Your Avatar vs. the Last Video Game That You've Played

How would you do?

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A Rule 63 Yoshikage Kira with Killer Queen, in Skyrim.

Well, if she has the origional Kira's... proclivities, it shouldn't be difficult to find some bandits for... yeah.

Though she wouldn't want to get involved in the main plot since she would want a quiet life, though with Killer Queen, she could take down most opponents as long as she fights intelligently.
The Grim Reaper in Yharnam.

Kind of speaks for itself, don't it?
BB Hood in Bioshock.

She's pretty heavily armed right from the start, and there's probably no reason she couldn't use plasmids, if she were so inclined. On the other hand, no vita-chambers, and Atlas isn't likely to be so helpful to someone who isn't Jack.
Do Android games count? If yay, then the last game I played was Dead Effect 2. (Yes, such a game exists and it has nothing to do with Dead Space or Mass Effect). If nay, then this is Halo 2.

Either way, Mai isn't surviving this.

... I need to change my avatar. :V
My avatar is the Tim Drake Robin having been tortured and tormented into Joker-style insanity by Mistah J himself.

The last game I played was Pokemon Soulsilver (found my old Pokewalker recently).

Either the power of friendship solves everything, or this is going to end with a lot of blood. Let's see which narrative conventions win out!

From over here, which is a nice safe distance from the splatter zone.
It's you in the body, not Crazy Tim himself.
Ah, I had quite forgotten. In that case I'm getting the creepy clown getup off and deepfrying every mole on my body before going on to live an extremely happy life in one of my favorite fictional universes. As a kid, but they clearly don't give a shit about that so why should I?
Is that the one with zombies and mercenaries on a space ship, fighting a clone soldier and a cyborg chick who are the player characters? I ran through the demo a few times and was resoundingly unimpressed.
Actually, the game has one player character (though the player can choose one of the three presets), but sounds somewhat similar. Regardless, I myself have issues with the gameplay mechanics and the plot, and it wears on my nerves, but fuck it, I've already invested about ten hours of my time into it, so I'd better (eventually) see it through! :anger: :p :V

(EDIT: decided not to waste more of my time on that, especially after reading a review that only confirmed my suspicions. Uninstalled.)

But I digress.
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The first Death Star in Skyrim. Do the major quests count as being completed if Nirn is blasted to an asteroid field?
Bloodborne, and I have alucard.

.... No idea, actually. Have only played about half an hour of the game. Probably a one sided massacare, though.
Warframe. OMG is like Ember on ultraroids. He burns everything worth burning, and punches the rest to death.
Breath of the Wild. Does Sheikah tech fail due to Dresden-style magic?
Queen Alucard the first of the kingdoms Wales, Ireland and duchess of Mercia.

CKII. I have an immortal leader who wrecks all the armies. Oh yeah.
Wildcat in Terraria. Well, I have far better base speed and acrobatics, so I'm automatically better off than most Terrarria characters since all the tools and equipment are based off of your base attributes, as such things that make me faster would effect me even more. Although in the late game the differences won't be nearly as big. But honestly I think I'll just stay pre-hard mode.
DIO and Gil in Breath of the Wild. If it were them in character they'd likely immediately find Calamity Ganon and fuck him up, getting a bad end. As it is, I easily explore Hyrule, killing things like the Higa clan and possibly seeing if I can do anything about the Blood Moon.