Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

577 words today for RYE. I'll see if I can't get anything else out, but I'm wagering not just due to time constraints.
1,389 words for RYE today. Whoo man is writing ground-level perspectives soooo much easier than zoomed-out stuff.
Forgot to keep track of how many exactly, but I've done at least 2,000 words in between yesterday and today, split between various projects.
Decent amount of words put down today. I can't really count accurately since it was split between something like 4 different things, but work was done.
708 words towards RYE, 554 words to Circle of Vengeance, and 749 words to an idle character collab thing I'm doing. Just over 2k words total for the day, most certainly a good total.
When do you reckon the chapters will be done? Are they a 20k word bombs?
RYE is currently about 5k and I anticipate it reaching maybe 9 or 10. Circle of Vengeance is nearly done and will probably be around 2k. Wish I could give definitive estimates, but I've proven myself wrong many times in the past - I'll simply keep working until they're finished.
Roughly 250 words towards RYE, though some of that will need to be rewritten or changed, and 708 words that finished up the Circle of Vengeance update - though most of that was voting options, so eh. Still, something!
1,735 words today so far towards RYE. Found an opportunity to go on a tangent around technical details pertaining to magic stuff.
135 Circle of Vengeance words today - not as many as I'd have hoped, but I got caught up doing other stuff. Still something!
Been busy the last several days, and as a consequence forgotten to post my progress here. However, I've written every day but today, where I literally didn't have a spare moment to settle myself down and do words. Progress is happening!
128 words to Circle of Vengeance today. Work kind of demolished me this past week and I seem to have caught a mild stomach bug, so there hasn't been any progress aside from that, but I'll get back to it.
93 words towards RYE, 600 to Circle of Vengeance. Incipient headache prevented me from really getting in the groove and focusing, I'm afraid.
1,228 words for Circle of Vengeance, which finishes off an update! Just gotta check it over and make sure to catch errors and such.
Been … hectic. Tl;dr I've been helping train a batch of students to go for their black belts over the last year or two and they just had their grading test recently, which was an all-day affair. That, combined with a bunch of odd jobs I've been working in order to have money for things, means there hasn't been a stupendous amount of time for me to write seriously. Should be able to tomorrow though!

I do appreciate the check-in.
Probably over a thousand words total into Circle of Vengeance today in between plinking away at the next update and finishing the character sheet and various infoposts. I pronounce myself satisfied.