You Are: A sector admiral of a strained imperium.

Update 32.5 - Levelling Up
So I have forgotten to roll skill and crew level ups since the storming of Chuang Mu, apart from Ranca's after her two duels (she failed both rolls).This was actually a whole lot of fighting, taking place over a protracted period of time as you reduced the planetary defences.

The Sword of Demoracy crew now Veteran (+2)
Commodore Reinhard Strauss, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Subterfuge
Captain Dame Juley Mara Wisanch, +1 Strategy, +1 Tactics
Commander Baron Adald Clipaul Imperial, +1 Tactics

Endeavour crew now Veteran (+2)
Captain Waltin Sones, +1 Strategy

Huitzilopochtli crew now Regular (0)
Captain Dame Stephua Rosson Maner, +1 Strategy,

Perun crew now Experienced (+1)
Lord Commander Andos Lezal Rownett +1 Strategy

Fafnir crew now Veteran (+2)
Commander Amueth Enkis, +1 Tactics

Smaug crew now Veteran (+2)
Commander Lord Jose Morgan Arslan, +1 Prowess

Captain Lord Atrin Rames Arslan, +1 Strategy
Commander Dame Carea Rosson, +1 Tactics

Apparently Jose learnt quite bit from Ranca cutting bits off him though?
Update 33 - The Battle of Chuang Mu
Strategic Disposition Rolls
6 + 6 + 1 + 22 Strategy = 35

Commodore Guanting:
5 + 5 + 4 + 13 Strategy = 27
Major Success

When Chuang Mu's fleet arrives it is without warning and fully prepared for combat, a trio of battleships exiting hyperspace as close as it is possible to emerge, wrenching back into reality in high orbit over their homeworld followed a moment later by a trio of light cruisers, all six ships in close formation. They must have pushed their drives at wartime power to arrive so quickly and their initial evasive maneuvers are indeed a little ragged, but this does mean you have time to almost complete the process of extracting tribute from the surface and the captured battleship is only two hours from launch.

If you hold for twelve combat rounds then you can potentially launch the captured battleship and get away.

You also have your little fleet formed and ready to fight, your most damaged strike cruiser, the Huitzilopochtli, having withdrawn with your prizes after transferring marines to the Sword of Democracy and the Endeavour

Huitzilopochtli marines reduced to 1 out of 4, Sword of Democracy marines increased to 6/10, Endeavour marines increased to 3/5.

Your own ships are formed in a higher orbit, interposed between the Chuang Mu squadron and any ability to jump back out, more to the point you are already in close weapons range and they spend valuable moments in jump shock as their sensor masts extend and point defence systems come online.

You almost black out despite the combination of your augmentation and the support of your armour when the Sword of Democracy surges forward, her drives burning like a second sun above Chuang Mu as you ram her into the battleship Qiqihar, shields locking together even as you launch magnetic grapples into the battleship Hohot alongside. Their close order is immediately turned against them as you draw both capital ships against the Sword's hull with a grinding crash.

Outnumbered three to one, you send your marines through the airlocks and across the hull, remaining aboard the bridge to coordinate as Commander Ranca and Captain Juley lead the two boarding parties, starting to steadily advance into the enemy vessels, cutting bloody swathes as they go.

As you monitor the battle you are aware of Commander Wison latching her strike cruiser to one of the Chuang Mu escorts, boarding her, storming the enemy ship and seizing large swathes of her deck in the initial overwhelming assault.

The Falkor and Endeavour engage the other two light cruisers, trading railgun fire and torpedoes, your old flagship under Captain Sones taking hits while the newer Dragon Class ship begins to handily win her exchange.

The Fafnir and Smaug then engage the enemy flagship, both of the new heavy cruisers opening fire with everything they have, a few railgun rounds impacting the heavier vessel's armour, but weight of fire telling as the Fafnir, under the command of her relatively inexperienced XO after Ranca decapitated her captain, staggering as fusion torpedoes overwhelm her point defence and detonate within her shields.

As the fight develops, Commander Wison rapidly overwhelms her victim, taking only half an hour or so to seize the cruiser then casting off leaving a prize crew in her wake after they surrender. Her strike cruiser then locks hulls with another victim allowing your heavy cruisers to concentrate their fire.

The third enemy cruiser proves to be alarmingly capable though, superbly handled, expertly directed, she takes a very long time for even two heavy cruisers with capable captains to wear down, all the while your boarding teams grind into the two battleships.

You are still massively outnumbered but the defenders have no match for your battle armoured officers or the deadly potency of noble swordsmanship, especially with Ranca taking point on the key assaults. You direct your troops carefully, luring the enemy into ambushes, attacking across the hull to spread the enemy marines thin. Yes, you suffer losses, but slowly and steadily you are taking control of two ships the size of your own despite your inferior complement of troops to either.

Your heavy cruisers are being hammered however, the Endeavour taking hit under hit, the Fafnir reporting fires on her decks somehow, armour breached, weapons and drives coming offline. She tries to disengage but sustains further hits from the Xining's main batteries before she is able to pull far enough away to activate her hyperdrive and blink out of existence.

That leave the Smaug, alone, facing the enemy flagship. She suffers in turn, heavy railguns punching through her belt armour, torpedoes blinding swathes of sensors as the detonate within her shields.

Fortunately she is not forced to fight alone for long, as the concentrated fire of two heavy cruisers finally wears down the Mianyang, the Endeavour forces in close and grapples, boarding the far smaller ship, the weight of Imperial armour telling against their damaged foe even if your former flagship has not much more than half of her full complement of marines.

As the Perun claims her seconds prize and disengages, this leaves two heavy cruisers and a strike cruiser to engage the enemy flagship. A furious exchange of railgun fire leaves the battleship reeling before she is grappled and boarded, space warping as a profusion of shield generators overlap.

More bloody combat, deck by deck, airlock by airlock, thousands of marines and spacers fighting with gauss weapons, bayonets, swords, drones and emplaced defences. Eventually the Endeavour triumphs, all of the enemy cruisers now fallen and under the command of your prize crews as four cruisers lock around the hull of the Xining, dwarfing her even as you continue to drive your outnumbered troops into the two battleships your own flagships has grappled.

It takes hours, thousands die, but eventually the enemy flagship falls, their commodore signals his surrender, the marines of your cruisers launch across to join your own battle and finally the other two capital ships signal their defeat.

You have done it. Your fleet is in ragged ruin, but you have captured the entire fleet of Chuang Mu. Three cruisers, three battleships, tens of thousands of captives, somehow you did not lose a single ship apart from the crippled heavy cruiser that fled into hyperspace.

Battleship Xining
Speed 4, Firepower 10, Durability 10, Marines 10, Crew Mediocre (-1), Durability 90/100
Commodore Guanting: Strategy 13, Tactics 12, Prowess 9

Battleship Qiqihar
Speed 4, Firepower 10, Durability 10, Marines 10, Crew Experienced (+1), Durability 85/100
Captain Lei: Strategy 9, Tactics 9, Prowess 8

Battleship Hohhot
Speed 4, Firepower 10, Durability 10, Marines 10, Crew Experienced (+1), Durability 90/100
Captain Su: Strategy 11, Tactics 11, Prowess 7

Cruiser Sanming
Speed 7, Firepower 3, Durability 2, Marines 3, Crew Regular (0), Durability 18/20
Captain Tu: Strategy 10, Tactics 13, Prowess 7

Cruiser Putian
Speed 7, Firepower 3, Durability 2, Marines 3, Crew Veteran (+2), Durability 18/20
Captain Gang: Strategy 10, Tactics 11, Prowess 7

Cruiser Mianyang
Speed 7, Firepower 3, Durability 2, Marines 3, Elite (+3), Durability 18/20
Captain Feng: Strategy 9, Tactics 14, Prowess 9

Combat Round 1:

Sword of Democracy attempts to grapple Qiqihar and Hohhot:
Speed 8 + Tactics 21 + Roll 12+ Crew 2 -4 Multi Attack = 39

Qiqihar evades!
Speed 4 + Tactics 9 + Crew 1 + Roll 9 = 23

Hohhot evades!
Speed 4 + Tactics 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 = 29

Sword of Democracy grapples both battleships before they can effectively fire!

Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 38

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 6 + Multi Attack 4 = 30

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32

Qiqihar Marines take 4 damage, 96/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 97/100

Strike Cruiser Perun attempts to grapple Cruiser Sanming
Speed 10 + Tactics 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 = 37

Cruiser Sanming evades!
Speed 7 + Tactics 13 + Roll 7 = 27

Perun grapples cruiser before it can fire!

Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 14 = 33

Cruiser Sanming
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 10 + Roll 6 = 19

Cruiser Sanming marines take 14 damage, 16/30

Heavy Cruiser Falkor fires on Cruiser Putian.
Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 12 = 31

Cruiser Putian returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 = 25

Cruiser Putian takes 6 damage, durability 12/20

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour fires on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 25

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 10 = 30

Endeavour takes 5 damage, Durability 36/50

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 + Multiattack 2 = 28

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 15 + Multiattack 2 = 37

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 14 = 35

Fafnir takes 14 damage, Durability 36/50
Battleship Xining takes 1 damage, Durability 89/100

Combat Round 2:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 38

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 34

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32

Qiqihar Marines take 2 damage, 94/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 94/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Sanming

Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 = 29

Cruiser Sanming
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 10 + Roll 7 = 20

Cruiser Sanming marines take 9 damage, 7/30

Heavy Cruiser Falkor fires on Cruiser Putian.
Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 7 = 26

Cruiser Putian returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 = 28

Cruiser Putian takes 0 damage, Durability 12/20
Heavy Cruiser Falkor takes 2 damage, Durability 37/50

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour fires on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 = 30

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 11 = 31

Endeavour takes 1 damage, Durability 35/50

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multiattack 2 = 31

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 + Multiattack 2 = 35

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 7 = 28

Fafnir takes 0 damage, Durability 36/50
Battleship Xining takes 5 damage, Durability 84/100

Combat Round 3:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 38

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33

Qiqihar Marines take 3 damage, 91/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 91/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Sanming
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 = 32

Cruiser Sanming
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 10 + Roll 9 = 22

Cruiser Sanming marines take 10 damage, -3/30 - Cruiser Sanming Surrenders!

Heavy Cruiser Falkor fires on Cruiser Putian.
Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 8 = 27

Cruiser Putian returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 27

Cruiser Putian takes 0 damage, Durability 12/20
Heavy Cruiser Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour fires on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 = 30

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 13 = 33

Endeavour takes 3 damage, Durability 32/50

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 + Multiattack 2 = 28

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 15 + Multiattack 2 = 37

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 13 = 32

Fafnir takes 8 damage, Durability 28/50
Battleship Xining takes 2 damage, Durability 82/100

Combat Round 4:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 6 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 5 = 32

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 34

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 4 + Multi Attack 4 = 28

SoD Marines take 2 damage, 68/70
Qiqihar Marines take 0 damage, 91/100
Hohhot Marines take 2 damage, 88/100

Perun grapples Cruiser Putian!
Speed 10 + Tactics 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 11 = 36

Cruiser Putian
Speed 7 + Tactics 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 28

Cruiser Putian grappled!

Cruiser Putian fires at Perun:
Firepower 3 + Tactics 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 26

Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 = 31

Cruiser Putian takes 5 damage, Durability 7/20

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 11 = 30

Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 14 = 28

Cruiser Putian marines take 2 damage, 28/30

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + 4 Multi Attack = 31

Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + 4 Multi Attack = 32

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 9 = 29

Endeavour takes 0 damage, Durability 32/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 7 damage, Durability 11/20

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + Multiattack 2 = 29

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multiattack 2 = 34

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 9 = 28

Fafnir takes 0 damage, Durability 28/50
Battleship Xining takes 3 damage, Durability 79/100

Combat Round 5:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 = 37

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 4 = 39

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38

SoD Marines take 3 damage, 65/70
Qiqihar Marines take 0 damage, 91/100
Hohhot Marines take 2 damage, 88/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 14 = 33

Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 = 21

Cruiser Putian marines take 12 damage, 16/30 (Also hull Durability 7/20)

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 14 + 4 Multi Attack = 35

Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + 4 Multi Attack = 32

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 10 = 30

Endeavour takes 0 damage, Durability 32/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 7 damage, Durability 4/20

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 7 + Multiattack 2 = 26

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 16 + Multiattack 2 = 38

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 14 = 35

Fafnir takes 22 damage, Durability 6/50
Battleship Xining takes 1 damage, Durability 78/100

Combat Round 6:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 = 40

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 4 = 37

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 65/70
Qiqihar Marines take 2 damage, 89/100
Hohhot Marines take 4 damage, 84/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 8 = 27

Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 26

Cruiser Putian marines take 1 damage, 15/30 (Also hull Durability 7/20)

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 + 4 Multi Attack = 29

Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 3 + 4 Multi Attack = 26

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 6 = 26

Endeavour takes 0 damage, Durability 32/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 3 damage, Durability 1/20

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.

Fafnir attempts to disengage:
Speed 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 = 23

Battleship Xining
Speed 4 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 12 = 27, Fafnir cannot disengage this turn.

Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 + Multiattack 2 = 25

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 + Multiattack 2 = 31

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 9 = 30

Fafnir takes 10 damage, Durability -4/50, -1 Crippled
Battleship Xining takes 1 damage, Durability 77/100

Combat Round 7:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 4 = 39

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 65/70
Qiqihar Marines take 0 damage, 89/100
Hohhot Marines take 2 damage, 82/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 = 32

Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 25

Cruiser Putian marines take 7 damage, 8/30 (Also hull Durability 7/20)

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang

Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 7 + 4 Multi Attack = 28

Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 8 + 4 Multi Attack = 31

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 13 = 33

Endeavour takes 5 damage, Durability 27/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 0 damage, Durability 1/20

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.

Fafnir attempts to disengage:
Speed 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 -1 Crippled = 28

Battleship Xining
Speed 4 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 6 = 21, Fafnir will disengage next turn.

Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 + Multiattack 2 -1 Crippled = 29

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 + Multiattack 2 = 30

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 3 = 24

Fafnir takes 0 damage, Durability -4/50, -1 Crippled
Battleship Xining takes 5 damage, Durability 72/100

Combat Round 8:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 6 + Multi Attack 4 = 30

Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 65/70
Qiqihar Marines take 5 damage, 84/100
Hohhot Marines take 4 damage, 78/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian

Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 = 29

Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 26

Cruiser Putian marines take 3 damage, 5/30 (Also hull Durability 7/20)

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang

Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + 4 Multi Attack = 31

Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 11 + 4 Multi Attack = 34

Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 11 = 31

Endeavour takes 0 damage, Durability 27/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 3 damage, Durability -2/20, -1 Crippled

Fafnir and Smaug engage Battleship Xining.

Fafnir attempts to disengage:
Speed 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 -1 Crippled = 28

Battleship Xining
Speed 4 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 6 = 21, Fafnir will disengage next turn.

Firepower 6 + Tactics 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 + Multiattack 2 -1 Crippled = 29

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 14 + Multiattack 2 = 36

Battleship Xining firing upon Fafnir:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 9 = 30

Fafnir takes 2 damage, Durability -6/50, -2 Crippled. Disengaged from combat.

Battleship Xining takes 3 damage, Durability 69/100

Combat Round 9:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 = 40
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 65/70
Qiqihar Marines take 3 damage, 76/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 69/100

Perun Boarding Cruiser Putian
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 11 = 30
Cruiser Putian
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 9 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 22

Cruiser Putian marines take 8 damage, -3/30 (Also hull Durability 7/20) - Cruiser Putian surrenders!

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour and Heavy Cruiser Falkor fire on Cruiser Mianyang
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 4 + 4 Multi Attack = 25
Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + 4 Multi Attack = 35
Cruiser Mianyang returns fire.
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 10 -1 Crippled = 29

Endeavour takes 4 damage, Durability 23/50
Falkor takes 0 damage, Durability 37/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 6 damage, Durability -8/20, -4 Crippled

Smaug engages Battleship Xining.

Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 7 = 27
Battleship Xining firing upon Smaug:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 15 = 36

Smaug takes 18 damage, Durability 27/50
Battleship Xining takes 3 damage, Durability 69/100

Combat Round 10:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 36
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38

SoD Marines take 2 damage, 63/70
Qiqihar Marines take 2 damage, 74/100
Hohhot Marines take 0 damage, 69/100

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour attempts to board Cruiser Mianyang
Speed 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 16 = 33
Cruiser Mianyang evades!
Speed 7 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 9 -4 Crippled = 29

Mianyang fires on Endeavour!
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 3 + Roll 7 -4 Crippled = 23
Endeavour fires whilst closing
Firepower 5 + Tactics 10 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 = 27

Endeavour takes 0 damage, Durability 23/50
Cruiser Mianyang takes 4 damage, Durability -12/20, -6 Crippled

Boarding Action:
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 = 26
Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 -6 Crippled = 17
Cruiser Mianyang marines take 9 damage, 21/30. (Durability -12/20, -6 Crippled hull)

Smaug, Falkor & Perun engage Battleship Xining.
Firepower 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 15 + 4 Multi Attack = 39
Firepower 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 10 + 4 Multi Attack = 33
Firepower 3 + Tactics 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 14 + 4 Multi Attack = 36
Battleship Xining firing upon Smaug:
Firepower 10 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 10 = 31

Smaug takes 0 damage, Durability 27/50
Battleship Xining takes 7 damage, Durability 62/100

All three ships attempt boarding:
Speed 6 + Tactics 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 = 29
Speed 6 + Tactics (12) + Crew 1 + Roll 5 = 24
Speed 10 + Tactics 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 = 35
Battleship Xining:
Speed 4 + Tactics 12 -1 Crew + Roll 8 = 23, all three ships grappled.

Cruisers board Xining:
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 33
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 16 + Multi Attack 4 = 37
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 16 + Multi Attack 4 = 39
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 16 = 34

Smaug Marines take 1 damage, 49/50
Battleship Xining marines take 4 damage, 96/100

Combat Round 11:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 16 + Multi Attack 4 = 40

SoD Marines take 1 damage, 62/70
Qiqihar Marines take 2 damage, 72/100
Hohhot Marines take 0 damage, 69/100

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour boarding Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 25
Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 -6 Crippled = 23
Cruiser Mianyang marines take 2 damage, 19/30. (Durability -12/20, -6 Crippled hull)

Smaug, Falkor & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 32
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 4 = 33
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 32
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 10 = 28

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Battleship Xining marines take 6 damage, 90/100

Combat Round 12:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 4 = 36
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 62/70
Qiqihar Marines take 2 damage, 70/100
Hohhot Marines take 1 damage, 68/100

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour boarding Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 25
Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 -6 Crippled = 17
Cruiser Mianyang marines take 8 damage, 11/30. (Durability -12/20, -6 Crippled hull)

Smaug, Falkor & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 31
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 4 = 34
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 4 + Multi Attack 4 = 27
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 13 = 31

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 3 damage, 37/40
Battleship Xining marines take 1 damage, 89/100

Combat Round 13:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 = 36
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 34

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 62/70
Qiqihar Marines take 1 damage, 69/100
Hohhot Marines take 1 damage, 67/100

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour boarding Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 = 30
Cruiser Mianyang
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 -6 Crippled = 19
Cruiser Mianyang marines take 11 damage, 0/30. (Durability -12/20, -6 Crippled hull) - Cruiser Mianyang surrenders.

Smaug, Falkor & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 4 = 35
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 7 + Multi Attack 4 = 29
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 33
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 10 = 28

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 37/40
Battleship Xining marines take 6 damage, 83/100

Combat Round 14:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 5 + Multi Attack 4 = 29

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 62/70
Qiqihar Marines take 3 damage, 66/100
Hohhot Marines take 5 damage, 62/100

Heavy Cruiser Endeavour joins boarding action against Battleship Xining

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 6 = 38
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 37
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 6 = 31
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 12= 30

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 37/40
Battleship Xining marines take 10 damage, 73/100

Combat Round 15:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 62/70
Qiqihar Marines take 3 damage, 63/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 59/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 36
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 6 = 34
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 7 + Multi Attack 6 = 32
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 14= 32

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 37/40
Battleship Xining marines take 4 damage, 69/100

Combat Round 16:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 = 37
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 4 = 39

SoD Marines take 3 damage, 59/70
Qiqihar Marines take 0 damage, 63/100
Hohhot Marines take 0 damage, 59/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 36
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 6 = 33
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 6 = 31
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 6 = 36
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 17 = 35

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 1 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 2 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 1 damage, 68/100

Combat Round 17:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 = 41
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 34
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 4 = 35

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 59/70
Qiqihar Marines take 4 damage, 59/100
Hohhot Marines take 3 damage, 56/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 6 = 33
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 6 = 37
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 6 = 31
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 12 = 30

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 8 damage, 60/100

Combat Round 18:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 = 39
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 4 = 38

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 59/70
Qiqihar Marines take 1 damage, 58/100
Hohhot Marines take 1 damage, 55/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 6 = 37
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 6 = 32
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 6 = 40
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 8 = 26

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 20 damage, 40/100

Combat Round 19:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 15 = 43
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 4 = 34
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 4 = 39

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 59/70
Qiqihar Marines take 5 damage, 53/100
Hohhot Marines take 2 damage, 53/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 36
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 13 + Multi Attack 6 = 38
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 6 = 33
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 13 = 31

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 9 damage, 31/100

Combat Round 20:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 12 = 40
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 59/70
Qiqihar Marines take 4 damage, 49/100
Hohhot Marines take 4 damage, 49/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 6 = 32
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 6 = 33
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 6 = 34
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 10 + Multi Attack 6 = 33
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 6 = 24

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 18 damage, 13/100

Combat Round 20:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 7 = 35
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 4 = 36
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 8 + Multi Attack 4 = 32

SoD Marines take 1 damage, 58/70
Qiqihar Marines take 0 damage, 49/100
Hohhot Marines take 2 damage, 47/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 14 + Multi Attack 6 = 38
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 7 + Multi Attack 6 = 30
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 12 + Multi Attack 6 = 37
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 6 + Multi Attack 6 = 29
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 10 = 28

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 11 damage, 2/100

Combat Round 21:

Sword of Democracy Boarding Qiqihar and Hohot
Marines 7 + Tactics/Prowess 19 + Crew 2 + Roll 13 = 40
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 7 + Multi Attack 4 = 31
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 Crew 1 + Roll 9 + Multi Attack 4 = 33

SoD Marines take 0 damage, 58/70
Qiqihar Marines take 5 damage, 44/100
Hohhot Marines take 4 damage, 43/100

Smaug, Falkor, Endeavour & Perun boarding Battleship Xining.
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 2 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 6 = 35
Marines 5 + Tactics/Prowess 11 + Crew 1 + Roll 11 + Multi Attack 6 = 34
Marines 4 + Tactics/Prowess 14 + Crew 1 + Roll 15 + Multi Attack 6 = 40
Marines 3 + Tactics/Prowess 12 + Crew 2 + Roll 7 + Multi Attack 6 = 30
Battleship Xining:
Marines 10 + Tactics/Prowess 9 -1 Crew + Roll 12 = 30

Smaug Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Falkor Marines take 0 damage, 49/50
Perun Marines take 0 damage, 35/40
Battleship Xining marines take 9 damage, -7/100 - Battleship Xining surrenders!

At this point the other battleships are going to fall eventually. I give up on rolling. Finally.

Political Capital:
Three battleships captured: 113 Political Capital
Three light cruisers captured: 39 Political Capital
Half built battleship captured: 25 Political Capital
+177 Political Capital Gained.

Continued Chuang Mu Looting:
110 Wealth. Your share + 32 Wealth

Prize Money upon return:
3 Battleships (1 damaged) – 285 Wealth
1 Incomplete Battleship – 75 Wealth
3 Cruisers (with damage) – 84 Wealth
Your share upon return: +128

Sword of Democracy:
Baroness Commander Ranca Sandra, +1 Tactics

Crew upgrades to Elite (+3)
Commander Dame Thera Phardson +1 Tactics

Commander Dame Jule Sice Wison, +1 Prowess
Lord Commander Andos Lezal Rownett +1 Strategy

Commander Amueth Enkis , +1 Tactics

Captain Dame Teria Thoward is INJURED. Out of action for one strategic turn.

Commander Dame Carea Rosson, +1 Tactics. INJURED. Out of action for one strategic turn.

Exhausted, your crews battered, officers injured, everything drained, you order up the final shipments of tribute from the now utterly horrified populace of Chuang Mu. Their vaunted fleet has failed them. Once the last ships have taken flight you rain down nuclear devastation upon their starports, shatter their infrastructure then detonate charges in their orbital manufacturing. You leave behind a broken, screaming world as you depart with virtually their entire fleet in tow and set jump coordinates for Ilam.

But first, who do you appoint as prize captains for the four capital ships you have seized? Whomever you put in these roles is almost guaranteed a promotion to full captain, or massive advancement and considerations if they already hold that rank. Who, out of the officers at your disposal, do you so grace?

You have the Perun, Huitzilopochtli, Endeavour and Sword of Democracy available to choose from. Also the Smaug and Falkor if you wish to try to poach officers from the Arslan affiliated squadron. The first page writeup is updated with current officer stats and status.

[] Prize Crew Write In
Last edited:
Update 33.5 Prize Crews
[X] Plan Loyalty is as Loyalty does
-[X] Commander Baron Adald Clipaul Imperial - Battleship
-[X] Commander Dame Jule Sice Wison -Battleship
-[X] Baroness Commander Ranca Sandra Arril - Battleship
-[X] Captain Dame Stephua Rosson Maner - Battleship
-[X] Commander Sir Atthell Ason Perra - Light Cruiser – This guy is not here and is out of action with injuries. I will substitute.
-[X] Commander Dame Thera Phardson - Light Cruiser
-[X] Lord Commander Andos Lezal Rownett - Light Cruiser
-[X] Baroness Commander Kathra Ared Scolly - Monitor

You departed Ilam with one capital ship, four heavy cruisers, two strike cruisers and a handful of light screening vessels, you return with an entire squadron worth of capital ships. But you do not return unheralded, the Fafnir is out somewhere, Viscountess Athryn's former command fled into hyperspace to avoid destruction at the hands of one of the Chuang Mu battleships and is likely struggling toward Illam.

You do not want Arslan loyalists to report on the battle before you do especially as they 'missed' your eventual victory, you keep the attack skiff with your fleet and despatch one of the patrol cutters you brought with you to bring news to the sector capital.

Then you settle down in high orbit over Chuang Mu to allocate prize crews and take possession of the fleet you have captured, sending another patrol cutter to retrieve the Huitzilopochtli from interstellar space along with your captures from earlier. Senior officers are going to be spread thinly regardless of your choices given you have five capital ships, three cruisers and a corvette, you also have to put at least a handful of marines upon each of the dozens upon dozens of merchant vessels carrying your loot.

Logistical Nightmare Roll
6 + 4 + 2 + 22 Strategy = 34
Great Success

It takes you about a day, a day during which you are aware of at least one attack skiff and two patrol cutters lurking at the edges of the Chuang Mu system and observing you, but then you are ready to depart. At this point a strike cruiser does jump in but she is light hours away and almost certainly departed by the time you are aware of her presence. The entire time the planet below screams in millions of voices with pleading, threats, general expressions of horror or calls for assistance.

Whilst you deal with the establishment of prize crews and securing of the ships without any difficulties, just endless hours of work, you simply do not have enough senior officers. The Perun is left without her captain and XO, you second your own XO, Captain Dame Juley Mara Wisanch to take temporary command, but after everything you are left with nobody of commander rank or higher to take command of one of the captured cruisers.

[] Assign a Junior Officer. Assign a lieutenant commander from one of your ships who distinguished themselves in the recent battle.
[] Poach An Arslan Squadron Officer. Assign one of the officers from the two heavy cruisers remaining from the Arslan heiress' squadron. Their own senior officers are mostly injured but you could use this to poach one of their better junior officers. They do seem to have particularly good junior officers on their heavy cruiser crews.
Update 34 - Lord Commodore
As you run short of senior officers you are reminded of Lt Commander Clase Bertson, he warned you of the attack on Imhotep, escaping four strike cruisers without being damaged, right now he is leading the three cutters you brought with you for scouting and courier work. You assign him as the prize captain of the Putian for a guaranteed promotion to Commander at least upon your return.

You jump, dozens of ships transitioning into hyperspace as a single coordinated action that will be clearly visible from Chuang Mu's surface. It is the first of many jumps but thanks to the sluggish speed of the merchant vessels you have three weeks before you will return. You are careful about positioning the captured armada of civilian craft under your guns during each stop, your marines rotated every time you return to real space so that the squads on the bridge of each vessel do not grow fatigued.

You are returning in triumph, there is no question of that, this is the kind of victory that makes a career at the highest levels and is likely to terrify anyone who felt that the Imperial Navy was weak. You do however have the decapitated corpse of a ducal heiress in the Sword of Democracy's morgue, Ranca spends the journey with what intelligence operatives you have on board attempting to debrief her implants.

Ranca's Viscountess Implant Interrogation
1 + 2 + 5 + 13 Subterfuge = 21

Viscountess' Signal Security
6 + 2 + 1 + 13 Subterfuge = 22

There is no hope of breaking the encryption on the Viscountess' protected memory banks but there is the hope that she has left incriminating evidence elsewhere, call logs, any indications to her treachery. Sadly she seems to have been quite disciplined and there is not even any proof of her communication to you mid battle, at best it is slightly suspicious that she has no records of implant communication at all but it could well be excused given her rank, even considered admirably security consciousness.

There is however evidence that she is carrying the encryption keys to access some truly staggeringly huge escrow accounts in her headware. She might well have had access to enough money to buy dozens upon dozens of Shares when connected to any Imperial bank. That is absolutely not normal even for a Viscountess and ducal heir, either she was planning on engaging in some extremely high level bribery or her father was trusting her with unlimited access to the ducal accounts. Or both.

Journey To Illam: Convoy Herding, you:
2 + 2 + 6 + 22 Strategy = 32

Great Success. No ships escape.
All Prize Officers – all succeed, boring.

Despite having tens of thousands of prisoners confined aboard their ships your worst fears do not come to pass, none of the battleships crews seize back control over their vessels then turn their guns on you, no cruisers overthrow a prize crew during hyperspace transit then jump away never to be seen again.

When you are a day or two out from Ilam you send a patrol cutter forward to warn them, you do not want any of the recruits you left manning the orbital fortresses to fire as foreign made battleships emerge into the system, for the same reason you initially jump to a deep space logistical base where you leave your civilian ships under the guns of the Perun. Trusting to the strike cruiser and local defenses to keep the civilan ships in line, you wait for your hyper drives to fully spool up again before continuing to Illam orbit.

It does not surprise you to be immediately contacted by the Governor General, this time he has had plenty of warning to know when you will arrive and is in his office, wearing his full regalia worth as much as a prosperous city. He also calls to your bridge, though it is rather empty given the insatiable need for prize crews.

"Commodore Lord Reinhard Strauss."

That is not how he normally addresses you. He continues smoothly as you mentally reel. "The Empire is most satisfied with how you handled the invasion of Imhotep by a rogue world from across the Imperial border. Your destruction of their war making potential and capture of their fleet against overwhelming odds and without the loss of a single ship are rewarded with the bestowal of a Share, making you a Peer of the empire."

You notice that this is also being sent to every other ship and is apparently on general media broadcast. The announcement does give you some time to gather yourself though.

Acceptance Speech (No bonuses from Political Capital here, this is down to you).
4 + 6 + 6 + 8 Diplomacy = 24

You remember yourself to give the appropriate low bow of a minor but Share holding noble to a prince, with the correct degree of allowance for your wearing your dress uniform. "I am humbled your highness. Humbled yet exalted by the generosity of the Imperial House. For the Empress! I shall strive to continue to find myself worthy of my new position and achieve further deeds in the Empire's name."

The old prince succeeds in not looking surprised as you get that right, then inclines his head ever so slightly in grave acknowledgement. "For the Empress!"

Then the public broadcast ends and you are personally contacted via your implants.

<The Arslan heiress. We need to speak, urgently. Take a shuttle to the palace within the hour. Lord Strauss.>

That does not promise nearly so well. Do you have a particular focus you want to take with the Governor General when you meet with him? Regardless of option will will raise that she was trying to suborn you into genocidal treachery but what will be your main push?

[] Ranca did a Ranca Thing. Ranca kills people, she kills somebody in a duel every few months. She already demanded to fight the Viscountess due to her dishonourable refusal to accept the monitor's surrender and just did her usual thing in the duel. Obviously the Viscountess was dishonourable given she lost the duel after refusing to accept the defeat of her champion.
[] It Was Resisting Arrest. You were going to arrest the Viscountess for treachery. She had the right to duel as a noble, but make no mistake, she was resisting arrest. Of course you do not really have proof other than your words.
[] She Was Dangerous. You Killed Her. The Viscountess was dangerous, a traitor, she would have pulled the Empire into a war to further her own position in a hope to become Empress. It is much neater that she is gone in a duel, a natural form of death for young nobles, leaving her unable to defend herself. The governor general is sensible enough to realize the truth of this.
[] Other. Write in.
Imperial Fleet Organisation - Squadrons
So for... Reasons, I am writing down the details of several of the major fleets and working out some 'standard' types of Imperial deployment.

Battle Squadron: (Cost of ships 630)
Six battleships, three patrol cutters.
Commanded by a Commodore, can be deployed independently to engage powerful independent systems or secure key fleet bases but generally operates as part of a larger fleet with support from lighter vessels, though the cutters provide organic communications and some scouting ability.

Scout Squadron: (Cost of ships 490-540)
One battlecruiser and 8-10 Light Cruisers, ten patrol cutters.
Commanded by a Commodore, typically split up for patrol duties across neighboring sectors or dispersed to act as screening and scouting for a larger fleet.

Escort Squadron: (Cost of ships 325-370, depending on model of corvette)
Fifteen corvettes, ten patrol cutters.
Commanded by a Commodore, typically dispersed across one to three sectors to escort civilian traffic and provide communications or separated to guard the supply lines of a major fleet.

Battlecruiser Squadron: (Cost of ships 535)
Three battlecruisers, three light cruisers, ten patrol cutters.
Commanded by a Commodore, heavy deep raiding force used to attack worlds behind enemy lines or break escorted convoys.

Obviously in practice a lot of those formations end up ad-hoc, with ships undergoing refit, etc. Also note that heavy cruisers do not actually feature in any of the standard larger formations. Heavy cruisers are basically just flagships for frontier forces like your own or ships operated by individual nobles who want a big stick but cannot afford a capital vessel. They do not really fit into big fleet doctrine.

Also battle squadrons are disgustingly expensive and spend most of their time in reserve rather than the 63 Wealth a quarter to keep them operational being paid out.
Update 35 - The Coreward Fleet
[X] Plan Honour and Guilt
-[X] Viscountess Arslan had dishonoured the Imperium even before she courted treason, by refusing the honourable surrender of enemy forces who had fought well. That she then attempted to double down on this with a treasonous offer only proves that she was not worthy of her position, or her command.
-[X] More than that, she was a danger to the Imperium, wishing to drag it into another war with the NASP for no other reason than her desire for advancement, and at the cost of an entire world. Any war that might have come from that, would have been far bloodier than the first, given her desired flashpoint of planetary scale genocide.
-[X] She made her arrest a point of honour, something we granted her despite her having forsaken any claim to it. When her champion was defeated, she resorted to further violence instead of submitting to the law. This, more than anything else, is proof of her guilt.

Less than an hour after being enobled, you find yourself in the Governor General's palace, your insignia obviously still not corrected though you are in your dress uniform. It is very much a private meeting, just you and the elderly prince, though his personal officer is large enough to conduct most outdoor team sports within. You are quite certain that your boots are treading on a rug worth more than most cities.

Governor General Hawny Andez Imperial cuts immediately to the subject at hand. "Yes, you succeeded admirably, I will discuss that in a moment. But the Viscountess dead! And not at enemy hands."

After giving the appropriate bow you then do your best to explain. "She brought it upon herself your highness, doubly so. First she refused the surrender of the enemy flagship. She was an ancient vessel, crewed by cadets, massively overmatched but fighting bravely until after giving everything, she surrendered. Then tried again, and again, Captain Arslan kept ordering torpedo strikes, murdering them. She was not worthy to wear the uniform of the Imperial Navy or of her noble title."

The prince's expression is sour, a slight nod as he steeples his hands in front of him. "So duel her then, or have that Arril murderess who follows you around do it. Which you did, that is understandable. What is this about treason though?"

"She tried to suborn me into genocide and treachery when I prevented her destruction of the surrendered Yuzhao. It was deliberate, she was not just bloodthirsty but was trying to create an atrocity. She wanted me to cooperate with her in slaughtering the defending fleet to a man and woman then genociding the planetary population. She wanted seven billion dead so that the NASP would be forced into war, with her father seizing the throne once the Fleet was weakened."

A nod, he does not seem surprised. "And do you have proof?"

You do have to shake your head at that. "Her security was too good and there was never a chance to interrogate her or search her quarters. She challenged me to a duel instead of accepting arrest." He snorts at this, as if that should be obvious. "Then after her champion fell refused to accept the outcome. Instead of giving up her person she insulted Baroness Ranca Arril and fought her, despite obviously being outmatched. That is proof enough of her guilt."

The governor general continues to look dour. "It is proof of that or her having a stiff neck and pride. Not that I doubt your story but anyone who wants to can satisfy their opinion easily enough. I have a dead ducal heiress on my watch and I can either blame it on House Arril or you. Arril are too badly reeling from the war, it would look like I was trying to destroy them. You are going to be the biggest hero in the navy, so that leaves the other option. I blame it on House Arslan and we go to war. That would be the Empress' decision but I do have some input there. Consider these."

He pushes files across to your implants, extremely classified files, information you have not seen before even if much of it you could have guessed.

First of all is a readiness summary of the Coreward Fleet along with service dockets of the senior officers, ship numbers, current commanders. The Coreward fleet is the smallest of the Imperial Navies actual fleets with two battle squadrons, withdrawn from the border sectors but securing the approach to the throne world from the direction of Earth. Also the nearest to the seat of power of House Arslan.

Commanding: Rear Admiral Baroness Sica Aryl Imperial (est – Strategy 11, Tactics 10)

1st Squadron: Commodore Baron Areth Brodry (est – Strategy 11, Tactics 12)

Imperator Class Battleship Diana IV – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 12)
Imperator Class Battleship Joshua II – Ready (Crew -1, Tactics 5)
Imperator Class Battleship Henry III – Ready (Crew -1, Tactics 8)
Imperator Class Battleship Diana III – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 10)
Imperator Class Battleship Tharia I – Ready (Crew -3, Tactics 6)
Imperator Class Battleship Aran VI – Ready (Crew +2, Tactics 10)

Patrol Cutter #1912, Patrol Cutter #5445, Patrol Cutter #6549

2nd Squadron: Commodore Lady Juda Mason Imperial (est – Strategy 11, Tactics 13)

Imperator Class Battleship Diana II – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 15)
Imperator Class Battleship Aran IV – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 10)
Imperator Class Battleship Tharia VII – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 10)
Imperator Class Battleship Nesteph II – Ready (Crew +2, Tactics 12)
Imperator Class Battleship Henry IX – Deep Overhaul (Crew +1, Tactics 12)
Imperator Class Battleship Nestph III – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 7)

Patrol Cutter #143, Patrol Cutter #7863, Patrol Cutter #2447

Scout Squadron: Commodore Viscountess Mara Johnson Imperial (est – Strategy 7, Tactics 8)

Mars Class Battlecruiser Amazonis – Ready (Crew +2, Tactics 13)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Caracara – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 10)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Bat Hawk – Deep Overhaul (Crew +3, Tactics 11)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Cuban Kite – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 7)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Caracara – Ready (Crew +3, Tactics 12)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Shikra – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 11)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Golden Eagle – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 13)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Merlin – Ready (Crew -2, Tactics 10)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Maned Owl – Deep Overhaul (Crew +2, Tactics 11)
Raptor Class Light Cruiser Strix – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 10)

Patrol Cutter #6547, Patrol Cutter #645, Patrol Cutter #3541, Patrol Cutter #5487, Patrol Cutter #1854, Patrol Cutter #6583, Patrol Cutter #8947, Patrol Cutter #6877, Patrol Cutter #5478

Escort Squadron: Commodore Lord Jose Torra Wison (est – Strategy 10, Tactics 13)

Weather Class Fleet Corvette Monsoon – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 10)
Weather Class Fleet Corvette Stratus – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 8)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Mastiff – Deep Overhaul (Crew -2, Tactics 10)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Basset – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 11)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Poodle – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 10)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Labrador – Ready (Crew -3, Tactics 13)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Spaniel – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 11)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Telomian – Deep Overhaul (Crew +1, Tactics 11)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Corgi – Ready (Crew 0, Tactics 8)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Leonberger – Deep Overhaul (Crew 0, Tactics 5)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Kishu – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 11)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Malamute – Deep Overhaul (Crew -1, Tactics 10)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Foxhound – Ready (Crew -1, Tactics 6)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Dunker – Deep Overhaul (Crew -3, Tactics 9)
Dog Class Escort Corvette Cretan – Ready (Crew +1, Tactics 7)

Patrol Cutter #7583, Patrol Cutter #378, Patrol Cutter #7894, Patrol Cutter #3774, Patrol Cutter #8749, Patrol Cutter #1748, Patrol Cutter #8731, Patrol Cutter #4868, Patrol Cutter #8974, Patrol Cutter #6847

There is a lot of information to drink in there. Next is an Imperial Intelligence estimate of House Arslan's military might, which is impressive, though there is far less detail.

Ducal Fleet – Centrally organised navy under the command of Duke Irfan Arslan, the duke served 35 years in the Imperial Navy, retiring at the rank of Vice Admiral. These vessels are all believed to be maintained to the standard expected of Imperial warships.

Battle Force: Six squadrons, 30 battleships, ~20 cutters

Cruisers: Two squadrons, 2 battlecruisers, 19 light cruisers, ~20 cutters

Battle Force has limited operational experience and has not faced open combat since the Republic launched their incursion twenty three years ago. Approximately one third of senior officers are former Imperial Navy personnel who faced combat in the NASP war.

Cruiser squadrons have, in the wake of the NASP war, taken over patrol duties from the Imperial Navy in the three coreward border sectors. They have experience in anti piracy and escort work but no war fighting experience. A quarter of senior officers are Imperial Navy veterans.

Additional Arslan Forces: Estimated one battlecruiser, three battleships, seven heavy cruisers, fifteen light cruisers, eighteen corvettes, 30-40 patrol cutters.

Private vessels owned by Share holding Arslan nobility and have no standardisation of crew or officers, they are not believed to have any high level organisation but over the last two years have increasingly taken part in war games with the ducal navy. All of the ships identified above were purchased from shipyards at an Imperial Navy standard of construction and armament but their current readiness is believed, in many cases, to be sub par.

After giving you some time to absorb this information the Governor General has a simple question for you. "Do you think Lord Reinhard, if you were to take the Sword of Democracy through the interior, you could defeat Duke Arslan with the Coreward Fleet?"

[] Yes. This is obviously an invitation to be promoted and you are confident in your abilities.
[] With More Ships. You would want to take the strike cruisers and your pick of officers with you, of course, plus the captured Chuang Mu battleships to follow.
[] With Reinforcements. You would want another battle squadron before taking on that powerful a force.
[] With Heavy Reinforcements. You would want another battle squadron, another scout squadron and support from other fleet elements, even then you would be outnumbered.
[] No. You are pretty sure that this is setting you up to fail and/or a civil war is not in the Empire's interest.
[] Other. Write in.
Update 36 - Regrading
[X] Plan Trusted Men and Material
-[X] The disparity in numbers is unpleasant, but you fought against worse during the war with the NASP and won. However, those victories came not just from you but from the skilled men and woman at your back.
-[X] Our most important request is support in placing experienced officers in key positions within the Coreward Fleet. We can't do this without those.
-[X] Request that the Sword, our Strike Cruisers and some of the sector/captured Light Cruisers be used as the core of a new Scout Squadron. The key here is that we're supplying the heavy (and rare) metal of a Battlecruiser.
-[X] Request that the three captured Chuang Mu Battleships follow us once refitted and are folded together with three other Imperial Battleships to form a complete Battle Squadron to supplement our battleship strength.
-[X] In the event that the chance to force a decisive engagement presents itself, particularly early in any conflict, the ability to call on other capital scale elements of the Imperial Navy to tip the scales firmly in our favour would be advantageous, if not required.

You do not hurry to answer the Governor General's question, even absorbing this information through your implants and with your decades of practise, the order of battle for an entire fleet and the likely opposition takes a while. You also need to be careful just how you respond.

"The discrepancy in numbers and weight of ships looks unpleasant your highness. Victory with these odds is certainly possible but only with the right subordinates and crews. What would victory look like in this scenario though?"

The Governor General remains grave behind his desk but does manage a wry chuckle, a glance upward. "Ideally it would represent your recent achievements, commodore. Duke Arslan's power broken, his fleet added to the Imperial Navy. It would be an action ten times larger than the one you just achieved but, since you were elevated to the nobility, a routine check did reveal certain errors in your official record. Do you remember staff college?"

Of course you do, as a newly minted Lieutenant Commander you spent two years above New Atlanta mixed with young Shareholder officers who were being groomed for high command. Endless strategic exercises where you took turns in the simulator as captains and admirals. You had your fair share of simulated stints in fleet command but when it was you in charge there seemed to be a litany of 'random' failures in ship hyperdrives, unexpected enemy reinforcements or torpedoes that slipped through all defensive fire to cripple your ship despite you taking every effort.

You still did shockingly well but graduated in the middle of your class, something that always rankled even if you were then given your first command after graduation and did rather well out of that old patrol cutter. The Governor General continues after your nod.

"It appears that, when all adjustments were made, you actually achieved one of the highest scores ever recorded for an officer of your rank and experience. A terrible oversight now corrected Lord Reinhard. Still, you have only been in your current role for a year but you have achieved far more than ever expected."

Your blood boils, you clench your right hand, feeling the press of your artificial fingers, your jaw sets.

Diplomacy Check
5 + 1 + 5 + Diplomacy 10 = 21, Success

You are not going to win any prizes for your performance but you do then find yourself nodding again. "An unfortunate error for the staff college to have made your highness but that was quite a few years ago and as you have been so kind as you mention, my record since makes such things quite irrelevant. Still, I am not confident that the Coreward Fleet could handle House Arslan alone, even with the addition of my flagship. I would ideally want to bring the strike cruisers with me, including the Tohil if her refit is sufficiently advanced. Then the four undamaged captured Chuang Mu light cruisers and whatever reinforcements can be peeled off from the Rimward or Home fleets to try to form a full Scout Squadron."

He considers this for a moment. "I could release all of the strike cruisers and your prizes, they are not already accounted for in fleet deployments, additional cruisers though? If you are departing then I will need the light cruisers you have here so that your replacement can continue patrols. You would need to persuade fleet command to assign you any extras."

"Thank you your highness." That sounds about as good as you are going to get. "Then there are the three battleships, half a squadron. One of them has suffered modest damage but two are pristine and just need crews. If the Home Fleet could free up three battleships to make a full squadron?"

He narrows his eyes slightly. "Then the Coreward Fleet would be fifty percent larger. But." A pause, he lets it linger. "Three battleships right off the slipways would not weaken the Home Fleet significantly. I will back it, though I am not sure how much that means with the Empress in her current state. This is asking for a lot though, it is going to need high level agreement and that means time. You are going to need to continue to hold this sector down before we think about moving on House Arslan."

He looks about to dismiss you but one option does spring immediately to mind.

[] Seize the Mizrak. Take control of the attack skiff now owned by House Arslan and docked with your fleet headquarters. Her speed would dramatically assist with the Governor General's communications with the capital. This would also help warn House Arslan of larger scale hostility toward them. But they will not know for months.
[] Hold the Mizrak. Do not allow the Mizrak to launch, keep her here using various excuses, the last thing you want to do is allow House Arslan to have faster communications than the Empire. This will annoy them though even on top of the heir decapitation issue.
[] Seize The Mizrak, Smaug and Falkor. If you want to flesh out a Scout Squadron then why not begin with two high speed heavy cruisers? You can also try to hunt down the damaged Fafnir, but she is out of action for some time. Given House Arslan are traitors they should not have compromised Imperial Navy cruisers under their control. This will definitely sound an alarm for House Arslan once they find out.
[] Leave the Arslan Ships Be. It does not sound as if you are going to be engaging in this civil war, or police action, or whatever it is going to be called, for quite some time. Best not to tip off House Arslan and let them think this is just the Imperial House manoeuvring via approval of your killing of their heir.
Update 37 - Duels & Ranca (For once the two are not necessarily involved)
[X] 'Heroes' of Imhotep
-[X] Suggest that perhaps, now that the Viscountess is no longer present, that her squadron could be tasked to more useful tasks, like restoring order to Imhotep. Their readiness and Marine compliments certainly make them capable of such a task, and it would be a vital duty. That it would free up some of your own, more loyal, ships for other duties goes without saying.
-[X] The Attack Skiff will be held for the purposes of returning the Viscountess' body to her family as soon as Imperial proceedings about the circumstances of her death are complete. Given the complications involved, it would be quite reasonable for a full investigation to take months. If the decision is made to pursue a police action, then it will be within easy reach for seizure.

Before the Governor General can dismiss you, it will be important to be of one mind regarding the Arslan suborned ships, you wait for a pause in in words before interjecting. "Your highness. Before I depart to my duty I suggest that was put the 'Independent Squadron' vessels to retaking Imhotep, they have plenty of marines but their cruisers are too damaged for void combat. Along with that it would be best to hold the attack skiff in orbit. Perhaps insist that it be held to return the Viscountess' body after exhaustive investigation of her death. Otherwise the duke will have access to faster communications than our own."

This he does smile at. "Excellent. I will have my people strongly encourage their compliance. But for now, you have a lot of damaged ships and a sector fleet to manage."

You are dismissed, you give your best bow before turning and departing.

Upon your return to orbit you do find Lieutenant Dame Ariah Brighte Arslan very, very unhappy about her little craft being detained, coming to your flag officer aboard the Sword of Democracy in person. She is a lanky young woman for a noble, barely twenty and likely just promoted to her rank, from what you have seen of her record she should really still be a midshipwoman. "Sir! I must protest, the Mizrak is House Arslan property and it is imperative to bring news of your. Um. Glorious victory and accusations to his grace!"

You are seated behind your desk, your desk of bonded marble woven with veins of gold, you did have an extensive budget to the fitting out of your quarters on your new flagship. You are also rather fed up with Arslans for the moment. "Lieutenant." It is a fresh sensation to realize that, even if you lack the family connections, you now outrank her socially as well as militarily. "You are however a serving Imperial Navy officer addressing a Commodore. I have taken time out of my schedule to meet with you but I shall not be hearing any demands. You will remain here until the investigation by Imperial Intelligence is completed."

2 + 1 + 1 + Effective Diplomacy 15 = 19, Failure.

Her face flushes, she clenches her hands, then a step forward, her back straightens. "You are not in my chain of command and there is no reason to delay these proceedings. Sir. I find your latest pretensions to nobility in the wake of my cousin's murder an insult!" She then sets her jaw, dark eyes glaring at you. "I shall have satisfaction!"

Well you need to answer this but how? For reference Ariah has Prowess 9, yours is 12.

[] Ranca. Let Ranca sort her out.
[] Just Fight Her. She is a stripling and even if she is a head taller than you? You can handle this yourself without looking as if you are hiding behind the baroness.

Regardless of how you resolve that little mess the duel will not be fought for some days and you have an awful lot of decisions to make. The mansion that you bought in the capital is now being properly established with a staff and vehicles along with a civilian specification short ranged yacht that you ordered, things are coming together when it comes to being able to properly impress even wealthy mid tier nobility such as barons and baronesses with your hospitality. As such it is fortunate that the prize court is working, assessing your cargo, eagerly buying the battleships you seized over Chuang Mu.

The three completed vessels are taken immediately into Imperial Service and docked to your sector command birthings for refit to Imperial standard, the incomplete one is going to need weaponry and final drive fitting but there a partial solution is found.

The monitor is condemned as not space worthy but whilst her hull is a hundred years old most of her equipment was of more modern construction, she is bought for Imperial Service at a vastly reduced price only to then be stripped down in the yards as turrets and drive clusters begin to be fitted to the unfinished capital ship. She is not likely to be ready for launch for six months even so, but it saves a great deal of expense overall.

Prize Court Income:
Chuang Mu Sack – 92 + 32 = 124
Assault Prizes (Monitor + Damaged Corvette) = 10
Main Battle Prizes = 128 Wealth
Total = Gain 262 Wealth

Prize Captains:
Commander Baron Adald Clipaul Imperial is now promoted to Captain, +2 Loyalty (new value 17)
Commander Dame Jule Sice Wison is now promoted to Captain, +4 Loyalty (new value 15)
Baroness Commander Ranca Sandra Arril is now promoted to Captain, +1 Loyalty (new value 19)
Captain Dame Stephua Rosson Maner buys a share, now Captain Lady Stephua Rosson Maner, +4 Loyalty (now 14)
Lt Commander Clase Bertson is now a Commander, +4 Loyalty (new value 13)
Commander Dame Thera Phardson is now a Captain, gains +3 Loyalty (new value 17)
Lord Commander Andos Lezal Rownett is promoted to Captain, +5 Loyalty (new value 11)
Baroness Commander Kathra Ared Scolly is promoted to Captain, +3 Loyalty (new value 13)

Other Changes:
Captain Dame Juley Mara Wisanch, +2 Loyalty (new value 13)

Even your share of the money allocated is an utterly staggering sum, you could buy yourself more shares and be a Baronet if you wished. You are rich now, far richer than most Shareholding nobles, whilst many of your captains have earned a third of the value of a share in a few weeks. Even common crew who were on ships present through the entire affair have made enough money to pay off their debt burdens then live in comfort for life.

This has a mixed impact as most of your crew are also locked into enlistment terms, a minority simply vanish into Illam's teeming settlements but you also find yourself essentially besieged by applications to serve on your ships from former naval personnel. That is a unique experience.

Perhaps more immediately impactful is that a number of your commanders came back as the prize captains of captured battleships and cruisers and most of them find themselves essentially requiring promotion as a consequence, whilst Stephua Maner, already a captain, buys a Share with prize money and her own Wealth.

Adald, Jule and Ranca are also all of sufficient political importance that they are almost certain to be confirmed as the captains of their battleships, battleships that whilst currently being refit in your station are not in fact under your command (right now). You did make a promise to Ranca some time ago.

[] This is not the time. Ranca might, technically, not be under your command right now but this is liable to change in a few months and be enormously messy.
[] Date Ranca. She has made it clear she wants to resume things and you do not have any remaining obstacles, you are a noble, she is no longer your subordinate.
[] Take a Break. You have been running yourself ragged for a year since getting this job, you also have that new yacht, take Ranca on a pleasure cruise for a week or two and let Captain Sones supervise in your absence.

Though one thing is going to be key. Who do you send with two Arslan heavy cruisers to retake Imhotep once they have refit and carried out emergency repairs?

[] The Sword of Democracy. You do not want any shenanigans at all, use your flagship to ride herd on them.
[] The Endeavour. Your old flagship is damaged but she is the heaviest vessel you have available and with an utterly loyal captain. Also both of their cruisers are damaged.
[] A Corvette. Rotated corvettes through watching them between escort journeys, just keep an eye on them.
[] A Patrol Cutter. Just ensure you have a patrol cutter with a good captain keeping an eye on them and there to serve as courier if anything goes wrong.

Wison bonus mission completed! +30 Political Capital. You are not going to get more from the Governor General right now though, giving his nephew a battleship was a good part of why you were arbitrarily made a Shareholder without having to ask for it.

Given the situation with officers I have put a list of senior officers who are 'around' but technically not under your direct command, you can grab those who are currently captains of non Imperial light cruisers easily enough provided you give them at least a light cruiser to captain, maybe even a political capital gain if you give an politically important cruiser captain a strike cruiser instead (The Perun has no senior officers at all).

The battleship captains are now going to be battleship captains though unless you spirit up a battlecruiser.

Also there were already enough votes this update on different subjects already, so nothing yet on what to do with the huge pile of money or strategic choices for the next 'turn'. One thing I am looking at doing is allowing either 'safe' investment like your current 20 Wealth or 'Dangerous' investment which would be more local and volatile, with higher average returns but also liable to be imperiled if there is a war.

Voting moratorium for 4 hours.
NPC Officer Stats & Imperial Navy Crew Grades
@Jarrik32 It is quite possible that the core of the Home Fleet would fair poorly in a full scale campaign, but their job is to sit in the New Atlanta system and be able to destroy any single ducal fleet that tries to make a move on the Throne World. Whilst being relied upon not to actually be working for said ducal house. It is probably a fair bet that the capital ship captains compete as much over their ship's sports team performance as actual battlefield efficiency though even if they are cycled veteran crews.

In statistical terms the average crew grade for Imperial battleships in the Coreward and Rimward fleets is Regular. The average crew grade for the Home Fleet is Green, the average crew grade for the Imperial Guard is Veteran. Generally speaking cruisers have crew grades averaging one higher because they spend a lot more time patrolling rather than in dock, though that is not the case for the Imperial Guard or much of the Home Fleet. (Nobody actually needs 250+ cruisers and corvettes patrolling space in the core sectors of the Empire).

An 'average' Imperial cruiser or battleship captain has a 10 in each stat, when determining this I roll a 2d6. Seven means a stat of 10, nine a stat of 12, four a stat of 7, etc. So a stat of 5 is a 'bottom 2.77%' person in that field, a stat of 15 a 'top 2.77%' person. Anything under 5 tends not to fly without extreme nepotism and anything over 15 points is really rare, a 'top twenty people in the navy' type level of skill.

Commodores and battlecruiser captains average 11, admirals average 12, though the 'bonus' does not apply to Prowess. There is no guarantee of them being competent but most nobles take time to get to such ranks and they do learn even if they do not get there through actual inherent suitability. Battlecruiser captains tend to be selected for skill due to the rarity of the ships and the fact that they suffered brutal culling in the NASP war. This is ameliorated by the fact that influential nobles like having battlecruisers and ensure they get appointed to such roles.

Commanders (cruiser XO or corvette captains) get -1 to two stats, typically strategy and something else, I pick it depending upon what fits their character best.

Lt Commanders average their stats at 9 instead of 10, senior lieutenants (such as those who might be found commanding a patrol cutter) average at 8. About a third of patrol cutter captains are Lt Commanders.