Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

Probably gonna write more today, but I'll just edit if I do.

December 10, 2019 - wrote 245 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. In all likelihood, I'll finish this section tomorrow... actually maybe not, tomorrow's kinda busy. Maybe Thursday. We'll see.
Snippet 3 - Some Sort of Anti-Creation Myth - Dec. 11, 2019
December 11, 2019 - real busy today, couldn't write serious, so I spat this out.

Long ago, a child stood at the edge of the cliff at the end of the world. They were bade to jump by their father, but the fear in their heart had grown tendrils and rooted them to the ground. They could only look over the edge of the cliff, into the dark chasm far below, where the sea swirled and hungered. The roar of the waves and the keening resonance of the bone-roots of the world called the child with a gentle insistence.

Seeing the child's reluctance after an age, their father the sky struck the ground with a calamitous cry, and broke the land with the acidic heat of his wroth. The ground shook and rose under the child's feet, and the fear in their heart could not hold on. Their feet slid off slick stone and they plummeted into the hungry sea, and they were instantly at peace once they were enveloped in their mother's grasp.

The child grew and hungered, and it fed on the bounty that the sky and sea gave to it. After an age, the child was fully grown, thick of scale and long of tooth, and they rose from their mother the sea and fed upon the land with great gluttony. But the child found that they could not be filled, and devoured the entirety of the land in an attempt to sate the terrible emptiness that had been fostered inside them. They ate every last stone, but the hunger inside them was greater, and swallowed up the child even quicker than they had eaten the land.

Father Sky and Mother Sea reunited with an inevitable glaciality, and the world was once again made into primordial substrate, the ancient parents locked once more in eternal embrace.
December 12, 2019 - wrote 122 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. Probably gonna write more later, will edit if I do.

Edit: Wrote more, for a total of 522 words today. That section's finished, now I've got three left - south mountain, quango egg, ascertaining usefulness. The full update will probably crest 10k words total judging by how long it's stretching right now.
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Snippet 4 - Old Man Ankryn Is A Dick - Dec. 13, 2019
Usual blah blah had busy as fuck day, couldn't write serious shit, decided instead to write something vaguely ripping off Diogenes, or something. I dunno, I'm tired.

Old Man Ankryn was sitting at the village well and laughing when the king came calling in all his royal finery. All the villagers save for the decrepit elder knelt and placed their hands on their throats in fealty, as was proper. The monarch gazed around, his features unbroken and content, but stopped when he saw the giggling old man. He did not frown, but the lightness faded from his eyes.

"What are you doing, elder?" The king called as he walked regally over to the well, clad in finery that was worth more than the village.

Ankryn paused his self-indulgent laughter and showed the king the bucket he held in his hands. "I am taking water out of this well, and then I am pouring it back in," he explained. "I attain my mastery over the world thusly, and it makes me laugh."

The king's smooth brow crinkled, consternation heavy upon his features. "I am master of the realm that spans the known universe, old man. In what way are you master over anything?"

Ankryn snickered. "You are king. You have no more control over your domain than a seed has where it goes in the wind. When you make war, do you decide who lives and who dies? Can you command those without food in your realm to not starve? Can you make coin jump up into the air and land in your palm?"

The king frowned. "I cannot do any of those things. None can, save for the Lost Goddess who sculpted all things from mud. But I daresay I am arbitrator over more than you."

"Not so," declared the old man. "When I take water from the well, I know that it is enough for a man to live on for a day. I create life thusly. When I pour it back, I welcome death to another eventuality. Behold," he proclaimed, pouring the contents of his bucket into the well. He held out his hand and the king leaned closer, curious in spite of himself.

A gleaming fish leaped out of the well and landed squarely in Ankryn's hand. The old man squeezed, and with his other hand reached inside the creature's mouth and pulled out a coin. "And so do I prove my own dominion," crowed Ankryn. "What say you, oh king?"

The king was moved by this display of world-wisdom. "I have scarce seen a philosopher of your skill and power in all my days," he said. "Will you come to my palace and speak wisdom into the annals of history?"

"Do you have a well like this one?" The old man replied.

"No," admitted the king, for wells had gone out of fashion in the capitol with the advent of piping.

Ankryn shrugged. "I am afraid I cannot help you, king. You will die in thirty-seven days."

The king's brow buckled in sorrow, and he left without another word. He died thirty-six days later, primarily out of spite for the old man at his well.
Bit late, but I did write this on the 14th so it counts. Just was a bit occupied until a little while ago so I couldn't post before midnight (where I am).

December 14, 2019 - wrote 179 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. 261 if you count the expository note I left to myself, which I don't really.
December 15, 2019 - wrote 329 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. 420 (swag) if you count the further expository notes I made for myself regarding what the next bit I'm writing is gonna be about.
December 16, 2019 - wrote 708 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. Feelin' good today! Might even outline the next section I have.

Edit: wrote 315 more words for the next section, making current total 1035 words for today. AH'M IN THE SWING OF IT NAO
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December 17, 2019 - wrote 371 words for Respect Your Elders turn 8. Almost done, one section left!

edit: writing more, will confirm number when I finish for the day.

EDIT: wrote 1,464 more words, making my total 1,835 or so for today!
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Snippet 5 - The King Doth Descend - Dec. 18, 2019
Mainly did some number work regarding the lizardmen update today, but a vow's a vow so here's this randomly generated scribble.

And yes this is by far the stupidest thing I've ever written.


"Hark!" Said the King Of All Creation. "Today is the day of my death. I shall plummet off of the top of Mount Velocitus and into the infinite depths of the Hell Sea, for my beloved daughter has passed beneath those treacherous waves, slain by the traitorous spirit of pox, and I shall not be able to rest so long as the world is without her."

So saying, the King did climb the infinite heights of Mount Velocitus, braving the thickets of cutting air that grew upon its slopes and hunting wild singularity geckoes for sustenance. After an epoch, he reached the peak and looked out across the vista of his kingdom. The sun was rising over the edge of the world, sending gently twinkling refractions of light scattering across the waves of the Sea.

"It is a good day," the King said, and dove in a single, perfect moment, moving like coiled mercury in a flawless arc before he began to soar headfirst downwards. Faster and faster he flew, until to the peoples below he seemed like a great comet falling from the sky, a tongue of flame ripping across the sky. He held his hands out before him and parted the waters of the Sea, and his body entered the afterlife without a sound.


"Geez," said Darryl. "Did that old guy really just dive into the lake?"

"Yup, you're not dreaming," said John. "Looked like it hurt, too."

Darryl winced.
Dec.19, 2019 - forget the exact word count since it was mostly background editing and such, but I did a bunch of work today on Respect Your Elders turn 9.
Dec. 20, 2019 - wrote about 145 words in various edits to the completed draft of Respect Your Elders turn 8, new options for turn 9, various editing tasks, etc.
Dec. 21, 2019 - wrote more planning stuff for lizardmen quest turn 9, around 377 words or so. Primarily outlining so not strictly writing works and whatnot, buuuut I spent more than a few hours on it and I feel satisfied so I'm counting it.
Dec. 22, 2019 - wrote 783 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9.

And hey, wrote a bit more for a total of 1,159 words today.
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Dec. 23, 2019 - wrote 693 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Turns out writing option descriptions is way easier than actually trying to construct scenes and stuff.
Dec. 24, 2019 - Wrote 142 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9.

Obviously a bit difficult to get serious writing done today, so I filled out a few more option stuffs.