Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Part Seventeen: Escalation Central

Part Seventeen: Escalation Central

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

"Well, fuck."

My words seemed to resonate with everyone there, and for a split second, nobody moved. At least some of them were very likely thinking exactly the same thing, though almost certainly for entirely different reasons. I could only hope that Sophia was thinking, well, fuck, I can't get out of this so I may as well give myself up now. Though she probably wasn't.

Personally, I stood there like an idiot, trying to come to terms that the girl who had at least co-masterminded all the horrific shit (some of which was literal) that had come down on me over the last year wasn't actually a villain. Part of my brain tried to argue that she had to be an established villain; no hero would ever stoop to such activity. It was more or less the definition of being a hero; standing up against bullying wherever it might be found.

Except, she had done exactly that. She'd punched me, kicked me, pushed me down stairs and shoved me in my damn locker. Sophia Hess was a bully. Sophia Hess was Shadow Stalker. Shadow Stalker was a hero. Heroes didn't bully, or condone bullying.

One of those statements was not like the others.

One of those statements was a lie.

Shadow Stalker was never a fucking hero.

Just back of my breastbone, the wyvern snarled and raved, seeking to break free and burn Sophia Hess to a fine ash. Too-hot air drifted from my nostrils, thick with the tang of whatever my wyvern form used to ignite its flame. The Change was altogether too close to the surface.

It would be all too easy to ease up on my self-control, to just let it happen. But I'd been learning. Learning not just to force the Change from one form to the other, but to also refrain from Changing when it would be bad to do so. If I let it happen here and now, the least of the repercussions would be that I would be outed as Wyvern, and Dad would potentially be put in danger. I could think of much worse outcomes if a fight actually broke out in this corridor; as Wyvern, I was fairly durable. Dad wasn't, and the cops were only wearing basic body armour.

Worse, if I attacked Sophia, would Miss Militia stand aside, or would she defend Sophia? What would the PRT troopers do? They had containment foam, which I wasn't at all sure I could break out of.

And if they captured me after attacking Sophia (and by association, Miss Militia and the PRT) then I'd be their prisoner; in their power both legally and physically. Right where I had no desire to be. All the legal leverage Carol Dallon could bring to bear would be of little use; the PRT had a small army of lawyers, and they'd have the upper hand by a long way.

The frozen moment ended, and shit commenced to go sideways.

Sophia screamed with incandescent rage—yeah, who would've seen that coming?—and went on the attack. Not at me, or Dad, or even Blackwell or Emma. She vanished into smoke, then flowed around Miss Militia even as the flag-clad hero discharged what turned out to be a taser. Briefly turning solid, she swung a two-handed elbow-strike at the back of Miss Militia's neck. She missed her mark, but only because Miss Militia was already turning, the taser coming up faster than I would've expected.

Mental note: never test my reflexes against Miss Militia. I will lose.

Sophia's elbow instead caught the side of Miss Militia's jaw, snapping her head around with brutal force. Miss Militia staggered and utterly failed to get out of the way when the PRT troopers discharged their foam sprayers at Sophia. I didn't see if they hit their intended target, because the rapidly expanding yellow foam caught Emma, Principal Blackwell and Mr Barnes almost immediately; then Dad, me and the cops half a second after that.

It billowed around us, sealing us into a translucent prison, yellow light filtering through along with just enough air to breathe but no more than that. I'd read accounts by people who'd been trapped in containment foam, but reading about it and experiencing it were two utterly different things. Vaguely, I wondered if the foam would continue to hold me if I were to Change, but I didn't want to try. I wasn't being held rigidly; it was more like a rubber cocoon. I could move a little bit, but I couldn't go anywhere.

The wyvern hammered at the bars of its cage. She's getting away, and I'm the only one who can stop her! My mind turned to the fire I could produce while in that form; while I was sure I could burn away this crap, at least from around me, I couldn't be certain the other people in there with me wouldn't get hurt as well. And doing that would absolutely out me to the very last people in the world I wanted knowing about my secret.

Miss Militia very probably knew already, and I would've given fifty-fifty odds that the PRT guards had been briefed on a potential Wyvern incursion. The cops didn't, but they'd been pretty cool, so I didn't have any worries from that side of things. Dad, of course, knew everything.

It was Emma, her father, and Principal Blackwell whom I didn't want knowing about this. Between their amazingly shitty character judgement where it came to Sophia and their resulting treatment of yours truly (either from ignorance, malice or somewhere in between), I wouldn't have trusted them with the care and feeding of a pet rock. Much less something this important to me. So I held firm. The foam around me might have been heating up, but I refused to Change. I was the boss of this power, not it of me.

"Dad?" I called out. "Are you okay?" It was like shouting through a pillow, but at least I made some noise.

"Yeah." Though his voice was distant and indistinct, I could hear him. "What about you?"

"Wondering what's going on. Can you hear anyone else? What's happening?" I didn't want to worry him, so I kept the problem of the wyvern trying to break free to myself. Besides, I still had a secret identity and I didn't want anyone hearing me talking about it.

"Nothing I can make out. I have no idea what's going on." He sounded like he was trying to conceal worry. "They should've let us out by now."

That raised a whole new series of spectres for me to think about. What if this whole thing was an elaborate plan intended to spirit me away into the depths of the PRT, and strongarm me into working with them? My heart rate rose, and it became harder to breathe. This didn't make it even slightly easier to keep my Change under control.

Stop it. I forced myself to think logically. They had to know that trying to force me into the mould of being their tame little superhero would backfire more spectacularly than Armsmaster pointing his halberd at me that one time. If I ended up in a cell against my will, I would Change, and if it came to a contest between my dragonfire and them, I'd bet on me. Added to which, every time I got hurt and changed up, I seemed to improve my ability to use fire in different and interesting ways. And if fire didn't work, the wyvern was good at wrecking shit with its jaws.

The PRT might be a monolithic and bureaucratic organisation, but they weren't stupidly suicidal; neither were they blindly moronic. They had to know that kidnapping me would be an immensely bad idea. So why are we still stuck?

A long-ago piece of advice from Mom drifted through my head. If you can't change the situation, try to use it to your benefit. Well, I couldn't get out … but hey, this stuff was pretty supportive. I relaxed, letting my body just hang in the foam. If it wasn't for the fact that I was actually being held prisoner by it, it might even have been fun, or at least restful.

"So, Shadow Stalker, huh?" It felt really weird to be having this conversation with my father, who'd been right next to me, yet I couldn't see him and he sounded like he was dozens of feet away. Still, what else was there to do until they got us out of this? "Gotta admit, I didn't see that coming."

"Really?" He sounded mildly curious, but that could've just been the muffling effect. "So that's who she is. Huh. Well, it kind of makes sense, in a really ass-backward way."

"It does?" I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice. "I really thought she was maybe Oni Lee. You know, a villain."

He laughed then, briefly. "I can see why you'd think that, but no. You probably missed it on the news, but I heard from one of Kurt's buddies that Shadow Stalker didn't join the Wards voluntarily. The word is that she got too violent out there, and the PRT decided to rein her in. They only called her a hero because she went after criminals."

"Oh." A few things started making a lot more sense to me. Far from being a misunderstood vigilante, Sophia was just a violent person who got her kicks from hurting people. She'd pretended to be a hero to keep out of the way of the law, but even then she'd fucked up. It fitted more or less exactly with what I knew of her. Which made me wonder exactly how she'd gotten her claws into Emma so thoroughly; my ex-best-friend was generally more savvy than that. "Well, she's definitely gone and fucked that up now. What do you think they'll do with her?"

He was silent for a long moment. "Best case, they shove her into the cape version of juvey so fast it'll make her head spin. Worst case, they outfit her with a new costume and cape name, and ship her to some other part of the country. Force her to keep her head down and toe the line."

I hated the second idea. It didn't help that I figured she'd hate it just as much. "So, do we get any compensation for all the shit she pulled on me? I mean, they dropped the ball here pretty badly, right?"

Again, he took a little time to answer. "I'm thinking Mrs Dallon would be the best person to address that. Somehow, I can see the PRT ducking and dodging around secret identities, and trying to hold out some sort of deal for you to join the Wards in return for full compensation. But she might pull a rabbit out of the hat anyway. She's very switched-on."

Just as I was about to answer, I heard a weird deep thumping sound, like someone beating on a drum. There was no rhythm to it, just very fast and staccato. But it finished before I could put a name to it.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Yes." He sounded puzzled and concerned. "Not sure what it was, though."

"I guess we'll find out when they let us out of this. Anyway, like I was saying, I'm not about to join the Wards in any way, shape or form. Not in this century or the next, anyway. Besides, I'm already a semi-official member of New Wave. They can't just go poaching me. Every independent team in the country would jump up and down at once."

"Yeah." But now he sounded distracted. "You smell that?"

"Smell what?" Up until now, all I'd really been able to smell had been hints of whatever chemicals my Wyvern form generated to make fire; that, and containment foam. But now I deliberately sniffed, inhaling deeply through my nose. And I smelled it.


"Shit, is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah." His voice was tensely urgent. "That's not you, is it?"

Have you set fire to something, he was asking. I would've been insulted, but setting fire to things was rapidly becoming my go-to method for dealing with them, of late. My imagination popped up an image of me setting fire to Sophia, but I told it to hold off on the wishful thinking until the current crisis was over.

"No!" I shouted as loudly as I could. "It's not me!" Not yet, anyway.

Was the foam beginning to get hotter? Up until now, I would've thought this was due to me, but the smoke disabused me of that notion. Unless I was badly mistaken, something was seriously wrong out there.

"Taylor …" Now he actually sounded worried. He didn't say anything more, but he didn't have to. It's time for you to do something, he meant. Time for you to be Wyvern.

The trouble was, I totally agreed with him. So did the wyvern. There were more important things at stake than my secret identity.

I barely had to relax my control before the Change began. It felt different to every other time I'd done this, somehow more robust and forceful. Maybe it was because of the stuff I was currently encased in; I had no way of telling for sure.

My face became a muzzle, pressing outward. The yellowish material resisted, tore, re-stuck to my skin. I could feel it having similar problems as my arms stretched and became wings; even my flight membranes sliced through it with relative ease. My tail emerged and burrowed through the foam, finally popping into the open air and waving around. It thwacked against something solid, but I didn't have the time or patience to find out what.

My next problem showed itself relatively quickly. Even fully Changed, I was still trapped. If I was going to find out what was going on and do something about it, I needed to free myself. Okay, then. Let's see what some fire does.

Drawing in as much air as I could, I let flame spill out of my mouth. As planned, it followed the path of least resistance, washing along the boundary between the foam and my scales. Given the speed with which it unstuck and peeled away from my muzzle and head, I got the impression that it wasn't intended to face high temperatures at all. I still wasn't out, but now I could move my head freely.

Downside? Melted containment foam reeked. Like, dirty socks left at the bottom of the laundry hamper for a solid month reeked.

Other downside: there was still some around my head. I spat out a tiny explosive fireball into the space in front of me, flickering my nictitating membranes over my eyes as it detonated. Just like with the ones I'd stopped the criminals with that time, it was barely worth the name, but it surely did the job. There was a brief instant of overpressure (I vaguely recalled the same thing happening in my locker, once upon a time) and then it was gone, splattering away in all directions. I was free from the mid-torso up, though my wings and lower body were still trapped.

And the school was on fire. Well, there was a cloud of smoke percolating out of the ceiling, and I could hear the crackling of flames.

I was pretty sure that wasn't my fault.


Shadow Stalker

A Few Moments Previously

Hebert was still blathering on. "Everyone thinking that they're the only one who knows Sophia's a cape. We all know it. Just admit it. Now can someone move the locker so we can prove that Sophia stole my property? That way, we can arrest her and Emma and Madison, and I can get on with my goddamn day."

Sophia couldn't believe what was going on. Why were they even listening to the skanky dweeb? Why wasn't Miss Militia shutting her down, or (for preference) pulling out a big-ass gun and shooting her?

Or was all that shit about Wards' identities being protected just that; shit? An excuse for them not to unmask to me? Well, fuck them, and fuck the PRT and Protectorate as well, if they won't step up for me.

The female cop who Sophia had carefully explained to that she was a cape raised her hand and pointed. "Callan, Peterson. Move the damn locker."

Rage swelled in Sophia's gut. Didn't the bitch care? She was on the verge of outing Sophia as a cape, and she knew it, but she was still doing it. When this was over and done, Sophia was going to swallow her pride and talk to the Director, and get that stupid cop's badge taken off her.

"Sergeant, there's still—" Just for a second, Miss Militia seemed to be about to justify her existence, but then the cop talked right over the top of her. Or maybe Militia let her.

"We've wasted far too much time catering to the wishes and desires of a teenage delinquent who may or may not be a member of the Wards for me to give a shit anymore. Move the damn locker."

Everyone's fucking against me. Everyone.

Rage surged through every fibre in her body, making her want to strike and rip and tear and make them bleed. But she chose to hold it back until she was certain that Militia was betraying her. The cop blathered something about NDAs—as if that would stop people from talking if they really wanted to spread the word around—though what she'd said really put her onto Sophia's shit list. Not that this was hard, right now, but this cop was now right up near the top, just under Hebert.

As the uniformed idiots followed the stupid orders of the interfering cop, Sophia figured she had one last chance to walk away from this with some semblance of her life intact. They'd figured out she was a cape, which was bad, but only some of them knew which cape. If she could just grab the bundle and get it out of sight, she'd wear whatever punishment Militia doled out, then go find the cop one quiet night. It was amazing how many gangbangers in Brockton Bay would be happy to kick some interfering cop to death, or at least take credit for the act.

Muscles taut, she prepared to leap forward the moment the locker came away. But then, even as the weight came off her front foot, Miss Militia grabbed her by the shoulder.

It wasn't a light grab, either; Militia really dug her fingers in there. By an effort of will, Sophia didn't go to shadow and grab her stuff anyway. There was still a chance she could skate away from all this if she didn't just publicly out herself. So long as she played Militia's game and kept in good with the PRT and Protectorate, she could do what she wanted and Hebert had zip.

Except that there was no more time. That stupid recorder was right there in plain view, but it didn't mean jack shit if the PRT said it didn't. The trouble was, the rest of her stuff was also right there; the cloak, the mask, the arrows, and the crossbows, all bundled up together. Right where everyone could see it.

Why the fuck did Militia stop me from grabbing my stuff? Does she want everyone to see it?

Is she even on my side with this, or did she just come here to throw me under the fuckin' bus?
It was sure as fuck starting to look that way.

And then Hebert spoke in a tone that told Sophia she'd seen enough, and the dots were now well and truly connected. "Well, fuck."

Sophia's mind raced. Militia's got a plan to salvage this shit. She's gotta have a plan. Turning her head slightly, she looked for a signal from the senior hero, something for her to go on with.

She saw nothing. Just anger and pity. And that was when she figured out Militia's plan.

I was fucking right. She was always going to throw me under the fucking bus. The Director sent her here to make sure I went down all the way. They're probably going to make up some stupid fucking excuse and rig the trial so I go to the Birdcage, because they hate me for making them look useless.

In that moment, she realized that she had nobody she could depend on. They were either too weak or had already betrayed her. The rage, temporarily in abeyance, blazed up in full force.

With a scream of full-throated wrath, she went to shadow. Miss Militia reacted with worrying speed, already turning as Sophia flowed around her and reformed on the other side. The endlessly mutable weapon that Militia carried shifted and changed into something that looked ominously like an oversized taser.

Sophia didn't wait for her to bring it into line. She was already swinging her elbow, bracing the blow with her other hand. Militia somehow saw it coming and ducked aside. Sophia's elbow missed the back of Miss Militia's neck but got her jaw instead. While her elbow felt like she'd just smacked it into a rock wall, Militia was staggered, the taser drooping. Not perfect, but good enough.

The gurgling hiss of a sprayer warned her, and she went to shadow just before four streams of containment foam criss-crossed through where her body would've been. As the yellow shit splattered over everything and everyone—including Militia, take that, you backstabbing bitch!—she lunged sideways toward where her gear was sitting on the shelf. The way the stuff expanded once sprayed, everything on those shelves was likely to be buried in seconds, so she eased out of shadow just far enough to grab the entire bundle.

The plan was already coming together in her mind. The PRT was kicking her to the curb, but there was no way she was gonna be bending over and letting them fuck her life up without a fight. Her entire vigilante career before the Wards had been made up of hard decisions—usually some variation of, hit the muggers now, or wait until they're distracted by their victims?—so she didn't find it hard to make one now.

It's me or them. I choose me.

It was a step she'd never had to take before, but maybe if she had, she wouldn't be in this situation now. Something to think about. Later, after she was finished here.

All of the troopers had stowed their foam sprayers by the time she looked around. They'd laid down an impressive volume of the stuff in a very short time, trapping everyone apart from Sophia like flies in amber or some shit like that, but it had to be clear to them that they weren't going to be getting her that way. As she watched, two of them pulled out tasers. Because of course they'd been briefed on her weaknesses.

Extracting one of the arrows from the bundle, she launched her shadow form toward those two, flowing around and past them. Momentarily, she went to full solidity while standing behind the first one, holding the arrow so that the head and a section of the shaft materialized inside his spine, just at the base of his skull. He jerked uncontrollably and began to collapse, but she was already shadow again and flowing out of the way of the gleaming taser wires that had just been shot her way.

Fighting these assholes was a lot harder than punching out druggies, mainly because druggies rarely wore body armour or carried tasers. She had to duck and dodge like crazy to avoid being zapped, before she got close enough to bury the arrow in his forehead through his faceplate. That asshole went down, leaving her with just two obstacles in the way of completing her plan. Thank fuck nobody's invented a rapid-fire taser yet.

Number three was going with the ambitious plan of a knife in his right hand and a taser in the left. She dodged the swipe of a blade, then lodged an arrow in the guy's knee, eliciting a scream that she heard through the helmet. As he lurched, off balance, she jammed another arrow up under the front edge of his helmet, into the soft part of his throat. Warm blood spilled out over her hand, then he toppled over onto his side.

Up until now, the fourth trooper hadn't even gotten into the fight; when she looked, she found out why. He was spraying the contents of a can of foam dissolver over the mound before him, converting great swathes of it into a dirty yellow liquid that she knew from experience took forever to wash out of hair and clothing.

He's trying to free Miss Militia. Oh, fuck nope. Sophia was good, but she freely admitted that Miss Militia was better. While she could just about handle herself against regular PRT goons (and fuck, did it feel good to not have to hold back in a fight anymore) if Militia had even one goon to run interference, going up against her was an extremely shitty proposition.

Pulling another arrow from the rapidly-depleting store, she went to shadow and lunged toward the guy. When will these idiots learn not to turn their backs on me?

During Sophia's time with the Wards, Triumph had done his best to instill in her a sense of honour when she was in a fight. She'd pretended to pay attention, even though she knew for a fact that going easy on your opponent in any way was fucking moronic at best, and outright suicidal at worst. There were too many rules that they expected her to follow, to live by. It was bullshit. The world needed fewer rules, more action. It was the only way to survive.

The guy started to turn right at the last second, but it was too late; she phased the arrow into the back of his head. He went down like the rest of them, leaving the spraycan stuck in the containment foam.

Sophia paused to take a breath and nock an arrow into one of her crossbows, while she looked around for more adversaries. Nobody was in the corridor; all the troopers were dead, or nearly so. That just left the witnesses in the foam itself. They were gonna have to go, of course. Snitches got stitches. Or in this case, closed coffin funerals.

Fortunately, she had a way to kill them all without actually having to individually release them from the foam and top them one at a time. She could do it that way, but it would take way too long, and there was always the chance that someone had sent off a distress signal. Better to go with the original plan. Leaping straight up, she went to shadow and passed through the drop panels into the ceiling space beyond.

When she first started at Winslow, she'd spent about a week scouting the place out after hours, until she knew all its little secrets. Such as the fact that the fire alarm system was connected up but the sprinkler tanks were dry, and had been for years. Also, in the ceiling spaces between floors, the building was constructed mainly of wooden beams rather than concrete. Old, dry wooden beams.

Extremely flammable wooden beams.

The second part of this phase of the plan had to do with the fact that the first time she'd happened on a drug operation as Shadow Stalker, she'd wanted to destroy the drugs but she'd had no means to do so. So she'd started carrying road flares in what passed for her utility belt. Ironically, she'd moved on to stopping street crime instead of hunting drug dens (besides, it was really hard to find them) so she'd never had cause to use them.

Until now.

Crouching on one of the beams, she set down the crossbow then rummaged through her utility belt until she found the tiny penlight. With the light to assist her, she took one of her last arrows and used the razor-sharp head to shave pieces off the side of the rough wood, then rip off strips from the bottom edge of her cloak. Collecting it all in a little pile, she laid the road-flare on top then pulled the tab. The bright light nearly blinded her, but the heat was amazing. Pulling the tab on another flare, she tossed it down into the rat droppings and other crap that had accumulated in this place over the last thirty or forty years. One way or the other, this place was gonna burn.

Containment foam didn't catch fire, as far as she knew, but once melted it could give third degree burns, not to mention the noxious fumes it gave off. And of course, being trapped in the foam while the school burned around them would almost certainly kill everyone in the corridor below. Which was only what they deserved, for trying to fuck her over and get her sentenced to the Birdcage.

Well, not everyone. Emma and Alan Barnes hadn't betrayed her, she admitted to herself. And Blackwell had done her passive-aggressive best to not let anything come between her and the appearance of a smoothly run school. But they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, much like the mugging victims she didn't bother rescuing ahead of time if they didn't even try to fight back.

Put simply, if they couldn't survive on their own, they were of no use to her, and the PRT might even manage to coerce witness statements out of them. Like it or not, they were witnesses. They knew too much.

Again, the thought went through her head, and she hardened her resolve. If it's me or them, I choose me.

It looked like the fires had caught nicely. Time to drop back down, retrieve the arrows from the men she'd killed, and fuck off out of there. The costume and other gear could be stashed somewhere else until the heat died down (so to speak) and as Sophia she could join the other students as they evacuated the school. Then all she had to do was walk away, vanish into the crowd. The plan after that was a little nebulous, but at least she would've gotten rid of anyone who might outright accuse her of shit instead of just keeping their heads down as they should.

Activating her power, she fell through the ceiling.


Miss Militia

Trapped as she was, Hannah couldn't even activate her radio and call in a distress alert. She had no idea what was going on, just that Shadow Stalker had gone nuts. Also, depending on how nuts she was, this could be a very big problem. Her guys were good, but there was a reason capes had threat ratings assigned to them. Without powers, they'd smack her down hard and fast; with powers, she could pull stuff they just couldn't match.

She could hear distant voices, either coming from outside the foam or within it, she wasn't sure. Neither could she make out what they were saying, or who was saying what. Methodically, she tried to work through her options for a weapon that would help her get out of her ad hoc prison, but there were very few options indeed that wouldn't actually do her serious harm as well.

And then the grip of the stuff on her left hand lessened; she found she could wriggle her fingers. A smile spread over her face beneath the scarf. They won, she realized. And now they're spraying me free. Good going, guys. I am so putting you all in for a group commendation when we get back to base.

When the spraying ceased and the can was pressed into her hand, she was momentarily puzzled. Sure, she could get herself out, but it would be much easier for whoever was using the can to do so. But there it was. Hey, maybe they had to pay more attention to handling Shadow Stalker. At least they left me the can.

Twisting her wrist, she set about freeing herself; with each pass, it became easier. She hated the smell of the stuff, and it usually took about a week of washing her hair to get it all out, but right now she could not have cared less. What really concerned her, once her head was clear, was that all four of her men were down, apparently dead. And that the cause of death was abundantly clear. Crossbow arrows, protruding from their armour and helmets. Shadow Stalker.

She wasted no time in freeing herself all the way, keeping a lookout in case the renegade Ward made a reappearance. As soon as her other hand was free, she activated her radio. As was procedure in this sort of situation, she kept her voice down.

"Miss Militia to console, I'm calling an emergency situation at Winslow High. Shadow Stalker has gone code purple. I say again, Sierra-Sierra is code purple. Four troopers down, possibly deceased, over."

Code purple was something nobody liked to hear. It designated a 'blue' (friendly) cape becoming a 'red' (hostile), with all the security problems that entailed.

There was a momentary hesitation, then the PRT console operator responded. "Console to Miss Militia. Please confirm Shadow Stalker code purple, over."

"That's an affirmative." She finished freeing her legs and stepped away from the mound of foam. Setting the can on the floor, she manifested a large shotgun in her free hand. "Checking troopers now. Wounds appear to be fatal, consistent with Sierra-Sierra Breaker power, over."

"Console copies troopers deceased. Informing Director now, over."

"I copy." She quickly checked each of the troopers, going by feel while she kept an eye on her surroundings. None of them had a pulse, which didn't surprise her. The one next to where she'd been imprisoned had been stabbed in the back, probably while trying to free her. You'll get your commendation, damn it.

Just as she checked the last trooper and straightened up, a flicker of motion from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning fast, she brought up the shotgun by sheer instinct as a shadowy form dropped from the ceiling. There was no time to change weapons; she opened fire.


Shadow Stalker

The double-ought buckshot tore through Sophia's shadowy form, disrupting her in ways that were unpleasant in the extreme. She twisted around without changing back, to see Miss Militia standing over the dead troopers, throwing shot after shot at her as though ammunition was on special.

Fuck, she's free. Okay, that's it. I'm out.

Cowardly was the last word Sophia would use to describe herself, but there was brave and then there was suicidally stupid. Taking down Miss Militia from surprise was one thing. Trying to drop her while she was upright and aware, with her power ready to roll, was entirely another.

Hoping and praying that there weren't any electrical lines in the wall beside her, Sophia changed direction and lunged in that direction just as yet another blast shredded part of her shadowy body. It wasn't a lasting injury, and would soon reform, but it hurt on a fundamental level. She knew she'd be bruised there, after.

Passing through the wall, she resumed solid form. When she landed on her feet, she stumbled, but recovered. Her side felt like she'd taken a sucker punch from Aegis, and she figured that the bruising was making an early start.

Okay, pretending innocence is a no-go. There's zero chance she hasn't already snitched to the Director already. I've gotta get the fuck out of here. Fortunately, the far side of the room—one of the Art classrooms—had nice big windows that she could pass through with ease; the bars covering them (this was Winslow, after all) would constitute no obstacle whatsoever. She started making her way toward them, favouring her bruised ribs.

The classroom door was kicked in. There stood Miss Militia, hefting a taser that looked like it could bring down a bull elephant and still have enough juice left over to barbecue the carcass. "Shadow Stalker!" she shouted. "Not one more step!"

Sophia didn't hesitate for even an instant. Turning, she triggered the hand crossbow she'd kept loaded all this time. The arrow whipped across the intervening space in a split second, and took Miss Militia in the stomach. With a muffled scream, Miss Militia fell, but as she did so, she triggered the taser.

Both prongs hit home, sending bolts of white fire through every single nerve ending Sophia had. She convulsed, then dropped everything and ended up on the floor. Unconsciousness claimed her.



I looked around wildly. Clouds of smoke were rolling down the corridor, and I could hear the crackling of flames, overlaid by the distant ringing of an alarm. It might have been hot, but I could never tell as the wyvern. Everything was either cool or comfortably warm, as I'd found out under the shower (to Vicky's immense amusement).


Looking around, I saw Dad staring at me. Some of his coating of foam had been blasted away in the same detonation that had partially freed me, uncovering sections of his head and shoulder. He looked worried which didn't surprise me, given that he was trapped and unable to escape from a building fire.

I chirped affirmatively in reply. Pausing only to make sure of my aim, I washed a gentle wave of fire over my lower torso and wings—I had to admit, having a flexible dragon neck was very handy indeed—and stepped out of the foam as it melted away from me.

My next problem was getting Dad out of the foam as well. I couldn't just melt it with fire; even if I managed to aim well enough to avoid hitting him directly, the melted globs of foam could easily give him third degree burns. I had half an idea that the PRT had something that dissolved the foam (I mean, why wouldn't they) but the only troopers I'd seen on site were on the other side of the mound of foam, and that had been before the shit hit the fan. Where they were now and what they were doing (instead of letting us out), I had no idea.

Which left Plan B: Brute Force.

Leaning in, I laid hold of a chunk of the foam, feeling it trying to adhere to my teeth and tongue, then braced myself and tore it away from the main mass. It tasted almost as bad as the melted stuff smelled, and I hastily spat it out. But the chunk I'd pulled away had been part of the stuff holding Dad in place, so I did it again and again. A couple of times I had to 'wash' my mouth out with fire to get rid of especially clingy bits, but I had Dad free in less than a minute.

During this time, the fire got louder, sparks and bits of ash were falling from above, and the smoke only became thicker. It wasn't bothering me, but Dad was coughing more or less non-stop. I let out a screech to get his attention, then moved aside and opened my mouth once more. Getting out would be a real problem if we had to navigate a smoke-filled Winslow, but I happened to know that two walls that way lay open air.

He ducked aside as I released my cutting flame, slicing through the locker and the wall beyond with almost insulting ease. It set the wall on fire as well, but that wasn't exactly making things worse. When I'd cut out a square, I swung my hips and smashed my tail into the middle of it, sending it crashing into the next room over, which happened to be one of the Art classrooms. Offering Dad a come-on chirp, I stepped through the hole … and froze.

Over near the window lay Sophia, a small crossbow next to her. Also next to her was Miss Militia, leaning against the wall while she worked at applying a dressing to her stomach, around the protruding shaft of an arrow. The veteran hero's camouflage costume was dark with blood around the wound, while more of it led in a trail from the kicked-in door to where she was now.

Miss Militia looked up at me, with the most unconcerned expression regarding my presence that I'd seen yet. "Wyvern. Glad that you've finally joined us. How many others are out of the foam?"

"Just me at the moment," Dad said, stepping out from behind me. "How did you get out?"

"The troopers are equipped with cans of solvent," she explained briefly. "How bad's the fire?"

"It'll get worse before it gets better." Dad nodded toward her. "How bad off are you?"

"Can't walk. I think I've got the bleeding stopped. I've called ambulance and fire department." She waved toward the corridor. "You need to get them out of that before the fire gets to them."

"On it." Dad hurried toward the door that hung off the hinge. "Taylor, come on."

I dithered for a moment. Part of me wanted to stay and help guard Shadow Stalker, but there wasn't much I could do if she went to shadow as soon as she woke up. Finally, I hurried after Dad.

When I got to the doorway, he held up his hand to keep me there. "Watch Miss Militia," he advised me. "Let me know if anything happens with her. I know you want to help, and it's not like you'll be able to change back any moment soon."

He was right. I hated to admit it, but he was right. Turning my head, I fixed my vision on Miss Militia and Shadow Stalker. If Dad wanted me to guard them, I'd be the best damned guard there was.



Colin accelerated his bike toward Winslow High. He'd finally gotten the call that fire services had been requested at the school, which was his cue. If his mystery informant was correct, Taylor Hebert would be there, laying waste to the place, giving him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and snap her up for the Wards. While he wouldn't have minded knowing who this civic-minded person was, and how they knew where the girl would be and that she was going to go off the deep end, he was also fully cognizant of the old saying about gift horses and mouths.

After all, members of the public passing on information covertly to superheroes was a time-honoured tradition. No laws were being broken that he could see, save perhaps by Taylor herself. And if she was tearing up Winslow, giving him the opportunity to get her into the Wards, that would be a large feather in his cap … so to speak. The fact that she didn't even want to go into the Wards wasn't something he spent much time thinking about; neither would it have bothered him overmuch if it was.

He'd registered and logged the Code Purple, noting that Shadow Stalker was involved. He didn't know the Ward personally, having rarely worked with her, but he seemed to recall that she'd been a vigilante before entering the Wards on a provisional basis. Something about nearly murdering someone? He'd have to check the files when he had the chance.

In any case, they'd tracked her down once, and they could do it again. But the crime was done and while it was a tragedy to lose men in the field, he had a more important situation to deal with. Winslow was on fire, Taylor Hebert was almost certainly responsible, and this was the opportunity he'd been looking for. She needed to be made to see that this was an opportunity for her as well, to learn the hero trade under a veteran such as himself.

There were already others en route to Winslow, especially since Miss Militia's second transmission to Console. Shadow Stalker had been captured, which was good; that meant he didn't have to waste time on inconsequential details. Miss Militia being injured was a potential problem, but help was on the way so again he wasn't needed to deal with that. She'd reported that members of the public were trapped in confoam, but they were also currently being freed by helpful civilians, which was good.

She hadn't mentioned the presence of Wyvern, which he was actually pleased about. He didn't want anyone else getting the same idea he'd had, and poaching her before he had the chance to make his case. Oh, he knew she was technically a member of New Wave, but he was sure the Dallons and Pelhams would not want to be connected to someone who'd gone on a rampage and set fire to a school twice. They'd probably be pleased for him to take Wyvern off their hands and into the Wards program.

Since the last outing against Inago, he'd become convinced that if her power built up with every new challenge she overcame, she might just end up being able to fight Endbringers. As Brockton Bay's premier Tinker, he was just the person to train her for this; after all, he wasn't the local leader of the Protectorate for nothing. And of course, having her as his protégé could only help his reputation as well as hers.

It was for the greater good. For him and for Brockton Bay.



Thomas Calvert leaned back in his comfortable office chair and indulged himself by steepling his fingertips just a little. He didn't go so far as a maniacal cackle; he had some standards, after all. Passing the message to Armsmaster in an untraceable manner had been simplicity itself, and now he could sit back and watch the fireworks.

It had been just as easy to pull the right strings and have Taylor Hebert coerced into returning to Winslow High. She was worried about facing her tormentors again, in case they forced her to Change to her draconic form in public? Calvert was very much a "let's see what happens" sort of person. Especially when there'd be no repercussions to him.

He hadn't even had to keep back a safe timeline, in case it went wrong. No matter how it blew up, whether Hebert torched the school or Armsmaster tried and failed to recruit her yet again, the PRT and Protectorate would come out of it with egg on their faces, and he'd be golden.

It really was a win-win situation, the type he liked the best.

End of Part Seventeen
Last edited:
Revamp to Part 17
I've added stuff to Armsmaster's section, and put a new bit in to address reader concerns. Here it is.


Colin accelerated his bike toward Winslow High. He'd finally gotten the call that fire services had been requested at the school, which was his cue. If his mystery informant was correct, Taylor Hebert would be there, laying waste to the place, giving him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and snap her up for the Wards. While he wouldn't have minded knowing who this civic-minded person was, and how they knew where the girl would be and that she was going to go off the deep end, he was also fully cognizant of the old saying about gift horses and mouths.

After all, members of the public passing on information covertly to superheroes was a time-honoured tradition. No laws were being broken that he could see, save perhaps by Taylor herself. And if she was tearing up Winslow, giving him the opportunity to get her into the Wards, that would be a large feather in his cap … so to speak. The fact that she didn't even want to go into the Wards wasn't something he spent much time thinking about; neither would it have bothered him overmuch if it was.

He'd registered and logged the Code Purple, noting that Shadow Stalker was involved. He didn't know the Ward personally, having rarely worked with her, but he seemed to recall that she'd been a vigilante before entering the Wards on a provisional basis. Something about nearly murdering someone? He'd have to check the files when he had the chance.

In any case, they'd tracked her down once, and they could do it again. But the crime was done and while it was a tragedy to lose men in the field, he had a more important situation to deal with. Winslow was on fire, Taylor Hebert was almost certainly responsible, and this was the opportunity he'd been looking for. She needed to be made to see that this was an opportunity for her as well, to learn the hero trade under a veteran such as himself.

There were already others en route to Winslow, especially since Miss Militia's second transmission to Console. Shadow Stalker had been captured, which was good; that meant he didn't have to waste time on inconsequential details. Miss Militia being injured was a potential problem, but help was on the way so again he wasn't needed to deal with that. She'd reported that members of the public were trapped in confoam, but they were also currently being freed by helpful civilians, which was good.

She hadn't mentioned the presence of Wyvern, which he was actually pleased about. He didn't want anyone else getting the same idea he'd had, and poaching her before he had the chance to make his case. Oh, he knew she was technically a member of New Wave, but he was sure the Dallons and Pelhams would not want to be connected to someone who'd gone on a rampage and set fire to a school twice. They'd probably be pleased for him to take Wyvern off their hands and into the Wards program.

Since the last outing against Inago, he'd become convinced that if her power built up with every new challenge she overcame, she might just end up being able to fight Endbringers. As Brockton Bay's premier Tinker, he was just the person to train her for this; after all, he wasn't the local leader of the Protectorate for nothing. And of course, having her as his protégé could only help his reputation as well as hers.

It was for the greater good. For him and for Brockton Bay.



Thomas Calvert leaned back in his comfortable office chair and indulged himself by steepling his fingertips just a little. He didn't go so far as a maniacal cackle; he had some standards, after all. Passing the message to Armsmaster in an untraceable manner had been simplicity itself, and now he could sit back and watch the fireworks.

It had been just as easy to pull the right strings and have Taylor Hebert coerced into returning to Winslow High. She was worried about facing her tormentors again, in case they forced her to Change to her draconic form in public? Calvert was very much a "let's see what happens" sort of person. Especially when there'd be no repercussions to him.

He hadn't even had to keep back a safe timeline, in case it went wrong. No matter how it blew up, whether Hebert torched the school or Armsmaster tried and failed to recruit her yet again, the PRT and Protectorate would come out of it with egg on their faces, and he'd be golden.

It really was a win-win situation, the type he liked the best.

End of Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen: No Sale

Part Eighteen: No Sale

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

Shadow Stalker

Being tased hurt.

Sophia could've done without that knowledge, but she'd already acquired it months earlier when the PRT had captured her while out patrolling. Or rather, that was what she called it. The PRT apparently termed it 'looking for people to assault'.

Which, she had to say, was highly insulting. She didn't go after just any people. That was what criminals did. Shadow Stalker wasn't a criminal; she was a hero. And the sooner people recognised the truth and started cutting her the slack she deserved, the better for all concerned.

So what if they had a whole lot of rules designed to trip her up and make her look bad? It wasn't like she'd meant it when she signed on the dotted line, promising to follow all those stupid regulations. Emma had once told her anything signed under duress was legally null and void, and what was the threat of being thrown into juvey if not a whole shitload of duress?

Still, being able to bluff the PRT into thinking she was pulling her weight and toeing the line and all the rest of that kumbayah teamwork bullshit had been … useful. All she'd had to do was bite her tongue and think happy thoughts about reaching the end of her probation when she was around Gallant, and she'd been golden. They needed her a lot more than she needed them, that was for damn sure.

And so what if she felt the need to blow off a little steam when she was at school, and Hebert was the perfect target? If the wimpy little queef wanted it to stop, all she had to do was stay away from Sophia. Leave Winslow. Leave Brockton Bay. Fuckin' just take a running jump off a nice tall building; whatever it took for Emma to get over her once and for all. Sophia couldn't believe Ems had ever actually been friends with that dweeb, not for real. It must've been some sort of phase or something.

Meanwhile, in Sophia's opinion, Militia had seriously overstepped her authority when it came to the way she dealt with the Hebert thing. Shadow Stalker had never punched or kicked Hebert, or shoved her in her locker, or done a damn thing to her. That had all been Sophia, acting as a civilian.

Militia should've done her duty as a kiss-ass Protectorate member and protected Sophia's secret identity first and foremost. Sweep the whole fucking thing under the rug, give Sophia a rap over the knuckles and maybe a few weeks on monitor duty, they get to keep her as Shadow Stalker, nobody important gets hurt. But no, she had to let the lines get blurry and step in on the civilian side where she had no business interfering, backing up the stupid damn cops and letting everyone know that Sophia Hess was Shadow Stalker.

And now Hebert now knew Sophia was Shadow Stalker. That was maybe the worst part. Wimpy, weakling Hebert, along with her stupid scrawny father (who actually cared enough to show up and support his daughter—shut up!) knew it was Shadow Stalker, a Ward, who had been tuning her up on the regular. In an ideal world, nobody would give a good goddamn about this, but in the last hour it had been made astonishingly clear to her that the world was anything other than ideal. Especially since they'd actually called the damn cops on her, and Blackwell now knew the extent of what she'd been doing.

Which was why Sophia had decided to remove the witnesses from the equation. The Heberts, father and daughter, weren't anyone she'd miss. Likewise the cops; even when she'd filled that sergeant in on why it was imperative they didn't look behind the locker, the bitch had gone ahead and done it anyway. Militia and the PRT troopers were an active part of the system that had been holding her back for the last six months, so fuck 'em. Blackwell had only ever been a means to an end, as had Alan Barnes. Emma … well, sometimes sacrifices had to be made. Also, she wasn't sure how much she'd be able to trust the redhead not to roll over on her about this. Emma was a fighter, a survivor, but there were limits.

It had been a good plan, too, for one that she'd come up with on the fly. Put down the PRT goons, set fire to the school, let it burn down and 'accidentally' kill everyone who was trapped in the confoam. Right up until Militia had somehow managed to get out and come after her. That was where it had all gone to hell, right there. She'd almost made it to the window, too.

Being tased by Miss Militia, especially with a taser designed specifically to take her down, sucked giant hairy sweaty donkey balls. She was just glad she'd nailed Militia first. Gut shots were the worst. She'd read somewhere it took people hours or days to die from them, and it was painful as fuck.

As muscular control returned to her, she stirred weakly. Her hearing was starting to come back as well; or at least, the high-pitched ringing in her ears was giving way to a steady crackling sound. The acrid smell of smoke gave her the clue as to what was wrong with that sound. Fire. I'm still in the fucking school. Fuck.

She inched her eyes open, gradually becoming aware that her hands were fastened behind her. Cuffs? I can ghost right out of those. But somehow it didn't feel like cuffs. Every time she tugged at them, they tugged right back at her skin.

"Don't even think about it," Militia said from behind her. "I've duct taped your hands together. Power testing indicates you can't use your power to get away from that. Go to shadow, and I tase you again. This time I might not let up. Just try me, Stalker. Please."

Okay, that was bad. In fact, it had the potential to be really fuckin' bad. There was only one good thing about it. Specifically, Militia probably didn't know that Sophia could go into shadow and come out of it with her hands in front of her, duct tape or no goddamn duct tape. It just depended on her being faster on the draw than the Protectorate cape. So to speak.

Of course, this required that Militia be distracted for at least a few seconds, something which probably wasn't going to happen. Even with an arrow in her gut, the Protectorate hero was still a hardass of the highest calibre. There was no way turn her back or let Sophia go just because. Which meant if Sophia was going to get out of this, distracting Militia was top priority.

Carefully (because Flag Bitch might just have turned that stupid multiweapon power into a high-calibre handgun pointed at her favourite spine) Sophia turned her head toward her captor. "Just gonna say, maybe we should get out of here before we have that conversation? You know, so we don't burn to death or something stupid like—holy fuck, what the fuck is that thing?"

Normally, Sophia prided herself on being cool, calm and collected in all situations. Her 'I am the night' persona wouldn't be nearly as scary if she let herself get punked out over the smallest thing. But when her eyes passed over the door Militia had kicked open and she saw amid the drifting smoke a red and gold lizard-like thing with a raised crest and partially spread wings, she lost it just for a second. It didn't help in the slightest that the lizard-thing was giving her the evil eye, or that it seemed to possess more teeth than the entire membership of the Merchants combined. So she could be excused for her momentary loss of self-control. At least, that was her story and she was sticking to it.

"Wyvern." Was Militia's voice getting weaker? "New Wave's latest member. Surely you were briefed?"

"Uh … maybe?" Sophia remembered sitting in for a briefing, but she hadn't paid much attention. Whatever the squirt and the others had been geeking out about over couldn't have been that important. Yeah, yeah, Inago went down, big deal. He'd be back. She'd actually been more interested in the text conversation with Emma and Madison over who'd blown up Hebert's locker. Good prank, great execution, but whoever it was had maybe overdone it a tad with the explosives.

Anyway, so what if New Wave now had a pet dragon? Sophia didn't know it, and it didn't know her. When it had arrived in Winslow, and what it had to do with what was going right now, wasn't exactly something that was high on her list of priorities. Dealing with the Protectorate and PRT, now that they'd stabbed her in the back, was far more important.

There was a rumble and a roar of flames, and a billow of smoke rolled in through the open doorway. Sophia coughed, tasting the acrid fumes at the back of her throat. Her eyes began to water. Fuck, I want to get out of here alive!

The dragon-thing turned its head toward the noise, just as a near-inarticulate shout sounded from out of Sophia's direct line of sight. All she heard was, "Need a hand!"

It looked back toward Militia and Sophia, then vanished into the roiling smoke. About thirty seconds later, there was another rending crash and what sounded like a scream, and in that moment Sophia acted. Flickering into shadow form and back out again, she reformed on her feet with her hands in front of her. The duct tape was still in place, damn it, but at least she was free to move.

Militia tried to bring the taser up to shoot at Sophia, but the wound and the distraction slowed her down just enough that Sophia was able to kick her in the face first. While the rubber-toed sneaker wouldn't have done much damage, Militia's head bounced off the wall hard enough to put her out altogether. The taser went off anyway, but fortunately only one prong jabbed painfully into Sophia's leg while the other whipped past to fall short of the far wall. The tac-tac-tac did nothing at all.

Brushing the prong free of her leg, Sophia snatched up the last of her discarded arrows in her still-bound hands and dived through the wall. Reforming on her feet once outside, she started away at a brisk walk, hands carefully manipulating the arrow so she could bring the sharp edge of the head into contact with the duct tape on her wrists without either slashing her own veins open or accidentally stabbing herself in the gut. Because while Sophia rarely got top marks in English, she was pretty sure that would be the definition of 'irony', right there.

It was only when she was a dozen yards away, with the duct tape already beginning to part under the razor-edged metal, that she realised she should've finished off Militia before she went. The Heberts, father and daughter, she could hunt down at her leisure. Same with the cops and Blackwell. Emma and her father, she figured, could be persuaded to not say a fucking word about anything that had gone down. Barnes was a lawyer; he knew how the world worked.

But if Militia said the PRT should hunt down Sophia, they'd fucking well do it. With everyone else, they'd dodge and obfuscate (she was fairly sure she knew what that word meant) and do everything they could to pretend that one of their Wards hadn't gone off the reservation. Militia, on the other hand, was a cape. She was part of the club and knew the secret handshakes. The Protectorate and PRT would listen to her.

On the other hand, she'd been hit pretty hard by that arrow. The blood trail had been fairly impressive. Sophia had seen people bleed out from less than that, and those people hadn't been in burning buildings at the time. Also, if the veteran cape actually came to from that cheap shot Sophia had pulled, there was every chance she'd shoot Sophia on sight, given even one-tenth of a chance. It was what Sophia would do, after all.

The last of the duct tape came apart and her hands were free. It was decision time. Go back and finish her off, or keep going? She dithered—the open space of the sports field beckoned to her—then took one step back toward the building. Fuck it, I'm gonna have to—

That was when she heard the deep throaty rumble of Armsmaster's bike, coming in fast. Immediately, her threat assessment jumped to a whole new level. She'd heard rumours he was working on a lie detector for his helmet HUD, though whether this was true or just another Armsmaster story (like the one where he'd supposedly modified his halberd to ride on like a witch's broomstick) she had no idea. But either way, he had zero chill ("Why doesn't Armsmaster have a sense of humour? It wouldn't fit in his helmet, so he had to take it out.") and she really, really didn't want to go up against him.

There was nothing for it but a strategic retreat. I'll get you fuckers later. Turning on her heel, she set off toward the sports field at a steady trot.



Despite being the best-adapted for this particular situation, I felt remarkably helpless. The heat didn't bother me, and I had no problems breathing; even when the air seemed more smoke than actual air. But I couldn't grab the spray-cans of solvent like Dad was doing and use them to get people out of the containment foam. All I could do was follow his instruction and watch Miss Militia and Sophia.

Behind me, I could hear Dad coughing—he'd torn the sleeve off his shirt and wrapped it around his face, which helped a bit but not a huge amount—as he sprayed down the mass of containment foam. Emma and her father were released first, because they'd been farthest from me and Dad; the cops and Blackwell were still in there somewhere.

"Danny?" Alan Barnes coughed convulsively from the smoke. "What's going on? Where's Taylor?"

"I sent her to get help! Get Emma out of here!" Dad was in full-on Dockworker mode.

"Dad? What's that?" Clearly, Emma had just seen me. I turned my head to give her a good hard look. Yeah. Look at what you did. Something in my eyes, or maybe my bared teeth, made her give a little shriek and step back.

"It's Wyvern, of New Wave!" shouted Dad. "Now get out of here!"

They didn't need more encouragement; I heard their hurried footsteps receding down the hallway. Emma knew Winslow well, so they'd get out without any problems. I was more worried about Dad. The smoke couldn't be doing him any good at all.

Then I was distracted as Sophia stirred and half rolled over. She looked directly at me and I gave her the same glare that I had with Emma. I'd taken quite enough shit from that lot today already, and I wasn't backing down from them anymore.

It seemed to work. She'd started to say something that I couldn't quite hear because of the fire; when she saw me, her voice raised to a startled yelp. "Holy fuck, what the fuck is that thing?"

Now, that was the sort of reaction I wanted from someone like her. She and her friends might feel free and easy about messing with me as Taylor Hebert, but nobody in their right mind messed with me as Wyvern. Without breaking eye contact, I curled my lips back a little more, just so she could get a nice clear look at all the really sharp teeth I had as the wyvern. All the better to chew you up and spit you out with, my dear.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear the rest of what was said, but Sophia kept a wary eye on me all the same, for which I was obscurely pleased. Now you think I'm more than just a target for your bullying. About damn time.

And then, of course, things had to go sideways. Dad had just freed Blackwell and was starting on the cops—three cans down, one to go—when there was a roar of flame and a sound like stuff breaking. When I turned and looked, Dad was recoiling from burning bits of ceiling that were coming down over the mass of containment foam. "Taylor!" he yelled. "Need a little hand here!"

I glanced one more time at Miss Militia. She seemed to be still doing okay—I really didn't like the amount of blood soaking into her costume, but there was exactly nothing I could do about that. Then I went to help out with the fire.

The bits of ceiling panel and wooden framework made me wonder if the roof was going to come down after all. For sure, they'd need to tear down this part of the school and build it all up again from scratch. Or maybe they'd just condemn the whole damn shithole and start fresh. I could see myself accidentally-on-purpose setting fire to other parts of it if that would help matters along. Mr. Gladly's classroom would be a good start. Nothing worthwhile ever happened there.

But now was not the time for fun daydreams. Darting forward, I swept a wing up and around to try to bat out the flames before the burning pieces of debris could melt their way through to the police officers. That didn't really work, so I leaned up and forward, stretching my neck so I could grab the burning chunk of wooden framework with my teeth. Once I had a good grip, I pulled it away from the melting foam—did I mention that when containment foam melts, it stinks? It reeks—and tossed it to one side. Then I did the same with the pieces of ceiling panel that had fallen down.

Seriously, did the idiots who built Winslow have to make everything as flammable as they could? I mean, sure, asbestos wasn't exactly the best thing to use in a school, but there were other options out there. Unless they hated kids. That was actually an option, I figured. It would definitely explain a lot of things about Winslow.

I got the bits of ceiling and wood away from the foam, allowing Dad to get back to work with the spray-can. Whatever was in that stuff was like magic, making the yellow foam—now stained black with smoke—just plain melt into nothing. And not in a bad stick-to-your-skin way.

"Almost done!" he yelled over the sound of the fire as he sprayed Sergeant Gainsford and the others free, starting from the top and working his way down. To my relief, they were all still alive and conscious, though their expressions when they saw me were more than a little dubious.

Still, it seemed he had matters under control. I was just about to go back and check on Miss Militia when there was a rending crack from above. As if in slow motion, I looked up and saw that a lot more of the ceiling, plus what could've been bits of the floor from the next story up, were starting to come down. Dad had only gotten down to their waists; they were helpless against the burning rubble tumbling down on top of them.

My wings were big, strong and relatively fireproof, but they just weren't big enough. I wasn't big enough. But I'd been bigger when I needed to, before. Lurching forward, brushing Dad out of the way, I raised my wings … and got bigger. Weirdly, the corridor seemed to shrink around me as my wings swept into place over the police officers like a red and gold tent. I heard a scream from one of the cops; I wasn't sure if it was because of the imminent danger or because the strange dragon-thing had just grown two sizes and lunged at them.

Several chunks of burning wood and more bits of ceiling were now on top of my wings, which were resting on the cops' heads. I wasn't in any particular pain or discomfort, except from where I was holding my wings in an awkward position. Turning my head, I gave Dad an impatient chirp; hurry up and get them free.

"Oh, right." He stared up at me, then at my wings, and shook his head. It dawned on me that this was the first time he'd seen how big I could get, in person anyway. He ducked under the shelter formed by my pinions and I could hear him spraying away industriously.

One by one, the cops were released and slid out from under my wings, allowing me to lower them and let the still-burning debris slide off them onto the floor. Folding them back out of the way, I turned back to see what was going on with Miss Militia. And that was when I discovered that she was unconscious and Sophia was gone.

Letting out a screech of alarm, I dashed forward into the room. Outside, through the window, I could see Sophia making her getaway across the sports field. But Miss Militia was right there. Was she dying? I couldn't tell. Turning my head back toward the open doorway, I let out another screech, trying to get Dad's attention. The last I'd seen, he'd been helping one of the cops who had been suffering from smoke inhalation, but I needed his help now.

Leaning down over Miss Militia, I eyed her worriedly. She was still breathing, I could tell, but she didn't look good. Under her hand, her power was flickering from one weapon to the next, too fast to keep up. Drawing in a deep breath, I opened my mouth to let out a third screech. I needed Dad—I needed hands—and I needed them now.

And that was when the motorcycle smashed its way in through the wall, Kool-Aid Man style. All it lacked was the Ohh Yeahh! sound effect, but that was made up for by the thunderous roar of the engine and the screech of the tyres as it pulled a one-eighty stop, knocking desks and chairs aside. Even before the bike stopped moving, Armsmaster had dismounted and pulled his halberd from his back. He pointed it at me, making it unfold to its full length in a gorgeous symphony of technological capability.

"Step away from Miss Militia!" he commanded, speakers on his helmet amplifying his voice.

My elation at seeing a hero on site died a premature death.

Well, fuck. He's just gonna straight-up arrest me. Looks like we were right about him being behind this all along.



Colin angled the bike to cut around a car, then accelerated just enough to get through the lights before they turned red. He was in the zone. Things were going exactly the way he wanted. Once he had the chance to speak with Wyvern and explain to her that she would be far better off in the Wards under his tutelage, she would understand.

The threat of sending her to juvenile detention (if he had to use it at all) would only ever be that; a threat. A means to an end. There was no way he would really risk losing such a potential asset to the legal system. But if he had to bring it out, just to emphasise to her the severity of the stakes at hand, then that was what he'd do.

He was a veteran superhero with decades of fighting crime under his utility belt. She was a teenager, the newest of newbies to the cape scene, with an unstable and unpredictable power. To his mind, the laxity New Wave afforded their younger generation was a recipe for disaster just waiting to happen. They simply were not ready to take on such a volatile powerset; there was no way they could plan for every eventuality. Not like he could.

Winslow High School came into view. His infrared scanners located a hotspot within the building, with smoke trailing upward from it. Students, urged on by teachers, were straggling from the school, though by no means as fast as they should be. Some, it seemed, were wandering onward and leaving the school grounds altogether. He would've considered speaking to them about the benefits of a good education but from what he knew of Winslow, a good education was probably the last thing they were getting there. Besides, he had bigger fish to fry … so to speak.

"Armsmaster to Console," he subvocalised. "What's the latest from Miss Militia on the Wyvern situation?" That there was a Wyvern situation, he had no doubt; it was what he'd been prepped for by the anonymous message, and why he was closing in on the school right at that moment. Besides, the school was on fire. How clear could it get?

As for who had sent the original message, he wasn't entirely sure. His best guess was a Thinker of some sort, one who wanted to stay under the radar while helping keep the city safe. He was fine with that; if they didn't want the credit for his victories, he would happily take it. Every bit of good press he could garner added up in the eyes of his superiors, and further ensured that he would maintain his position as leader of the Protectorate ENE.

"Console to Armsmaster. Miss Militia is not answering comms."

Well, that was … concerning, to say the least. Hannah was as tough as they came. Even if she'd been injured earlier, she'd been able to capture Shadow Stalker and report back about that, so what had caused the change in status? He'd have to check on that, but a rampaging Wyvern was still a high priority, if only because of the potential harm to innocents in the line of fire.

Blasting across the carpark, he ignored the slowly accreting bunch of students, as well as those leaving the grounds altogether, and altered course to circle the school. Gathering intel before jumping into the situation was a good idea, and he didn't feel like having to search half the school for his quarry. With a flick of his eyes, he told the bike to train its sensors on the building and report back on any large heat source. As an afterthought, he added in a command to ping Miss Militia's IFF chip.

Bumping over ill-maintained flower gardens—the work he'd put into the improved suspension really paid off when it came to off-road travel—he swept around the side of Winslow. Another student caught his attention, most of the way across the playing field, and he sighed in exasperation. Did they honestly not understand that getting into the habit of ditching school would lead to a lack of motivation and advancement in later life?

The momentary irritation was swept from his mind when his bike threw up an image on his HUD. A composite IR/visible light picture showed Wyvern within a classroom just up ahead. She wasn't breathing flames right at that moment, but some of the windows were open and smoke was pouring out. Farther back behind her, the IR sensors detected a serious heat source, on the order of open flame.

And then, one more part of the image filled itself in. Clear on the wall-penetrating IR, slumped against the wall below the windows, directly in front of Wyvern, was a human figure. Pinging from that very location was Miss Militia's IFF chip. As he watched, Wyvern opened her inhuman jaws wide, sharp teeth visible even from dozens of yards away. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. She's gone off the rails.

"Emergency entry," he told his bike crisply. "Expedite."

"Emergency entry, roger," it replied in his helmet. He turned the handlebars and pointed the bike at a section of wall that didn't have anyone behind it, then opened the throttle. The bike did the rest.

Temporary shields popped out of the bike to protect his face, arms and legs. With a sudden burst of speed, it popped a wheelie and accelerated toward the side of the school. Several other mechanisms disassembled themselves and reformed as a hardened penetrator on the front of the bike. Just yards away from impact, JATO packs engaged, literally blasting the bike up and off the ground.

The shock of impact wasn't as jarring as he'd expected; just as with everything else, it appeared Winslow was shoddily constructed. Pieces of wall went flying as he smashed on through, the onboard gyros allowing him to touch down and keep control of the bike instead of taking a tumble. The instant the wheels were on the ground, he signalled an all-stop. Using a stunt he'd practised ever since he saw it in a movie, he stepped off the bike while it was still sliding to a halt.

It was as bad as he'd thought. The corridor beyond the room was on fire; he could hear people coughing but nobody was calling for help. In this room, however, a blood trail led from the door all the way over to where Miss Militia lay slumped against the wall. Looming over her, teeth still bared, was Wyvern. His helmet sensors told him that his colleague was still breathing, but she was in a bad way. I have to shut this situation down fast, and get her to medical assistance.

Without even having to think about it, he unracked his halberd. It was a newer model, upgraded from a spare since Wyvern had melted the head from the last one. This one was designed to be far more heat resistant, and utilised a new cutting head that didn't depend on plasma, just in case she was immune to heat damage. Not that he had any intention of using it against her, but the old saw about it being better to have and not need was as true as ever.

"Step away from Miss Militia!" he barked, pointing the halberd at the menacing draconic figure. No matter how angry she might be, a dominant pose and a commanding voice should get through to her.

After a moment, during which time he thought she might be about to attack him, she took several steps back from the fallen hero, then screeched at him. The sound clearly had meaning, but he would have to wait until he'd worked out the software before he could begin translating her various non-verbal sounds. It would be much more convenient if she could learn to talk at the smaller sizes rather than the huge one, but he'd have to wait and see on that one. Perhaps some careful coaching …

He moved closer to Miss Militia, placing himself between her and the still-agitated Wyvern (not at her smallest size, he noted, but fortunately not as big as a minivan) and glanced downward. Just as his helmet recorded an anomalous data point—Miss Militia had been shot with an arrow, not bitten or clawed by a wyvern—a tall lanky man staggered into the room amid a new cloud of smoke. Dragging a makeshift mask from his mouth, the blackened and apparently scorched newcomer coughed painfully then gasped out, "Armsmaster, you idiot! Shadow Stalker did all this!"

Shadow Stalker did all this. That one phrase wrecked all of his future plans for the teen hero. He stared at her, then at Miss Militia and the incriminating arrow. Well, fuck.

When he looked up again, he was staring right down Wyvern's open gullet, at a brightly gathering glow. Why is she attacking me anyway? Wildly, he ducked aside as she made a noise like a cat clearing a hairball and a coruscating ball twice the size of his fist shot out of her mouth. It cleared his shoulder by perhaps a foot, and he brought up his halberd again. "You missed," he said uncertainly.

She gave a derisive chirp and nodded toward the window. Turning, he saw that one of the panes had been shattered, and the bright spark of flame was rocketing onward, toward …

… the sole figure running across the sports field.

The dark-skinned figure, who was less than ten seconds away from reaching the houses on the far side and disappearing into the labyrinth long before he could get back to his bike and mount a pursuit.

He had a sinking feeling he knew exactly who that was.

The spark vanished, more or less at the running figure's feet. There was a sudden burst of fire, a crack of detonation, and a concussion that he felt even where he was. The fireball dissipated, to show the figure rag-dolling through the air. She landed hard, and didn't move.

"Shadow Stalker." He knew it was the truth.

She let out a satisfied chirp—even with no software whatsoever, he was still able to translate it as no shit, Sherlock—then nodded toward Miss Militia and let out another, more urgent chirp. Help her, dumbass.

Well, that was something he could definitely do. "Bike," he ordered. "Dispense emergency medical supplies."

He might not get Wyvern as a sidekick, but at the very least he was going to save Hannah's life.


Taylor, Later

Dad and I sat side by side on the back step of an ambulance, with blankets over our shoulders. From time to time, Dad took a breath from an oxygen canister. His cough was getting better, for which I was glad. Principal Blackwell and the cops had gotten it worse, and were being treated a little distance away. Emma and her father, having gotten out earlier, were sitting on the back of another ambulance; she was ignoring me and I was ignoring her.

Personally, I was just glad Dad had had the forethought to pack extra clothing along to this meeting, just on general principles. It took a little sleight of hand to get me the privacy to change and dress, but we'd managed it.

The first we knew of New Wave's arrival was when Vicky came in for a flashy landing in the middle of everyone. Not too flashy; she was carrying Amy at the time, so she couldn't do her classic three-pointer. But she definitely got everyone's attention anyway.

Letting Amy down onto her feet, she headed in our direction while Amy peeled off toward the cops. I was glad to see them both; Sergeant Gainsford had been nothing but understanding and professional toward me, and she'd seen through Sophia's bullshit even while Blackwell ate it up with a spoon.

Before Vicky got to us, Sarah Pelham touched down and let Carol Dallon out of her force-field bubble. They followed Vicky toward us, Sarah looking happy that we were alive and Carol just looking like a shark who wanted to tear someone in half. Or a lawyer; one of the two.

"Hi!" Vicky greeted us happily. "You're looking better than I expected. Well, mostly." She eyed Dad's signs of battle. "How bad was it?"

"Well, before we found out that Sophia Hess is Shadow Stalker, it was going fairly well," I said.

That got everyone's attention. Vicky's eyes went wide and Carol drew in air between her teeth. Sarah blinked in surprise. "Should you be talking about this?"

"She's not a hero," I said bluntly. "Nobody who murders four men and tries to murder nine other people is in any way, shape or form a hero. So fuck her. When we pulled her locker out from the wall—the locator beacon on the Decoy was perfect for that, by the way, Mrs. Dallon—it turned out she was using it to stash a spare costume and sharp arrows. She went kinda crazy on us, the PRT guys tried to foam her and got everyone else, she murdered them, then set fire to the school so we'd die too."

Vicky nodded. "Well, that explains a lot. Um, I don't see Miss Militia around anywhere. What happened … is she …?"

"Still alive, last I heard," Dad supplied. "Shadow Stalker got her in the stomach with an arrow. Fortunately, Armsmaster was able to get her fluids up again. They were talking about how she was stable when they loaded her into the other ambulance."

"Good," Carol said crisply. "And the Decoy?"

I gestured to where Armsmaster was still talking to the cops. "I think he had it, or something? It got foamed into the wall, and we had to leave it behind. We're not gonna need it to sink Sophia, but it'll be handy to get Emma and Madison behind the eight-ball."

"Thank you. I'll be back." Carol strode away, on a bee-line toward the armoured hero.

"Looks like you've had it rough," Sarah said. "So what happened to Sophia … well, Shadow Stalker? Don't tell me she got away."

I grinned. "Nope. I sniped her with an explosive fireball at three hundred yards. Turned every blade of grass in a fifteen-foot radius to ash, blew her twenty feet in the air, broke half her ribs plus one collarbone and her right arm, and gave her a concussion. Also, first and second degree burns over forty percent of her body, and she's got no hair at the moment. None."

Vicky's eyes flew wide open and she clapped her hands over her mouth. "Holy shit." Her voice was muffled, but not muffled enough. "Holy shit. You fuckin' wrecked her shit."

"I would say 'language', Victoria, but yes, you are essentially correct." Mrs. Pelham tried to hide a smile but didn't quite succeed. "And as much as I am opposed to extrajudicial punishment, I would say that she very much deserved everything she got."

"Who deserved what?" Amy strolled into the informal group. "Hi, Taylor. Hi, Mr. Hebert. Who needs healing, here?"

"Help Dad," I said immediately. "You can pretend to heal me just for show, but I'm good. Wyvern resilience for the win."

"And then we're going to find out where they've taken Miss Militia, and we're going to go fix her," Vicky said. "She got shot by Shadow Stalker while helping Taylor, so it's the least we can do."

Amy had opened her mouth at the beginning of Vicky's little speech, but by the end of it she closed it again. Slowly, she nodded. "Okay, sure. Just as soon as someone tells me why Shadow Stalker shot Miss Militia, when this was all about Taylor and her bullies."

I sighed. It was good that Amy was the last person we were going to have to bring up to speed on this little nugget of info. "Shadow Stalker—" I began.

"—is Sophia Hess," Vicky butted in, then gave me an innocent look when I shot her a glare. "What? It's true."

"Well, shit." Amy blinked. "That's … news, alright. So she's a villain now?"

"Always has been, as far as I'm concerned," I said bluntly. "She just used to put on a costume and pretend otherwise. But don't forget, before she got shoehorned into the Wards—" thank you, Dockworkers gossip mill— "she used to 'pretend' with razor-sharp arrows."

"Well, there's that too," allowed Amy. She placed her hand on Dad's shoulder. "Let's get that scorching taken care of, and clear out your lungs. Okay, done. So, what happened to Shadow Stalker? She get away?"

Vicky's expression was brimming with mischief, so I rolled my eyes and gestured in her direction. "Go ahead. You know you want to."

"Cool." She didn't even pretend to be reluctant about it. "So Wyvern sees her running away, right? All the way across the sports field. She could fly after her, but why bother?"

Despite herself, Amy was drawn into the narrative. "So what did she do?"

"Explosive fireball." Vicky enunciated the words with great enjoyment. "From three hundred yards out. Booom. Broken bones all over, first and second degree burns, a concussion and no hair left."

Amy blinked again. "I say once more; well, shit. I am impressed. Also, a concussion means I can't heal her."

Vicky raised her eyebrows sceptically. "Really? You can't heal any of that if she's got a concussion?"

If I didn't know Amy was spouting the purest of bullshit, I would've almost been taken in by her innocent expression. "Absolutely. Can't touch brains, remember?"

Dad also looked sceptical. "I'm not sure that's how you said your power worked."

Amy smirked at him. "Hey, Mr. Hebert, it's my power. It works like I say it works."

The penny dropped and he shrugged. "Good point. I'm no expert in these things."

Carol Dallon returned to us, head held high, carrying both the Decoy and the remote. The former had suffered a little more from being foamed and then saved by firefighters, but it was still essentially intact. Having been in Sergeant Gainsford's custody for most of the incident, the remote was in better shape. At least, it looked that way.

"All good, Mrs. Dallon?" I asked, getting up from where I was sitting. "Sorry about the damage. I did not expect ninety percent of that to happen."

"It all appears to be still functional, which considering the money I outlaid on it, I'm not surprised." She gave me a tight smile. "I hear you acquitted yourself well today. Armsmaster had nothing but praise for Wyvern."

"Well, that's good." I snorted with amusement. "Considering how he was acting like I was the bad guy when he first arrived."

"Really." She turned and looked across at Armsmaster, who was just stepping astride his bike and looking in totally the wrong direction. All the same, he swivelled his helmet toward us, reversed his motion, and strode across toward us. Still holding the Decoy and remote, Carol folded her arms and awaited his approach.

"Can I help you, Brandish?" he asked as he came up to us.

"Yes." She skewered him with a hard gaze. "You can tell me why you set up the situation at Winslow to entrap Taylor."

He tilted his head slightly. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. What situation am I supposed to have set up?"

"You know what situation." Her voice was hard-edged. "Taylor has been getting bullied. You engineered a legal requirement for her to go back into Winslow so that she would be provoked into Changing in public, and you could swoop in and save the day, and get her into the Wards. Unfortunately for you, she didn't actually commit any crimes. Also, she exposed your corrupt Ward."

This time he paused for a long moment. "I … may have been the target of misinformation."

She didn't give an inch. "Explain."

It was clear he didn't like being on the spot; not one little bit. "I … received an anonymous notification that Wyvern would go on a rampage at Winslow today. I figured I could be on hand to stop her …" He paused, clearly decided that he wasn't convincing Carol, and kept going. "… and make sure she didn't go into juvey. A power like hers is too versatile to be kept behind bars."

"So instead you were going to stick me in the Wards, where I clearly didn't want to be," I interjected. "So much for free will, hey?"

"I understand that you don't want to be in the Wards," he said carefully. "But I did not initiate the situation. Heroes get anonymous tips all the time."

"You just decided to capitalise on it, and not tell anyone else." I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not exactly seeing you as the good guy, here."

Again, there was a pause. "I can … understand why you would not. And for that, I'm sorry." These sounded like words he wasn't used to saying. "It's just that … you have such potential." In that one word was the first real emotion I'd heard from him yet.

"And that potential goes where Taylor says, not you." Vicky shook her head. "Seriously, wow."

Sarah Pelham stepped up. "I think it would be best if you went, Armsmaster." She shook her head. "And maybe think about where you went wrong."

Wordlessly—possibly because he couldn't think of the right thing to say, and didn't want to mess things up even further—Armsmaster turned and walked away. As he did so, Sergeant Gainsford and the two other officers who'd been with us in the foam approached.

Gainsford looked from me to Carol to Armsmaster. "Is it just me, or did armour-boy just get a brand-new asshole torn for him?"

Dad chuckled, lightening the moment. "Something like that. Good to see you on your feet, Sergeant." He performed introductions around the group. "These fine officers were escorting Taylor when Sophia Hess went off the rails."

"Ah, good to meet you." Mrs. Dallon extended her hand. "Carol Dallon. Any friend of Taylor's is a friend of mine."

"Ahh, so you're the brains behind those devices." Gainsford smiled. "They certainly made it a lot easier to find the hidden stash. Things got a lot more fraught after the fact, of course."

Dad nodded. "Yes, yes, they did."

The one called Callan looked at me and frowned. "So, where did you get to when it all started happening, kid? I don't recall seeing you."

"I got her free first," Dad said. "Sent her to call for help. Why?"

Gainsford caught her subordinate's eye, and made a subtle slicing motion with her hand. "No reason," she said airily. "I'm just glad we got out alive, and that little psycho went down hard. I have to say, if it wasn't for Wyvern, I don't think we would've survived. Isn't that right, Callan?"

Callan blinked. "Ah, right, yeah. Totally. Sorry, dunno where my brain went to." He gave me a nod and a smile. "Good to see you got out okay. Stay safe, alright?"

"I'll definitely do that." I gave Gainsford a nod of acknowledgement. "And thanks, for everything."

"Any time, kid." She gathered her troops by eye and they headed off.

I felt myself relaxing ever so slightly. "Okay," I muttered. "That could've gone a lot worse."

Vicky nodded. "It totally could've. Mom, can you find out where they took Miss Militia? We need to go heal her."

Dad put his arm around my shoulder. "Congratulations. You caught another supervillain."

I leaned back into him. "Yay."


Elsewhere in the United States

"A dragon? Really?" Jack Slash turned the news up. "What will they think of next?"

Bonesaw leaned into the room. "What was that about a dragon, Mr. Jack?"

He rolled his eyes. "Brockton Bay, one of my old hangouts. One of the local teams has apparently acquired a real live dragon as a member. Publicity stunt, if you ask me. Media vampires, the lot of them."

Her eyes widened. "Oooh. Can we go see?"

"Really?" Well, it was a good idea to keep his poppet happy. "I'll think about it."


End of Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen: The Dreaded Slaughterhouse Arc (1) - Our Day in Court

Part Nineteen: The Dreaded Slaughterhouse Arc (1) – Our Day in Court

[A/N 1: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

[A/N 2: I am not an expert on law courts. Please let me know of any glaring errors.]


"Okay, just so you know, we're going to be doing things slightly differently this time."

Jack Slash did like the sound of his own voice; but that was fine, because he was an excellent speaker. He knew it, and so did everyone else. The Nine practically hung on his every word.

"Is this 'cos of the dragon, Mr. Jack?"

That was Bonesaw, his favourite little poppet. Since he'd taken her under his wing, she'd blossomed into quite the murder-munchkin. In another seven or eight years, he predicted, she'd be stealing hearts (as well as livers, kidneys and other sundry vital organs) right across the country.

"It is indeed because of the dragon," he confirmed, beaming at her. "Having done some research into her, I have concluded that she would be an extremely valuable addition to the team. Of course, she's very much into the hero schtick right now, which means she's going to have to be taught that heroes rarely win around us."

"So what does that actually mean?" asked Shatterbird. "Bait her into a fight and just when she thinks she's about to win, I scream and devastate the city anyway?"

Jack restrained the urge to sigh and rub his forehead with finger and thumb. Shatterbird was so fixated on using her power for mass slaughter that she had trouble thinking any other way. And while he had no real problem with creating a large body count, he preferred that it be artistic.

Anyone could murder hundreds, after all. It really wasn't very hard. But to do it in such a way people could see the point in it, even when they didn't want to? That was what he called a win.

"Yes, you will be screaming and devastating the city," he said. "Just not … immediately. We will give them time to wonder, to worry. Is it really the Nine, or perhaps just a hoax? And while they are wondering, we will be taking their newest and brightest, and forging her into a weapon against them."

"And what about the rest of us?" asked Burnscar, forming an image of a flying dragon over her palm. "While you're doing that, do we just stand back and award points for style?"

"Hardly." Jack looked at each member of the group in turn. "We're down to seven members, thanks to Cherish murdering both Hatchet Face and Mannequin for a place in our ranks after we'd already lost Winter. Wyvern is my pick for a new member. Once I've either got her under my thumb or disposed of, you may each approach your chosen recruits. But, and I mean this, only after you've helped me bring Wyvern around."

Cherish pouted, probably because he'd singled her out. "I keep telling you, Hatchet Face was planning to come after me … oh, just forget it. So how are we supposed to help you?"

Wasn't it obvious? He supposed it wasn't. "We'll take hostages to keep her honest. Basically, her friends and family. You will each engage her, and take her down to the point where you could have killed her, maybe even injuring her a little, then I will step in and give her a reprieve. From what I've seen, she regenerates damage between Changes, so you'll be able to tag-team her more or less nonstop. And then you, Cherish, will finish her off—so to speak—by inducing crushing despair, alleviated by me coming to the rescue once more."

"By which time she should basically be eating out of your hand." Shatterbird raised her eyebrows. "And then the Prisoner's Dilemma?"

"Precisely." Jack enjoyed it when they figured out his plans. It showed they were paying attention. "Once it's been established that she can't beat us, and she'll die if she tries …"

"You give her a choice," Crawler said. "Her, or the hostages."

"Of course." Jack grinned. "She'll choose to live, of course. They always do. And with her background? Once she murders the people nearest and dearest to her, she'll be mine, whether she knows it or not. Afterward, poppet, you can ride her dragon-form all you like while she scours the streets free of heroes."

"Yay!" Bonesaw clapped her hands with glee. "I can't wait!"

Jack ruffled her hair fondly. Even if she hadn't said anything, he probably would've taken the Nine to Brockton Bay eventually anyway. A potential recruit like Wyvern was too promising to just let go by the wayside.



Two Weeks Later

"Emma, your father has boasted about how he can make or break a divorce case on recordings that were taken without the other partner's knowledge. So, don't tell me about breaking the law. Now, as I said, I'm going to the cafeteria. You can follow along if you like, but whatever you say to me will be recorded."

Listening to my recorded voice was always weird. Dad had warned me from the beginning; only those who did that sort of thing for a living were used to it. It didn't seem anyone else in the courtroom had a problem with recognising my voice, though.

"Illegal recording is a felony." Emma's voice came across the speakers loud and clear. "If Taylor's committing a felony, we can perform a citizen's arrest and confiscate it."

The judge raised his hand. "Stop the playback."

Obediently, the sound technician clicked the mouse on his computer, and the Decoy recording ceased.

Turning to look at where Emma, her dad and their lawyer sat—Mr. Barnes had at least been smart enough to hire a lawyer—the judge frowned slightly. "Mr. Barnes, your specialty in law is divorce cases, I believe. Is that so?"

I was pretty sure I knew where this was going, and so did Mr. Barnes. I also figured I was going to enjoy it more than he did. He cleared his throat. "Yes, your honour. It is."

The judge nodded. "In your understanding, when a recording is made in this state, in a place where there is no expectation of privacy, when all parties have been made aware of the situation, is it illegal? Refresh my memory of that aspect of law, if you will."

There was only one applicable answer. "It is legal, your honour."

"Thank you. Now, given that Ms. Hebert was carrying around this monstrosity," the judge picked up the Decoy and showed it to Mr. Barnes, then put it back on his desk, "and was verbally informing everyone within earshot that they were being recorded, was she fulfilling the expectations of the law?"

I could almost swear I heard Mr. Barnes grinding his teeth together. Or perhaps it was Emma, sitting beside him. The one person it would not have been was Madison, who was sitting with her parents away from the other two; she'd withdrawn so far into herself that she was damn hear invisible. Though I was pretty sure it wasn't Sophia either, mainly because she was still confined to a hospital bed with a video link to a screen currently being maintained by a PRT officer wearing a police uniform. He was under orders to ensure she saw and heard everything, but only let her direct queries through the lawyer that Alan Barnes had retained.

For some reason, I'd thought the revelation of Sophia being a Ward would've put her out of reach of ordinary law enforcement. But to my surprise and delight, the decision had been made to try her for her civilian crimes in her civilian identity and for her cape crimes in her cape identity. No matter which way things went, once she got out of the hospital, she was headed for the iron bar hotel.

I didn't want to gloat. Gloating was something Emma and her friends did, so I really didn't want to do it.

But it was very tempting to give in and do it anyway.

"Yes, your honour." The answer may as well have been dragged out of Mr. Barnes, though they would've needed a decently powered winch and a high-tensile cable to do it.

"Hmm. So you would agree with me that Ms. Hebert was not actually committing a felony or any other type of crime by carrying that device, and that your daughter was entirely mistaken in saying she was?"

"Yes, your honour. That is correct." That one sounded like he'd had to cough up a vital organ as part of his admission.

"Thank you. We are in agreement that Ms. Hebert had not committed a crime, despite your daughter's misapprehension in this matter. Continue the playback."

The sound tech clicked his mouse again.

"No, it's—" My recorded voice was cut off by a grunt of pain, followed by a brief scuffle.

"Stop the playback." This time, the judge turned to me. "Ms. Hebert, what happened to cause the sounds we just heard on the tape?"

"Sophia Hess punched me in the stomach, your honour," I said clearly. "And then all three of them wrestled the Decoy away from me. Emma Barnes and Madison Clements held my arms while Sophia pulled on it. Uh, your honour."

I saw Emma open her mouth to make her habitual claim, probably something along the lines of, "She's lying," but her father grabbed her arm and shut her up before she could speak, then turned and whispered to his lawyer, a Mr. Richardson.

"Your honour," Richardson said. "May I make an observation?"

The judge turned to him. "The counsel for the defense may address the court."

Mr. Richardson took a deep breath. "We're listening to an audio file. Those sounds could mean anything."

"Counsel, have you or your clients ever done any boxing?" The judge's voice was calm and measured.

The lawyer blinked, then looked at Mr. Barnes and Mr. Clements. Both of them shook their heads. "Uh, no, your honour."

"Well, I have." The judge squared his shoulders. "In my youth, I went into the ring a few times. I know the sound of someone taking a body blow. Continue playback."

"What's that, Taylor? Can't think of what to say? Oh, well, you're a boring conversationalist anyway." It was Emma's voice again. I remembered the pain as her nails dug into my wrists. Those photos had already been entered into evidence, so I said nothing. There was a thud over the speakers—I'd been pushed against the wall—then Emma spoke. "You deserve to lose this. You deserve to lose everything."

Laughter sounded out of the speakers, along with their footsteps in the echoing corridor. I'd heard this all before—Carol Dallon had played it back for me and Dad—but I was good with listening to it anew.

"Is it just me, or is Hebert just too fucking stupid for words?" That was Sophia. "I mean, what did she think was gonna happen? We were just gonna stand around like stuffed dummies when she waved this stupid fucking tape recorder at us like a magic fucking wand?"

"Yeah, well, first things first,"
said Emma briskly. "Let's turn it off so we can listen to what it's recorded already, then record over that. My dad always says if there's not a recording of it, it never happened."

Mr. Barnes twitched. It couldn't be a good feeling to be the subject of this much pure irony.

"Sure, okay." Madison also twitched when her voice came on. There was a repeated clicking noise. "Oh, come on. I'm hitting the stop button, but the tape's still rolling."

"Here, give it to me."
Sophia's voice was impatient. "You're probably doing it all wrong." More clicking noises ensued. "Oh, what the fuck?"

"Told you."
Madison sounded quietly pleased.

"Jesus fuck, Hebert must've bought the shittiest tape recorder in the whole fucking world." From her tone, Sophia was not in the slightest bit happy. "It won't stop, it won't rewind, it won't eject, it won't fast-forward, it won't play, it won't do a fucking thing. Except record."

"That's if it is recording."
Madison's voice was vaguely optimistic.

"Always assume there's a recording. Dad says that, too." Emma sounded pessimistic enough for the both of them. "Okay, we've got to figure out a way to stop this thing running and pop it open to get that tape out."

suggested Madison. "Run water over it. Once the water gets inside, it'll short circuit and stop recording. Then we can lever it open at our leisure."

"Yeah, good idea."
Sophia's tone was more upbeat now they had a plan. "Third floor. Nobody goes there."

Well, I had gone there more than once to sit in privacy and eat my lunch, but they didn't have to know that.

They didn't speak for a few moments, then as they were climbing the stairs, Sophia spoke up again. "Hey, Ems, is it just me or does that disgusting little queef Hebert just not know how to take a hint?"

Emma's reply was slower than normal, probably more due to the stair climbing than the question itself. "I'm actually surprised she came back to school at all after the locker thing. So yeah, I guess. What's on your mind?"

Sophia's tone was vicious. "I'm thinking she needs a real lesson in life. Tommy and Joe and a couple of the other guys have been making noises about asking me out. What if I gave 'em a roll of duct tape after school and told 'em whoever brought me the most impressive pictures of Hebert could ask me out?"

began Madison, between panting breaths. It seemed she didn't have much cardio under her belt.

"That's—" Emma said, almost at the same time, then stopped. "Mads, what's on your mind?"

Madison's tone was almost apologetic. "I'm all for putting Hebert in her place, don't think I'm not. But a bunch of guys chasing someone like her down after school, with nobody there to tell 'em not to go too far? Guys, she could get seriously hurt." She stopped talking to catch her breath.

Somebody made a rude noise; it turned out to be Sophia. I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Madison. Don't be a whiny little bitch all your life. What happens to Hebert happens because she was too fuck-stupid to get out of the way and go back where she belongs, crawling in the fucking dirt."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry."
Now Madison sounded actually apologetic. "Forget I said anything. Fuck her."

"Damn right. Ems, you had something to say?"

"Well, not that, that's for damn sure."
Emma chuckled. "No, I just wanted to say to be careful about exactly what you say to these guys. If they get caught—"

"They're track team, Ems,"
Sophia interrupted. "Even if they get caught, who's gonna say a damn word? Slap on the wrist at worst, and out of detention by the time the next track meet comes around."

"No, this is to protect us,"
Emma insisted. "I mean, sure, go ahead with it. I'd love to see those photos. But I can help you word it so if they tell anyone else what you said, it doesn't come across as you specifically asking them to chase Taylor down with duct tape. Dad says that's how guys like Al Capone got away with most of their shit. Saying 'It would be great if' rather than 'I want you to go and do this'. Get the idea?"

This time, I didn't miss the poisonous glare Alan Barnes shot at Emma, or the way she wilted under it.

"Yeah, I'll think about it." Sophia didn't sound as though she would. There came the noise of a door being opened. "Here, hide the fuckin' thing. Okay, everyone in here, fuck off. Yeah, you and you too. Get the fuck out."

There were a few voiced protests, but none too loud; nobody, it seemed, wanted to mess with Sophia and Emma. We all listened to the footsteps exiting the echoing bathroom, then there was the distinct sound of a faucet being turned on and water running.

"Okay," said Madison. "Hold it under here." A moment later, the sound of running water overwhelmed everything else.

"Stop the playback," ordered the judge. But instead of unleashing more comments toward Emma or Sophia, he turned to our side of the courtroom. "Mrs. Dallon."

"Yes, your honour?" Carol Dallon was every inch the professional lawyer.

"I was led to understand that the accused had dye on their hands which showed up under ultraviolet light, as did this device itself. Yet they ran water over it. Wouldn't that have washed it off?"

Mrs. Dallon smiled. "No, your honour. I used an oil-based dye. It requires soap, water and a certain amount of scrubbing to remove."

"I see." The judge turned to the sound tech. "Continue playback."

The water continued gurgling in the foreground, while I could hear the buttons clicking again. I got the impression they were trying to make the water get into the mechanism that way. Eventually, they turned the faucet off.

"Fuck!" snapped Sophia. "Jesus fucking Christ on a Tinkertech pogo stick! What does it take to stop this fucking thing recording? Stand back."


"Whoa, watch where you're swinging that thing!" Emma yelped.





Each impact echoed through the courtroom. I looked up at the Decoy, sitting on the judge's desk, with new respect. From the sound of it, Sophia had been smashing it into either the wall or the wash-basin bench with all her strength. The heavy plastic was chipped here and there, but that was all.

The bell signalling the commencement of next class was clearly audible over the echoes in the bathroom. There was a pause in the banging, then Sophia swore. "Motherfucker! It's still fuckin' recording!"

"We've got to get to class,"
Emma reminded her.

"Well, we can't just leave this lying anywhere. Someone might find it and give it back to Hebert." Sophia's tone was scornful.

"Here, scrape the stickers off with this." That was Madison. There was a distinct click.

"Wow, Mads, that's a nice knife. Where'd you get it from?"
That was Sophia.

Madison sounded embarrassed. "Picked it up after a gang fight. Kept it."

There was the sound of hurried scraping, then Emma spoke up. "It's not working. It'll take too long to get them all off. We've got to go now."

"Where are we going to put it where nobody'll find it?"
asked Madison nervously.

"Don't worry about it," Sophia replied in a confident tone. "I got a place nobody would ever look."

The recording ended, and the sound tech looked up. "That's all I've got."

The judge nodded in acknowledgement. "I believe that is plenty for the moment. I've already viewed the statements from the police department indicating that they found this device stashed in a hole in the wall behind Ms. Hess' locker, and this recording neatly ties a bow on that." He turned to the prosecutor, a Ms. Castle. "Does the counsel for the prosecution have anything else to say about this matter at this time?"

"Two things, your honour." Ms. Castle stood up. She had more self-control than I ever did. Personally, I would've been beaming all over her face at how thoroughly the other girls had sunk themselves by talking in front of the Decoy, but her mien was strictly by the book. "I have no doubt you will have taken note of the repeated indications of depraved indifference to the victim's well-being as expressed in the conversation between the accused girls, as well as their explicit attempts to destroy this very evidence."

The judge's voice was grave and measured in return. "I have indeed taken note of those things, but thank you for doing your duty and pointing them out to me." He then turned his head to address the lawyer Alan Barnes had retained. "Does the counsel for the defense have anything to add to this matter before I adjourn court for the day?"

Mr. Richardson didn't look thrilled at being put on the spot like that, especially after the damning recording he'd been listening to. What went through the minds of lawyers anyway, when they realised their clients were guilty as sin? Did they keep fighting, knowing they were propping up a lie?

"My client has grave doubts about the authenticity of this audio recording," he began. Even I could tell he didn't believe a word he was saying, but I figured it was his job to do his best for Emma and the rest. "It could easily have been pieced together from illegally-garnered recordings over the course of the year—"

Ms. Castle stood up. "Your honour, the counsel for the defence is reaching, and he knows it," she cut in smoothly. "As the affidavit I have already submitted will attest, this sound file has been thoroughly analysed by experts in the field and found to be entirely genuine."

"The counsel for the prosecution will kindly sit down." Without even looking at her, the judge kept his attention on the other lawyer. "Mr. Richardson, I have viewed the affidavit that the counsel for the prosecution has alluded to. It states, among other things, that the sound file could only have been faked with the explicit cooperation of each of the people whose voices appear on it. Kindly do not attempt to denigrate my intelligence in this way. Now, did you have anything else you would like to add?"

"No, your honour. I do not." Mr. Richardson sat down again.

"Very well. We will convene again tomorrow at nine sharp. Court is adjourned." He took up the gavel and banged it once.

Dad and I got up then and headed out of the courtroom. Mrs. Dallon joined us a minute or so later, looking pleased with herself. Dad went to say something, but she shushed him until we were past some people carrying press passes.

"So, when you said we don't talk to reporters," I said in an undertone, "you meant we don't talk to them at all?"

"Only under specific circumstances," she replied, just as quietly. "And we try to cultivate friendly ones, because even the most innocuous story can become a horror-show if the reporter doesn't like you and doesn't care about taking soundbites out of context. If they specifically approach us, let me do the talking, but otherwise we're just a bunch of people walking out of the courthouse."

"Wow." I was learning so much about how court cases went, and I was pretty sure this was just one tenth of what was going on.

"Yes, wow." Carol smiled at me. "But I will say, you comported yourself well in there today. You said what you needed to say, then stopped. Far too many people don't do that."

"Good." Dad heaved a sigh. "Almost over. Is it going as well as I think it is?"

Carol essayed a cautious nod. "It seems to be, but it's never over until the fat lady sings. We'll find out tomorrow. Did you want a lift, Taylor? I understand you're going out on patrol with the children tonight."

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks. It was Vicky's idea."

"Don't be out too late," Dad warned. "We've got to be back here before nine in the morning, remember."

I wrinkled my nose. "As if I could forget. Crystal says we'll throw in the towel at ten."

"That's good enough for me." Dad opened his arms for a hug.

I gave him one, of course. It was weird; we'd started reconnecting as father and daughter only after I got the ability to turn into a fire-breathing wyvern. Life was strange sometimes. "See you tonight."

"See you then, kiddo." He watched as I got into Carol's car and fastened my seatbelt. "Be safe."

"Always." I closed the door and Carol started the car. We pulled out into traffic, and I relaxed into the seat. Unless something went really sideways between now and tomorrow, the judge would bring the hammer down on Emma and Madison, and Sophia would have yet another set of offenses against her name.

End result: they'd never bother me again.

Plus, I was definitely gaining fame (the good type) as a member of New Wave.

Life was definitely looking up.


Danny Hebert

Tyres crunched on gravel then whispered on grass as Danny pulled the car off the driveway and in alongside the house. He turned off the engine and sat for a moment with his eyes closed, letting the tensions of the day drain away. It had been a rollercoaster ride from the moment Taylor had shown up at the Dallon household as a dragon—

Wyvern, he corrected himself. She prefers to be called a wyvern.

—but since then life had been more up than down. New Wave was a great team with lots of support, and Taylor herself was doing well as a hero.

With a grunt more for effect than actually required, he climbed out of the car and popped the trunk, then closed the door and locked it. Going to the back of the car, he opened the trunk and took out several shopping bags—court cases came and went, but life was a constant—then slammed the lid shut.

He didn't want to deal with that front step right now, so he walked around to the back, juggling the keys as he went. His thoughts were elsewhere so that he had the key in the lock and was turning it before he realised the lock wasn't engaged and that the door was opening freely.

Shit! Someone's broken in!

Even as that understanding flashed across his brain and he went to pause, there was an irresistible shove from behind him. Stumbling into the kitchen, then across into the living room, he became aware that his favourite chair had been moved to face the door and was sitting directly under the glare of his reading lamp. People were standing around the room in the shadows, but his attention was drawn—deliberately, he knew—to the man seated in his chair, playing with a stiletto.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hebert," said Jack Slash. "Come on in. Sit down." Light reflected off the blade as he spun it in his hand. "Let's talk about your daughter."



Over the years, Jack Slash had confronted a great many people with the fact of their own mortality (and introduced a majority of these to the concept first-hand, as it were) so he considered himself somewhat of an expert in how people reacted when they first realised they were in life-threatening danger.

Flight was the most common reaction, and some had even succeeded (though far fewer since he'd brought the Siberian into the Nine).

While fight was less common, some still tried it, on the bloody-minded sentiment of 'taking you with me'. Nobody had quite succeeded, though some had come close.

Freeze was another that cropped up more often than he would've thought; unfortunately for those people, he had excellent eyesight.

Once in a blue moon, he got a fawn reaction, which still confused him. He was there for victims, not groupies; when would people learn this?

Flop, on the other hand, was one he kind of understood. When faced with overwhelming danger, their brains just ... checked out. Lights were on, nobody home. They still died, of course, but it was less satisfying.

Danny Hebert wasn't a cape, which cut down the chances of a fight response (not totally; some people had surprised him in the past). He wasn't freezing or flopping, and after one swift glance backward into the merciless eyes of the Siberian it was clear flight was not a viable option. Slowly, Hebert took one more step into the room, put down the shopping bags, and folded his arms. From his attitude, 'fawn' was off the table too.

So what was he doing? What did he hope to gain from this pointless show of defiance?

"What about my daughter?" Hebert asked.

Ah, of course. He thinks he's protecting her.

Jack Slash smiled. "You know, you might've almost had me fooled, there. Union man, right? You don't give away anything you don't have to. The trouble is, in this situation, you've got nothing. No leverage. There's nothing you've got that I want. I already know Taylor is the cape known as Wyvern. She turns into a fire-breathing dragon, and she's joined that pack of idiots that call themselves New Wave."

Hebert might have let out a tiny sigh, but his shoulders didn't slump with the despair Jack knew he had to be feeling. "You're lying. You want something from me, or we wouldn't be talking like this."

"Well, true," Jack conceded. "But I'm not lying, either. What I want from you is the look on your face just before she murders you and joins the Nine, and I'm reasonably certain you're not going to give that to me of your own free will." He gestured, and Bonesaw released one of her little cyber-spiders; it scuttled across the carpet then scrambled up Hebert's pants leg. "Don't try to brush it off," he warned. "Even I don't know what sort of pathogen Bonesaw loads those things with, but they're all very quickly and very painfully lethal."

Hebert held still, which told Jack that the man wanted to live. That, at least, gave him some leverage to work with. It was the ones who'd decided they had nothing left to live for that caused the most trouble.

"Good," Hebert said as the spider settled down at the base of his neck. "Now I know what I'll be shoving up your ass, first chance I get."

Jack sighed, suddenly tiring of the pissing contest. "Spare me the pointless bravado, if you will. I've met a hundred men who promised they'd show me a 'real fight' if it were just me and them. I gave them the chance. They're all dead, and I'm still here."

Hebert shook his head and snorted. "Yeah, right. Like you'd give anyone a fair fight."

The blade in Jack's hand snapped around to point at the taller man. "I'm trying to be polite here, but you're not making it easy. Got anything to back that up?"

"Yeah." Hebert's voice was quiet but firm. "About ten or eleven years ago, I was working in the office at the Dockworkers Association when in walks Marquis, bold as brass. Comes up to the counter and asks to see the man in charge. That would've been old Doug Smythe, at the time. Marquis made the offer to sell protection to the Association, in return for a cut of the profits. Doug turned him down flat. His precise words were, We're not interested. Marquis nodded and walked out. About a month later, Doug was working back late and some guys broke in to look for money. He got shot in the shoulder and ended up in the hospital."

"Serves him right," Jack said. "He should've taken the protection. I presume Marquis was in the next day with an offer at double the cost?"

"Well, no," Danny said. "I never believed Marquis set it up. I'm pretty sure Doug didn't think so either. A month after, Doug was back in the office with his arm in a sling, and Marquis walked in again. Doug looked him in the eye and said, I believe I said we weren't interested. Marquis nodded and walked back out. Two months later, he was captured by the Brockton Bay Brigade."

"A pretty story," Jack sneered. "What's your point?"

"Thing with Marquis was, he didn't screw around. He didn't have to posture or bother with strongarm tactics. Everyone knew if you crossed him, you were toast. But he was dependable. I have no doubt in my mind, if we'd taken his protection, we'd have gotten value for money." Hebert lifted his chin and stared at Jack. "But the word on the street is, you rewrite the rules anytime you feel like it. That's why Marquis kicked you out of Brockton Bay. And even nine versus one, you were scared of going into a fair fight against him. If we paid you for protection, you'd be just as likely to turn around and rob us for the fun of it. And that's how I know your 'fair fights' were anything but."

Jack fumed, but he couldn't actually point at anything Hebert had said that was specifically untrue. Yes, he'd taken the remains of the Nine and left Brockton Bay; not specifically because Marquis wanted him gone, but it had made the decision much easier. And yes, he was a free spirit, unbound by societal norms. The Nine did not bow and scrape to anyone, even if there was money involved. If someone was stupid enough to pay them to do a job, they'd do it, then they'd show those people that the Nine couldn't be bought.

But the way Hebert had described it made him and the Nine sound downright grubby, and that couldn't be right. It was just biased reporting, that was all.

"Bring him," he said, getting up out of the chair. "We've got places to be."

Shatterbird snapped shackles of glass onto Hebert as she moved past him. "Come on, you." Lifted and moved by the solid bands of crystalline material, he had no choice but to follow along. Almost as an afterthought, another one closed over his mouth as a gag.

Jack glanced around the house once more as he reached the back door, then smiled cruelly. "Burnscar, do your thing."

Talk back to me, will he?

As they reached the RV, parked some distance down the street (where Crawler was waiting more than a little impatiently) the flames were already climbing into the evening sky.



"Halt, evildoers!" Vicky flared her aura and dropped down into the alley like an avenging angel. Two of the muggers left their victim and bolted, while the third one pulled a Saturday Night Special and shakily aimed it at her.

"Back off!" he shouted. "I'll shoot!"

Up on top of the roof to the left, Eric mouthed, Halt, evildoers? to his sister. At the same time, he stealthily put a transparent shield around the mugging victim, who was shakily getting to his feet.

Crystal, standing across the alley from him, shrugged. "Maybe she just likes saying it?"

That was actually a pretty good reason, but Vicky wasn't the one they were there to keep an eye on. Eric turned his head to check on Wyvern, just as she dropped into position at the end of the alleyway. With her wings spread and her mouth open to show all the teeth, she was plenty intimidating. The tiny fireball she spat which exploded about six feet in front of the muggers and set a trash can on fire absolutely sold it, so much so that they backpedalled and fell on their asses.

"Okay," Eric said about two minutes later as they finished securing the muggers for police pickup. "Just saying, we need to start bringing cameras along on patrols like this. Wyvern could have her own Youtube channel. That was amazing."

Wyvern sheepishly looked at the trash can, but Crystal put a hand on her wing. "Hey, something like that's nothing. Eric put it out in ten seconds with a field to cut off its air. Now, if Vicky could stop breaking their hands, that would be great."

"What?" Vicky held her hands out, palm up. "He wouldn't drop the gun or stop shooting at me. Ricochets are a thing. I thought I'd bat it out of his hand. It's not my fault he's got brittle hand bones or something."

"Compared to you, everyone's got … wait." Crystal put her hand to her ear, where her radio earpiece was. "What's that, Mom? A fire? Well, we're kind of good against fires. Where … what did you say?"

"What?" asked Eric. "Where's the fire, and why's it so important they'd call us in? People trapped inside?"

Crystal's eyes focused again, and she looked at Wyvern. "It's … it's your dad's house. Mom said the fire brigade's been called."

Immediately, Wyvern let out a panicked screech and took to the air, wings beating strongly.

"Shit." Eric and Crystal said it at the same time and took off after her.

Before they caught up, however, Vicky arrowed past the both of them. "Wyvern!" she called as she got close to the frantically flying dragon. There was no response, so she got closer and lowered her voice a touch. "Taylor!"

This time Wyvern glanced at her but continued to fly strongly onward. She let out a screech which managed to get her sense of urgency across just fine, despite the lack of words. I have to make sure Dad's okay.

"I'll carry you, like I did the last time," Vicky said, then looked around. "Eric, can you give us an aerodynamic force field?"

"Sure as hell can," Eric said, flying up alongside Vicky. Divining his intention—there were some benefits to having worked with each other for years, the downside being having Crystal as a sister—Crystal flew up on her other side. Concentrating his power, Eric formed a spearhead around them, sharp point forward.

At the same time, Wyvern furled her wings, and Vicky wrapped her arms around the red-and-gold pinions and body. "Hang on," she said grimly, and accelerated hard.

End of Part Nineteen
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Part Twenty: The Dreaded Slaughterhouse Arc (2) - Farewell, Seven of Nine

Part Twenty: The Dreaded Slaughterhouse Arc (2) – Farewell, Seven of Nine

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]


The trip across town was the fastest I'd ever made it, and it was still far too slow. As soon as we were over my house, Eric dissipated the force field and Vicky let me go. We flew down toward the inferno that had once been my home, while I anxiously scanned the gathered crowd for Dad.

He wasn't there. Even the ambulance crews were just standing around waiting for business while the fire crew directed streams of water into the house.

As the rest of us landed in an unoccupied section of lawn, Vicky took point. She flew over to one of the guys directing matters and touched down in front of him. "Hi, we thought we'd come and help out," she said. "Everyone make it out?"

The fire chief (at least, that's who I thought it was) shook his head. "Nobody got out before we got here, and by then it was too far gone to go in."

No! Dad! I stared at the flames leaping from the windows and took a deep breath. Fire didn't hurt me, and Dad might be in there somewhere, hoping for rescue.

Then Eric whipped past me, force field flaring into life around him. He punched clear through the still-closed front door and vanished. I went to follow him in, but Vicky stepped in front of me and put her arms around my neck. I could feel her strength preventing me from moving forward.

"Easy, easy. They're trained in clearing houses," she said in an undertone meant only for my ears. "Eric will be able to find your dad and get him out." If he's still alive, she meant.

It didn't stop me from desperately wishing I could try to save him anyway. I watched with ever-mounting despair, my clawed feet tearing up the grass and soil that I was standing on.

"Easy," Vicky murmured again. "Easy."

My head came up as I heard a grinding creak that seemed to resonate through my very bones. "It's going!" shouted one of the fire responders.

"Shit, Eric's still in there," muttered Crystal. She began to power up her forcefield. "If it comes down with him inside—"

Two things happened at once. Eric shot out of the roaring furnace in a dramatic shower of sparks, cradling something in his arms. Literally seconds later, the entire structure went down like a house of cards in a stray breeze, only faster. The fire chief shouted orders to turn the hoses on the surrounding houses, to ensure no secondary blazes started, as Eric landed in front of Vicky and me.

I felt a puff of hot air as he dropped his force field. He was sweating like crazy and holding something wrapped in a blanket. Illogically, I felt a wild hope, even though I could see it was far too small to be Dad. Vicky let me go and I let out an enquiring chirp as I nodded toward the bundle.

"Searched the basement and the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom," he said in answer to my unspoken query. "He wasn't anywhere inside, under the beds, in the closets, anywhere. Only thing that wasn't on fire was this." Folding back a corner of the scorched blanket, he showed me the photo album Dad had kept in his bedroom, the one that held all the photos of Mom. "Figured you might want it."

Stepping forward, I wrapped my wings around him in my best approximation of a hug. My chirp this time meant Thank you, but worry still plagued my mind. Where's Dad? What's happened to him?

"You're welcome," he said awkwardly. "We'll, uh, we'll just hold on to this."

"So if her dad isn't in there," said Vicky, "where is he? He should've been home by now."

"I saw what might've been grocery bags on the floor in the living room," Eric offered. "And the back door was swinging open, with keys in the lock. So he got home, then something … happened."

"Yeah, but what?" asked Crystal. "And how did the house catch fire?"

"And if the back door was open, why didn't he get out?" added Vicky.

"Well, he clearly did, but where did he go then?" That was Eric.

Crystal shook her head. "And without his car?" She pointed at Dad's car; some brave soul had smashed the driver's side window and let off the handbrake, and they'd pushed it partway out onto the street to get it away from the burning house. "The keys were right there. Why didn't he take it?"

I shook my head. Nonverbal as I was, I couldn't contribute to the discussion, and worry was clouding my mind too much for me to think ahead and make coherent conclusions. There were too many questions, with no answers forthcoming. Worse, I had a weird buzz in my ears that made it hard to concentrate.

That was when something tapped me on the ankle.

Twisting my neck around, I looked down. There was a shifting, liquid pool of glass on the ground next to my clawed foot, and as I watched, it extended a pseudopod and tapped me again. This wasn't the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, but it was definitely up there. Lowering my head to peer at it more closely, I let out an enquiring chirp.

As if triggered by the sound, the glass started forming words.


It paused then, awaiting my reply.

I looked up and around, then over at the others. They were busily discussing the matter of my father's disappearance among themselves. Looking back toward the blob of glass, I nodded and chirped again, trying to keep control of the rising tide of anger within me. Whoever 'we' are, you're going to regret this.

It seemed the glass controller could see my movements and maybe hear my voice but could not register my emotions. The blob changed again, showing more words. And now that I was paying attention, the buzz changed tone very slightly.


Well, that was absolutely clear-cut and impossible to mistake for anything other than a threat. My anger mounted until the flame danced in the back of my throat. It was a distinct effort to hold back from deluging fire over the glass letters on the ground.

Lifting my head, I looked around again. As I did so, I concentrated on the almost subliminal buzzing. I could almost feel it shifting in frequency as my head turned one way then the other.

I had to do this. I had to go. Dad and whoever else they had were depending on me.

But that didn't mean I had to play into this asshole's hostage fantasy.

Correction: this dead asshole.

I was sick and tired of people thinking they could get leverage over me by threatening my father.

This ends tonight.


Glory Girl

The first thing Vicky knew of something else going wrong was when Wyvern detonated one of her explosive fireballs on the ground directly under herself, launching her into the air in what seemed like a deliberate move. Fortunately, nobody had been close enough to take harm from the explosion, though the grass had been scorched to ash in a wide circle. That wasn't her biggest concern, though.

The biggest concern was that Taylor was flying away at a high rate of knots, leaving the rest of them behind.

"Where's she going?" shouted Crystal, as they scrambled into the air to catch up with her.

"I dunno," Vicky replied, forging ahead. "Soon as I grab her, I'll be sure to ask."

"Just be careful," Eric supplied, gamely trying to keep up. "She looks pissed."

"Pfft, what's she gonna do?" asked Vicky. "She knows she can't hurt me."

Half a second later, a fireball exploded in her face.

The heat and kinetic force didn't so much as muss her hair, but the blinding flash surprised the fuck out of her, dazzling her and sending her tumbling through the air. "What the shit?" she blurted, trying to rub the dancing spots out of her eyes. When she could see again, Wyvern was no longer in view. "Oh, that's just not fair."

As she hovered there in mid-air, Crystal and Eric caught up with her. "She let off half a dozen in a row," Crystal explained. She pointed out where clouds of smoke, underlit by the city glow, were wafting away under a gentle breeze. "While we were eyes-off, she must have either dived for surface clutter or gone for altitude. And unless she gets between us and the moon, we're never gonna see her either way."

"Okay, just what the fuck is going on here?" Vicky flung her arms out. "Why'd she even do this? We're her friends! Her teammates! Why would she fly off the handle like this?"

"Uh … maybe she just wanted to be left alone?" Eric shrugged. "I mean, right now she's gotta be under some serious stress."

"Yeah, but where's she gonna go?" Crystal raked her hands through her hair. "Vicky, what'd she do the last time she was this upset?"

"Uh …" Vicky tried to think. "Told Armsmaster to fuck off and then went and hid in our garage?"

Crystal nodded firmly. "Okay, you go check there. Eric and me will go back to her house and make sure nobody got hurt."

"Okay, right." Vicky grimaced and tapped the phone in its pouch on her belt. "Let me know if anything turns up."

"Sure thing, and same to you. Come on, Eric." Crystal turned in midair and started back toward the fading glow in the sky that signalled the demise of the Hebert house.

Vicky looked around to get her bearings then started off toward home, almost certain she was missing a trick but not sure what it was.

Taylor, what's going on?



Waiting atop the pretentiously named Captain's Hill, Jack Slash smiled in smug satisfaction as Shatterbird flew into view and landed alongside him. "She took the bait?" He already knew the answer, but he liked it when other people admitted how smart he was.

"Hook, line and sinker," she confirmed. "The New Wave kids tried to catch up with her, but she used those explosive fireballs like flashbangs and evaded them cleanly. For a rookie, it was actually pretty impressive."

"Good, so there's no chance she worked out some scheme with them before coming?" Again, he was certain he knew the answer, but it was always satisfying when a plan came together.

"Well, she's nonverbal, and she didn't even get their attention before she took off, so I'd say that's a solid no." She tilted her head. "Pretty sure that's her now."

"Excellent." For some reason, he felt the urge to steeple his fingers and leer over them, but it passed. "Let the event commence. Burnscar, if you will?"



There were definitely people on top of Captain's Hill, clustered around the statue of Captain Lord, but my improved night-sight (I refused to call it 'dragonsight') couldn't distinguish between them, until a row of torches burst into flame one after the other. Then I saw what was going on.

Dad was there, kneeling on the rough gravel, with Kurt and Lacey next to him. Beside Lacey was Alan Barnes, and then Emma. Kurt's face was bruised, like he'd been roughed up a little, and Emma's features were blotchy, like she'd been crying. Lacey just looked pissed. I could just barely see something crouching on their necks, long mechanical legs clutching their shoulders and extending down their arms and over their heads.

"Good evening, Wyvern," announced an altogether too-familiar figure as he stepped out of the shadows and into the torchlight. I'd known he was there, but not who he was. Now I knew that, too. "Or should I say, Taylor Hebert. Oh, yes. I know who you are. I know a great deal about you." Jack Slash smiled predatorially, his too-white teeth gleaming in counterpoint to the blade that flickered through his fingers in the firelight.

I came to a hover, my rage almost boiling over. How dare this little man threaten my father and his friends, all because he had a bunch of supervillains to hide behind! Just barely, I managed to force myself to voice an enquiring chirp.

"Ah, yes. Non-verbal." He hmphed and lifted his chin. "I do so like it when they beg for all to hear. Oh well, no bother. I will translate. What do you want from me, I believe you asked. Well, it's simple. You, in the Nine. I believe you will make an absolutely marvellous part of the group."

Still hovering, I shook my head and voiced a defiant squawk. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Jack Slash raised his eyebrows, sounding quite amused. "Language, language. If my Bonesaw could understand that, she would be quite miffed with you. No, you see, it's quite simple. You see before you five hostages. I will be—"

That was it. I couldn't take it any longer. My anger burst forth, and I let out a roaring torrent of flame at him. Threaten my dad, will you!

A shield of glass interposed itself between myself and the gang leader, splashing the flame harmlessly in all directions. I switched up, flying forward with an explosive fireball leading the way, aiming to smash through the shield and get to Jack Slash before anyone else could interfere. With him in my jaws, I'd have the Nine at my mercy, and I could get them to release Dad and the others.

It wasn't the most intricate of plans, or the most well thought out, but I wasn't exactly thinking straight right at that moment.

So, of course, nothing could go wrong.


Emma Barnes

The latest member of New Wave had made the news weeks before, so Emma knew all about it. She'd admired the dragon (or wyvern, as New Wave insisted on calling it) for its power and strength, and giggled over the footage showing it cursing out Armsmaster. But now it was facing the Nine, all alone, almost incandescent in its frustrated rage … and that was Taylor.

Emma didn't know whether to be more scared of the Nine right then, or of her one-time friend. They would kill her if Taylor acted up … but Taylor might kill her afterwards anyway. She didn't often admit to making mistakes—that sort of thing happened to other people—but right now, she was beginning to consider the idea that shoving Taylor into the locker and then continuing to tease her afterward might have been a possible error in judgement.

As Jack Slash continued with his smug monologue, Taylor—no, Wyvern—lost her temper and shot flame at him. Emma tensed, expecting to see him immolated, but Shatterbird sent a sheet of glass up to protect him. When her first attack didn't work, she flew forward with another burst of flame; it hit the glass sheet and exploded, but that was just a decoy. Demonstrating some of the agility she'd shown on the news, Wyvern twisted and flew up and over the disintegrating shield.

Which promptly reformed and locked around her body and wings. Emma winced as she felt the impact Wyvern's dragon body made when it hit the rocky ground, down the slope a little way. Jack Slash tried to say something, but Wyvern's outraged screech drowned him out. Shedding shards of glass and at least twice as large as before, Wyvern came flapping up out of the darkness, eyes blazing and teeth bared in fury.

There was a rumble of heavy footsteps, then Crawler launched himself out of the darkness, smashing into Wyvern's body like a battering ram. They hit the rocky slope again, tumbling over and over in the darkness. Emma could hear Wyvern screeching and Crawler roaring in several tones at once.

The last rock slid to a halt. Silence fell. Emma waited for Wyvern to emerge from the darkness once more, like a phoenix triumphant. But instead, heavy plodding footsteps came up the side of the hill, until Wyvern's battered body was tossed unceremoniously into the pool of firelight.

She was a little larger than before, but her glorious red and gold scales had been badly seared by acid, which had also burned large holes in her wing membranes. She was still alive, still conscious, still trying to move and attack despite a missing eye, a broken jaw and several other clearly broken bones, some of which were protruding through her skin.

A delicately built girl with long dark hair bearing a single red streak stepped forward. "Come on," she said softly. "Go to sleep, little dragon. Go to sleep."

Although Wyvern clearly didn't want to, her one good eye drifted shut. She shrank, the scales fading away and her hair returning, until Taylor Hebert lay face down on the gravel of the parking lot. And then her eyes (both of them) snapped open, she looked around, and just like that, Wyvern was back, fully healed and the smaller size again. One second a scrawny girl, the next a red and gold scaled dragon. If Emma had blinked, she would've missed it.

Crawler shifted his position, putting one foot in the middle of Wyvern's back and the other on her muzzle, almost certainly to prevent her from breathing fire. Then, and only then, did Jack Slash step forward again.

"Well, that was both impressive and educational," the bearded man mused, strolling up to where Crawler held Wyvern pinned to the ground. "Let's try that again, shall we? Cage that beast a little, girl, or you will lose someone you care for."



I stared up at Jack Slash, wishing I could do more than growl past the heavy foot holding my mouth closed. If I were free … but I wasn't. And so, I couldn't afford to let the wyvern take full control like that again. I blinked at him twice, then twice again, trying to convey 'yes'.

Not that I intended to cooperate with him in the slightest. But I had to play this to my strengths, not his.

"Good," he said smoothly. "Now, shall we continue? As I was saying, we have five hostages here, two of whom you'd probably rather see dead. This is how it's going to go. Shatterbird, Crawler, Burnscar and Cherish have all expressed an interest in turning you into a quivering wreck. Bonesaw holds the lives of your hostages in her hand, and Siberian is here to ensure that you don't turn yours truly into a charcoal briquette. Are you understanding the situation so far?"

I gave him another series of blinks.

"Good. So, we'll go round by round. For each round, you either dispose of one of our hostages or my charming friends beat you to a pulp and I take something from you. Perhaps a finger, perhaps an eye. But I've decided to be nice and give you a couple of freebies for the first two rounds. It'll be no hardship at all for you to finally put these two out of your misery, will it?"

His gesture encompassed Alan and Emma Barnes, and I had to admire the evil genius of the man. Just for a moment, I was indeed tempted to murder them and blame it on Jack Slash. He knew me, knew what I wanted.

But he didn't own me, and never would. I was better than him. I was better than them. And more importantly, I knew something he didn't. But I didn't dare even think about it, because he'd shown an uncanny level of understanding of my thought processes so far, and I didn't wish to lose out to a scumbag like him at this point in the game.

I shook my head as best I could, and swung my eyes toward where I could see Shatterbird at the edge of the torchlight. To make my point, I sent a thin stream of flame out of my nostril toward her.

"Well, then." Jack clapped his hands together cheerfully. "If you want to do this the hard way, we can do it the hard way." He stepped back toward where the Siberian waited with Bonesaw. As she laid her hand on him, his colouration went from normal to black and white. He was protected, I knew.

Crawler took his feet off me and stepped back, allowing me to get to my feet and shake out my wings. I had one chance to get this right, or people would die. Rather; the wrong people would die. So from here on in, I could not lose.

Shatterbird took to the air, shards of glass orbiting her, while her wings spread wide, firelight twinkling off them. She had her weapons with her, ready to use on me. I'd seen how fast she was, how effective. I knew I could be beaten by her, and that was my advantage.

She didn't know she could be beaten by me, so she didn't know how to plan against it.

With a screech of defiance, I took off straight up, my wings undoubtedly sending a billow of dust everywhere. But I wasn't concentrating on that. I was reaching into the depths of my being to where the wyvern resided, and pushing it hard to respond to the perceived threat. At my normal size, I couldn't beat Shatterbird; she could immobilise my wings and bring me down at any time.

I breathed deeply, inhaling the chilly night air, feeling my ribcage expand … and expand … and expand. By the time Shatterbird realised something was wrong, I was halfway to her and more than twice my normal size. And then, just as her glass started toward me, I backwinged and pulled the same trick I had on Vicky that one time. A little bit of flame and a huge volume of smoke erupted from my nostrils, engulfing her altogether.

Coughing, she tried to fly out of the plume of smoke and evade me, but the buzzing in my ears led me straight to her. Her eyes widened and she threw up a glass shield against my flame. I didn't care. My head was the size of a small car by then, and when I closed my jaws around her the glass crunched like candy. She didn't crunch so much as squish.

I breathed fire, through my half-closed mouth. She didn't even have time to scream.

Spitting out the charred body and the bits of glass, I wheeled tightly on one wingtip and dived. One down, still winning.

A feeling of lethargy invaded my thoughts, as it had done before. The little tiny bit of me that just didn't want to fight was blown out of all proportion, almost forcing me to Change again. I felt myself reducing in size, and tried to push back, but Cherish's power was too strong for me to fight against.

So I didn't. I surrendered to her, and gave the wyvern full control over our shared body. Before, it had been an instinctive action; now, it was a winning strategy. As I watched, uncaring and wanting to just let the world go away, the wyvern spat out a single actinic stream of cutting flame. It had served to slice Inago's wing clear off his body. Here, it removed Cherish's head from her body, by way of vaporising it. As the headless corpse collapsed, the suppression of my natural anger vanished, and I surged back into the driver's seat. Thanks, I'll take it from here.



With Shatterbird down, and Cherish removed from the field mere seconds later, Jack stared up at the descending dragon. All his instincts were shouting that she wouldn't be stopped by mere threats this time. "Burnscar!"

"On it!" Hand flaring with flame, Burnscar stepped out in front of the hostages. Jack watched her call the torch flames to her, swirling them in a complex pattern. "Hey, Wyvern!" she shouted. "Back off!"

Wyvern kept coming, mouth opening and teeth showing. Jack began to wonder if she was even capable of comprehending human speech anymore. Burnscar took the initiative, directing the flames down at Danny Hebert's left hand. In an instant, it was seared to the bone. He screamed, loud and long.

With a great gust of wind that would've put out the torches if Burnscar's power had not kept them alight, Wyvern backwinged to a halt in mid-air. "DAD!" she bellowed, in a deep and gravelly voice. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU BITCH!"

"Language!" chided Bonesaw. "Mr. Jack, tell her not to swear!"

Burnscar cupped Hebert's head in her hands. He couldn't do anything about this, as he was still locked into the glass shackles Shatterbird had formed onto him. "Come down here and Change back, or I boil his brain in his skull!"

Still the dragon hovered there, great wings thrashing the air, anguish clear even on its inhuman muzzle. "Three!" shouted Burnscar. "Two!"

Wyvern shimmered, changing not so much size as shape. When her form stabilised, she was longer, leaner, and her colouration had changed utterly. Where before she'd been covered in red and gold scales, now she was ice-blue with black highlights. "One," she purred in a thunderous hissing whisper that was totally unlike her previous fifty-packs-a-day rasp, and inhaled.

Every flame went out, all pouring across the gap to where Wyvern hovered and disappearing into her flared nostrils. The temperature in the air dropped precipitously, frost forming on every surface. Her mouth opened, and she seemed to cough; ice shards shot out in a spray.

Burnscar yelped with terror and leaped away from Danny Hebert, forming a burst of flame with one hand and shooting another high into the air. She dived into the one before her and vanished. Far above, another one was formed, the fleeing form of Burnscar jumping from one to the other.

Wyvern turned her head fractionally, tracking, then spat out a burst of something that would've been flame, except that it was blue and sucked heat out of the air as it rocketed upward. There was another flare of fire above, and another … and then the blue bolt hit. The fire ceased to be.

Jack stared at Wyvern. I did not see that coming. "Poppet, since when can she breathe cold?"

"Uh, Mr. Jack," ventured Bonesaw. "I think I know what's happening, and it's a bad thing."

We've just lost three of our members. No shit it's a bad thing. "Yes?"

"Her, uh, power? Each time she's under stress when she's using her powers, it … uh, it puts her through a mini-Trigger. And I think she gets to keep all the previous iterations."

Jack blinked. "Powers don't work like that. Do powers work like that?"

Bonesaw shrugged. "Hers does?"

There was a crash and a shattering sound as Burnscar landed, her frozen corpse smashing like a Ming vase on a concrete floor. Wyvern turned her burning blue gaze on him. "I am going to—"

"Woo hoo!" Crawler bolted out of the darkness again and launched himself at her. "Round two, beeyatch! Come to papa!"

Jack breathed out again as they disappeared into the darkness. "Okay, once he breaks her down to size, I'm just going to have him kill her," he decided. "She's unmanageable. Too many variables." He waved his hand at where the hostages were. "Go ahead, kill the hostages. We don't need them anymore."

"Uh … Mr. Jack …"

He was beginning to detest that tone in her. "What?"

"The spiders I had on them are all dead. She killed them."

"What? When?" She hadn't even gotten close to the hostages.

"I don't know, Mr. Jack." Bonesaw sounded worried, and he didn't blame her. "Want me to send another spider to kill them now?"

"Yes. Do that." No matter what else, Wyvern would not win.

There was a scuttling sound in the darkness. Bonesaw cleared her throat. "Uh … the hostages … they're not there?"



Danny Hebert

"Come on, while they're distracted." Danny's left hand felt like one huge lump of ice, but it was better than the alternative.

He'd already wrenched off the cyber-spider that had been attached to the back of his neck, after it went limp. The cause of its demise was obvious; a high-velocity shard of ice had punched through its outer carapace, killing it instantly. Another had struck the glass bonds that were holding him prisoner, shattering them.

Each of the other hostages had been freed in a similar fashion, which made him wonder exactly how accurate Taylor was with those things. Also, where had that form even come from?

Escape now, power analysis later. "Come on," he whispered again as they sneaked down the road.

"You okay, man?" Kurt's voice rumbled quietly in the darkness.

"Better than Burnscar."

"Ain't that the truth."

And then the light flared in front of them.



Fighting Crawler was no picnic at the best of times. The first go-around, I'd already had my ass kicked by Shatterbird, and I was on the back foot. This time, I knew what I was facing. I found I could neutralise his acid with my cold-breath, and in fact I could break chunks off him by freezing them first.

But that tactic worked less and less, and soon he was using my cold-breath against me. Not that it did much, but it got annoying. Worse, he was beginning to overpower me, now that I couldn't simply destroy parts of his body. We hit an outcrop and smashed it, but it knocked the wind out of my body. He loomed over me, drooling yet more acid. This stuff was resistant to being frozen, and actually stung quite a bit.

I rolled over, managing to throw him off. Too late, I saw a small van in an out of the way parking spot, halfway up the hill. For a moment, I thought it might be abandoned, but then I spotted a face watching us through the windshield. "Watch out!" I bellowed. But it was too late. Crawler landed square on it, crushing it flat. God damn it, I groaned. I'd face the music for that later.

Crawler smashed me across the face with one of his front legs, and my head hit another rock. The world blurred; when it came back, I was looking down at him. My night sight (okay, fine, dragonvision) was much better now, and I saw my colouration had gone back to red and gold. "Come on!" he roared, launching himself at me, despite being somewhat smaller than me.

Opening my jaws wide—he was about the same size as my head—I caught him up in my mouth and bit down, hard. My teeth sheared into his flesh, and he let out an insane cackle. "Yeah! Yeah!"

He was already changing, adapting, to what I was doing to him. I felt myself shifting and changing in response; going with the wyvern's instincts, I tilted my head back and opened my gullet wide. He scrabbled briefly as he went down my throat, then I swallowed. It was painful at first, but then my body shimmered again and it wasn't.

But even that wasn't the end of it.

Crawler fought back, trying his best to tear his way out of me in a bizarre parody of that movie about the aliens. My stomach moved and bulged oddly, and I had the horrible feeling that I wouldn't be able to Change back until I had this sorted. The wyvern heard me, and I Changed again. This time, Crawler was weaker. It took two more Changes before he was totally quiescent. Whatever passed for stomach acids in this version of me had finally dealt with the unkillable cape.

Unfurling my wings—and by now they were huge—I flew up and landed at the top of Captain's Hill again. Jack and Bonesaw were just boarding the RV they'd come here in. I stomped on the front end of the vehicle, crushing it flat. "Going somewhere?"

Yeah, I was that big.

Jack Slash stared up at me. "What are you?" he demanded. "What did you do with Crawler?"

I didn't have an answer for the first question, but I definitely had one for the second one. Opening my jaws, I let out a deep, rolling thunderous belch that echoed across Brockton Bay. "He was delicious." It was a lie, but it was a badass lie.

"Rude," complained Bonesaw. "Gross."

"Okay, just going to say, you can't touch me or my little poppet, because Siberian will fillet you if you try." Jack hooked his thumb over his shoulder as he spoke. Except that … both he and the girl should have been currently coloured in shades of gray. They weren't.

I breathed in through my nostrils, taking up their scents, wondering exactly where the Siberian was. Jack's scent was … interesting. He'd been cocky and confident earlier. Now … he was terrified, but putting up a good front. The Siberian must've decided to cut her losses and leave him hanging out to dry.

"Who?" I grinned, each of my teeth longer than he was tall.

"I'm full of pathogens," Bonesaw said defiantly. "Kill me and they'll spread far and wide. You'll kill America."

"Funny thing, that," I mused. "It took a lot to kill Crawler. I'm pretty sure that right now, my internals negate matter on a subatomic level. I wonder how that would go against your pathogens. Made of matter, aren't they?"

"Wait, wait," Jack said, holding his hands up. "Don't I get any last words?"

"No." I was sick of his face, sick of his voice and sick of his smug condescension. It took just one breath to disintegrate the back half of the RV, Bonesaw and her pathogens and Jack Slash himself. Also, about fifty cubic yards of parking lot in a shallow crater. I was going to have to work on my precision.

And then light sprang into existence beside me. I looked over and down, to see Lady Photon hovering in mid-air, holding her hand up like a floodlight. "Taylor?" she asked. I wasn't totally surprised at how doubtful she sounded. My head was now twice the size of a city bus.

"Yeah. I think so. I see you found my message." When I'd used the explosive fireball to launch myself skyward, it had also ashed all the grass and dirt directly under it … except the bits covered by the glass, forming words. When they finally got around to examining the scene, they would've found a signpost telling them exactly where I'd gone; also, why.

"Yes, we did. Sorry it took us so long. Did you just … finish the Nine?"

"They started it. What about Dad and the others?"

"We've got them. Amelia is healing your father's hand as we speak. How … how did you get so big?"

"Lots of Crawler in my diet, I guess."

She choked out a laugh. "Uh, how do you feel about that?"

"There was quite a bit of heartburn involved, but I got over it." I looked down at myself. "Pretty sure I can't fit in the garage anymore."

This time, her laughter was more genuine. "What about the Siberian? How did you deal with her?"

I shrugged, not unlike the movement of tectonic plates. "No idea. I suspect when she saw them losing, she dumped the team and ran."

"Right." She flew around in front of me and held up what I recognised as the extravagantly fluffy bathrobe that Vicky had more or less gifted me with after the Armsmaster incident. "Well, when you feel like downsizing, I'll be right here for you."

"Thanks." I silently consulted the wyvern. It felt kind of tired. "I figure it won't be long before I'm human again. Anyway, I've got court in the morning."

She nodded. "Think the Barneses might want to change their plea after this?"

I chuckled; already, I could feel the size Change coming on. "Maybe."

Personally, I was ready for bed. It had been a long, long night.

End of Part Twenty
Wake Up Call
Emily grunted softly as she finished disconnecting herself from the dialysis machine. Thankfully there had been no interruptions today, and the utter fiasco that had been Sophia Hess seemed to have been weathered.

So when Deputy Director Renick charged into the medical suite looking like he'd run here directly from the Rig, despite the fact it was a good two miles offshore, meant that the other shoe she'd been dreading had finally dropped.

"Mike, stop, let me guess. Some idiot managed to out Wyvern and our suspicions that she is in fact Taylor Hebert are completely justified. At least tell me that it wasn't someone in the PRT."

"It was Jack Slash."

THAT nearly caused her to collapse back onto the bed. "Why wasn't I informed immediately that the Slaughterhouse was in town." she gritted out.

"Nobody knew anything until five minutes ago when it got posted to PHO."

"I am rather beside myself to learn that our intelligence department is inferior to someone like Void Cowboy. Alright, what's his game this time."

"Nothing. He's dead. So are the rest of the Nine probably."

"... what?"

"My understanding of events is that Jack snuck into the Bay in an attempt to turn Wyvern before unleashing her on the city, using her father and other close associates as hostages in order to break her."

"I take it from the fact the city doesn't look like the aftermath of an Endbringer attack means that Jack and his merry band of murderhobos finally bit off more than they could chew."

"That's appropriate. Shatterbird died first, followed by their newest member, Cherish."

"The one who killed Hatchet Face and Mannequin to join the Nine."

"We're pretty sure she was one of Heartbreaker's kids."

"Possibly the only good thing to come from that bastard was the fact she killed two of the worst serial killers on the planet to get in. What next."

"Burnscar was apparently frozen solid. No, I have no idea how that happened. I'm taking a page from Assault and saying 'Powers are Bullshit.'."

"That still leaves Crawler, Siberian, Bonesaw and Jack."

"We have no idea what happened to the Siberian. Online speculation is that she did a runner after seeing three members of the Nine killed in as many minutes. As for Crawler... you know how Wyvern can get larger in response to a perceived threat?"

"Yes..." Emily opened the door to her office and stared in horror as Mike pointed out the window towards Captain's Hill... and the red and gold form the size of the Medhall building perched atop it, a glow from what looked like lava illuminating the scene like something from Lord of the Rings.

"I doubt Crawler tasted good with ketchup. Also, I don't think we have to worry about any possible Bonesaw plagues. When something that big decides to breathe fire on you, there's not even ash left."
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Part Twenty-One: Dealing With the Wyvern in the Room

Part Twenty-One: Dealing With the Wyvern in the Room

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

PRT Building ENE
Director Emily Piggot
The Next Morning

"... court in the morning."

Emily hit Pause on the remote, so as to allow everyone present—Protectorate and Wards alike—to fully appreciate the gravity of the scene before them.

The screen in the conference room displayed two separate views of the summit of Captain's Hill. The angles were slightly different, and one was a little clearer than the other, but what each of them showed was unmistakeable. A draconic figure, red and gold markings identical to those in every photo ever taken of her, loomed over the parking area on top of the hill in a way that should have been frankly impossible at that range.

Providing even more evidence as to the scale involved, a tiny bright-coloured human form hovered next to the gargantuan muzzle. Everyone present knew who it was: Lady Photon. She appeared so tiny next to the immense creature that she would be able to stand on its lower eyelid and peer directly into its pupil.

Emily pressed the Play button again. Both images started rolling. Lady Photon clearly said something to Wyvern, because the immense reptilian eyeball rolled toward her. There was a chuckle in reply, clearly audible over the speakers, even from halfway across the city. "Maybe."

This time, Emily hit Stop, and the screens blanked.

"As we all know," she said, her voice carrying clearly to everyone in the room, "that happened last night."

"Oh, we know," Assault agreed readily enough. "So does everyone in Brockton Bay. There's a whole thread on PHO devoted to appeasing our new draconic overlord. Overlady. Whatever."

"Clock here applied for the position of her high priest," Kid Win added, hooking his thumb at his buddy.

"Hey!" protested the white-clad Ward. "I wasn't the only one!"

"Nicely done, kid." Assault turned to Armsmaster, lacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them. "So, tell us again about your plan to take Wyvern under your wing and teach her how to find her true strengths."

"Found 'em," muttered Clockblocker, not quite softly enough to not be heard. Kid Win and Vista snickered quietly, along with Assault.

Armsmaster's jaw hardened, but he didn't respond to either Assault's smartass comment or Clockblocker's response. "We've been fortunate three times over," he stated. "First, Wyvern has expressed no interest in actually conquering the city by force. Second, she reduced in size back to regular human form shortly after the footage which we've just viewed. Third, all the hostages taken by the Nine were able to escape due to her assistance. Only one was harmed, and his injury has since been dealt with by Panacea."

"So, uh … does anyone have any idea of how big she actually got at the end there?" asked Velocity. "Because she looked pretty damn big to me."

Emily glanced at Armsmaster, and he took up the ball. "After consultation with Dragon, the consensus seems to be between six hundred fifty to seven hundred fifty feet, from tip of nose to tip of tail. The wings were never fully spread while in that form, but if the proportions were the same as when she is in her basic Wyvern form, her wingspan would be in excess of a thousand feet."

Kid Win made a choking noise. "Wait … so you're saying she was three times as long as a seven-four-seven?"

"And her wingspan was five times that of an airliner, yes," Armsmaster confirmed. "However, that brings up another issue. An empty seven-four-seven weighs a little in excess of two hundred fifty tons. I strongly suspect her body would be denser than that of an aluminum aircraft, so she would've massed perhaps forty to fifty times as much as the average Boeing jetliner, instead of merely twenty-seven times. For reference, blue whales are about a hundred feet long, and weigh about two hundred tons."

"So, at full size she would weigh somewhere between ten and twelve thousand tons," Emily retorted, after doing a little mental math. "Let's hope she doesn't choose to perch on any buildings we happen to want, once she gets that large again."

"I'm more hoping that nothing happens to get her to that size again," Miss Militia said. "Because if she does, and goes on a rampage, I'm not sure anything short of a nuke would suffice to subdue her. In fact, considering what we've seen of her durability against fire and explosions, that's not exactly a guarantee either."

"Yay," Assault interjected, deadpan. "So, the only way to save the city would be to destroy the city."

Battery didn't even bother elbowing him for that one. "I hope we're not planning on a pre-emptive strike? Especially on someone who literally destroyed the Slaughterhouse Nine in about ten minutes?"

Emily folded her hands together on the table. "It's something we must at least consider the possibility of. Wyvern has specifically chosen not to join the Wards, and has shown that she can escalate far beyond our capacity to easily respond. I'm sure everyone here has paid attention to the fact that each time she gets pushed to a higher level, she can reach that level again much more easily."

"Wait, wait," Gallant interjected. "It might not be my place to say this, but let's just keep in mind that the only people who have pushed Wyvern to excessive level of violence so far have been Inago, Shadow Stalker, and the Slaughterhouse Nine, all of whom tried to hurt people she obviously cared for. Why are we even talking about taking her down for something she might be capable of doing?"

"Kid's got a point," Assault noted idly. "Sure, Wyvern's got the potential to level the city. But the thing is, most of us in this room have that to a greater or lesser degree, given enough prep time and a damn good reason. You don't see the PRT hanging over our shoulders, ready to pull the trigger just in case we suddenly decide to snap one fine day. Who are you going to aim this 'capable of causing great damage' BS at next? The Triumvirate? Because I want a ringside seat when you do."

Emily twitched. Assault was almost certainly exaggerating, but she was never comfortable when even heroic capes spoke in this way. In her mind, it was all too easy for braggadocio to become hard reality, especially when powers were involved.

Battery seemed to be thinking that way as well. "Not funny," she muttered to her husband.

"Wasn't joking. And I wasn't finished. Like I said, sure, she could do it. But has she given us any reason to believe she wants to? I haven't seen it. She's happy in New Wave, and they're pleased to have her. They care. And she cares about them."

"That doesn't reduce her capacity to cause immense destruction, should she choose to do so," Emily argued. Couldn't he see the point she was trying to get across?

"Exactly." Assault sat up from his habitual slump. "Choice. She's choosing to be very careful about the destruction she causes. Oni Lee and the Nine are the only people she's actually killed, and do you blame her for a single one of them? Because I certainly don't."

Emily sat forward, determined to regain the initiative. "When she first showed up, I wasn't overly worried because she was at best a B-rank cape. After Inago, it became a concern, because she'd jumped straight to A-rank status. Now, she's gone all the way to S-rank, capable of causing Endbringer-scale damage. Her potential for escalation is frankly worrying—"

Assault slapped the table, hard. From the way the sound boomed and echoed through the room, it was evident that he'd used his powers to amplify the impact. Slowly, he stood up and turned his head to take in everyone in the room.

"Wards. Out. What I've got to say isn't for you guys to hear."

Such was the authority in his tone—normally he went for 'cool uncle' but now his voice was hard and sharp—that even Clockblocker didn't register more than a token protest as he got up and left. The last one out was Triumph, who closed the door behind him.

Emily stared up at Assault. Once in a while, she'd seen his Madcap persona on display. It was only on rare occasions, and never boded well for whoever he was aiming it at. This was the first time he'd directed it her way, and she found she didn't like it.

"You can be worried," he growled. "But you do not get to let that translate into an excuse for an unofficial kill order on Taylor Hebert when she's not being Wyvern, or even when she is. She's a sweet kid, and she's done nothing to deserve that."

Emily felt anger surge through her, along with a tinge of guilt. "I was going to order no such thing—"

"Oh, bullshit." He hadn't sat down, and his tone was as cutting as before. "You were just going to express concern, and suggest a potential need for precautions. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more. When Militia said a nuke might or might not take her down, you never turned a hair. Not a kill order, my well-toned left butt cheek. Since when are nukes the non-lethal option?"

"So, what would your solution be if Wyvern decided to go on a rampage at full power?" snapped Emily, stung into replying. "Wave pompoms?"

"Well, that would depend entirely on why," he said. "Endbringer attack? You can goddamn bet I'd be waving pompoms. Some other brain-dead fuckwit villain tries to force her to work for them by kidnapping her loved ones? I'd help her end them. But if it turned out that someone with more brass than brains decided that her very existence was too much of an existential threat for their tiny little minds, and tried to remove her from the running just because, and they'd miscalculated and hurt the people she loved, and thus triggered the rampage that way ..." He flicked his visor up and leaned forward on his knuckles, his eyes fixed on Emily's. "Refer to previous answer."

He meant every word; she could tell that much, at least. She forced herself to breathe steadily. This was not the first time she'd felt threatened by a cape, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

When she spoke, her voice sounded alien to her ears. "So noted. Now sit down, before I have Armsmaster put you on report for insubordination." She wasn't about to do it—for all his freewheeling nature, he was a damn good hero—but her authority needed to be maintained.

Slowly, he sat down, the grim set of his mouth gradually relaxing. With one finger, he flicked his visor down again. "Sure, you can do that. And I can repeat this conversation verbatim to whoever wants to know why I'm on report this time."

Which neither of them wanted. It was a mutually assured fuck-you, and they both knew it.

"We'll continue to monitor the Wyvern situation at a distance," she observed neutrally. "If New Wave gets worried, that's when we'll get worried. Armsmaster, did you have anything else to add, regarding the Slaughterhouse Nine incident?"

Armsmaster glanced from Assault to Emily, then cleared his throat. "There is something that has me concerned. At lower size levels, she deals exclusively in fire, though the power is expressed in a few different ways. However, per the witness statements, when fighting Burnscar she manifested a differently patterned wyvern form that had the same mastery over ice and cold as her standard form does over fire."

"That's something I've been thinking about," Dauntless said. "Could it be that her Changer form is integrated with an adaptive Trump power of some type? She's locked into the wyvern pattern, but when she encounters an out of context problem, her powerset literally figures out a way to counter it, and forces her through an upgrade that lets her beat it?"

Emily considered that. It would certainly fit the events as she understood them. "And so when she was fighting Crawler, her power had to literally evolve direct disintegration of matter to the subatomic level in order to beat him."

"Which would mean her breath would likely have the same effect," Armsmaster agreed. "I studied the crater she left behind when she disintegrated Jack Slash and Bonesaw. The ground was smooth. All I could find, even with the most delicate of instrumentation, was that there'd been some kind of destructive event that left no trace materials behind; no excess heat, no acid, nothing. There's a good chance she only has access to the disintegration effect when she's at that size; anything smaller, and her body wouldn't be able to sustain it."

That was both good news and bad news. Good, in that the human-sized version of Wyvern would not be able to casually disintegrate muggers. Bad, in that she would easily be able to regain the immense form, now that she had attained it once. She briefly envisaged Wyvern disintegrating half a building by accident and knocking over the other half with a body-check, then shut down the mental image with a well-concealed shudder. Just one more thing that I've got to worry about.

"Was that everything?" she asked. "I seem to recall a mention of a stray bystander killed during the fight, but I didn't get any details then."

Miss Militia nodded. "Yes. He was apparently camping in a van a little way down the hill. Wyvern's statement, passed on by Lady Photon, says she didn't see him until she accidentally threw Crawler on top of him. She blames herself."

Armsmaster lifted his head slightly, in the pose that said he was reading off his helmet HUD. Emily disliked when he did that; he could at least wait until he wasn't in a conversation with other people in the room. His words, however, arrested her attention. "They've since confirmed the identity of the civilian DOA. Doctor William Manton's been missing for years, believed dead. What are the odds that he would show up now, camping literally one hundred yards away from the Slaughterhouse Nine?"

Emily blinked, her irritation following the clash with Assault vanishing in an instant. "Manton? As in, the Doctor William Manton? You're right; that's not something I would personally call a coincidence, especially where capes of that calibre are concerned. Do they have any ideas?"

"Nothing concrete," Armsmaster replied. "The updated report, and everything they've got appended to it, has been sent to everyone's inboxes."

"Good." Assault leaned back again. "This doesn't change much. At worst, he was a regrettable casualty of the conflict, but I really don't think so. Much more likely, he was somehow connected to the Nine and got what he deserved. Either way, there's no way I'm going to be Monday-morning-quarterbacking the girl who took on the Nine and quite literally wiped them off the face of the Earth, when the best Protectorate and PRT efforts came up zip." And you'd better not try it either, he didn't say.

Emily nodded to acknowledge his points, both spoken and unspoken. At the very least, Wyvern had earned the reward for ending the Nine once and for all, even if the Siberian had escaped the clean sweep. "Understood. Did anyone have anything else?"

Nobody did. Assault stood up with Battery alongside him, and nodded to Armsmaster. "I'll brief the Wards on what they missed."

Which meant, Emily knew, he'd tone it down to just the right level. He'd always been good with the youngsters. Better than her or Armsmaster, at any rate.

She'd stick with the unspoken agreement she'd formed with Assault, her own feelings on the subject notwithstanding. Teenage girl or no teenage girl, Wyvern was dangerous. But Assault couldn't or wouldn't see that, which meant that no precautionary actions would be taken for the time being, not until they had official permission from above.

She just hoped they wouldn't end up regretting it.

Also, that nobody else would do anything stupid.



"What. The. Fuck?" Max Anders pointed at the widescreen image that showed the clearest PHO image available of Wyvern perched on top of Captain's Hill. "Did anyone know she could grow that big?"

Hookwolf shook his head. "Uh, no. After Inago, she could get as big as a moving van, but that was about it. What you've got there's a whole new level of fuck-that."

Stormtiger elbowed him in the ribs. "C'mon, man. You're always talking up how tough you are. You could take her."

"Fuck you." Hookwolf elbowed him in return, twice as hard. "She ate Crawler alive. Crawler. Then she toasted Jack Slash with that weird purple fire. They said there's nothing left of him. Hard pass."

Max banged on the table with a metal-clad fist. "I'm not asking who can't take her. That list basically includes everyone in Brockton Bay. I'm asking for any ideas about dealing with her, if she decides to come after us."

"We're going to have to be very careful about it," Krieg advised. "She's reportedly durable, even at normal size. At that scale, her ability to absorb damage is probably greater that Fenja's and Menja's combined. And her destructive capability is greater than everyone present combined. If we struck at her while she was in that form, she would almost certainly survive, and her retaliation would probably prove fatal to whoever the idiot was, plus everyone behind them."

"I'm not scared of fire," boasted Alabaster. "Gimme a big enough MANPAD, and I'll put a hole right through her."

"First, she is impressively agile in the air, and could probably dodge it altogether," Krieg replied. "Second, her durability versus explosions is a matter of record. Third, I am dubious as to whether your vaunted reset ability would survive being reduced to subatomic particles, which is what I suspect that 'weird purple fire' actually does."

Max knew the Empire could probably source the man-portable air-defence missiles Alabaster was talking about, but those things were very expensive and would likely draw Federal attention. If the Empire had a Tinker of their own, that would've made things a lot easier—the ABB and Roadhog's Crew both had Tinkers, which he considered to be the height of unfairness—but they didn't, so there was no sense bitching about it.

"I could make Purity invulnerable," Othala offered. "She could probably do a lot of damage before it wore off."

It was a tempting suggestion, and Max wished he didn't have to shoot it down. "Good idea but like Krieg said, Wyvern's insanely agile in the air. Also, durable even at low levels. If she didn't kill Wyvern immediately, she'd be facing something that could damn near rip the Medhall building out of the ground and fly off with it. At that level, chances are that Wyvern could tank the hits until Purity ran out of invulnerability. And finally, my beloved wife is still out there playing hero, trying to hunt down Geonchugga and round up the last of the ABB before Inago gets out of lockup. If he ever does. So she's not likely to even want to take on Wyvern until that's done with, if ever."

Crusader had stayed quiet all this time—it hadn't even needed to be said that his ghosts were unlikely to be overly effective on someone like Wyvern—but now he roused himself. "So nobody else is gonna say it, huh?"

Max looked at him. He knew the brash youngster reasonably well, and had an idea of what Crusader was referring to, but there was such as thing as plausible deniability. "Nobody is going to say what, exactly?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Crusader rolled his eyes. "We pull a Fleur on her. Find out her real name and where she lives, then put someone on her. When she least expects it, they gank her. Make it look like a mugging gone wrong or something. They don't even have to know it's Wyvern. Just someone we wanted dead."

Max stayed quiet, watching the others as they reacted to Crusader's words. He could see the appeal in the idea, and indeed he'd given the go-ahead for Fleur's killer to be inducted into the Empire Eighty-Eight after the young lout served his prison term. But it had ever been his way to read the room and go with the majority opinion, acting as though it had been his intention all along.

Not everyone would like it, he was sure. It just remained to be seen whether or not the dissenters managed to win enough people over to their point of view.

"You're shitting me, right?" Hookwolf's tone was full of disgust. "Just like that? Stab her and slab her? What the fuck's wrong with you?"

Crusader recoiled at Hookwolf's tone. "What? What are you talking about? You've killed people before. Last month, I watched you skin a cop alive."

Hookwolf bunched his fists, metal blades sliding into place to cover his forearms. "Yeah, but every asshole I ever offed, they saw me coming. I don't stab anyone in the back from the get-go. It's a fucking coward's act. Never have, never will."

"Well, maybe some of us don't have powers always protecting us!" The 'coward' comment had scored on Crusader, Max could tell. "Sometimes it's just the smart move!"

"I'm with Hook." That was Stormtiger. "I expected better of you, Crusader. Maybe the squishies can gank someone from surprise and feel good about themselves after, but we're better than them. More powerful. We don't need that edge. I go out to kill some motherfucker, I'm gonna look 'em in the eye first."

"Like Crusader said, some of us don't have that option," Rune objected. "I've seen her in action. If I went up against her at her normal size, she'd outfly me, then scorch me down to a cinder. I'd never win if I didn't get the drop on her first."

"From where I'm sitting, that's a you problem," Cricket interjected, idly spinning one of her kama around her hand. "Have you tried not being a whiny bitch?"

"Now, now, that's not fair." But Victor's voice held a tinge of amusement. "I know I wouldn't go up against her without one of Othala's enhancements. But maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves. She might not even care about us. Someone with that kind of power-up? That's major Protectorate material. Hell, that's Triumvirate material."

Slowly, Max nodded. "True. And the reverse is also a factor."

Krieg frowned and looked over at him. "The reverse?"

"Last night's little show would absolutely have put her on the Triumvirate's radar," Max explained. "Someone who could ramp up hard enough to turn Crawler into a tasty meat snack, and Jack Slash into individual atoms drifting on the breeze? They have to be paying attention to Brockton Bay right now. If nothing else, they'd have little Endbringer-shaped dollar signs in their eyes. So, I'm guessing they're drawing straws right at this moment to see who comes to town to ask her pretty please would she join in the next fight. And if we happened to remove her from consideration before they got here … I'm not willing to bet on their kind and forgiving natures. Are you?"

An extremely thoughtful silence fell across the gathered villains. Hookwolf broke it first. "A grand on Hero."

"What?" asked Crusader, totally blindsided by the non-sequitur.

"I'm betting a thousand bucks that it's Hero who comes to town," Hookwolf said patiently. "Who wants some of this action?"

"Two grand on Alexandria, for me," Cricket replied. "They'll send a girl, duh."

Max sat back and smiled secretly to himself as the battle lines were drawn. It seemed money would change hands no matter which member of the Triumvirate showed up, though it was telling that nobody had any faith in Eidolon to be the one. Not that he blamed them; since Legend quit the Protectorate, the man had hardly appeared in public at all.

Whatever happened from this point on, he would wait and see.

It was a sound course of action, one that had worked for him so far.



When court convened the next morning, I was wearing one of Vicky's dresses, the Nine having successfully managed to destroy all of my clothing that I hadn't wrecked so far. Dad had been wearing his glasses when he was kidnapped, and I could get by with fake frames thanks to Amy's fix job on my eyes, so we weren't having to squint to see anything. We'd been put up in PRT accommodation overnight, ostensibly for observation, and I for one had had a good night's sleep.

Which I had desperately needed. Getting that big had somehow left me with phantom muscle strains all over, to the point that I was horribly cramped the next morning. It took me about twenty minutes under a steaming hot shower (in Taylor Hebert form, not Wyvern form) to loosen up to the point that it didn't hurt when I moved anymore. Even then, I was still creaky as an old door as I got in the car (with a PRT driver; our actual car was in the shop, getting the window replaced and the side panels repainted) to go to court.

Getting out at the courthouse, I felt a little better. Then I spotted Emma and her dad with their lawyer. She saw me, I raised an eyebrow, and she literally hid behind him.

"Danny, Taylor, it's good to see you." Carol Dallon was looking very pleased with herself. "How are you doing after last night?"

Dad held up his hand and wriggled his fingers; Amy had fixed it completely after what Burnscar had done to it. "Better than I was, thanks to Amy. Ready to get this done."

I nodded in agreement. "What he said. Tell Sarah thanks for her pep-talk. It really helped." With other people present, of course, we had to watch what we said.

Carol beamed at me. "You can tell her yourself when you see her. How are you feeling, after what you ate last night?"

Was I suffering from having eaten Crawler, she meant.

"No problems at all," I assured her. "Sometimes, my stomach is just a bottomless pit. I had bacon and eggs this morning. Not too bad, actually."

"Good, good. Well, we should be getting inside. Time and court appearances wait for no man or woman."

"Well, you're having a good morning," I observed with a grin.

Carol nodded. "It helps when our newest and flashiest member destroys a notorious team of villains. New Wave is very definitely the flavour of the month."

We headed on in. Every time I saw Emma, she did her best to keep her father between us. That was mildly amusing, especially when he saw what she was doing and made her put a stop to it.

As soon as we got inside, their lawyer headed over to speak to one of the court officials. Carol went to have a word with another one. While she ws doing that, Alan Barnes sat Emma down in her seat, then came over toward us.

Ms. Castle, the county prosecutor, intercepted him before he reached us. "Mr. Barnes, it's not a good idea for you to speak to the witnesses for the prosecution without prior permission."

"I don't care." He was neatly dressed but this close, he did not look well rested. The bags under his eyes could've held enough luggage for a round-the-world trip. "I need to talk to Danny and Taylor."

"That depends on them." Ms. Castle looked back at us. "Mr. Hebert, Ms. Hebert?"

Dad glanced at me; I shrugged. "Sure. Let's hear it."

"Thank you." He came up to us, glanced at Ms. Castle, and grimaced. There was evidently a great deal he wanted to say, most of which was constrained by our lawyer's presence. Dad and I just waited; it wasn't our job to make his life easier. "I … I, uh, did a lot of thinking last night. After the thing … with the Nine … and Wyvern."

So far, he was colouring inside the lines, so Dad threw him a bone. Tilting his head, he gave Mr. Barnes a look of interest. "I was there too, you know. What exactly were you thinking about?"

More grimacing. "Jack Slash tried to get Wyvern to burn me and Emma alive, just because he could. She refused, and took on those monsters instead. She saved our lives." When we've done nothing to deserve it, his tone said loud and clear.

"She did." Dad's tone was noncommittal. "Saved mine, too, and Kurt's, and Lacey's. What's your point?"

"Life's too short for things like this to waste time on." Alan Barnes looked from Dad to me. "I've sent Richardson to pass on a message to the judge, that Emma and I have spoken about it, and we're changing her plea to guilty. The Clementses already know about this, and they're doing the same with Madison. Whatever Sophia wants to do is her own business. I wash my hands of her."

Ms. Castle blinked. "Well, that's definitely going to streamline matters today," she observed. "Mr. Hebert, Ms. Hebert, do you have a problem with this?"

Dad and I shared another glance; again, I shrugged. "Not especially," I said. "I was already over this whole thing anyway. But thanks for putting in the hard work for us."

She favoured me with a professional smile. "This case is one of the easier ones I've had to work for in quite some time. There's a certain amount of satisfaction to be found in fighting the opposition down to the wire, but it's also nice when they just throw in the towel."

Dad fronted up to Mr. Barnes. "Alan," he said quietly, "I say this as one father to another. Get Emma some professional help. She needs it."

"Yeah." It was clear Mr. Barnes didn't like the idea, but he was coming around to it. "Me too, probably."

We watched as he headed back to Emma and sat down beside her, then Ms. Castle looked at Dad and me. "Time to take your seats," she advised. "Even though he's entering a guilty plea, we've still got to do this by the book. Though that was likely the most exciting part of the case, right there."

Dad nodded. "I can't argue with that."

I had to agree. Life was so much easier when people did the smart thing.



Well, I definitely didn't expect that.

Thomas Calvert looked over his steepled fingers at the enlarged image of Wyvern looming over Captain's Hill. His plan to set up the PRT to look bad and/or push Wyvern closer to criminal activity (and thus separate her from New Wave, leaving her open to recruitment by himself) by railroading her back into the school she despised … had somehow fizzled. Wyvern and the PRT had come out of it smelling like roses, and the real villain of the piece had been exposed and captured. Winslow had indeed burned, but it wasn't Wyvern's doing.

And now … this.

He hadn't anticipated the Nine coming to town, but people rarely did. Every time someone got a tip they were on their way and the local capes got ready for them, they never showed. It had been part of their mystique. Well, not anymore. Their mystique was well and truly dead, just like them.

Wyvern's mystique, on the other hand, had acquired whole new volumes. What she could do, and how she could do it, was now very much in the forefront of his mind. He knew who she was, where she lived, and her entire scholastic record back to first grade. That part was no mystery to him.

The six-hundred-forty-million-dollar question currently consuming his every thought process was this:

How do I get her to work for me?

It was very simple. She was far and away the most powerful cape in Brockton Bay, and indeed everywhere north of New York. Which gave him three choices for dealing with her. As a member of New Wave, he couldn't ignore her; sooner or later, they'd turn their attention to him. Which meant he had to make preparations to either leave town, suborn her to his cause, or remove her from the board altogether.

Fleeing Brockton Bay was the least palatable of the options. It would mean abandoning his entire operation, endangering his standing within the local PRT, and most likely leaving behind the cape teams he had under his sway. He could start again elsewhere, but it would be tedious at best.

On the other hand, bringing her into his stable of capes would catapult him into a position head and shoulders above every other mover and shaker in Brockton Bay and the surrounding region. By contrast, it was the best of all possible options, but he had no idea how to pull it off. When the Slaughterhouse Nine bounty payout came in, she'd be more financially well-off than he was, so offering her money would not be an option. She'd managed to avoid committing any egregious crimes, so blackmail was off the table as well.

Killing her was the simplest means of removing her from consideration as a threat. Which was why half a dozen of his men were sitting in a parked van not far from the out-of-the-way motel the PRT maintained for just this sort of purpose. His men were wearing PRT uniforms and had current IDs, which would serve to get them close enough to the Heberts for whatever needed to be done. Removing the bodies and setting fire to the premises would sufficiently muddy the waters thereafter.

Still, he always liked to have a second option. Taking up his phone, he dialled a specific number. Tattletale answered promptly, of course. She knew better than to keep him waiting. "Yeah, boss?"

"Wyvern. Best approach for getting her away from New Wave and into my pocket."

There was a brief pause, during which time she no doubt accessed her power. It was useful, but he couldn't help thinking he'd do better with an actual precognitive. But he had to make do with what he had; it wasn't like one was going to just fall into his lap.

"Sorry, boss. Not gonna happen. She'll have more money than God in a few days, and even if you kidnapped her old man, she would keep trying to get him back until you either let him go or killed him. And killing him would drive her into a rage like you wouldn't believe. She would find you, and she would eat you alive."

The surety in her voice shook him to his core. "She wouldn't necessarily find me." He hadn't told her the exact capabilities of his power, but he knew she could make educated guesses, even without data.

"Yeah. She would. Her power adapts to the threat. If you were the threat, and she wanted to find you badly enough, she would evolve an ability to beat yours. Maybe it would shut you down, or maybe it would let her see what you're doing. Either way, she'd beat you."

The message was loud and clear. Well, shit. "Understood."

He went to say more but stopped, because the cold muzzle of a pistol had made contact with his temple, just in front of his left ear. Very slowly, he turned his head, to see a woman in a fedora. She gestured at the phone, and he ended the call.

He knew who she was, and more or less what she could do. Anything she chooses to. What she wanted with him, why she was here, he was rapidly starting to figure out. "Is this about Wyvern?"

"Yes." The pistol, now about one inch from his left eye, didn't waver. "You will leave her alone. You will not attempt to harm or coerce either her or her father. You will call your men off. Is this perfectly understood?"

There was only one answer he could give that he knew would not get him shot. "Yes. It's understood."

"Good. Doorway."

She turned away, but only an idiot would've thought her vulnerable at that moment. Thomas Calvert did not consider himself an idiot. A portal opened up before her, and she stepped through. It closed again, leaving him alone in his office.

But what about me?

When do I get what I want?

The answer was simple. He wouldn't.

Well, fuck.


Dallon Household

Vicky picked up the three dice and rolled them. "Aww, man," she complained, looking at the result. "The barbarian's almost back again. I'm gonna have to activate my knights again."

"Serves you right for blocking my roads," Amy told her, checking the other two dice and drawing her cards. "Ooh, lots of wheat."

I grinned as I drew my resources as well. This was a really fun game, and when it came my turn I figured I'd be able to trade for the commodities I needed.

"I'll trade you for some of that wood you just drew," Dad offered Vicky. "What would you like? Ore or wheat?"

"Wheat, definitely wheat." Vicky side-eyed her sister, who was conspicuously not offering to trade any of her wheat. "How much can you spare?"

There was a knock on the door, and Dad looked around. "Were you expecting someone?"

"Not really," Vicky said. "Unless Crystal and Eric have decided to come over."

Amy shook her head. "They wouldn't bother knocking."

Carol was at the door by now. I turned to look as she opened it. There was a surprised tone in her voice as she greeted the visitor, but she didn't power up and she didn't sound worried. Then the visitor stepped inside, and I saw him properly for the first time.

Hero had been a founding member of the original Protectorate, back when it was just the four of them. The Tinker of the group, he was still considered one of the foremost proponents of that powerset in the world. He'd reluctantly taken up leadership of the entire Protectorate when Legend had split from the team for reasons still unknown, but he'd acquitted himself well in the role.

While not as naturally charismatic as the iconic flying Blaster, he was still friendly and outgoing, and everyone liked him. His gold and blue power armour, sporting the PRT logo on the shoulder-plate, would've been recognisable anywhere.

I stood up without even realising what I was doing. Concluding his handshake with Carol, Hero moved farther into the house, to where we stood around the dining room table. "Hello, there," he greeted us. "I was told I'd find Taylor Hebert here?"

"That's me," I said, more or less unnecessarily. It wasn't like he was going to mistake either Amy or Vicky for me, after all. Then the reality of the situation caught up with me.

Hero was here to see me.

Hero was here to see me.

Hero was here to see me.

"Um," I concluded.

"Good, good." He held out his gauntleted hand. "It's an honour and a pleasure to meet you, young lady. You've done the nation a great service."

Somehow, he managed to make it sound not at all cheesy; I shook his hand with a decided sense of unrealism. "Um, thanks?"

He chuckled warmly. "I get it. This is a huge surprise, and you're still trying to figure out what's going on. That's basically my fault, sorry. I tried to keep this trip on the down-low, so only half of America knew where I was going. But I really did want to meet you, and find out how you did what you did."

I blinked. He wants to get tips off me? "I'm sorry, but I haven't really looked into how I do it. I just … do it, you know? It's ninety percent pure instinct, ten percent panicked flailing."

I hadn't meant to put that last bit in, but he smiled easily when I did. "Well, all I can say is that your instincts are very much on point. I'd make a recruitment play to get you to join the Protectorate—we would very much like to have you on board—but as I understand things, you're happy here in New Wave, correct?"

I nodded. "That's correct." Then my treacherous inner thoughts had to spoil things by blurting out what was on my mind all over again. "I have to ask though, what is it with Tinkers showing up and wanting to recruit me? You're the second one to do it."

This time, he laughed out loud. "That's a good one. I'm going to see if I can get Alexandria to crack a smile when I tell her. The other Tinker would be Armsmaster, correct? Has he been a problem for you?"

"Not since Winslow," I admitted. "Some Thinker or other told him I'd be involved in a fire there, and he took that to mean that I was going to set the fire, so he literally busted in through the wall all Kool-Aid Man style. But once he realised it was Shadow Stalker, he calmed right down."

"Ah, yes, Shadow Stalker." I got the impression he'd just raised an eyebrow behind his gold tinted visor. "She's the one you nailed with an exploding fireball at a range of three hundred seven yards, correct? That's some good shooting, right there."

I shrugged. "Like I said, ninety percent instinct."

"No matter how you achieve your results, they're good results." He tilted his head slightly. "I'm very interested in the mechanics of your powers. How you can fire such high intensity flames with little heat loss, or ensure that the fireballs explode at exactly the right range. Also, the cold blast you got Burnscar with, and the disintegration effect you used on Jack Slash and Bonesaw. Would you be willing to demonstrate these for me?"

"Um." I tried to think fast. "I don't think doing it inside the PRT building is a good idea. I get kinda large, and I think they want to keep their outside walls where they are."

Again, he laughed out loud; this time, he shook his head as well. "No, that's a definite pass. I strongly suspect that whatever they're using for a backplate would not survive your powers. My idea was that we'd go up into the open air and I'd throw out holographic targets for you to hit with your various power effects, while I analyse them from off to the side. But only if you're interested."

Carol folded her arms. "And meanwhile, you get Taylor more and more at ease with you, so that when you ask about fighting Endbringers, she's more likely to say yes … correct?"

"Well, it's not intended to be as underhanded as all that," he said, then turned back to me. "I was going to bring it up at some point, yes, but I wanted to analyse the potential impact of your powers first, so I knew whether or not it was a good idea to make the offer at all."

"Right, right." He made a few good points, though Carol did too. "If I turned out to be stupidly powerful but said no to fighting Endbringers, what then?"

He shrugged. "I can't force you, and I'm not going to try. After all, the last person who tried to make you do something against your will is currently drifting around Brockton Bay as subatomic particles. Not a great idea, all told. But if you did show up as being powerful enough to make a significant difference, and were willing to step up, we'd be willing to put you through an accelerated training program to improve your chances of surviving against an Endbringer."

I was pretty sure I could figure out what he meant by that. "Translation: You'd kick the crap out of me."

He chuckled warmly and held out his hand. "I knew you were a bright kid. So, what do you say?"

It took me a moment to make my mind up. First, I glanced at Dad, who looked worried but proud that I was being given this opportunity. Then at Vicky, who was nodding repeatedly. Amy didn't show a preference one way or the other. Carol merely raised an eyebrow, as if to say, make sure you know what you're getting into.

I reached out and shook Hero's hand. "Let's do this."

[A/N: The board game they're playing is Settlers of Catan, with the Cities and Knights expansion. So much fun.]

End of Part Twenty-One
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Part Twenty-Two: Getting the Measure

Part Twenty-Two: Getting the Measure

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

PRT Building ENE
Brockton Bay

Over the course of its existence, the PRT had borne witness to—and been involved in—many pitched battles and titanic struggles, against foes from Nilbog all the way up to Behemoth. Much blood had been spilled in its service over the years, and many bodies laid to rest—when such bodies could be located, which was not always the case. It was a service uniquely formed to oversee perhaps the most dangerous armed and unarmed clashes that would ever be experienced by the human race.

In the current moment, the conflict raging within the walls of the PRT Department East-North-East was just as intense as any Endbringer battle, albeit far less lethal. Favours were being offered and traded at a breakneck pace, though the shift supervisors had put a flat fifty-dollar cap on any monetary recompense. Word of what was about to happen had blazed through the grapevine at speeds any modern news organisation would weep tears of blood to see, and everyone wanted to be there for it.

Online, the back-and-forth was reaching tinfoil-hat levels of speculation, and not showing any signs of slowing down. The PHO boards were running hot, and the mods were kept busy dousing incipient flamewars and handing out temp bans like party favours; they knew it would get worse before it got better, and it was going to be a wild ride in the meantime. Everyone but everyone had an opinion, and they were all doing their best to air their own personal theories before things went down.

However, not everyone involved was exactly thrilled with the situation.


Director Emily Piggot

Setting her elbows firmly on her desk, Emily closed her eyes and massaged her temples. "Renick," she asked rhetorically, "how did it come to this? Why aren't we doing this out to sea, or in some deserted location? Why does it have to happen over my goddamn city?"

It wasn't that she hated Wyvern, or even disliked the girl any more than she did the dozens of other capes infesting her city. As a relatively fresh trigger with a potentially devastating power, Taylor Hebert had comported herself with admirable restraint … for the most part. She had chosen not to go into the Wards (and had strenuously rejected all attempts at recruitment) but had instead opted to join New Wave, which had undoubtedly helped her through the post-trigger trauma.

The main problem she had with Hebert was the sheer power available to the girl at any minute of the day, and the potential for pure unmitigated devastation that she posed, contingent on just one temper tantrum. As she'd told the Wards and Protectorate members, she'd been fine with Wyvern as a B-class or even an A-class cape, but this jump to S-class had been as unpleasant to find out about as it had been unexpected. And then to be told by Chief Director Costa-Brown that Hero was on the way to talk to Wyvern and test her powers out, giving her zero input into the matter … that was the final shitty icing on the whole crappy cake.

Her deputy cleared his throat sympathetically. "As I understand it, Hero talked the Chief Director into agreeing to testing her in such a public forum as a PR display. The only people in Brockton Bay right now who don't know about Wyvern are probably in a coma or living under a rock, but not many have actually seen her in action. This is a good chance for her to strut her stuff, and at the same time show the people who's protecting them."

Emily gritted her teeth. Give them nightmares, more like. The size she ended up at on top of Captain's Hill … Not even the Endbringers were that large. "Got it," she grumbled. "Is there any chance of him taking her with him when he leaves?"

Renick eyed her observantly, then shook his head. "I don't believe so, no. From what I understand of her father, it would take more leverage than we could bring to bear to make him leave the city, and he isn't about to sign off on her going anywhere without him. Not to mention, she's an official member of New Wave, and good luck separating her from that team without Carol Dallon descending upon us in a hailstorm of lawsuits. We're just lucky we didn't screw up the Shadow Stalker thing too badly."

"Don't remind me," muttered Emily. "That could've gone so much worse, between whoever gaslit Armsmaster into thinking Wyvern was about to go Behemoth two point oh on the school, and that little psychopath setting the damn school on fire."

"Of course, because we didn't drag Stalker in the very moment Wyvern pointed her out, that didn't exactly cover us with glory." Renick sounded resigned. "I don't think she would've joined the Wards anyway—she made no secret of her distaste for the power testing they definitely would've wanted to carry out—but maybe it would've left us on better terms with her overall."

Emily shook her head. "Blame the Youth Guard. The moment I started logging the paperwork necessary to pull Stalker off the main roster, preparatory for an in-depth investigation into her activities, they started hounding me with queries as to where these allegations had come from, and if they'd been sufficiently checked out. All in the name of 'fairness and transparency', of course. Heaven forbid a Ward actually be held responsible for their own actions."

"Little angels, the lot of them," he agreed, in a tone so bland she knew he had to be pulling her leg. "Sometimes, I wonder if anyone in the Youth Guard has ever tried raising a teenager."

"Or if they've even been in the same room as one," Emily agreed with a smirk.

Renick nodded. "Indeed." His sense of humour was very reserved, to the point that some people in the building didn't think he had one. She knew better.

An alarm on her computer dinged, and she looked around at the window. "Ah; it seems the dog-and-pony show is about to begin."

"Oh, good." Renick stood and turned toward the door, then paused. "There should be space for us on the roof, if you want to come up with me?"

Emily shook her head. "I'll be fine. Someone needs to hold down the fort." She knew damn well that every recording device known to mankind, and a few that hadn't existed until Armsmaster and Dragon had invented them, would be trained on the upcoming testing session. Observing it with the mark one human eyeball was about the least efficient way of measuring Wyvern's capabilities.

And yet, she also knew that every person in the building who'd been able to wangle someone else into covering their duties would be on the rooftop, including all the off-duty Wards on base. She had no idea what they thought they were going to see that wouldn't be recorded and replayed in ultra-HD colour with action replays, later. It was just another spectacle; that was all.

A humorous quote by a teacher occurred to her, and she smiled sourly as she paraphrased it. My job would be so much easier without all these capes.



I flapped my wings hard as I climbed for altitude. My time with New Wave had not made me any more thrilled about smartass flyers who just went without bothering with anything so trivial as mere physics, but it had definitely improved my endurance. Even better, I was fitter in human form too. It would've been the height of irritation to find out that all the exercise I was getting in one form didn't translate to the other.

Talking about smartass flyers, Vicky was cruising alongside me as I flew upward. Hero, already airborne using a very cool-looking jetpack, was waiting for us at about the five-hundred-foot mark. We'd decided to start low down while I was still small, then gradually climb as I got bigger. Hero had agreed that when I was at Crawler-munching size, a mile of altitude should ensure an adequate buffer zone while allowing the public to still see what was going on.

Not that I was totally sold on the whole 'showing off my powers for the public' thing. Sure, I'd agreed to let Hero record and analyse how my various attacks worked, but I hadn't actually made the mental connection with how we'd be doing this over Brockton Bay, in full view of everyone. It hadn't helped that Vicky had taken his side, pointing out that unless we informed the public beforehand, any accidents that happened because people were distracted would legally become my fault.

Sure, I'd be able to pay off insurance claims and lawsuits for the next century, thanks to the Nine having an obscene amount of kill order bounty money on their heads, but that wasn't the point. Also, I didn't want people getting hurt because of me. That wasn't who I was.

I still couldn't believe that PHO 'draconic overlady' thread, though. Dad had blinked a lot, as though entirely unsure of what to say, while both Vicky and Amy had been helpless with laughter. It wasn't as though I wanted the fame, or notoriety, or whatever. Why couldn't I just have powers, be a hero, help people, and go home at the end of the day? Was that too much to ask?

"You're muttering again," Vicky noted with a grin as we reached Hero. "Just let it go. Idiots will idiot. And besides, they can't be your high priests. That's my job."

I gave her the dirtiest look I could muster, then rolled my eyes. She smirked, fully aware that I couldn't do anything more drastic. For one thing, Hero was right there. And for another, about ten thousand people were probably watching us with binoculars. Pretending to bite her, or blowing smoke all over her, would not be a good look.

On second thought, I wasn't even sure if I could blow smoke at this size. It was something I'd have to test another time.

"Good morning to the both of you," Hero said, dusting his hands off. "You look even more impressive close up than in the pictures I've seen, Wyvern. Ready to show us what you can do?"

I nodded, adding an agreeable chirp. Hero's whole manner made me feel that I was the most important person he wanted to talk to right then. Most of it was him being diplomatic, I knew, but it still made me feel better about the whole thing. Like my choices mattered.

"That'll be 'yes, let's kick ass and take names'," Vicky confirmed. At his quizzical look, she shrugged modestly. "I've spent enough time with her that I can pick up most of what she means."

"I see." A grin quirked one corner of his mouth. "That could come in handy from time to time. Is this why you're here, instead of observing from a distance?"

"Partly, yes," she agreed, "and partly because we arranged ahead of time what she was going to do, so I'll be giving you a heads-up until she's large enough to talk on her own."

"And maybe even then," noted Hero. "Once she gets to full size, we don't want everyone down there hearing what she's about to do."

On hearing that, I nodded. Speaking in public was bad enough, but ad-libbing as a gigantic dragon would be a nightmare. The last thing I wanted was to see any of my verbal slips showing up as an online meme.

"Yup." Vicky smiled brightly. "So, we agreed to start with the basics. Explosive fireball and the plasma jet. Which one did you want to see first?"

His lips twitched. "I can't help recalling the report about what the plasma jet did to Armsmaster's halberd, so perhaps that one first?"

I let out an indignant squawk at that, and Vicky rolled her eyes. "Did the report make it clear that it was all his fault?" she asked on my behalf. "He came in all heavy-handed, accusing Wyvern of blowing up the school, then when she Changed due to stress, he threatened her with his halberd. So, she dealt with the threat."

"Hmm." He paused introspectively. "No, I don't believe it covered those specific details. It was more a vague 'mistakes were made', then went on to cover later events."

Vicky snorted. "I just bet it was. Anyway, plasma jet it is." She turned to me. "Ready to rock and roll?"

I nodded and gave her another agreeable chirp, then looked at Hero.

"All right then," he said, and tapped a button on his forearm armour. Several small drones zipped out and around us; I restrained the urge to snap at one of them. They'd probably cost a lot of money to make, and I was sure they'd taste terrible anyway. "And … ready when you are."

As he spoke the last words, a series of holographic rings popped into view, in a direct line over the relatively few buildings between us and the coast, then straight out to sea. I'd already been assured that the PRT would be probing the sky out to the horizon and beyond to ensure nobody was in the line of fire, so I took a deep breath and let the fire boil in my gullet for a second. Then I opened my mouth wide and sent the jet streaking down the centreline of the row of rings. I'd never fired it without a backstop before, so I was somewhat impressed by how far it went.

"Well, damn," muttered Hero, apparently looking at something on a screen. It seemed he was impressed too, I decided, and gave Vicky a smug look. She responded with a thumb's up.

"So, explosive fireball now?" she asked. "Or did you want another plasma jet?"

"Fireball, please," he agreed, and changed the holographic targets to three squares at different ranges. "I understand you can set them off at any given distance?"

I nodded, then turned toward the new target range. Carefully, I spat three fireballs; each travelled toward the given target, then exploded into a ball of flame when it got there.

"And that's Wyvern for you," Vicky said, performing a little victory dance in mid-air. "Did you know she can knock down missiles with them? Even missiles that dodge?"

"I hadn't known that," Hero replied absently, examining his readouts before looking up at me. "But it doesn't surprise me. Wyvern, the energy intensity you're getting from these attacks is astounding. I know you're being careful, but I'd like to reiterate that. You need to be really careful, or you could maim or kill someone by accident."

I gave him a watch-this chirp, and fired off another one, but this time I made it as weak as I could. It hit the closest target and went pop; the fireball was barely worthy of the name.

"Okay, fine, forget I said anything," he acknowledged. "Your power at this level is impressive, and your control is equally so. Would you like to size up a bit so we can measure your power increments?"

I took a deep breath, then pushed for extra size, to the point I'd been after I'd fought Inago. "Like this?" I asked, as quietly as I could manage.

"Exactly like that." He stared at me and shook his head slightly. "That size change definitely takes a little getting used to."

Vicky smirked. "Oh, trust me. You ain't seen nothing yet."

"I'm certainly looking forward to it." He gestured upward. "Maybe we should go another five hundred feet up, to keep Director Piggot happy?"

"Okay." I exerted myself and flew higher; Hero and Vicky easily kept pace with me.

This was kinda fun. I was looking forward to trying out the same attacks when I got really big.



Colin moved carefully through the crowd atop the roof of the PRT building. He had several devices recording in every wavelength he and Dragon could come up with, and a few they weren't sure of. Just for the occasion, he'd built magnifiers into his visor so he could observe the testing without needing to deal with binoculars; so far, he was reasonably impressed with Wyvern's capabilities.

Just ahead of him, the off-duty Wards—Clockblocker, Vista and Triumph—huddled together in a small group. The reason for this was quickly evident; Vista had opened a weird distortion in space so they could see more clearly. Shading his helmet faceplate with his hand, Clockblocker leaned toward Triumph. "Hey, isn't that how big she was when she told Armsmaster to fuck off?"

"Yes," Colin said from right behind him. "It is."

The way the boy jumped was comical. Colin thought it was a pity that he was wearing a full-faced helmet, because his expression would've been just as funny. "Wah—sorry—I, uh, didn't see you there, sir!"

"Evidently." Armsmaster lowered his voice slightly. "Let this be a lesson. Always make sure there's nobody listening if you're tempted to say something indiscreet like that."

"Uh huh. Totally." From the shaken tone of Clockblocker's voice, he'd take the advice to heart.

Colin moved away, not wanting to crowd the youngsters. Just as he focused the magnifiers on the hovering dragon once more, another Dragon made herself known in his earpiece. "Now, was that nice?" she asked, amusement evident in her tone.

"I was nice!" he protested. "I didn't punish him for it, and maybe he'll be more discreet in future."

"Mm-hmm. Now tell me you didn't do it that way because it was funnier."

She could always read him like a book, even at the other end of a radio signal. "I plead the fifth."

"So I figured—ooh. That was bright."

'That' was the plasma jet that Wyvern had just deployed, and Dragon wasn't wrong. Even from where he was, he could tell that it was significantly more powerful than the one she'd used to melt his halberd in her base form. The blue-white actinic spear of flame had at least ten times the range and briefly outshone the sun, even from over eight hundred feet away.

They fell silent as they watched her throw out more exploding fireballs—equally powerful, if he was any judge—then followed up with a rolling torrent of flame that would've covered a football field before it petered out.

"Okay," Dragon ventured as everyone around him gasped in surprise. "I didn't know about that bit."

"It was in the witness statements," Colin admitted. "Though I didn't know it was so … widespread."

"What's happening now? Is she going to upsize again? They don't seem to be gaining altitude."

"I'm not sure," he said, then blinked as she changed again, but not in size. "Okay, this is interesting."

"You have a knack for understatement." Her tone was dry.

Wyvern had changed colour, her scales altering from red and gold to black and ice-blue. Her form lengthened as well, becoming skinnier and somehow more hungry-looking. Murmurs rolled through the crowd as she hovered there, then the targets changed again to a dozen or more tiny holographic balls darting around each other in front of her. Wyvern seemed to cough, and only his enhanced visor allowed him to catch the tiny shards of … ice? Whatever they were, they darted through the air, changing direction to home in on the targets, which 'popped' when hit.

"Colin, that's a totally different type of dragon. Where's she getting all these changes from? And did she steer those ice shards onto target?"

"It certainly looks like—whoa." He gasped as Wyvern inhaled, and a sudden chill settled over the building. His helmet readout indicated that the ambient air temperature had just dropped by a good ten degrees Fahrenheit in a second or so. A light dusting of snow became visible all around, drifting down over the buildings, and he could see people's breath steaming in the air. His visor tried to fog over, but internal heating systems prevented that.

"What just happened?" Dragon's voice was audibly concerned. "Half my gauges just jumped. There was a massive heat exchange, just then." She paused. "Is that … is that temperature reading correct?"

"Certainly feels like it." He looked around; the snow was already sublimating again. "That was … crazy."

"I really want to see how she's doing this," she said. "There should be considerable heat readings from something like that, but there's nothing."

"So far," he agreed, without taking his eyes off Wyvern. Opening her jaws, she exhaled a burst of … something. It vaguely resembled fire, except that it was dark blue; as it shot away toward the ocean, it caused another chill in the air. For this one, there was an actual physical target in the zone, a man-sized drone drifting around on rotors. The blue bolt hit and the entire thing froze solid in an instant, plummeting toward the ocean.

"And that must be how Burnscar died," Dragon decided.

"That's my guess, too." It was good to have confirmation of the witness statements, as rambling and incoherent as some of them were, but also very sobering. Subtracting that much heat from the air over such a wide area … that took a lot of power. As Dragon had asked, where had it even gone to?

It seemed Wyvern was going to upsize again, as she began to climb for more altitude, with Hero and Glory Girl accompanying her. Colin took the opportunity to look around and gauge the mood of the crowd. Everyone seemed interested and engaged, talking about what had just happened.

"I'm trying to calculate the effect that cold attack would have on Behemoth or Leviathan," Dragon commented. "What do you think?"

He rubbed his beard with thumb and forefinger as he thought about it. "Leviathan might be able to shake it off. I mean, his control over water is absolute. But Behemoth …" His voice trailed off as he considered the notion.

"Yes, exactly." Dragon seemed to be on the same page. "Wyvern takes energy and puts it somewhere else. Anything that can reduce the amount of energy coming off Behemoth would have to be a good thing."

"Also, she's shown a lot of ability to focus her powers so bystanders aren't harmed," he noted. The plasma jet that had melted his halberd, once upon a time, should have given him third degree burns, but had only inflicted a light sunburn and scorched his beard a little. "She could unleash that cold attack in the middle of a crowded battle, and very likely hit only her target, even if it was someone like the Simurgh." A mental image of the third Endbringer looking grumpy in a parka briefly amused him, but then he had to focus on Wyvern as she began using her powers again.

"Wait, when did she go back to red and gold?" asked Dragon. "That was a very smooth change. I only just noticed it."

"The same time as she finished upsizing, when she did that mid-air pirouette," Colin informed her. "I was watching for it."

"Oh. Right. Yes, now I see. She just keeps on getting bigger, doesn't she?"

"Blame Brockton Bay," he said dryly. It was true; even though his rangefinder put her at two thousand feet of altitude, it was still easy to see what she was doing. Ironically, with no other reference points for her size, it almost seemed as though Glory Girl and Hero had shrunk in comparison to her. And the plasma jet was just as hot and bright as before despite the extra distance, effortlessly ticking the ambient temperature up again by several degrees. Perhaps twice the length of a commercial charter jet, she effortlessly kept her place in the sky with those massive wings.

"That girl is going to make a lot of people very nervous," Dragon observed. "I mean, she could obliterate a small town from the map in a very short time from half a mile up, if she put her mind to it."

"She's already making them nervous, if I'm any judge." He didn't elaborate; Director Piggot was very carefully pretending that meeting hadn't happened, so it wasn't his job to tell anyone about it.

They fell silent again as Wyvern scaled up yet more. By this time, the two other heroes were tiny motes flitting around her head, literally insects by scale to her. From a mile away, they were almost impossible to see without magnification, while it was perfectly possible to see every detail of her markings without eyestrain. She wasn't talking, though he knew she could. Instead, she was nodding her head ponderously in response to a suggestion or a question.

"I wonder what they're talking about," mused Dragon. "It's not like they haven't been doing it by the numbers so far."

"Something different, I guess. I'm just glad that they are talking, and she's intelligent enough at that size to still be her."

"Why, Colin." She sounded amused. "You sound actually protective toward her."

He snorted. "She's impetuous and snarky and a little too willing to lash out, but yes. Her heart's in the right place."

This time, she chuckled. "In other words, a typical teenager."

"If you say so." But he smiled despite himself. Dragon was providing what he'd been missing in the case of Taylor Hebert: some much-needed perspective. He'd been coming at her with the attitude that she was the hero they needed, while she wanted less to be a hero and more to be a teen. It was no wonder that he'd shoved both feet in his mouth every time he'd tried to press the recruitment.

In the next moment, Wyvern tilted her head back and opened her jaws wide. From that capacious maw—he estimated there was at least a hundred-foot gap between her top and bottom lips—she reiterated the wide-area flame burst, but not out to sea. Upward.

There was a moment of stunned silence across the rooftop as it seemed half the sky was on fire. Colin blinked at the sheer area she was able to cover with one breath. "You are seeing this, right?" he asked quietly.

"Oh, I'm definitely seeing this," she confirmed. "If my calculations are correct, that would've depopulated an entire town at once, or at least set the whole thing on fire. And I'm not even considering the splash factor."

"I've heard it said that capes are walking WMDs," he said grimly. "Those people should be here to see this, just to get a sense of proportion."

"I'm actually concerned that someone might decide to attack her pre-emptively," Dragon said slowly. "Strike first, in case she turns out to be hostile."

"Well …" Colin waited as three enormous fireballs soared skyward, rocketing upward at a speed few capes could match. When they went off—his rangefinder placed them at an average distance of ten miles away vertically—the airbursts covered a respectable area of sky, and the detonations rattled his armour. "Okay, yes, she'd be able to lay waste to a major city from airliner altitude. If she could get up that high. Which I wouldn't bet against."

"Or she could snipe incoming missiles or strategic bombers, from ground level," Dragon suggested. "Just by the way, I'd ramp up your visor polarisation if I were you. I'm pretty sure she's going to be showing off the plasma jet next, and we already know that's bright."

"Good idea." He sent the command to his armour, and saw his vision darken. Wyvern was still visible, but there were no clouds anywhere in the sky. He wasn't altogether surprised.

When she unleashed the plasma jet, it was a solid bar of violet light that lanced upward and yet farther upward. Stunned, Colin watched as it seemed almost to reach the edge of the atmosphere. A moment later, the city shook under a rolling kkkkkkkkkkkkkk-k-k-krakBOOM, almost like a lightning strike. His armour readouts popped up in his HUD, a few gauges jumping. "Are you seeing this?"

"I am." Dragon sounded as taken aback as he felt. "It looks like the ionisation was so strong it was able to temporarily affect electronics. Kind of a poor man's EMP."

"Who needs the EMP? With that beam, she'd be able to evaporate anything in her way. Including large hills."

"You think you're joking—wait, something just happened. She changed again."

He focused on the distant hovering dragon. "Are you sure? She's not any bigger."

"No, it was very subtle this time. The reds are more purplish now."

Now that she mentioned it, he could see what she was talking about. "Huh. You're right."

More targets—these ones with brightly blinking lights, probably to make them more visible to the spectators below—spread out in front of Wyvern. There seemed to be quite a few of them.

"Is she going to do what I think she's going to do?" Dragon's tone indicated that her interest was peaking.

"Whatever she did to Jack Slash and Bonesaw? Definitely." Colin took a second to check the feeds of his recording devices. They were all in the green, which was good. The PRT would want this data.

The purple 'flame' that washed out from Wyvern's jaws was somewhere between the plasma jet and the wide-area burst in coverage. It covered the hovering target drones; when it receded, they were … gone. Not damaged, not destroyed and falling over the city, just gone. As if they'd never been.

"Well, that was a thing." Dragon sounded pensive. "Rule number one: don't get in front of Wyvern if she's annoyed at you."

"That was already my rule number one where she's concerned," he retorted. "But have you seen how agile she is in the air? It's virtually impossible not to be in her line of fire if she wants you there."

"Also a very good point. Did you notice that there was no particular heat or cold signature from the disintegration attack? Which is truly impressive, if you recall the classic Einstein formula."

Colin blinked. "Damn, you're right. Emm cee squared. If she simply negated that matter … where did the energy go?"

"I'm not sure either, but I'm glad she's got the balance right. If her power misplaced a decimal point and removed that much heat again from the environment around you, Brockton Bay would be frozen solid right now."

"Very true. It would be kind of like the blue dragon instant ice age thing all over again. Not something I want to see, at that scale."

Amused, she snorted. "You don't fool me, Colin. You'd love to see it."

"Okay, granted." He rolled his eyes. "But from a safe distance. Maybe Boston."

"Haha, true. Well, at least we've got confirmation on what happened to Jack and Bonesaw. And Crawler too, I suppose."

Wings pulled in close to her body, Wyvern turned and dived. Colin watched, having no idea what to say as the immense red-gold creature loomed larger and larger, flanked by the gold and blue form of Hero on one side, and the white and gold of Glory Girl on the other. At this size, Wyvern was majestic, and he could suddenly see how the 'high priest' jokes had started on PHO.

If they were jokes.

When she was almost down to skyscraper level, Wyvern's wings unfurled in a thunderclap that set off car alarms and made Colin grateful for the hearing protection he had recently installed in his helmet. Some may have accused him of being set in his ways, but he was perfectly capable of learning. When it came to dealing with capes like Wyvern, he learned fast.

Immense pinions spread wide, Wyvern raced across the city, her teeth bared in what was unmistakeably a grin of enjoyment. Colin took a moment to determine that yes, the estimates of her wingspan had been accurate just before she passed overhead, briefly shading them from the sun. "God damn," he muttered. "If I were the local criminal element, I'd be moving to Florida."

"I don't know," Dragon mused. "As I understand things, you have some very stubborn gangs there."

"I would imagine less so, since she tangled with Inago," he reminded her. "And the Nine had no luck at all when they came to town."

"Very true—" She stopped talking when Wyvern suddenly pulled up into a sharp Immelmann manoeuvre; he'd known she was agile, but not that agile. Slowing to a hover at the top of the half-loop, she held position over the city.

"Thank you, Brockton Bay," she said, her booming tones echoing over the city. Colin had no doubt they could hear her from the Trainyards all the way to Downtown. "You've been a great audience. I'll see you around."

Once more flanked by Hero and Glory Girl, she banked over onto one wing, then descended again. However, this time she was reducing in size as she went, so that by the time she passed between the buildings and out of sight, she was small enough to fit.

There was a pause, then Director Piggot's acerbic voice crackled out of the speakers surrounding the rooftop space. "Ladies and gentlemen of the PRT, Protectorate and Wards, the demonstration is over. You can get back to work now."

This served to break the spell; laughing and chattering, the PRT employees and capes began to file back toward the rooftop entrance. Colin lingered for a moment, looking out over the city where all was quiet, at least for the moment.

"You okay there?" Dragon's voice was quiet.

"Yes." He shook himself and took a deep breath. "I knew it would be impressive. I didn't know how impressive. Or terrifying. One of the two."

"Well, whatever else happens today, we've definitely got enough recording data to keep us busy for hours, if not days." She sounded like she couldn't wait to get started with the analysis, to see if any of it could used to inspire new Tinkertech. It was one of the many things he appreciated about her; she understood what really mattered in life.

"Yes." He smiled. "I really think we just saw the balance of power tip toward the good guys." It would've been nice if he'd been the one to mentor Taylor Hebert into finding her true levels of power, but life wasn't fair sometimes.

"That's true. But we've still got our part to play. Everyone needs backup, sooner or later."

And once more, Dragon knew the exact right thing to say. Even as envy tried to dig its claws into him, he was able to remind himself that Wyvern was no Dauntless. There was no shame in being outmatched by someone who was easily Triumvirate-tier. And as Dragon had said, he still had his own part to play. Just as he couldn't do what Wyvern could, neither could she match him in his chosen field of expertise.

Dusting off his armour gauntlets, he headed for the roof exit. "Let's get to it. This data isn't about to analyse itself."



Flaring my wings, I landed on the lawn outside the Dallon household. Vicky landed a second or so later and went ahead to open the door for me. "Holy shit!" she enthused. "Did you see their faces? You wowed them, girlfriend! Wyvern is out there!"

I chirped a noncommittal agreement, then furled my wings and made my way in through the door, with Hero following behind. Vicky hadn't been the one showing off for the public; I had. What if I'd scared them more than I'd impressed them? I didn't want to drag down New Wave's good name.

Amy and Mrs Dallon met me, the former holding the fluffy gown that had more or less been designated as mine. The clothing I'd been wearing before I went out was lying on the sofa, neatly folded. I suspected either Mrs Dallon or Amy had gotten to it, because Vicky couldn't fold a handkerchief to save her life.

"Okay, everyone, changing time," Amy announced. "Hero, avert your eyes, please. Taylor needs her privacy."

I nodded and gave her a chirp of thanks, then concentrated. This time, the change came relatively easily; I was still riding the adrenaline from putting on a show in front of the entire city. Accepting the gown from Amy, I wrapped it around myself. "I'm good," I said, fastening the belt. "Thanks, everyone."

"You're welcome, Taylor." Hero's smile became a boyish grin as he turned back toward me. "I'm just going to say, that was damned impressive. You exceeded my expectations by a considerable amount, and I came into this with high expectations."

A warm feeling spread through my chest. "I … thanks. But was I too scary? I mean, all those teeth and claws and wings, and the fire breath and stuff? Are people going to accept me for who I want to be, or are they going to be calling me the monster of New Wave?"

"Hey." Vicky stepped forward and put her arms around me. I leaned into the embrace; it was what I needed, right now. "That's not what's gonna happen. You're the best thing that ever happened to this team, Taylor. The wyvern is amazeballs, and everyone out there has just learned that they can't just push you down. Because if they try, you'll just get bigger and more powerful. Escalation city, baby!"

I nodded. "I just don't want to go over the top with someone and hurt them too badly, you know? Purse snatchers don't deserve a month in the ICU with third degree burns, that sort of thing."

"And that's a perfectly applicable concern," Mrs Dallon confirmed. "Yes, your wyvern form is extremely powerful, but you've already shown yourself capable of restraint when necessary. I don't want you to ever forget, Taylor, that even as you're here for us, we're here for you as well." She gave Vicky a mildly exasperated glance. "And no, the answer is not always to escalate."

Vicky grinned impudently. "It is most of the time, though. Tell me I'm wrong."

Hero cleared his throat before the argument could get out of hand. "Be that as it may, I'd like to talk about some of my preliminary findings. I think you'll find these interesting."

"Absolutely," I agreed, then gestured at my folded clothing. "I'll just change first, though. Fluffy pink bathrobes are not my first choice for serious superhero discussions."

He grinned and nodded. "Mine neither, though you'd be surprised with some of the heroes I've known."

"Not even going to ask." Grabbing my clothes, I escaped to Vicky's room upstairs, and got dressed as quickly as I was able; the bathrobe I left draped over Vicky's bed.

As I came back downstairs, I heard laughter from the living room. Vicky and Amy were on one sofa while Hero and Mrs Dallon had taken the other. Hero was apparently describing an amusing incident, but as I hadn't heard the beginning I lacked the context for why it was so funny.

"... and I'm pretty sure he still can't stand the sight of fish," he concluded. "Ah, Taylor. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good, actually." I saw that Vicky had scooted over to make room, so I sat down beside her. "At least now everyone knows the gist of what I can do, so they won't be picking fights if they can't take a hit."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Never underestimate the overconfidence of a cape who doesn't know he's out of his league. Trust me, I've patched up way too many idiots who bit off more they can chew. 'Nobody told me they were that strong' is their go-to for that."

"Gee, thanks." I wrinkled my nose at her. She grinned back at me.

"Indeed," said Hero dryly. "So, I had some notes on your powers. Did you know you generate a magnetic sleeve around your plasma jet when you fire it? Also, your explosive fireballs come in self-sustaining magnetic bottles that release when they hit the correct range. But it's more than just magnetism; there's some kind of shielding effect that protects non-targets from the worst of the heat."

"No, actually," I said carefully. "I did not, in fact, know that." It was a sobering realisation, that there was far more to my powers than 'I just do it'.

Amy frowned. "Okay, I get that. But where does the fire, or the plasma, come from? Or all that extra mass? Every time she sizes up, her entire anatomy rebuilds itself for the most efficient configuration at that size."

"It's a powers thing," Vicky explained unhelpfully. "The professor running this class I'm taking says that the latest theory is that capes who produce something out of nothing are tapping into another dimension, where there's plenty of energy, or lots of basic matter, that their powers convert for what they need."

"What about the cold blast attack?" asked Mrs Dallon. "High school was awhile ago for me, but I'm reasonably sure that cold isn't an energy form. It's a lack of energy."

Hero raised a finger and nodded. "That one had me puzzled as well," he agreed. "But I think I have it figured out." He looked at me. "When you used the cold-based attack, my instruments showed that you were tapping into another dimension, alright. One that never really had a Big Bang. Ambient temperature just above absolute zero. So when given an appropriate interface, it just dragged the energy away."

"Well, dang." I shrugged uneasily. "So what about the disintegration effect? Is that from another dimension, too?"

"Not in the way you'd think," he said seriously. "From what I can tell, you 'borrow' the energy to jump-start the matter-annihilation process from one of those spare dimensions. Once you've got it started, you funnel the energy back into the same dimension, paying it back with interest. But the disintegration effect is your power, not something applied from outside."

I nodded to show I'd understood. "Thanks. I hope I never have to use it again."

Vicky grabbed me in a side-hug. "Still, better to have it and not need it."

I couldn't really argue with that.


ABB Headquarters

Ha-joon switched off the TV and sat facing the dark rectangle, thinking. He'd seen Wyvern once, when the New Wave dragon had killed Oni Lee and bitten off Inago's arm before capturing him. At that moment in time, trying to go up against her when he had Roadhog opposing him as well had seemed the height of idiocy. Better to retreat and regroup.

His plan had been to hit the PRT building with a big enough mech that nobody was able to effectively fight back, and extract Inago that way. However, given what he'd just seen ...

Standing up, he went over to the table where he'd drawn up his plans. The assault mech had seemed indomitable, unbeatable, standing as tall as the PRT building itself. Its firepower had been unmatched ... until Wyvern had unleashed a plasma jet fifteen feet across and over twenty miles long. As a part of a demonstration. And that hadn't even covered her disintegration burst, or the freezing breath.

Screw that, he decided. I'm not paid enough for this shit.


The Lair of Uber and Leet

After the TV flicked off, the two men sat in increasingly introspective silence, until the weedier one spoke.


"Yeah?" answered his well-built buddy.

"You know how I wanted to try to pull her into a show and you told me not to?"



"Don't mention it."

End of Part Twenty-Two
Last edited:
Part Twenty-Three: The Proposition

Part Twenty-Three: The Proposition

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]


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♦ Topic: All Hail
In: Boards ► World ► United States ► Brockton Bay ► Capes ► Wyvern ► Welcoming Our New Draconic Overlord
(Original Poster) (Temp Banned)
Posted On Jan 21st 2011:

I'll be honest.
Up until yesterday, I thought Wyvern was just another flashy cape. Sure, she's a dragon, but that's actually less quirky than some powers out there. Flight, durability, Blaster ability ... typical cape, right? Typical cape.
When she bulked out to fight Inago, I kind of paid attention, because that was a step up. But even then, I figured it was something she had to really work to achieve. Capes do this sort of thing, yeah?
And then ... the Nine came to town and poked the bear. I mean, the dragon.
I have no words for what must've happened next. If Jack Slash didn't have brown pants by the time she finished demolishing the team around him and NOMMING DOWN ON FUCKING CRAWLER, then he was a better man than I'll ever be (spoilers: I don't believe it for a second).
I woke up last night, wondering why the thunder sounded like words, and looked out my window. When I saw her perching on Captain's Hill like every bad fantasy movie ever, I honestly thought I was having a nightmare.
Then, when I realized I was awake and she was still there, that's when I came to my Epiphany.
Wyvern isn't a cape.
She's more than that.
Much more.
She is a dark and benevolent goddess in draconic form, and she deserves our devotion. She is here to Protect us from the Forces of Evil and we must acknowledge this, so she does not tire of our presence.
All hail our new draconic overlord.
All hail Wyvern.
I have spoken.

(Showing page 74 of 128)

►Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Listen, all I'm saying is, I got off Kyushu just before Leviathan sank the whole damn island. I've SEEN an Endbringer. And now I've got something living in the same damn city as me that's ten times bigger and scarier than the biggest Endbringer out there.
Why does the universe hate me?

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Here's a scary thought. What if this isn't her final size?
inb4 she goes full-on Ancalagon the Black.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Having watched the power demo (and suffered through endless geek-outs of power pundits online) I've just got one question:
Is it too late to throw my name into the hat to be considered for the role of High Priest? I'm told I've got a talent for groveling.

►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)
Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Just gonna say, Hero's got some serious mojo for asking Wyvern to stand still for power testing ... and doing it in such a way that she agreed. (I've heard rumors she was firmly against letting the PRT poke and prod her, just saying).

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
I'm personally worried the cape gangs might try to bring in a Master from outside to bend her to their will. If she goes villain, the whole city will potentially end up as a smoking crater.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
I have it on good authority that the Nine already included Cherish, an emotion controlling Master. Pretty sure she would've been working on Wyvern as hard as she could, and Wyvern still ganked the whole team.
"Do not try to Master Wyverns, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup".

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Yeah, but what about Endbringers? I mean, the real deal. They're a lot tougher than they look, and Behemoth (just for instance) wouldn't even be worried about that flame. He throws enough of it around as it is.

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
I guess the big question is: can Behemoth stand up to her disintegration effect? Is that a type of energy he can affect?
Even if it is, can he stand up to the cold blast thing? Last I checked, cold is the absence of energy.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
That's ... actually a really good question.
If Wyvern is subtracting energy, can Behemoth add enough to overcome it, or can she freeze him solid?
Given that she briefly made it snow over most of the city just for funsies ...

►Dark_Lord_Follower_9999 (Banned)
Replied On Jan 22nd 2011:
Cease your heresy at once.
Our Dark Lord Behemoth controls all the energy. His wrath knows no bounds, and he will destroy the pretender Wyvern with the greatest of ease. She will fall before him, as will all unbelievers.
His Power shall reign triumphant.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 ... 126, 127, 128



Vicky pushed back from the computer to give me room to read the messages properly. "It went downhill after this bit," she explained. "Some Fallen assholes started trying to flood the boards, but once they got into a full-on screaming match with MadTinfoilHatter, complete with all-caps and elaborate threats, the mods clamped down and started issuing threadbans."

"Ugh." I grimaced, not at all happy about the whole thing. Especially the 'draconic overlord' bit. Even though Vicky thought it was hilarious. As for the people trying to apply for the job of high priest … nope. Just nope. "Should I put a post up, explaining that they're going way too far and how I'm just another cape?"

"Albeit a terrifyingly powerful one?" Vicky raised her eyebrows, then smirked at the dirty look I sent her way. "Sorry, wouldn't work. By now, everyone still posting has got the bit in their teeth and they're charging ahead on their own personal hobby-horse; everyone else's opinion be damned. If you posted up right now, the all-hail crew would see it as a visitation from their deity but interpret what you're saying to whatever they want it to mean. Meanwhile, the trolls would argue with you and make out you're an impostor, posting under Wyvern's name. We've had several attempts at that so far already. The normal fans would mob you, asking for any and all information. And the haters would try to dogpile you out of existence." She shook her head. "Right now, the whole thread is a hot mess I wouldn't inflict on my worst enemy. If I had a worst enemy."

"Great." I rolled my eyes. "So much for connecting to the public and reassuring them that they're in no danger from me, and there's no need to worship me."

Amy snorted. "There's always a divide between capes and non-capes. It gets pretty tenuous when you're down in the C and D lists, but A and B list capes get some respect and S-rank capes get lots of it. The trouble with the majority of capes is this respect is due specifically to their powers. And if the public is paying attention to your powers? They've just learned how your cute little human-sized Changer form can become a gigantic flying predator capable of obliterating the whole damn city from thirty thousand feet, and eating a crosstown bus as a light snack." Her tone became even more sour. "And Vicky wonders why I never tell anyone about everything I'm able to do."

"So I can't win." I shook my head. "If I'd refused the demonstration, word would've gotten out pretty quickly anyway because everyone saw me on Captain's Hill, only there'd be a lot more speculation. I did a controlled demonstration with Hero's assistance, making sure nobody got hurt, and even said a few words to the public afterward, and this happens. What should I do? Can this even be fixed? What if we went down to the Boardwalk and just had a general meet-and-greet with the public?"

Vicky appeared to consider it, then shook her head. "No. It might go well at first, but there are some in this city who have a vested interest in you not being accepted as a popular hero."

I stared at her, more shocked than I wanted to admit. "What?"

"The Winslow thing," Amy filled in. "Whoever faked out Armsmaster with that stupid tip-off knew exactly what they were doing. And they've got the pull to make your idiot principal try to force you back to Winslow."

"What she said," Vicky agreed. "If we went down there, these people would get someone on site just as quickly as they could, with orders to make you look as bad as possible. Provoke you into attacking them, or failing that, into doing something they can interpret as an attack. And you can be damn sure the news crews will run with any stories like that. 'Wyvern: is the huge scary dragon out of control?' will get the public's attention a hell of a lot faster than 'Wyvern: our big cuddly dragon isn't dangerous at all'. See what I mean?"

"Wait, let's rewind for a second." I made the time-out gesture. "So, if the Armsmaster thing was a deliberate attempt to get me in trouble, has anyone actually investigated it?"

"Yeah. Mom was following it pretty closely." Vicky shrugged. "Blackwell says she got a call from someone claiming to be a PRT officer, and who knew all the right code words. But the name they gave didn't belong to anyone in the building. So, it's either an outsider who knows the procedure or an insider who knew there'd be blowback."

I shook my head again. "And you wonder why I'm totally reluctant to go anywhere near the PRT for any reason. I don't know which possibility is worse: that people can just impersonate them with ease, or there might be one or more of them who hates me so badly they don't want me to be a hero at all."

"To be fair, the PRT command structure almost certainly isn't behind this," Vicky said, apparently trying for a reassuring tone. "It's worrying that someone's doing this and they haven't been caught yet, but if they keep trying we'll catch up with them sooner or later."

"Yeah, but will it be before or after they convince the actual PRT to draft me, Birdcage me, or just snipe me from two city blocks away?" I snarked, trying to tell myself that I was worried for no reason. The PRT were the good guys, and had checks and balances to prevent this sort of thing … didn't they?

Before Vicky or Amy could comment, there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Taylor, are you in there?" called Mrs Dallon.

"Yeah, I'm here," I said, going over and opening the door. "What's up? Has Dad called?"

"No." She shook her head. "But Director Piggot has."

"What?" All of a sudden, my unformed fears seemed to gain quite a bit more substance. "Why?"

"She didn't share that with me." Mrs Dallon gestured toward the stairs. "The phone's downstairs in my office. We'll take the call in there—just the two of us," she added sharply as Vicky came over to us, "—and find out what she wants."

"What?" Vicky looked as betrayed as she sounded. "Taylor's our teammate. We've got a right to know what the Director wants."

Her mother was evidently used to dealing with her in these situations; her voice had no give in it at all. "And we'll fill you in, just as soon as we're done with the phone call. Come along, Taylor."

I followed Mrs Dallon along the corridor and down the stairs. We entered her office and I took my customary chair in front of her desk. With the door closed, it was quiet and peaceful in there, with the faint odour of wood polish overlaying the smell of old books.

Mrs Dallon sat down in her office chair and tapped the phone on the desk, activating the speaker. "Director Piggot, I'm back. Wyvern is with me. We're otherwise alone." She gestured at me to speak.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "Wyvern, here." Is she calling me to say I'm under arrest and not to move until PRT troopers get here?

"Hello, Wyvern.
" I'd never met Director Piggot before, nor even heard her voice, but she sounded like someone whom it was highly ill-advised to fuck with. "I understand you are a member of New Wave and thus not under my command, but I would like to have a face-to-face meeting with you at your earliest convenience."

I blinked, my brain popping up three points for me to consider.

First, it had been explained to me that while New Wave was nominally an independent team, they were affiliated with the PRT. This afforded them certain advantages in dealing with the PRT, but came with obligations as well. Such as not hanging up on the Director when she called asking for an interview.

Second, everything I'd ever heard or read about the Director indicated that she didn't beat around the bush. The phrasing she'd just used was probably the politest she was ever going to get.

Third, the specific phrase 'at your earliest convenience' was essentially military-speak (I'd read somewhere) for 'right now had better be convenient for you'.

Which meant (in reverse order) that: she really wanted to talk to me; she was actually trying to be nice about it; and it would probably be a bad idea for the team if I just blew her off.

Now I was totally curious about what was going on.

"I, uh …" I glanced at Mrs Dallon. She gestured for me to go on. "I can be over shortly. With Glory Girl, of course." There was no way I was going there on my own. For that matter, if I knew her, there was no way she'd let me go on my own.

"And me." Mrs Dallon's voice could've cracked concrete. "As a new member of the New Wave, Wyvern does not go anywhere in her Changer form without being accompanied by an adult member of the team. Today, that duty falls to me. Is this acceptable?" The subtext was remarkably easy to read: if it isn't, tough.

It seemed the Director was a woman of few words. "I will await your arrival." She hung up, ending the call as abruptly as she'd begun our brief conversation.

"Okay, then," I said, as soon as I was sure that the call was over. "Did she sound mad to you? Because she didn't to me."

"No, she didn't." Mrs Dallon rubbed her lips with her thumb. "She wants something. It's the only explanation I can think of. There's something she specifically wants you to do, and she figures getting you to come to her gives her request a higher probability of success. Trappings of power, and so forth."

"So, I should go?" I was pretty sure the answer was yes, but Mrs Dallon was a lot smarter about this sort of thing than I was.

"We should go," she corrected me. I didn't care; it was what I'd meant anyway. "Victoria will be carrying me. Do you still have any of those adjustable costumes Parian made for you?"

I frowned; to my recollection, we still had a couple left. "Uh, yeah, but if I have to get any bigger than normal, it'll be shreds on the wind."

"We'll take the chance," she decided. "Whatever this meeting is about, I absolutely want you able to express yourself clearly and concisely. The alphabet sheet is a passable stopgap, but nothing beats being able to talk."

I was also reasonably sure the ceilings in the PRT building weren't high enough to accommodate me in my 'talking' size, so I nodded in agreement. "So … we fly there, then I change back and mask up once we're on site. Got it."

"Exactly. Also, I want you showing up in New Wave colours, to underline that you're part of our team, not theirs. Emily Piggot has the right to make reasonable requests of us, but she can't order and she certainly can't demand."

"Totally." I liked the idea of showing up costumed for solidarity. "Can I fill Vicky in now?"

She smiled. "Yes. Then you'd better go get changed."

Vicky sprang away from the door when I opened it, then blatantly pretended nothing of the sort had happened. "Well? What did the Director want?"

"To have a face-to-face with me, apparently. Your mom says you'll be carrying her, if this is okay with you?"

"Try to keep me away," she declared, then gave me a searching look. "You're okay with me coming along, right?"

I pulled her head close to mine, so I could rest my forehead on hers. "We're New Wave. We got this."

She pulled me into a hug. "Damn right we do."

I returned the hug. It was so nice to have people (other than Dad) on my side.


ABB Headquarters


"What do we do, uh, sir? Great Inago is imprisoned and the men are restless."

Shuchang was a veteran of the ABB; he'd been a member, so the rumours went, from the earliest days when Inago had forcibly brought the Asian gangs together under one banner. Tall, broad, scarred, he possessed a level of presence and authority that Ha-joon could only wish for.

At just twenty-two, the young Tinker knew damn well his nominal position of authority was only due to his powers. Sure, he could build mecha at every scale from human-sized up to towering multi-storey colossi, but this didn't translate to being a leader of men. Once Inago had recruited him, he'd been much more comfortable in his lab, building ever bigger mecha.

He also knew if Shuchang had been facing Inago, he wouldn't have hesitated before saying 'sir'.

The trouble was, Inago had been captured, and Oni Lee was dead. The never-to-be-sufficiently-damned Wyvern had detonated a fireball just as the latter was in the process of teleporting; he had arrived sporting such severe burns that he had lapsed into unconsciousness and died before anyone could help him. Which left Geonchugga in the position of leader; one he had never aspired to, nor wished for.

Attempting to break Inago out of PRT holding would inevitably lead to him facing the wrath of Wyvern. Her flame was patently capable of searing through the heaviest of armour, and he wasn't confident about force fields either. And even if he managed to hold her in battle (along with the rest of the Protectorate capes) while his troops went in, the lack of Oni Lee as a point man would hamper them greatly.

"Do you perhaps think I do not know that?" he asked rhetorically, in a bid for time to think of a way out of the inescapable trap now closing in around him. "Wyvern beat the shit out of Inago. You saw how big she got. No matter how large I construct my mecha, she can become bigger and more powerful. If we attack the PRT building in force, she will be there to support the Protectorate heroes."

Shuchang glanced around, then leaned closer. "Keep your voice down sir," he advised quietly. "If the men heard you speaking in such a defeated fashion, they may lose faith in you."

Ha-joon shook his head, but he lowered his tone anyway. "And maybe they'd be right. I'm not Inago. I don't know how to beat Wyvern or get him out of holding." It felt liberating to admit it.

"But you want to." It wasn't really a question.

"Well, yes."

Shuchang's expression turned thoughtful. "Have you considered a decoy attack far enough away to draw out Wyvern and the Protectorate heroes, so we can go in and get him?"

"Yes, but the PRT troopers have guns of their own, as well as containment foam and body armour." Ha-joon shook his head. "Even with the capes all drawn away, I really don't think we've got the manpower to get in there and free Inago."

The expression on Shuchang's face suggested a desire to contest this, but he couldn't find a viable argument. "Perhaps if we killed Wyvern? In retaliation for Oni Lee?"

"No, bad idea!" Ha-joon didn't know much about the cape life, but he knew this much. "Hero came to town to test Wyvern's capabilities. We all know why this is."

"To see if she's strong enough to face an Endbringer." Shuchang paused. "Oh."

"Yes." Ha-joon felt relieved that the older man had figured it out. Killing a cape theoretically capable of fighting an Endbringer one-on-one, especially after the Triumvirate had shown direct interest in her … would not be a great move. His mecha were powerful, but not powerful enough to face an enraged Alexandria. Or Hero. Or Eidolon.

The best outcome for such a situation would be to end up in the Birdcage.

"Wait, I just had an idea." Shuchang snapped his fingers. "Geonchugga … can anyone use your mecha?"

Ha-joon frowned. "It is very complicated, and only I know what all the controls do."

"No, no." Shuchang sounded downright excited now. "Small ones. Man-sized. Can you make them simple to operate?"

"I suppose I could dumb them down, but …" Between one word and the next, Ha-joon finally got what Shuchang was talking about. "You want me to outfit you with powered armour? You and the other men and women?"

"Yes." Shuchang stared at him intently. "With the heroes drawn away, assisted by power armour, we could break into the PRT building and overcome anyone between us and Inago. Can it be done?"

"I …" Ha-joon tried hard to adjust to the new paradigm. Inago had never even suggested building armour for anyone else, and he wasn't sure why. Maybe because the leader of the ABB hadn't wanted the rank and file to be anywhere near as powerful as the capes?

He shook his head. The 'why' didn't matter. There was a much more important question at hand.

"Well?" Shuchang gestured, inviting an answer. "Can it be done, sir?"

There was no reason he could think of that it couldn't. The controls would be minimal, and the suits wouldn't have jump-jets or built-in weapons, but such was merely a detail.

"Yes," he said, feeling a sudden excitement building in his chest. "Yes, it can."

Jumping to his feet, he strode right past Shuchang, heading for his workshop. Already, plans for basic power armour were sketching themselves out in his head. He'd have to build each one individually, but if he left out all the usual bells and whistles, it would save a lot of time and resources.

We can do this. We can really do this.



We touched down on the roof of the PRT building, and Vicky let her mother down onto her feet. I furled my wings, closed my eyes, and breathed deeply. Even as small as I was in base wyvern form (relatively speaking, anyway) my body plan was mainly horizontal rather than vertical, and it would make taking the elevator into a distinct trial. Also, as Mrs Dallon had pointed out, I needed to be able to speak, in order to respond to Director Piggot in a timely fashion.

Concentrating, I worked at calming myself, breathing deeply in and out, feeling my tense muscles gradually relaxing. The question of 'why does Director Piggot want to talk to me?' still worried me just a little, but I had every faith that between Vicky and Mrs Dallon, the PRT wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to me which I didn't approve of first.

I still couldn't believe how much my life had changed just from getting someone like Vicky as a friend. I could talk to her, sympathise with her about how her day went, giggle over the silliness on the PHO boards, and in general just hang with her. Amy was snarkier and more reserved, but she was still fun to be around in her own way.

Things are different now. Better. And all because I got powers that let me turn into a fire-breathing dragon. Well … fire-breathing wyvern.

My life really is looking up.

It was almost like trying to fall asleep; the moment I noticed the change and reached for it, it retreated. So, I stopped trying. Relaxing as best I could, I just let it happen.

When I opened my eyes, I was human again. Carefully, I pulled up the zippers on either side to improve my modesty, then took the domino mask out of its pouch and fixed it in place. "Are we ready to go in?"

"Sure," Vicky agreed. "You didn't need me at all, this time. Or the last time, come to think of it. You're really getting there."

"Well, I hope so." I didn't want to jinx myself, but I was quite pleased at the idea that I could manage the Change without outside assistance. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in wyvern form when I absolutely, desperately needed to get a message across to someone. Charades and screeching probably wouldn't do the trick.

The guards at the roof entrance didn't challenge us as we approached, probably because they'd been briefed that we were showing up. Besides, it was hard to mistake Mrs Dallon and Vicky for anyone else. They'd be less sure of my face, but they had to know me as Wyvern. If anyone living in Brockton Bay still hadn't heard of me, they were probably living under a rock, or in a coma. Or both.

"We're here to see the Director," Mrs Dallon said briskly anyway. "We're expected."

"Yes, ma'am," one of the guards said at once. "She said you know the way to her office."

"One way to put it," Vicky murmured to me. "I could even tell you which window's hers."

I did my best to keep a straight face. It would be just like Vicky to fly up to the Director's window and tap on it, then fly away. I didn't ask her if she'd ever done it, just in case she'd never thought of it until then. Giving her ideas like that was probably not a good thing.

The heavy doors blocking our entrance rumbled aside, and we walked on through to the elevator. I felt butterflies in my stomach, fully aware I was walking willingly into the building that I had once stated I never wanted to go near.

God, I hope this works out.


Director's Office, PRT ENE

Director Emily Piggot

Emily's intercom beeped. "Wyvern is in the building, along with Glory Girl and Brandish. They're on the way down to you now."

She didn't quite grimace at the reminder—it had always been inevitable that Brandish would invite herself along—but her lips did tighten a little. Bringing lawyers into the equation always muddied the waters, in her experience. She preferred things clean and simple.

And how's that worked out for me, over the last ten years? She chuckled dryly in self-reflection. There was nothing clean or simple about her job; she'd looked hard enough.

"Acknowledged," she responded, then put her laptop into standby mode. It would ping if anything really important required her attention, but short of that it would remain dark. In the time before her visitors arrived, she closed her eyes and mentally reviewed what she wanted to discuss.

There was a knock on the door, and she opened her eyes. "Enter."

As the door opened, she stood up, ignoring the twinge from her calves. Brandish strode into the room first, followed by a skinny teenage girl in a white costume with a silhouette of Wyvern's Changer form on the front. Despite the domino mask, Emily recognised the photo Armsmaster had supplied of Taylor Hebert, mainly from the long curly black hair. Last came Glory Girl, exuding an air of 'been there, done that'.

"Brandish," Emily greeted them. "Wyvern, Glory Girl. Thank you for coming so promptly. Have a seat."

She'd selected the chairs for comfort; unlike some of her visitors, she wanted Wyvern to feel at ease. Brandish took the right-hand one and gestured for Wyvern to sit in the middle. Glory Girl, following her mother's lead (as was probably instinctive by now) took the left-hand chair. It was clear to those with the eyes to see it that Wyvern's membership in New Wave was no casual circumstance. They were truly protective of her, and would close ranks at the slightest provocation.

Emily could respect the sentiment. She'd been thrown to the wolves herself, once upon a time, and the memory still burned.

Silence fell over the office; Emily could tell that Wyvern wanted to speak up and ask why she had been contacted, but Brandish had undoubtedly counselled her to stay quiet until spoken to. Brandish, of course, was willing to sit there and wait out Emily, while Glory Girl simply sat there serenely. After fifteen seconds, she could tell nobody was going to speak up. Fine.

"I asked you to come here," she said, "mainly because of the astounding power levels recorded from Wyvern's test yesterday." She looked Wyvern right in the eye. "You have caused a lot of people to become very nervous about your intentions, young lady, especially after the way you rather abruptly ended the Nine, and showed your largest form to the world."

Brandish sat a little straighter in her chair. "Wyvern has assured me that her intentions are precisely the same as they were before the Nine came into Brockton Bay and kidnapped innocent civilians." Everyone in the room knew Danny Hebert was somewhat more than a mere 'innocent civilian', but if they wanted to maintain the polite fiction, Emily was willing to play along. "She intends to be a hero alongside the rest of New Wave. As you no doubt saw, she's extremely well equipped for the job."

Wyvern cleared her throat politely, causing Brandish to glance at her; after a moment, she nodded.

"Um …" began Wyvern. "What about my power levels? Is it illegal to be too powerful?"

Emily only prevented herself from snorting derisively by the barest of margins. God, it would solve so many problems. Her sense of realism kicked in a second later. And cause just as many more.

"No, there's no problem as such," she admitted smoothly. "I could only wish more new capes had your level of restraint. No, I asked you here because I need—the PRT needs—to know if you're willing to take on specific jobs. Big jobs."

Brandish raised her eyebrows. "If you're working around to whether Wyvern intends to use her powers in the next Endbringer fight, we've actually had this very conversation with Hero. The answer was 'yes'." She glanced at Wyvern. "Has it changed since?"

"Nope," Wyvern said, shaking her head. "I'm still down for that."

Emily had, in fact, known this fact. "Good to hear," she prevaricated. "But that wasn't the task I was alluding to. Are you willing to go outside Brockton Bay to deal with other ongoing threats?"

Wyvern leaned toward Brandish and whispered something. They had a brief conversation, then Wyvern sat up again. "Probably yes," she said. "But I'd need to know exactly what you want me to do first before I commit."

"And at least one adult member of New Wave comes with her at all times," Brandish cut in. "Also, same-day only. She's a minor, which means nothing is allowed to interfere with her ongoing educational needs."

"All perfectly acceptable." Emily would make damn sure it was acceptable. "Very well, then; there are two sites, quarantine zones, which we think would be amenable for your level of power to deal with. The first is Eagleton, Tennessee, where the Machine Army is." She paused a moment, steeling herself. "The second is Ellisburg, in New York State … with Nilbog."

"My level of power?" Wyvern frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

Emily looked her in the eye. "I mean, even the Triumvirate have been unable to mount a proper response to either threat. PRT-employed Thinkers have warned against attempting to wipe them off the map via mundane means. You, however, have shown yourself fully capable of scouring a medium-sized city all the way down to the bedrock, from however high up you choose to fly."

"And the PRT wants me to do what all the big-name capes can't?" Wyvern looked more than a little dubious. Emily recalled how blithely the girl had accepted the idea of facing Endbringers, and mentally rolled her eyes.

"Hell yes, girlfriend!" That was Glory Girl. "Face it, Wyvern is a big name right now. This'll be awesome!"

"Glory Girl." Brandish only had to say those two words, and her daughter shut up. Emily felt a stab of envy; if only it were as easy to make the Wards be quiet on occasion. Then Brandish turned toward Emily. "Wyvern isn't saying yes or no at the moment. We need to discuss this in private, and hash out all the details. But right now, I need to set a few initial conditions. These are non-negotiable."

"Which are?" Emily wasn't agreeing quite yet, but she was willing to listen to whatever Brandish put forth.

From the glint in Brandish's eye, she'd picked up on that nuance. "First, whatever reward monies accrue from these two quarantine zones are paid immediately into the same account the Slaughterhouse bounties are going into. Second, just in case either the Machine Army or Nilbog decides to fight back, I want capes in the air around Wyvern, mustering both offensive and defensive powers. I'll be pulling Lady Photon in on this, but I don't want her to be the only one protecting Wyvern. Third, as I said, she goes nowhere without myself, Flashbang, Lady Photon or Manpower. Fourth, also as I said, we will need to fit the timings in around her other obligations. And fifth, we get priority transport—provided, or paid for, by the PRT—to and from. You are not going to make her fly all the way there and back. There may be more later as I think of them, but those are my initial requirements."

Emily considered the list, but it didn't take her long. Brandish could've asked for much more—a million dollars a shot, up front, just for trying—and she would've signed off on it. As it was, the requirements seemed eminently reasonable. "Agreed. I'll have my people write it up into a formal document, and you can look it over."

Brandish nodded. "Certainly. But right now, I need to confer with Wyvern in private. Do you have a conference room spare on this floor?"

"As it happens, we do." Emily got up from her desk. "I'll show you the way."

"Thank you." Brandish stood as well, with Wyvern and Glory Girl following her lead a moment later. "And of course, the PRT won't be listening in or recording what we speak about in the room?"

Emily could've lied, but that was a bad way to begin a working relationship with a cape as powerful as Wyvern. Besides, she'd learn the result of the discussion soon enough. "I will personally ensure all such devices are switched off for the duration of your discussion."

Brandish's smile was hard and sharp, as though she'd heard what Emily hadn't said out loud. "Good to hear."



The moment the door closed behind us, Mrs Dallon pulled out a chair from the conference table and pointed at it. "Sit down. Tell me what you think about what's going on right now."

Obediently, I sat; Mrs Dallon took another chair and sat facing me, expression serious. Vicky, clearly aware this discussion would barely involve her at all, perched on the edge of the table and watched with interest.

"Um." I paused. "Well, it's good, I guess, that the PRT doesn't want to arrest me for being a big scary monster. And if I'm willing to fight Endbringers then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to destroy some quarantine zones as well …?"

Mrs Dallon held up a finger to stop me there. "As a hero, I agree with your sentiment. But as a lawyer, I must caution you that any situation where you find yourself deciding it's 'not too much of a stretch' to add a new stipulation onto a pre-existing agreement is a situation ripe for abuse."

"… Oh." I decided to accept what she was saying. She was both the adult in the room and a lawyer, so I figured if anyone knew what they were talking about, she did. "So, are we going to do this? Or rather, am I going to be doing this?" Because, at the end of the day, I was the one with the scary dragon breath.

"That's up to you, Taylor." Her voice was as intent as her gaze. "Are you actually okay with this, or were you just saying it to keep Director Piggot happy? Because if you want to, we can walk back in there and say, 'thanks but no thanks'."

I frowned. "Wouldn't it make New Wave look bad? I mean, I am kinda powerful, so to just throw it back in Director Piggot's face like that after she asked us nicely and all …"

"Taylor." Mrs Dallon paused for a beat after saying my name, probably to make sure she had my attention. "We are never under any obligation to use our powers at someone else's whim. They are like any other aspect of our body: entirely ours to use or not use, as we see fit. The Director can't force you to do this. I can't force you to do this. Neither should I forbid you. The most I can do is ensure you're entirely up to speed regarding your rights in the matter. The most she can do is prosecute capes who actively use their powers to commit crimes. Which this is not."

"Okay." I spoke slowly, trying to see if I was interpreting what she'd said correctly. "So, I don't have to, but I can if I want? And the Director can't do a thing if I say no?"

She smiled. "Precisely."

I nodded. "Right. Then my answer's yes. I'll do it." I began to get up.

"Wait." She held up her hand, and I sat down again. "I've already outlined what I won't budge on, and the Director will be going along with it, but is there anything you want for doing this? Over and above what I've already stipulated, I mean?"

"I can't really think of anything," I confessed. "Did you have anything in mind?"

"An award ceremony?" suggested Vicky. "Where she hands over a big old plaque to you on live TV, and she has to smile for the cameras?"

"Victoria …" Mrs Dallon spoke mock-severely, but I saw a smile lurking at the corner of her mouth. "Egregiously embarrassing the Director is probably not a good idea."

Personally, I thought if anything would make Director Piggot happy to stand in front of TV cameras with a smile, it would be the end of two PRT quarantine zones. However, I had another idea in mind. "Um … how about if she cleared the way with Mayor Christner and whoever else needs to be in the loop for me to deal with the Boat Graveyard once and for all? I don't have to worry about shrapnel from exploding fireballs anymore."

"We can definitely put the idea to her. Anything else?"

I thought for a moment, but couldn't come up with other ideas. "No, not really."

"Can we still do the plaque thing?" wheedled Vicky.

Mrs Dallon gave her the mock-severe look again. "Only if Taylor wants to. It's not our choice."

They both turned to me, and I bit my lip. "Uh, isn't Ellisburg the one where there's a whole lot of weird creatures running around inside the wall?"

"Yes." Mrs Dallon looked introspective for a moment. "'Nilbog' is 'goblin' spelled backward. I'm not sure who gave him the name, but apparently it fits. Why?"

"If I destroy the place, I'm killing a whole bunch of living things, and at least one human," I said. "I don't think I want to be given an award for doing that. And if I accept one for Eagleton but not one for Ellisburg, it'll look weird. So, no awards."

Vicky looked disappointed, but Mrs Dallon nodded. "Entirely understandable. Was there anything else?"

"Not that I can think of, no." I got up, then turned to Vicky. "Why did you want the plaques, anyway? It's not like everyone in America won't know about it anyway."

She grinned. "It's not for the plaques. It's for making Director Piggot smile on camera. I'm pretty sure she's forgotten how."

I shook my head. "She's a busy woman, and we both know it. I'm not going to be so petty to her, just for the sake of a cheap laugh."

"Good." Mrs Dallon nodded approvingly. "No sense in needlessly antagonising her when she can do something you do want."

"Exactly what I was thinking." I headed for the door. "Let's go give her the good news."


Brockton Bay Mayor's Office

Mayor Roy Christner

"Sir, you have a call from PRT Director Emily Piggot, on line three."

Roy grunted in annoyance. He'd only come into the office on a Saturday to deal with some outstanding issues. To actually have to put on his Mayor hat was irritating as hell. Fortunately, Piggot was as aware of the niceties as he was, and wouldn't be calling about something trivial.

"Okay, thanks." He picked up the phone and pasted a fake smile on his face; the easiest way to sound happy was to look happy. "Emily, what can I do for you today?"

"The Boat Graveyard. If someone wanted to clear it in the next few days, what permits would need to be arranged?"

Well, she was nothing if not to the point. "Clear it? As in … clear all those ships out of the way? How is this going to be done?" And why hadn't he heard about it until now?

"Assume they're just going to be gone. Out of the way. What paperwork needs to be completed for this to be legal, no red tape blocking it from being done?"

This was sounding more and more like a cape thing. "Uh … an environmental study on potential pollution, for one thing. Some of those ships still have fuel in their bunkers, and if that gets released …"

"Assume it won't. What permits are required just to get it done? So nobody gets charged with something stupid like the theft of ten million tons of rusting steel nobody wanted anyway?"

"Oh, uh … I couldn't tell you right off the top of my head, but I can look into it on Monday morning. Why? Is someone planning on doing something?"

"We'll talk on Monday." She ended the call.

A moment later, Roy finally got it. Oh, shit. Wyvern wants to clear the Boat Graveyard, and she's asked Emily to talk to me about it. It was the only thing that made sense. Wyvern's terrifying power demonstration had made a deep impression on him. The last thing he wanted to do was get on the wrong side of a cape who could snipe him with fire breath from right across the city.

Picking up the phone again, he made a call. His personal assistant was at home—it was Saturday, after all—but he had her number for emergencies. As far as he was concerned, this counted.

"Hi, Janice? Yes, it's Roy. Sorry to bother you, but I need you to look something up for me …"



"We'll talk on Monday." Director Piggot ended the call and put the phone down. When she returned her attention to us, her face held a look of satisfaction, if not an actual smile. "He'll get the information for us. We'll know by Monday morning at the latest."

"Excellent." I couldn't help grinning broadly. With Lord's Port open, the way would be clear for more shipping to come back to Brockton Bay, and the Dockworkers would get a shot in the arm they desperately needed. Dad was going to be over the moon.

"Much appreciated, Director." Mrs Dallon stood, and reached over the desk to shake Director Piggot's hand. "When can you have the agreement ready for signing and witnessing?"

"Tomorrow morning, first thing." From the set of her jaw, it would get done if she had to type it out herself. "I'll contact you."

"Thank you," I said, standing up myself and reaching across to shake her hand in turn. She barely hesitated, then shook it firmly.

"No, Wyvern," she replied, looking me in the eye. "Thank you."

End of Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four: Draconic Measures

Part Twenty-Four: Draconic Measures

[A/N: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.]

Midday Sunday, January 23, 2011


I looked down at the cityscape with interest as the PRT helicopter cruised over it. While I was used to flying by now, and higher than we were at the moment, I'd never flown over Boston before, either in an aircraft or under my own power. Amusingly enough, the other two passengers—Vicky and Mrs Pelham—were also fliers, which made the pilot and copilot about the safest people in the air right then.

The headphones I'd been given to wear crackled in my ears with the pilot's good-natured West Virginian drawl. I still wasn't totally convinced that he didn't put it on to impress the passengers. "Well, ladies, welcome to Boston. If you look out your windows to the right, you'll be able to see the Bunker Hill Memorial obelisk and a little further on, the USS Constitution at its moorings. In another five minutes we'll be landing on top of the Protectorate building and picking up our last passenger."

"What?" asked Vicky. "Where? Let me see!" She blatantly tried to lean over me from the middle seat she'd originally claimed because 'you see one city from the air, you've seen them all'. Evidently, she'd since changed her mind.

"Jeez, boundaries!" I scrunched back out of the way to let her look, while taking in the scenery myself. I kind of wished I'd brought along a camera, because the view was definitely spectacular, even with Vicky crowding over on top of me.

Brockton Bay had its own history, of course, but it was all local; Boston's history had helped shape the nation. We had the Isaac Lord Museum, Captain's Hill, and of course anything that the Forsberg Gallery decided to exhibit of a historical nature.

I'd heard rumours about smugglers' tunnels under the Docks dating back to the Revolutionary War, but Dad had been all over that area at one time or another, and he was pretty sure everything had been filled in and covered over after Prohibition had been lifted. There were probably still barrels of bathtub gin ageing away down there, going from horrible wood alcohol to really horrible wood alcohol, right next to way-past-the-use-by-date kegs of black powder and rotting bags of musket balls from two and a half centuries earlier.

Not that I'd ever want to go down into a place like that. I still didn't like enclosed, smelly places, and I wasn't sure what would give way first if the wyvern decided that it wanted out, and started growing. Given the durability of my Changer form, I suspected testing this out would involve some extremely dramatic urban renewal.

The helicopter swooped in toward a building with the Protectorate logo on it. It was tall and impressive, and I wondered why it wasn't protected by a force field, the same as the Brockton Bay one was. Maybe they played by stricter rules in Boston.

I automatically found myself bracing for the landing, but the chopper settled onto its wheels with barely a jolt. The only real sign that we were properly on the landing pad was when the engine noise started winding down. Along with Vicky and Mrs Pelham, I took off my headset and handed it forward to the copilot.

"Well, that's the boring part over," Mrs Pelham said as she opened her side door. "You've never done a really long-range overland flight before, so let me tell you: it gets really, really tedious."

"Tell me about it." Vicky rolled her eyes. Unfastening her five-point safety belt (which prompted me to do mine as well), she got up from her seat. "I flew to New York once, and it took forever."

We all climbed out and headed across the tarmac, ducking our heads under the still-rotating rotor blades. A skinny black man, with what Kurt would've described as 'resting bitch face', was waiting alongside a tall parahuman wearing a costume made up of layered armour. I figured the black guy was the local Director, given that he was wearing the same sort of business suit that Director Piggot favoured.

"Good afternoon," he said, stepping forward with his hand out. His manner was much more friendly than his expression had suggested. "I'm Director Kamil Armstrong, and this is Bastion. He'll be accompanying you to Eagleton today."

"I think we met at a function once," Mrs Pelham said, but shook his hand anyway. "Lady Photon, and these are Wyvern and Glory Girl."

Behind us, the chopper powered up again and took off. Director Armstrong waited until the noise had died away before he spoke again.

"Glory Girl, I definitely know of. This is my first chance to meet Wyvern." He nodded politely to Vicky, then turned his attention to me with a smile that transformed his sharp features. "I understand you're the prodigy cape who's taken Brockton Bay by storm."

I shook his hand, noting that he was actually an inch or so shorter than me. "I guess," I said with a nervous chuckle. "This whole 'powers' thing is still very new to me. But if villains didn't keep coming at me and my friends, I wouldn't have discovered half of what I can do."

"Don't be so modest." That was Bastion; he was at least six feet tall, maybe more, and had a commanding presence. "If there's one thing I've learned in my time as a cape, it's that power will find a way to express itself."

"I guess." When he offered his hand, I shook it as well. It was bigger all round than Director Armstrong's, its natural size enhanced by being encased in a gauntlet. Basically, it swallowed mine whole, but I did my best anyway. "So, you'll be coming along with us today?"

He nodded. "That's the plan. We don't know that the Machine Army has rocket launchers or other anti-air measures, but my force fields should be up to the challenge if they do. Just, uh one thing." Leaning in close, he lowered his voice a little. "The size you got up to on that footage … was that camera trickery, or did you really get that big? I mean, I understand inflating numbers for PR and everything, but realistically, how big do you get?"

I hesitated, not wanting to sound like I was boasting, but Vicky came to my rescue. "According to Hero's readouts, she's seven hundred fifteen feet long, and one thousand two hundred and twenty-one feet from wingtip to wingtip, at the largest measured size." She grinned wickedly at Bastion, and showed him an image on her phone from the demonstration. "And we don't even know if that's her final form yet."

I couldn't see his eyes, or even most of his face, but he seemed to be somewhat taken aback by the image on the screen. "Jesus Christ," he muttered. "You could shade half the city with those things."

"I don't plan to get that low while I'm still that big," I assured him. "There's too much chance of knocking over buildings. Fortunately, sizing up and down takes a lot less effort than actually Changing from human to wyvern or back again."

"Well, that's a relief," Director Armstrong observed. "Seriously though, I do want to commend you on your public spirit and your willingness to be a hero. There are many who have gone the villain route with far less provocation than you had."

"Well, I guess I'm lucky I ran into Glory Girl when I did." I nudged Vicky with my shoulder, and she nudged me back. "She convinced me to go home with her, and helped calm me down enough that I could actually Change back for the first time." I decided not to mention how Mrs Pelham had actually thought I was attacking Vicky, and had attacked me in turn; no sense in complicating the narrative.

"And well done." Director Armstrong nodded firmly, giving Vicky an approving look. "We need forward-thinking capes like you in our ranks. You give me hope for the future."

"Uh … when you ran into Glory Girl … how big were you?" asked Bastion. "I mean, that big, jetliner big, or …?"

"Oh, she was only about human-sized then," Vicky explained blithely. "She couldn't talk, but she could write in the sand with her wingtip. About the first thing she said was 'please help me'. What would you have done?"

That was a no-brainer; Bastion shrugged. "I'd have helped her, I guess."

Vicky gave him finger-guns. "Exact—"

Right in the middle of her saying it, she was interrupted by a loud crack of displaced air. Between one second and the next, a cape stood in the middle of the helipad, wearing a blue and black costume with a peaked cap. I recognised him from pictures I'd seen, of one of the foremost teleporters in the world. Strider had arrived.

"—ly," Vicky finished. "Whoa, nice entrance."

"Thank you," Strider said, though I got the impression he heard it a lot. He walked toward us, checking something on a small tablet. "Hello, Director Armstrong. I've got four to go to Eagleton?"

"Correct," the Director answered. "Bastion, Lady Photon, Glory Girl and Wyvern." He gestured at each of us in turn as he spoke.

"Wyvern?" Strider tilted his head slightly. "Not the same Wyvern who did that power display?" He seemed to be having trouble reconciling me—skinny and a bit gawky—with the gigantic scary fire-breathing reptiloid that had stopped all vehicle traffic in the Brockton Bay CBD for a good fifteen minutes.

"That's me, yeah," I said cheerfully. "I get bigger."

"So I see." Evidently deciding that it wasn't his problem, he flexed his hands as he looked at the four of us. "Is there any baggage, or are you going as is?"

"Well, I don't need anything else." Bastion looked around at the rest of us. "Uh, Wyvern, how much does that costume stretch?"

"It doesn't." I let him figure out what I wasn't saying. I'd be going costume-free for this outing, just as I had for the power test. Sizing up was the whole point of the exercise. Unless and until we could get a friendly Tinker to rig up something that would cover me after I'd been up to maximum size, it was just how we were going to have to roll.

"Okay then, let's do this." Strider gestured us closer. "Stand around me. We'll be going up in elevation by about six hundred feet, so I'd suggest you be ready for that."

We did as we were told; Vicky grabbed my hand, even though she hadn't been advised to do so. I wasn't complaining. She'd been my friend from the start, and I appreciated the support.

"And going in three … two … one." There was a crack, and my ears popped. He hadn't been kidding about the elevation change. I saw Mrs Pelham work her jaw to equalise the pressure, while Vicky and I did the same.

We were standing in the middle of a concrete helipad, with guards posted around, which I presumed was to make sure nobody wandered onto the arrival zone before we got there. It was also warmer, which was nice. All around us had the signs of being a typical military base, though the uniforms and insignia were PRT, not National Guard or Army or Marines.

Right up in plain view was a sign saying WELCOME TO EAGLETON BASE. Below that, in slightly smaller script, was a list of directives.
Underneath that again, in a less formal font, was the addendum DO NOT TRUST THE COMPUTER. THE COMPUTER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. It sounded like a quote or reference of some kind, though I had no idea where it was from.

"Hello there." A PRT officer, or so I assumed from the insignia on his shoulders, and the fact that he was wearing a camouflage uniform instead of regular armour, came over toward us. "Lieutenant-Colonel Briggs. Pleased to meet you."

Bastion was already on his way over to meet the officer. Mrs Pelham thanked Strider, then headed that way as well. We followed along and waited until Bastion had introduced himself, then Mrs Pelham stepped up. "Lady Photon, but you probably knew that. Glory Girl and Wyvern are with me."

He nodded as he shook her hand. "Yes, I've been briefed on all of you, but just to make doubly sure, none of you are Tinkers or carrying Tinker gear, correct? No? Good. Now, you're going to have to surrender all electronics, such as phones, earpieces and the like, for the duration of the exercise. We don't know if the Machines can remotely hack into unshielded devices, but we've had nasty surprises before."

I'd been halfway expecting this, so I'd left my phone at home. Vicky looked mildly irritated as she pulled her phone and a pair of earbuds out of a pouch at her belt and handed them to a sergeant holding a reflective silver bag. Lady Photon turned her hands palm up to show she had nothing. For his part, Bastion shook his head. "Director Armstrong is holding my comms gear."

"Good." Briggs nodded as the sergeant carefully stored the phone and earbuds in the bag and sealed it shut. "Thank you, sergeant. Now, Wyvern, do you require anything to administer your Change?"

"Just privacy," I said. "I start small, then size up. But the change is not costume-friendly."

He nodded once, sharply. "I copy. Sergeant, which barracks is empty right now?"

"That'll be Block Two, sir." Using his whole hand, the sergeant pointed at a building that I would've been hard put to pick out from any of the others set up in their regular rows. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if someone had told me that they were aligned north-south and east-west. The military seemed to have that mindset. "The lady can go right in."

"I'll come with, and take care of your costume," Vicky offered. "If you left it just lying around, they'd probably think it was unattended electronics and tase it to rags or something."

No, she wasn't holding a grudge against them for taking her phone, or anything like that.

"Probably a good idea," I agreed, just on general principles. "Come on, let's get this done."

Once we were in the barracks, we closed the doors behind us, then I waited until Vicky had done a quick scout around to make sure there wasn't some other open door that a bunch of guys would suddenly march on in through. It was all clear, which gave me hope. Maybe I could actually pull this off, after all.

I took off the domino mask and shimmied out of the costume while Vicky grabbed a folded blanket from the end of one of the beds—whoever owned it was going to have to re-fold it, because Vicky couldn't fold anything neatly. But she was a wonderful person anyway. She draped the blanket over my shoulders; we'd established early on that just not having any clothing on wasn't enough to trigger the Change, and Amy wasn't here to burst in and give me a fright.

Vicky and I were both unwilling for anyone else to take up that role, for obvious reasons. It had been funny, once, in retrospect; never again.

However, I was getting a lot better at pushing the Change all by myself, so I closed my eyes, breathed deeply, and worked at getting into the correct mindset while Vicky stood guard. The wyvern was needed. It could do what scrawny, merely human Taylor Hebert couldn't. I didn't know exactly how many people had died in Eagleton before the Machine Army was contained, or how many more would die if they broke out, but even one was one too many.

Originally I'd intended to hit Ellisburg first, as it was closer to Brockton Bay (and I kind of wanted to be on Director Piggot's good side) but Mrs Dallon and Mrs Pelham had collectively decided that Eagleton was the better idea. When I'd asked why, the answer was simple.

After ten years of being cut off from the outside world, it was doubtful if the inhabitants of the Goblin Kingdom had so much as a ham radio between them, much less a working TV set. There was no way they would be keeping up with the news of the day. On the other wingtip, it was all too easy to assume that the Machine Army was listening to everything they could possibly rig up a receiver for. Thus, if I hammered Ellisburg first, the Machine Army would hear about it and start prepping anti-wyvern measures, but the converse would not hold true.

Taking another deep breath, I opened my eyes and let out a chirp to let Vicky know I was good to go. The blanket was draped over my tail—my wings were useful for several things, but holding onto blankets (or anything, really) was beyond them—so I turned and flicked it, sending the blanket flying back onto the bunk it had come from. In my wyvern form, I was even worse at folding things than Vicky, so it wasn't my problem anymore.

"All right!" Vicky gave me a fist-pump of victory. "The wyvern is in the hizzouse!"

I tilted my head, flared my crest in lieu of raising my eyebrows, and gave her my best what-the-fuck-was-that? chirp.

Catching the nuance, she shrugged in mild apology. "Sorry. It just came out."

With a snort—though no smoke was involved; the place was equipped with detectors—I rolled my eyes and tilted my head toward the exit doors. Let's do this.

"Oh, hell yeah," she enthused, wadding up my costume—there wasn't a great deal to it—and shoving it into one of the larger pouches on her belt. The mask had already gone into a second pouch. "Let's go Wyvern those robots down to the bedrock!"

As she opened the doors, I chirped in agreement.


Glory Girl

It was always fun to see the looks on people's faces when they were seeing Taylor as the Wyvern for the first time. There were other Changers out there, but mainly they either became something relatively familiar, or totally alien. Very few turned into fantasy critters, much less able to fly and breath fire. There was a spot deep in the human psyche that reacted to dragons on a visceral level.

Seeing a still image was one thing, but when she paced out of those barracks like a movie T-rex, wings folded at her sides and head held rock-steady, Briggs did a double-take. Vicky suspected more than one of the PRT troopers on site had the same reaction, but the closed-faced helmets hid too much to be sure.

As they came up to Briggs, Taylor inhaled deeply and seemed to concentrate, then sized up to the level she'd been after the battle with Stinger. His eyes widened as she went from looking slightly up at him to eye-level with him. "Ah," he managed. "I see. Very impressive."

She nodded and gave him a friendly chirp. Vicky grinned. "That means 'thanks'. But you ain't seen nothing yet."

Bastion grunted. "I should hope not, or we're going to be here all day."

"You will find," Aunt Sarah said with just a touch of bite in her tone, "that Wyvern is more than up to the task." She generated a force field capsule, transparent so they could see out, with three seats inside. "Time for us to do our job. Will you be joining us, Glory Girl?"

Vicky shook her head. "Nah. I think I'll run interference from outside."

"Alright, then." Aunt Sarah stepped into the capsule and sat down on one of the seats. Bastion climbed in as well, then layered over it with one of his own force fields. He'd struck Vicky as one of those guys who didn't like not being in charge of the situation, so that move was totally in character.

But he couldn't fly using his own force fields, which Aunt Sarah could. As Taylor took off, Vicky followed, with the capsule flanking them both. Vicky kept a close eye on the apparently-innocuous area that had once been Eagleton, and now had a human population of exactly zero. The Machine Army might not know what was going on right in that moment, but they had to have seen the power test, and artificial intelligences were better at adding one and one to get two than basically anyone else.

Taylor didn't want to bulk out too close to the ground, because of the very real concern that she'd already voiced; nobody wanted a careless wing-flap to flatten half the camp and kill everyone in the impact zone. So she waited until she was properly airborne before she bulked out a second time, to what Vicky privately referred to as 'Armsmaster' size. They were still gaining altitude when Vicky spotted a spark of light in the middle of Eagleton, at about the same time as Aunt Sarah got a message over the shielded radio she'd been given.

"Watch out!" she yelled.

"Energy surge!" Sarah filled in.

Bastion was on the ball; the words had not yet made it all the way out of Aunt Sarah's mouth when a flat disc of force sprang up between Taylor and the spark. An instant later, a surge of lightning zig-zagged skyward from that point, aimed directly at Taylor. It hit the shield and clung to it, snapping and popping like a forest fire. The stink of ozone filled Vicky's nostrils.

"Size!" Taylor warned them. She was still flapping her wings hard, with the capsule and the shield following her upward. The lightning attack ceased, but Vicky didn't believe for a second that it was over.

"They'll be adjusting for the shield!" she yelled, not because she'd seen any reason to believe it, but because the Machine Army never just stopped doing something.

Taylor shimmered and enlarged to the next level up, about the size of a Learjet. Bastion widened the field then added a second layer to it. A moment later, missiles burst from four separate locations in Eagleton; one bored straight at the centre of the shield, one lanced toward the capsule, one headed for Vicky, and the last one swung out in a long arc, evidently aiming to pass around the barrier and target Taylor directly.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Vicky could see the spark building up again, and she perceived the AIs' strategy in that second; with the defenders distracted and the shield broken, the lightning weapon would be free to target Taylor.

She'd never been worried about taking a hit, but she wasn't quite sure about what the payload of the Machine Army's missiles might be. Her brain jumped to lungfuls of nanotech, and then she decided they might have something even worse to play with. In that instant, she decided not to play the game their way.

Even as Aunt Sarah beefed up the fields surrounding the capsule, Vicky changed direction and accelerated. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the missile that had been targeting her following suit, but she had a substantial lead. Racing across the outer surface of the shield, she angled toward the missile that was targeting it. In a move that she'd long since perfected, she led with her fists, closing her eyes and tucking her chin in at the last instant.

The explosion deafened her, but only momentarily. She kept on going, vaguely aware of the missile that had been chasing her blowing straight through the debris of the one she'd just demolished; she'd hoped it would be triggered in turn, but no such luck. Which meant she was in a sticky situation, as her force field was down and would be so for a few more seconds. Seconds she didn't have, as the missile was gaining fast.


If it had been even a cloudy day, she would've thought the ripping, rending noise was lightning. But the heat on the soles of her feet and the sudden, intense blue-white glare from behind her told another story altogether. That was the unmistakeable signature of Taylor's plasma jet, and the fact that she hadn't yet been hit by the missile also meant something, but she didn't have the time to think it through. Because there was one coming around to hit Taylor from the side, right now.

Her force field flickered back into being, and she applied that extra bit of acceleration before she smashed through her second missile in seven seconds. She'd hit whatever it was using for a rocket motor instead of the warhead, so there was no explosion; it just fell out of the sky instead. But now she was flying away from the shield and Taylor both, so she pulled around in the tightest turn she could manage.

The remains of the missile that had been chasing her were falling toward the base below, just a few bits and pieces with still-glowing surfaces. Matching this was a hole that had been punched clear through both layers of Bastion's force field, which was even now closing up again.

As Vicky headed back toward the field, an explosion eliminated the last missile. Aunt Sarah had apparently taken the capsule in behind the shield for protection, forcing the missile targeting the capsule to swerve around it and come back in. This had given Taylor the time to snipe it as well, this time using an explosive fireball.

And then the Machine Army fired the lightning gun again. The hole Taylor had blown through the protective fields to save Vicky hadn't yet fully closed, and a tendril found its way through, arcing over to Taylor and latching on. More crackling tendrils of electricity crawled all over the field, seeking another way through, but without any luck.

Finally, the hole closed, and the ongoing attack was left to claw impotently at the outside of the field. Taylor looked down at the spot on her leg where it had briefly nailed her; Vicky thought there might be a small burn mark there.


They were still ascending; Vicky flew in a large spiral upward, staying clear, until her force-field popped back into existence, then angled back inward. Taylor, looking irritated, took a deep breath and bulked out yet again. Now she was bigger than a jetliner, but still not as large as she could eventually get. However, she was once again bigger than Bastion's protective field.

"Oh, shit," Vicky whispered, as no fewer than ten missiles launched from sites inside Eagleton. The Machine Army must have recognised Taylor the instant she teleported in, and had been frantically gearing up to fight her from that moment.

Now lasers were joining in the assault, spearing up into the sky to target Taylor on any exposed locations. One slashed up toward Vicky, forcing her to veer away; her field could take a single hit, but not a constant barrage. Two more targeted Bastion's field on a line with Aunt Sarah's capsule; if it dropped even for an instant, they would be under direct attack.

"Quit it!" bellowed Taylor, and unleashed a rolling torrent of flame in a huge cone downward. All ten missiles flew into that billow of fire, and none came out the other side. Even the lasers were abated, as the tremendous heat bloom temporarily blocked line of sight.

But the intelligences running the lightning gun saw their opportunity, and switched their target from the shield to Taylor's now-exposed head and upper chest. Vicky wasn't sure where they were getting their power from, but the smell of ozone was making her eyes water, and the crackling of electricity as it crawled over most of Taylor's body was deafening. As big as she was, it made her wings falter in their steady beating, and she began to lose altitude.

The protective field enlarged, briefly pausing the electrical assault, but Vicky could see that it was only one layer now, and she now had three lasers keeping her back from coming in to help protect Taylor. Emboldened, the Machine Army sent another three missiles directly at the shield, with lasers still playing on it. There was no way to stop them in time, as they came from widely varying angles. If Taylor put another plasma jet through the shield, it might weaken the structure of the whole thing enough to let the lasers through.

And then it was too late. The missiles struck, shattering the field altogether. With that opening, two more lightning guns opened up on her, all three electrical arcs converging on her body.

Taylor roared in pain … and sized up. But her markings were no longer red and gold, or even blue and black. Now, her scales were the same violet as the electrical discharge, with silver highlights. And instead of crackling through her body, the lightning guns were splashing off.


Taylor … inhaled. But it wasn't air she was drawing into her body. The lightning gun discharges curved toward her mouth, being sucked down her throat as though they were physical strands of matter. Her scales began to glow but she kept drawing on it, forcing the machine intelligences to either up the power output or shut their attacks off.

The first things to give out were the lasers; as soon as the three threatening Vicky blinked out, she flew back in to where Taylor was, but not too close. The electrical arcs running down her spine and popping from claw-tip to claw-tip made sure of that.

More missiles launched from their hidden sites, spearing up toward Taylor. But the flickering skeins of electricity were like a finely woven net, and as each projectile encountered one of these, it either detonated or went dead and fell back to earth. And still Taylor drew on the electricity, demanding more and more from below.

One by one, the lightning guns shut off. Her scales now glowing like a neon sign even in the early afternoon sun, Taylor flared her nostrils as she looked down at Eagleton, and then opened her mouth even wider. From her gullet burst an electrical arc, branching and re-branching until they struck every point in Eagleton that had housed a hostile emplacement, whether it be a laser turret, a missile launch site, or a lightning gun.

Vicky was very glad she wasn't on the ground down there right then. Even from where she was, she could see the electrical arcs jumping from building to building, and the explosions as Taylor's sudden and drastic power input overloaded whatever protections they had. Smoke began to rise here and there.

And then the lightning barrage ceased. Nothing came up from below; Vicky wasn't at all sure there was anything left down there to send anything up. Taylor evidently didn't share her attitude, because she flapped hard for altitude, and sized up at the same time. This time, as she achieved her full size, she was in her blue-and-black configuration.

"CHILL," she hissed in the harsh sibilant tones of that particular form. When she inhaled, the temperature dropped everywhere. Vicky shivered in the suddenly freezing air, and saw her breath as she exhaled. As had happened over Brockton Bay, snow started precipitating out of the air. Holding out her hand, she caught a few snowflakes on her palm.

And then Taylor exhaled again. Not with the multiple shards of ice, as Vicky had half-expected, but in a cone of cold. The very air seemed to crackle with the frigid temperatures as Taylor pulled all the heat out of everything at ground level within the confines of Eagleton, including the buffer zone. Vicky could see the sheen of ice that had suddenly formed over everything; an instant winter wonderland in Hell. Even the fires were out.

But Taylor wasn't finished yet. Apparently she was feeling bitter about the multiple attempts to kill her, which Vicky could totally understand. Drawing in a deep breath—without dropping the temperature again this time—she changed configurations to the deep purple and gold that she'd taken on for the finale of the Slaughterhouse Nine fight.

There was a tiny explosion, far below, blowing aside some of the ice. A solitary missile blasted out from the launcher thus uncovered, not heading up toward Taylor but turning away from her, desperately trying to clear the area, to carry the last of its kind elsewhere. One last throw of the dice.

It was too little, too late. Taylor released her final attack. The cone of pure annihilation bathed Eagleton from one end to the other, snuffing out the missile before it quite reached the perimeter. The ice vanished, as did the buildings under it, and the ground under that. By the time she was done, Eagleton was a pit, about two hundred yards deep from Vicky's rough estimation.

The disintegration breath cut out. Taylor hovered for a few moments, on steadily beating wings. Flying closer, Vicky stared downward as well.

Nothing moved in the crater, or around its perimeter. If any part of the Machine Army had escaped destruction, she couldn't see it. She didn't know how good Taylor's eyesight was at this range, but with eyes that big and set that far apart, it had to be pretty damn impressive.

And then Taylor turned back to the red and gold, and started to descend. As she went, her size decreased. Vicky accompanied her downward, paralleling her movement. Though she didn't really expect any threat from that quarter, she kept her eye on the remains of Eagleton anyway.

Vicky's feet hit the ground at the same time as Taylor flared her wings and landed, and the capsule containing Aunt Sarah and Bastion touched down and vanished. Taylor caught Vicky's eye and nodded toward the barracks she'd changed in before, and they headed that way.



I felt deeply weary as Vicky closed the barracks doors behind her and fetched the blanket from the bed. Instead of just draping it over me, Vicky wrapped her arms—complete with blanket—around my body and wings, holding me close. "Yeah, I know," she whispered. "That was horrible."

She understood. For all that the Machine Army was totally hostile to humanity, and had posed a direct and ongoing threat to basically everyone, I'd still just annihilated them. Once I'd gotten up to size, they hadn't stood a chance. That hadn't been a fight. It had been an execution.

It had been necessary; I understood that. I just didn't know if I'd ever be comfortable with it.

I drew in a long breath as the wyvern. By the time I had finished releasing it, I was Taylor Hebert once more.

"Thanks," I murmured. "For everything."

"Hey, you're welcome." She gave me an extra squeeze before letting me go. "You ever wanna talk, you know I'm there for you."

"I know." I tossed the blanket back on the bed, and took my costume and mask back from her. "That was way too intense. I wish there'd been some place I could send them where they couldn't come back from instead of just killing them all."

"Well, you know people have tried to talk to them," Vicky offered as I put the costume back on. "When an actual verbal dialogue has happened, they've always agreed … and they've invited the people into the quarantine zone."

I suspected I knew where this was going. "They didn't accept, did they?"

"One did." She grimaced. "He went in with a full escort. It was an ambush. Three troopers made it out, and one of those had to be quarantined when Machine Army elements were found in his wounds. He died, and his body was destroyed. Everyone else, as far as we know, either died or had their bodies used for spare parts. Because they do—uh, did—that too."

"So, good faith out the window. Gotcha." I checked myself over, making sure my costume was on straight. "Well, let's go see if they want to congratulate me or burn me as a witch."

Vicky didn't argue, because she'd seen the same PHO posts as I had. The latter wasn't too far off the mark, for some of the more extreme idiots out there. Just because I turned into a giant fire-breathing lizard didn't mean I was in league with the Forces of Darkness (whatever that meant, in this day and age).

"Anyone who wants to pull that shit on you has to come through me first," she declared. "Though I didn't want to geek out too much about this straight away, but holy shit that lightning form was amazing."

"It's definitely a thing," I agreed as we headed for the doors. "Though I can't help wondering now if I'm gonna end up with a form for every new powerset I get hit with."

"Never fight Triumph," she advised impishly. "You're loud enough as it is when you get that big."

I stuck my tongue out at her, then we opened the doors and stepped outside.


Lady Photon

Sarah watched as Taylor and Victoria emerged from the barracks, Taylor once more in human form and properly costumed. She couldn't have been prouder; both girls had performed amazingly well under fire, and had carried out the task at hand with promptness and efficiency. The Machine Army's countermeasures had been more powerful and effective than she'd anticipated, but fortunately they'd been enough to protect everyone until Taylor got big enough to do the job she'd come here to do.

"Well done, young ladies." Lieutenant-Colonel Briggs had already said as much to her and Bastion, but his enthusiasm had not dimmed one iota. "Preliminary scans indicate that there are no Machine Army elements outside the area of destruction. You've accomplished a truly magnificent task here today."

"Thanks," Victoria replied. Taylor seemed to be more subdued, but she nodded in acknowledgement as well. "But what happens if they've managed to put down some kind of sleeper cell? Like that missile that nearly got away?"

Briggs nodded. "Astute observation, Glory Girl. We aren't finished here, not by a long shot. I suspect we'll be observing the area of destruction and combing the surrounding perimeter for the next six months, until even the most paranoid of the top brass are satisfied that nothing is left. Trust me: we're not going to just assume they're dead simply because it looks that way." He gestured toward the bullet points on the sign. "Smoking crater or no smoking crater, we've still got a job to do."

"Good." Taylor smiled, though she still didn't look totally thrilled. "I'd hate to have to come back here and do that again."

"And we'll do our humble best to ensure you don't have to." Briggs gave Taylor a respectful nod. "That lightning form wasn't covered by any of my briefings. Were you keeping it under wraps for this sort of occasion?"

"No." Taylor shook her head. "Sometimes, when I'm hit by something my current form can't really handle well, I adapt. It takes something pretty significant to make it happen, though."

"Hm. Well, you certainly gave their own medicine back to them in spades." He held out his hand. "Thank you, Wyvern. I wish you all the luck in your endeavours."

Taylor shook it. "I appreciate it, sir."

"And that's our cue to leave." Sarah gathered them in by eye, and they walked toward where Bastion was waiting at the helipad. "I believe these are yours," she said, handing the phone and earbuds she'd gotten back off the sergeant to Vicky.

"Thanks, Aunt Sarah." Vicky tucked them away in a pouch.

Behind her, Sarah heard Briggs making a call to Boston. "Yes, Director, they'll be on their way back in a moment. Yes, a total success. We may just have dealt with this problem once and for all."

Strider rose from the folding chair someone had provided for him, and met them there. He seemed to be totally unfazed by what he'd seen, but from the way Bastion kept glancing at Taylor, Sarah figured he had something to say.

"What's your problem?" Victoria asked, before Sarah had a chance to say anything. "You're acting like she kicked your puppy or something."

"What the hell was that about?" Bastion's tone was intense, but he kept his voice down as he confronted Taylor. "You burned a hole clear through my force field! You compromised its integrity!"

Taylor squared her shoulders and looked up at him unwaveringly. "And I'd do it again. Vicky was in trouble."

Sarah cleared her throat. "Is this because she did it without warning you first, or because she was able to do it at all?"

Bastion's whole attitude showed his unhappiness. "Nobody told me Wyvern was that powerful! Did you just bring me along to show me up in front of everyone?"

"What?" Sarah shook her head. "No! You saw how she needed protection. I certainly wouldn't have been able to keep her safe on my own. And you did a spectacular job where it was needed."

"Yeah," Victoria added. "Just because your force fields didn't stop everything that hit them doesn't mean you didn't contribute."

Taylor nudged her and leaned in to murmur, "Not helping, Vicky."

For a wonder, Victoria listened. "Sorry. You protected Wyvern and Aunt Sarah when they needed it. Your force fields are actually pretty impressive."

The turnaround caught Bastion on the back foot. "Ah, right, well, I did what I could. And good job stopping that first missile."

Victoria half-shrugged to acknowledge the praise. "You're welcome. Teamwork makes the dream work, I guess?"

Sarah turned to Strider. "Well, it looks like we're ready to go now."

"Gotcha." Strider glanced at everyone. "Ready? Six hundred feet down this time. Three … two … one."




Standing on the helipad in Boston, I worked my jaw again to get rid of the feeling that my eardrums were trying to meet in the middle of my skull. With a huge POP, the pressure equalised. "Wow," I said, rubbing my ear. "That will never not be weird."

"Maybe we should be flying when we do it next," Vicky suggested. "Pick an altitude that's the same as where we're going."

"That's actually a reasonable idea," Mrs Pelham agreed, letting go of where she'd been pinching her nostrils to equalise her own pressure. "And it would certainly be more comfortable."

"Just so you're aware, Ellisburg is almost exactly the same altitude as where we are now." Strider seemed to pick up some sort of reaction from us. "What? I check these things up. It's essential in my line of work."

"Well, I have no problem with doing due diligence." Mrs Pelham dusted her hands off. "So, back to Brockton Bay, girls?"

"Actually," Vicky said, "how about we just go and do Ellisburg right now? I mean, if Wyvern's up to it?"

She looked at me expectantly, and I hesitated. The Eagleton battle had been tiring, but all I had were a few sore spots from where the lasers had hit me. Once I'd gotten my lightning form, I'd regenerated all the damage the electricity cannon had done to me.

Her face was just starting to fall when I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "Why not?" The grin she gave me then just lit her whole face up.

"Bastion?" asked Mrs Pelham.

Even before he opened his mouth, I knew what was going through his mind. There was no way he was going to let a couple of teenage girls show him up. "Yeah, why not? Let's do this."

"I concur." Mrs Pelham looked at Strider. "Change of plans. We're going to Ellisburg."

End of Part Twenty-Four
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