Your avatar is going to try to kill you.

Her Serenity probably frowns a mighty frownface because there's no way she's gonna skewer me from the Cage and I've no intention of getting anywhere near her :V
Willard while missing most of an arm and his sword could still casually kill me. This can't be called a fight.

I might not even be able to take Lion in a fight! Not that I would get a chance to try before Willard snaps my neck or something. He has 24 hours to decide exactly how he should kill me after all. Being the nice guy he is I might even be allowed to live for an entire 23 hours or so to finish up some loose ends in my life before being killed.
Willard while missing most of an arm and his sword could still casually kill me. This can't be called a fight.

I might not even be able to take Lion in a fight! Not that I would get a chance to try before Willard snaps my neck or something. He has 24 hours to decide exactly how he should kill me after all. Being the nice guy he is I might even be allowed to live for an entire 23 hours or so to finish up some loose ends in my life before being killed.
You know fighting isn't mandatory right? Hopping on a carefully timed long-distance airline flight is totally an option.
Exactly how fast is he anyway? And how high can he jump?

He can be scaled to the likes of Dlanor A. Knox, Erika, and Battler(as of Ep.5 of Umineko) who can do the "distance is meaningless" or "surpasses the concept of distance" type of conceptual fights for one. What am I supposed to do about that? Sure if he had his legs torn off as well I could maybe run but he's only missing an arm as far as I recall.
Pikachu with the held item Mjolnir. I get hit with a god-powered Volt Tackle with a hammer as its leading edge and am promptly flash-fried and scattered all over the landscape in small sparking pieces.

At least if it catches me. The 40-miles away spawn gives me a decent shot at escape & evasion.
Im so going to die a lv 20 D&D wizard who blew up a continent plus time spells oh goody. He appears goes back a month in time drinks and pillage's the librarys for knowlage then erases everyones memories then casts charm person on a leader of a nuclear power. I die he keeps his hands clean and chills for the next couple millennium.
My avatar is a photo manipulation of the sun setting near mountains. So I'd relax and chill for most of the week, maybe cross an item or two off the bucket list, contemplate the meaning of life, and use that supernatural knack to encourage the world to do the same. On the last day or two I'd drive or fly west into the Outback.

Because either there will be a particularly picturesque sunset and Australia will temporarily gain some new mountains about forty miles away from me, or... the entire solar system will be experiencing technical difficulties.
I don't think a middle school student girl will be able to kill me, but sure it will hurt if she punches me in the tummy.
I don't know who he is, or what he can do, but something tells me I'll be waking up in the middle of the night with an empty syringe in my arm and this creep standing by my bed watching with immense fascination as my soon-to-be dead body convulses and seizes.
I don't know who he is, or what he can do, but something tells me I'll be waking up in the middle of the night with an empty syringe in my arm and this creep standing by my bed watching with immense fascination as my soon-to-be dead body convulses and seizes.

From the looks of things, that's a doctor from the Dark Ages, back during the Black Plague outbreak... so I think your odds of survivability are pretty good. Once he appears, you'll know, as per OP. Immediately take a long drive somewhere. For extra security, drive to the airport and take a random flight. His complete lack of knowledge about the current technology will work in your favor; he probably won't be able to find you before 24 hours, at which point he vanishes, as per the OP.

This is, of course, assuming he's not a named character from some series or another, because if that's the case, I'm as unsure as you are as to his capabilities and thus your chances of survival.
*Warning, lots of 40k stats ahead*

Considering most Tau pulse weapons are a solid 5 strength, and I, a measly civilian with no armor that could constitute having a better than 5+ save, I'm going to assume that my toughness is rated as a solid 2.

Here's to hoping he rolls a 1 when he inevitably passes a "to hit" roll cause by all accounts, I'm toast.
*Warning, lots of 40k stats ahead*

Considering most Tau pulse weapons are a solid 5 strength, and I, a measly civilian with no armor that could constitute having a better than 5+ save, I'm going to assume that my toughness is rated as a solid 2.

Here's to hoping he rolls a 1 when he inevitably passes a "to hit" roll cause by all accounts, I'm toast.
You don't have to fight him, running is totally an option.
He's most likely got a 30 inch range and while I don't know how that translate from the board into IRL terms, it most likely means I'll just die tired.
Generously, that's maybe a mile or two effective range. And it's not like Tau Fire Warriors can't be killed - supernatural convincing could get you all sorts of allies, from the military to whatever random horde of civilians you feel like convincing to drown him in bodies like ammo-less Fire Warriors trying to avenge the death of an Ethereal.