Your avatar is going to try to kill you.

I won't stand a chance against someone who can stop time, search for me, and destroy me, right then and there.
Ghost Widow can fly, stealth herself, rain all manner of dark death upon me, drain my life from my bones, open a portal to the Netherworld, etc.

I bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. Odds of escape are slim and have high odds of causing collateral damage.
It seems we have an alliance my friend. The Haunter of the Dark avatar of Nyarlathotep vs The King in Yellow.

A cataclysmic battle of cosmic proportions just by pointing at the other Eldritch Abomination and saying "He made me do it!". All in a day's work!
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Dresden is a good guy towards his allies.

Dresden is a very serious threat towards his enemies.
My head bursts like a skull that got hit by a golf club repeatedly inside the space of half a second, and there's probably no way to avoid that.
She may not have Enlightenement, and her Making Disruptive Phone Calls Fu is still novice level, but she is still more than Jamellia enough to kill me. easily.

I'm pretty safe. Without a Rithmatist, my Avatar can basically just mess with any chalk drawings I or another have made. And it's vulnerable to acid.
I get punched so hard my muscles explode and my skin fries like bacon. From there it gets pretty gross, so I'll stop now.

I'm doomed.
I get punched so hard my muscles explode and my skin fries like bacon. From there it gets pretty gross, so I'll stop now.

I'm doomed.
Remember: You don't have to fight your avatar, you've just got to survive for 24 hours until they despawn. You also get a week to prepare and pretty nice persuasion-fu.
If I get the drop on him, maybe I have some kind of chance.

But to be honest, Guardsmen are a joke in the 40k universe but against an unarmed, untrained civilian he's not going to have much difficulty completing the mission.
Fire Fossil is the size of an aircraft carrier, swims through the sky, takes baths in lava, and has enough dakka to make an Ork proud. VORP I'm dead.
Amaranth goes into armor lock simply because he's hardwired to kill all threats to mankind... so he... locks up... since he's technically human, he can't kill himself either...

So after 24 hours he hard resets himself and drags me to his world so that I can tell him the hows regarding the secret passcode needed to enter El Cid's tomb...

I am fetching a wolf ticket the moment I am there!