Your Avatar vs. the Last Video Game That You've Played

How would you do?

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My avatar is FROM the last game I played, and in the vein of my many over-engineered death machines, it can easily beat the stuffing out of just about anything the world could possibly throw at it.
Death Star-chan in ME1. Well, uh... heh... I don't think this will end well for anyone except Death Star-chan.
Hibiki and Inuzuma rule Sweden in Crusader Kings 2! Welp, their martial score will be off the charts, probably get called some gift from Odin or what not since my last game was in the Old Gods bookmark. Destroyers would be a game changer in medieval times.
Legendary Kong in Breath of the Wild. I don't know if Kong or I are pure enough of heart to wield the master sword, but either way I can still work to make Hyrule a better place by rampaging through monster territory and stepping on guardians.
The Rookie in Halo 2. Specifically, in the level "Delta Halo".

Maybe he can survive that?
Giorno Giovanna in X-Com 2.

Class: Psi Operative (Unique)
Gold Experience: Turn a terrain object adjacent to Giorno into an animal. Animals have 4 hp, and have a melee attack that deals 3-4 damage.
Muda Muda: A melee attack that stuns the target for 2 turns.
Healing: Giorno may restore hp to another adjacent soldier or himself. In addition, Giorno can be staffed in an AWC as if he was an Engineer, doubling the medical bonus of the AWC.
Yuuki Terumi in NIOH, everyone got outplayed and the world got even worse than it already is.
The Tankiest Wolkenritter vs Metro 2033 Last Light Redux.

Even leaving out the issues with the AI that's not really a challenge. Interstellar range telepathy and teleportation and the knowledge of inhabitable planets (and if exant TSAB) in other star systems means I'm pretty much a win condition for everyone in the metro so long as I can break the power of the cutscene.
A wanzer in G Generation Overworld.

Basically a low-tier grunt MS then, no beam weapon or whatnot even. Closest in-game equivalent might be the Tieren ground type.
Superman the red son vs pokemon.

I answered the question as overpowered but the more I think about it the less sure I get.
Senator Armstrong in For Honor.

...Armstrong/Apollyon is my new ship. :V

But, he'd probably crush the three factions pretty hard given the huge tachnology gap. And the blade-proof skin. So, ya know.
Luka in Mass Effect Andromeda?

... well, he counts as a typical Magic Knight type RPG protagonist so he might not die instantly. Depends on how quickly he finds the Asasi Ark, I guess. :V
Luka in Mass Effect Andromeda?

... well, he counts as a typical Magic Knight type RPG protagonist so he might not die instantly. Depends on how quickly he finds the Asasi Ark, I guess. :V
We can hope that he thinks to hide with the Salarians.

As for me? Well, I feel deeply sorry for those poor fellows from the Milky Way, they seem to have stumbled across something rather nasty.

Ryder: Can we just turn around? No? Shit!
The personification of the USS Narwhal (from Pacific: US Navy Shipgirls) vs Stellaris.

It'll all depend upon how well she can lead a government, but the army strike teams are going to be nigh-impossible to beat.
Kong in Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. I'd love for kaiju-sized beings to be added, since it already has fantasy stuff like orcs.
Me as XANA in Warhammer, as the ruler of Sylvania? Well, this could be awkward. While Megatanks and Krabos ought to make up for the vampires' lack of ranged units somewhat, I'm not sure how they'd match up to the likes of the Greenskins' giants or the Bretonnian Grail Knights or the other superunits that tend to show up in the late game. Diplomacy might also prove... difficult, considering both the fact that I'm now in charge of a vampire nation and the fact that my avatar is an evil red eye.

Possession and mind control ought to even the odds in a fight, and the wide variety of other tricks and traps XANA´s come up with should keep my enemies guessing. You know what? I have a fairly decent position, so I might actually have a shot at the whole 'world domination' thing... at least of the Old World. Assorted undead being ruled by Vampires being ruled by a clarketech computer... what a concept.
From what I've seen so far, Lapis could easily take Dragon Age verse, sans the Maker (if he's a thing).