the Grand Duchy and Nearby Lordships (Could improve popularity and loyalty in the region) (Base Chance 70% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Banditry Actions
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send High Marshall Rienne (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait) (Will impose a -7% Chance to her [HIGH MARSHALL] Action this turn)

[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Show the Flag (Send the bulk of the Mobile reserves in a big, showy force to spook bandits and make them quit or at least reduce morale, win local support to prevent anyone supplying bandits from doing so, etc) (No Chance of Casualties) (Base Chance 31% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Regular Trade Route Patrols (Patrol the main channels of trade to ward off bandit attacks) (Low Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 49% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Send Out The Cavalry On Hunting Expeditions (Send out the Light Cavalry off-road and have them try to drive out bandits root and branch) (High Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 69% + Martial)

[ ][BANDITRY TARGET] The Lordships
[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)

Voting Must Be By Plan. Banditry Actions Can Be A Seperate Plan.
Voting Moratorium for 72 Hours.
Miners? Let's not ignore their complaints.
Because those mines collapse we'll lose a bunch of good skilled men AND we'll have to rebuild from scratch which will suck.
Maintenance deferred sucks, but it's best to throw money at it until the costs are filled.
I almost like the ide of having the military bandit-hunters, or at least a detachment of them…'investigating the area' juuust in case, yanno?
Ryker losing his temper was odd. Have we been ignoring his requests or he just annoyed at Vallefor's haughty attitude?
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)

I'd like to pick the Keeper of Secrets to try to claw those other Dureks out of the Varaday banks.

[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*

We could pick other things but paying down the debt is still a big issue, so this'll free up more Dureks down the line.

[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)

Mostly because the other two valid Keepers to send at this one will be held up.
[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
-[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*

This is going to be another major economy booster in the short-term. We have been putting this off, but it's probably best off now. Plus if he fails he'll be less insufferable for a while.

[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)

A problem best solved quickly.

[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*

... Where does the penalty come from again? Either way, in its presence I think it's best to do something on the easier end of things this time.
[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
-[ ]With Blerren (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*

I'm just picking the option that has the highest base chance before modifiers that isn't KoTN. I feel partial to marrying Essinya all told and feel like that would be a very interesting route to take, which would also seriously increase the chances of that occurring, but even if we don't we aren't obligated to immediately take them just for having the immediate best base chance.

[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
-[ ] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better

Two of our actions are already locked in. As the previous options only spend 4 Dureks total, we can burn another 8 for the best possible Gala and still have some Dureks left over, plus whatever Vallefor digs up from the banks. I would look at creating the Sanctum in the castle, but that costs another 10 Dureks and is beyond our budget this turn-so that can wait a bit. Scrying excessively feels a bit paranoid as most of our major enemies aren't on the attack... Yet. So I felt it was high time to actually pick one of those social actions to talk to people.

As for picking a social action in particular, I just opted to focus on the little people in the Castle, for the benefit of having some connection to the people who have some of the most access to Vanessa herself (so this has the side-benefit of indirectly bolstering against assassination), though I feel like any option could lead somewhere interesting and levy some benefit.

[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*

Trying to just strike a balance between effectiveness and risk, with Darach hopefully reducing casualties in the bargain.

Altogether, I guess this is a monthly plan for the acquisition of as many Dureks as possible without delaying on anything seriously important. Though obviously I'm putting it forwards so there's discussion on the matter.
I decided to make a proper plan, mostly following the thoughts of @Nonexistent Tazz, though I do want to explore Vanessas relationship with her family, so I decided to do a social action about that, and I also changed the trade negotiations to be with Veldros instead of Berren, since I thought that might be some sort of synergy between the two actions.

I will also point out that it might be problematic to have Rykall Morn help Count Vallefor based on how the meeting went depending on, how capable they are of being professionals.

[]Plan: Clawing back the money and meeting the family
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
-[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
--Helping the Keeper of Secrets
-[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
--[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
--[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
-[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
--[ ]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
-[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
--[ ] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
-[ ][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[ ] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
-[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
I decided to make a proper plan, mostly following the thoughts of @Nonexistent Tazz, though I do want to explore Vanessas relationship with her family, so I decided to do a social action about that, and I also changed the trade negotiations to be with Veldros instead of Berren, since I thought that might be some sort of synergy between the two actions.

I will also point out that it might be problematic to have Rykall Morn help Count Vallefor based on how the meeting went depending on, how capable they are of being professionals.

[]Plan: Clawing back the money and meeting the family
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
-[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
--Helping the Keeper of Secrets
-[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
--[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
--[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
-[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
--[ ]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
-[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
--[ ] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
-[ ][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[ ] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
-[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)

I'll admit I didn't pick taxes because I had no clue which ones to actually pick, so I could see Rykall doing more Taxes instead of assisting Vallefor if that is a concern. I just don't know which taxes would be best to evaluate first.

As for the trade and social action, I frankly don't believe there's any real synergy there but I also don't find either of them objectionable aside from the fact that Vanessa seems to find the topic of their parentage a bit. Straining. So it might not be the wisest option.
Council Actions Must Be By Plan
Bandit Actions Must Be By Plan
They Don't Have To Be The Same Plan (But they Can Be, If You Want)

Voting Options, For Reference:

Tax Assessments (Pick 2 to get resolved this turn)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Vaspiri Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Befost County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax

Keeper of Correspondence Tasks (Pick 1)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ] Pick Priority (Weak or Strong Success Required)
-[ ] Pick Secondary (Strong Success Required)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of The Royal Vaults (Pick 1)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (11.5% or 9.75%) (Base Chance 66% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (12.75% or 10%) (Base Chance 77% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Free-Standing Loan of 50 Dureks (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Can Be Used For Anything)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (12.25% or 11%) (Base Chance 57% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (13.5% or 11.75%) (Base Chance 68% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (13.75% or 12.75%) (Base Chance 79% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] <Amount of Dureks To Spend>

[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Mint the < > Worth of Gold and Silver into new Coins and Put them Into Circulation (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell Tax-Farming Rights (Tax Farmers offer large sum of money up front and get full right to collect all taxes from a given source for a specified length of time) (Success of roll results on more money gained) (No matter what, you will get less money up front than you could get over that length of time) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
-[ ] Write In Tax Source And A Number of Turns
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Invest (Miss will result in only getting X% of investment back, Weak success will result in regaining investment +1 Durek, Strong Success will result in Y% of investment being regained) (Cannot invest more than 11 Dureks at once at this time)
-[ ]In Land Speculation [Write In Amount] Base Chance 50% + Stewardship (X = 75% Y = 125%)
-[ ]In Mining [Write In Amount] Base Chance 45% + Stewardship (X = 60%, Y = 140%)
-[ ]In Shipping [Write In Amount] Base Chance 40% + Stewardship (X = 50% Y =150%)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell the Necrotic Artifacts delivered by Dorien and Vrel's man. (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Max Sale Value, 4 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

High Marshall of the Armies (Pick 1)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
-[ ] Write in desired Types and Numbers of Soldiers
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Stage War Games with the Mobile Reserve (Improves Army Readiness, increasing rolls for 3 Months) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs 2 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Expand The Logistics Base (Improves Army Morale, Adds Logistical Strategic Depth in case of War) (Base Chance 57% + Martial +1/2 Stewardship)* (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Liaise with the Knights of the Golden Throne (No Roll, Improves future coordination with the Knights if they need to be called up)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw up a Comprehensive Plan for Arming the Levies (Increase Levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 44% + Martial)* (Costs 3 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Establish Mandatory Training for the Levies (Increase levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)* (Cost 18 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Secrets (Pick 1)
[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
-[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 3 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[ ]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount.
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Nobility (Base Chance 39% +Intrigue)* (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Merchants Outside of the Free Cities (Base Chance 44% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Elites of the Free Cities (Base Chance 42% + Intrigue)* (Costs 7.5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Rural Gentry (Base Chance 47% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Create false flag conspiracies against the Crown to lure out potential traitors. (Base Chance 37% + Intrigue) (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild an External Spy Network (Costs 5 Dureks) (Provides passive intelligence and improves chances of spy operations inside a given state)
-[ ] In Veldros (Base Chance: 65% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Nerinthar (Base Chance 51% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Selissa (Base Chance: 53% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In The Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In the Varaday Republic (Base Chance: 43% + Intrigue)
-[ ] In North Zarsim (Base Chance 52% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] Pick a Target (Base Chance and Trait applicability to be set by QM)
[ ][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
[ ][SECRETS] Send a full team of killers and agents to deal with the Dorien and Vrel situation at the ruined Necrotic Temple (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of the Sheriffs and Reeves (Pick 1)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 4 Turns for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
-[ ]To the Coastal March (Costs 5 or 10 Dureks) (Base Chance: 50% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the Southmarch (Costs 3 or 7 Dureks) (Base Chance: 61% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.5 or 3 Dureks) (Base Chance: 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Personally oversee the Road Rebuilding Around the Capital (Strong Success will take an extra turn off the time. Miss will mean this turn leads to no progress.) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Thornmarch and the Grand Duchy (Base Chance 60 % + Stewardship)* (Costs 35 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and the Free Cities (Base Chance 54% +Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and Westcrown (Base Chance 62% + Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Call for settlers in the Crown Reserves (No Roll, Additional Scene. Could be expensive up front, but could increase value of Crown Reserves long term)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Send a full team of Sheriffs to Deal With the Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood/Southeastern Crown Reserve (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Justice (Pick 1) (5% Penalty on all actions This Turn)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Post Bounties on Leading Bandits (Permanently Improves chances of anti-bandit operations) (No roll)
-[ ]1 Durek Total (+2 to anti-bandit operations)
-[ ]2.25 Dureks Total (+3 to anti-bandit Operations
-[ ]Write in (Each point increase above +3 costs 1.5 more Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Send the Judges on a circuit to the villages to hear complaints and cases (Base Chance 45% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate the sudden (and suspect) financial success of a previously beleaguered Shipping Magnate (Base Chance 35% + Intrigue + Learning)
[ ][JUSTICE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Envoys (Pick 1)
[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
-[ ]With Zedarsh (Base Chance 68% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance 74% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying the KoTN is more difficult)
-[ ]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[ ]With Blerren (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Gyptar (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]Write-in (Suggest realm, Base Chance will be set by QM)
[ ][ENVOYS] Announce to everyone that the Queen is looking for Suitors (No Roll Required)
[ ][ENVOYS] Quietly Investigate who else might be interested in Queen Vanessa's Hand (Gives more options for quietly reaching out in the future) (Base Chance 47% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue)
[ ][ENVOYS] Negotiate Non-Aggression Pact with Morvak (Weak Success means concessions may be required, followup vote will be taken to see if you approve said Concessions)
-[ ]For 3 Months (Base Chance 48% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 6 Months (Base Chance 42% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 12 Months (Base Chance 32% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Reach out to the Kingdom of the Red Spear to gauge Intentions (Base Chance 56% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Try to mediate a temporary truce in the Zar Civil War as a precursor to more permanent negotiations (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Queen Actions (Pick 3)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on a Neighboring power to gather information on them. (Provides information, may increase odds of future [SECRETS] actions involving the country) (Base Chance: 55% + Magic)*
-[ ]Morvak
-[ ]Suggest Additional Target (Some realms may be harder to Scry)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on the Status of the Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 51% + Magic + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry On The Kingdom (Base Chance 45% + Magic)*
-[ ]The Lordships
-[ ]The Free Cities
-[ ]The Rural Gentry
-[ ]The Trade Towns
-[ ]The Counties
[ ][QUEEN] Try to get Cyril to be willing to provide direct assistance in some cases (Opens options in the future) (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Build a Sanctum (Multi-Turn Prospect)
-[ ] Create a suitable chamber under the Palace (Base Chance: 70% + Magic) (Takes Three Turns) (-10 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable Place elsewhere in the Grand Duchy (Will be less accessible, but cheaper to establish) (Takes Three Turns) (Base Chance 70% + Magic) (-7 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable place in one of the Crown Reserves (Hard to access, but even cheaper and more secret) (Base Chance 60% + Magic) (-4 Dureks)†
[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
-[ ] Spend only 2 Dureks on the Gala (Bare minimum to be acceptable, risks Royal Prestige)
-[ ] Spend 5 Dureks on the Gala
-[ ] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better
-[ ] Write-in Councilor you'd like to improve relations with.
-[ ] Catch Up With Cyril
-[ ] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[ ] Write-in (Subject to QM Veto)
[ ][QUEEN] Recruit more mages to Royal Service (If successful, costs 10 Dureks. No expenditure if failure) (Base Chance: 70% + Diplomacy)†
[ ][QUEEN] Negotiate a One-time 20 Durek 'Tax': (Will upset the target, degree of upset depending on roll result. Miss means no money and middling degree of upset, Weak Success means all the money but the greatest degree of upset, Strong Success means all the money and the least degree of upset)
-[ ]Tax Lordly Estates (Base Chance 33% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax The Counties (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Free Cities Trade (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Trade Towns Trade (Base Chance 40% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Rural Gentry Estates (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Take a Royal Tour of the Grand Duchy and Nearby Lordships (Could improve popularity and loyalty in the region) (Base Chance 70% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Banditry Actions
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send High Marshall Rienne (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait) (Will impose a -7% Chance to her [HIGH MARSHALL] Action this turn)

[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Show the Flag (Send the bulk of the Mobile reserves in a big, showy force to spook bandits and make them quit or at least reduce morale, win local support to prevent anyone supplying bandits from doing so, etc) (No Chance of Casualties) (Base Chance 31% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Regular Trade Route Patrols (Patrol the main channels of trade to ward off bandit attacks) (Low Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 49% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Send Out The Cavalry On Hunting Expeditions (Send out the Light Cavalry off-road and have them try to drive out bandits root and branch) (High Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 69% + Martial)

[ ][BANDITRY TARGET] The Lordships
[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
I'll admit I didn't pick taxes because I had no clue which ones to actually pick, so I could see Rykall doing more Taxes instead of assisting Vallefor if that is a concern. I just don't know which taxes would be best to evaluate first.

As for the trade and social action, I frankly don't believe there's any real synergy there but I also don't find either of them objectionable aside from the fact that Vanessa seems to find the topic of their parentage a bit. Straining. So it might not be the wisest option.
Well, I could make two versions of the plan, one with Rykall doing taxes and another with him assisting Vallefor.

I will admit that the reason, that I would like Vannessa to reach out to her mother and family is, that I think it would be interesting storywise, rather than the action necessary having any useful effects.

[X]Plan: Clawing back the money and meeting the family
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
--[X]Helping the Keeper of Secrets
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
--[X] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[X][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
--[X] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
-[X][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
--[X]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
-[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
--[X] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
-[X][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[X] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)

[X]Plan: Clawing back the money and meeting the family + more taxes

-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Vannecht County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
--[X] Pick Priority: Port Lest Land Tax
--[X] Pick Secondary: Eaglecrest Land Tax
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
--[X] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Send a unit of soldiers to deal with Dorien and Vrel at the ruined Necrotic Temple in the Thornwood (No Roll, Additional Scene) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[X][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
--[X] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners (No Roll, Additional Scene. Will Present Financial Costs)
-[X][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 63% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
--[X]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[X][QUEEN] Meet and Greet with Arriving Suitors: Janera Talcraft, Regara Rezan, Loran Taygraf (LOCKED, MUST TAKE) (Janera and Loran will be Greeted as Suitors, Regara will not)
-[X][QUEEN] Hold and Host a Gala for all your present Suitors. (LOCKED, MUST TAKE)
--[X] Spend 8 Dureks on the Gala (will be very grand and memorable, will raise Vanessa's international prestige)
-[X][QUEEN] Social Action
(May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[X] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 57% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
[X]Plan: Clawing back the money and meeting the family + more taxes

While the bonus chance could come in clutch, I'm confident Vallefor can have another rousing success without Rykall's help this time.
Voting is open