OK, let's not get like this guys, like
@Packrat said, he's new to this sort of thing.
Packrat, although there's no official rules about it, in general this is how all quests go.
The GM posts a update, he tells people there's roughly two hours before voting commences, this gives time for initial discussion about what people think and let's people contribute to future plans.
After said two hours is up, you open the board and let people know that they can post plans. People who have prepared can post them. In general, depending on the update pace this can go on for 12 hours to however long you feel it's needed before you want to start updating.
At that point, you need to say the vote is closed and post a tally, or if unable to do so ask someone to tally it for you. Whatever plan wins the majority you can then work on the update from there.
EDIT: In terms of a discord, the idea isn't bad if you want to answer random questions about the lore or background detail. I would suggest though if people have questions, they ask you on here and you respond to them in a massive post