Fair enough. Notice how Packrat only made a decision on patrol cutters not getting cheaper? The rest may become cheaper to acquire and we might see an increase in our Sector Budget because they"ll no longer be out to ruin us. There are too many narrative and mechanical benefits to not get the Share, and why pass that up when we're so close? Investments, the intelligence network and other purchases can be done later and easier because they're cheaper. With the share out of the way we can focus on investing enough wealth to support private endeavors without being reliant on prize money.
I think we have time with the governor yet. Especially if we do the other things he wants.
We're going to do it but by raiding NASP and earning glory for his nephew it is going to be on his mind.
On the other hand, we need 30 to effectively patrol the sector and we have nothing else that does their job.
Where are you getting 30? Before Fleet Command took away ships it was twelve patrol cutters. Before the war it was 20.
Pre war the sector was about half the size and the sector fleet was six battleships, four heavy cruisers, eight light cruisers, twelve corvettes and twenty patrol cutters.
I don't think we need more patrol cutters yet. Next turn or the turn after, we can stop on piracy to fix the problem. Fleet Command wants us to raid the border and a squadron of new heavy cruisers will be doing that too. To fight off NASP we"ll need heavier ships than patrol cutters.